14 . \\ To-morrow Ushers in the Annual May Sale of Lingerie CHEERNESS of weaves and delicacy of trimmings characterize the rich | / selection of Lingerie in the Annual May Sale which opens to-morrow. vjjjj A fw\ \V ' / fv \ double significance attaches to this occasion in that it will hold great interest for the woman All I | rVAuMk \ / 18/y\\ w ho would see the very newest ideas in the dainty underwear, and that it will provide opportunities /j j | , I Mk' of special importance to the summer bride in the selection of the garments for her trousseau. ml I i \ j »% |! AWfi / I The entire showing is full of feminine charm and each section of the department truly em- Hi! | P\ I f&grfr. I phasizes the individuality that is expressed in garments of the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart type. \|j Jj JJ ||J J - Knickerbocker drawers, of very good Nainsook gowns with kimono sleeves // jj • v / ish atxncck and arnilioles. Limit of two quality nainsook, trimmed with lacc and and embroidery edge at neck and sleeves. /'/ // y — 3 , S pec ia , i„ 25 c Extra special in the May Sale V 'MM. cac ]j ivlc y ° lingerie of Lingerie \ Many Styles of Garments Specially Priced Half Price for French Underwear Hand- In the Annual May Sale of Lingerie Made and Hand Embroidered Fifteen styles of crcpc gowns, in low neck and three-fourth sleeves or with short sleeves; The Val " eS rc P rcsented in thc French Underwear Section are far above the average and it all white with pink or light blue trimming or with small figures of light blue lavender or pink. ' s only because many of the pieces have become mussed through handling that we offer them The trimming is of embroidery or lace. Extra special in the May Sale of Lingerie .... SI.OO 15^X^5ill *J 1C ndernuislin Sale at one-half former prices: Xo pieces will be exchanged and none & sent on approval. Ihe list includes the following— Children's muslin drawers, with trimming of Wash silk underbodices, sleeves trimmed with : H tucks. Special in the May Sale of Lingerie 9c lace edge. In the May Sale of Lingerie $1.05 MMV »]||| S2O 00 06^ sl2 ' s ° NKW BLOITSES AT SI.OO TO SIO.OO Children's 25c nainsook drawers, with lace and Long white skirts of cambric or nainsook with /■ BHB fcw tfK; ' $1.75 to SIO.OO We cannot recall another season when fashion embroidery trimming. Special in the May Sale of trimming of lace or embroidery. In the May Sale Iff JtmV fr jß||y{ || $1.95 to $5.50 drawers. Reduced to 95e to $2.75 concentrated so much effort to bring blouses into Lingerie 19c of Lingerie 50c, 75c, SI.OO to $5.00 // | W AVmi J? II -jj® *° fj-'jj covers. Reduced to ... ..95 c stylo prominence as has been done for the Spring Nainsook princess slips with trimming of laco or Combination corset covers with drawers or short WjHHgf : I ' 0 irvrFTtTK 10 and Summer of 1914. The briliant displays now embroidery. In thc May Sale of Lingerie, skirt. In the May Sale of Lingerie ...SI.OO to $4.95 _ I ;Mj Nainsook" cambric, crepe and'crepe do chine lln- belnfir made 1,1 tho Mouse section are of styles Just SI.OO to $5.95 Drawers of cambric or nainsook with flat or (|| / I gerie with trimmings of shadow or Valenciennes brought over from the master designers of Paris. Corset covers with trimming of shadow lace or knickerbocker trimming,, lace or embroidery edge, II \ I wSllwlf laC ° insertion > dainty embroideries and laco or cm- There are voiles, crepes, dimities, batistes and all- Val. lacc. medallions or embroidery edge, 50c to $3.95 50c to 53.95 V |\\ l/.IMIMF yoke" style gowns, with square yoke of ° VeI * embro,der - v models . w lth trimmings of dainty Lace or crepe de chine underbodice with shoul- "'"'f ""M>e to the May Sale of Lingerie SI.OO to $3.95 May Sale $5.00 to $7.50 .'t—embroidery or lace insertion, sl, $1.50, $1,95 to $5.95 SIO.OO. Leather Bound Books For Graduation Cxifts g c Announcement! R emn ants of Laces: Half Price Tomorrow Specially Priced in Month-End Sale nmg Tu r M y ' 51.75 editions of Tennyson, Browning and Shakespeare; brown ooz leather. Our Entire Stock of $25.00 Suits been gathered from regular stock, and on account of their short V *'•«<> For Women and Misses We Sha " them to-morrow at just half re g „, al -price. $2.00 editions of standard poets, polished levant, with gold edges, including *» r.«« q r\CL A * O *lOl \\ T 1 TT 11 1 * t Lowell, Byron, Moore, Bryant, Scott. Specially priced SI.OO VV ill DC UltcrGQ 111 fl opC.Clftl JBl6 8t Vv OrXlGfl S J. lEIICIKCrCIIICIS lv6(luC6(l 51.25 editions of Berkeley poets, bound in decorated cloth; Moore, Robert /'tv ✓"V ~, , r, t II Ti 1 ic .. C • 1 U * 1/ 1 / If 1 VV omen s onc-corncr embroidered handkerchiefs, ill colored Soe- Browning, Lowell, Holmes and Scott. Special Mm II II I cial, 106• 3 for ■ ■ - k \|J •\J\J Women's one-corner embroidered handkerchiefs; >4-inch hem; value sc. •« -r 1 y~< 1 O 1 T Each garment is typical of pives, Pomeroy & Stewart style supremacy. t ' lc Sale, each m |H nr | 00G013.1S 111 worth^" BCS Ul ° al,sol " tt ' ly com P l ®te and fabrics and colors are exceptionally Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. "Here's a Silk Blouse Exactly Like thc One I Have On." ART NEEDLEWORK I tion of the second floor. She was admiring li!e new b !rrivab c ta Odd Pairs of Lace Curtains 25c and 50c stam pcd P ,„o„ top, j 19c stamped Turkish towe.. Special, 3 nS bearing. °" * At Half PHce bpeclal 1 an 1 Oiueroy m._.i ami .>i.,u >erge, to ,0 inches wide. Reduced to «»<• slightly soiled, stitched and welted soles; I..U UOOi crepc, 4U inches xsuk. Rt- Men's $2.00 black and brown kldskln lacc shoes, me- fecial W " U BtttChed B ° ,eS anU $1.45 - SOS.SKW. C 1 * | soles: sizes B l to l() St slsilk and wool crepon, *4O inches wide. Reduced to , 1 •, A ' comfort too last, with stitched soles and spring G£r» 32x3}$ 14.10 1700 ... .. T1 ' , Infants 10c moccasins in pink, tan and white •"„ heels. Special 9c>C 3i x .| 2 1.0« 211! Sl.-J Silk poplin. Reduced to kidskin. Special »>C Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. Hflxl 22.35 "«00 Black Dress Goods \ r ci r"" 1 • 1 vr 1 n-y Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement. SI.OO serge, 50 inches Reduced to m Youll W ant to Share These Embroidery Values Tomorrow SI.OO pebble ratine. -U inches wide. Reduced to (>!)(• I Swiss embroidered blouse fronts, in open work 44-inch embroidered voile flouncing; values to $2.00 RengO Belt CorSetS $1.25 $1.25 serge, 52 inches wide Reduced to B<)r ! l )att . crns; va hies to SI.OO. Special at 69c. Special, yard :«)<• c; „ ->o » jr i > • < . c, 9- 1, , in ■ 1 1 l.i 1 «»'- 4n-inch embroidered voile all-overs; value to 17-inch cambric corset cover cmbroiderv Sizes irom -9 to 36 only, and one of thc best values an- J._. silk poplin, 40 indies, wide. Reduced to >.><* $1.75. Special at, yard values to 15c. Special, yard loW nounccd thls year-if the size range embraces your needs. I'otncry Stewart, Street Floor. ! ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street ' ' Actual $2.00 Value. Reduced to $1.23 i Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart SI.OO Corsets. Reduced to G9 '' k ' S U,ul fIUIav es. so , (| Here Is many an opportunity to buy the finest exam- J ill I WV If "rowii and tan i-agstmere and wor- Dives, .Pomeroy & Stewart, Second pies or millinery art at commonplace prices; I j|j I I 1| li ' Floor. Rear Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor I P) , j\\ I \ J % | DIVES, POMEROY fa, STEWARTIj^K WEDNESDAY EVENING BAFRISBURG TELEGftAPI? APRIL 29, 1914.