HERE'S WHERE YOU'LL FIND THE PEOPLE'S MARKET PLACE EYour new home is waiting for you— i> it's described on Classified page to-night. I After you've seen it and aie sure its C what you want, you'll find your lease H With real estate values advancing so g rapidly in Harrisburg, a lease is an assur- g ance that there will he no raise in rent. ■ EVERY NIGHT THE BEST LIST OF |j 2 FOR RENTS IN TELEGRAPH m WANT ADS. m DIED OWENS George R. Owens, of 630 Walnut street, died-*m Monday, April t 27. aped 65 years. . . ,„ 1 Services will he held at the residence of his son. George K. Owens, \ lt Hainlyn, Thursday, 30th, at I oiioik. Funeral private. ' — Died suddenly, April j 27, Anna 15., aged 76 years, widow of j the late Wm. SmaUwood. i Funeral services will be held Wed- | nesday evening, at 0 o'clock, at tang avenue, Paxtang. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Burial will be made in Philadelphia. LOST LOST Between 445 Hummel street. Union Station and Dives. Pomeroy and Stewart's, a brown pocketbook contain ing two hundred and seventy dol lars. Liberal reward it returned to above address. IXDST A small, red spaniel; lost or strayed away from home since last Sunday. Reward if returned to 301 North Front street. LOST A gold Howard Watch, in I Chestnut Street Markethouse, Saturday morning". Gold fob attached with ini- i ttals E. C. F. on end. Reward if re turned to 606 North Seventeenth street. mci.P WANTED —Mule "WANTED Young man who lias some experience in grocery business, between 14 and 10 years of age. Ap ply 1914 Susquehanna streot. WANTED Married man to work on farm and board with farmer, or move In two or three rooms. Apply J. M. Lnsmingcr's Farm, Highspirc, Pa. WANTED Experienced tinsmith; steady work all year around. Apply Hershey Store Co., Hershey, Pa. J GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet, Y-372, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop kins, Washington, D. C. WANTED Boy, between the ages of 14 and 16 years, to work in grocery store; must have neat appearance and reference. Apply M. Brenner and Son, Green and Emerald streets. , WANTED Oxweld acetyleno weld- i lug and cutting operator. Apply Mid-1 dletown Car Co., Middletown, Pa. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANT ED. Splendid income assured right ' man to act as our representative after j learning our business thoroughly by : mail. Former experience unnecessary. I All we require is honesty, ability, am bition and willingness to learn a lucra tive business. No soliciting or travel-!' lng. All or spare time only. This is an . exceptional opportunity for a man In I your section to get into a big paying j business without capital and become 1 Independent for life. Write at once for j full particulars. National Co-Operative J Realty Compan", L-910, Marden Build ing, Washington, D. C. WANTED Wide-awake errand boy; opportunity to learn printing trade. Apply at once. Patriot Job Print, 320 Market street. HELP WANTED—FcniaM WANTED Girl for general house work; good wages to right party. Geo. J. Colviras. 1908 Market street. Bell phone. WANTED A girl to assist with general housework, in suburbs, near trolley line; good wages to right party; reference. Inquire 1218 North Third street for information. WANTED Experienced girl wanted to help on coats. Apply 1260 Market street. WANTED Experienced girl to work in confectionery and ice cream parlor. Apply to Pavloff & Co., 1025 North Seventh street. Bell phone 1617 R. WANTED Middle-aged woman for cook and genernl housework at house along trolley line just outside of city; references. Address F.. 27, care of Telegraph. WANTED A capable white girl for general housework; must be good cook; small family. Call between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M., 2220 North Second street. Bell phone 948 J. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Young man. with one year's experience, desires bookkeeping, stenographic or clerical work; can fur nish good reference. Address D., 619, care of Telegraph. WANTED White gentleman would like to do garden work or take charge of small farm. Address J. B. F., 618, care of Telegraph. "1 ' FOR SALE 532 Maclay Street $3,100 A three-story brick dwelling house with eight rooms—hath and furnace. Lot 16x87x1.) Vj rt. to a -i-ft. rear alley. Miller Bros. & Neefe Locust and Court Streets. ' . WEDNESDAY EVENING SITUATIONS WANTED —Male WANTED By young, married man, i position as bookkeeper; has knowledge lof shorthand and typewriting; three years' experience; can furnish good ref erences. Address H., 607, care of Tele graph. . . ! WANTED White gentleman would 1 like position as night watchman, ele- I vatorman or to drive small team; .sober and respectable man. Apply 1819 | Seventh street WANTED Young, Industrious, sober man desires position aB salesman; experienced and can furnish reference. Address Salesman, 916 North Third street. WANTED By a young colored man, work of any kind. Address, or apply 642 Primrose street. WANTED Gardener wants posi tion, also planting, grafting and prun nlng work. Address W., 608, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe i WANTED —By a colored woman, a l position as cook in hotel, boarding ! house or private family; also day's j work of any kind. Apply at 433 North avenue, room 3. W r ANTED By colored girl, to as sit with general housework or nursing; can furnisli reference, 654 Primrose avenue. i WANTED Colored woman desires I wishing, ironing and liousecleaning. Call, or address. 108% Christy Court. 1 WANTED Half-grown girl wishes work between school hours or after. Please call at 804 Capital streot. WANTED Colored girl would like to get work to assist in housework or as nurse girl. 1727 North Seventh I street. WANTED Young white lady would like position as housekeeper tor widower, in or near city. Apply 1405 Williams street. WANTED Young girl wishes po sition to assist with child or in ice cream parlor after school hours. Ad dress D„ 617, care of Telegraph. WANTED Work between sohool hours by colored girl. 1328 North Sev j enth street. WANTED Work between school | hours by colored girl. 048 Calder. ' PIANIST Young lady desires posi | tion; can lead orchestra; reasonable salary to start. Adress Pianist, 101 1 South River street. ! WANTED Experienced stenog- I rapher and typewriter with knowledge jof bookkeeping, desires position. Can furnish good references. Address Box G, 609, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman desires I day's work of any kind. Call, or ad- I dress, 654 Calder street. WANTED Woman with child i wishes position as housekeeper tor widower. Address Mrs. Alice Evans, West Fail-view, R. F. D. No. 1, care of M. V. Sanderson. WANTED By young woman, posi i tion as manicurist, in or out of town; can give references. Address H.. 580, i care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman wants day's work of any kind. 133 North avenue, Room 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FRAME HOUSE, located on Briggs street, between Sero and Third; 8 rooms and bath. Will be sold at sacri fice If sold this opting. Address S. O. No. 1001, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE At Progress Extension, new two-story frame house, six rooms; lot, 10x135 ft. For particulars inquiro next door. Mrs. Halm, Progress, Pa. FARM FOR SALE Natural gas for light and fuel. Inquiro 224 Woodbine street. FOR SALE Two brick houses, near market street; all improvements. Ad dress J., 612, care of Telegraph Office. FOR SALE Three-story brick dwelling ll rooms all conveni ences one block from Capitol. Lot, 20x111. Will be sold under price. In quire 410 Briggs street. FOR SALE Two suburban proper ties for sale. Either one of these should interest you both built by owners for residences now offered a* a sac rillce large plots steam heat 5c fare near trolley. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SUMMER COTTAGE FOR SALE Furnished six rooms large porches —plot, 75x285 extending to Susque hanna river including large boat station. Price very reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Money-making lodg >°use or dwelling, on Pine street, thirteen rooms and three bath rooms— recently painted and papered vacant. Little cash needed. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE New dwelling, Second street, Riverside; nine rooms; all con veniences; steam heat and open fire place; large porches; pres»ed brick front; back and front stairs; side yard; large lot. Purchaser may select paper. $4,100; easy terms. Discount for cash. Lewis M. NeilTer, 222 Market street. FOR SAI.E AT FERDIX HILI. TOI* FARM HOUSE, #7.",0 SNAP PRICE to quick buyer Easy Terms, too. We are in the market to clean up remaining lots quickly. There are but 24 in all—some as low as SI.OO por front focrt -- Better come to-day— see Perdix—then ACT. Our office Is at Keldllnger s Store. Salesman always at the property. WAYNE COTTAGE at a bargain. A. c. Young. 26 North Third street. Bell phone 938 R. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO fine homos. Size of lot, 18%x90. Nino rooms and latest and only practical, common sense bath room. Steam heated; large front and back porches; ornamental fixtures throughout; reception hall; open stair case; laundry room and stationary wash tubs; outdoor Bleeping chamber with south side exposure, size 15X8; 12 minutes by trolley to Market Square. For further Information call P. Vander loo. Masonic Temple Building, Third and Stato streets. FOR PALE Very attractive vacant lot corner Eleventh and Berryhill streets 98x300 will divide. Brln ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. SIXTY MOUSES, some new and v«ry attractive homes; several very good in vestments. Terms to suit D. E. Bright bill, 2 North Court street. Both phones. FOB SALE 2-148 North Sixth street —two-and-one-half-story frame t, rooms and bath—front and rear porch —lot. 110x150 single property. Brln ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. WHY not ljvo in Elizabethtown. Pa.? A town which has all city conveniences, good markets, splendid train and trol ley service. Houses with all modern conveniences for sale or rent Call on, or address, J. H. Buch. Elizabethtown, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT lBO2 Derry street; 3- story brick dwelling; 9 rooms and bath; modern improvement; large pantry and closet. Apply Larue Lemer, 213 South Front street. Bell phone 323 L. KOK RENT No. 26 N. Eighteenth street $30.00 No. 2020 Boas street 16.00 No. 1524 Catherine street 15.00 J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT 225 Boas street, 3- story brick; 9 rooms; improvements', good location; rear entrance. Apply 815 Green street, or Wm. Connelly, Harrisburg Trust Co. FOR RENT House with 7 rooms and batli, 2328 Derry street, Garfield. Inquire at store. Bell phone 494-W. FOR HKJVT FURNISHED COTTAGE (BOW MAN'S) AT PERDIX. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Bell Phone 1595. FOR RENT No. 2121 Boas street, with stable. $15.00. Suburban home stead, $23.00. J. E. Gipple, 1261 Mar ket street. FOR RENT—IS 33 North Third street; 6 rooms and bath, furnace; 100-102 Short street, S rooms and bath; store rooms, 110 South Thirteenth street. Ap ply 430 Walnut street. FOR RENT Cottage seekers may FOR RENT House and barn, with or without farm land, about five miles east of Halifax; plenty of fruit. Em ployment given. Apply J. W. Ettinger, Halifax. R. F. D. No. 2. rent furnished, diningroom, two bed rooms, use of bath, kitchen, large porches, by the week or longer period throughout summer. Near station, trol ley, creek, river, mountain, etc. Bell Realty Co., Be uglier Build! n it EAJ TESTATE FOR SXLE OR REM 383 ACRES 40 perches farm land, 36 acres mountain land, known as the "Squire Miller Farm" In West Hanover Township, Dauphin County, on the Manada Gap Road, about 4 miles from Linglestown. Apply Commonwealth Trust Co., Real Estate Department, 222 Market street, ll a > ,r ' Kbur K-___^»___ "APARTMENTS FOR RENT MacDANIELS APARTMENTS Fur nished complete for light housekeep ing. Gas range, private meter, cooking utensils, dishes, linen. One large liv ing-room, small kitchen, stationary tubs. Private mail boxes, bells. 1417 Market street. TOR RENT Three rooms, with im provements. 4 rooms and bath, with all improvements. Apply to 1745 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Apartments front—■ Sixth and Harris streets. Apply E. Sil ver, Sixth and Harris streets. I UNFURNISHED housekeeping apart ment; fronting on Eocust street; four rooms and bath; also complete kitchen facilities for cooking, etc. Storage locker in basement. Apply Penna. Realty Co., 132 Eocust street. FOR RENT Choice apartments east end Mulberry Street Bridge facing city; B rooms; every convenience. Ap ply I. VV. Dill. li< >OMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping or two furnish ed rooms for lodging, to desirable par ties. Call Bell pnone 1327 L or address C. E. D., care of Telegraph. SUITE of three unfurnished rooms— private bath and kitchen, including range; fronting on Second street; cen trally located. Apply Penna. Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT Two nice, large fur nished rooms for light housekeeping; fine location. Apply at 1119 Market street. FOR RENT By tho night or month, the llnest rooms In Harrlsburg, single or en suite. Eaßelle Apart ments, 204 Locust street, next door to Orpheum. Steam heat, electricity, baths. Newly furnished throughout. Apply C. Gaeta, Merchant Tailor, 212 Locust street. FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en suite, all conveniences, including phone; reference required. Apply 1015 North Front street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, having gas range, on Crescent street. Apply liox 013, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two rooms on second floor, furnished or unfurnished, suit able for light housekeeping; all con veniences; use of phone. Address T., 325, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT One or two nicely fur nished, airy rooms on third floor, in private house; all conveniences; city steam, gas. bath, telephone, facing Capitol. Price moderate. Inquire 420 North street. FOR RENT Newly furnished front rooms, facing Capitol Park; hot and cold running water in each room; elec tric light; use of phone and bath. Ap ply Robinson Apartments, 410 North street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences, including bath and phone. 921 North Second street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnish ed rooms, for gentlemen, with city heat and use of bath. Apply 272 Briggs street FOR RENT Third fl,oor front room, with board; use of phone. Apply 1618 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Furnish'ed roomi and boarding by meal, day or week. Apply 1001 North Second street, corner Boas and Second streets. FOR RENT Fifty furnished rooms, In private families, all parts of city improvements 11.25 week many other rooms. Send address and 1 will call Address X., 508, care of Tele graph. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Two or three unfur nished rooms wanted foV light house keeping by good people. Reasonable terms. Address Box L, 615, care of Tele graph. ADDITIONAL ROOMS WANTED FOR REPRESENTATIVES OF THE GRAND LODGE OF ODD FBLLOWB WHICH MEETS IN THIS CITY MAV II) TO 31. NOTIFY EITHER OF THE UNDER SIGNED AND STATE NUMBER THAT CAN BE ACCOMMODATED AND THE FBICB PER NIGHT. GEO. C. McCAHAN. 2210 NORTH FOURTH STREET. JOHN S. SI'H KB, BOX 7 80. HXRHISBURG TELEGSCEF3I ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED ROOM AND BOARD WANTED By young, married couple. Railroad man "wants room and board. Private family preferred. Will pay S4O per month. Reference furnished. Address A., 620, cure of Telegraph. WANTED WANTED To clean carpets and' rugs In now sanitary way. Restores colors to carpets. Does not Injure fabric. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 623R, Sanitary Carpet Cleaning Co.. 352 Broad. AUTOMOBILES bought for cash any quantity. If you want to sell your Ford, Studebaker, Buick, Overland, Cadillac, Hudson, Packard, Peerless, Pierce, Maxwell, National, American Regal, Locomobile, Flanders, or an.v standard make of car not earlier than 1910 model, for cash, write us full de scription and price. Universal Motor Car Co., 1826 A\ ood avenue, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED By family moving to suburbs for summer, lady or young couple as company near city and car line; light housekeeping; ilne surround ings. Address C., 606, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE FOR SALE Barred Bock Cockerels, pullet bred. 1612 New Fifth street. FOR SALE One No. 3 Prairie State Brooder, one Universal Hover, one 140- Egg Cyphers Incubator. W. F. Ken dall, 228 North Third street. FOR SALE Family size Iceland refrigerator, in good condition. R. C. Williams. 1317 Derry street. FOR SALE At a bargain a five passenger touring car in excellent con dition. This car has not had hard usage. For Inspection or demonstration call at 1006 North Third street at any time. FOR SALE At sacrifice, If taken at once; stock and fixtures of general store doing large business, In thriving town. Will prove volume of business to in terested party. Want to join my hus band in Minnesota, reason for selling. Call and examine stock. M. C. A. Clouser, Duncannon, Pa. FOR SALE Exceptionally fine 18K. solid gold, extra thin Oscar Fresard watch. Will sell for SIOO to close an estate. Original price, $275. Can be seen by appointment. Address Y., 899, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Motorcycle, "-cylinder Indian. AVill sell for $50.00. 1522 Alli son street. FOR SALE Restaurant doing good, cash business in good locality. Good reason for selling. Prk-e reasonable. Address M„ 898, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One Bull Terrier, pure white; best of breeding; a beauty. Ap ply 307 Crescent. BARRED ROCKS and S. C. B. Mi norcas from H. Speece, nt Speeceville, Pa., are from leading prize winning strains at National shows. Hatching eggs and cockerels for sale. FOR SALE Four-passenger car, in good shape. Will sell cheap. Address G„ 599, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 8 or 9-year-old horse. .Satisfaction guaranteed. Inquire Jo j seph Stante, Baker. Marysville, Pa. FOR SALE Brand new 1914 Cole Demonstrator. Run about 500 miles. Four-cylinder, com plete, with self-starter, electric light and all other equipments. List price, $1,925. At a liberal discount. Used at Harrisburg Show as a model. Bowman & Co. FOR SALE One large ice cream freezer and a lot of packing tubs and cans; also two large fee chests. Apply j 1948 State street. BICYCLES -10 rebuilt bicycles, at prices that talk for themselves; one girl's wheel, with coaster brake and new paint. Tires, Boc. up. Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SALE First-class Cleaning | and Dyeing Works. Rare oportunity i for bright, young man who under stands pressing. Will teach the clean ing and dyeing. 25 years established. ■ Full set of machinery, boiler and en ,g!ne. This plant Is fully equipped and i doing good business. Can be bought very reasonable. Rent cheap. Address W., 614, care of Telegraph. 100 PER CENT. INVESTMENT Steel Die Embossed Stationery and Business Cards—lncreases business costs less than printings Harrisburg Embossing Plant. 4 North Fifth street. FOR SALE Barber business, in cluding two chairs; also good pool table, with other equipment, and also cigar and tobacco business, including show cases. Price, $350. Bell Realty [ Co., Bergner Building. | FOR SALE 1 refrigerator, ice ca pacity 300 lbs.; 1 National cash regis- I ter, 2 show cases, coffee mill and lots of other articles too numerous to men tion. Must be sold before May 1. Ap ply 630 Boas street. FOR SALE • Grocery store, stock and llxtures; excellent location; good reasons for selling. Address T., 61<J, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE —■ Late 5-passenger Reo touring car, in first-class condition; fully equipped. Or will exchange for small roadster. Address X., 611, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Reasonable, English perambulator (baby coach). Apply 1609 Market street. TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap Leather, Calfskin, Kip Dongola, Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases and Leather Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest nut streets. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board, at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. USED motorcycles; all makes; over hauled and in fine condition; guaran teed to be as represented; call for dem onstration. Heagy Bros., 1204 North Third street. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE l6-ft. mahogany wall case, 12-ft. mahogany back bar to soda fountain, 4 mission ice cream tables, with chairs. Used only one year. In- , quire 1015 North Third street. FOR SALE Second-hand bricks cheap if taken at once. Rear 215 Mul berry street. FOR SALE General store, doing good business; must sell on account of 111 health. Address 8., 588, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE Refuse carload of eerap-lron at Sheesley's siding. Dock street, to be sold at Public Sale. May 6. 1014, at 10 o'clock A. M., to highest bidder for cash consideration, and must be removed within 10 days from date of sale. Further particulars can be had upon application to G. W. Mumma, Freight Claim Adjuster, P. H. R. I' ''eight Offt»:o, foot of Third street. J. H. Nixon. Agent, Harrisburg. HIGHEST GRADE ROOFING PAINT. Having purchased the stock of a paint works, we offer this high grhdo paint, all colors, at 65 cents a gallon. Sold at all stores at 11.00. Also several tons pitch at your own price. Wil liams & Freedman, Tenth street, below Mulberry Street Bridge. Big bargain to offer A SMALL Grocery Store on the trol ley line 2O minutes' ride from Har risburg doing an elegant business. Runt very reasonable. Good reason for gelling out Addre»s G., 68V., car; of Telegraph, FOR SALE FOR SALE Standard machine, good as new, sold very cheap to quick buyer. 310 North street. FOR SALE! CHEAP One No. 7 Remington Typewriter, in good condi tion. Address X., 604, care of Tele graph. FURNITURE FOR SALE Golden oak china closet, curved glass Hides and i «?A ! as clan " feet, cost when new, JoO.OO, is good an new, price $15.00; also •ir ™ ex S ensioi V tabl °- when new i $15.00, shows the wear some, but cheap • Lnn %°, r , the f wo Pt®ceß, for cash, !oA Ca J I eveninsa, preferably after 7:do, or afternoons between 3 and 5. A P Wieland, 1010 North Sixteenth street. I'OH SALE Fourteen Minorca Chickens. Reason for selling;, leavine city. Call 1824 North Sixth. ,ta " n « FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE ~..£9 R WM °K EXCHANGE " WELI, LOCATED LOTS In the Tenth Ward' xome of them on paved atreet. V"I Hchanje for Improved property. An exceptional opportunity for "a builder. Call and ln«peet bine print. J . H. Oyater, Trnatee. care of Tcleuruiih ltuainemi Office. FOR RENT KOR RENT Dealrable offleen In the lelegrnph Building, alngly or en null*. Inquire ut llualnena Office. TWO desirable offices in the Union Trust Building; possession at once. Apply Union Trust Co. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business | Office. FOR RENT Two-story garage, with water and sewer, rear 1630 Heglna street. Will accommodate two cars. J. E. Gipplo, 1261 Market street. FOR RENT Apartments—Derry Block, 14th and Dcrry Street?. FOR RENT Fine, bright and large room, 33x23 fect t on second floor of 420 Market street, formerly used for pool j room, but suitable for any business pur poses. City steam heat. Immediate possession. Jacob Tauslg's Sons 420 Market street. RENT Store room 1200 North Third street; 33x100; 14-foot celling °" 8 i h g„ b , est rooms in the city. Ap ply J. S. Slble. 256 Herr street. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY Ir .el'-igent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send for Par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Eock ! port, N. T. I MADE $50,000 in five years in the mail order business, began with $6 Send for free booklet. Tells how. Ilea cock, 35i> Lockport, N. Y. ~ At Gable's, 111 and 117 South Second street. 5,000 gallons New Era ready mixed Paint: Acme quality. Also the full line )of the Acme makei LAW—Chartered University of recog nized standing is placing a few free scholarships. Write for particulars. Address H. E. o„ 616, care of Tele graph. v ~f® R Gable's, 113, 116 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 nets new Sash, Bxlo, 12 L, primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. BUSINESS PERSONALS HIGHEST PRICES paid for old Gold and Silver, Watches and Jewelry. Or will exchange for new Jewelry. Jos D. Brenner, Jeweler, 803 North Third street. Bell phone 626 L. K. H. PEFFER, LOCAL EXPRESS and Delivery. Piano and Furniture moving a specialty Stor age of household goods and furniture packing. Bell phone 1684 J. 1119 Mont gomery, Harrisburg. W. J WENRICH. 389 Hamilton street —Furniture, china and piano packing, shipments looked after at both ends. 322 7W hauling. Bell phune HAULING . w -„ I'ATHi;. Hoarding Sinhlf and National Truanter Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilera and general haul i& S W " kathe. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 250SR. .. FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine ■ Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 M rket street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell. IT> CO. ANY and all kinds of Job Carpenter ing Work. Also Concrete Walks and Steps a specialty. Address H. H. Shive ly. Lucknow, Pa. HAVE your Ford's looked after now while we are not so busy. Wo make a specialty on Ford cars. Give us a chance. Our prices are right. Call E. M. Snavely, Middletown, Pa. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Gluck, 320 Woodbine street. A LEVIN, 805 North Third street. Furniture repair, upholstering and re finishing. Antique furniture for sale. All work properly attended to. Rea sonable prices guaranteed. Harrisburg Paste Works 128 N. Cameron Street PAPERHANGERS', billposters', book binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell phone 1186 L FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN SIOO,OOO~U> loan In amounts of SI,OOO and up on tlrjt mortgage on city property, repayable monthly or Installments. Debt cancel ed and mortgage satisfied on death of borri wer. John C. Orr. 222 Market street. PHOriT-SHAUING LOAN SOCIETY WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates, easy terms, confidential. Offices, Rooms 6-7, 9 North Market Siiuare. NOTICES ANY elderly lady wishing to tnke a drive in country or elsewhere at 250 an hour, please call Mrs. Gable, 1901 North Seventh street. Bell phone 2716 J. STORAGE HARRISBURG STORAGE CO Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and uneyceiied fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rntes. South St. and Penna. R. R. STORAGE IN il-iflory brick Imilillni;, rear 40K Market Htrect. lloUMeliold gooilN lu clran, private rooniH. Reasonable riiten. Apply to P. G. IMcncr, Jeweler, 40N Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES FOR SALE The. Board of Commissioner? of Pub.- lie Groynds and Buildings will offer at SLibllti NB.le in front of Sute Capitol I uildUiie, at entrance Fourth a&d State APRIL 29, 1914. GENERAL MARKET TONE FAIRLY GOOD TODAY Level Slightly Below Yesterdy's Closing Was Recorded This Morning; Bonds Steady By Associated Press New York, April 29. Operations on the long side were not pursued vigor ously, and speculation was slow dur ing the morning. Traders sold Read ing and Canadian Paellic at the higher figures because of the decreases in earnings reported In their March state ment. United State's Steel's deficit of more than $6,000,000 In the first quarter gave a basis for soiling that stock, which reacted after a small early advance. Missouri Pacific reached a new low price of 15%. The tone in general was fairly good, owing largely to continued covering of shorts, but towards midday the list began to «aso off, reaching a level slightly below yesterday's clos ing. Bonds were steady. Furnished by JI. \V. SNA VEIA" Arcade Building; New York, April 29. Open. 2.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines . 27 26% Amal. Copper 72% 71% American Beet Sugar 20-% 20% American Can • 26% 25% Am. Ice Securities .. 30% 30% American Smelting . 61% (11 Anaconda 33% 33% Atchison 96 95% Baltimore & Ohio .. 90% 90 Bethlehem Steel ... 40% 39% Brooklyn R. T 90% 00% California Petroleum 21% 21% Canadian Pacific .. . 191% 190% Central Leather ... 35% 35 Chesapeake & Ohio. 52% 52% C., M. & St. P 98% 98% Chino Con. Copper . 40 39% Col. F. & 1 26% 26% Corn Products 9 % 9 % Distilling Securities . 16 15% Erie 27% 27% Erie, Ist pfd 42% 42% General Electric Co. 144% 144% Goodrich, B. F 27 26% Great Northern pfd. 121% 121% Great Nor. Ore subs. 32 32 Interboro-Met. pfd., 60% 60% Lehigh Valley 132 % 132% Louis. & Nashville . 133 133 Mex. Petroleum .., 56 55 Missouri Pacific ... 17% ' 15% Nov. Con. Copper .. 14% 14% New York Control , 90% 89% N. Y.. N. H. &- H. . 69% 69 Norfolk & Western. 102% 102% Northern Pacific ... 110% 109% Penna. K. R 110% 110% People's Gas & Coke 120% 120% Pittsburgh Coal ... 20 20 Pressed Steel Car .. 40% 40% Ray. Con, Copper ... 21% 20% Reading 160% 161% Rep. Iron & Steel ..22% 22 Southern Pacific .. 90% 89% Southern Railway . 2.1% 211% Southern Ry. pfd... 78 78 Tennessee Copper .: 33% 33% Union Pacific IBS % 152% U. S. Rubber B6 56 U. S. Steel 58% 57% 11. S. Steel pfd ... 10S 108 Utah Copper 54% 53% Va. Car. Chern. ... 28% 28 Western Maryland . 27 27 Western Union Tel.. 60% 60% Westinghouse Mfg.. 73% 72% PHIUDBI.?3U I'IiODCCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, April 29. Wheat Lower; No. 2, r»d. export, 90(fj)99\Ac No. 1, Northern, Dululh, export, $1,03% @1.04%. Corn Weak: now, No. 2. yellow, natural, local, 74@74',jc: do., kiln dried, local, 75(q>75^c. Oats Lower; No. 2, white, 44% @ 45c. Bran Market steady; winter, per ton, $29.50 jz>3o.op; spring, p«r ton $28.00 @ 28.50. Refined rimrnrs Mnrket stondv powdered, 3.9. r i@4.ooc; fine granulated. 3.55@3.90c; confectioners' A, 3.750 3.80 c; Keystone A, 3.60@3.65c. Butter The market is firm; western, creamery, extras. 26c; neai l>> prints, fancy 29c. Eggs The market is higher; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $6.30 per case; do., current reecipts, free cases, $6.15 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.30 per case; do., firsts, free cases,- $6,15 per case. Live Poultry Weals; fowls, 18 @l9c; young chickens, 14@20c; S P. Chickens, 35«40c; broiling chickens, 15%@17c: old roosters, 13 ®l4c; ducks, 12® 14c; spring ducsk, 17 &18c; geese. 165>.17c; turkeys, 1920 c. Dressed Poultry Steady; - fowls, i western, fancy, heavy, 19c; do., fair to good, heavy, 17 @ 18c; do., fair to good, heavy, 20c; do., weights, 12@16c: unattractive. 11 @l6e; old roosters, l4Hc; roast ing chickens, fancy. 18®c20c; broil ing chickens, fancy, 24©3ric; do., fair, !UO 19c: capon, larje, 13® 25c; d 0... email, ls@2oc; turkeys, fancy, 21®2«e do., fair, 20 0 23c; ducks. 11018 c; gees* 110!l«e. Potatoes Easier: New York and Eastern, per bushel, 85@93c; Western, per bushel, 85®93c; Jersey, per basket, 20@50c; Florida, per basket, $2.26®>5.00. Flour The market Is weak; winter, (lt-ui. s3.xbcu.4 lu, Mlruignt*. it..,. *ylvania, $4.15(8)4.30; western. $4.2A0 4 40; patents. $4.80(fr4 Wo K«iwm straight, jute sacks, $4.15@4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00@4.20; straights, $4.2U @4.40; patents. $4 f>Ofl?4.7f, Hay The market is higher; tim othy, No. 1, large bales, $ 11).00(ff 19.50; No. i, medium bales. slß.sor</ 19.00; No. 2, $16.50€1)17.50; No. 3, $11.50(^15.50, Clover mixed: Light mixed, $17.00® 17.50; No. 1, do., $16.00@16.50; No. 2, do., $14.00# 15.00, LEGAL NOTICES Streets, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, at 10 o'clock A. M., May 16. 1914. the follow-I ing buildings and structures upon the; premises within the boundaries of the proposed extension of Capitol J'nrk in Eighth Ward. City or Harrisburg: State Street, 507. 522, 521. Filbert Street. 411. South Alley, 508. Short Street, 127. North Street, 707. Walnut Street, 630. The purchaser shall pay to the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, through | the office of the Superintendent of Pub- i lie Grounds and Buildings, rtarriaburg, | Pennsylvania, by certified check or I United States currency, tho amount at j which the said building or buildings and structures arc awarded to them as follows: A cash payment ot 25 per c ent, shall be made on day of sale and I the balance before entering upon the I property to remove the material pur- I chased. , I In all cases where the premises are I unoccupied, possession will be given i the purchaser immediately. Where the premises are tenanted, possession will be gl ven Immediately after the prem- j ises are vacated. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will not be responsible for any damage to property after pos sesion Is given. Purchaser shall state at time of their offer tho time required to remove the buildings and material after being given possession by the Commonwealth, which in no case shall lie longer than 60 days. All building refuse shall be carted away from the premises by the purchaser. All founda tion walls must bo taken down and re moved at least three feet below level of street. The Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The work of removal shall be perform ed under tho direction of and to the satisfaction of tho Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTE —The sidewalks and street pavements arc not to be removed by purchaser of buildings or structures under this schedule. By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. ' C. P. ROGERS, JR.. Secretary. • CHICAGO HO A HI) OK TRADE Furnished by H. W. SNWBLY Arcade Building . Chicago, 111., April 29. Open, High. Jbow. Clos, Wheat— May 92% 92% 91% 91% July 86% 8(1% 85 85% Corn— May 64 % 611/t 63% 63% July 64% 64% 63% 03% Oats— i May :i? % 37ffl 36% 36% ■July 3714 37 % 36% 36% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated press Chicago, 111., April 29. Hogs—Re ceipts, 28,000; dull. Hulk of sales, $8.40 8.50; light, $8.30® 8.55; mixed, $8.20®>; heavy, $5.05@8.50; rough, $8.05® 8.15; pigs, $7.20^8.30. Cattle Receipts, 19,000; slow. Beeves, $7.06®9.35; Texas steers, $7.00 &)8.10; stackers and feeders, $5.50@8.15: '."ws ami heifers, $3.60#8.40; calves, $6,00@)8.50. Sheep— Receipts, 24,000; steady. Na l[i\es. yearlings, $5.10@6.40; 1 lambs, native. $5.90@7.10. BIER DEATH HALTS CHANGES TALKED OF [Continued from First Pa tie.] with the Cambria Steel Company for a yea ror more, it is reported, has pur chased an interest In Pennsylvania Steel and will become identified with the management. It is not yet de cided whether Mr. Donner will become eh aim ran. Sonic time ago Mr. Morris desired to retire from that position, but It is understood that Mr. Donner. as well as other interests, now desiro him to remain in his present position. Mr. Donnor'fl interest in Pennsylvania Steel is not a dominant one, nor is there any antagonism between the old management and the Donner inter ests either as to the affairs of tho Pennsylvania Steel Company or tho Cambria Steel Company. "There is no intention of making any change in the present executive department of the Pennsylvania and Mr. Felton will continue as president. The officials of the company have given on intimation as to the pro posed changes and as a matter of fact thep lans which have been discussed are subject to modification to meet recent new conditions and the wishes of those gentlemen who will bo affected by tho. proposed change. It is well understood that the Pennsylvania Steel has for two years been making' arrangements to expand its business and the company is about ready to put its plans into effect." Regarding wage reduction and price recession, the Wall Street Journal siiys: "That the reduction in the wages of tiie steel workers of the country is cer tain to come is the assertion of Presi dent James A. Campbell, of tho Youngstowxi Sheet and Tube Company. He says: " 'Bteel manufacturers are reluctant to consider the question of lowering wages of steel workers, but feel that it must eventually come. The feeling prevails that a lower wage would servo the interests of the men themselves best, as it is not a question of how much a man may be able to earn in a day but what he will be able to earn in the course of a year. A lower wage would give the steelmakers a better chance to compete with Imports along 1 the eastern seaboard and thereby save some of that foreign trade which would be lost to foreign mills. It would insure better conditions all aro-ind.' "The absence of buying- in the steel market has resulted in additional price recessions in billets. Manufacturers of these are taking orders below the nominal flotations of s2l per ton. Sheet bars are also being shaded. Bars, plates and structural shapes are quoted at $1.15 per 100 pounds or unchanged. Manufacturers will not openly cut the latter prices, as they are perilously close to ocst. "Orders to the Steel Corporation are somewhat less than during the tirst two weeks of April, although ship ments remain at about the same rate. , The war conditions have not stimu lated steel buying thus far. Tin plate mills continue to operate at a high percentage with fair orders and prices steady. The dullness in building has become more pronounced." Letter List I,IST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN tiie Post Office, at Harrisburg, Pa., for the week ending April 25, 1914: Ladies' List Miss Sarah E. Abel, Mrs. S. J. Aker. Mrs. Edward Alexan ! der, Miss .Tod Arinsti-ong, Mrs. Ella. Beam, Alma Hell, Mrs. Rachel Bier bower, Mrs. John Bttner, Mrs. Ellza- I beth Bortel, Mrs. Charles Brooks, Miss Maybelle Buckingham, Miss Rudy But ler, Mrs. Henrietta Carter, Miss Gertie Clove, Miss Bertha Crusey, Mrs. James Davenport, Mrs. K. D. Davles, Mrs. Charlie Uiehl, Mrs. Fitzpatriek, Miss Emma Good, Mrs. By ill a GOUHPI', Miss Maud Gross, Miss Bessie It. Hail, Mrs. Florence Hall, Miss Mabel and Helen Hawk, Miss Cora llertzler, Mrs. M. B. Holland, Mrs. Isabolle Hummel, Miss Verna Busier, Mrs. Mnry Huston, Miss Emily Jenkins, Mrs. C. Johnson, Beltu Jordan (D. L.), Miss Pauline H. Kelly, Miss U. Krause, Miss Maude Lirigafelt, Mrs. Borci, Anna MeCornniels (D. E.), Miss Mildred Milllgan, Miss Verney Mowrroy, Mrs. George Neff, Mrs. Myra, Obiesliv, Miss Franceses. I'rese, Miss Elizabeth Parker, Miss Josie Partello. Dollio Belle Pickering, Mrs. 11. Porter (D. 1,.), Miss "Nellie Rewsler, Miss Ser geant, Miss Sineera. Mrs. diaries Rua sel Smith, Miss Jane Strumm, Miss Mary Swarner, Mrs. Alice Thomas, Mrs. VVallower, Miss Eottie White, Mrs. A. L. Williams, Miss Edna Voder. Gentlemen's Bist. A. B. Anderson, Paul Bacha, John T. Bailey, T. C. Bell, George Black, Bert Bower, Derwen Bowers, Kenneth J. Briglitbill, Fred B. Brank, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Burtner, H. G. Calvert, Wm. Carter, R. C. Cook, Tom Been, Mr. Bonnought, F. W. Drei belbis, Samuel Ebersole, Russell Feas sel, Bloyd Fetterhoff, Abe Fleiaher, A. Fricker, Harry N. Geyer, R. M. Glaspey, G. F. Gorman, George F. Gotschall, John Grubb, Charles Grunden, C. A. Herr (2), L F. Hess, Samuel Hctrick, Mr. Hivner, David Hubbert, C. A. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. James Kutz, Charles C. Beiby, James lx>gan, Sam Logan, John Fleitz Lnsey, H. H. Lybarger, Win. Al len Martin, H. B. McClure L. McCreight. Neal Newell (2), Samuel Neel, John T Noggle, Edward H. Rice, Walter B Rice, E. C. Schultz, Ungen Seki, Rev. G. bhellenberger, Herbert Shunk Charles Smith. F. K. Smith, George F Snyder, Oliver G. Swan. Alonzo Tavlor Charles Vlspel, J. W. Watts, M. R. Wie ner. Bonis Wiltsle, James Winter Charles C. Wood, B. H. Yopp, Wm Zim merman. Firms lJauphin County Automo bile Club. Foreign. Seattollinl fu Pasquaie Gaetano. Mrs. Edward Bird, P. Cnris takes, C. T. Dunbar (3), Mrs. J a Frantz (2), Marianne Lorenzin Pesa vento. Persons should invarlbly have their mall matter addressed to their street und number, thereby Insuring prompt delivery by the carriers. FRANK C. SITES. Postmaster. 13
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