10 Xfcfofflen r a Al nreßfes What the Sad World Needs KV KL.L.A WHEELEU WIIXOX. Copyright. 1914. by Star Company. "Will you be kind .enough to tell mo |how a young girl is •to get acquainted In •the city? I go to business every day and always try to conduct myself as a lady should. 1 dress neath . but not flash ily. I see the girls around me who are not always choice in their language hav ing beaux galore, while 1 sit at home. Why is it? At one [Episcopal church I even asked if there was a society for young people, and was told it was only for the poorer classes and street girls, to lead them to better things. Where is o decent, respectable business girl to pet acquainted? INQUIRER." This question ought to make all our excellent Christian people and our philanthropists pause and ponder. The land is filled with working girls and women who are trying to live respectable lives and who are craving liuman companionship. In our large cities there are innu merable opportunities for both men and ■women who are not anxious to walk the path of discretion to And amuse ment. th an Amusement for lleM|ieetal>le Rlrln Is Needed. Dance halls and cabarets and cheap shows are holding out inducements FACE DISFIGURED WITH PIPLES Itched and Burned. After Shaving, Face a Sight, Scratched During Sleep. Tried Cuticura Soap and Ointment. Entirely Cured. 110 West 102 nd St.. New York City.— " About a year ago my face began to break out with large red pimples which Itched and y—burned constantly causing ms much uneasiness day A and night. They festered At 54 and came to a head and I were]full of matter, and after Y j shaving my face would be a ~jL sight. T scratched them / during my sleep and they A. N*T|V\ became large sores gradu ally disfiguring my face. "I then saw an advertisement of Cuti cura Soap and Ointment and decided to try them which I did. In addition to the sam ple sent me I used two cakes of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment. T bathed ray face thoroughly three or four times a day with hot water and Cuticura fioap and then appliod the Cuticura Oint ment also used the Cuticura Soap to make a lather for shavlnpf. In two weeks' time I began to see signs of improvement and in leas than two months I was entirely cured of the eczema." (Signed) H. M. Burt, Sept. 15, 1913. Every skin trouble that distresses or dis figures la successfully troated in most cases by warm baths with Cuticura Soap and gentle applications of Cuticura Ointment when all else fails. Cuticura Soap (25c.) and Cuticura Ointment (50c.) are »c'd through out the world. Liberal sample of each mallod free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Boston." Ef Men who shave and shampoo with Ci>- tic lira Soap will llud it best for skin and scalp. IF BsCS HITS BEGIN i SALTS Flush your Kidneys occasionally if you eat meat regularly No man or woman who eats meat regularly can make a mistake by flush ing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms \iric acid, which clogs the kidney pores so they sluggishly filter or strain only part of the waste and poisons from the blood; then you get sick. Nearly jill rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, constipation, diz ziness. sleeplesness, bladder disorders come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache In the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment. Irregular of passage or at tended by a sensatlori of scalding, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from nny reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful In a glass of water be fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous *alts is made from the acid of grapes und lemon Juice, combined with llthla, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to activity, also to neutralize the acid in urine so It. no longer causes irritation, thus ending bladder dis orders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful effervescent llthia-water drink which all regular meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and the Mood pure, thereby avoiding serious kidney complications.—Advertisement. Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect November 30. 1913 TRAINS leave HarrUburg— For Winchester and Martlnsburg at 6:03 *7 62 a m *3.40 p m For hagerstown, C.hambersburg, Car lisle, Mechanicsburg and intermediate stations at 5:03. *7:52, *11:53 a m •3:40. 6.32. *7:40 *11:15 p m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanlcsburg at 9:48 a m 2:18 3:27. 6:30, 9:30 a. m. For Dillsburg at 6:03, *7:62 and *11:63 a. m.. 2:18. *3:40. 6:32 and 6:30 p. m •Dally All other trains dally except Sunday H A RIDDLE. J H TONGE, Q. P A. Supt EDUCATIONAL PREPARE FOR OFFICE~WORK day and ntoht rfsstons Enroll Next MnnHnv SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 S. MARKET SQ., HARRISBURO, HarrUburg Business College Day and Night. Business, Shorthand and Gtfvil Service. In dividual Instruction. 28th year. >329 Market St* _ Pa, WEDNESDAY EVENING continually for new recruits to their already crowded ranks. The Salvation Army and the people interested In rescue work are doing all in their power to entertain and amuse and instruct, the reformed men and women who have been reclaimed from evil ways. Hut there seems to be a dearth of benevolent and kindly hearted citizens who ore making any efforts to give tions to the large class of worthy men wholesome pleasures and social recrea and women represented by the writer of the letter quoted above. There should be a committee in every church in America, composed of good women, for the purpose of looking af ter the needs o'f respectable and self respecting working girls and young men. This committee should employ a pub licity man, or woman, to exploit its purposes and its methods. In every shop or factory or other place of employment where there are many tollers a notice should be posted, giving the place and hour where such committees in every church can be addressed or found. Then, no matter what the religious denomination of a working man or woman, a door will be open to social life if the applicant proves to bo hon est and respectable. It should be the work of these com mittees to investigate to a reasonable extent the statements of the applicant for social privileges. Naturally in these days of corrupt political White Slave organizations too great care cannot be excvrclsed before strange men or women are Introduced into the society of their fellows. Suffrage Day to Be Widely Celebrated Throughout the State Pennsylvania leads with sixty places where demonstations favoring a national woman's suffrage bill will take place next .Saturday. Among the places where demonstrations will take place are Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Pottsville, Somerset, Mercer, Couders port, Chester, Mechanicsburg, Cham bersburg, Johnstown, Wilkes-Barre, Bloomsburg, Bristle, Bedford, Frank lin, Minersville, Doylestown, Titus villc, Harrisburg, Norristown, Lana downe, Dußola, Heading, York, Nar berth, Sayre, Washington, Wellsboro, Warren, Huntingdon, Media, New town, Carlisle, Williamsport, Hones dalo„ Erie, Mercer, Towanda, Lancas ter, Windber. Nottingham, Knoxvllle, Mansfield, Dorrancetown, Bradford, Oil City, Ulysses, Beaver, Moncssen, Scranton, Bristol, Meadviile, Shlppens burg, New Milford, Norristown, In diana and West Newton. TO IJt'RY CHIIil) MONDAY Funeral services for Marion Hoyler, 9-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hoyler, 542 Race street, who died Monday at the home of the parents, were held this afternoon. Ser vices were conducted by the Rev. Robert W. Runyan, pastor of the St. Paul's Episcopal Church: FUNERAL OF RICHARD TAGG Funeral services for Richard Tagg, the Civil war veteran and retired em ploye of the Pennsylvania railroad, who died Sunday night at his home, 343 Reily street, were held this after noon. Burial was made in the East Harrisburg Cemetery. DON'T MSI CALOMEL Thousands Experience Bad After Effects From This Danger ous Drug A <«fc Vegetable Sulmtllulr In Dr. Edward*' Olive Tablet* for tbe Liver. Dr. F. M. Edwards, a prominent phy sician of Ohio, has discovered a laxa tive and liver toner in a combination of vegetable materials mixed with olive oil. which is in effect almost exactly like calomel, except that there are none of the bad after effects. L)r. Edwards has long been a foo of calomel, though he recognized its value along with its dangers. Hia distrust of the uncertain drug eventually started him. years ago, towards experiments with the view ot discovering a substitute, and he has been for several years in possession of the long-souglit-for combination, which is in the shape of a little sugar coated. olive-colored tablet. The results of 17 ''ears' experience and practice are embodied in these marvelous little tablets. The.v are called Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. And their effect on the liver has been the means of relief to many of Dr. Edwards' regular patients as well as to thousands of others who have suffered and were afraid of calo mel. There is no necessity, when you take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, by follow ing them up with nasty, sickening, griping salts, or castor oil, as you do after taking calomel. Try them. 10c and 25c per box The Olive Tablet Com pany, Columbus. O. At all druggists.— Advertisement. Business Locals HAVE A CARE If you are going to paint this year. It is just as cheap to buy good paint as an Inferior brand. We handle a line of prepared paints that we can personally guarantee, a quality that is especially adapted to this climate. All shades and colors. Painting supplies. Get our prices. William \y. Zeiders & Son, 14 36 Derry street. ARE YOU ILL? Why not be well? The Health Studio is here for that purpose. They have natural methods which thev em ploy to restore health and are having wonderful success. Perhaps your trouble will respond to our special treatments. They surety will do no harm. If you are In ill health try nature's remedy. The Health Studio,, 207 Walnut street, 8 to 10 p. m., or by special appointment MR. MAN We have an idea that we can please you with our custom clothes making. W T e do know we have handsome Brit ish, Scotch and domestic suitings. We are expert in cutting and draping and have master tailors and a correct con ception of prevailing styles, both Eng lish and American. Why not be bet ter groomed? Prices are reasonable. A. J. Simms, 24 North Fourth street. THE BULLDOG ROADSTER If you are looking for a ear that has speed, beauty and endurance and all the modernism known in motor car building, see the Abbott-Oetroit Bull dog Roadster—six cylinder, six horse power two passenger. An ideal car for a small family or physician. Other models. Let us tell you more about this line before yon choose. The Ab bott .Motor f'ar Company, 106 South [Second street. Why Dwtow All of Our Time l"pon the , Fallen t This very necessity to be worthy of passing before the searchlight of an Investigating committee would make such a social organization desirable. All this would necessitate the ex penditure of time, money and effort. But why not be willing to expend all these things in preventing evil and in giving pleasure td the worthy and the clean-minded and the industrious, instead of bestowing all our labors upon reclaiming the fallen? Why not be as willing to work for the pleasure and happiness and en couragement of our own earnest-mind ed young women who are obliged to toil for a livelihood as to devote so much effort to raise money for the conversion of heathens in foreign lands? It is less incumbent upon us to con vince the South Sea lsander that his nudity is indecent and to provide him with clothing than it Is to provide our good young women with right com panionship. Wo need a more practical religion in our own country more than other coun tries need our religion. Tlie Religion Which IN ItenponNlblr fop I'ronre»*. The religion of kindness and sym pathy and fellowship, the religion which makes us consider the rights, the needs, and the best interests, social, financial and spiritual, of every human being in our midst, whether Gentile, Jew. orthodox or unorthodox. old school or new school, old thought or new thought, that is the religion which makes for progress and a higher hu manity. So many gods, so many creeds. So many ways that wind and wind: While just the art of being kind Is all the sad world needs. HIP RUFFLES WORM' BY ALL SIZED WOMEN They Don't Seem to Add to Avoirdupois After All 8239 One-Piece Skirt, 22 to 32 waist. wn OR WITHOUT REEFERS, WITH OR NATURAL WAIST LINE. Broad hips are essential to prevailing styles and even the simplest skirt must produce the effect in one way or another. This one is straight with circular gathered ruffles applied over it and, as a matter of course, any number of ruf fles can be used that may be liked or, if a very simple skirt is needed, they can be omitted altogether. In the illus tration, cotton crC-pe is trimmed with circular ruffles of the same and with straight ruffles of lace but the trimming can be varied in many ways. The model is appropriate for any seasonable ma terial but the straight sJdrt seems to lend itself to washable fabrics with peculiar fltnes6. For the medium size, the skirt will require 2% yds. of material 27, 36 or 44 in. wide with yds- an Y width for the circular flounces. 4P2 yds. of lace 314 in. wide for the gathered ruffles. The width at the lower edge is I yd. and 16 inches. The pattern 8239 is cut in sizes from 22 to 32 inches waist measure. It will be mailed to any address by the Fashion Department of this paper, on receipt of ten cents. Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns. MAJESTIC To-morrow, Friday and Saturday, with daily matinee—"Little Lost Sister." Friday night, May B—"Within the Law." Saturday, matinee and night, May 9 Julia Sanderson in "The Sunshine Girl." ORPHEUM Keith Vaudeville—Every afternoon and evening. COLONIAL Vaudeville and Pictures—Every after noon and evening. "LITTLE LOST SISTER" Virginian Brooks' great white-slave play, "Little Lost Sister," Is the offer ing at the Majestic Theater, to-morrow, Friday and Saturday, with dally mati nee. Perhaps there Is no girl In the country who has had such vast experi ence in the underworld of a big city as Miss Brooke. She has depleted what she has seen with the kindly aid of Mr Rose. The play has been lauded by press, pulpit and public. It has achiev ed natlon-mlde plaudits. One Chicago minister declared every person should see the play, Let it be hoped that every person shall have this chance. The play deals with the curse of the nation, white slavery, and prescribes a possible remedy. At least it points out condi tions and directs the public into the lurid byways of the underworld.—Ad vertisement. SINGING BAND PLEASES Ralph Dunbar and his great singing band of nine White Hussars, heading the Orpheum's farewell bill of the sea son, present the best musical offering ever seen In this city. Nine fine-looking young men. dressed in white I-lussar costumes, play and sing many delight ful musical selections that are at each performance taking the houso by storm. A beautiful black velvet curtain and tho white settings tnako the act a beau tiful "sight" act. Several patriotic numbers are contained in their pro gram. and the rendition of the "Amerl i-an Patrol" is especially well done. Their phrasing and shading stamp them above the usual run of musicians, and they play together with InteUi-l SJ AURISBURG TELEGfLAPfi When the Ice Man Conies Around What Will You Say to Him About the Refrigerator? 1 Will you tell him that it is an old and leaky and eat-up-the-ice refrigerator and he'd better fill it up every day, I or are you going to tell him that it is a new WHITE MOUNTAIN REFRIGERATOR—fine and solid and sani- I tary and always cool, and that this hundred pounds will last us several days, thank you? I B He knows all about refrigerators and he will tell you the kind of refrigerators that he sees the most of and that g k est service. Preserving the appetizing flavor and healthfulness of food is essential and depends not only upon tempera ture, but upon proper air circulation. THE WHITE MOUNTAIN REFRIGERATORS are in over a MIL LION homes. They are known the world over. None better. Few near as good. They cost no more than cheap | iceboxes you see priced elsewhere. ; Hardwood Refrigerators that hold 40 lbs. of ice; gal- s ial porcelain , ined side Icers $J9. 98 vanized lining $4.98 . " Side Icers—special sl-4.98 Special Ice Chests $3.98 I WE HAVE 76 STORES AND 45 YEARS IN BUSINESS AND LEAD IN LOWEST PRICES FOR DE PENDABLE MERCHANDISE When you are housecleaning and rearranging your home, perhaps you will see the need of one of these useful, almost indispensable articles. A Sofa and a Bed combined, the rent-reducing piece 0 , . of furniture. A Sofa in the day, a Bed at nigljt. Better put those Furs and Woolens in a Cedar y° u want them to be safe. We show a large range of Cedar Chests, ranging $9.98 to $27.00 The Kindel the World's best. Nothing TO 7 C Some very handsome ones indeed. Compare the . .Complete in Oak or Mahogany finish... <2/ values with other stores. You of Course Know You Can Have Your Bill Charged With Nothing Extra Added. Three Great Specials-Just What You Need & Great Values. A $3.75 Lawn or Porch The Great 5-in-l Kettle made of pure "Wear Eter- Bench For $1.98 Garden Tool, 19c f A pure ran "Wear Ihr If a trowel and a dibber, all in * F . ~, ri HMrflr r * one tool. Quickly changed Aluminum This is a 48-inch green Set- from one to the other. A r QVJ. W* tee and a great value at $1.98. great value at 190. Advertised Articles Are Only Examples of the Thousands of Great Bargains to Be Found in These Four Great Stores Outside the High Rent, High Price District. Home Gately & Fitzgerald Supply Co. Fami| y Furnishers 29-31-33 &35 South Second Street | Clothier* OUR LOCATION MEANS A GREAT SAVING TO YOU gence and reading that never once | lapse froni unison or harmony. Then i there Is "Butch" McDevltt, of "A mil lionaire for a day" fame, who Is cer tainly doing an Interesting little stunt. Mr. McDevitt has a (low of repartee that is quite as original as the several stunts that have attracted him nation wide publicity, and he is entertaining to sav the least. Pretty Thea LeLight ner, the well-known Harrlsburg girl, and Dolly Jordon, a dainty songstress, also are offering one of the niftiest girl features we have seen for some time. —Advertisement. AT THE COLOMAIJ Chief of the Interesting stunts that are to come off at the Colonial's ama teur performance to-night, will be the "Oooselets" doing the tango. Ask me what "gooselets are, and I'll tell you. They're the sweet and youthful play ers presenting "Mother Goose," a mighty clever musical comedy that la enjoying immense prosperity at the Busy Corner. A comedy playlet full of fjood laughs, and a clever monologist round out the vaudeville roster. —Ad- vertisement. I'AI.ACB THKATKIt At the l'alace to-morrow, Robert Leonard and Hazel Buckham will be featured in "The Rub" Circle," a Rex two-reel drama of love and intrigue . entering into the realms of the mys- | teries of the Nihilists, and in which a i girl's love proves superior to the blood- | oath which binds her to the secret order. Robert Leonard has produced the play and enacted the leading role. That he has made a success of it is ob vious on witnessing the play. J. VV. Johnston. Edna Payne and Hal Wilson will also bo shown in Eclair three-reel drama, "The Cabalero's Way." As for the action of the pieoe—it starts off with a bang and the grip It holds on one Is not slackened during the whole three reels. In other words, there is something doing every moment. The Cisco Kid, a young Mexican desperado, Is the central figure. He terrlfles the country.side—murders and cheats and loves with a calmness usual to an noon tea. As the character has t>e«a interpreted, it is one of the most strl»« ing and interesting ever witnessed in this kind of a play. Then, there is tilGu* tenant Sandrlge, who goes out to get the Pisco Kid, only to fall In love with the Kid's sweetheart. The fighting, the matching of wits between these two men, the remarkable heart-hreaklng eliase into the dry hills, all helps to APRIL 29,1914. make the picture the greatest drama of this nature ever released by the Unl | versal-Eclalr. * I Ethel Orandln and Hobart Henley I will conclude the bill In an Imp com- I fdy, "Where There's a Will There's a ! Way," in which Ethel is unable to ex ! platn her presence in a stranger's home , who thinks her a burglar—then mar ries her and wins fortune.—Advertise ment. GRAND CASTLE MEETING Marietta, Pa., April 29.—0n May 11 and 10 the grand castle ot the Knights of Golden Eagle will meet In Lancas ter, and great preparations are being made for the event. The second day a public meeting will be held and a street parade will be a feature. Valu able pripe* will be awarded common derles for different entries. In the evening a grahd bait will be held. CA STO RIA Forlnf«ntsanil Children. //lT7r7~"~~ , The Kind You Havt Always Bought of TO INTRODUCE To music lovers of this city. The EdU son Diamond Disc- Phonograph the Stoddard Anipico Electric player piano—an evening of music at Techni cal high school auditorium, Thursday evening, April 30. Tickets may ba had free of charge at the J. H. Troup Music House, IS South Market Square. —Advertisement. DEATH OF HARVRY SEIPLE Special to The Telegraph Quarryville, Pa, April 29.— Harvey T. E. Seiple, 7 3 y