Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 28, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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Established 1831
■i , t
B. J. STACKPOLE, Pres't and Treas'r.
F. R. OYSTER, Secretary.
OUB M. BTEINMETZ, Managing Editor.
Published every evening (except Sun
day), at the Telegraph Building, 216
Federal Square.
Eastern OfTlce, Fifth Arenue Building.
New York City, Hasbrook. Story &
!W«stern Office, 12$ West Madison
street, .Chicago, 111., Allen & Ward.
Delivered by carriers at
six cents a week.
Mailed to subscribers
•t II .00 a year Jn advance.
Kntered at the Post Office in Harris
burg as second class matter.
' 1 /SlitX The Association of Am«r- ( 1
' i Kj|o lean Advertiser* has ex- ,
wJCf a mined and certified to <
I the circulation of thiipab
i Ucation, The figures of circulation ■
1 1 eonteined in tbe Association's re- f
11 port only are guaranteed, •
i| Association of American Advertisers s
1 1' No. 2333 Whitehall Bldg. N. T. City !|
•worn dally average for tbe month of
March, 1914
* 22,470 *
Average for the year 1913—21.877
Average for tbe year 1012—21,175
Average for the year 1011—18.NB1
Average for the year 1910—17,493
Private Branch Exchange No. 1040.
Business Office, 203.
■ditorial Room 585. Job Dept. 20S.
REPUBLICANS of Harrisburg
should not fail to register to
morrow, providing they did not
register last Fall. Progressives
and Democrats who see that the return
of the Republican party to power is
the only way to restore the business
of the country to normal conditions,
bring back prosperity and provide
work for thousands upon thousands of
laboring men now out of employment,
and who wish to change their party
affiliations in order to help bring about
that result, should see to it that they
are properly registered and enrolled
as Republicans. After to-morrow it
will be too late.
Figures published elsewhere in this
issue show very clearly that there has
been a big swing back to the Republi
can party in the country districts of
Dauphin county. Tho voters there
have gone to the polling places and
have been enrolled. Harrisburg voters
who want to express their sentiments
nt the May primaries should not lose
this opportunity.
Democrats are striving desperately
to make a showing in the cities of the
third class to-morrow. They are try
ing to drag Republicans into their
own camps for the purpose of support
ing this or that candidate and in an
effort to make some show of gain
over the vote cast for President Wil
son in 1912. Not a member of their
own party will be overlooked who can
be persuaded to go to the registration
places. Republicans, bearing this in
mind, should counter-balance these
attempts to bolster up a waning
strength by registering their own pref
There is foolish talk of Republicans
being aligned with Democrats to de
teat this or that faction of the party
at the primaries. Thero is no basis
for this assertion. It is another of the
shameless lies circulated lor tho pur
pose of injuring the chances "of the
Republican party at the polls in No
vember. Tho place for Republican
names is in the Republican column.
Now is the time for Republicans, and
«1I those in sympathy, with Republi
can aims and principles, to prepare
to express their own personal prefer
ences at the primaries next month.
The party that is going to swing Penn
sylvania back into line for tho restora
tion of sane government at Washing
ton and prosperity for tho country at
large has no business with the petty
bickerings of Democrats over the
meatless bones of their own party
Hv.erta probably would be ready to
mediate gun for gun.
COMMENTING on Dr. Samuel G.
Dixon's recent address in which
he advocated the garden as de
sirable for hygienic, esthetic and
economic reasons, the Louisville
Courier-Journal says:
Tho Health Commissioner's ad-
Vfce is timely and is fully as ap
plicable to the gardening proposi
tion in Louisville as in Harrisburg.
The needful implements are not ex
pensive, and it will not be much
trouble to find them at tbe hard
ware store. Neither will it require
nn extensive search to locate such
vegetable and flower seeds as are
requisite to the enterprise. Prob
ably nobody ever succeeded in
growing any sort of a vegetable
which looked as attractive as the
pictures on tho seed packages and
In the catalogues, but fair results
are possible for honest efTorl. As
Dr. Dixon shows, the experiment
will not be without benefit—oven
though the harvest Is not great or
there is an absolute crop failure.
Pennsylvania's distinguished Com
missioner of Health is sowing another
hind of seed all over this great State—
the seed of hygienic common sense—
and the harvest will bo great.
So long as that war tax js confined
to the proposed $1 tax on each barrel
of beer it will probably have the sup
port of Hobson in Congress.
THE new City Planning Commis
sion has displayed splendid
Judgment in the selection of
Warren H. Manning as consult
ing engineer and it is to be most sin
cerely hoped that he will see his way
clear to accept.
The choice of Mr. Manning itvdoubly
wise in that he is not only well quail
ileri for the work from the standpoint
of ability and experience, but 'is' al-
"r' " I .111 ' -■i J■ ■ ■ «■*"• i
rendy thoroughly acquainted with the
Harrisburg park system and the possi
bilities of the future development of
the city and Its suburbs. Mr. Manning,
from the very first., has shown himself
to be a man of high ideals, an artist
to his finger tips, but a practical man
withal, find Just, the type of engineer
to do the work the city planners have
been appointed to carry out. Mr. Man
ning combines the all too infrequent
unity of the dreamer and the doer.
The planning commission is losing
no time in getting in hand tho Impor
tant duties entrusted to it, but every
step is being well considered and the
members are moving harmoniously
toward tnat one desirable end—a
bigger and a better Harrisburg.
Notwithstanding tho differences of
opinion regarding the antecedent Inci
dents of tho Mexican controversy, tho
people of tho United States are stand
ing loyally back of President Wilson.
This country is always united when it
Is confronted by foes from without, and
the fact that thero is a general senti
ment favorable to the support of the
administration In every reasoiiablo
movement for tho settlement of the
Mexican difficulty, even to the arbitra
ment of arms, indicates the patriotism
and the undivided devotion of the
American people to our own institu
tion and their support of the consti
tuted authority at Washington.
OFFICIALS of the Department of
Health are notifying dealers in
food products coming under the
head of the new sanitary regu
lations that they must take out licenses
if they wish to continue in business.
It does seem a pity that the careful,
honest dealer who has kept his prod
ucts clean and pure should be com
pelled to pay a' license fee because
others have been remiss. But there
is another side to tho license require
ment. While it may seem a hard
ship to charge the honest man a fee
in order to provide a means of de
tecting the dishonest, in the end the
honest man may be the gainer.
Dirty, impure, carelessly prepared
foods cost less to market than prod
ucts of top-notch standard. The man
who sells ice cream that is below the
legal requirements for butter fats and
is flavored with artificial syrups, for
instance, can undersell the manufac
turer who is making strictly first-class
cream. He is an unfair competitor,
and it is right here that the reputable
dealer comes into his own with re
gard to the payment of license. The
law will compel his rival to come up
to requirements and will place him in
a position where he cannot palm off
his inferior goods at prices slightly
lower than those at which the honest
merchant can afford to sell.
There is a general protest througn
out the country against the persistent
nagging of business by the administra
tion and Congress. Upon all sides are
rising protests against a war not only
with Mexico; but the more serious war,
if possible, which is being conducted
at Washington against the business in
terests of the United States. We are
suffering to-day from the encroachment
of theorists in high plares, and while
the punishment is severe we are doubt
less reaping the whirlwind of our own
distinguished of the'experts on in
ternational law, has recently deliv
ered a forceful address in which
he says that tho laws are swamping
the people and makes a plea for more
uniformity in the legal system. Pro
fessor Moore has likewise criticised
tho method in this country of issuing
judicial reports and decisions at the
slightest pretext. Bills are introduced
in the national and state legislatures
in a loose and unregulated way, with
little or no governmental responsibility
for their presentation.
This criticism from a distinguished
lawyer and diplomat sounds good to
tho ordinary layman who is tho suf
ferer from the legal legislators who
bavo filled our law-making bodies and
deluged the people with statutes with
out end.
There could be no greater service
by the Legislature of Pennsylvania
than one session devoted to the repeal
of laws and the revision of tho mass
of legal monstrosities which covers
the State as a great blanket. Pro
fessor Mooro is right; the laws are
swumping the people.
THESE are tho days when it is
well to get acquainted with your
own city. Go anywhere through
out Harrisburg and you will dis
cover signs of improvement on every
hand. Strips of green are being created
along the curb lines, houses are being
painted and remodeled and lawns
cleared of debris of the winter; and,
on top of all, the heads of the several
municipal departments are getting
under way for tho further betterment
of the city In the way of more street
paving, the repair of the streets
already paved, tho creation of parks
and playgrounds and the completion
of the River Front and Paxton Creek
Surely our lines have fallen in
pleasant places and wo have a goodly
heritage In this beautiful city, which
Is being made more and more attractive
through the public spirit of our people
and the vision of those citizens who
are disposed to see beyond to-day and
assure a comfortable future for our
children and our children's children.
But there is still ono more thing de
manding immediate attention. We
should have a Shade Tree Commission
to save the trees and get the best re
sults from their planting.
liam, H. Berry continue their
• defensive campaign against
tho Ryan faction of the Dem
ocracy in the eastern counties. De
nouncing all their opponents In both
parties, these men pursue their policy
of attacking everybody and everything
in opposition to their own little
schemes of personal aggrandizement.
Perhaps never before In the history of
politics In Pennsylvania has there
been such a mutual admiration so
clety upon the stump as is now touring
the State under the auspices of the re
organization element of the Dem
ocracy. When Palmer is not praising
McCormick, McCormlck« Is praising
Palmer, and Berry is eulogizing both.
Just now the whole force of the re
organization spellbinders is being di
rected against .State Senator Farley,
who has accused McCormlck of hos
tility to labor in running a non-union
newspaper and vetoing an ordinance
during Ills term as Mayor to increase
the daily wage of laborers.
There is plenty of street repairing to
be done along: the tracks of the elec
tric railway lines in the city and the
brick borders seein to be more effective
than the extending of the asphalt sheet
to the rails.
While Harrisburg people have fol
lowed with great eagerness the devel
opments at Vera Cruz and the manner
iu which the navy has taken the place
under command of Admirals Badger
and Fletcher, probably not a dozen
people in the whole city or roundabout
know that the commodore who com
manded the American ships when the
first, bombardment took place in the
Mexican War, almost seventy, years
ago. was a man from Harrisburg.
Very few people are living who recall
| tho days of the Mexican War with
clearness. And there are probably not
many to whom the name of David
I Conner means anything. Accounts of
1 the first day's fighting by the navy
I off Vera Cruz, back in March. 1 847,
show that the navy paved the way
for Scott's men and that it kept the
forts of the seaport busy while the
army'was busy effecting its landing
near the city and preparing for the
investment which resulted in tho city
falling into the hands of the famous
general in short order. The commo
dore commanding the American ships
in the bombardment was David Con
ner and the records state that he was
a native of Harrisburg, Pa. The com
modore lived to be commandant of the
Philadelphia navy yard and died while
serving at that post on March 20, 1856.
Old directories and records state that
a conner family liver here back in
the very early years. Beyond that no
one appears to know much of them.
David Conner is said by the only
biography of him obtainable to have
been born in Harrisburg about 1792
and entered the navy in January,
1809. He probably went In as a
"middy," and it is noted that he was
an acting lieutenant on the famous
sloop Hornet when it vanquished the
Peacock in the War of 1812. In the
action of the Hornet and the Penguin
he was badly wounded, but remained
in action and was voted the thanks
of Congress and a sword. He was in
active service thorughout the war and
became a commander in 1825 and a
captain ten years later. It is stated
that he was in command of the Amer
ican fleet off the east coast of Mexico
during the war and one history tells
how he got into his small boat and su
perintended the debarkation of Scott's
army to take Vera Cruz. He did not
stay on the flagship, but went down
among the small boats and ran the
whole business. He directed the bom
bardment of the fortress at Vera Cruz
and it is recorded that he took Tam
pico, then a considerable port, the
November of the year before he bore
such a prominent part in the reduc
tion of Vera Cruz. Throughout the
war he was a tower of strength in the
navy and \vas frequently mentioned in
Residents of this city who read with
interest last night that Lieutenaut
Commander Ned Kalbfus had beeh
named to take charge of the quarter
master's stores at Vera Cruz, will be
pleased to learn that another Har
risburger has been named to impor
tant work in the Isthmus. Samuel G.
Shearer, son of J. L. Shearer, a well
known merchant, has just been ap
pointed superintendent of the big re
pair shops at Balboa at the Pacific
end of the great canal. He has been
on tho isthmus from the time tho work
started and his work in the shops was
so notable that lie received permanent
appointment with the big shops under
his charge. He will have charge of
all ship repairs as well as the main
tenance work, requiring repairs on
the canal proper. It Is a place of
much responsibility, and Mr. Shearer,
who has had wide experience in this
State and at Panama, has shown that
he can undertake it.
Early as is the season for auto
mobilejtraveling and poor as are many
of the roads before the repairs are
made, there are a number of people
traveling and the runs to and from
Gettysburg appear to be as popular as
ever. Yesterday half a dozen cars
came to tho city for brief stops on the
way from the battlefield and a number
of inquiries have bfeen made here as to
hotel accommodations by people who
expect to make trips.
Real Spring has certainly arrived.
All one needs to do is to go 'to tile
river front any evening- The mannei
in which every bench is occupied
shows conclusively that the time for
observing: the Susquehanna after dark
or "spooning," as some very carelessly
call it, is in our midst. Last evening
there was not a bench to be had be
tween 7 and 9. Sunday night, in spite
of the cool breeze, was worse.
—Harvey A. Gross, district attorney
of York county, is after the slot ma
chines vigorously. lie is' well-known
—K. H. Harris, burgess of Tamaqua,
who has been attacked In proceedings
to oust him, is a newspaperman and
somewhat noted as a scrapper.
—Billy Sunday has been invited to
start a series of meetings in Phila
—William J. Jacobs is being spoken
of us Dr. Brumbaugh's successor in
the Philadelphia schools superintend
—Colonel Daniel Nagle, Pottsville's
Mexican War veteran, says he is ready
to enlist again. He's 87.
liorervi, HESITATION
[From the New York Sun.] •
War is not a process o great delibera
tion or delay. Action Is what counts
and the quicker the action the more
likely It Is to succeed. One of the first
canons of the art is to strike the enemy
before he is prepared, to attack when
and where attack is leaift expected.
The rules of the game apply to the
beginning just as cogently as to tile
middle or end. It is fatuous when
war has begun to linger Ovor the ques
tion of whether it is war or a dress
parade. While one adversary waßtes
the time In hopeful hesitation the other
Is apt to tear up tracks, blow up
bridges, throw up earthworks, concen
trate forces, organize defensive lines
which It may take many months and
many lives to storm.
What aipity we had not a brigade or
two ready to land at Vera Cruz within
a day after the city was taken. It
might have followed hotfoot after
General Maas and driven him from the
line of the railway to Mexico City.
Now he will retreat at leisure, destroy
ing the line as he goes. It is time that
the situation were put In the hands of
the soldiers.
• Be not deceived; God is not
mocked; for whatsoever a man
soweth, that shall he also reap.-
Gal. 6; 7.
Selection of Poor Board Physician
at ElizabethviUe Stirs Up
No One Appears to Understand
Why It Did Not Go to Dr.
Calvin Stroup
Democrats who have been observing
matters in the upper end of Dauphin
county declare that the machine Is
duo for a jolt in the Lykens Valley at
tho coming primary in spite of the
holding back of the Wllllamstown and
other post, offices In the hope of keep
ing men in lino for the gangsters tick
et. The Wllllamstown row threatens
to break out at any moment and there
is also trouble brewing at Eilzabeth
ville. The Elizabethvlile soro spot is
because of the effort to play politics
with the appointment of physician by
the poor directors. It wa.s generally
expected that Dr. Calvin Stroup, who
had served as physician in tho Berrys
burg district and who was once post
master of ElizabethviUe, would be
named for the place. Dr. Stroup was
Democratic leader iu the town and to
the amazement of everyone Dr. C. S.
Martyn, a Bull Mooser, was given
the position. Martyn is hand in
glove with one of the factions of the
Washington party and it is thought
that he was counted upon to
lead some of the Roosevelt men Into
the machine ranks. The fact that he
did not accomplish much at the en
rollment and that Dr. J. 11. Kreider,
ex-county chairman, has been up to
see him, has caused some Democrats
to wonder why he was picked. Stroup's
friends are strong and resent Martyn's
A good bit of amusement was creat
ed here last night by the triumphant
announcement from Philadelphia that
Elmer E. Greenawalt,
of Lancaster, had
been confirmed as Greenawalt
commissioner of 1m- Lands in Fat
migration for Phila- Federal Job
delphla. Greenawa 11
has been seeking pub
lic oce for some time and lately align
ed himself with the machine. He was
beaten for member of the House from
Lancaster city and for Congress-at
large, but has been so noisy that the
machine had to take care of him. His
confirmation has been held up for
months and it is whispered that he
threatened to make a row unless he
got the job before the primaries. He
lands a fine fat federal job and need
not worry much about the market bas
ket for a while.
The question as to whether the Pro
gressives or the Republicans are en
titled to the appointment of registrars
• in the city of Pottsville
led to a sensational
Brumm Goes episode at the opening
Off Bench of the argument, when
After Row Senator Snyder, coun
sel for the commission
ers, objected to Judge
Brumm sitting with Judges Bechtel
and Koch in hearing the. case. Sny
der said that as Brumm was a candi
date for a Washington party nomina
tion, and his name would be on the
ticket, he thought Brumm disqualified.
Judges Bechtel and Koch declared
that this was a question they would
not decide, and that it was up to
Judge Brumm himself to say what he
would do. Judge Brumm then called
for a stenographer and dictated a
statement in which ho declared his
candidacy was in no way affected by
the question at issue, which was simply
as to which political party is entitled
to name the registrars. "But as the
question has now been raised by Sny
der, I will retire from the case," de
clared the judge, who thereupon left
the bench and allowed the two re
maining judges to hear tho argu
The candidacy of Senator Boies
Penrose for re-election to the Senate
received a strong impetus at the din
ner of the Americus
Club, the leading Re
publican organizati on Penrose
In Western Pennsylva- Given Big
nia, in Pittsburgh last Greeting
night. When presented
l>y ex-Mayor William
A. Magee, the toastmastor, the diners
to the number of more than five hun
dred arose and accorded the Senator
the most enthusiastic greeting he has
ever received in Pittsburgh. When re
ferred to by other speakers as the Re
publican leader in the United States
Senate who had rendered a remark
able service for Pennsylvania and tho
country, Senator Penrose was wildly
cheered as a candidate who was cer
tain to bo re-elected.
The war among the Democrats over
tho control of the machine went on
vigorously yesterday. McCormlck and
Palmer talked in vari
ous parts of Delaware
Warring and adjoining counties,
Democrats with assltance of Wll-
GolngHard liam 11. Berry and the
usual stuff about purity
in politics of other
parties was talked. In Philadelphia
Dr. S. P. Shull made a bitter attack On
Palmer, In the course of which the
Democratic harmony was emphasized
by references to Palmer us the "prince
of liars, the king of in grates and the
biggest fourflusher that ever came
down the pike." Ryan also spoke In
his gentle way about his antagonist!).
To-day Ryan is speeding to Lehigh
county and the McCormick caravan Is
touring Lancaster county in automo
[From the Telegraph, April 28, 1864.]
The $30,000 Nutt. who was exhibited
in this city some time since, died in
Buffalo a day or two ago.
The sprinkler appeared on our
streets to-day. to the gratification of
those who have their "eyes shut up"
by the dust.
I*arairraphera' Lt|l Top 'Em All
[From the Toledo Blade.]
Our notion of nothing to become hys
terical over Is the statement that Eng
lish legs are longer than French legs.
With One Hand Tied Behind 'Em
[From the Houston Past.]
We fancy our Mexican policy ha*
now reached the stage where Huerta
and Villa would be willing to give us
odds that they can lick the United
Shrewd More by Professor Taft
TFrom the Chicago News.]
Professor Taft could not have select
ed a better time not to President,
Arthur—Do you Harold l've
believe in love at half a mind to
first sight? kiss you.
Caroline (38) Mazle ls the
I believe in any other half out of
kind of love. commission?
BABY X hear he has
How early does T. D. attached to
a baby walk? his cane. Doesn't
Up to about 6 he mean AI. D. or
p. in. They make p. ]•>.?
their parents do Oh no, he's
It for them after taken his degree
that. in his tango
«our se.
"I don't know
anything about He On what
baseball." ground did you
"Well, you will get a divorce?
have to have some She—Reno, I be
other quallfica- lieve.
tions, in order to
get a job as um
By Wlic Dinger
It won't be long till baseball
Begins at Island Park,
And to the cheering of the fans
We soon again will hark.
And every firm with property
Located thereabout
Will find It kept much better than
the rest of year throughout.
The telegraph and phone men.
The boss and lineman, too,
Will frequently inspect the lines,
For work there is to do.
The traction company lines that
Across the island run
Will be inspected regularly
And kept A number one.
I wouldn't be sfirprlsed if
Reporters, too, would choose
The island, where the crowds are,
For crowds, you know, mean news.
But what annoys me greatly
Is that I cannot see
What good excuse I could have
To on the Island be.
I pouticaiTsideughts I
—Some of tho Democratic orators
who are talking about "purging" Cap
itol Hill might start in on the Demo
cratic State committee to demonstrate
their proficiency as well as sincerity.
—Mr. Berry is now admitting that
McCormlck did not support Bryan in
1 896. Pretty soon we will hear from
. Palmer about it.
—One of the orators of tho Demo
cratic machine yesterday referred to
McCormick as the man who swept the
snakes and cobwebs out of the Demo
; cratic party* He must, have over
i looked Market Square's Stato head
• quarters.
—State Chairman Morris' statement
that thi* Democratic party must be
! kept so clean that people will be at
; tracted to it is refreshing. Maybe he
• means to do some Spring houseclean
, —The trouble with tho Democratic
machine la that it has adopted every
thing that it used to denounce in other
i parties, and thinks that by calling
them new names or keeping quiet that
tho people will not get next.
, —The wiso man will see that he is
properly registered to-morrow,
i —Tho Palmer-McCormick League
had a burlesque last night. It hit its
—lt took quite a long time to put
over Grcenawalt's confirmation.
—Dick Hancock deserves that Wil
liamstown post, office after that earn
est letter printed in the Patriot to
—Doc Dougherty was mentioned in
the court gazette yesterday morning.
—lt is said that Herr Moeslein is
pained to find that many Democrats
decline to take his aspirations to the
Democratic 'State committee seri
—When one considers the activities
of Wilson Bailey and the post ofli< e
•camials the nerve of the Democratic
machine candidates in talking about
purity rises to heights sublime.
—McCormick appears to be as ob
livious of what has been going on in
the name of the State committee as he
was of the corruption in his mayor
alty election.
—There are Indications that a Mc-
Cormlck campaign banner Is to be
raised in Market street. Wilson Bailey
will not figure on it.
—To-morrow is registration day.
—Magistrate Belcher is said to be
slated for the Philadelphia mint su
pcrlntendenoy, llosklns loses again.
—Ryanitcs are following up Mc-
Cormick all over Philadelphia and
holding bigger meetings. The war
goes on merrilyj
And maka I • l "° ,o " •«* book
m " " . pSJ -HOW TO GET THEM"
money i hmiiMta.AkMiM
I Ajvici ran:'* Y ~ Wl*. » N*t 1, inhl
|gos C it. TMUH<M. D.C. 8 S. D»«rbora St., CUnt«
■BiMotimiii raa
k TWIN SCREW. 9,000 Ton# R«| 14.120 Oiftp. ror N O RWAY fl
IK Suite* da LuU with Private Baths. Swimming ( Summer Cruise • JH
ISlkPod, Gymnasium. Orchtstra and Other Features. A
Beds Throughout
llllr SatSs- *75
fbom II& Maw 9 jtvmJlllllill
|f\ ■ „
f NoBtPMUOA llfi®
, The Royal Mail Steam Packet Company II II II
N K SAiMIKKSOS & General Aicenta, 23 State | II II
n St.. New York, or P. Lome llunimcll, 103 1 I! |l
TV Market Street, Harrlaburg;. ' II 31
| [From the Telegraph. April 28, 1804.]
New York. April 28.—-An unsuccess
ful attempt was made on the 18th to
destroy the, frigate Wabash at Charles
ton by a rebel torpedo boat.
Cincinnati, Wednesday, April 27. —A
special dispatch to the Gazette, from
Chattanooga, says on tho 23rd the
rebels attacked our pickets near Nlcki-
Jack Gap, killing five, wounding seven
and capturing nineteen. Some of our
men were killed after surrending and
several of the wounded were cruelly
butchered as they lay on the field.
To the Editor of The Telegraph:
Dear Sir:—l read in this morning's
Patriot a letter by "Constant Reader"
replying to mine published in the Tele
graph, in which I commented on
Vance C. McCormick's self-assigned
credit for Harrisburg's municipal im
provements. which appeared in a four
page circular printed in his own per
sonally conducted newspaper office,
and written with such egotistic gusto
as to be worthy of his own dictation.
"Constant Reader" confesses to a
residence in Harrisburg of three years,
more or les«, and an unfamiliarity
with the conditions surrounding Har
risburg's improvements, other than
what he has heard from certain of his
neighbors from time to time. For his
enlightenment, as well as that of his
friends, I might say that some thir
teen years back, a number of promi
nent men, interested in Harrisburg's
future inaugurated a campaign for
public improvements. This campaign
resulted in a large loan bill for such
purposes going before the voters oS
this community at the same time they
were called upon to elect a Mayor.
Some of tho men who had fathered
the improvement and betterment of
Harrisburg, after receiving McCor
mick's assurance of his support of the
improvements, favored his election as
Mayor, and through their efforts, to
gether with the $30,000 or more of
McCormick money which is said to
have changed hands at the time,
Vance C. McCormlck was elected as
the puppet on the stick.
Now, in the widely distributed cir-
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The Oxford Season Is Here
Jerauld Oxfords arc deservedly popular with men
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they are made not only to look and fit well, but to
render satisfactory service. <
Our new Spring lines of Oxfords embrace all tlie
fashionable new lasts in a broad and pleasing variety—
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They come in Dull, Patent, Russet and White with
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Brown" are very popular this season. Call and see them,
$3 to $8
310 Market Street Harrisburg
cular to which reference lm* been
made, McCormick takes upon himself
full credit for Improvements that have
been going on for the past ten or
twelve years sinco ho lias been out of
office, supplementing his story with
a number of "before and after" illus
trations to show the effect of "his"
great work. All this notwithstanding
that during bis brief tenure in office
not more than the surface of the con
templated improvement work had been
What would "Constant Reader" say
if he were told that this same Vance
C. McCormick who claims credit for
many Improvements begun since his
term In office espied—who secured
tho co-operation of influential men in
his election through his professed
hearty sympathy In, and assured sup
port of the improvements covered by
the loan bill—what would "Constant
Header" say If he were told that this
same Vance C. McCormick had issued
orders prior to. !iis election us Mayor,
that his candidacy should not be too
closely linked with the improvement
loan, because he was doubtful if it
would be passed by tho voters, and ho
didn't want to go down with it. Yet
that is said to be the case, a political
move for the furtherance of one's
ambitions by which Penrose (to whom
"Constant Reader" refers) might well
profit, if he be as crooked in politics
as Vance C. McCormick and his po
litical kin infer.
April 25, 1914.
To the Editor of The Telegraph:
Having returned home March 2,
after a stay of three months after a
serious operation at the Harrlsburg
Hospital, and being to date much im
proved, at this time I want to thank
my many kind friends in and out of
the city for continued kindness during
my illness. It was a great blessing to
me at'that critical time. The Woman's
Aid Society of the hospital is some
thing that every one should know as
to its beneficent influence und cheer
to the many suffering patients by their
presence and kind words from day to
Much praise to them and to all the
officials in the hospital, serene in
knowledge and ready to do their full
duty to suffering humanity. This In
dispensable institution deserves the
hearty support and co-operation of the
public in general. With gratitude I
will surely ever appreciate. AVitlj
great respect.
Very truly, I
102 Cherry street.