IrSWM For Infanta and Children. Genuine Castoria KSISm wgelabfePrcparal ion for As Altttottq M Blp So slmila t ing the FoorfamfRceula ■n_LWdjfc> / • " n 6 u,c Siomachsandßoweistf -n /A/ nU 1|! Bears the /IjP Hf&v!l PromotesDigpsttonJChterfid- Siffll&tlirG £ )f , lr^ ■HUM ncssandfestrontainsnciuwri XCV/VTT igag, j Opium.Morphine norMiucral nf /\\, IT BKJ:); NOT NARCOTIC. UA (LULF plgijlj: BwormDcSMcnmm | |L/ ■mi ? jtoivsttd* I au - I „ i/fv in ■ Bil Aperfect Remedy for Consftya- f\ f Alt II O 0 ■ mill!! tton * Sour Storoadi.Dlarrtoa I « (V WU pßfl'iH ness and Loss OF SLEEP. 1 J| Lnv Ijupu 030-hi TiicSiniilc Signature of i VJ lUI Usui ■s£: . u 11L133™ inirt y ears NIIPCASTORIA ' THC CINTAUR GOMNNV, NCW YORK QITT. MAKES YOUR BACKACHE VANISH, DRIVES ALL RHEUMATIC PAINS AWAY New Discovery Eases Stiff, Sore Swollen Joints and Muscles Relieving Backache and Bladder Disorders After Few Doses are Taken. No matter how badly you suffer, how chronic your case may be, or what has failed to cure you, your pains will leave, your aches vanish and the torturous, killing bachache or rheumatism will bother you no more. This is what Croxone, the new sci entific discovery, does for sufferers of such troubles. It cures these diseases because it reaches the cause and re moves it. It soaks right into the walls and linings of the kidneys and cleans out the stopped-up, Inactive organs like water does a sponge—neutralizes, and dissolves every particle of uric acid and makes the kidneys sift from the blood all the waste matter and poisons that lodge in the joints and muscles to scratch and irritate and cause rheumatism. It soothes and heals the delicate linings of the blad der and leaves the kidneys in a clean. Try Telegraph Want Ads.Try Telegraph Want Ads RFPrOED ILLUSTRATION OF THK SIX-VOLUMI si i. IMPORTED EDITION RED QLOTH BINDING GOLD DFCORATini\>* OVER 3,000 PAGES LARGE TYPE DUOTONE ILLUSTRATONS ONLY FOUR DAYS MORE Then Our Coupon Offer Closes, and Your Opportunity to Get This Great Imported Edition Is Gone Dickens' Famous Romances in Six Volumes. Large type, Bible paper, Duotone Pictures, Imported Red Cloth binding. Distributed by Special Arrangement with the English Publishers by The Harriahurg Telegraph OUR CENTENARY EDITION [ Dickens wrote stories, not for the few but for all. Thl. Centenary Edition ef DlCen, p r ,„ t , d and "" ""™' l and bound by the famous Nelson Press In Edln- | N ° other writer ever had such marvelous powers bui-Rh, Scotland, and is imported by The Pittsburg i £ f obß ©rvatlon and such capacity to describe what Dispatch especially for its readers, on an exclusive ° . . arrangement with the British Publishers. The books Ju 8 a 8:1,4 for rlotou " are sent to us under the new low tarlfT duty recently ! N ? n n a f h d er te ° d ®' Pathos put into effect. Unfortunately our Edition is lim- n t th« 7. er ever Possessed a keener sense ited, and we must now close the offer. £umSn emoTions' ° F ******* 40 BWeep th * other wrlter hafl created so many famoua UlvFwLllu .haracters whose names and sayings have become Dickens Is the most beloved and popular writer Sam Welter? 11 Sldnev Part ct *ry day because bl. booka are ee very human, the Marchlone.. and Little Nell cin niter dle^fto E ssa Only 98c While CLIP* THE DICKENS COUPON ON PAGE TWO TUESDAY EVENING, RARRXSBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 28,1914. strong, healthy condition, so they can filter the blood and keep you well. If you suffer with backache—have pains in the neck or sides —nervous or dizzy spells—a few doses of Crox one will relieve the congestion and you will be surprised how quickly all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trou bles will disappear. Croxone is different from all other remedies. It. Is not like anything else on earth ever used for the purpose. It starts to work the minute you take it and relieves your suffering the very first time you use it. It is so prepared that it is practically impossible to take it into the human system with out results. You can secure an orig inal package of Croxone at trifling cost from any first-class druggist. All druggists are authorized to personally return the purchase price if Croxone should fall In a single case. Adver tisement. WOMEN IN TEARS IS THEV SEE "OLD GLORY" [Continued from first Page.] places on the left of the center. Finally Rear Admiral Radger, In su preme command, with the officers of his staff In full dress white uniforms, took their places at the right of tho center. As the signal was given by Ensign McDonnell, standing almost on the spot where, as chief signal officer oil the day of landing, lie had four of his men shot down by his side, he and the other members of the gallant quartet hauled away on the halyards, the bluejackets snapped their ritles t" present arms, the admirals stood at salute and the band broke into the stirring strains of tho American na tional anthem. Minnesota Salutes Just as the big banner broke out and was caught and extended by tho full sweep of the afternoon breeze the first flash and roar came from the saluting bridge of the Minnesota. Thr thunderous report sent a thrill through the men standing at attention and facing the flag, for only five days be fore similar reports meant death-deal ing shells were being hurled into the naval academy while the whole city was rattling under the rifle fire of tho Americans and Mexicans. During the full period of the twenty-one-gun salute the battalions stood at present arms and the ad mirals with their right hand at their caps. About the plaza American civilians and British and French spec tators stood bare-headed. Only a few Mexican residents of Vera Cruz were In the throng and these stood apathetic and silent during the ceremony. From among the hnlf-lndlan workmen about the railroad yard who witnessed the scene came a few vivas and some cheers. Emotion on the part of the American refugees was everywhere noted and not a few of'the American women who recently had been in fear of their lives in inland cities wept with relief when they saw the emblem which guaranteed their safety floating above them. Federals Taken Prisoner Six federal soldiers who wandered too close to the American lines were captured yesterday by marines. There is no desire among the Americans to attack or in any way assume the offensive against the Mexicans, so when the marines found themselves in possession of a squad of Huerta's sol diers they did their best to entertain them. They gossiped with the Mexi cans regarding the news beyond the lines and after a field luncheon shook hands with them and sent them away. Selw? British-Owned Iters Rear Admiral Fletcher last evening seized the piers, yard and buildings of the Terminal Company, a British owned concern, control over which he regarded as necessary in order to facilitate the resumption of normal business activity of 'ne city. The ad miral had been endeavoring to rent the property, but could not come to an agreement with the managers. W. Morcom, manager of the Mexican Railway and president of the Termi nal Company, called on Rear Admiral Cradock, qf the British cruiser Essex, and relateaMhe circumstances to him. The admiral advised Mr. Morcom to present his claims to the British for eign office. For the operation of the property the military authorities are using rail road men who have just arrived In Vera Cruz and who offer their services in any capacity. Sleeping on the stone flagging of the jail patio, with insufficient food, no sanitation and threatened every night with assassination by drunken jailers, is the experience of the Americans and other foreigners, including women and children, confined at Cordoba. Their release to-day has been prom ised by General Maas in reply to a re i quest from American Consul Canada | through a messenger who returned to Vera Cruz to-day. Mechlin}* Detained W. H. Meehling, of the Geological Survey of Canada, who has been for some time in Mexico in behalf of the Universities of Harvard, Pennsylvania and Columbia, spent two days at Cor doba. Ho was detained, but not put in jail, and finally was permitted to proceed here as an Englishman, though he is In reality an American. The prisoners are herded like cattle and are jeered almost constantly either by the keepers or the Mexican inmates of the jail. They are permitted to have food and drink only when the whim suits the jailers and kept*in a state of terror by frequent threats of death. Among the prisoners is a young American woman with a I 4-month-old infant. There are sev eral other women and children and I the total number of all nationalities, i according to Mechlins, is oightv-flve. i That President Huerta has decided | not to attempt to try conclusions with j the American forces near Vera Cruz is indicated by a report brought to the city by passengers arriving from the outlying districts. The passengers said they saw Colonel Maas, former com mandant at. Vera Cruz, and his men making their way farther into the in terior from Soledad. With him were the few cadets who escaped from the naval academy after the battle fought there in the second day's engagement. The American forces are tolerant of almost all Mexicans who enter their lines and it is not improbable that any Mexican officer might, with safety openly enter and depart from the city. Rodrigo Do Llano, newspaper re porter of Mexico City, came into Vera Cruz yesterday. He visited the Ameri can headquarters and surveyed the entire field of operations without mo lestation. He plans to return to the capital with his story on the tirst train he can get to take him out. MEDimfSIDYTO PAVE WAY TO PEACE [Continued from First Page.] must have a good effect in the situa tion. Report on Flag Raising Stirring scenes to the south of the United States almost had reached a standstill. The only feature early to day to disturb the peaceful routine if Vera Cruz over which the Stars and Stripes now wave, was the probable landing to-day of military forces from the transports and the assumption of supreme command by Brigadier Gen eral Funston. The seaport rapidly was going back to its business. The terminal company which controls tracks, wharves and warehouses and other freight handling facilities re sumed operations. That was report ed by Rear Admiral Fletcher to the Navy Department early to-dav. His report of the hoisting of the colors stated. 'The United States flag: was hoisted [over hotel terminal, headquarters of the naval forces on shore, in presence of the commander In chief, the com mander of the naval forces on shore, their staffs, a regiment of seamnen, a regiment of marines and numerous other naval officers and civilians. •The band played the Star Spangled Banner, and the Minnesota fired a sa lute of 21 guns. The scene was most impressive and cheered by the civil ians present." Secretary Daniels was much pleased to-day at the receipt of a de spatch form Admiral Fletcher stating he had published this proclamation. "It is gratifying to note that all business is resumed in Vera Cruz and good order prevails. Citizens may pass freely in tfc.e streets both night and day and resume their usual customs." One of the sidelights incidental to the re-establishment of order in Vera Cruz was contained in Admiral Fletch er's report of arms seized form the in habitants there, The list shows: Rifles 6,000; shot guns 4,000; revol vers 1,3500: swords and other wea pons 1,000; besides 133,000 rounds of ammunition. 6,000 pounds of powder and 86 cases of fuses. Rear Admiral Fletcher reported to Secretary Daniels to-day that "there appears to be no immediate need for provisions for the inhabitants of Vera Cruz." "The amount of provisions In sight available for purchase is vari ously estimated at form one to two weeks, exclusive of a considerable quantity of supplies in the railroad terminal yard not yet unloaded," the report stated. Sonic Foods Scarce 'lt is probable that a cargo of food stuffs comprised of whole corn, beans, rice and limited quantity of sugar wili find a market here in the near future. The local supply of fresh garden pro duce is still limited but will doubtless improve as the back country is opened up. Fish is cheaper and more plenti ful because none can be shipped to the interior. Milk is scarce. Beef cattle, in considerable numbers, are reported to be fairly near Vera Cruz, but the owners fear to drive them in without any armed guard to protect them. There is no ice. The ice plant was damaged by gunfire and the re serve supply has been entirely con umed. Our force will repair ice plant. FIVK GREAT PIANISTS Busoni, Godowsky, Volovay, Harrison and Kmita will ail be heard play their masterpieces on Thursday evening, April 30 in the Technical high schooi auditorium. The compositions as played by the artists showing all their expression and technique will be transmitted by the Stoddard Amplco. Tickets may be secured free of charge at The J. H. Troup Music House, 16 South Market Square. Advertise ment. YIDDISH OPKBA Edwin A. Relkin will present Mile. Regina Prager and K. Juvelier, sur rounded by a competent company, in "The Jewish Mother" at the Majestic Theater to-night. This is an opera to! be sung in Yiddish and promises to be! one of the best things done here this season by any of the companies sent here under the direction of Edwin A. Relkin.—Advertisement. "JjTTTIJE 1/OHT SISTER" Virginia Brooks' great white slave I play, "Little Lost Sister," comes to the Majestic for three days, begin ning Thursday. There will be a dally STOP SICK HEADACHE OR BUM PAIN Dr. James' Headache Powders Relieve at Once—lo Cents a Package Nerve-racking, splitting or dull throbbing headaches yield in Just a few moments to Dr. Jamed' Headache Powders, which cost only 10 cents a package at any drug store. It's the quickest, surest headache relief in the whole world. Don't sufter! Relieve the agony and distress now! You can. Millions of men and women have found that headache artd neuralgia misery Is needless. Get what you ask for.—Advertisement KLEIN CO. Extraordinary Mid-Season Sale of Wearing Apparel (NOTHING RESERVED) I This sale presents to every woman an extraordinary opportunity to secure Spring garments at almost one-half of their former price. Summer merchandise is arriving, and the Klein Co. policy does not per mit of carrying garments from one season into another. Therefore these great reductions on the last word in Spring garments. Honest N. Decisive Ns N, Reductions \ —SUITS —COATS Spring Suits which formerly sold Spring Coats which formerly sold from $29.50 to $47.50, *| Q AQ from $24.50 to $37.50, (t 1 QQ for «D 10.470 for tPIO.^O Spring Suits which formerly sold Spring Coats which formerly sold from $19.75 to $27.50, d» *1 C HQ from $18.75 to $22.50, d» 1 O QQ for «P 1 D.yO for l^«l/0 Spring Suits which formerly sold Spring Coats which formerly sold from $15.00 to $18.75, d brilliant business from beginning to end. The tenderfoot little understands the West and when he falls into the hands of a desperate gang he Is at a loss to know how to act. But he acts at lost.—Ad vertisement J Business Locals BEST OF ALL You will rearly find a more satisfac tory place to dine than at the Hotel Columbus Cafe. A special table d'hote dinner that Is par excellence Is served daily from 6 to 8 for 75 cents. Music by Columbus Orchestra. Banquets and suppers by appointment. Maurice E. Huss, proprietor.—Advertisement. THE STORE OF FASHION You will see a display of exquisite modish models in suits with the Eton, Cutaway and Bolero coats; soft roll collars or the wired standing collars are among the pleasing and prevailing styles. The suits were recently sold at $32.50 and $38.50, but are now $23.75. Others at $16.75 and $18.7S that were $24.50 and $31.75. Klein | Co., 9 North Market Square.—Adver tisement. ANOTHER MASTER PLAY Will be seen at the Victoria Theater Monday, May 4, "The Last Days of Pompeii." In New York city the press and public are wildly enthusi astic about Pompeii, many going so far as to claim that, in beauty and human Interest the pictures surpass "Quo Vandls." See this grand photo play on Saturday next at the Victoria Theater.—Advertisement. 1 IT IS IMPOSSIBLE For anyone to make delicious salads if they use an Inferior olive oil in the make-up. We have the pure Pom peilan Olive Oil, which has world-wldn reputation for Its sterling quality. The price is 85 cents a quart You will like it best. S. S. Pomeroy, Mar ket Square Grocer. —Advertisement. YOU BUSINESS MEN, Bankers, merchants, Clerks and wort*, lngmen who find It necessary to tak* a lunch downtown at noon, will And something a little more satisfying than Just a lunch. We give you hot lunch eons, a choice of meats or fish, two vegetables, tea or coffee, and a choice of pie. The cook Is a peach and the food Is good. 25 cents. Mongers Court Dairy Lunch, Court and Straw berry streets.—Adverttesaaat 5