Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 28, 1914, Page 3, Image 15

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Home Cure
For Piles
Trial Package Absolutely Free —
Will You Spend a Post-
Card For It?
If you are a sufferer from piles, in
stant relief Is yours for the asking,
and a speedy, permanent cure will
The Pyramid Drug Co., 471 Pyramid
Bldg., Marshall, Mich., will send you
free, in a plain wrapper, a trial pack
age of Pyramid Pile Remedy, the won
derful, sure and certain cure for the
tortures of this dread dißease. Thou
sands have already taken advantage of
this offer, thousands know for the first
time in years what it is to be free from
the pains, the itching, the awful agony
of piles.
Pyramid Pile Remedy relieves the
pain and itching immediately. The In
flammation goes down, the swelling is
reduced and soon the disease is gone
No matter how desperate you think
your case is, write in to-day for the
free trial treatment. Then, when you
have used it in the privacy of your own
home and found out for yourself how
efficacious it is, you can get the full
slae package at any drug store for 50
cents. Every day you suffer after
reading this notice you suiter need
lessly. Simply fill out free coupon
and mail to-day.
Free Package Coupon
Pyramid Bldg., Mashall, Mich. Kind
ly send me a sample of Pyramid Pile
Pemed3 - , at once by mail, FREE, in
plain wrapper.
Name . .. .. • •
Street —...
City .. State
Many Recoveries
From Lung Trouble
Eckman's Alterative has restored to
health many sufferers from lung trou
ble. Read what it did in this case:—
Wilmington, Del.
"Gentlemen:—ln January. 1908, I was
taken with hemorrhages of the lungs.
My physician, a leading practitioner,
.said tliat it was lung trouble. I got
very weak. C. A. Ijippincott, of Lip
plncott's Department Store, Wilming
ton, Del., recommended Eckman's Al
terative that had done great good. X
hegain taking it at once. I continued
faithfully, using no other remedy, and
finally noticed the clearing of the
lungs. I now have no trouble with
my lungs. I firmly believe Eckman's
Alterative saved my life." (Abbrevi
<Affidavit) JAS. SQUIRES.
Eckman's Alterative is most effica
cious In bronchial catarrh and se
vere throat and lung affections and up
building the system. Contains no
harmful or liablt-forming drugs. Ac
cept no substitutes. Sold by leading
druggists. Write Eckman Laboratory,
Philadelphia, Pa., for booklet of re
111 nil,
Penroseism Is a
Thousands of right thinking Penn
sylvanlans agree with Mr. Dimmick
and are ready to crush Penroseism
and Boss Rule.
lsy Voting at the
for the
Republican Nomination
v -J
Cumberland Valley Railroad
In Effect November 80, 191 J.
TRAINS leave Harrißburg
For Winchester and Martlnsbur* »•
8:03, *7:82 a. m.. *8:40 p, m. K 1
For Hagerstown, Chambersburg, Car
lisle, Mechanlcsburg and Intermediate
stations at 6:03, •7:62, *11:53 a. m
•8:40, 8:88, «7:40, *ll:H> p. m. •
Additional trains for Carlisle and
Mechanlcsburg at 8:48 a. m., 8:18. 8 i 7
8:30, 9:30 am. * '*'•
For Dillsburg at 8:08, *7:82 and
•11:68 a. m., 2:18. •3:40. rf:32 and e 30
p. m.
•Daily, i-.1l other trains dally excent
Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE.
J. H. TONGE, a. P i
Enroll Next Monday
Harrisburg Business College
Day and Night. Business,
Shorthand and Civil Service. In
dividual Instruction. 28th year.
329 Market St Harrisburg, Pa.
Try Telegraph Want Ads.
Arguments in Railroad Rate Case
Resumed in Washington
By Associated Press
Washington. D. C., April 28.—Briefs
in opposition to an increase In freight
rates asked for by the eastern rail
roads were to-day filed with the Inter
state Commerce Commission on behalf
of the Pittsburgh Coal Company, the
New Pittsburgh Coal Company and
i the State Railroad Commissions in the
eastern classification territory when
1 arguments in the case were resumed
, to-day.
Clifford Thorne, in his brief for the
railroad commissions, urged that the
net operating Income for the carriers
involved was greater during the past
four years than for any similar period
in their history; that net earnings dur
ing the last five-year period were
greater than during the preceding five
years and those for 1913 greater than
the average for either of those five
year periods. He urged also that the
future would develop further econo
mies, inventions and improvements
which would have the effect of further
augmenting carriers' revenues.
Keep On Increasing
Answering statements attributed to
the carriers that their bonds are not
attractive to capital, Mr. Thorne as
serts that they average higher than
any other class of market securities
except government bonds and that the
railroads' credit is equal to or better
than that of any other class of busi
ness or Industrial companies. He
added that if the commission denies
the proposed Increase the prosperity
of the carriers "Is bound to keep on
increasing, Just as It has in the past."
The brief of the coal companies as
serts that exports of the carriers show
that gross and net returns for 1913,
particularly for the coal-carrying
roads, are more satisfactory than they
have been in the past. The situation,
it Is declared, calls for an adjustment
of rates as between traffic and locali
ties unless "what the traffic will bear"
and the "value of the service to the
shipper" as determined by the Inter
ested carriers are to continue for the
future. The brief asserts that mine
products, including coal, now bear
more than their share of the trans
portation burden and adds that the
profits earned by the roads on coal
range from 100 to 300 per cent.
Special to The Telegraph
Annville, Pa., April 28.—Lebanon
Classis met in annual session last
night in Christ Reformed church and
the meetings will continue until Wed
nesday evening. The program will be:
Tuesday, 9 a. m„ devotional services,
the Rev. David Schelrer; 7:30 p. m.,
devotional services, the Rev. D. K.
Loudenslager; address, "Beneficiary
Education," the Rev. C. E. Creitz,
D. D.: address, "Our ifublications,"
the Rev. C. J. Musser, D. D.; Wednes
day, 9 a. m., devotional service, the
Rev. Frank R. Lefever.
Which Is Better—Try an Experiment
or Profit by a Harrisburg
Citizen's Experience?
Something new is an experiment.
Must be proved to be as represented.
The statement of a manufacturer is
I not convincing proof of merit.
I But the endorsement of friends is.
Now supposing you had a bad back,
A laine, weak, or aching one,
I Would you experiment on it?
You will read of many so-called
I cures.
Endorsed by strangers from far
away places.
It's different when the endorsement
comes from home.
Easy to prove local testimony.
Read this Harrisburg case:
R. L. Boyer. barber, 587 Showers
street, Harrisburg Pa., says: "I have
I not been bothered by any of the symp
| toms of kidney trouble since I was
cured by Doaji's Kidney Pills. It gives
me pleasure to confirm my previous
statements, recommending this good
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name—Doan's—and
take no other.—Advertisement.
To Constipated
Office Workers
Take Lax Links
Thousands of office workers—"book-
Weepers, stenographers, olerks and
others, whose steady Inside employ
ment gives them little time for exer
cise—often complain of headaches and
l'lnk t i Pa »V 0n 7i°i a " BUch > dainty La-x
prnSfii.iw f, ellclo «» candy laxatives,
exquisitely flavored with the oil of
spearmint, is like a true friend. With
hlJiJ p or . Pain, they keep your
bowels open, thus preventing head
&™ 8y , d ° not contain any habit
rorming or dangerous drugs, and do
olse to restore the
their normal con
l,!£y are mll(1 h '"t sure In
J, 1 ?® 1 '", action, they are recommended by
niH fnitP 8 children, invalids and
k a box in y°ur pocket.
bSxes 'wilt dr , u «S' Btß - 10c and 25c
T rlt< L._ for free sample. Boro
Salicine Co., Philadelphia.
Charles B. Cluck
Carpender and Builder
Jobbing: promptly attended to; screen
doors and windows a specialty, also
fine cabinet work.
Cnll Bell Phone 1317-J.
2200 Logan Street
Have Opened at
Best Workmanship and Material.
Shoe Shining Parlor. Open 7am
8 p. m. United phone 896 Z.
Sore Throat Prudence.
No family medicine chest is well stocked
without a bottle of TONSILINE, for you
don't know what moment it may be needed
to relieve a sudden case of Sore Throat.
Relieving Sore Throat is TONSILINE'S
special mission. It is made for that—ad
vertised for that—sold for that one purpose.
TONSILINE is the one and only Bore
Throat Remedy which is sold over a large
part of the United States. You'll it
need TONSILINE one of these
days, or some night when the drug hi
store is closed—Better have a bottle r]
ready at home when vou need it fil
moat. 25c. and 50c. ilospital Size M
[ SI.OO. All Druggist*. (
Eleventh Hour Papers Submitted
Keep County Clerks Busy
Throughout Day
To-day Is the last day for niing
nomination petitions by candidates for
city and county committees, and the
clerks In the County Commissioners'
office put In a very busy day. Scores
of eleventh-hour, lasf minute papers
were submitted and the clerical staff
spent most of the day arranging the
papers in the various party files.
Following are among those who filed
Republican County Committee
Horace Pennell, East Precinct. Wil
liams township; W. J. G. Rlland, Reed!
township; Lieonard R. Nisley, Second
Precinct, Second Ward, Middletown;
W. L. Sansom, West Ward, Lykens;
P. S. Blackwell, Second Precinct, Third
Ward, Steelton; Grant Souders, First
Precinct, First Ward, Middletown; Ed
win M. Horstick, South Precinct, Sus
quehanna township; Milton Weaver,
Third Precinct, Sixth Ward, city;
James M. Morrison. First Precinct,
First Ward: Charles P. Walter, Second
Precinct, Eighth Ward; J. William
Bayles, Fourth Precinct, Seventh
Ward; Jacob Kirk, Third Precinct,
Seventh Ward; Charles E. Maley, Sec
ond Precinct, Second Ward.
Democratic County Committee
Edward A. Miller, Fifth Precinct,
Ninth Ward; Joseph B. Polleck, Sixth
Precinct, Second Ward; Ralph R. Sny
der, First Precinct, Tenth Ward; Fred
erdick L. Morgenthaler, Second Pre
cinct, Twelfth Ward; Frank H.
Downey. First Precinct, First Ward;
Harry Detling, Second Precinct, First
Ward; William liahn. Third Precinct,
Second Ward; Robert A. Snyder, Sec
ond Precinct, Third Ward; Alfred
Snavely. First Precinct, Fourth Ward;
John M. Welsh. First Precinct, Fifth
Ward; Adam E. Moeslein, Fifth Pre
cinct, Second Ward; l-.ee A. Kambeitz,
Third Precinct, Eighth Ward; Jacob
O. Matter. First Precinct, Thirteenth
Ward; Frank H. Lescure, First Pre
cinct, 81xth Ward; E. M. Wlnemiller,
Fifth Precinct, Seventh Ward; William
Filling, Jr., Third Precinct, Seventh
Edward B. Shepley, Second Pre
cinct, Thirteenth Ward; Harvey T.
Smith, Third Precinct, Second Ward;
Harry M. Wearner, Fourth Precinct,
Tenth; William G. Dickman, Fourth
Precinct, Swatara; Charles M. Stahle,
East Hanover; John H. Schaner,
Lower Paxton; Levi H. Ricedorf. Third
Precinct," Tenth; Edward F. Peiffer,
South Hanover; George A. Werner,
Second Precinct, Tenth; Peter Hoff
man. Third Precinct, Sixth; Harry A.
Walters, Second Precinct, Sixth;
Frank Fagen, First Precinct, Seventh
Ward; M. L. Byerly, Lykens town
ship; Bernard Hoffman, Wayne town
ship; Eugene M. German, Dauphin;
D. Lewis Kennedy, First Precinct,
Middle Paxton; John P. Croll, Second
Precinct, Third Ward, Steelton;
Charles W r . Rubendall, First Ward,
Millersburg; Theodore Jumper, First
Precinct, Third Ward, Steelton; Wil
liam P. Horst. South Hanover town
ship; Jerome Emblch, Second Pre
cinct, First Ward, Middletown; Elmer
E. Dockey, Uniontown; Charles Got
wald, Second Precinct, First Ward,
Middletown; William A. Phillips, First
Precinct, Second Ward, Steelton; John
A. Albert, Halifax township; Roscoe
A. Bowman, Second Ward, Millers
burg; Wllmer W. Raudenbush, West
Precinct, Williams township: Chris
tian Luft, First Ward, Roj-alton;
Abram Fetterhoff, Halifax township;
John D. Peiffer, Second Precinct, Der
ry township; John R. Hoover, Bern's
burg; P. H. Meehan, West Ward, Wil
City Committeemen
Democrats—Harry J. Emmanuel,
Second Precinct, Eighth Ward;
George B. Bender, Third Precinct.
Tenth Ward.
Republican lsaiah Reese, Jr.,
Fourth Precinct, Seventh Ward; W.
Scott Stroh, Fourth Precinct, Seventh
Ward; J. Edwards Bowers, Fourth
Precinct, Seventh Ward; Charles H.
Looker, Fourth Precinct, Eighth
Ward; Walker Cole, First Precinct,
First Ward; James Morrisey, Jr.. First
Precinct, First Ward; Edward Frazer,
First Precinct, Fifth Ward: J. G,
Stewart, Third Precinct, Sixth Ward;
Edward Myers. Third Precinct, Sixth
Ward; H. G. Morton, Third Precinct,
Sixth Ward: Harry Burrs, Second
Precinct, Sixth Ward; Richard Chel
lew, Second Precinct, First Ward; B.
A. Van Riper, Second Precinct, Second
Ward; George W. Maley, Second Pre
cinct, Second Ward: Harry R. Glngher,
Second Precinct, First Ward; Henry
Bloser, Second Precinct, Second Ward;
C. E. Jauss, First Precinct, Seventh
Ward: William M. Reidlinger, Third
Precinct, Seventh Ward; William Hal
bert, Second Precinct, Fifth Ward;
Roy Mikle, Second Precinct, Eleventh
Ward; John S. Uranyan, Second Pre
cinct, Seventh Ward. f
Washington County Committee
Joseph Salinger, First Ward, Steel
ton; Kasimir Posega, First Ward,
Steelton. ' |
Socialist County Committee
D. S. Wenrick. Steelton.
MORE nius
[Continued from First Page.]
are in sharp contrast with the padded
returns of the Patriot. The Patriot,
in order to attempt to fool voters Into *
believing in the popularity of Demo- c
cratic canditlons, reported a total j
Democratic enrollment of 4,115.
The actual returns show that the e
Patriot padded its figures by adding (
to the totals phantom Democrats to V
the number of 1,192, without going «
even to the old-time experient of «
counting tombstones in the cemeteries, s
The Patriot just threw In 1.192 for *
good measure, and at the same time *
artlessly subtracted 200 votes from the 1
Republican totals and added 100 to e
the Washington totals. It was a fla- 1
grant fraud, stupidly attempted. c
To-morrow will be registration dav *
in Harrisburg. It is expected that a «
sufficient number of Repumlicans will C
register to give the city a showing as t
excellent as has been made in the *
county. Voters who were not regis- i
tered lasrt. Fall, who have changed r
residence or who wish to change their *
party affiliations must do so to-morrow c
or lose their vote.
——— c
Special to The Telegraph e
Annville, Pa., Aprl 128.—The geol- S
ogy clasa of Prof. H. E. Wanner, of t
Lebanon Valley College, consisting of c
twenty-four students enjoyed a ride to A
Cornwall yesterday where they In- c
spected the ore mines. The trip was j
made in two buses belonging to a lo- 1
cal liveryman. Dinner was served in I
the Cornwall Inn. , ]
Wjigti T*f Rains Cotiifi to CALL 1991~ANY *PHONE. <=^ => SU
Bo™-s ome Gfiffimfiynli
Look For "Rainy Day Specials"
Spring's Greatest Garment Event
A Clean Sweep of High Class Suits, Values Worth
$25, $27.50, $29.50, $32.50, $39.50, $42.50, $45.00, $50.00
Your Choice <FWi\ I NoneSe ' ,tC O - D -
All One Pricesl7.7o H
CLOSE-OUT of Women's New Spring
Tailored Suits in hundreds of the newest
j/j\ and smartest designs and most approved ma-
M/ 1 V \ terials at a low price that sets a record for
underselling. Suits include Moire, Silk Poplin, Gabar
; W&\. : dine, Crepe Poplin, Serge, and all the staple and fancy
H/\ \!L colors, Black, Navy, Tango, Reseda, Sage, Mahogany,
f n\ \ Wistaria, Helio, Labrador, Copenhagen and Flame.
tltv / NX All the season's newest styles in all the wanted materials at ridiculous
li' ur I I Vju 'y ' crvv Pfices
Spring's best stlyes in Taffetas, Failles, Crepes, Charmeuse—all made
according to Fashion's latest dictates. Come expecting best values,
yOU will not be disappointed. Garment Section—Second Floor.
Sample Lingerie
Tomorrow, Second Day of Three-Day Sale
Are You Sharing in These Savings?
This sample line of the Wolf Company is un
doubtedly the most attractive we have ever shown.
Staple materials, beautiful soft silky textures, dainty
trimmings and savings that run almost half. Gowns,
Skirts, Princess Slips—everything in Muslin wear.
Don't fail to inspect this line. You will buy. Some of
the prices are:
The Gowns The Skirts
98c Gowns. 59c i J .
f 1.20 Gowns, 75c j 98r Sk,rtß > « 9< '
$1.50 Gowns, 98c j SI.OO Skirts, 75c
$1.76 Gowns. $1.19 $1,50 Skirts, 98<-
51.98 Gowns, $1.29 —. . -. ~
$2.26 Gowns. *1.45 sl ' 69 Skirts '
$2.50 Gowns, *1.69 Skirts, *1.2!)
$2.98 Gowns, *1.98 $2.25 Skirts, *.13!»
Special Showing—Second Floor
.We Lead in Home Decorations
Dependable wall papers are to be had at Bowman's. Our papers
are all full length and In most approved styles and colorings. Estimates
given for paper hanging.
60c to 75c Wall Papers, 39c Roll
Metallic bronze, burlap effects in green, gold and brown with sten
cil borders to match.
30c to 45c Wall Papers. 22c Roll
Leatherettes for hall and library; two-tone tiffany blends for par
lors and living rooms; cut out borders to match.
15c Wall Papers, 5c Roll
This is a large lot of wall papers and suitable for any room in
the house.
On Sale on the Fourth Floor—Bowman's.
Extra Values LINENS
$5.00 36x45-inch beautiful hand embroidered all linen Pillow
Cases. Something for best wear—appropriate and dainty present for
Spring bride. Special *3.98
85c 64-lnch bleached damask, all linen. A weaver's thread here
and there brings the price to you at 69c
75c Dimity quilt, 52x90 Inches, sold regularly at 75c. Special, 58c
Main Floor—-BOWMAN'S
Waynesboro Gives $16.80 For
Every Man, Woman and Child
in Borough
On the 18th of April Waynesboro,
a town of 10,000 people in Franklin
county, this State, undertook to raise
in six days $ 150,000 with which to
erect and equip a new Young Men's
Christian Association building and
provide endowment for the same. The
campaign was in charge of E. J. Hock
enbury, field secretary of the Penn
sylvania State Young Men's Christian
Association with offices in the Calder
building. D. M. Wertz, one of the
largest fruit growers in Franklin
county, had made an initial gift of
$50,000 on condition that the citizens
of Waynesboro would raise SIOO,OOO
more. The campaign closed Friday
evening on schedule time with $168,-
081.67 pledged. When it is considered
that this is $16.80 for every man,
woman and child in the entire com
munity It will be noted what a re
markable campaign it was. There
were 2,646 subscriptions or an average
of nearly $65 per person.
J. B. Carruthers, State secretary
of Pennsylvania, who was present at
the last meeting, declared that this
was the greatest demonstration he had
ever seen for a town the size of
Waynesboro. The executive commit
tee in charge of the campaign was
composed of the following prominent
Waynesboro citizens: J. H. Stoner,
chairman; J. O. Benedict, J. E. Frantz,
A. O. Prick, D. M. Good, P. D.
Hoover, M. D., W. J. C. Jacobs. D. TJ.
Miller, W. T. Omwake. D. B. Snlvely.
[D. D. 8., D. M. Werta, I. E. Yost, J. K.
Beck, J. J. Oiler and Val Smith. In
addition to this there were twelve
captains as follows: J. G. Corbett,
H. C. Gordon, J. B. Long, J. A. Mid
dower, M. T. Brown. H. E. D. Grey,
vv. L. Minick. J. F. Shank, R. R. Ar
thur, S. E. Dubbel, K. G. Potter and
Daniel Rlnehart. These captains led
teams of twelve men each; a complete
organization of about 160 citizens.
Spicia' tc The Telegraph
Media, April 28.—A. Mitchell Pal
mer, in the opinion of hundreds of
Democrats, has entirely lost his head.
His fulsome laudation of McCormlck,
coupled with his ward-heeler attacks
upon the State administration, have
disgusted hundreds of voters in his
own party. Boosting McCormick last
night, he said:
"Three days after the inauguration
I want to visit Harrisburg and see the
trailing, slimy exodus of the men for
saking the wasteful jobs and watch
the thugs and crooks going to the sta
tion. There will be enough to fill a
special train of three cars to take
them to Philadelphia, where they be
"1 want to give McCormick a little
advice. He should load the crew off
to Mexico to stop the bullets. There
are enough of them to carry on the
It Is believed that Palmer already
sees the finish of Ills political dreams
and is bitter.
[Continued from llrst Page.]
In the world was gone and that noth
ing remained of his loved ones save a
small pile of charred bones.
The authorities of Huntingdon
Just Received: Embroidered Crepe,
Voile and Batiste Flouncings
These are styles you can always And use for as our gale price
makes it an object for you to buy plentiful supplies. To see means
to buy.
Fifteen Pieces of Embroidered Voile, Crepe and Batiste Flounc
ings. sufficiently wide enough for whole gowns, that are regularly
worth $1.75 to $3.00 a yard. To-morrow, yd 75c
1254 c and 15c Colored Embroidery Edges, black, pink, blue, navy
and red; fast edge and fast colors. To-morrow, yd
Main Floor —BOWMAN'S
Low Shoes at Low Prices
For Men, Women and Children
Unusually Attractive Special Prices on Timely Shoe
Needs. Be Early To-morrow
Men's button and blucher lace low shoes In various leathers. Sam
ple sizes only. Regular $2.50 to $3.50 values. Special, pair ....$1.1!)
Women's sample low shoes In tan calf, and black leathers and
fabrics. Smart styles. Regular $2.00 to $3.00 values. Special, pair,
Children's and misses' low shoes In black, tan and red, In sizes
up to misses' size 2. Regular $1.25 and $1.50 values. Special, pair, 85c
Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S
Decisive Savings in Domestics
The Keynote of To-morrow's Sellings
IxHiMl&lr Bleached Muslin, 36 Inches wide, cut from the full piece.
Regular 15c value. Yard 10c
42 or 45 inch bleached Pillow Casing, remnant lengths. Regular
16c and 18c quality. Special, yard 10^c
Sheeting, 81 or 90 inches wide, in short lengths, suitable for'mak
ing pillow cases or bolsters. Regular 28c and 32c quality. To-morrow
Embroidered Flouncing in white or pink on Shaker flannel, 18
inches wide. • Sells regularly at 20c. To-morrow, yard
Apron Gingham in light and dark patterns. Regular 7o quality
Sheets, made of good, even muslin, seamless, unbleached; will
bleach very easily. Size 76x90 inches. Limit, 3to a customer. Special
Bleached Sheets, size 81x90 Inches, made of Mohawk and IJtlca
muslin; slightly Imperfect along the edge or a small hole. Regular 85c
to 95c sheets. Special at, each
county, summoned from Huntingdon
to-day, began a search for the two
unidentified men last seen coming
from the Varner home. From the
condition of the bodies It could not be
learned whether the victims had been
killed before the house was fired. Var
ner thinks the men were burglars and
entered the house to obtain $250 which
he had there. Neighbors who saw the
men running away from the Varner
home are unable to give accurate de
scriptions of them.
In addition to destroying the Varner
home the fire also destroyed the home
of Joseph Mallot, which adjoined.
Peter Varner has charge of a night
shift at the brick works at Mount
Union, located about a mile away from
his home. About 10.30 o'clock last
night he noticed a fierce glare in the
sky and at once started for home on
a run. When he arrived there neigh
bors were carrying stuff from the Mal
lot home, while his home was in ruins.
~ Woman Is As Old As HZZ
She Looks
No woman want* to look old. Many In their effort to look
youthful resort to the"beautydoctor's"prescriptiona.Theirmls
take it that they visit the wrong department in the drug store.
Beauty depends upon health.
Worry, sleepless nights, headaches, pains, disorders, Irregu
laritles and weaknesses of a distinctly feminine character in ■
short time bring the dull eye, the "crow's feet," the haggard
look, drooping shoulders, and the faltering step.
To retain the appearance of youth you must retain health.
HfIHHHH Instead of lotions, powders and paints, ask your druggist for HHHBHH
Favorite Prescription
This famous medicine strike* at the very root of these
enemies of your youthful appearance. It makes you not
only looh young, but f**l young.
Yew <nnlit sen aapely yea la liquid er tabUt»ormi »r sand
•O ene-omt stamps ta Dr. Hwn't Invalid* Hotel and Sur
gleal Institute, Buffalo, N.Y. and trial box will ba mailed you.
It was he that discovered that his en
tire family had been burned to death.
The houses were located Just oppo
site the Catholic church, on the out
skirts of the town. When the fire was
discovered the flames had spread over
the entire first fleer and within a few
moments the entire building was a
mass of flames.
Family in lied
Mrs. Varner and the two youngest
children occupied the front room on
the second floor, while the other two
children slept in the rear room. The
home was a 2%-story frame structure
and it burned like tinder.
The neighbors who rushed to the
scene at first believed that Mrs. Var
ner and the children had escaped from
the building, but the husband soon
found that they had been cremated.
The awful blow temporarily deranged
him and four men were forced to hold
him when he endeavored to rush into
the seething mass of flame to Join his
loved ones.