Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 28, 1914, Image 13

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LXXXIII— No. 100
Decision Reached After Ex
ecutive Had Gone Over
Situation With Members of
His Cabinet in Two-hour
Number of Soldiers to Be
Sent to Scene Will Be De
cided Upon at Conference
Late This Afternoon
By Associated Press
Washington, April 28. —President
Wilson to-day decided to order federal
troops to Colorado to restore order
in tiie coal strike district where virtual
civil war exists.
The decision was reached after the
President had gone over the Colorado
Situation with his Cabinet during the
(•renter pari of a two-hour session,
and a proclamation will be issued
later to-day ordering federal soldiers
lo the scene of the industrial contllct.
The number of troops will lie de
cided upon in a conference l>etween
the President and Secretary of War
Py Associated Press
OeTvver, Col.. April 2K.—Conditions
in fne Colorado coal fields became
more serious last right than at any
t':nc since the inception of the strike
I -st Beptember. Violence spread from
l i f-outliern fields to those of the ex
trenie north, continuing with vigor in
i no southern zone, which probably will
cost the lives of seven mine guards at
the Walsen mine near Walsenburg.
The conflicts between strikers and
mine guards at AValseti and at the
liechi mine i.t Louisville continued
throughout the night. The arrival of
the militia from Ludlow at the AValsen
1 lir.e apparently had no effect upon
toe many strikers who kept up thoir
tire at t'ne mine, from long range, even
t:J(er the troopers reinforced the de
Find Elevatorman Near
Death at Shaft Bottom
Vailing down an elevator shaft at
tho Brelsford Packing and Storage
i 'ompany, Seventh and North streets,
this morning. Hoy Rlckert, of F.nola,
an elevatorman, was found lying at
the bottom of the shaft shortly before
12 o'clock noon. He was rushed to the
llarrisburg Hospital, where after an
examination it was found that Rickert
was suffering with possible internal in
juries and concussion of tho brain.
Will Spend $20,000 on
Star Theater Remodeling
Work on remodeling the Star thea
ter, -110 Market street, is expected to
begin as soon as the plans are re
ceived from Architect George Jl.
Grove, which. It is expected will t>e
within a Couple of weeks. I'. Magaro.
president of an amusement company
which also bears his name, announced
to-day that he will convert the pres
ent motion picture theater into one
of the most up-to-date houses in the
city. About s2o,tioo will be spent 'n
remodeling botli the exterior and in
Late News Bulletins
Washington. April 28.—Consul Canada reported to-day that the
railroad between Vera Cruz and Mexico City is l>clng rapidly destroyed
Ix'tween Tejeria and tlie capital. Xo Americans have been killed in
Mexico City.
Laredo, Texas. April 28.—Tin- constitutionalist commander of
Ncuvo Laredo, Mexico, to-day rcport<Ml to tlie American authorities that
the Federal troops who Friday evacuated the town were trying to reach
the Rio Grande above IJircdo. United States troops at Miiicra were or
dered to Im- on the alert. Army ofliclals said nothing 1 ia<l been seen of
the federals at noon.
Rome, Italy. April 28.—A dispatch to-day from Mexico City says:
"The fact that foreigners arc authorized to leave constitutes a pledge
of safety for all foreigners. Very few Italians, French or Spaniards
liavc left, hut many Germans and a number of British have departed."
Laredo. Texas, April 28.—Mexican federals retreating from Xeuvo
Laredo after dynamiting the border city, left a trail of destruction be
hind them, according to a train crew arriving here to-day with the
abandoned troop trains used by the federals in their flight. ' Tin- towns
of Sanchez and I-n Junta. were completely destroyed.
Salem, Ohio. April 28. F. E. Wllvert, the Ilarrisburg Stilt King,
walking across the continent for tlie Ilarrisburg Telegraph, arrived here
to-day.- j
Washington, April 28.—Chairman llarlan of tlie Interstate Com
merce Commission announced to-day upon resumption of arguments in
the advance rate case that discussion must conclude next Friday.
Washington. April 28. —Most of the American consular officers in
Mexico, under orders from the State Department, have closed their
offices, turned over their business to the Brazilian and French consuls
and are making their way out of the country. It was announced here to
Hong Kong, April 28.—Pirates Sunday night attacked the British
steamer Jason lioimd up the West river north of .Macao and set lire to
tlie vessel which was burned to the water. Incoming steamers rescued
158 of the crew, but It Is reported that 180 passengers and the Itritish
chief engineer are missing.
liondon, April 28.—Mexico City was quiet to-dav according to a
cablegram received from the staff or a Itritish commercial house there
The message said that the employes were all well and safe.
Wall Street Closing—Chesapeake & Ohio. .">2'/,; Lehigh Valley l t7-
Northern Pacific. 10#H$ ; Southern Pacific.
Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul, l>. R. R., U0; Heading' l«a•
Ne.v York Central, Canadian Pacific, 1»1%: Ama I Conner 7-»*
U. S. Steel; 58. " '
Statements of Demands From
Huerta and U. S. to Be
Acted Upon
Secretary Daniels Says Things Are;
Looking Better Since Americans
Have Been Rescued
By Associated Press
Washington, April 28.—With the!
swinging of the pendulum in the Mex
ican crisis—Huerta's formal accept
ance of the good offices of the South j
American diplomats—President Wil-1
son and his advisors to-day awaited
the setting of the stage on which rep
resentatives of Argentina, Brazil and i
Chile hope to pave the way to peace. |
Until the early hours to-day the en
voys remained in conference com-!
pleting preliminary plans of proposed
mediation. Their next move, expect
ed to-day it was suggested would be a'
request to the Washington and the
Huerta governments for statements of
probable demands each would make,
preliminary to any attempt at formal,
mediation. The next step would de- |
pend upon the nature of those replies. 1
Upon them probably would be based
tl "! proposals intended for submission
to the Washington government and
Huerta. Huerta's reply, conveyed
through his minister for foreign af
fairs to Mr. Rlano, Spanish ambassa
dor in Washington, was received late
last night. Its tenor was expected be
cause Mr. Kiano had received private
advices the night before that lluerta
would accept, and the South Ameri
can envoys had been at work all day
on that assumption. The text of the
acceptance was not made public but
Huerta's minister was said to have
thanked the South American envoys
and the Spanish ambassador for their
good offices and to have referred to
the "real spirit of solderity between
peoples of a same race."
Quiet Along Border
To what lengths the "good offices"
of the South Americans might reach
was an absorbing topic in official
Washington and the entire diplomatic
corps to-day. Other features in the,
situation largely were lost sight of
except among army and navy officials
charged with execution of preparations
for eventualities. Taut nerves and
the anxiety of the last few days were i
relieved by news that Americans were
leaving danger zones in the southern I
republic, while reports of tranquility i
along the border were encouraging. |
"Things look very much better now,"
Secretary Daniels said. "We're get- j
ting Americans out of Mexico. That's |
the important thing now."
When the news of Huerta's ac-;
centance was taken to President Wil- i
son, he declared himself greatly
White House officials let it be known |
that no announcement of points: to be
insisted upon in proposed mediation
would be made that might embarrass
the representatives of the South Am
erlcan countries. In official and dip
lomatic circles expressions were heard
that whatever had been accomplished
by the peacemakers up to this point j
[Continued on Page 11]
Price of Shave Goes Up,
But Think of the Benefits
After May I—one shave, 13 cents. |
lint courage, comrade!
For the small Hum of five cents addi- ;
tional that vou must wliack over, thus 1
increasing the cost of living by some
fifteen to thirty cents per week, bene
tits are heaped upon you. You get,!
whereas these were denied before;
Hot towels.
A neck shave.
Toilet water.
More conversation. , |
Notices to the effect that the In- ;
crease 'would g'> Into cfTect May 1 were j
sent out to-day to every union barber>
shop In the city. The Master Barbers' i
Association lias been considering the !
raise for some time, but only recently!;
anie to a decision.
v ___ 1
, 5 iHxßJimvx<rfr\t, J/Jpcor fc&otce. y J
These are the fighters that will lie posted In the hills between Vera Cruz and Mexico City to repulse the ad
vance of Funston's army on the Mexican capital.
More Republicans Than
Democrats and Progressives
Put Together in the County
Tlio lirst complete and accurate
count of the Dauphin county enroll
ment has been completed by William.
H. Horner, chairman of the county
! Republican committee. The figures
! were taken from the' books in the
| office of the County Commissioners
] and the totals were made on an add
j ing machine, thus insuring their ac-
I curacy.
They show that there are enrolled
in the county outside of Ilarrisburg
Republicans to the number of f>,290.
From Pittsburgh Comes Statements
That Cambria President Will
Be Put in Control
I Reiterated assertions of recent ad
! vices to the effect that William 11.
I Donner, president of the. Cambria Steel
I Company, is to head the Pennsylvania
Steel Company, were outcrops of Pitts
■ burg reports yesterday. The Phlla
i delphia Inquirer Bays to-day:
"From Pittsburgh comes a reitera
tion of the advice that William 11.
Donner, president of the Cambria Steel
! Company, lias been tendered the
j chairmanship of the Pennsylvania Steel
| Company and its associate company,
•the Maryland Steel; and that, as Don
ner will keep his post as president of
, the Cambria Steel, these properties
will be operated In complete harmony
lif not in actual alliance. This rciter
! ated report was accompanied by the
| rumor that the control of the Penn
sylvania Steel had changed hands, but
I this could not. be confirmed. Furthcr
j more, it is not believed that there has
I been a change in control as far as
| stockholdings are concerned, though
i that will probably come; but it is bc
| lieved that the controlling interests
have arranged to put Donner at the
head of the Pennsylvania Steel prop
erties. His successful management ol
jthe Cambria Steel indicates the wis,-
dom of such a change, and if it takes
place, there is just so much more as
surance that the money now being ex
pended in improvements will be
protitably expended. Donner in charge
of Pennsylvania Steel would be a bull
J card on the stock."
S,ira\: to The Telegraph.
, Mechanicsburg, Pa., April 28.
j niuke Laird, son of -Mr. and Mrs.
David L. Laird. South Arch street. Is
i the first Mechanicsburg boy to enlist in
: the army to tight for the American
I cause in Mexico. He enlisted in Com
pany A. Twenty-second Regiment,
U'nited States regulars.. Luird left his
| home .town almost a year ago for
I Texas Slty, Texas, where he is em
| ployed in a manufactory for fire ex
tinguishers. He writes that enthusi
asm for the American cause runs hjgh
i in that locality and nearly all the men
connected with the factory have en
Wednesday. April :19, is tile only
opportunity for voters in Harrls
burg to register in case they have
changed their residence since reg
istering last Fall; in case they
were not registered last Fall: In
case they desire to change party
enrollment or to enroll us mem
ber of a party under the terms' of
the act of litis or who have just
come of age.
The registration hours are S
a. m. to 1 p. m.; 2 to <• p. m.; 7
, to 10 p. in.
The Democrats, despite the most des
perate efforts of years to get out the
voters, were able to muster only 2,92:;,
while the Washington party makes the
pitiful showing of 1.258.
In other words, the number of Re
publicans enrolled exceeds the com
bined enrollment of the Democrats
and the Washington' party by the re
markable total of 2,10!'.
These proved and accurate figures
T Continued on Page :ij
Husband Finds Charred Bones of
Wife and Four Children in
Ruins at Mt. Union
Special to The Telegraph
Mount Union I'a. April 28.—Four
children and thqir mother were cre
mated In a fire of unknown origin
which destroyed the home of Peter
Varner here about 10.30 o'clock lust
night. The tragedy Is the worst in
the town's history and until early this
morning the population of the entire
town had gathered about the embers
of the building that contained the re
mains of the five unfortunate victims.
The dead:
Mrs. Mildred Kelly Varner, aged 20.
Elmer Simon Varner, aged 9.
Ruth Elizabeth Varner, aged 0.
Albert Lewis Varner, aged 4.
Frances May Varner, aged 2.
The husband and father is a gang
leader in the Silica brick works. When
he ran breathless to his home, a few
minutes after the fire was discovered,
it was to find that in a few short min
utes all that was near and dear to him
fContinued on Pago 3]
Railroads Are Adopting
"Spotting" Suggestion
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., April 28. Rail
ways operating in eastern classification
territory have adopted the evident
suggestion given them by the Inter
state Commerce and have
begun to file tariffs providing for a
charge for "spotting" cars. The pro
visions and charges contained in the
tariffs are identical in all instances, in
dicating concerted action on the part
of the roads. The charges are live
land one-half cents a ton with a mini
mum charge of $2 a car.
In eastern classification territory,
it is estimated that there are neariy
27,000 spur tracks, or sidings, on
which cars new are "spotted" by the
railroads without charge. The exact
ion of $2 a car for the service, it is
believed would increase the revenues
of the roads at least $10,000,000 a
year. A charge for car "spotting" is
one of the ways proposed to increase
the returns to the railroads without
making a straight advance in rates.
Girl's Brain Exposed
While Operation Is On
A rare and serious operation was
performed this morning at the Harris
burg Hospital. Miss Helen Givler, aged
12 years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John
}:. Givler, «tt» Camp street, was operat
ed upon for an abscess beneath the
The brain lia'd t'» be exposed while
the operation was being' performed.
The girl Is in a serious condition.
In printing the list of directors of
the new Mechanics Trust Company
yesterday, the Telegraph through an
error printed the name of Christian
1.. Young. This should havfr been
Christian 1.. I. >ng. the real estate op
erator and builder.
Refugees Who Lived in Fear of
Their Lives Weep With Relief
as They See Emblem
Vera ('iii/, April 2 8. —History was
repeated yesterday afternoon In the
-impressive ceremony of raising of the
Slars and Stripes over Vera Cruz. On
the same spot, in 18 47 General Win
field Scott broke to the breeze the
American colors as he landed to begin
his march at the head of the American
troops to Mexico City.
The hoisting of the Hag was carried
out with the full naval ceremony in
the presence of Hear Admiral Badger,
commander-in-chief of the Atlantic
fleet: Rear Admiral Fletcher and the
plucky twelvq hundred men from
Fletcher's ships who took the city
from the Mexicans A,pril 21. As a
mark of special distinction for bravery
shown in action Chief Quartermaster
Jeffs, of the battleship Florida, made
the big American standard fast to the
halyards on the staff erected over the
Terminal Hotel and Captain Frederick
11. I)elano, adjutant of the marine bat
talion on the Prairie; Major Quick, of
the Utah, and Ensign Edward McDon
nell, of the Florida, hauled away until
the flag broke out in a wave of color
at the top of the staff amid the strains
of the. "Star-Spangled Banner," played
by the massed bands of the Florida
and Utah and the thunder of the
saluting guns from the Minnesota in
the inner harbor and the half
liysterical cheering of refugees who
recently escaped from Mexico City.
Americans There Early
Long before the time set for the
ceremony Americans from all parts of
the city started toward the plaza. The
first of the fighting men to arrive were
Colonel Neville's battalion of marines,
marching in column of fours, clad in
khaki and making a trim appearance
as it moved to its place on the right
of the line. Colonel Neville and the
field officers, who were mounted, took
their places in front of the battalion,
while the bandmen of the T'tah, also
dressed in khaki, fell in on the left of
the line.
Buchanan in Command
Next came battalions of bluejackets
clad in spotless white, and accom
panied by their machine gun section
and hospital corps. The Florida's
band led them to their place beside
the marines, the khaki and white
bandsmen forming directly in front ot
the flagstaff where the American na
tional colors were to be raised. Lleu
tenant-Cominander Allen Buchanan, of
the Florida, who led the bluejackets
in landing, commanded them in the
When the long line had been drawn
up Captain Hush, of the Florida, who
was in charge of the landing of the
Americans on Mexican soil, took his
place in front of and facing the flag
staff with his staff officers. Behind
Captain Hush stood Hear Admiral
Fletcher. Ills staff, all the members
of which are now officials of the city
under American control, took their
[Continued on Page It]
Irish Nationalists Get
Big Consignment of Arms
By Associated I'ress
Londonderry, Ireland, April 28.
The Irish Nationalist volunteers, a
body similar in organization to the
Ulster Unionist volunteers, made mat
ters even with their political opponents
early to-day by successfully landing a
large consignment of arms.
The weapons, which are said to have
been brought from America, were
taken ashore at a remote spot on the
coast of the county Donegal, in the
war west of Ulster.
A strange steamer had been seen off
the const for three successive nights.
Late last night a numher of fishing
craft approached, took off the cargo
and succeeded In evading the eoast
guards and landing the rifles, which
were quickly distributed.
The size of the consignment Is un
known, but It is believed to have been
considerable, although not equaling
the 40.000 rifles and 500,000 rounds of
ammunition the Cnlonlsts received on
April 25.
t' y Associated Press
W. VA.
Pittsburgh, April 28. —The Pittsburgh station of the
Bureau of Mines has already started a mine rescue car from
Bluefield, W. Va., to Eccles, where 260 men are reported
entombed and more will be sent from Pittsburgh within an
Mexican Federals
Again Attempt to
Cross U. S. Border
South American Envoys Continue to Make Plans to Bring
About Peace; Huerta Formally Accepts Mediation,
Bringing Encouragement to Peacemakers; General
Funston and 5,000 American Troops Reach Vera
Cruz Prepared For Action; Other Forces Enroute
By .-IssuciiUed I'rcs.i
\\ ashington, April 28. Two Federal generals and their com
mands who were driven back by Constitutionalists from the south
ern part of the state of Nuevo Leon are attempting to cross the
United States border about thirty miles above Laredo, Texas,
according to a State Department report to-day.
It is supposed licre that these federals are part of the command
which dynamited Nuevo Laredo a few days ago when it was
feared they would destroy the international bridge between the
Mexican town and Laredo, Texas. They afterwards left for the
south to join other federal forces supposed to be operating between
Nuevo Laredo and Monterey.
By Associated I'rcss
Washington, D. April 2 8. —While envoys of Brazil, Argentina and
Chile sought, to-day to find some ground upon which to base proposals to
the United States and Mexico which would settle differences between the
nations the word was Hashed from Vera Cruz that Brigadier-General Fans
ton and about 5,000 troops had arrived at the base of American operations
in the Mexican republic.
Chief interest in Washington throughout the day, however, centered in
tlie activity of tbe South American diplomats, who met early in the day at
the Argentine legation to plan the "next step in the negotiations for peace.
Before the envoys began their conference Secretary of State 1 try an was for
mally notified by Ambassador Riano, of Spain, tiiat General lluerta had
accepted the principle of mediation proposed.
Coincident with the conference of the mediators President Wilson and
the Cabinet met in regular session, the subject of absorbing interest being
the Mexican situation, with peace proposals as the particular matter under
consideration. Ambassador IJa Gam a, of Brazil, sought to confer with the
Secretary of State, but Mr. Bryan being at the Cabinet meeting, the Brazilian
ambassador Informed Robert I.ansing, counsellor of the department, that
General lluerta had given assurances that he would protect Americans In
departing from Mexico.
AVhen members of the Cabinet reached the White. House at 11 o'clock
to enter upon the serious deliberations confronting them all of them ap
peared more cheerful than they had been for many days and sevcrai ex
pressed hope that something tangible and hopeful would come from the pro
posals to mediate the dispute with Mexico.
No new orders were issued from the Navy or War Departments, but
there w'us enthusiastic interest among department heads over the arrival at
Vera Cruz of the transports bearing the Fifth Army Brigade, comprising
the Fourth, Seventh, Nineteenth and Twenty-eighth Infantry, under Brig
adier-General Funston.
Secretary Garrison insisted early in the day that the mediation pro
posals could not affect the orders to General Funston.
General Funston's instructions were to land immediately upon arrival
and assume supreme command of the land forces.
liear Admiral Fletcher, who lias been directing operations' up to this
time. will, therefore, return to Ills flagship, the Florida, withdrawing also all
of the bluejackets. That part of the marine force now ashore at Vera Cruz,
however, has been detached from the navy and now becomes part of Gen
eral Funston's command. General Funston also will take up the work un
dertaken by Admiral Fletcher in directing the administration of govern
mental affairs in Vera Cruz.
Transports With Fifth
Army Brigade Docked
in Vera Cruz Harbor
By Associated Press
Vera Cruz, April 28. —The transports
bringing the Fifth Army Brigade com
prising the Fourth, Seventh, Nine-1
teenth anil Twenty-eighth infantry
regiments under Brigadier General
Frederick Funston were made fast
at the docks shortly before 10 o'clock
thin morning
Brigadier General Funston accom-1
panled by Captain Harry McL. P.
iluse, chief of staff of Tlear Admiral I
Fletcher immediately came ashore to
confer with Hear Admiral Fletcher be- I
fore calling on Hear Admiral Badger, I
commander in chief of the Atlantic I
Captain Muse had cubed on Brign-;
flier General Funston carliep in the 1
morning and had presented the com
pliments of Head Admiral Fletcher.
TI-. C latter, he explained, desired to
talk with the general regarding his
Officials Refuse to
Make Public Proposals
to Be Given Mediators
By Associated Press
Washington, I>. C., April 28. —The
White House declined to make any
[Continued on I'ajte 8]
Fop IlarrlMhiiric and vicinity) CJen
erully lair to-night and Wednea
day s not much change in trm
j IM-riitiirp.
For KnKtvrn IVnnx.vlvnnla: Vnaet
lled wnakrr to-nluht nnd Wed
ueadny I probably local afcowera
In nortli portion i gentle to uod.
crate i-tiMlerly Hindu.
Tent vr rat nrvi s B . in., ita.
Suns Mlnea, ftilo n. in.; >rta| #,<m
It. m.
Moom New moon. AIM quarter.
May 3, tiJtp a. in.
KIVPP Stages 5.4 feet above low
«liter mark.