12 Last of the April Showers-Getting Ready for May Flowers An End-of-the Month Sale fi*r a Yard for Toweling | Unusual Prices for Wednesday and Thursday Regularly Sold at 8c Make Tempting Opportunities to Save or *' lc ' as * two a -' s ,J '' month the Linen Sccliuu offers values of n It is certainly as much of a gratification for us to offer this (fcC \ rCC " ICtb " S "* sivc " °" mercha " dise A page of unusual specials as it will be a source of pleasure and profit to those who are fortunate enough to receive them. iflxfvfl iIIIVNA 19c bleachcd Turkish bath towels; $1.50 all-linen hemmed pattern table Wednesday and Thursday have been set apart as rare value- / //?/ Bill IT N\ Y l,itc a J n i, colo y ed borders. Wcdnes- cloths; 66x66 inches square. Wednes giving days--every department has planned a surprise of some / »• iu f r !, ay \ /"- n - «i-o i lurh ay * l, J® f. 17, ' jjf 1 . 1 ,1 |_ ~ ,• \ , v 69c satin tabic damask, /0-inches $1.79 hemmed crochet bed spreads, kind tor you. It you but read through the list we believe \! I | wide. Wednesday and Thursday, Wednesday and Trursday .... $1.45 you'll be here early to-morrow. E \l yard 49* 8c brown linen toweling; W/t inches — 1 /ir,(l '■ 65c table tops and luncheon cloths; wide. Wednesday and Thursday, yard, \ *IT c 1 1 W r 36x36 inches square. Wednesday GVit Camisole Lv&cos in Dnadow W caves and Thursda >' ioc rcd border toweling, wedncs . . _ _ . _ $1.89 napkins; 22x22 inches. Wed- day and Thursdav, yard 8* Reduced in the Month-End Sale ncsday a,KI Thursday * IM D,vcs ' pomcroy & ' stcwart * strect Floor -' Among them are the choicest patterns of the season, collected from regular ■■ stock and specially reduced for this month-end occasion. T*l T* t f*\. 15-inch Camisole lace, in shadow | 24-inch shadow lace flouncing, ijjj IH© DOSt Ol Otlf ChlllOn TaffetaS patterns, values to 25c. Special Wed- j va ] ucs to Wednesday and Thurs nesday and Thursday, yard 15* day , yard 44* \A/ A A Q ♦ U U Reguhrfy $1.75 a Yard: Reduced tO $139 72-inch wash blonde, in white, 18 and 27-inch shadow lace flounc- Will. AnderSOll Scotch GinghamS for waists and lining purposes, 7sc ° value. Wednesday and Thursday, mg; white and ecru; values from /.-»c yard 49* to $1.2?. Wednesday and Thursday, S }T\C* Ouallty ~ n™ i I / KC* P^ catct l again this season, inasmuch as the foremost values arc created 18-inch shadow lace, values to 50c. yard 49* and 75* ============= from our finest grades of pure dye chiffon taffeta. We have not at Wednesday and Thursday, yard, 39* of mC dress Sfiliehams Wed- vard SI.OO __ _ V U,ar . an^e^ aS ! Z :".. SP !-. 25c ! a< : k .. 10c nesday and Thursday, yard. D - &s " «treet Floor. an d Thursday at half fir ice. Large California Oranges, fTT \ r r\c\ c v Basement Economy Items ___ . . _ _ f 11 It* .11 I 1T" Or* k nt rN AlI IVI I 11 I I 0 rolls of White crepe tollel pa|>er. Wednesday and Thursday 2."> c /I A„ T n fU 0 L4.X I /XXI. XX V/ vyX v4.X I. U »8c sets of i)over Sad Irons. Wednesday and Thursday 75c V V Utlll 1 vt/. 11l lllC Jtl v '[f < • cans wall paper cleaner. Wednesday and Thursday, a for 25c , 1 f 101 1 S. C v ' T - ' A*/' 1 *l' J, s '" ffulvanizetl water pails. Wednesday and Thursday 8c Month-End Sale,doz. For Women and Misses Other good tilings in the Grocery Section include— A ' J.l 17 Kll 100-i.ljH-e sets; regularly $15.00. Wednesday and Thursdays».3| Are in tJIO IVlOntn-C/riQ 08.10 lOr CPID.OU »sc iwm.ncrcd a.ul l,rushccl size range is complete and the styles are representative ot Spring's each !... J! wc t of . w .'. lto . ,lliua ;. B|>e< ; lttl . w ' odllcS(la> . ana ll,urs :... 3 cans for ..25c 1 Z x* , , Co'nplctc set of sheet iron roasting and Imking pans: consisting of 2 Shoe peg corn, tender and sweet. reamery buttei, lb. ......... S_c cleverest CTeatlOllS. • baking pans, and 2 roasting pans; actual value, 43c. Wednesday and 3 cans for 25c oanta Clara prunes, 30 to the lb., Thursday „- c Choice little picnic hams that aver- ... . „. . 'J $25.00 suits, in tan, Copenhagen, na\'3', sac;c and black ; collar of moire silk forming a xVvJJ LIOI U.CIC i\W wL/tyL/ldl. J)1 Moiled ham lb :*,Bi- tins Holsum .New State ,7. , , . . , , , . , • r. > i . Uil<> ° A 7 Lebanon bologna, lb. .! !! !20c P l "™ B ', an , r < ' mcdlcl skirt ls . made wlth 11 double tunic. Reduced to fllb.oO R window in vour home can cream cheese, lb 2Sc £ll 10c cereals, u for 25c 520.00 uonlin suits of excellent duality, with silk collar and trog trimming; in tan. navy, - .- Minced ham. lh in.. Peanut butter 15c .. K . ~ . 1 J asKitik be fitted with an awninir at lust one- r=-» I Norway mackerel, each 5c Mustard in large jars 10c reseda and black. Reduced to ; ' third the ordinary cost ii von take iiß ££ M titYu\\~ Pure cocoa, lb 15c Dives, Pomcroy & Stewart—Basement. S2O(XJ navv blue crene suits, in Holland blue and reseda, collar and culls arc trimmed , e .• ', , **" ' I^~wMMmMmMmMmk—'l i n oil. 0!w: *.(i advantage ot tins month-end spe- Mm#KMMMMMm f==- with silk; skirt is made with circular flounce. Reduced to Jiuu.ou . AI . , , ~ , $20.00 navy and black serge suits, in a plain tailored model. Reduced to $10.50 ' , • " Jmmm fff/Swn^ 1 • IT3 J Dives, PomerAy & Stewart, Second Floor. Stripe dtick with scalloped Curtain, ZIJ/////////M ~ Colonial oedroom r urniture —— , ~J j Prinress Dresser s2l! 95 tX°°&', '. A clean-up of broken sizes and odd lots in effect for Wednesday and Thursday. , ?BSK» = j IE rir-ncoJ.,!, ,„,i„,, t -n 1 • 1 ~ , . Jlisses' $1.30 white coat sweaters, I Men's 69c and 75c night fo.l Boys 25c dark striped Brownie J'or windows from 3 feet 10 inches to -I' '» | f-—' Circassian walnut pieces specially priced in the Month-End sizes 6to 12 years, counter shirts. Special ... 59C j overalls. Spe- 1 4 feet 2 inches. —I t— f '* cm l •• • • $23.75 'Snd »"hn™ a iS'.'l ro ~ p * Janl "- 95c sp«"a'..." • " •' 200 T-f „1f p_:„„ J I p $27.50 Chiffoniers Special $2125 to 4 > oars special x..w Vv.» x-i,. .1 xkckweau spkciaus flail 1 FICO HflCl LvCSS POF tt» »i-w T"» • t~\ . , T * Hoys' SI.OO wool baseball jerseys, 50c wide llowlng-end four-in- ©29.00 X I'incess Dresser ODeCia.l TO grey, navy and maroon, sizes r/j uF.E SIiIKTS AT #9c hantl t j oa |„ blue colorings. _ ; «to 14 years. Special »>OC Regular SI.OO and $1.50 percale Special *I C VV XlltO LIrGSS I 100(1^ <£ t2 Cf\ l -1 1, * * U l»c"plain White' cotton ' voile, 40 \ PAJAMAS fast colors. Special ..' »,ie . 1,.. ... cambric, sizes to 20 inches, oo _ Men's and boys' 50c, 69c and 75c Each inches. Special, 1 10 yards to piece, Special, aq,, L»idhh bius, special sl,».*>.» Special OOC soiled negligee shirts. Spe- 9 - Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's yard 1 yard iioC Dives Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. No phone orders. clal aDC Store. Street Floor 29c plain white Hatine, 36 1 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart v - ■ ' inches. Special, yard 1 «JC Strect Floor. ASweepingClearance of Spring Hats Joins the Month-End Sale SIO.OO to $20.00 ec; en $7.95 to $9.50 C/ 1Q C ! $5.95 to $7.50 d»Q AC Trimmed Hats . . vVJ.O vy Trimmed Hats A.C7O Trimmed Hats aetual count there are 410 trimmed hats in this clearance sale. The close of April finds plans for A / summer well undei way, and consequently makes imperative the quick dismissal ot the balance of the stock HI U ffllillPV, Al A At $6.50 are hats that were SIO.OO, At $4.95 are hats that were $7.95, At $3.95 are hats that were $5.95, A t|)v fy» v , .. jj\slo.so, sl2, $12.50, sls and S2O. $8.50, $9.00 and $9.50. $6.50, $6.95 and $7.50. / |\ L( «K|jMM IIP tp ' ) I n a large variety of styles are all the leading shapes and shades in dress and street hats. Many! \J / A i ! y« ne P attern l ia ts are included together with copies of French models. P {Jf/J iJ// B & y who abfcreciate real values in millinery will be out early to-morrow. 1 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Front Dives, Pomeroy Stewart | Dives, Pomeroy Si# Stewart I Dives, Pomeroy Stewart TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 28, 1914.