Competent Help Can Be Secured II 111 on /s 1 iff ; PSI is sure to reach j|||( t/zepesscvryou seek I|| I I Ll] HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH j ||l|lV C,ln,ber,a,,d 203 '' ' ll U \ /Ids -taken Ay/>/ione i lllf m 1 s j|| DIED BMALLWOOD Died suddenly, April JT, Anna E., aged 76 years, widow ol the late Wm. Smailwood. Funoral services will be hold Wed nesday evening, at (1 o'clock, at Pax tang avenue, Paxtang. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend. Burial wil^b^jnadt^lnPhlladoljjliia^ _ LOST LOST A small, sold Elgin Watch, with initials F. M. B. on the back; also L. V. C. Fob attached to watch, be tween Sixteenth and Market and Eigh teenth and State. Reward if returned to 1605 Market street. LOST One hundred dollar note. Please return to M. 11. Shenk, 1423 Mar ket street. LOST A gold Howard Watch, in Chestnut Street Markothouse, Saturday morning. Gold fob attached with ini tials E. C. F. on end. Reward if re turned to 606 North Seventeenth street. HELP WANTED—MaIe WANTED Young man who has some experience in grocery business, between 14 and 16 years «f age. Ap ply 1914 Susquehanna street. WANTED Married man to work on farm and board with farmer, or move in two or three rooms. Apply J. M. Ensminger's Farm, Highspire, Pa. WANTED Experienced tinsmith; steady work all year around. Apply Hershey Store Co., Hershey, Pa. MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once lor Electric Railway Motormen and Conductors; S6O to SIOO a month; no experience necessary; line opportu nity; no strike; write immediately for application blank. Address Box 820, care of Telegraph. WANTED Wide-awake errand boy; opportunity to learn printing trade. Apply at once. Patriot Job Print, 320 Market street. HELP WANTED—FemaIe f ANTED Bright girl to t iti office. Must write leg hand and he accurate at fig- Applv W. B. Schleisner stores. WANTED Girl for general house work; good wages to right party. Geo. ). Colviras, 1908 Market street. Bell phone. $2.60 PER DAY paid one lady in each town to distribute free circulars for concentrated flavoring in tubes. Per manent position. F. E. Barr Co., Chi cago. WANTED A girl to assist with general housework, In suburbs, near :rolley line; good wages to right party, reference. Inquire 1218 North Third itreet for information. WANTED Middle-aged woman for ;ook and general housework at house ilong trolley line just outside of city; •eferences. Address F., 27, care of Telegraph. WANTED A capable white girl for jeneral housework; must be good cook; small family. Call between 10 A. M. ind 2 P. M., 2220 North Second street, iell phone 918 J. Experienced winders. Apply [■larrisburg Silk Mill, Cor. North md Second streets. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED White gentleman would Ike position as night watchman, ele -atorman or to drive small team; sober md respectable man. Apply 1849 North Seventh street. WANTED —■ By young, married man, mpitlon as bookkeeper; has knowledge if shorthand and typewriting; three ■ears' experience; can furnish good ref irences. Address H., 607, care of Tcle rrnph. WANTED Gardener wants posl lon, also planting, grafting and prun ing work. Address W„ 608, care of Telegraph. WANTED First-class clothing alesman open for position on May 10. 'apable to take full charge If neces ary. For interview address T., 200, are of Telegraph. WANTED Young, married man wishes work on farm; experienced; can urnh reference; would like a place pith small tenant liouso or a small, tocked farm, or work of any kind, larry L. Doutrlck, Paixtang, Pa. WANTED An experienced cliauf eur wants position as chauffeur. Ap jly X., 896. care of- Telegraph. SITUATIONS WA N TED—Fein ale WANTED Colored girl would like o get work to assist in housework or s nurse girl. 1727 North Seventh treet. WANTED Young white lady would Ike position as housekeeper for ridower, in or near city. Apply 1405 Williams street. 0 FOR SALE 532 Maclay Street $3,100 A tlirec-story brick dwelling house with eight rooms—bath and fnroaee. Lot 16x87x15J4 ft. to a 4-rt. roar alley. Miller Bros. & Neefe Locust and Court Streets. •* * TUESDAY EVENING, HXfUUSBURG TELEGRXEH) APRIL 28, 1914. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe II WANTED Half-grown girl wishes >f work between Hchool hours or after. Please call at 804 Capital street. [. . WANTED Experienced stenog d rapher and typewriter with knowledge il of bookkeeping, desires position. Can furnish good references. Address Box G, ■ 609, caro of Telegraph. WANTED • Colored woman desires day's work of any kind. Call, or ad ° dress, 654 Calder street. l " WANTED Woman with child d wlßhes position as housekeeper for widower. Address Mrs. Alice Evans, ~ West Fairview, R. F. D. No. 1, care of *• M. V. Sanderson. WANTED By young woman, posi tion as manicurist, in or out of town; n can give references. Address 11., 580, y care of Telegraph. - WANTED Colored woman wants t; day's work of any kind. 433 North avenue. Room 3. ~ WANTED : Experienced stenog rapher and typewriter, with knowledge ' of bookkeeping, wants position; can furnish good references. Address; or call, Stenographer, 1831 North street, t HELP WANTED —MaIe and Femule I. WANTED Man and wife during - summer months at country home. Wo ; man TO do cooking anil man to make y himself generally useful. Good wages to right party. Apply 510 North Sec - ond street. 1 REAIT"ESTATE FOR SALE n f FRAME HOUSE, located on Briggs • street, between Seco and Third; 8 rooms and bath. Will be sold at sacrl lice if sold this Spring. Address S. O. £ No. 1001, caro of Telegraph. b " FOR SALIi At Progress Extension, new two-story frame house, six rooms; lot, 40x135 ft. For particulars Inquire J next door. Mrs. Hahn, Progress, Pa. FARM FOR SALE Natural gas for light and fuel. Inquire 224 Woodbine street. 1 | FOR SALE Two brick houses, near | market street: all improvements. Ad _ i dress J., 612, care of Telegraph Office. ' FOR SALE Three-story brick | dwelling ll rooms all conveni- J ences one block froth Capitol. Lot, _ i 20x111. Will be sold under price. In x ( quire 410 Briggs street. [ j FOR SALE Two suburban proper ties for sale. Either one of these should ' | Interest you both built by owners i for residences now offered at a sac- I rifice large plots steam heat 'j 5c fare near trolley. Bell Realty Co., \ ißergnor Building. 1 I SUMMER COTTAGE FOR SALE I I urnished six rooms ■ — large porches r : —Plot, 75x285 extending to Susque hanna river including large boat ■ I H®?; 1 " station. Price very reasonable. ■ | Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. j FOR SALE Money-making lodg r K house or dwelling, on Pine street. l hirteen rooms and three bath rooms— ' J» CR , n tly painted and papered vacant. • Little cash needed. Bell Realty Co., • Bergner Building. „ FOR SALE 1822 Boas street: new ' £ r '" krlck; never occupied; 7 rooms, hall and bath; all Improvements; gas; 1 electric lights; cement cellar; concreto walls and steps; side entrance. Price, $-.500, on easy terms. Charles Barn hart, 1821 Whitehall street. " FOR SALE New dwelling, Second street. Riverside; nine rooms; all con veniences; steam heat and open fire place; large porches; pressed brick 1 front; back and front stairs; side vard ,a,ri K n e n . iot ' p V rcllaser may select paper. $4,i00; easy terms. Discount for cash. Liewis M. Neiffor, 222 street. WHY not live in Ellzabethtown, Pa.? ■ A town which lias all city conveniences • good markets, splendid train and trol ley service. Houses with ail modern conveniences for sale or rent. Call on ■ or address, J. H. Buch, Ellzabethtown,' i ___ FOR SALE House No. 1913 Penn 1 street; two-story pressed brick front: : all improvements; porch; gas. ADOIV on premises. Cheap to quick buyer. , FOR SALE Cozy corner 2-story brick house; six rooms and bath; mod ern Improvements; electricity; gas; hot i and cold water in cellar; 5 minutes V ' l i V i {l w P depot; every room front. Price ; S y lvan o T'e n r r e a r c C e Sted lD(lU ' re 117 ■ SALE ln Middletown lO7 ino" 1 T i- r ??„ store room and dwell ' | !ot. 25x110 additional lot, 45x | 110 elegant location for any line of Possession at once. Brinton -1 -ickei Co., becond and Walnut streets. FOR SALE —44 Acres -—. 314 miles ; west of Marysvllle frame dwelling „ 8 rooms good as new frame bank barn -- running water 75 fruit trees in bearing. Pi-ico. $2,800.00. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. 1- OR. i>ALh l3O Acres .. 2U miinu 8* rooms et ° W f" ~ brick house ~ 8 rooms frame bank barn 4O ticies of river bottom soil. This is an exceptionally good dairy farm. Biin streetg Pr " Socond " nd Walnut FOR SALF, AT PBKDIX ~ I TOP FAKM HOI'SK «7Mi SNAP PRICE to quick buyer ~ ! Terms, too. Wo are in the market to clean up remaining lots quickly. There ■ are but In all—some as low as $1 00 1 per front foot Better come to-day ' l see Perdix—then ACT. Our office it ut Reidlinger's Stor P . Salesman always at 1 the property. WAYNE COTTAGE at a bargain. A. C. Young, 26 North Third 1 street. Bell phone 93iiR. i FOR SALE 1434 Reglna streot; 3- storv brick; 10 rooms and bath yard; lot 25x135; 2-story stable on rear, 25x20, suitable for horses or E*ar aße.". A i?° 10 . 1 80x J 00 °n State street op- " Kegina street. 6 " Btreet App,y , frame dwelling with 9 rooms and ? Improvements. Must be sold by May Market^treef J " E ' Ulpl " e ' : SIXTY HOUSES, some new and very attractive homes; several very good in- IrR 11 * T® rm ? l ? BUlt - D - K - Bright bfll, 2 North Court street. Euth Phone®. 1 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT House with 7 rooms and bath, 2328 Derry street, Garfield. Inquire at store. Bell phone 494-W. FOB RENT FURNISH BD COTTAGE (BOW MAN'S) AT PERDIX. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Bell Phone 1595. FOR RENT No. 2121 Boas street, with stable, $15.00. Suburban home stead, $23.00. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Mar ket street. FOR RENT Cottage seekers may rent furnished, diningroom, two bed rooms, use of bath, kitchen, large porches, by the week or longer period throughout summer. Near station, trol ley, creek, river, mountain, etc. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT Farm of 120 acres at $lO per month, no taxes, in East Fishing Creek Valley. Address Mary E. Kelly, Fort Hunter, Pa. 183 ACRES 46 perches farm land, 36 acres mountain land, known as the "Squire Miller Farm" in West Hanover Township, Dauphin County, on the Manada Gap ltoad, about 4 miles from Llnglestown. Apply Commonwealth Trust Co., Real Estate Department, 222 Market street, Harrisburg. APARTMENTS IX)R~RENT FOR RENT Apartments front— Sixth and Harris stroots. Apply I* Sil ver, Sixth and Harris streets. UNFURNISHED housekeeping apart ment; fronting on Locust street; four rooms and bath; also complete kitchen facilities for cooking, etc. Storage locker In basement. Apply Penna. Realty Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT Choice apartments east end Mulberry Street Bridge facing city; 6 rooms; every convenience. Ap ply I. W. Dill. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms . for light housekeeping or two furnish ! Ed rooms for lodging, to desirable par ties. Call Bell phone 13271+ or address I C. E. D„ care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two large rooms on third floor and one on second floor, fur nished or unfurnished; all conveniences. . Apply morning until 9:30, and in even ing after 5:30, at 349 South Thirteenth street. SUITE of three unfurnished rooms— private bath and kitchen, including range; fronttng on Second street; cen trally located. Apply Penna. Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT Two nice, large fur nished rooms for light housekeeping; fine location. Apply at 1419 Market street. FOR RENT By the night or month, the finest rooms in Harrisburg, single or en suite. Laßelle Apart ments, 204 Locust street, next door to Orpheuni. Steam heat, electricity, baths. Newly furnlched throughout. Apply C. Gaeta, Merchant Tailor, 212 Locust street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping, having gas range, on Crescent street. Apply Box 613, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Two rooms on second floor, furnished or unfurnished, suit able for light housekeeping; all con- I'JP'ences; use °f phone. Address T., 325, caro of Telegraph. FOR RENT One or two nicely fur nished, airy rooms on third floor, In private house; all conveniences; city steam, gas, bath, telephone, facing Capitol, Prlco moderate. Inquire 426 North street. FOR RENT Newly furnished front rooms, facing Capitol Park; hot and cold running water in each room; elec tric light; use of phone and bath. Ap ply Robinson Apartments, 410 North street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms; all conveniences, including bath and phone. 921 North Second street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnish ed rooms, for gentlemen, with city heat and use of bath. Apply 272 Brlggs street. FOR RENT Third floor front room, with board; use of phone. Apply 1518 I North Sixth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms and boarding by meal, day or week. Apply ! 1001 North Second street, corner Boas ' and Second streets. FOR RENT Fifty furnished rooms, in private families, all parts of city improvements 51.25 week —■ many other rooms. Send address and X will call Address X., 508, care of Tele- ROOMS WANTED ADDITIONAL ROOMS WASTED FOR i HUPIIBSKXTATIVEH OF THE GRAND I LODGE OF ODD FELLOWS WHICH | MEETS IN THIS CITY MAY ID TO 21. i NOTIFY EITHER OF THE IINDEK- r SIGNED AND STATE NH M HER THAT' CAN BE ACCOMMODATED AND THE IMUCE PER NIGHT. GEO. C. McCAHAN, 2210 NORTH FOURTH STREET. JOHN S. SPICER, BOX 7H6. ' WANTED WANTED To clean carpets and rugs in now sanitary way. Restores colors to carpets. Does not. Injure fabric. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 623R, Sanitary Carpet Cleaning Co.. 352 Broad. WANTED By family moving to suburbs for summer, lady or young couple as company near city and car line; light housekeeping; fine surround ings. Address C., 606, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE FOR SALE Barred Rock Cockerels, pullet bred. 1612 New Fifth street. FOR SALE One No. 3 Prairie State Brooder, one Universal Hover, one 140- Egg Cyphers Incubator. W. F. Ken dall, 228 North Third street. FOR SALE -At a bargain a flve passengcr touring car in excellent con dition. This car has not had hard usage. For inspection or demonstration call at 1006 North Third street at any time. FOR SALE At sacrifice, if taken at once; stock and flxturcs of general store doing- large business. In thriving town. Will proV volume of business to in terested pnrty. Want to join my hus band In Minnesota, reason for selling. Call and examine stock. M. C. A. Clouser, Duncannon, Pa. FOR SALE A barber shop furni ture complete, with five chairs of maple wood. Payment half cash and half on trust. Apply 1325 Fulton street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE At a bargain, a light weight six-cylinder car. Paul Mess ner, 1118 James street. C. W. H. LANGLETZ, wholesale and retail rough and dressed lumber. Bell phone 1383 J. Office and yards: Cam eron and Mulberry streets. FOR SALE Exceptionally line 18K. solid gold, extra thin Oscar Fresard watch. Will sell for SIOO to close an estate. Original price, $275. Can be seen by appointment. Address Y., 899, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Family slsse Iceland refrigerator, in good condition. R. c Williams, 1317 Derry street. FOR SALE Restaurant doing good, ' cash business in good locality. Good reason for selling. Prluo reasonable. Address M., 898, care of Telegraph. 1 FOR SALE One Bull Terrier, pure white; best of breeding; a beauty. Ap ply 307 Crescent. FOR SALE Refrigerator, suitable for grocery store or meat market; 300 Tbs. Ice capacity. Glass front. Price rcasoiißble If sold at qnce. Nathan Gross, 201& North Sixth street. FOR SALE FOR SALE One largo Ice cream freezer and a lot of packing tubs and cans; also two large ice chests. Apply 1948 State street. , BICYCLES lO rebuilt bicycles, at prices that talk for themselves; one girl's wheel, with coaster brake and new paint. Tires, 50c up. Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. FOR SALE First-class Cleaning and Dyeing Works. Rare oportunity for bright, young man who under stands pressing. Will teach the clean ing and dyeing. 25 years established. Full set of machinery, boiler and en gine. This plant Is fully equipped and doing good business. Can be bought very reasonable. Rent cheap. Address W., 614, care of Telegraph. 100 PER CENT. INVESTMENT Steel Die Embossed Stationery and Business Cards—increases, business costs less than printing. Harrisburg 1 Embossing Plant 4 North Fifth street. FOR SALE Barber business, in -1 eluding two chairs; also good pool 1 table, with other equipment, and also cigar and tobacco business, including 1 show cases. Price, $350. Bell Realty i Co., Bergnor Building. ; FOR SALE 1 refrigerator, ice ca pacity 300 lbs.; 1 National cash regis ' ter, 2 show cases, coffee mill and lots of other articles too numerous to men tion. Must be sold before May 1. Ap ' ply 630 Boas street. FOR SALE I TWO Waterproof Tents; size, 10x20 ft.; 6 ft. side wall; good condition. Price ' reasonable. Call, or address, E. C. 1 Markley, 370 South Second street, Steel i ton. Pa. FOR SALE Grocery store, stock and fixtures; excellent location; good i reasons for selling. Address T., 610, ' caro of Telegraph. FOR SALE Late o-passenger Reo 1 touring car, in first-class condition; fully equipped. Or will exchange for small roadster. Address X., 611, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Reasonable, English perambulator (baby coach). Apply 1609 Market street. TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases, Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap Leather, Calfskin, Kip Dongola, Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases and Leather Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest nut streets. GLASS window signs. Furnished i Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board, at 26c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-tlmo order for a classified ad. if paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. USED motorcycles; all makes; over hauled and in tine condition; guaran teed to bo as represented; call for dem onstration. Ileagy Bros., 1204 North Third street FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE l6-ft. mahogany wall case, 12-ft. mahogany back bar to soda fountain, 4 mission ice cream tables, with chairs. Used only one year. In quire 1015 North Third street. FOR SALE Second-hand bricks cheap if taken at once. Hear 215 Mul berry street. FOR SALE General store, doing good business; must sell on account of ill health. Address 8., 588, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE Refuse carload of scrap-Iron at Sheesley's siding. Dock street, to be sold at Public Sale, May 6, 1314, at 10 o'clock A. M.. to highest bidder for cash consideration, and must be removed within 10 days from date of sale. Further particulars can b© had upon application to G. W. Mumma, *re ght Claim Adjuster, P. R. R. Freight Office, foot of Third street J. H. Nixon, Agent, Harrisburg. HIGHEST GRADE ROOFING PAINT. Having purchased the stock of a paint works, we offer this high grade paint, all colors, at 65 cents a gallon. Sold at all stores at SI.OO. Also several tons pitch at your own price. Wil liams & Freedman, Tenth street, below Mulberry Street Bridge. FOR SALE Standard machine, good as new. sold very cheap to quick buyer. 310 North street. Big bargain to offer j A SMALL Grocery Store on the trol ley line 2O minutes' ride from Har risburg doing an elegant business. Rent very reasonable. Good reason for selling out. Address G.. 589, caro of Telegraph. „ FOR SALE, CHEAP One No. 7 Remington Typewriter, in good condi tion. Address X„ 604, care of Tele graph. „ FOR SALE Oakland Roadster; I first-class condition; price right. In | quire Paul D Messner, 1118 James i street. FOR SALE Fourteen Minorca Chickens. Reason for selling, leaving city. Call 1824 North Sixth. FURNITURE FOR SALE Golden oak china closet, curved glass sides and J"or, has claw feet, cost when new, s i»CO. : LEARN DRESSMAKING In one of the best dressmaking schools In America. 4 Make your own dresses while learning. . Night and Day classes. Work's Dress i making School, 22 North Fourth street. ' ANY and all kinds of Job Carpenter . ing Work. Also Concrete Walks and , Steps a specialty. Address H. H. Shlve . ly. Lucknow, Pa. ! IX MKM OKI An ) IN loving remembrance of our dear i mother. Mary B. Davis, who departed • this life April 28. 189 S. • Not good night, Dear Mother, only fare , well. | HER DAUGHTERS. ' IN loving remembrance of Frederick • Stroll, who peacefully fell asleep eight • years ago, April the 28th. The golden gates were opened, A gentle voice said come, And with farewells unspoken He calmly entered home. HIS WIFE. BUSINESS PERSONALS HAVE your Ford's looked after now while we are not so busy. We make a , specialty on t ord cars. Give us a chance. Our prices are right. Call E. M. bnavely, Middletown, Pa. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTUHING with beat material and by expert help Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Gluck, 320 Woodbine street. A LEVIN, 805 North Third street. Furniture repair, upholstering and re finlshlng. Antique furnityre for sale. All work properly attended to. Rea sonable prices guaranteed. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN SIOO,OOO to loan in amounts of *I,OOO and up on first mortgage on city property, repayable monthly or Installments. Derbt cancel ed and mortgage satisfied on death of borriwer. John C. Orr, 222 Market street PROFIT-SHARING LOAX SOCIETY*" WE HAVE ORIGINATED a new plan pf loaning money by which borrowers share profits of lenders. Legal rates, easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms 6-7, 9 North Market Square. NOTICES ANY elderly lady wishing to take a drive in country or elsewhere at 25c an hour, please call Mrs. Gable, 1901 North Seventh street. Bell phone 2716 J. STORAGE HARRISBURG STORAGE CO Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa* cillties for storing all kind 3 of mer chandise. Low storage rates. South St. and Penna. R. R. STORAGE 4lO Broad street, for household goods nnd merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 11l Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Governor of the State of Pennsylvania on 20th May, A. I). 1914, by Charles R. Stouf fer, Arthur K. Jerauld and Dwight P. Jerauld, under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the In corporation and Regulation of certain Corporations.".approved April 29. 1871, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be ealled "FOUNTAIN MARKET COM PANY," the character and object of which is dealing in groceries, meats, fruits, .produce and articles usually kept for sale In a general stove and for these purposes to have and possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privi leges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. JOHN C. NISSLEY, Solicitor. PROPOSALS FOR lIKIUGE COMMONWEALTH OF FKJiNSYI,. VANIA Office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrlsburit, Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the Office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings in the Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa., un til 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, May 19, 1914, for furnishing all labor and ma terials necessary to replaco pier and repair damages to bridge across the Shenango River at Silver Street In the city of Sharon. Mercer County, Pa., as called for in specifications and draw ings prepared by Edwin K. Morse, C E Specifications, drawings and blank forms may be obtained upon applica tion to tills office. SAMUEL B. KAMBO, Superintendent Public Grounds nnd Buildings. Hospital Managers Praise Late Andrew Jackson Dull i The board of managers of the Har risburg Hospital yesterday adopted the following minutes in eulogium of the late A. J. Dull, who was for mapy years a member of that body. It Is as fol lows: "For the fourth time during the present hospital year the members of the board of managers of the Harris burg Hospital have been called upon to sorrow for the death of one or their colleagues. "On April 9. 1914, after a long illness, Mr. Andrew J. Dull entered into life eternal. "Mr. Dull was first fleeted a member of the board in 1887, since which tinie he has been a most faithful and ef ficient helper to the hospital. In con nection with the various building op erations during his many years of ser vice at the institution, Mr. Dull's knowledge, skill and experience were ' very valuable. "The board sincerely mourns his death, nnd will greatly miss his valu able counsels and his kindly and gentle presence. With Mrs. Dull and the members of his family, the board de sire to express their respectful sym- ■ pa thy. "it is directed that copies of tills 1 minute l>e sent, to Mr*. Dull, and to the Di'tls of Uv city." GENERAL GAINS IN MARKET IS SHOWN Shorts Intimidated Into Buying by Steady Strength of List and Absence of Offerings By Associated Press New York, April 28. The early ad vance was extended during the morn ing until general gains of one to two points were shown at noon. Ellmlna l tlon of weak bull accounts by the re cent drastic, liquidation put the mar ket in a better position to respond to operations on the long side. Shorts were intimidated into buying by the steady strength of the list and absence of ofllecrlngs from inside sources at the higher levels promoted confidence of the bulls. Railroad shares were not affected by a break in Mis souri Pacific to 16%, the lowest In many years. Bonds were firm. Furnished by H. W. SNAVKLY Arcade Building New York, April 28. .. , Otpen. 2.30 P.M. Alaska Gold Mines .25 26% Amal. Copper 71 14 72 American Beet Sugar 20% 20% American Can 2 5% 26% American Can pfd.. 88% 88% Am. C. & F 47 48 American Cotton OH 40 40 Am. Ice Securities.. 30 30% Am. Locomotive ... 29 29% American Smelting . 60 % 61% American Sugar ... 100 99% American T. & T... 120% 120% Anaconda 33% 33 u Atchison... 93% 95% Baltimore & Ohio .. 89 89% Bethlehem Steel ... 39% 404 Brooklyn R. T Sy% A Canadian Pacific .. . 189% 191% Central Leather ... 34% 85% Chesapeake & Ohio. 52% 52 % C.. M. &St. P 07% 9 8 ff Chlno Con. Copper . 39% 39% Col. F. & 1 25 26 % Corn Products 8 % 9 u Distilling Securities . 14% 15% Erie 27 27v. Erie Ist pfd 41% 4 2 General Electric Co. 144 144 Goodrich, B. F 25% 26% Great Northern pfd. 124% 121% Great Nor. Ore subs. 30% * 31 Interboro-Met. pfd.. 60 60% , Lehigh Valley 130 137 Louis. & Nashville .133% 133% Mex. Petroleum .... 55 55ia Missouri Pacific .... 19% 17% Nov. Con. Copper .. 14% 14% New York Central . 88% 90 " N. Y., N. H. &H. . . 69% 69% Norfolk & Western. 102% 102% Northern Paciiic ... 108 " 109% Pacific Mail 23% 23% Penna. R. R 110 110% People s Gas & Coke 119 % 119 % Pittsburgh Coal ... 19% 20 Pittsburgh Coal pfd 87 87 Pressed Steel Car .. 40% 41 Ray Con. Copper .. 20% 20% Reading x 59% 161% Rep. Iron Steel .. 21% 22 " Rep. Iron & Steel pf 83% 83% Southern Pacific ... 88% 90% Southern Railway . 2:5% 23% Southern Ry. pfd ..78 78 Tennessee Copper .. 3 3 33% Texas Company ... 140 140% Union Pacific 151% 152% U. S. Rubber 55% 56 U- S. Steel 57% 57% U. S. Steel pfd .... 107% 108 Utah Copper 52% 54 Western Union Tel.. 60 60% Westinghouse Mfg.. 72% 72% Wool worth 97% 97 HOLLAR PAYS 53.98S 10 cony nur Establishes Precedent of Turning in Office Revenues Every Quarter i () th< Piotnouotary/s office for the last quar ter, January 1 to April 1, 1914, and the total In exact figures is $3,989.70. The plan of paying in the money Quar terly Is a precedent established by rPothonotury Holler in order to give the county the advantage of the reve nues of his office during the year. Heretofore it has been customary for the Prothonotartes to pay dver the money due to the county at the end of each year. Prothonotary Holler gave County Treasurer Bailey his cheek yesterday und the amounts were as follows: Costs, $2,806.70; lines, $1,095; jury fpes, SBB. The total of $3,989.70 is way beyond that for similar times in previous years. Wesley A. >l. E. (iets Permit.—Wes ley African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church yesterday got a permit to build a new house of worship at Forster and Ash streets to replace the building occupied for a number of years in the Eighth ward and which was pur chased by the f'ajpitol Park Extension Commission. The new structure will cost $20,000. other permits included Central Printing Company, 329 Mar ket street, addition, $7,800; garage J. J. Moffltt, $350. Cox-Lttwton Vs. P. It. R. Hearing May 2.—May 2 was lixed by Additional I Law Judge J. S. M. McCarrell to-day for a hearing of the objection of the revised verdict suggested by the court in the Cox-Lawton vs. Pennsylvania Railroad siding damage suit. E. J. Fogurty to Build.—A permit was issued to-day to E. J. Vogarty to build a dwelling at 112 1 North Front street at a cost of $4,500. Ar.>-ue Fleming Appeal.—Additional Law Judge McCarrell this afternoon heard argument presented by \V. L. Looser, attorney for Murtin Fleming for a new trial for the youthful mur derer. Tho healing of argument in the Dr. John T. Knsminger, Jr.-Martha Osten case was listed for to-day, but was postponed because testimony has not yet been written out. Thin case will be heard by Judge Johnson, Judge Henry, Lebanon, arrived to hear argument in cases he had disposed of. Realty Transfers.—W. L. Gorgus to M. R. Miller, 1815 Whitehall street, $1; F. F. Hetrlck to Jeanette W. Smaiiing, 1934 Park street, $1; F. F. Hetrlck to Jacob W. Leaman, 193G Park street, $1; Mary E. Lercw to < William S. Harris. 1524 Derry street, $1; W. S. Harris to Mary E. Lerew, 20 North Eighteenth street, $1; S. Kersoa to Sallie Martin, 408 Cumber land street, $1; Bertha M. Snyder to S. ,T. Koith. 1827 North Third street, $4,700: Catherine Eshelmun to Ara bella B. Rife, Middletuwn, $160; R. CHICAGO BOAHD OF TRADE Furnished by H. W. SUAVELY Arcade Building Chicago, 111., April 1:8. Open. High. Low. Clos. Wheat— May 92% 92% 92* 92% July 86»i S6 % 86% 86% Corn— May fiii 65 64 64 July 61 % 64% «S% 63% Oats— May 37% 37% 36% 37 July 37% 37% 37 37% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111.. April 28. Hogs—Re- Cj'Pts. 15,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $8.60 @£ <>s ; light, $8.46 018.72%; mixed, $8.40 ' S§'Z2 : heavy, $8.20®>8.62%; rough, $8.20 , @8.30; pigs, $7.35(6)8.40. Cattle Receipts, 3,000; slow. ? e ifin S ' Texas steers. $7.11 mS.2O; Blockers aad feeders. $. r'B.2os H.ooVoo. heiferß ' * 3 - 70 ® 8 - 50 : caU ' e * «JS le SP^,Sf. cal P ts - -'-000; steady. Na il™! * f, 5 ' 70 ;,. yearlings, $5.50@6.50$ _ lambs, native. $6.0007.15. 1 FHILADEIiPHI a produce By Associated Press ' Philadelphia. April 28. Wheat »i°«n® r: w ?• xr' !! ed - export, 99%c(® ; |{'o4 ffll'ob Northern, Duluth, export. Corn, Lower; new. No. 2, yellow. : Fo a caTi's@7n%a® 7 ' 1Ho: du " kUn dr,ed ' ; 45^ a p ts ~ Weak - No « 2. white, 451 d , ra *l«TT\.Market steady; winter, per ; $28:00®®8 50® 30,0U: BPrlnK> PCr ton .' 1 Sugars Market steady; ?°,7iVS3- 3 jfl @j"oc; fine granulated. ' v* , confectioners' A, 3.75® L d i. Ke y s <°ne A, 3.6003.65 c. Butter The market is steady: " 2C ° : nearby The market is firm; 1 free ?««« i« i a ? d other nearby firsts, s Mn«iS, f S 15 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $6.00 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.15 per case ' firsts, free cases, $6.00 ' (filAc? Po " ltry Stronger; fowls. 18 : snrini- Jhi chickens, 14®20c; c leken- 36 0 40C; broiling -• old roosters. 12 ducks, 12 Per bishe P i e ßs®flsr-' f 6 ® 93c ; Western, " r,VT,,' ®p@ a 3c; Jersey, per basket. 20©50 c, Florida, per basket, $2.50 @5.75. 1 clear° Ur i3^fti)T?J ket la Btead y: winter. •rtvanlft «f straight*. k>eun -1 tln *4.1504.30: western. $4.25® • i patents. $4.80@4!t0; K'nn-i«f« • straight, Jute sacks, $4.1504.30; spring d a . r " Uo .@*-20; straights. ® 4.40; patents. $4.5004.75. * ' »P ay »r~ T,le market Is firm; tim othy, No. 1. large bales, $18.50019 00- s iK;' nnl»i 7 ™ b ales, $18.00018.50; No! , A, $lb.00@17.00; Jv,o. 3. $14.00® 15.00. i T7 nn UV v«'?' 5 5. ed: ~V' c gnt mi *ed, $16,600 ! sl3 50® 14,50. ' ,15 - 50r ® 16 -° U; U »- *■ - Sncfdgrass to Harriet E. Stauffer Swa attmfri? W ? sh 'o' |1 ; 150: Harriet E. ttauffei to Sara E. Raffensperger, Swatara township, $1,600; E. S Leh . man to Samuel H. Winters, Dcrrv f township, $1,100; John D. Miller to SBOO - e r W '" ter ?' Derry township. f 'i co f W; Cumbler's executors to Anton Kostelic, Brcssler, $300: \ wmffn 0 Lu S- Strayer ' Gratz, $243; * lllla Shoop to Charles M. Ad r ams, Williamstown, $0; E \ Heme ' ",r r /° V hi i r,es E - Hol, y. '6*24 Berry lull street $3,450: E. A. Hefflefinger street, ( s3,4s e r nberSer ' 1622 Bcrrjhill Prepare Speclfltatlons for r>eirv Street 1 aving.—Orders will be issued by Commissioner W. H. Lynch to Citv ,T„ n ,^ ln . eer < owden within the next few n»l f„!! r a P " re th ,° a P° c ' f l i: ations and rrnm V, paving of Derry street tw i to Twenty-first so that bids may be asked for as soon as tho ordinance becomes a. law. Planning- Commission Inspection Sal- ! l 'if , a ' V ;7T V ,ns P ec tion triji of the new Planning' Commission over tho city s park system which had been postponed last Saturday because of in clement weather will likely to held on Saturday, May 2. Seeking Asphalt Repair Plant Site. —City Commissioner W. H. Lynch is hunting a. site for the proposed new asphalt repair plant, fie hopes to ac quire a place somewhere along tho railroad. Building Trades Men Are in Session Here Questions of interest to men in the building trades throughout Pennsyl vania, were discussed this afternoon at a session of the Building Trades State Council in the Commonwealth hotel. The session was presided over by Frank Feeney of Philadelphia. 1' ollowing the discussion of the va rious questions to-day, officers were elected. The sessions yesterday and this morning were taken up with the consideration of the constitution and by-laws. The object of this organization is the betterment of conditions with tho men who work at all building trades, and to bring about uniformity In the classification of the various branches of work. <; It HEX A WALT CON FIRMED Washington, 11. C.. April 28.— -Elmer E. Greenawalt was confirmed to-dav < ' urnl "lss ir "ier of immigration at Philadelphia. SERVICES roil SinsT"SM.VI.I. WOOD Funeral services for Mrs. Anna Mid rlleton bmalhvood, who tliod yesterdav noon at her home, in Pnxtang, will be held 10-morrow evening, at 8 o'clock, from her late residence. Services will he conducted bv the Rev. Harrv B King, pastor of the Paxton Presbv terian Church, assisted by the rtev. Harrj. Nelson Kassler. pastor of the Second Reformed Church. The body will bo taken to Prankford, near Phila delphia, for burial. MRS. lIAYWARD DIES Mrs. Susan Hayward, widow of tho late Richard W. Hayward, died last night at her home, 606 Verbeke street aged 67. Services will take place Wednesday at 2 p.. m .at the home. Burial will be made in Harrisburr Cemetery. RUBBER STAMrjn >Jf y SEALS & STENCILS |#V f MFG.BYHB6.STENCILWORKS * 11 II 130 LOCUSTSX HBGjPA. II 11