Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 25, 1914, Image 13

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Leave It to Telegraph
Want Ads to Find It
The busiest little fellows in Harrisburg
and the keenest!
They work day and night, go everywhere
and meet nearly everybody.
They'll find help for you.
They'll find work for you.
They'll find a home for you.
They'll find a farm for you.
They'll find a buyer for you.
They'll find a tenant for you.
They'll find the lost for you.
Just phone your WANT to Telegraph
WANT ADS and leave it to them.
Call Bell 2040; Cumberland 203:
" ... '
KAUFMAN —On Friday morning,
April 24. 1914, John A. Kaufman, aged
81 yearn and 1 month.
Funeral on Monday afternoon, April
27, at 3 o'clock, from the residence of
his daughter, Mrs. J. A. Grieshabeij
near Oyster's Point. The relatives and
friends are Invited to attend without
further notice. Burial private. Burial
Chestnut Hill Cemetery, Mechanics
burg, Pa.
WOOD Mrs. May Ripple, wife of
Gramlllle Wpod, of 719 North Eigh
teenth street, Friday, April 24, 1914,
aged 30 years. .
Funeral services will be held Satur
day evening from her late home, at 7:30
o'clock. Friends desiring to view the
body can do so between the hours of 6
o'clock and 8 o'clock this evening, and
!> to 12 o'clock Sunday morning. The
body will be taken to Lancaster Sun
day afternoon, where the funeral ser
vices and burial will be made.
GRUBB Mrs Nancy J., widow of the
late Perry Grubb, died at. the home
of her son, John Grubb, 1802 Penn
street, on Friday, April 24, 1914, aged
06 years.
Funeral services will be held Sunday
afternoon, at 4 o'clock. The body will
be taken to Newport, Monday morning
for burial.
LEWIS On April 23, 2:46 A. M„ David
H. Lewis, aged 37 years, 1010 North
Fourth street.
Relatives and friends invited to at
tend the services on Monday afternoon,
at 2 o'clock, without further notice.
r i s burgjCemetery^
LOST Pair of nose glasses. Re
ward if returned to 1724 North Third
Htraet. .
LOST Blue Indian Canoe adrift
"White Swastlcas" on each end. Finder
Rewarded. Address Box 441, Millers
town for special advertising work; sls
a week to start; experience unneces
sary: references required. Address at
once McLean. Black & Co., 98 N. Bev
erly street, Boston, Mass.
WANTED immediately one, possibly
two, live, middle-aged men of good ap
fiearance and willing to work, to travel
n that section. All summer's job;
thirty towns to cover; good pay; wages
weekly. Address Glen Bros., Rochester,
N. Y.
GET in touch with a proposition pay
ing $8 daily, where no capital or ex
perience is necessary. Write Star Mail
Order Co., Gilmore, Mo.
1 WILL START YOU earning |4 ually
at home in fpare time, silvering mir
rors; no capital; free instructive book
let, giving plans of operations. G. F.
Redmond, Dept. 268, Boston, Mass.
Thorough Instruction, $5. Returned if
not appointed. Particulars free.
American Civil Service School, Wash
ington, D. C.
WANTED Good, reliable tinner.
Apply W. W. Zeidera & Son. 1136 Derry
WANTED Several house painters;
none but first-class need apply. Call
at 923 Capital street, 7.00 A. M. C. A.
WANTED First-class wood pat
ternmaker —machine work. Apply
Frog, Switcti and Manufacturing Co.,
Carlisle, Pa.
WANTED Boy over 16, for grocery
store; give experience and reference.
Address W„ 596, care of Telegraph.
ED. Splendid Income assured right
man to act as our representative after
learning our business thoroughly by
mall. Former experience unnecessary.
All we require is honesty, ability, am
bition and willingness to learn a lucra
tive business. No soliciting or travel
ing. All or spare time only. This Is an
exceptional opportunity for a man in
your section to get into a big paying
business without capital and become
Independent for life. Write at once for
full particulars. National Co-Operative
Realty Compan". L-010, Marden Build
ing, Washington, D. C.
WANTED Locomotive Firemen,
Brakemen, SIOO monthly. Necessary
signal instruction tree, hend age, post
age. Railway, oare of Telegraph.
MEN 30 to 40 year* old wanted at
once for Electric Railway Motormen
and Conductors; S6O to SIOO a month;
do experience necessary; One opportu
nity; no strike; write immediately for
application blank. Address Box 820.
care of Telegraph.
to get. My free booklet. Y-372, tells
now. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop
kins. Washington, D. C.
town to distribute free advertising
premiums; sls a week to start; ex
perience unnecessary; references re
quired. Address McLean, Black 4 Co.,
Kl, N. Beverly street, Boston, Mass.
1611 Swatara J.
A aH-story frame dwelling
house vestibule reception hall
—parlor—dining room and kitchen
Throe bedrooms and bath room
on the second floor.
Sldo bay wind aw—front and
back porches and balcony.
Lot 20x100 ft. to a paved 12-ft.
rear alley.
Miller Bros. & Neefe
Locust and Court Streets.
LIVE AGENTS, men or women, to
sell high-grade household necessity. Big
profits. Particulars free. The Stone
Specialty Co., Dept. B, Jamestown,
if. Y.
AGENTS, start at once. Big profits
handling our brand new household
specialty. Write to-day for free book
let. Agents' Specialty Co., Box 1059,
Millvllle, N. J.
AGENTS To sell Keystone Keyless
Padlocks. Something new. Attract at
tention. Big profits. Send SI.OO de
posit for sample and terms. Keystone
Supply Company, Franklin, Pa.
AGENTS New household specialty;
big demand. Easily demonstrated by
either sex. Send for free booklet. Chas.
N. Stearns, 1820 Adams avenue. Scran
ton, Pa. ~
DON'T miss this one. We offer you
a brand-new household specialty. Pat
ented January 30, 1914. Every woman
grabs it. Your money doubled twice
on every sale. Mr. Marrlck made S9O
first.three weeks. A Kansas boy made
$85.40 outside of school hours last
month. You can sell every family in
your town, First one In your terri
tory gets right to sell. Be quick. Send
for catalog "W" to-day. Wendell 00.,
281 Oak street, Leipsic, Ohio. .
AGENTS, make big money selling
our line of specialties. Write for our
new catalog and free sample. Cumber
land Manufacturing Co., Gloucester,
N. J.
sent us exclusively handling quick sell
ing automobile necessity. Men with
knowledge of auto trade preferred. J.
P. Gorman Co., 1269 Broadway, N. T.
AGENT WANTED Sanitary Sugar
Bowl. Big Seller. Every home and
restaurant buys. 100 per cent, profit.
SSO week easy. Sample, 25c. Sanitary
Sugar Bowl Co., 2 Barker Place, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
INVESTIGATE to-day. Fast-selling
article. Great demand. Large profits
for Live Agents. Success assured. The
Bower Supply Co., 107 E. Simpson
street, Mechanlcsburg, Pa.
AGENTS Men or women, introduce
household specialty into every home.
Big profits. Brand new, positive neces
sity. Write to-day. Fair Haven Spec
ialty Co., Fair Haven, Pa.
AGENTS WANTED tor article which
no housewife can resist. Particulars
free. Dept. 20, Tod Specialties Co., 43-
61 Hancock avenue, Jersey City, N. J.
AGENT WANTED to travel. Wages
based on salary and commission. Ref
erences. Address J., Box 598, care of
unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write
for large list of openings offering op
portunities to earn SIOO to SSOO a
month while you learn. Address
Dept. 417, National Salesmen's Training
Association, Chicago, New York, Kan
sas City, San Francisco.
WANTED High-class Specialty
Salesman to handle our Peptomint
Chewing Gum and other brands through
jobbers; exclusive territory. We offer
an exceptional opportunity to go with
us. L P. Larson, Jr., Co., 321-323
North Sheldon street, Chicago.
perience not necessary. We pay $25.00
per week salary, and allow $5.00 per
day for expenses. Continental Cigar
Company, Wichita, Kan.
AGENTS Get particulars of one of
the best-paying propositions over put
on the market. Something no one else
sells. Make $4,000 yearly. Send postal
to-day for particulars. E. M. Feltman,
Sales Manager, Sofl!i Sycamore street,
Cincinnati. Ohio.
WA.Yi n,D Salesladies; steady po
sition; good wage to right parties. Ap
fly Ladles' Bazaar, 10 and 12 South
'ourth street.
WANTED Girl for general office
work. Apply Harrlsburg Shoe Mfg.
Co,, Vernon street, Harrlsburg, Pa.
Soaps, Toilet and Household Necessi
ties; $9.00 weekly salary, or commis
sion. Credit. Sample case loaned,
llebscher, Dept A-3, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Girl wanted to work on
coats. Call to see N. Zimmerman, 1266
Market street. Harrlsburg, Pa.
WANTED Saleslady to sell trees,
shrubs, roses, vines, berry bushes,
bulbs, etc. Good wages permanent.
Exclusive territory. Outfit free. Brown
Brothers Company, Rochester, New
LADY SOLICITOR. Salary and ex
penses. Experience unnecessary. Free
outfit. Permanent. Fairview Nurseries,
Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Three bright, capable
ladles for 1914 to travel, demonstrate
and sell dealers; $25 to SSO per wcett;
railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co.,
Dept. 308, Omaha, Neb.
Experienced winders. Apply
Harrisburg Silk Mill, Cor. North
and Second streets.
WANTED Woman over 21. to as
sist in grocery store; must have some
experience and reference. Address Z.,
597, care of Telegraph.
HELP WANTED—llnlc and Female
WILL pay Reliable Man or Woman
$12.50 to distribute 100 FREE pack
ages Perfumed Borax Soap Powder
among friends. No monev required.
Ward Borax Co., 216 Institute Place,
WANTED Man and wife during
summer months at country home. Wo
man to do cooking and man to make
himself generally useful. Good wages
to right party Apply SlO Ntfrth Sec
ond street.
WANTED Young, married man
wishes work on farm; experienced; can
furnl: reference; would like a place
with small tenant house or a small,
stocked farm, or work of any kind.
Harry L. Doutrlok, Paixtang. Pa.
WANTED An experienced chauf
feur wants position as chauffeur. Ap
ply X.. 896. care of Telegraph.
WANTED Woman wanta day's
work of any kind and washing and
ironing to do at home. Apply 1723
North Seventh street.
WANTED Young lady would like
light office position; can operate type
writer. Or telephone operator in hotel,
public or private offices. Can furnish
good reference. AddresH S. J. C., care
of Telegraph.
WANTED Stenographer, thirteen
years' experience, desires position; can
furnish good reference. Address X.,
695, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Experienced stenog
rapher and typewriter, with knowledge
of bookkeeping, wants position; can
furnish good references. Address, or
call, Stenographer, 1831 North street.
FRAME HOUSE, located on Brigga
street, between Seco and Third; 8
rooms and bath. Will be sold at sacri
fice If sold this Spring. Address S. O.
No. 1001, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Row of six frame
houses In West Fairview, Pa. Cheap.
C. O. Disney, West Fairview, Pa.
FOR SALE New brick house, 2313
Derry; latest Improvements; large
front and back porches; open staircase;
hardwood flnlsn: bargain to quick
buyer; granolithic walks. Apply 1432
Oerry, or 1030 Market street.
FOR SALE ln Elkwood, modern
pressed brick mansion; all hardwood
flnihs; 8 rooms and bath; gas; elec
tricity; granolithic pavements; lot, 100
xl2o. Price, $5,000. Keeney & Sim
mons. New Cumberland.
WHY not live In Ellzabethtown, Pa.7
A town which has all city conveniences,
good markets, splendid train and trol
ley service. Houses with all modern
conveniences for sale or rent. Call on,
or address, J. H. Buch, Ellzabethtown,
FOR SALE One of the finest homes
In Mechanlcsburg; all improvements;
110 feet front; good shade; a garage
large enough for three automobiles.
An Ideal home. Price right; easy
terms. Possession given at once. F.
S. Mumma & Son, Real Estate & In
surance Agents, Mechanlcsburg, Pa.
FOR SALE —• 2%-story brick house,
slate roof; all conveniences; lot, 50x175;
situated on corner Briggs and Fourth
avenue, one of the best locations in
town. Price reasonable. Call, or write,
Jas. A. Davis, New Cumberland, Pa.
FOR SALE 2%-story frame house
7 rooms and attic; also lot 16x245,
Located on Main street, Penbrook, Pa.
Bargain to quick purchaser. Address
C. E. M., P. O. Box 281, Penbrook. Pa.
FOR SALE —• House No. 1918 Penn
street; two-story pressed brick front;
all Improvements; porch; gas. Apply
on premises. Cheap to quick buyer.
FOR SALE Cozy corner 2-story
brick house; six rooms and bath; mod
ern improvements; electricity; gas; hot
and cold water In cellar; 5 minutes'
walk to depot; every rqom front. Price
right to interested party. Inquire 117
Sylvan Terrace.
FOR SALE ln Middletown lO7
Ann St. large store room and dwell
ing lot, 25x110 - additional lot, 45x
110 elegant location for any line of
business possession at once. Brinton-
Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets.
FOR SALE 44 Acres 3% miles
west of Marysvllle frame dwelling
8 rooms good as new frame bank
barn running water 75 fruit trees
in bearing. Price, $2,800.00. Brinton
1-acker Co., Second and Walnut streets.
FOR SALE l3O Acres 2% miles
from Middletown large brick house
S rooms frame bank barn 4O
acres of river bottom soil. This is an
exceptionally good dairy farm. Brln
ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut
A bargain for some
one; Thirty-first and Hdffer streets,
Penbrook, one 2^-story frame house, 7
rooms, bath, hall and open stairway,
newly painted and papered throughout.
$1,350.00; $350.00 cash, balance on easy
terms. C. A. Klemm, Secretary, 1304
State street.
FOR SALE 1434 Regina street; 3-
story brick; 10 rooms and bath; side
yard; lot, 25x135; 2-story stable on
rear, 25x20, suitable for horses or gar
age. Also lot 80x100 on State street op
posite Fourteenth street. Apply 1434
FOR SALE Property No. 230 North
Fifteenth street; a 3-story brick and
frame dwelling with 9 rooms and all
Improvements. Must be sold by May
1. Bargain price. J. E. Gipple, 1251
Market street.
SIXTY HOUSES, some new and very
attractive homes; several very good In
vestments. Terms to suit. D. E. Bright
bill 2 North Court street. Both phones
FOR SALE 52,250 will buy an
almost new frar* house at Riverside —
lot, 20x100 side yard cemented
walk 6 rooms complete bath ~
furnace only $250 cash needed, bal
ance in monthly payments. Apply to S.
Haldeman & Co.. 3222 North Sixth
FOR RENT House with 7 rooms
and bath, 2328 Derry street, Garfield.
Inquire at store. Bell phone 494-W.
MAN'S) AT PERDIX. Miller Bros. &
Neefe. Bell Phone 1595.
FOR RENT New 5-roomed house
on Front street In Marysvllle: Water
in house. Large back yard. Rent,
SIO.OO. Address P. O. Box 347, Steel
ton. Pa.
FOR RENT lBl5 North Second
Btreet lO rooms bath porches—
modern house excellent location
possession at once. Apply Fitzgerald,
Real Estate Agent, 317 Walnut street.
FOR RENT Eight-room brick
house, with improvements, 1729 Park
street, city. Rental, S2O per month.
Apply James Brlcker, New Cumberland,
Pa., R. F. D.
FOR RENT No 2121 Boas street,
with stable, $15.00. Suburban home
stead, $23.00. J. E. Gipple. 1261 Mar
ket street
FOR RENT 431 Market street, at
entrance ot Subway l3 rooms 2
baths steam heat suitable for
rrsmiirg house. Apply Chas. Adler. 1002
North Third street.
FOR SALE OR RENT Farm of 125
acres at $lO per month, no taxes, In
East Fishing Creek Valley. Address
Mary E. Kelly, Fort Hunter, Pa.
183 ACRES 46 perches farm land, 36
acres mountain land, known us the
"Squire Miller Farm" in West Hanover
Township, Dauphin County, on the
Manada Gap Road, about 4 miles from
Llnglestown. Apply Commonwealth
Trust Co., Real Estate Department, 222
Market street, Harrlsburg.^
FOR RENT Apartment; 5 rooms;
bath; pantry; porches; city steam heat;
continuous hot water. E. J. Macy, 226
North Second street.
FOR RENT Two apartments, front,
very desirable; new building; all con
veniences. Apply Flshman's Furniture
fjrore, 1101-3 North Sixth street.
Harrisburg tfS&lb telegrxFH
FOR RENT By the night or
month, the finest rooms in Harrisburg,
single or en suite. Laßelle Apart
ments, 204 Locust street, next door to
Orpheum. Steam heat, electricity,
baths. Newly furnished throughout.
Apply C. Qaeta. Merchant Tailor, 212
Locust street.
FOR RENT Newly furnished front
rooms, facing Capitol Park; hot and
cold running water; electric light; use
of phone. Apply Robinson Apartments,
410 North street
FOR RENT Two nicely furnish
ed rooms, for gentlemen, with city heat
and use of bath. Apply 272 Brlggs
FOR RENT One very desirable
(large) second floor front room, fur
nished, with conveniences; very pleas
ant room; one or two gentlemen pre
ferred. Call 1338 North Third street.
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms
for rent, with running hot and cold
water use of bath young couple
preferred. Apply 266 Herr street.
FOR RENT Nice room on second
floor privilege of bath and phone
suitable for married couple or gentle
man. Apply 210 South Thirteenth
FOR RENT Furntshed room, third
floor front, suitable for one gentleman;
use of bath and phone; delightful lo
cation for summer. 1727 State street.
FOR RENT Two newly furnished
communicating front rooms, second
floor; rent one or both; large front
porch; at end of Mulberry Street
Bridge; conveniences: phone; refer
ence. Apply 1163 Mulberry street.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms and
boarding by meal, day or week. Apply
1001 North Second street, corner Boas
and tiecond streets.
for light housekeeping. Stoves fur
nished free. Laundry, phone and bath
room privileges. Also janitress service.
Bishop Building, 429 Broad street.
FOR RENT Nice, large, furnished
or unfurnished front room, second floor,
on Hill. Well lighted; three windows;
good locality; all conveniences; gentle
men preferred. Also boarding if pre
ferred. Address G., 591, care of Tele
FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en
suite, all conveniences, including phone;
reference required. Apply 1015 North
l'"ront street _____
FOR RENT Fifty furnished rooms,
In private families, ail parts of city
Improvements 11.25 week many
other rooms. Send address and 1 will
call Address X.. 508, care of Tele
BOX 7N6.
YOUNG man wants furnished room.
Permanent. Mention terms. Box R,
601, care of Telegraph.
WANTED To olean carpets and
rugs In new sanitary way. Restores
colors to carpets. Does not Injure
fabric. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pnone
623R, Sanitary Carpet Cleaning Co., 352
WANTED At once, small house;
no children. Apply Harry O. Eberts, Jr.,
1258 Juniper street. State terms In
FOR SALE One 8-inch scrow-out
tlng lathe—-£°o<i as new. Call 1633
Carnation street.
FOR SALE At a bargain, reed re
versible body go-cart, In first-class
condition. Apply 127 Paxton street.
FOR SALE Refrigerator, suitable
for grocery store or meat market; 300
tbs. loe capacity. Glass front. Price
reasonable if sold at once, Nathan
Gross, 2015 North Sixth street.
FOR SALE At a bargain, a light
weight six-cylinder car. Paul Mess
ner, 1118 James street,
FOR SALE 22-ft. launch, 10-H.-
P. 2-cylinder motor. Motor Is under
.hood. Auto steering wheel, controls on
coambing at right. Hear starter with
handle at dash. Paragon one-way
clutch. Outfit cost $450. Sacrifice for
J250. G. C. Hoagland, WlUlamsport,
FOR SALE A new SIOO Typewriter
for sale at a bargain. Also desk. Will
sacrifice to quick buyer. Call on, or
address, Leo T. Allen, corner Front and
Market streets, Worinloysburg, Pa.
FOR SALE 3O-H.-P. Middleby tour
ing car, fully equipped and In good
condition; 1910 model; price, $250.00.
Call 620 South Thlrteentn street.
FOR SALE J-day-old chicks, 15,
20, 25 cents each; Barred Rocks, White
Leghorns, Rhode Island Keds eggs for
hatching, SI.OO a setting and stock for
sale. Bell 507 Y. A. B. Davis, Pen
FOR SALE Gent's Furnishing
Store. Last Inventory shows about
$1,500 stock. Good location In city of
Harrisburg. Long lease. Five living
rooms In addition to store room, Low
rent. Address Box K, 891, care of Tele
Steel Die Embossed Stationery and
Business Cards—increases huslnesa
costs less than printing*. Harrisburg
Embossing Plant. 4 North Fifth street.
TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Cases,
Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap
Leather, Calfskin, Kip Dongola, Waxed
Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample
Cases and Leather Specialties made to
order and repaired. Harrisburg Har
ness and Supply Co.. Second and Chest
nut streets.
TWO Waterproof Tents; size, 10x20
ft.; 6 ft. side wall; good condition. Price
reasonable. Call, or address, E. C.
Markley, 370 South Second street, Steel
ton, Pa.
FOR SALE A barber shop furni
ture complete, with five chairs of
maple wood. Payment half cash and
half on trust. Apply 1325 Fulton
street. Harrisburg, Pa.
C. W H. LANGLETZ, wholesale and
retail rough and dressed lumber. Bell
phone 1383 J. Office and yards: Cam
eron and Mulberry streets.
PICTURE SHOW Machine, 140
chairs, piano, and lining of booth; good
location; everything in first-class ran.
cittion; cheap to quick buyer. Apply
50 South Front stun, Stueilun, or iui
Delaware avenue, Harrisburg.
FOR SALE Rhode Island Red Eggs
for hatching. Uuaranteea genuine and
full blooded. SI.OO per setting of 15.
Address G. I. Bausher, North Bowman
avenue. Camp Hill.
u.nd one frame, Tenth and Market
streets, for sale cheap and quick; lots
must be cleared. Inquire Emerson-
Urantlngham Implement Co., City.
GLASB window slaps. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
Hoard and Table Board, at 25c each.
One of these signs will be given with
each six-time order for a classified ad.
jlf paid In advance. Inquire at Office of
| Telegraph.
USED motorcycles; all makes; over
hauled and in fine condition; guaran
teed to be as represented; call for dem
onstration. Heagy Bros., 1204 North
Third street
FOR SAXji CAItpS on sale at th*
Telegraph Business Office.
FOR SALE Refuse carload of
scrap-iron at Sheesley's sidlnar. Dock
street, to be sold at Public Sale, May 6.
£?><. at 10 o'clock A M.. to highest
bidder for cash consideration, and must
be removed within 10 days from date
of sale. Further particulars can be had
upon application to G. W. Mumma.
Fre ght Claim Adjuster, P. R. R.
freight OffWe, foot of Third street. J.
H. Nixon, Agent, Harrisburg.
Having purchased the stock of a paint
works, we offer this high grade paint,
all colors, at #5 cents a gallon. Sold
at all stores at 11.00. Also several
tons pitch at your own price. Wil
liams & Freedman, Tenth street, below
Mulberry Street Bridge.
About 300 pieces of heavy contractors'
equipment from the New York Clty-
Catsklll Mountain Aqueduct. Steam
shovels, locomotives, cars, hoisting en
gines, air compressors, rails, pumps,
buckets, etc. What do you need? E.
B. Leaf Co. Take Rockville car to
We have purchased a carload of files
used at a u. S. Government discontinued
gun factory; all slices; all kinds. Six
dozen for 12.60. No smaller quantity
sold. E. B. Leaf Co. Take Rockville
car to Riverside.
Lathe, $65.00; band saw, 185.00; cuttlng
off machine, S4O 00: buffing machine, on
stand, $25.00; grinders, $30.00. E. B
Leaf Co., Stxtn street at Riverside!
Rockville car.
FOR SALE Two Model Steam Boil
ers (new), and one second-hand Har
risburg steam boiler. Bargain if sold
now. Apply H. F. Qulckel, No. 123 Pine
FOR SALE Boston Terrier, bull, fe
male, 2 years old; house broken; broad
head, deep, short, square muzzle; tight,
short screw tail. Will sell very reason
able. Apply at 1745 North Sixth street.
n F P.? SALE —• On# Ajax furnace,
slightly used; 10 Registers and all cellar
pipe, In good condition. Will sell cheap.
Address J., 894, care of Telegraph.
Big bargain to offer
I A SMALL Grocery Store on the trol
ley line 2O minutes' ride from Har
risburg doing an elegant business.
Rent very reasonable. Oood reason for
selling out. Address G., 689, cari of
FOR SALE 1823 Boas street; new
2-story brick; never occupied; 7 rooms,
hall and bath; all Improvements; gas;
electric lights; cement cellar; concrete
walls nnd steps; side entrance. Price,
12,600, on easy terms. Charles Barn
liart, 1821 Whitehall street.
FOR SALE Oakland Roadster;
first-class condition; price right. In
quire Paul D. Messner, 1118 James
FOR SALE Fourteen Minorca
Chickens. Reason for soiling, leaving
city. Call 1824 North Sixth.
One 7-passenger Packard car
in good condition. Also two lots
in Herr street, between 21st and
22nd streets. Call Bell phone
oak china closet, curved glass sides and
door, has claw feet, cost when new,
$30,00, Is good as new, price $16.00; also
S-ft. extension tabic, cost when new
$15.00, shows the wear some, but cheap
at SH.OO, or the two pieces, for cash,
$20.00. Call evenings, preferably after
7:30, or afternuons between 3 and 5.
A. P. Wleland, 1010 North Sixteenth
'Danville) Bloomsburg in
the Susquehanna Vallev means (50.000*
people, fine markets, (100) railroad
trains dully and good (Trolley) service.
Notice Temptation (2) farms (180)
acres only quarter mile to Trolley
(mile) to Philadelphia and Reading
railroad just outside of (City Limits)
with all (new) buildings painted except
new roof large bank barn with Stock
Yard Peach orchard valued (♦1,000).
buildings ($3,000), Spring House ($600)
' ?2Ki« h v ef,tnutl P ,ne ' (*1,400) land alone
i < $3,000) and means over ($8 000) valua
tion (no mistake) at only ($4,500).
Straw and corn
fodder (4) cows (2) horse# (6) hogs
'SO) poultry included. Reason low prlr©
wish to avoid (Sheriff Sale). Must sell
SL? nce V N^ )t ! rp (easy) payments (»a,-
000) cash, balance to suit Buver. To
avoid missing (Bargain) remember
special telephone hours (7 to 8) morn
ing." and evenings. Bell 11-R. and
United 140-E Photographs.
GEO. B. OSTRANDER, Danville, Pa.
sell equity in 8 dwellings centrally lo
cated. all rented, or exchange for small
suburban place within 5c car limits of
Harrisburg. P. O. Box No. «86. Harris
burg, Pa.
Wartl i Home of them on paved street.
Will exchange for Improved property.
An exceptional opportunity lor a
builder. Call and Innpeet blue i;rlnt.
K. H. Oyxter, Truatee, care of Telegraph
Huslness Office.
FOB HUNT -- Desirable office* In the
Telegraph Building, singly or t* suite.
Inquire at Buslneaa Office.
TWO desirable offices in the
Union Trust Building; possession
at once. Apply Union Trust Co.
FOR RENT Lodge room- West
End. Good location. Reasonable rent.
Apply L B. Gray, 448 Delaware avenue,
City, R. K. of Modern Maccabees,
secured at the Telegraph Business
FOR RENT Two-story garage,
with water and sewer, rear 1530 Regina
street. Will accommodate two cars. J.
E. Glpple, 1251 Market street.
WELL-LOCATED store room. 2«xHt>
also small room, 12x30, suitable for
barber shop or small business, on West
High street, Elizabethtown. Pa. Pos
session Immediately. Inquire J. H
Levenlght, EMzabethtown, Pa.
FOR RENT Store room I*oo North
Third street; 33x100; 14-foot celling;
one of the best rooms In the city. Ap
ply J S. Bible, 25fl Herr street.
HOW would you like to Invest some
capital in a hide-rendering and dead
animal business with an expeit in that
line? Address J. J. Stewart, 2220 North
Sixth street. City.
WANTED, IDEAS Write tor List
of Inventions Wanted by manufactur
ers and prizes offered for Inventions.
Our four books sent free. Patent se
cured or Fee Returned. Victor J.
Evans & Co., 678-F, Washington, D. C.
ANY Ir si .gent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock
port. N. Y.
FOB SALE At Gables. 11l and
117 South Second street, 5,00b gallons
New Era ready mixed Paint: Acme
quality. Also the full line -of the Acme
I MADE $60,000 In five years In the
mall order business, began with $6.
Bend for free booklet, TelTs how. Hea
cock, 355 Lockport, N, T.
FOK SAJUB At Qable'e, 118. US and
JIT South Second atraat, J.OOO set* n*w
6aah, Bxlo, U L.. primed Wid at
»1 18 per aet. Alfo other site*
APRIL 25,'1914.
Depressing Influence of Cris is Increased by Heavy Selling
of Stocks Here by Europe
New York, April 25. Tho securi
ties market was upset this week by tho
outbreak of hostilities with Mexico,
which overshadowed everything els-e in
shaping sentiment. The decline, which
began a fortnight ago, was accelerated,
and at times stocks were under heavy
pressure. Many low records for the
year were made. Nevertheless the mar
ket received fairly good support, and
there was little evidence of nervous
ness. The depressing influence of the
Mexican crisis was greatly increased by
heavy and persistent selling of stocks
here by Europe. Tho foreign markets,
in fact, were more unsettled than the
home exchange, owing, perhaps, to the
heavy holdings of Mexican securities In
Europe. The Illness of ISmperor Fran
cis Joseph was a, contributory Inllu
ence in unbalancing tho markets of Eu
rope and unloading of securities here
for foreign account was a chief source
of the decline.
Weather conditions were favorable to
crops. Other domestic factors, how
ever, were bearish. There wore evi
dences of further contraction in trade.
Tho number of Idle freight cars In
creased largely. Prices of copper and
some steel products were shaded.
Money rates tightened. Foreign ex
change rose to the highest quotations
for the year.
Furnished by H. W. SNAVELY
Arcade Hulldlnit
New York, April 25.
~ . Open. Clos.
Alaska Gold Minea . 25 24%
Amal. Copper 70 68 74
American Beet Sugar 20% 19%
American Can 25% 25
American Can pfd.. 87% 87%
Am. C. & F 46 1,4 45
American Cotton Oil 39% 39
Am. Ice Securities.. 28 28
Am. Locomotive ... 28>4 28%
American Sugar ... 99% 99%
American T. & T... 119% 119
Anaconda 82 % 32
Atchison 98' A 92%
Baltimore & Ohio .. 87% 88
Bethlehem Steel ... 38% 38%
Brooklyn R. T 88% 88%
California Petroleum '9% 18%
Canadian Pacific ... 190 190
ANY and all kinds of Job Carpenter
ing Work. Also Concrete Walks .uid
Steps a specialty. Address H. 11. Shlve
ly. Lucknow. pa.
HIGHEST PKICES paid for Old Gold
a nd Silver, \\ ntches and Jewelry. Or
will exchange for new Jewelry. Jos.
D, Brenner, Jeweler, 803 North Third
street. Bell phone 626K
R. 11. PEFFEH,
LOCAL, EXPRESS and Delivery, piano
and Furniture moving a specialty. Stor
age of household goods end furniture
packing. Bell phone 1684 J. 1119 Mont
gomery, Harrisburg.
W. J. WENKICH, 339 Hamilton street
—Furniture, china and piano packing.
Shipments looked after at both enda.
3"27W of Bell phone
Harrisburg Paste Works
12(1 N. Cameron Street
PAPERHANGERS', billposters', book
binders' and all kinds of paste. Prornot
shipment. All paste guaranteed. Bell
phone 1186 L. ,
I H. W. LATH!•:, ItiioriilUK "table anil
| \ adouul Trauafer Co. Movers of
' pianos, safes, boilers and general haul
ing. H W. Luthe, Manager, Fifth an,l
; Woodbine streets. Bell phone No
; 2503R
.. FUR falling hair try Gross wuimne
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary. 119 M r ket
street, Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention Bell
I best dressmaking schools in America
Make your own dresses wh'le learning
Night and Day classes. Work's Dress
! making School, 22 North Fourth street.
1 with best material an.l by expert help
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts Insure your satisfaction S. N
Glurk. 320 Woodbine street.
A LEVIN, 805 North Third street.
Furniture repair, upholstering and re
finishing. Antique furniture for sale.
All work properly attended to. Rea
i sonable prices guaranteed.
In amounts of SI,OOO and up on tirjt
mortgage on city property, repayable
montnly or Installments. Debt cancel
ed and mortgage satisfied on death of
bom wer. John C. Orr, 223 Market
of loaning money by which borrowers
share profits of lenders. Legal rates,
.easy terms, confidential. Offices, Rooms
6-7, 9 North Market Square.
IN loving remembrance, to the mem
bers of the Blessing family, who have
foldwl their hands and closed their
weary eyes In peaceful sleep during the
past twelve months:
Jennie, April 25, 1013. \
John W., August 28, 1913.
Frederick P., September 26, 1913.
Frank G., January 21, 1914.
Peace to their ashes and rest to their
CUT this out for luck; send birth
date and 10c for wonderful horoscope
of your entire life. Prof. Raphael, 199
Lexington avenue, New York.
large brick warehouses, built ex
pressly for storage. Private rooms
for household goods ant j unexcened fa
! duties for storing all kinds of mer
chandise. Low storage rutes. South
St. and Penna. R. R.
STOn/tGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate l'O'ims. |1 to |3. Wagons, 76 cents
ger month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411
road street. Both pliones.
t THE annual meeting of the Paxtang
i Cemetery Association will be held In
the office of the cemetery between the
hours of 2 and 3 P M.. on Monday, 2;th
I April. 1914.
THE annual meeting of the Stock
holders of the blvbaker Coal Company
will be hold at the office of Tlio W. O.
Hlckok Mfg. Co.. Hanrlsburg, Pa., at 12
o'clock noon on May i, 1914, for the
election of officers and such other busi
ness as may be properly presented.
NOTICE Is hereby given that appli
cation will be made to the Harrisburg
Club on the 18th day of May, 1914, by
the Harrisburg Light and Power Com
pany for the issuance to It of duplicate
Certificate of Indebtedness of said
Harrisburg Club, numbered 96, In the
sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
original certificate of like number and
amount having been ißsued (o the Har
risburg Steam Heat and Power Com
pany and became lout or mlnlald.
Central Leather ... 34% 33%
Chesapeake & Ohio. RIM 50%
C.. M. & St. P 85% 96
Chlno Con. Copper . 38 37%
Col. F. & 1........ 28 28
Consolidated Gas . . 128% 127%
Corn Products 8% 8U
Distilling Securities . 14' 14
Ej r ! e 26% 25%
Kne, Ist pfd 40% 40%
General Electric Co. 142 141
Goodrich, B. F 25 24
Great Northern pfd. 119% 119%
Great Nor. Ore subs. 29% 29%
Illinois Central .... 107% 107%
Interboro-Met. pfd.. 58% 58%
Lehigh Valley .... 134% 134%
Louis. & Nashville . 138 131%
Mex. Petroleum ... 55 52%
Missouri Pacific ... 19% 18%
Nev. Con. Sopper . 14% 14
New York Central. 87% 87%
N. Y., N. H. &H. . 67 (57%
Norfolk & Western. 101% 101%
Northern Pacific ... 107 107
People's Gas & Coke 119% 118%
Pittsburgh Coal ... 18% 19
Pressed Steel Car ..40% 40
Ruy Con. Copper .. 19% 19 %
Reading 160% ig 9%
Rep. Iron &S. pfd. 20 20Vi
Southern Pacific ... 88 87%
Southern Railway . 22% 23
Southern Ry. pfd .. 77% 77%
| Tennessee Copper . 32 32
Texas Company ... 138% 138%
Union Pacific 150% 147%
|U. SO Rubber 54 53%
|U. S. Steel 56% R6%
U. S. Steel pfd 107% 107%
Utah Copper 52% 50%
IVa. Car. Chem .... 27% 27%
Western Union Tel.. 60 60%
, Westinghouse Mfg.. 72% 71 "
Wool worth 95% 96%
I Furnished by H. W. SNAVKI.Y
Ar<.«de llulMlntc
Chicago. IU.. April 25.
~r , . Open. High. Low. Clos.
:::: "* :::: »» "8
May 37 Si R -a<
By Associated Press
Philadelphia. April 20. Wheat --
i nni/ er V- . ■ redl export, sl.oo®l
Ul 04%@l 0 .05% NOrU,e, ' n ' r),l ' Ut "' CXpO, t '
| Corn Firm; new, No. 2, yellow,
B ra !«%J 5 ® 75,ic: d - klln
45 wfc 8 Flr, " ; No ' 2 ' w hite, 45®/
steady; winter, per
»28:00®28 50® SP^ln,^ • Per l0n •
Sucrnrg Mnrket »teartv:
? 3.95® 4.00 c; line granulated,
3.85@8.90c; confectioners' A, 3.75®
...80c; Keystone A. 3.60@3.65c.
Butter The market is steady;
western, creamery, extras, 26c; nearby
prints, fancy. 29c. •
Eggs The market is firm;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts.
Tree gases, $6.15 per case; do., current
receipts, tree eases, $6.00 per case;
western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.15
»ier case; do., firsts, free cases, $6.00
per case.
_fj| v « poultry ■— Steady; fowls, 17
®>18o; young chickens, 14®20c;
spring chickens, 35
tnickenn, old roosters, 12
®l3c; ducks, I2g>l4c; spring; ducks, 17
® 18c; geese, 15@17c; turkeys, 10-Jti 200.
Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls,
western, fancy, heavy, 19 do.,
fa rto good, heavy, 17® mo; do.,
fair to good, heavy, 20c; do.,
weights. 12® 15c; unattractive. 13
@l6c; old roosters, 15c; roast
ing chickens, fancy, 18®20c; broil
ing chickens, fancy, 24(u.Uac, do., fair,
mujSc, capora, large, 23®26c; do..
»mall, 18£p2«»c; turkeys, fancy. ?1024e;
do., (air. ty23c; ducks. lllilSo; gt-eaa
11016 c
Potatoes Steady; New York and
Eastern, per bushel, 85@93c; Western,
per bushel. 85@>93c; Jersey, per basket,
20@50c; Florida, per basko, $2.50@5.75.
I'lour—The uiarkot is steady, winter,
IIKI. Ib.MKli 4 lu, miui*llla. i«. n
>ylvanla. $4.15@4.50, western. s4.2i<#
< 41 I.HI, lit* 14 Mt'fl K* 1 " <lll
straight. Jute sacks, $4.18^4.30; sprlnf,
in sit. clear, $4.00® 4.20, straights, $4 m
@.4 40; patents. $4.50 ® 4.76.
Hay The market Is firm; tim
othy, No. 1, large bales, $18.50® 19.00;
No. 1, medium bales, $1S.00©18,60; No.
2, $16.00® 17.00; No. 3, *14.00® 15.00.
uu.ei in.xuu. L.IMIII mixed, *16.60©
17.00; No. 1, do.. sls-50® 16.00; No. i, <Jg..
»13.i>0® 14.60.
By -i ■ saclated Press
Chicago, 111.. April 2d. Hogs—Re
ceipts. 7.000; steady. Bulk of sales, $8.60
@8.70; light. $<..50®8.75; mixed, $8.184 i
8.72%; heavy, $8.25®8.70; rough, $8.25
®8.40; pigs, $7.25^1)8,40.
Cattle Receipts. 200; stead?'.
Beeves, $7.10<ii9.3 1> ; Texas steers. s7.jo
@8.20; stockers and feeders, ss.so(fi
8.10; cows and heifers, $3,70@8.50;
calves, $6.0008.50.
Sheep Receipts, 2,500; weak. Ns
i tive, $5.20®6,70; yearlings, $5.70@7.40;
I lambs, native, $6.15®8.10.
t-l - i..i 3g»
' NOTICE Is hereby given that Letters
I of Administration In the estate of As
nle M. Blocher, late of Harrlsburg,
Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, deceas
ed have been granted to the under
lined. All persons indebted to said
estate aro requested to make payment,
and those having claims will present
the same without delay, to
u F. Tt. BUBHEY,
2220 Pcnn Street,
Or to City.
HEN BY E. FOX, Atorney,
No. 2 North Court Street, City.
ANY elderly lady wishing to take a
drive In country or elsewhere at 260
an hour, please call Mrs. Orable, 1901
North Seventh street. Bell phone 2716 J.
Office of Water Supply Commission
SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv
ed at the Office of the Water Supply
Commission of Pennsylvania, Telegraph
Building, Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania.
I until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, May 9,
11914, for the construction and comple
tion, in accordance with the provisions
of an Act of tile General Assembly of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
No. 809. approved the 25th day of July.
A. D. 1913, of two sections of dike along
the western bank of the Delaware
Biver, in Falls Townshio, Bucks Coun
ty, Pennsylvania, said dikes to be con
structed and completed In accordanco
with plans and specifications now on
file In the Office of the Water Supply
Commission of Pennaylvanla, Telegraph
Building. Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania,
and at the office of John Blrklnbine,
Chairman, Water Supply Commission
of Pennsylvania. Parkway Building,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where the>
can be examined. Each bid must be
endorsed "Propooal for Dike Construc
tion and Completion In Falls Town
shin. Bucks County," and must be ac
companied by n certified check for
$500.00, which will be returned to th«
bidder unless forfeited. The right Is
reserved to reject any and all bids.
THOMAS J. LYNCH, Secretary.
Water Supply Commission of Pennsyl