A _l Girls' newest Spring Dresses, made of all = I fOR MEN j^ A C the newest materials in all "colors. Sizes 6 I Underselling Prices I New Creations in TRIMMED HATS I 1.-"' v "-'°""' CUIDTQ F™ Right From Our Own Workrooms CI TO white and colored;'^ewest^styles 11 ; iVlCiil u jnlK 15, bat%v yt B \\W\vA himw 1 " V» e « I,ncst , u ? ,,,n, l ed h ®t* w taw «w ji T •«/»/ values to $2.00. _ ' m. Jew M !! >SV \WIU_. \\ \\\\\\\\\ miomii. aa cr>_ hat an exclusive model and no duplicates. Come !' $] OH \/ oliio r Al> ® J? J&r &1, t( * \ \ \\\ i»„\'i ''"l* v? i? ," v "" r «' ,lo l<'«' Of these exaet reproductions of ;! V"vU V cllus, r OIT • j Pails and New York millinery at M|M><-lal snie price*. ' fit-lo' Tjr j -rv 1 ! v :: &«- . _ Girls Handsome Dresses in white and nun^Ssf^£Ms ji TRIM Ha, H af TS:^ «° Vs °° <u on i| 53.45 r'°M andDollyVardens;all sizes sizes from 14 to 17. SI.OO value. Saturday only 59<* j| ;V j, +*• M 6to 14; newest models; values to $5. MFN'S SHIRTS TRMl sSSa l if™ i .s4.9o •! Women's Blouses CA , , . 9 TL WnH TPTiwriwfT? ~~~ <;HOUP NO. » * 1 EXCEPTIONAL VALUES | 50c and 75c Value, for v-l vIW i| TRIM S a i I lf TS; W ° rth t0 sß ' so ' QO i AT Women's Blouses; all the latest 450 Men's Percale Dress Shirts: French and laundered '! //• — 7a\\\ I I v -HULL. * |! ml fk E! !^ OC^. S ,' ma<^e China and Messa cuffs; also soft collar. In all lew Spring patterns. All sizes I f 1 I mxmtEns 01 NKU l s^v T, , { V.uit^ s HATS * VLL| AT SPECIAL 1 1 I J[ 9 line Silks, Crepe and Voile Crepe de J I from .4 ,o 17. Va.ue ,„ 75c. Saturday only ■'«<* | |||/ $2 .95 a „d $3.95 || shade s; values to S4OO. """ ** ' I v. V 1 To-morrow Will Be the Big Day of Our Extraordinary V . Kid Gloves JL Reduction Sale of Women's and Misses' For Women Spring Suits, Coats and Dresses KrTf 59c )l| AT AT AT AT AT L\ | 350 pairs Of Women's Kid m m $9.75 mm sis.o« $11.75 ¥M w^§ SB yzzkT *-s*s.r Lfl"" IM" Coats F° r Women, Coats For Misses, Coats For Children IPiV I ® oves 1 IPi? AT AT AT AT AT I\ ' I For Women LH $3.75 $5.00 $6.95 $9.75 $12.00 Ml 69c . iyy7 Wom , e ;; & C °* u - Won ;™' s & Mi ""' & M"«' Coats, Women's & Misses' Coats, Women's & Muses' Coats, Pure Thread Silk"^"^ Values t057.50 Values to $8.50 Values to $lO Values to sls Values to $lB in black and white double \' Girls' Spring Coats at $1.95, $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95. Sizes For Girls 2to 14 Years a^edt^SvX: - Cd __ _ _ _ _ _ ur day only KAUFMAN'S 500 SPRING SUITS FOR MEN 6 YOUNG MENII frtflk'lMM At Marvelously Low Prices--Underselling All Competitors ~7T~i —~ I 1 ' ,y tiSmk ■ AT at at at at A oale or Mens 1 if&i $7.50 $8.75 $9.75 $12.50 $14.75 |pS; I Newest Spring Suits: Sun-prool Blue Serge Suits New Spring Suits For Men _ Th '® 8 S»'' v al«e Suits For Men and Young FOR S $1.49 I I -7 n values t0 $12.50 For Men and Young Men; an<l Youn ? Men; Values to/'Ln nn®. T W r " Men—Great Values All M , "'" ;s ro ' 3# " I ? !/jl Value, to $13.50; Sizes 32 * ls - M ' '"»• Are Tailored-Priced at $2.49 j ( / I Jj\ 111 stout, tndft Fancy Worsted and Cassi- ste d s and Cassimeres-Size Other Stores to $25; Sizes , v'," 8 7'l I teay\\ mere; Sizes32to4B - i 2'- 32 1 .42-stouts t .«. ft£t h{^ s2.so I tsiuunr r n,.m I OUR MEN'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT »>" > JUST INSIDE THE DOOR [ liu l i ll [ ™' *■»"« »»" f At Kaufman s--A Saturday Sale of Boys 1 Fine Suits —A Saving of $2.50 to $5 on Ev?ry Suit- This Is a Real Money Saving Miss it." Jr \ I AT "AT f— AT $1.89 SU9 $3.00 mm Boys Newest Norfolk Suits, Boys Norfolk Two-Pants Suits Boys' Newest Norfolk Suits made with full box pleats and full —Two pairs of Knickers, belt to and Spring Reefer TopCoats, W cut Kmcker Pants, neat mixed match and watch fob. A real handsomely made and trimmed cassimeres. A great bargain. $ 7 .50 value for $4.98. A regular $5.00 value, sto 17 AT at ■ years ' ——— J®n }.2.49 $2.95 J3 89 ?*-• Boys' Newest Spring Norfolk One hundred Boys' Double J^W/J Suits, Bulgarian style full cut Breasted Suits; values to $6.50. Boys' all-wool sun-proof Blue t Knickers, materials of handsome Just odd lots but all sizes. Blue Serge Suits; Norfolk styles; $6.00 ' feS mixtures, sizes b to 17. serges and all-wool cassimeres. values. be Circus Is Coming in May! Hurray! Hurray! The billposters, the men who hold e keys of heaven for the "kids," >• abroad in the land to-day. Early is mornins they started driving roufth the streets with bip barrels of ste nnd long-handled brushes. Singling Brothers' Circus i« coming FRIDAY EVENING. HARRISBURp TELEGRAPH APRIL 24,1914 to Harrisburg on Friday, May 15, and ;u e ?liiV ance men an< * their co-workers, the billposters, have started their an nual crusade. The program will be especially bright and promising of thrills and excitement this year. The circus is advertising many new "acts" that will be seen for the first time in America tnis season. iX? 1 ' 8 Y < r ar ' L ' Performance opens with a iiig spectacle. "Solomon and the Queen of .Sheba." More than 1,250 actors appear in it, together with 735 horses and 300 ballet girls. An en- I tire train is necessary to transport the portable stage, the scenery and prop erties of the great wordless play, rep resenting an investment of $1,000,000. —Advertisement. THE CHEERFULNESS OF DICKEXS Dickens came into the world handi capped by physical weakness. Sur rounded by unsympathetic home en vironments, he had a desperate strug- i gle m his youth. He was placed in condition calculated to make him the reverse of what he proved to be. In a condition of poverty, sickness and distress, he formulated a great maxim which ne tollowed assiduously through life. "I hope to do some solid good, and intend to be aA cheery and as pleasant as I can. I will pursue evil and oppression, the enemies of all God's creatures, so long as I have en ergy ol thought and power of giving it utterance." WmHHUMHBMI CLEAN UP iff 111 ; CAMP KILL MOlilYj Health Board Fixes Day and Calls on People to Assist in Sanitary Measures I Special to The Telegraph Camp Hill, Pa., April 24.—Camp j Hill will have a great "Clean-up Day" | on Monday, April 27, and the Health Board has issued a call to the citizens, signed by W. Kent Gilbert, president, I and H. C. Lawton, secretary, asking j everybody to assist in the good work.! The health notice contains in part the j following: 1 "At a meeting of the Board of Health this day, the following was adopted for Clean-up Day, 'Monday, April 27. 1914. "Realizing the great benefit to the 1 borough and its value as a prevsnta-1 tive of many human diseases, it has ! been ordered lhat a certain designated , day be set aside on which all rubbish, j decaying vegetable matter, tin cans, etc., be collected and placed in re-I ceptacies that can be emptied into wagons supplied by Council for the I , purpose of hauling same to the dump. The wagons will n/ake their rounds • on Monday, April 27, and stop wher- i ever they are requested. Ashes, how- , ever, will not be collected. "Love your neighbors' lot as you , do your own, but be sure to love your , own. "Don't plant tomato cans and rub- . bish on unused land, their fruits are i withered civic pride. "Borough ordinance No. 14 makes ' the owner of a lot liable to a fine ofi $5.00 for filth or rubbish found on his land. "This is a good time of year to de stroy all standing weeds and brush. | "A free use of fresh lime and other ' jdisinfectants Is advised. "Residents are asked to co-operate j in this work and make it a success and ! a credit to the borough." j business Locals ! THAT HUNGRY FEEMM; We are looking for the hungry poo | pie, because we know we can please itliem. We have a restaurant that is I noted for its good food, its par excel-' jlent cooking and faultless service, ■ which is the a la carte plan at all ! hours, and at popular prices. Try it I you will like our food and service. Busy Bee Restaurant, 9 North Fourth ! j street. NOT A CENT I If you will favor us with your flower | orders for your dinner parties, recep tions. weddings, etc., we will supply | you with decorative baskets for the I occasions free of charge. Remember, j please, that our flowers and floral dec-1 orations are always of the select va-1 riety and cost no more. Schmidt ' i Florist. Three Thirteen Market street'l I Either Telephone. REASON'S TO BI'RX ■ Why you can find the best shoe values here than elsewhere. The 20th Century Shoe Co., opperate eight large stores in as many Pennsylvania cities. This necessitates large purchases, big discounts, easy distribution and .many other advantages not enjoyed by small leaders, and to you the advantage of saving enough on your shoe money to make it an object. Come and investi- I gate. Market Square. —! STILT KING US IEG; GETS Will Proves Bigger Attraction Than Coxey's Army on His Trip Across Country Special to The Telegraph Beaver Falls, Pa., April 24.—0n hi* way to San Francisco, F. E. Wilbert, ! the Harrlsburg Telegraph Stilt Kin*, | to-day proved a stronger attraction j than Coxey's army. Wilvert arrived here at 4.30 yes terday afternoon after a series of mis haps at Rochester, ten miles east of here, including the breaking of one ol his long legs. Fortunately this is a good lumber district and a new leg j was provided for the giant hiker in a short time. Wilvert was giving an exhibition at | Rochester Wednesday night. It had ; been raining all day and the paved streets were slippery. Jn making a ♦ urn his staff broke and the Stilt King fell to the ground, receiving several cuts and bruises. Wilvert was Riven medical treat ment and after a day's rest he con tinued his journey. Following his ar rival here Wilbert made a trip to Coxey's army camp, where he was entertained by the small bodv of : hikers who are on their way to Wash ington, D. C. Ho will leave for New Castle this afternoon and will try to 1 reach tlic Ohio State line Sunday. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers