Embargo on Arms and Ammunition Into Mexico Is He-established HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LXXXIII— No. 96 REBELS MAY TURN GUNS IMPORTED FROM U. S. ON AMERICAN FORCES EMBARGO AGAIN PUT ON MUNITIONS; O'SHAUGHAIESS! IS • GIVEN PASSPORTS Movement of Troops to Vera Cruz Held Up Until Border Can Be Protected CALL FOR MILITIA NOW SEEMS CERTAIN Carranza's Message Indicates Rebel Sympathy Will Re sult in Alliance With Huerta The Mexican situation to-day is nore acute than at any time since the L'nited States ordered armed invasion >f the republic to secure amends for ndignities committed against this Jountry. Nelson O'Sliaughiicssy, Amer can Charge d'Affalres in Mexico City -as l»een handed his passports hy General Huerta, which, it is believed jrecedes the Federal declaration of var against the United States. .Vexi •an Charge d'Affalres Alpara, in Wash ngton. refused to comment on the ae ion of Huerta, but lie Indicated that le would ask Secretary Bryan for his tassports sometime to-day if tlie> were lot Issued to him voluntarily. Bryan ays Algara's passports are now being ireparcd. General Carranza, the rebel chief aln, has notified President Wilson that le desires the withdrawal of the Imerican forces in Mexico, < haractcr ng the seizure of Vera Cruz as a "hos. ile act." Refusal followed the receipt i fCarranza's note. At Tampico, which kill likely be the next jKirt to l»e selz d by American forces. Federals and' 'onstitutionalists are said to have inited their forces in defense of the lty and guns which were admitted in-1 [> Mexico for the Federal forces when i "resident Wilson lifted the embargo; n arms nnd ammunition will likely be j rained on American soldiers. KMBARGO RE-ESTABLISHED Consignments of jr.ins and anunu ition, said to lie en route to Mexico or the use of the rebels will not IK I iken atross the border for this mom lg the President, throngh the War •epartment issued an edict re-estab shing the embargo, Carranza's opposition to the action f the United States In seizing Vera ruz will in all likelihood he responsi lc for the change of plans already ■ ~».pped out In Washington. Confer iices between high army officers and ie President were held to-day and lose well informed say that orders to snd thousands of army men into [exico is only the matter of a few ours. This will make certain a call >r the militia for duty along the bor er. In Vera Cm 7, this morning naval ten were busy arranging plans for •Izlng the railroad between Vera ruz and Mexico City. Latest reports ly the rouroes are anxious to get possession of lese bridges before they can l>e de royed for much valuable time would s lost in rebuilding th«ni. Reports from Mexico City, which »ve been received from private >urces and in turn communicated to ie authorities at Washington, say ■at many Americans in Mexico City "e endangered because of the antl- Late News Bulletins REBELS AND FEDERALS JOIN Washington, April 23.—Word reached the Wur Department here r t hitt the Constitutionalists and the liuertistas at Tampieo have united to oppose anv Amerleati operation*. TOLLS HEARING CONTINUES Washington, April 23.—A delegation from New York represent in the Association for the Preservation of American Rights in the Pana ma Canal, appeared to-da.v before the Senate Committee on Inter oceanic Canal opposing repeal of toil exemption for American vessels W. Bourke Cochran, was the snokesman. MAAS RETURNING TO VERA CRUZ Vera Cruz. April 2:l.—General Gustavo Maas, former Mexican com mandcr at Vera Cruz, was reported to-day to lie intending to move against the city with strong reinforcements brought up from Pueblo Washington. April 23.—American murines and bluejackets to-dav gained possession of breastworks three miles Inland from Vera Cruz This position is on the railroad to Mexico City and had liecn in posses sion of Hucrta's soldiers since the United States forces took possession of the city. Washington, April 23.—Rear Admiral Badger reported to the Navv Department to-day from Vera Om that he was sending the Ksperanza with about 400 refugees to Galveston, where they will be landed. The Espcranza will then return for more. Uniontown, Pa.. April 23.—Two workmen were killed to-dav when 2,500 pounds or powder exploded a t the DuPont plant near here. Washington, April 23.—The Senate late to-day after considerable debate passed the emergency resolution giving President Wilson SSOO - 000 to be used In his discretion for the removal of Vetnriean citizens from Mexico. The resolution which passed the House vestcrduv will go to the President for his signature. Los Angeles, Cal., April 23.—Four companies of the Seventh Regi ment, California National Guard, and a machine gun platoon, mobilized early to-day for service at Calex'co, the border town opposite Mexieali This is the strategic point for protection of the irrigation water svstcni of Imperial valley. The force nutnliers 250 men. Douglas. Ariz., April 23.—Twc special trains left here to-dav for Fort fltiachiK^ to take two trowis of cavalry and a machine guii pla toon to } iiama to protect irrigation works there. A detachment of the Tenth United tales caialry is at work on entrencluncnts at Forest tation, ten miles west. Chesapeake & Ohio, 52 >/ 4 : I.t high Valley. 133%; Northern Pacific 10854; Southern Pacific, 80 lit: Union Pacific, I.VJ'/P C.. M.& St P *7'4l P. B- R" 109^; Reading, tfti cmlciit State, would cer tainly drag us into an unequal but dutiful war, which we always desired to avoid." The Constitutionalists said Car ranza's note was not Intended as a defiance but as an appeal to the United States to withdraw Its forces and seek reparation from them. % Where to Go to Get It Go to the advertiser wh» say% "Come." "Come" is the invitation of every merchant who advertises in this newspaper. The men who put their ad vertisements In the newspaper have faith In themselves and in their products. They are catering to your wants. They can only succeed by serving you. The advertisements are clev erly written. They are Interost- Ing to read. They are thoroughly human. I-«et the advertising In this newspaper help you when you need goods or service lt Is a guide that leads to the pleasant Road of Satisfaction.