Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 22, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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cnliig fiit li or-
®W| I" <i" iIS
s&a&l** >. J thus driving out
is thi
iHI b u" d 'nß »P the
system if you
"'''inH are run down.
J'm nerve dead
eninK drugs or
temporary stim
uiauts to weak
' ii ilh system
and expose you
to serious and fatal disease—all pure
r —\
SUNDAY -a g\
MAY ill
Harrisburg 2.40
Hummelstown 2.57
Swatara 3.02
Hershey :i.05
Palmyra 3.12
Annville 3,21
Lebanon 3.32
Avon 3.37
Myerstown 3.47
Washington (arrive) tf.45
Returning. Special Train will
leave Washington (Union Station)
6.10 P. M. samo date for above sta
Tickets good only on date of ex
cursion on above Special Train in
each direction. Children between 5
and 12 years of age half fare.
V. S. Capitol. Congressional Li
brary. Corcoran Art Gallery and
New National Museum Will be Open.
The moment that Resinol Ointment
♦ ouches itching skin, the itching stops
and healing begins. That is why doc
tors have prescribed it successfully for
more than eighteen years in even the
severest cases o! Eczema, tetter, ring
worm, rashes and other tormenting,
unsightly skin eruptions. Aided by
warm baths with Kesinol Soap, Re
fsinol Ointment restores the skin to
perfect health and comfort, quickly,
easily and at little cost.
You need never hesitate to use
Kesinol, It contains absolutely noth
ing that could injure the tenderest
skin—even of a tiny baby. All drug
gists sell Resinol Ointment (50c. and
SI.00), and Resinol Soap (25c.).
For trial free, write to Dept. 7-R,
Resinol, Baltimore, Md. Avoid sub
stitutes by calling for "Resinol" by
liome. —Advertisement.
Give Your
Stubborn Stomach
A little attention and consideration.
In other words alleviate distress
after eating. Sour stomach, gas
and other annoying symptoms by
Dyspepsia Panacea
Even the most aggravated cases :
respond to this remedy in a very
short time.
50<* the bottle
Forney's Drug Store
"We servo you wherever you are"
The Reliable House For
YOHN BROS. Mlr B k X.,
x 1
Merchant* A Miners Tmnx. Cr>,
Baltimore and Philadelphia
Boston, Providence
Savannah, Jacksonville
Through tickets on sale from and to
nil principal points including meals and
utateroom accommodations on steamers
Fine steamers. Best service. Low
fares. Staterooms de Luxe. Paths
Marconi wireless. Automobiles curried"
Send for booklet.
City Ticket Office, 105 South .Ninth
St., Phlla.. l'a. *
W. P. Turner. P. T. M„ Baltimore, Md.
Enroll Next Mnnrtnv
Harrisburg Business College
Day and Night Business,
Shorthand and Civil Service. In
dividual Instruction. 28th year.
329 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa.
Try Telegraph Want Ads.
| SEiATE AT 3:21 A.M.
! !
• [Continued from First Page.]
I The resolution, which went to tho
House when that body reconvened at l
1 o'clock, spectlically disclaims on the .
I part of the United States and hostility !
toward the Mexican people of any In- I
tention to make war against them.
The final vote came at the close of j
a stirring all-night session, marked 1
by bitter debate.
Several Republicans fought to the
last to broaden the resolution so as to !
direct It against all indignities offered.'
the United States in Mexico, whilo
others opposed it. All of the thirteen
negative votes were cast by Republi
Those who voted against the resolu
tion are;
Urandegee, Bristow, Dillingham, Oal
t linger. Lafollette, Lippitt, Lodge. Nor
j ris, Oliver. Root, Snioot, Weeks,
I Works.
Penrose For Measure
•Senator Penrose voted for the reso
lution, ;is did also Senator Saulsbury.
lof Delaware. Senator Dupont, of
Delaware, was not recorded.
' The substitute as adopted by tho
j .Senate follows;
In view of (lie facts presented
by (lie President of (lie ("tilted
| states in his address delivered to
I Congress in joint session on (lie |
JOIIi day of April. (!»( I. in regard
lo certain affronts and indignities
committed against (lie United
Stiites in Mexico, be i(
Itesolved. That the President is j
justified in (lie employment of Hie [
armed lories of (lie United S(a(es
to enforce his demands for 1111- I
j equivocal amends for (lie alTronts
j and indignities committed against 1
1 the United Sla(es; he it further
Hesohed. That the United
[ S(n(es diselaims any hostility to
the Mexican jKf»;»le or any pnr-
I pose to make war upon (lieni.
Ephrata School Principal
Has Served 29 Years
Columbia. Pa., April 22.—Professor
I 11. K. Oehman has just completed his
! twenty-ninth year in the principalship
|of the Ephrata schools, a position
i which he has tilled with marked
ability. He has served as supervising
principal in the town where ho began
his educational career all these years,
having worked his way up from the
ungraded country school, where he
began his education.
To-day Professor Gehman is one of
; the foremost teachers in the. county
and is known as a man of the strictest
integrity, lie has repeatedly declined
to permit his name to be used to seek
advancement where such a step would
involve deviation from cherished ideals
of principles which have become a
part of his life. He is the father of a '
large iamily and some of his children I
arp teachers under his immediate su- i
pervision. Professor Oehman is known !
as dean of the county principals and j
his name has frequently been men- ;
tioned for the office of county super- I
intendent, a position which he would I
be eminently qualified to till.
Since March 1. the Seattle, Wash.,
postoffice has been opertaing one of ■
the most complete systems for quick
delivery of parcel post packages of
any city in the union. The secret '
of this efficient service is i fly in r.
. motorcycle squadron. Almoit M
quickly as a package is dropp uu >n t..e
jpostofllce, one of the members of this;
j squadron is chugging away with the
| package to its destination. This ser- I
I vice is of especial advantage to local |
-Merchants who are required to deliver 1
j packages to distant parts of the city, j
I The goods can be mailed at the post- 1
offlee and will be delivered to the cus- I
jtomer much quicker than would he
possible by the merchant's own de- I
j livery system. !
Blood Tonic Has
Important Meaning
| Puts the Right Sort of Vim
Where Most Needed.
ton P tho blood to enable It to
throw off aooumulated Impurities, to ln
crease the red corpuscles and to put the
plooa-maklng urjjatis into such active condi
tion as to produce that conscious sensation
of what wo feel an health.
This Is the logical effect of nslnc th"
famous hlood purifier, S. S. S.
Half tlio people you meet complain of
woary niuscios, stagnant brain, Jangled
. nerves, and a wonderful ilesiro to lav down
| and just quit. Most of these people have
j been using nervines that, spasmodicallv flare
| up the nerves only to die down again, as
ii „ i ey 111 u . s '- Avoid nerve stimulants.
liear ir mind that this worn-out fooling is
due to poor blood, to bacteria in the water
you drink; to the multiplying of destruc
tive germs in the blood faster than they
can he overcome by the white corpuscles;
ana to what is known as auto-toxomla, that
condition where tho venous or Impure blood
accumulates faster than it can be replaced
by the red arterial hlood.
r S ' long been famous as a blood
P u :'"* v?? ,ts . artlon by elimination of
tbe Irritating poisons that infest the blood,
is one of the very important things to know.
. "; nil Set S. S. S. at any drug store,
but taki no other so-called blood purifier.
, n 2■ ™ S „, ls Purely a vegetable product,
" make a K rp,lt mistake to have
some enthusiast palm off a mercury, arsenic
or iodide of potash preparation that, may
do you Irreparable harm;
S ?; ) .. S 'J R l lrP " f !';od by The Swift Specific
Swift Rldg.. Atlanta. Oa.. and If
yon have any doep-seatod or obstinate blood
trouble, write lo their Medical Dept. for
£V d J ,Ce - w '" worth your while
Extraordinary Hijl/Uvl Ivl'l 0/\La£i
Of Women's and Misses' Suits, Coats and Dresses
The Biggest Kind of Reductions Coats of Every Description at
On Al! SLJITS Tremendously Reduced Prices
jtjvl l L • c r A ft !• * Women's & Misses'Balmacaan Coats, $Q 75 /#;
SI You have the choice of over 500 this season s y a , ues to s7>so# Sa)e p nce . . o.=
iNewest ouits to select rrom; every wanted material J I ASSORTED COLORS AND ALL SIZES. VtS
every wanted style; every wanted color and all sizes. Women's & Misses' Balmacaan Coats, $C 75
Women's and Misses' Spring Suits; *7 Cft ValueS '° $ ' °- 00, Sal<! PnCe * ' '
Values to $14.00. Sale Price.. AND ALL SIZES. Vf 1 \\
Assorteri Women's and Misses' Spring Coats, $C 00 lL|
Women's and Misses' Spring Suits; d*A *7C l il] vB Values to SB.OO, Sale Price .. . II /
Values to $16.50. Sale Price.. . «|>™. ID WlWi ASSOR ™ D mrM * AND SIZES. JLM
Assorted eoiurs M/.os ia ti.- in.. yUopVw Women's and Misses* Spring Coats, 95
Women's and Misses' Spring Suits: d>l AA Values to $lO, Saie Price Ve =
Values to $20.00. Sale Price ... - - 7-
Assorted colors and sizes In the lot. ral 18. Women's and Misses' Spring Coats, Assorted Col- $Q 75
Women's and Misses' Spring Suits; Oifl HIM '/ 01s, Styles and Sizes, Values to sls, Saie Price • • *
Values to $22.50. Sale Price.. . Women's and Misses' Spring Coats, Assorted $1 O 00
A bi * ranp " " f stylPSl f ' nlor * ttn ' l " Z( ' s - Colors, Styles Cc Sizes; Values to $1 8, Sale Price i«» =
Women's and Misses' Spring Suits; £7C NOTE Women s ~izes, 36 to 44 Misses Sizes 14 to 20—Extra Sizes, 37 to 51.
'iZZSZ.Ji.'*"- * UUS> # 2 Big Specials in DRESSES
========== One Lot of Women's and Misses' One Lot of Women's and Misses'
Women's and Misses' Finest Spring ft 1 P-J £■■ ? ilk Df esses; Values to AA Cloth Dresses; Values d»o Q r
e-s,. Vol..- » cl d • I f $9.50. Sale Price «p«J»UU to $lO. Sale Price
OUIIS, V aiUeS 10 <puD. oaie rrice. . . Dresses made of good quality Taffeta and Mes- Choice of All-wool Serges and Crepes. All
1 saline Silk—all colors and all sizes. newest styles. All colors and sizes.
special for Thursday Only jj Great Big Bargains in Men's and Boys'\ Speci " l fOTT|, » r «iay o »iy
Women's SUITS and PANTS For Tomorrow Women's
=== : = : === :::: ===== <; Men's and Young 050 Men's Striped Wor-d»*l 49 Boys' Norfolk suits, <tl 891 ===== |
{.Mens Suits ....tj/l««= sted Trousers .... $1 •= $3.00 values . ...«pl*=;>
■ VATMi A % Blue Serges and All-wool Cassi- Values to $3.50. In the newest | aa a
VJOWiIS jESEfc. =°° aml SL d effectß - medium and dark Boys' Norfolk suits, 95! DIOUS6S
========:==: Men's and Young Men's New Boys' Norfolk suits, frA 89 va^ues •«: =====
$1 Value <; BLUE SERGE $0 75 s 7 * oo va,ues Boys' Norfolk suits, QO §9l $3.50 Value
SUITS .... *p Ct » 2 pairs of Knickers, belt to match. $5.00 values <?«/•=>
S Other stores ask $13.50; 32 to 48 n ill • . All wool blue serges. !► A
/»P- j;--- 39TvalI 0 e USe .*• 17c TWO TABLES^OITVIEN'S SI A C
: : $22.50 Model of Newest Spr- NEWEST MODEL d»7 50<I I
Ivlfi. j; ing Suits For Mendjj A 75 Boys'Knicker pants, OA SUITS s«•=<>
and Young Men.. v » *•= 75c values 0%/ C values to $15.00; sizes 32 to 42 «►
> stouts to 48. > 150 Women's Blouses
Harrisburg's Heart Is
Stung For Distributing
An attractive, prettily bound, splen
didly illustrated sixteen page little
booklet entitled "Consider Harrisburg
—the Heart of Distribution" has just
been issued by the Chamber of Com
merce. It is to serve as a sort of gen
eral guide and information book in
tabloid form for the benefit of citi
zens and visitors, business and com
mercial men.
Harrisburg's location, distributing'
facilities, industrial facilities, conven
tion features, recreations, attractions
lor visitors and municipal advantages,
cm given a chapter with pictures.
Hhe overheard her brother say that
the situation in Mexico was takig the
attention of the wltole world, but for
her part she didn't know of any job in
Mexico or anywhere whiah would inter
est everyone as much as that.
On Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock
a men's mass meeting will be held
in the New Cumberland Church of
God. The Rev. Charles Raach, of Me
chanicsburg, will be the speaker. The
Rev. Mr. Ranch can handle a subject
in a manner particularly pleasing to
men. The "Booster Boys" will iur
i nish special music.
/ '' "» A ,« ' » < - I,}■ | j
* 'run 1 S
This is one of the main streets of Vera Cruz. The tower shows wh
sharpshooters were stationed to tire on American marines and bluejack
when they landed to capture the place.
The Indianapolis Humane Society
has found a new use for the motor
cycle. In that city many uses have al
ready been found for the two-wheeler
—in the police department, in the
telegraph offices, in parcel post deliv
ery, in telephone repair work, and in
quick delivery service of kinds.
But the Humane, Society has gone a
step further and converted the mo
torcycle into an ambulance. The so
ciety has heretofore been equipped
with a large ambulance, but now for
smaller animals the lighter, swifter
. conveyance will be used.
Quite an innovation for keeping up
club Interest is the scheme of the
Memphis (Tenn.) Motorcycle club of
publishing a news sheet. This sheet
contains all current news of the ac
tivities of the local club, as well as
general P. A. M. news.
Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets
Malt* the liver active, bowels reeular, without pain or
griping, relieve sick headache and that bloated feeling
after eating, purify the hlood and clear the complexion
Large box; enough to last a month, 25c.
<pr. Chase Co., 224 N. 10th St.. Philadelphia. Pa.
In order to have more efficient mes
senger service on the battleiield, Gen
eral Francisco Villa, the Mexican rebel
leader, has adopted motorcycles for
the use of his army messengers. Villa
realizes that quick messenger service I
often decides battle and has deter
mined to leave nothing undone to
make this service the best possible.
He says that with the four motor
ill I wjiiii i ■ ■■■Mai - -y J-.'II. —~—■ ; i■ ii—i
Surface ' - Feet from J!
/ y ,-Frcoch-becl Strata J;
\ A Excess Sweating and Bad Odof
j! Tells Positive Cure
For all Foot Troubles
<! Science has proven that nearly all
foot troubles originate from a com
<» nion cause; that of injured tissues.
j[ The following information will be
ji welcomed hv thousands of victims
«> of dally foot torture. No matter
<; how many patent medicines you
11 have tried In vain, this treatment,
<[ 'well known to foot doctors, will do
j! the work. "Dissolve two table
ii spoonfuls of Calocide compound In
<[ a basin of warm water. Soak the
j, feet for a full fifteen minutes, gent
<> ly rubbing the sore parts." The ef
» • I
nP7IIT TP Shampoo Semi-M«nthly,
Mill I will keep your scalp clean and &!«o
IB ■ Mill ■ create a Wealthy action of the scalp.
llLtffS MJ Jl barber druKK,B !. or SOc
cycles now in use, he is able to kee|>
in closer touch with the various divi
sions of his army than ever before.
Then, too, the motorcycle is not so
easily brought down on the battlo
ileld as is a horse.
Most every country has equipped its
army with the two-wheeler, but Mex
ico is the lirst to be able to make
practical use of it ana test its effi
ciency in actual battle.
fects are marvelous. All pain dls- i'
appears Instantly and the feet feel j ]
simply delightful. Corns and cal- i i
louses can be peeled right off. Bun- J |
lons, aching feet and sweaty smelly ! i
feet get immediate relief. Use this ' |
treatment a week and your foot ! i
troubles will be a thing of the < '
past. Calocide works through the ] !
pores and removes the cause. Don't i
waste time, (let it at once. Any i 1
druggist has Calocide in stock or ] !
will get it from his wholesale house, i 1
A twenty-five cent box is said to be ' |
enough to cure the worst feet. Don't ! i
lie persuaded to take something else i 1
instead. Calocide is prepared only 1 |
at laboratories of Medical Formula ] i
Co., of Dayton, Ohio, and Chicago, i 1
ill. ; |