Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 21, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Representatives of AU Camps in
District Transact Business
at Hershey
Social Entertainment by Hershey
Canp in Evening Thoroughly
Enjoyed by Visitors
Special to 'lke Telegraph
He-shey. Pa.. April 21. —Yesterday
he regular semi-annual district con
•entlsn of Dauphin-Soutliern district
?. O. 8. of A. met at Hershey with a
arge attendance. Camps were rep
'eserted from Harrisburg, Steelton,
•Ilfrhspire. Entiaut, Dauphin, Grant
ille and Hershey.
Tie morning session was opened
vlth an address of welcome by S. D.
"larc in behalf of Camp 705 of Her
ihej, In an excellent address, in which
lie town was turned over to the dele
ratis to do with it as they pleased.
te®onse was made by Chauncey Car
till the president of the convention.
"Ih£ morning session was taken up
viti the appointment of committees,
eports of camps and standing com
niltees and nomination of officers.
Th' reports of camps showed that
letrly all camps in the two districts
ir< progressing in numbers and
\t the afternoon session resolutions
v«re adopted as follows:
Thanking Camp TOS for the enter
anment accorded the delegates and
vhhing the camp continued progress
ird success.
Endorsing Joseph W. Bricker, of
.'imp 102, Steelton. for the office of
SUte guard of the State comp of
Authorizing the executive committee
t continue its good work in behalf of
h( weak camps in the two districts
ftu providing for its expenses.
The following officers were elected:
resident, C. K. Hricker. Camp 102,
leelton: vice-president, Charles Gal
igher. Camp 102, Steelton: master of
)rms, .Miles Morrison, Camp 102,
teelton: secretary, Ed H. Veiget,
amp 8. Harrisburg: treasurer. John
(. Shaft'ner. Camp "16. Harrisburg:
unductor. Charles Pugh, Camp 522,
Inhaut; inspector, Archie Thompson,
amp 102, Steelton; guard, C. E. Hol
ngsworth. Camp 705, Hershey.
Xext place of meeting. Camp 16,
In the evening, Camp 705 of Her
tiey. had a special program in honor
f the visitors who remained for the
sssion of the camp. The glee club of
amp 87. Annville, was present and
sndered excellent selections both Clas
cal and humorous. Tlie Rev. O. <».
:omig delivered an interesting address
n Patriotism" and addresses were
lade by the visitors. Refreshments
ere served. Cyrus L. Garman, dis
•ict president of district No. 2. was
i charge of the program.
Valuables Found in Hotel
Ruins by Sunday Visitors
Special to The Telrgmph
Waynesboro, Pa.. April 21. Over
ne thousand persons spent Sunday
fternoon in the Blue liidge .Moun
ting at Pen-Mar Park, Higlifield and
lue Ridge Summit, and one-half that
umber were from Waynesboro.
The ruins of the Blue Mountain
louse, which was destroyed by Are
n August 5, was visited by many per
>ns, who hunted for souvenirs by dig-
Ing in the ashes. Many were re
arded for their trouble and succeed
-3 in unearthing some valuables.
Howard Spannier, Who lives on the
>rner of North Grant and West North
reets, Wawnesboro, dug up a. silver
>cket and chain, which was in fair
mdition after passing through such
itense heat. On one side of tho locket
ere the initials "G. L. L." and on
te opposite side the year "1913." A
hotograph inside had been reduced
i a little piece of charred paper. Mr.
oangler also found near the locket
id chain two gold bracelets, one a
trved baiid hracelet and the other a
)und one. i >ne of the bracelets had
»en burst by the heat. These articles
' jewelry were found near some
inges and a lock of a trunk and evi
sntlv was the property of a young
idy who was a guest at the hotel
nd had to tiee from the burning
J. M. Mackley. North Franklin
reet. Waynesboro, found a silver
ible knife that probably belonged to
ond and Gibbons, who were proprie
irs of the Blue Mountain House.
asky's "Beauties" Are
Scoring Hit at Orpheum
Ha\o you ever seen the beautiful
omen of the boulevards in Paris,
erlin, St. Petersburg, London? No?
nd would yo"u like to get a peek at
le most beautiful types in Europe?
hen drift into the Orpheum this
eek, get a seat well down toward the
rchestra and look them over to your
eart's content, for Lasky's "Beauties"
ead the bill antj with the usual Laskv
iccess. *
The scene of the piece is laid in the
cme of an artist who has been com
lissioned to paint a picture of the
tost beautiful woman in the world,
nd the girls he gets for models from
1 corners of the globe, according to
te story, are like to make a Venus
ivious. Steward Baird as the artist
as clever and he sang well. Mary
leanor Lawson as the American type
on all hearts.
The entire bill is well up to the
rpheum's standard. Hershel Hendler.
pianist, and Boyle and Brazil, in a
ittir stunt, were deserving of com
arrisburg Rotary Club
Dinner This Evening
The Harrisburg Rotary Club will
ne at the Colonial Country Club this
ening at 7.45 o'clock. The enter-
Inment committee has received ac
ptances from about a hundred mem
rs and guest*.
President John S. Musser will be
astmaster and a number of out-of
e-ordlnary entertainment features
e promised.
By Associated Press
Vienna, April 21. —Emperor Fran
i Joseph's condition was "satisfac
ry" o-day, according to the seml-
Iclal bulletin. The doctors say the
tient's general condition gives no
use for apprehension.
By Associated Press
l-ondon. Ont., April 21. —The Uo
nion Savings building. London':-
ief office structure, was destroyed by
t: tq-day with a loss of JUOO.OOO.
. au^man s Extraordin a r y
To-morrow, i
r\ Sj| Continues For Four Days Only ■
' Sale Days Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday *
Tremendous Reductions on Every Suit, Coat and Dress
Half Price For Your Choice Coats! Coats! Coats!
of 6 Very Fine Sample Suits All Kinds, All Style.. All Size.
One Lavender Suit, size 36. d»00 One Tango Suit, size 36. gOO tfA fT f\YY\P*Y\ Rr IMICO**O
Original price $45.00. Sale price,- •%J\J Original price $45.00. Sale price, -JX ▼▼ VjC IYllijijCij
price $45.00. Sale price ° rißinal $22.50 Original price $45.00. Sale price, $22.50 Every Coat at Big Reductions
One Lavender Suit, size 36. O C One Copenhagen Blue, size 16.
One Lot of Women's and Misses' Balmacaan Coats, tf 7 7C II
Original price $42.50. Sale price, 1 Original price $45.00. Sale price, Values to $7 50 Sale PflCe / J
■ Assorted Colors and all Sizes.
9 j I • j ff . VVV ne ot Women s and Misses'Balmacaan Coats, CiT 7C
SllltS' olllts" Sill tcif! Values to $lO 00, Sale Price fO. I D
Vi-X t/U • vy Vil vVJ • • vi* •• • Made of Priestly English Mixtures Assorted Colors and All Sizes.
500 Handsome SPRING SUITS . Spnng
G* V.l.e, ,o SSM
Divided Into Six Assorted Styles, Colors and Sizes. j|
All Prices Tremendously Reduced Women s and Misses Spring Coats, Assorted Col- tf/T QC
* ors, Styles and Sizes; Values to $lO, Sale Price . . J
You have your choice of otjly this season's newest styles; all the new materials— ... , >
Crepes. Crepe Poplins, Poplins, Serges, Gabardines, Silk Poplins, Silk Moire, etc. omens and Misses Spring Coats, Assorted Col- £Q 7 C
Every color is here —Black, Navy, Copenhagen, New Blue, Green, Tango, Tan, Laven- lZes, Values to sls, Sale Price . • *r • •
der. etc. Sizes tor WomenJlisseg_and extra large women. Women's and Misses' Spring Coats, Assorted €lO Hi)
Women's and Misses' Spring f"A Women's and Misses' Spring AA Colors, Styles & Sizes, Values to $1 S, Sale Price &A. £
Suits: Values to $14.00. Sale to $22.50. NOTE-Women's srzes7rtoT4-M¥se S 20'-
Assorted colors and sizes in the lot. - A big range of styles, colors and sizes. _____ N * 9 *
Women's and Misses' Spring Cft 7-
Price ; Values t0 sl6 : so ;. Sale «p9.75 Sale Price . /...' One Lot of Women's & Misses' One Lot of Women's & Misses'
Assorted colors and sizes m the lot == AJ "" '" u " ! ' <u "' M/ ' Silk Dresses, Values to $C 00 Cloth Dresses, Values $Q 95
Women's and Misses' An H9.75 $ 9 - 50 ' Sak $> 0. Sale Price ... 0.
Suits; Values to $20.00. !k I / 111 I $35.00. Sale Price . Dresses made of good quality Taffeta Choice of All-Wool Serges and
Sale Price and Messaline Silk—all colors and all Crepes. All newest styles. All colors
Mostly one and two of a kind. Assorted colors and •
Assorted colors and sizes in the lot. sizes. Sizes. and sizes.
»wwtwwmtwmvwwvww q *° I 17 \vr i 1
n Now! YOUNG MAN! | men's Blouses, value to $4, for $1.95
rev —On© of These 50 r - /\ '' V# Two tables of Women's Handsome Blouses, made of
/ New Spring Styles I s(| ]j Don't Mi» These Wed-
i* the Suit You Are Looking for; IJ . in • • r\ Choice, Wednesday «pJL*%/0
other stores Ask SIB.OO & $20.00; JLmd%= nesday Bargains m Our
H """ I"v M■ » I BOYS'CLOTHING A Special Glove Sale For Wed- fi Q
' WDI C Ung " $0 7C DEPARTMENT. nesday Only, SI.OO value for . . 03C
W Blue Serge Suits W Boys'blouse waists, 17 pairs of Women s Ptire Thread Silk Gloves, 16-button
B#l Other Stores Ask $13.50; for H, |i 39c value . . I'C in black and white, all sizes. SI.OO value.
y7/ O
•; J Jl|j . = T7 1 Boys'Knickerpants, Qfl ' ,
j $22.50 Model of I; 75c values Wednesday Special, Women's
Newest Spring Suits IJ\ Id j| Boys' Norfolk suits,d gg Um °" Sults ' soc value f° r •• • •
li * 111 \ ¥ CM o v mm I !• »nn 1 th IWomen1 Women s Swiss Gauze Union Suits, lace O/?
if I Ln\ V ror Mei & Yeung Men * ;i UU values y trimmed. All sizes. 50c value. Wednesday only, uOC
H} if Men's Striped Worsted Mg* l| HOO vXw k . SmtS s2«= Wednesday Special, Women's
IJ/ Jl i »pnni t 1 4M ===== Gowns, SI.OO value for DOC
hi - I KUUOCKO I *t/ || Boys' Norfolk suits, tfjo 89 150 Women's Fine Longcloth Gowns; cut full; lace and
II JI ii\\ | I alues to $3.50. In the newest striped ef- JL#— — < $5.00 values ..... Y** I embroidery yokes best workmanship; all sizes. /»r*
11 i j l jj All wool blue serges SI.OO value. Wednesday for 65C
1/1/ ill Two Tables 300 Men's CA ii Boys' Norfolk suits,djyi g9 Wednesday Only,Women s House HO
; M Newest Model SUITS, ▼/ OU M 7 -°» v •••▼'*•= Dresses, SI.OO value for OjC
li J'S. Will Be Pat On Sale fo_ J jj 2 pairs of Kllickers, belt to 100 Women's Percale and GhiEham House Dresses:
JZ to 42 Stouts to 4g w w j| match new models; all sizes; all perfect. SI.OO value.
_J Wednesday only Oj C
Men's Raincoats d*o Ht j A 1 il JL V ZVr
Values to $7.50 " 1 l\J u " i<m -
50 INCHES LONG . J You can get Bl*o percale;
this regular styles: A handsome
—■——■ 75c value, dressy shirt for 59c,
APRIL 21,1914.