Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 21, 1914, Page 13, Image 13

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Make It a Daily Habit
Try it for a few evenings on our say-so and
you'll read Telegraph WANT ADS regularly
They point out effective ways of solving the
help problem and holding down the cost of living.
LOST Straved, about two weeks
go. from 513 North Second street, tan
nd white Shepherd Collte dog. Name,
i&jor. Kindly return and receive re
STRICH Herman Astrlch, on Sun
day, April 19, 1914. at his home, 1110
Sheridan avenue, Pittsburgh, aged oj
Funeral on Wednesday, at 2:30 P. M-,
•ora Ohev Shoiom Temple, Harrisburg
he relatives and friends are invited
attend without further notice,
wers will be received at 216 Hamil
>n street. Body can be viewed at the
jmple at 2 o'clock. Burial private.
END ALL. Mrs. Ida. wife of John H.
Bendall. 314 lierr Ftreet, died April
17, 1 y 14. at St Luke's Hospital, Phila
Funeral on Wednesday, April 22, at -
clock, from her late resluence. Rela
tes and friends are invited to attend
lthout further notice.
WANTED At once, four stone
asons and helpers at Second and
nierald. Lewis Callahan.
■WANTED First-class wood pat
rntnakcr —machine work. Apply
rog. Switch and Manufacturing Co.,
irlisle. Pa.
WANTED Young man as solicitor
id to collect Permanent position
ith good prospects of promotion Sal
•y and commission. Address H.. S9l,
t e of Telegraph.
etail Cigar Business; must be of neat
>pearanc© and bear best of rcfer
ices; excellent chance for advance
ent; state age and previous experl
ice. Address Box J., SSI, care of Tele
WANTED Four tlrst-class brick
yers. at Halifax, Wednesday morn
g, with tools. Apply to J. Allen De
ncev, Halifax Tool House, Halifax,
MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at
ic* for Electric Railway Motormen
id Conductors: S6O to SIOO a month:
i experience necessary; fine opportu
ty; no strike: write immediately tor
iDllcatlon blank. Address Box 820,
le of Telegraph.
WANTED—First-class plumber. Ap
y to R. J. Flowers, 113 South Thlr
enth street.
WANTED Several house painters:
>ne but first-class need apply. Call
AGENTS in every town. Best sell
g household article. Start at once,
rge demand for goods. $25 to SSO a
lek. Success assured. Investigate
-day. The Forest Specialty Co., i'ru
llty, Pa.
COUNTY MANAGER for a new model
tented household article selling for
50. Half profit. $8 to sl2 a day. Life
>. Sells over and over again to the
me people. Samples loaned. Sales
inager, 122 Sycamore street, Mil
lUkee, Wis.
WANTED Settled woman for r.lerk
a fire insurance office. Address In
■n handwriting, Box D, 577, caro of
legraph Office.
WANTED Young girl wanted to
list with general housework; refer
ees. Call at once, 257 Forster street.
3IRL WANTED for general house
rk In family of two; no washing,
i Peiter street
KANTED A bright girl for mark
r and assorting department. Apply
»y Laundry. 1620-26 Fulton street.
VAN TED Girl about 20, who em-
Jidere and sews, wanted for store
iere opportunity and salary are in ac
■dance with ability. Address Box A,
I, care of Telegraph.
VANTED White girl for general
isework; no washing; good wages,
ply 2439 North Sixth street
VANTED By family of four
llts, middle-aged white woman for
leral housework. Address 1L 889,
e of Telegraph
Vacant Ground
115x113 FT.
Located at the northwest corner
t Seventh and Schuylkill streets. .
40x110 FT.
Located on the east side of Logan
roet eighty-five feet north of
merald street
100x100 FT.
Located on the south side of Cur
n St., eighty-five ft. east of Bren
nger Ave. (between Fifth and
Ixtli Sts.)
27VfcxlOO FT.
Located on the west side, and
nown aa No. 1824 North Second St
41HX100 FT.
Located on the south side of
erry St.. between 26th and 27th
:b. (Old Orchard.)
filler Bros. & Neefe
lot-art and Court Streets.
WANTED A laundress. Apply
j Bolton House.
WANTED A middle-aged wquian
• for general housework. 1112
i Front street.
WANTED Girl for soda fountain.
Apply 1015 North Third street.
Experienced winders. Apply
Harrisburg Silk Mill, Cor. North
and Second streets.
I wants place in grocery store: experi
! enced; energetic; can drive team. Apply
j X.. 895, care of Telegraph.
1 WANTED Toung man, with ex
perience in rigging, carpenter work
and hoisting engineering, wishes posi
tion. Reference and recommendation.
Address P. C. Hays, Hershey, Pa.
WANTED Blacksmith, with two
i years' experience, wants position. Ad
dress Gus Francen. Carlisle. Pa.
WANTED By young woman, po
| sition as manicurist; can give refer
ences. Address H., 580, care of Tele
! graph.
WANTED Cleaning by day by
I colored woman. Address, 1416 North
Seventh street or Bell phone 1482 R.
WANTED Colored woman desires
1 position at general housework. Call, or
j address, 1415 Currant avenue.
WANTED Middle-aged woman de
sires position as housekeeper in small
family; no washing. Call Bell phone
! S."2L. •
1 lady desires position as cashier; can
i furnish good references. Address C.,
| 893, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Settled woman would
like to assist with housework or up
! stairs work. Apply H. K„ 570, care of
1 Telegraph.
i FOR SALE No. 1913 North Sixth
street is for sale look it over
now vacant Well built dwelling
and store room lot 20x100. Particu
lars at Bell Realty Co. Bergner Build
I FOR SALE—I6O2 Regina street; nine
rooms; water: furnace; gas; bath; front
porch. Price. $2,800. Apply J. H.
Goudy, 1602 Regina street
FOR SALE 1936 North street; 7
rooms; water; furnace; gas; front
porch; porch in rear. Lot. 120x110.
Four ft. side entrance. Price, $1,600.
Apply H. Barn hart. 2 South Fifteenth.
' FOR SALE Two lots in Camp Hill,
near trolley line. Bargain. Address
j H., 571, care of Telegraph Office.
I FRAME HOUSE, located on Briggs
street, between Seco and Third; 8
I rooms and bath. Will be sold at sacri
| fice If sold this Spring. Address S. O.
I No. 1001, care of Telegraph.
j FOR SALE —My residence,
! 215 Briggs St.; at a reduction of
j $300.00, owing to having pur
i chased elsewhere. Inquire on
i premises or 18 N. Market Squnrc
I J. M. Shelly.
FOR SALE A farm of 100 Acres,
near Lewisberry, York County; also
! dwelling house. No. 2024 N. Fifth street,
i and 519 Camp street. S. S Rupp Berg
ner Building, corner Third and Market
I streets.
FOR SALE New brick house, 2313
' Derry; latest improvements; large
front and back porches; open staircase;
hardwood finish; bargain to quick
i buyer; granolithic walks. Apply 1432
j Derry, or 1030 Market street.
j FOR SALE Three lots each 20x110
! in one of the most desirable residential
j sections, on Market street, between
i Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, ad
] Jacent to Reservoir Park. Address "J.."
1 P. O. Box No. 394, Harrisburg, Pa.
] FOR SALE Suburban House; plot
30x190 close to trolley granolithic
I walks single house bath gas
i electric light steam heat porches
I —now vacant Bell Realty Co., Berg
| ner Building.
' FOR SALE Cottage on Chautauqua
| Grounds, Mt Gretna, Pa. Address E. S.
| Kase, Lebanon, Pa.
-2522 Jefferson. 618 Seneca. 422 Harris,
; 622 Pefter, 226 Hamilton, 1520 Sixth, 910
Sixth, 1021 N Green, 701 Sixth, 1354
North, 1501 Swatara, 1513 Juniper, 15
South Nineteenth Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
FOR SALE 4 acres 2 *6 -story
frame house 7 rooms frame bank
barn chicken house hog pen
Iron stone soil lO minutes' walk
from Mlddletown Ferry Station lO
mtles from Harrisburg 66 young,
bearing fruit trees possession at
once. Price, $l,lOO. Brlnton-Packer
■ Co., Second and Walnut streets.
FOR SALE 95 Dlsbrow street
2-story brick 6 rooms, bath and fur
; nace front porch. Price, $1,800.00.
; Rental Income, $15.00 per month. Brin
i ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut
! FOR SALE 52,300 will buy a three
: story brick house on Penn street, near
j Maclay street all Improvements
porch. Get our "For Sale" list. Bell
, Realty Co., Bergner Building.
. FOR SALE ln Elkwood, modern
I pressed brick mansion; all hardwood
! finihs; 8 rooms and bath; gas; elec
tricity; granolithic pavements; lot. 100
, *l2O. Price, $5,000. Keeney A Sim
| mons, New Cumberland.
WHY not live in Ellzabethtown, Pa.?
j A town which lias all city conveniences,
j good markets, splendid train and trol
ley service. Houses with all modern
I conveniences for sale or rent. Call on,
i 2L r ®odress, J. H Buch, Ellzabethtown.
SIXTY HOUSES, tome new and very i
atti active homes: several very good In- I
vestments. Terms to suit. D. E. Bright- :
bill 2 North Court street. Both phones
FOR RENT 2 is-story brick house j
on Bowman avenue. Camp Hill. Pa. '
Rent. $25.00 a month. John C. Orr, 222 i
Market street. Phone 934.
FOR RENT No. 2G North Eigh- !
teentli street, corner brick house, with i
steam heat, combination lights, elegant
Interior decorations. Reference re
quired. Rent, S3O. J. E. Gipple, 1251 j
Market street. I
FOR RENT Eight-room brick ,
house, with improvements, 1729 Park
street, city. Rental. S2O per month.
Apply James Bricker, New Cumberland,
Pa., R. F. 13. i
FOR RENT Very desirable fur- j
nished house on Front street, contain
ing ten rooms, from June 1 to Septem
ber X. P. O. Box 595. |
FOR RENT No. 2121- Boas street,
with stable. $15.00. Suburban home
stead, $25.00. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar
ket street.
FOR RENT 431 Market street, at
entrance of Subway l3 rooms 2
baths steam heat suitable for
rooming house. Apply Chas. Adler, 1002
North Third street.
three-story brick; 9 rooms; ball; all im
provements: rear entrance; good loca
tion; immediate possession; easy terms;
rent. S3O. Apply 615 Green street.
183 ACRES 46 perches farm land, 36
acres mountain land, known as the
"Squire Miller Farm" in West Hanover
Township, Dauphin County, on the
Manada Gap Road, about 4 miles from
Linglestown. Apply Commonwealth
i Trust Co., Real Estate Department, 222
Market street, Hai risburg.
■ A
i WILL exchange $3,000 equity in a
! modern West Philadelphia home con
I taining 12 rooms and 2 baths for Har-
I risburg lots or equities. Address Box
> 575, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Bachelors' apartment
j of four rooms and bath: steam heat,
and all modern conveniences; suitable
for from two to four adults; centrally
I located. Address 4627, care of Tele
FOR RENT New three-room apart ;
ment, with privilege bath. Apply 1327
; Derry street.
FOR RENT Two apartments, front,
very desirable; new building; all con
veniences. Apply Fishman's Furniture
Store, 1101-3 North Sixth street
FOR RENT By the night or
month, the finest rooms in Harrisburg,
single or en suite. Laßelle 4part
ments, 204 Locust street, next door to
Orpheum. Steam heat, electricity,
baths. Newly furnished throughout.
Apply C. Gaeta, Merchant Tailor, 212
Locust street.
FOR RENT Two very desirable
rooms furnished with all con
veniences and very central. Rooms cool
and pleasant in summer. Address K.,
579. care of Telegraphy
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms
in private family; centrally located;
rent reasonable; gentlemen preferred;
must have reference. Address L, 575,
care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished
rooms; centrally located; reasonable
rates; call any time. 110 North Second
FOR RENT Nicely furnisned
room, with all conveniences. Apply 923
North Third street.
FOR RENT Three nicely fur
nished rooms, with bath and shower
bath, board; rates reasonable. Apply
1239 Market street. Evergreen Cafe.
Good location for railroad men. Bell
phone 2865 J.
FOR RENT Two front rooms, fur
nished, light housekeeping, second
floor, most desirable corner house of
Hill; gas range; other improvements;
rent reasonable; reference exchanged;
no children. 1800 Derry street. City.
FOR RENT Two pleasant rooms,
furnished, for light housekeeping; all
conveniences, including gas range; easy
walking distance to town; on Hill. Ad
dress T., 892, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Two or three newly
furnished second floor front, communi
cating rooms, with privilege of kitchen;
private family; large front porch; con
veniences; gas; phone. 8., 79, care of
FOR RENT One large, pleasant,
second floor front room; one block from
Capitol. Apply 409 Briggs street.
FOR RENT Second floor front I
room, with board; all Improvements; i
use of Bell phone 659 R. Apply 814 !
Capital street.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms and
boarding by meal, day or week.' Apply
1001 North Second street, corner Boas
and Second streets.
FOR RENT Furnished suite of two
or three rooms, with private bath, city
steam, electric and gas lighting, hard
wood floors. References required. 218
Pine street.
ROOMS FOR RENT Suite of three
beautiful, light rooms, near heart of
city. Inquire 419 North street,
FOR RENT Two unfurnished
rooms, on first floor; kitchen range,
sink and cupboard; suitable for light
housekeeping. Rent reasonable. Ap
ply 1111 North Third street.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnish
ed rooms, for gentlemen, with city heat
and use of bath. Apply 272 Briggs
FOR RENT Furnished rooms; de
sirable location. Apply 719 North Sixth
FOR RENT Fifty furnished rooms,
in private families, all parts of city
improvements 51.25 week many
other rooms. Send address and I will
call Address X., 508, care of Tele
FOR RENT ThiM floor, consisting
of two unfurnished rooms and bath,
steam heat, electric light and gas. . sls
per month. Address Boyd P. Rothrock.
Pennsylvania State Museum.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
communicating rooms, second floor
front; rent one or both; one a corner
room; modern conveniences; best loca
tion; central; price reasonable. Apply
1168 Mulberry street.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms on
second floor. Apply 626 Calder street,
FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en
suite, all conveniences, including phone;
reference required. Apply 1015 North
Front street.
WANTED Three unfurnished
rooms, second floor, for light house
keeping, by a young couple; state
terms. Address M., 583, care of Tele
WANTED Two unfurnished rooms,
with private bath, by gentleman. Lo
cation north of Locust street and east
of Third street. Private family pre
ferred. State terms. Address G., 574,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED Two or three unfur
nished rooms for light housekeeping;
prefer quiet place with middlo-aged
couple; state terms. Address D., 673
care of Telegraph.
ONE second-story front and one
third-story back room, both nicely fur
nished, man and or gentlemen.
Apply 15 North Sixteenth street.
WANTED Second-hand roll-top
desk. State price, condition and size.
Reply to No. 576, care of Telegraph.
WANTED We need 100 second
hand bicycles before May 15. to till out
of town order whiclj we have. Bicycles
in any conditions bought. Drop us a
line or phone 1635 J. We will call. Ex
celsior Cycle Co., 1007-9 North Third.
WANTED Second-hand safe. Ap
ply E. C. Snyder, 122 North Eighteenth
street, or call Bell phone 517 W.
FOR SALE Harley-Davldson mo
torcycle In Ilrst-class condition. Can
be seen at 1405 North Sixth street.
Smith & Feltenberger. Bell 2928.
FOR SALE One Flanders
delivery automobile, pannel top
body; one 30 Packard Roadster,
will sacrifice both if sold at once.
In good condition. R. R. Rom
berger, 1201 Mulberry Street.
FOR SALE One square piano in
good condition. Reasonable. Inquire
at 124 Sylvan Terrace.
FOR SALE Antique bedroom suite,
in walnut and marble, seven pieces;
bevelled plate-glass mirrors-, a bargain
Address 8., 582, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE 3O-H.-P. Middleby tour
ing car, fully equipped and in good
condition: 1910 model; price, $250.00.
Call 620 South Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE One ten-foot wooden
trough. Cheap. Address P. O, Box 179,
Duncannon, Pa.
Hemlock 1x12x14 feet long. $25.50 tier
thousand; same Common Yellow Pine
at $23.50. Also Chestnut and Oak. Ad
dress Lumber, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Gent's Furnishing
Store. Last inventory shows about
$1,500 stock. Good location In city of
Harrisburg. Long lease. Five living
rooms in addition to store room. Low
rent. Address Box K, 894. care of Tele
FOR SALE Hve horses. Will sell
very reasonable to quick buyer. Call
Grocery Store, Twentieth and State
Steel Die Embossed Stationery and
Business Cards—increases business
costs less than printing. Harrisburg
Embossing Plant. 4 North Fifth street
FOR SALE Two-cylinder touring
car; good condition; price, $150.00. In
quire 1406 North Third street.
FOR SALE Go-cart, good as new.
Cost $15.00. "Will sell for SO.OO. Call
1730 Market street.
TRUNKS. Traveling Bags, Suit Cases,
Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap
leather, Calfskin, Kip Dongola, Waxed
Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample
Cases and Leather Specialties made to
order and repaired. Harrisburg Har
ness and Supply Co., Second and Chest
nut streets.
FOR SALE A barber shop furni
ture complete, with five chairs of
maple wood. Payment half cash and
half on trust. Apply 1325 Fulton
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
and one frame. Tenth and Market
streets, for sale cheap and quick; lots
must be cleared. Inquire Emerson-
Brantingham Implement Co., City.
GLASb window signs. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
Board and Table Board, at 25c each.
One of these signs will be given with
each six-time order for a classified ad.
if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of
LSED motorcycles; all makes; over
hauled and In fine condition; guaran
teed to bo as represented; call for dem
onstration. Heagy Bros., 1204 North
Third street
FOR SALE New dumb-waiter,
never been used; square Steinway
piano, in good condition; bone grinder,
can be used by hand or power. Will
be sold cheap. Call 119 Washington
per gallon, sl.lO per one-half gallon,
delivered by parcel post. Sample, 10c.
L. K. Hostetter, Route 6, Lititz, Pa.
TOR SALE 2OO Indian Runner
Ducks. Elkview Poultry Farm, Speece
ville. Pa.
PICTURE SHOW Machine, 140
chairs, piano, and lining of booth; good
location; everything In first-class con
dition; cheap to quick buyer. Apply
50 South Front street, Steelton, or 267
Delaware avenue, Harrisburg.
FOR SALE Refuse carload of
scrap-iron at Sheesley's siding. Dock
street, to be sold at Public Sale, May 6.
1914, at 10 o'clock A. M., to highest
bidder for cash consideration, and must
5 removed within 10 days from date
of sale. Further particulars can be had
upon application to G. W. Mumma,
Fre ght Claim Adjuster, P. R. R.
f/eight Office, foot of Third street. J.
H. Nixon, Agent, Harrisburg.
JOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
\\nr«li sonie of tbem on pnved street.
111 exclutnfte for Improved property*
An exceptional opportunity (or n
builder. Call and Inspect bine print.
F. R. Oyster, Trustee, rare of Telegraph
HiiAlnrss Office.
TWO desirable offices in the
Union Trust Building; possession
at once. Apply Union Trust Co.
FOR KENT - Desirable office* In the
Telegraph iliilldlng, singly or en suite.
Inquire at Business Ofiice.
secured at the Telegraph Business
FOR RENT Two-story garage,
with water and sewer, rear 1530 Reglna
street. Will accommodate two cars. J.
E. Gipple. 1251 Xtarket street.
WELL-LOCATED *;ore room, 26x>lti
also small room, 12x30. suitable for
barber shop or small business, on West
High street. Eliznbethtown, Pa. Pos
session immediately. Inquire J. H.
Devenlght. Elizabethtown. Pa.
FOR RENT Store room 1200 North
Third street; 33x100; 14-foot celling;
one of the best rooms !n the city. Ap
ply J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street.
finest and best equipped in the State. All
modern appliances, machine shop, etc.
Located in the most central part of the
City. A real opportunity owner re
tiring from business. Appiv Walter T
Reed Realty Co., 1315 Atlantic avenue!
Atlantic City, N. J.
ANY !r ei.Jgent person can earn good
income corresponding for newspapers:
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syudicate, 798. Lock
port. N. Y.
FOR SALE At Gable's, ill and
IX7 South Second street, 6,000 gallons
New Era ready mixed Paint: Acme
quality. Also the full line n>f the Acme
1 MADE $50,000 In Ave years In the I
mail order business, began with $5. 1
Send for free booklet. Tells how. llea
cock, 355 Lock port, N. Y.
FOR SALE At Gable's, 113, 115 and ]
117 South Second street, 5 000 sets new
Sash. Bxlo, 12 L. primed and glazed, at
$1.15 per set. Also other sizes.
WANTED An Idea. Who cati
think of some simple thing to patent?
Protect your Idea*; they may bring
you wealth. Write to-day and get our
free books, "Millions in Patents."
"NeedcO Inventions." and "Patent
Buyers." Address Randolph S-. Co.,
Dept. 2210. Patent Attorneys. Waahing
ton. D. C.
WE have a large assortment of new
nnd used motors of different nuke we
art- offering at attractive pricen. We
will buy motors of any make or size s
G. Sweetser Electric Co., 1002 Market
I FOR SALE Furnaces that will
; heat an eight-room house; also some
[that will heat a twelve-room house'
; guaranteed; very reasonable. Apply sib
! South street.
LOCAL EXPRESS and Delivery. Piano
, and Furniture moving a specialtv. Stor
age of household goods and furniture
! packing. Bell phone 1684 J. 1119 Mont
i gomery, Harrlsburg.
H. W. LATHE, Hoarding Stable and
National TranaOr Co. Movers of
I pianos, safes, boilers and general haul
l ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager. Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No
2503 R.
FOR falling hair try Gross' guinine
J Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
I Druggist and Apothecary, 119 M rket
| street, • Harrlsburs, Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention Bell
I i»CO.
W. J. WENRICIL 339 Hamilton street
—Furniture, china and piano packing.
Shipments looked after at both ends.
Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone
3227 W.
with best material and by expert help
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts insure your satisfaction, a N. ,
Gluck. 320 Woodbine street.
A LEVIN, 805 North Third street.
Furniture repair, upholstering and re
finishing. Antique furniture for sale.
All work properly attended to. Rea
sonable prices guaranteed.
In amounts of SI,OOO and up on firjt
mortgage on city property, repayable
monthly or installments. Debt cancel
ed and mortgage satisfied on death of
borrower. John C. Orr, 222 Market
of loaning money by which borrowers
share profits of lenders. Legal rates,
easy terms, confidential. Offices, Rooms
6-7, 9 North
large brick warehouses, built ex
pressly for storage. Private rooms
for household goods and unexcelled fa
cilities for storing all l.inds of mer
chandise. Low storage rates. South
St. and Penna. R. R.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents
per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411
Broad street. Both phones.
NOTICE letters Testamentary on
the Estate of Andrew J. Dull, late of
Harrisbursr, Pa., deceased, having
been granted to the undersigned, all
persons indebted to said Estate are re
quested to make immediate payment,
and those" having claims will present
them for settlement.
Or to Harrisburg, Pa.
222 Market Street.
Yale Students Aroused
by Mexican Situation
New Haven, Conn. April 21.—Presi
dent Taft, when he returned from his
public duties to take up his residence
in New Haven as a member of the
Yale faculty, made an address to the
student body in which he thanked
them warmly for their enthusiastic
reception. He said, "I am deeply
touched by this student demonstra
tion." But how much more and in
what a different way would he
have been touched if he had
i been present on the campus
lust evening when the news
reached the bulletin board of the
i Yale Daily News that Huerta had re
fused to salute the American flag.
No sooner had the words appeared
under the litie electric light than
there rose an uproar sufficient to
cause the Mexicans to tremble in
their boots arid beat a hasty retreat.
The first notice that the main body of
students who were deeply buried in
their books, perhaps,, received regard
ingaftairs in Mexico was the firing off
of a big Colt revolver from the fourth
floor window of one of the dormi
tories. This the signal for a general
; exodus form hundreds of rooms to a
j central point in front of the News off
ice. Drums and fifes were miracu
llously conjured up, apparently form
nowhere, and an enthusiastic proces
sion immediately formed and began
| a march around the College grounds,
;to the accompaniment of gunshots
land the blare of trumpets and the bea
i ting of drums.
The spirit became infectious and
I patriotic fervor was manifested every-
I where in the singing of the Star Span
gled Banner and other national and
patriotic songs. The entire college
was there, from the football hero to
the bespectacled Phi Kappa student,
and excitement everywhere ran high.
After the first flush of enthusian was
over, litle groups of excited students
lacked in serious undertones. Half
jesting and half-earnest remarks were
made about packing up to go to war,
but the majority seemed to appreciate
the signlfiance of the action and were
not in a joking mood.
The demonstration lasted for a con
siderable time and was brought to a
close at a late hour only because of
the fact that, in spite of wars, love,
nad other matters, daily chapel and
the routine of classes never ceases.
Although, perhaps, such an enthusi
astic outbreak would not indicate that
every Yale man feels called upon to
go to war in defence of his country's
honor, nevertheless it is a very good
sign that the younger generation can
Ibe so quickly and spontaneously
aroused in a noble cause.
I Twelve Petitions For
the Renomination of
Secrc-.ary Henry Houck
i Twelve more petitions were filed
I to-day favoring the renomination on
I the Republican ticket of Secretary of
' Internal Affairs Henry Houck. The
| counties represented were Cameron.
[Cambria, Allegheny, Tlo«a, Clearfield
(and Perry, each one; Northampton,
two, and Lackawanna, four. This
makes a total of 15,752 signers for
Dr. Houck, whose re-election by a
handsome majority Is regarded as cer
APRIL 21, 1914.
Reading, Lehigh and Various Other Issues Made Gains of
About a Point in Markets; Bonds Irregular
By Associated Press
New York, April 21. The opening
bulge brought out an increased sup
ply of stocks, which temporarily
checked the advance. Traders who
bought in the belief that the decline
had been checked, threw over their
holdings, and short selling was resum
ed. The early advance was cancelled,
but the depression was of short dura
tion, and in the late forenoon the up
turn was resumed. Reading, Lehigh,
the Hill and Harriman shares and vari
ous other Issues made gains of about a
point. Trading diminished on the rise
and the market became dull, while the
Street awaited news from Moxlco. A
block of 500,000 Southern Pacific con
vertible fives was marketed at 100
and New York City old 4%' a fell to 101.
Bonds were Irregular.
Fi*nlahed b> H. W. BKAVELY
Arcade Building
New York, April 21.
Open. 2.30 P. M.
Alaska Gold Mines , 26 26%
Amal. Copper 72% 73 %
American Can 23% 24
American Can pfd.. 8S SO
Am. C. & F 48% 49
Am. Ice Securities.. 29 28%
Am. Locomotive .. . 30 30
American Smelting . 63% 64%
American Sugar ... 100 100
American T. & T... 120 120%
Anaconda 38% 33 %
Atchison 94% 95
Baltimore & Ohio.. 88% 88%
Bethlehem Steel ... 39% 39%
Brooklyn R. T 89% 90
Canadian Pacific ... 198% 199%
Central Leather ... 34% 35%
Chesapeake & Ohio. 51% 53
C., M. & St. P 97% 98%
Chino Con. Copper . 89% 40
Col. F. & 1 29 29
Distilling Securities . 13% 13%
Erie 26% 27%
Erie Ist pfd 42% 42%
Goodrich, B. F 26% 26%
Great Northern, pfd. 119% 121%
Great Nor. Ore subs. 31% 32%
Interboro-Met. pfd.. 60% 60%
Lehigh Valley 133% 134%
Louis. & Nashville . 134% 134%
Mex. Petroleum ... 60% 62
Missouri Pacific .... 19% 19%
Nev. Con. Copper . 14% 14%
New York Central .87% 88%
N. Y., N. H. &H. . 68% 69%
Norfolk & Western. 101% 102%
Northern Pacific ... 108 109%
Penna. R. R. .j.... 109% 109%
Pittsburgh Coal ... 20 20
Pressed Steel Car . 40% 41
Ray Con. Copper .. 20 % 20 %
Reading 159% IGI%
Rep. Iron & Steel . 22 22
Rep. Iron & S. pfd. 83 83
Southern Pacific .. 89% 90%
Southern Railway . 24 24%
.Southern Ry. pfd .. 78% "9
Tennessee Copper .. 32% 83%
'Texas Company ... 138% 139%
lUnion Pacific 151% 153
|U. S. Rubber 56% 55%
lU. S. Steel 57% 55%
|Utah Copper 64% 64%
I Western Marylan..d 26% 26%
I West. Union Tel... 61 61%
Westinghouse Mfg.. 71% 72%
Rev. "Billy" Sunday
Visits State College
Special to The Telegraph
State College, Pa., April 21.—State
College athletes led the way "down the
for 400 men of the Blue and
White yesterday afternoon, following
a sermon to the college boys by Billy
Sunday, baseball evangelist. Billy
made his appeal especially to the lead
ers in college activities. Captain
Binder, of the basketball team; Cap
tain Jones, of the wrestling team,
Vojjt, Sheyse and Craig, of the football
team; Coach Martin, of the track
team; Elliott A. Runner, Harry Hill,
president of the junior class, and Levi
Lamb, captain of the 1915 wrestling
team, were among those who "hit the
State College gave Billy a wel
come and a farewell that is equaled
only when the football team returns
One mile fro mthe college 400 fresh
men, wearing green skull caps, the
sign of their class, awaited the auto
mobiles. They halted the machine,
hitched the rope to the automobiles
and dragged them along College ave
nue to the college.
Old Carrier's Greeting
of '4O Attracts Many
While crowds of war-fans are
watching the bulletin in front of the
Telegraph office to-day many turn to
the left, where, displayed in the win
dows. is a curious relic of bygone days.
E. H. Ulrich, now a resident of Sum
merdale. but at one time a city carrier
for the Telegraph-Intelligencer, as the
paper was called in his early days, is
, the owner of the carriers' message for
! January, 1840. The message is printed
I on silk and consists of a long poem
in praise of General Harrsion and
denouncing Van Buren. Only a few
copies were given to each carrier and
he was able to leave them in the hands
of the subscribers a block at a time.
After the subscribers in that district
had read the greeting the carrier
called and got It again and also a New
Year's remembrance and then went on
with this process until his route was
\ covered with the message.
Struck by a freight train at the
Trewick street crossing, Steelton, last
evening, Henry Adelsteln, of 208
South Second street, this city, was
brought to the Harrisburg Hospital
suffering from a lacerated scalp and
abrasions of his right leg.
Funeral services for John Egen
lieder, a West End baker, who died
yesterday morning at his home, 324
Iteiiy street, will be held Thursday
I morning at 9 o'clock. The Rev. Peter
Hll gel, rector of St. Lawrence Cath
olic Church, will officiate. Burial will
1 be made in the Mount Calvary Ceme
: tery.
John Cleffman. Infant son of Mr.
und Mrs. John L. Cleffman, 342 South
Thirteenth street, dlde yesterday aftr
ernoon at 2.30 o'clock at the home of
the parents. Funeral services will he
held to-morrow evening at 7.30
o'clock. Burial will be made In Pitts
By Associated Presw
London. April 21. King George
and Queen Mary of England, accom
panied by a large Btaff, left for Paris
to-day to pay • state viait
PurnUheri l>j H. W. SNAVELV
. Arcade IluUdlng
Chicago, 111., April 21.
Open. High. Low. Clos.
Wheat —
May 91% 91 % 91V4 91%
July 86 St; >3 86 86%
May ~. • •••• 1)3 '4 6363 63
July 62% 63'; go% 63%
May 36% 37 36% 37
July 36% 37% 36% 37
by Associated Press
Chicago, 111., April 21. Hogs—Re
ceipts, 11,000: slow. Bulk of sales, $8.60
CSS.TU; light, $5.45®8.76; mixed, $8.40@
5.75; heavy, $8.25@ 8.70; rough. SS.2S«J>
8.40; pig's, $7.25@8.50.
Cattle Receipts, 4,000; weak.
Reeves, J7.OS(Jf 9.40; Texas steers, 17.15
fti&.2U; stockers ami feeders, $5.60@8.15:
cows and heifers, 13.65@8.60; calves.
Sheep Receipts, 22.000; steady. Na
tive. $5.3n<&.6.90; yearlings, $5.70®7.50;
iambs, native, $6.25@5.25.
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, April 21. Wheat
Steady; No. 2, red. export, 96@98V!C1
1. Northern, Duluth, export, $1,039
| Corn Lower: new, No. 2. vellow,
i natural local. 75@75%c; do., Kiln dried,
: local. 76@7 6% c. ' '
| Oats Steady; No. 2, white. 44% @
; 45c.
| Bran Market weak; winter, per
i ,prln4f ' per ton *
j Refilled Sugar* Market steady;
powdered. 4.00 c; fine granulated, 3.DOc;
confectioners' A, 3.80 c; Keystone A.
3.60 c.
Butter The market la steady;
western, creamery, extras. 26c; nearby
prints, fancy, 29c.
Eggs The market Is lower;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
; free cases, $6.00 per case; do., current
I receipts, free cases, $5.55 per case;
| western, extras, firsts, free case*. $6.00
I per case; do., firsts, free cases. $5.85
I per case.
Live Poultry Weak; fowls, 17
Wise, young chicKens, ll@20c;
1 . 'mine •in Kens. liiv» ,i . 010 . '
j rs '. 12®13c; ducks, 17@18c; spring
ducks, 17@lSc; geese, 15(&)17c; turkeys,
Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls,
I jvpstern, fancy, heavy, 20e; do.,
fa rto good, heavy, 17@19o; do.,
fa, f .to good, heavy, 20o; do.,
weights, 12@16c; unattractive, 13
«Mbc; old ro>osters, 15c; roast
ing chickens, fancy, 18@20c; broil
ing chickens, fancy, 24<tf/iufc t do., fair.
• lUIVc: capora, large, 23®J60; d 0...
tmall, turkeys, fancy. 2t®2tc:
•10., fair, 20(#23c; ducks, 11 (a- 18c; if«ea<L
1 1 H 16c.
PPotatoes Weak; New York and
Eastern, per bushel, 80@90c; Western,
per busl el, 80@90c; Jersey, per basket,
• 2U@soc; Florida, per barrel, $3.00@6.5U.
I'lour—The market is steady; winter,
I leal. $3.»0(tj,«.1.u, straijsnis. toi.u
eylvania, $4.15@4.30; western. $4,250
j « 41' iiH'ents ti.nn'ti i in ,v . i
j straight, jute sacks, $4.15@4.30; spring,
nrsts. clear, $4.00®4.2u, sua'sins, tt.tv
@4.40; patents. 14.501§> 4.75.
Hay — x The market" is steady; tim
• tiij. No. 1. la i cie uales. »is.uu w1» o ;
No. 1. medium bales, $17.50(918.00: No.
2, $16.00@16.50: No. 3, $14.00® 15.00.
Cloiei mixed: Llgnt mixed, ♦ib.oO®
17.00; No. 1, do., $15.50@16.00; Nu. 2. do.,
■I :i I"" 14 50.
Stilt King Towers Over
Smoke-soiled Pittsburghers
Special to The Telegraph
Pittsburgh, April 21. Towerini?
above the soiled-collar area of the
Smoky City, the Stilt King, who is
being sent across the country to de
liver a message to the Panama Expo
sition from the Harrisburg Telegraph,
arrived here this morning. As ho
swung down Smithtield street and then
up Fifth Avenue great crowds fol
lowed him. Wilvert plans to leave here
this afternoon, after a brief rest. The
rains of the past few days have tired
him out, but he expects to be fit again
after a few hours' sleep at the Fifth
Avenue Hotel.
Federals Attempt to
Parley With Rebels
Special to The Telegraph
Vera Cruz, Mexico, April 21. That
Great Britain will use every effort In
her power to prevent hostilities be
tween the United States and Mexico Ijy
imploring Provisional President Huerta
to alter his attitude and accede to the
demands of President Wilson became
known through the unexpected arrival
from Galveston of Sir Lionel Carden,
the former British Minister at Mexico
The diplomat came 011 the British
cruiser Berwick, which made the trip
from the Texas port ill record time.
Sir Lionel had orders to make all
speed possible to the Mexican capital
and use his good ofilces with the Pro
visional President in every manner rea
sonable to reconsider his stand toward
Recalled Minister Is
Rushed Back to Mexico
By Associated Press
Laredo, Tex., April 21. lt was au-
Ihorititalvely reported hero to-day that
two Federal officers from the Nuevo
garrison, bearing a Hag of truce,
went down the river yesterday to par
ley with rebel officers. Coalition of
rebels and Federals against the United
States was said to be their object.
Kennedy Goes to Phila.
to Confer on C. V. Plans
M. C. Kennedy, president of the
Cumberland Valley Railroad Com
pany, was in Harrisburg to-day on hts
I way to Philadelphia.
It is understood he went to Phila
delphia to confere with Chief Engi
neer C. A. Shand, of the Pennsylvania
Railroad on the plans for the new
bridge across the river, and for the
subways at Front and Mulberry and
Second and Mulberry streets.
Funeral services for William H.
Feideis, aged 15 years, who died yes
terday morning at his home, 1227
Derry street, will be held this evening
at 7.30 o'clock. The body will be
taken to Shlppensburg for burial.
George Austin Thompson, aged 35,
a contractor, died last evening at the
home of his brother, John Thompson.
1215 Cowden street, after an illness of
two weeks. Funeral services will be
held Thursday morning at 9 o'clock.
The body will be taken to Dauphin by
Undertaker Hoover and Sons, for bur
At the Maclay street Church of God
to-morrow evening a number of con
verts will be baptised by the Rev. T
C. Forncrook.