•ehrlver, Borah a, till Rogtaa, ho Sheer* and Market. shoes. Shepherd A Myers, 407 Market, shoos. Sherman. H, 1228 Bailey, groceries. Bible, B. M_ 1100 Market, dept. store. Slgler, M.jL, Allison Hill Mkt, roeata. Blltier, Andrew. 1010 Market, groceries. Smith. B. F., 1401 Market, druse. Smith A Kloffer. 412 Market, wholesale tobftooOt Smith, R. A Oo» 411 Market, dry goods. Suavely, H, W.IMI Derir, grooerlea. Qpringer,Mra. Bmma, 1388 Vernon, gr®- cerles. • . Star Supply Ca, 1334 Mulberry, oyotors and produoo. Stevens. C O. I*SL> Market, mgaro and tobtooo. Stevens! <£ loft restaurant Stoneselfer, C. IX. 1410 Reglna. fruit and oysters, . Sprenkle, C. R, 14th and ICarkM. «T»- tara. ■welgert, JM W» UM Darry, dry gvods. Star Supply O*. ltM Mulberry, whole m)s urodaoc ftellbets, Jaa, • N. 4th. restaurant. Stouffer. Chaa, lIIU Mulberry, 3f*o •arias. fehoffer. 1.1,4 1 Uth, oeflee and pea nuts. SoEoSer, J, K. 4 l> l*th, wholesale ooffee and peanuts. _ _ ■potts. A. W, ISI7-13 Market, 'wall paper. ■tease, A. M, S Cameron, produoe. Sbeesley, Chas, 601 Walnut. milk. Bheesley, Chas, «01 Walnut. wholoaale hi Ilk. ■tellbet*. J as., • N. 4th. eigaro. Tauslg Sons, 420 Market, Jowelry. Tauslg Sons, 420 Market, brokers. Thomas W. D.. 1247 Walnut, meats, •he Union News Co., P. R R- Depot, papers and periodicals. The Union News Co, P. 6 R, Depot, papers and periodicals. United Clear Store Co, 411 Market, et gars. Yog-el, El l», It 8. 16th. grocertoo. Weast, Geo. B, 101» Market, hardware. Wallace Coal Co, 7 8. 4th, coal and wood. Wltman-Bch warts Co, 411 Walnut, wholesale rrocerlea. Weber, J. N, 160 Sylvan Terrace, medi cines. Wltmoyer, H. El, II N. 18th, oigara. Witmoyer.H. E„ 68 N. 18th, pool. Windsor Hotel, 418 Market, eating house. Woolf, J. C, 1438 Ghoop, milk. Woolworth, F. W. & Co, 408 Markot, 6o and 10c goods. Wltman Bros, 46 N. 10th, wholesale groceries. Witcomb, Geo, 14th and Walnut, pro duce. Willis. C. F„ 1600 Market, groceriea Warner, Chris, 1233 Bailey, loe cream. Yeager, F. C.. 1638 Market meats. Yohe, C. E, 1264 Derry, cigars. Eelderß-E. E.. 81 N. 18th. groceries, erby, W. H, Derry and Mulberry, real estate. Eelders, Wm. W„ & Bon, 1486 Derry, stoves. Harrlsburg Taxi Cab & Baggage Co, Aberdeen St, gasoline. Helnlnger, Geo, Allison Hill Mkt, pro duce. Solhelm, H. A.. 1238 Mulberry, saddlery, restel, W. Y, 1248 Market, window shades. TENTH WARD Atlantio Refining Co., Tha, N. 7th. oil. Atlantic Refining Co., Tha, N. 7th, wholesale oil. Bingham, J., 610 Maclay, groceries. Bates. E. P., Jr., 2210 6th, produce. Bates, E. F, Jr., 2210 6th, wholesale produce. Beshora, J. W. I», 526 Seneca, produce. Bitting, Mrs. M. F., 650 Maclay, to bacco and candy. Bratton, Landls, 2252 Green, groceries. Bender, Henry, 7th and Mohantongo, produce. Eharles & Co., 412 Woodbine, groceries, etling, Clayton, 528 Emerald, oysters and milk. X>eppen, Irvln, 6th and Emerald, gro ceries. pltmer, Geo., 2539 6th, groceries. Fisher, Clarance A_, 2126 6tlC cigars and and tobacco. Fisher, Clarence A, 2126 6th, pool. Galbreath, D., G„ 7th and Cur tin, lime and cement. Oarrett, Mrs. a S„ 621 Wloonlsco, groceries. Guyer, R. C., 1148 7th, groceries. Harris, D. C., 2864 6th, groceries. Hoffman, B. P.. 2169 7th, Ice. Ingram, Daniel, 611 Mohantongo, gro- Jenklns, B. H., 2800 6th, drugs, ones, Ambrose, 560 Woodbine, oonfeo tlonery. Kink, J. E., 2801 N. (th, cigars and oon fectlonery. Fink, J. E., 2801 N. 6th, pool. Keene, Mrs. A, 524 Maclav, groceries. Keener, E. F., 2541 6th, tobacco and confectionery. Klnßinger, Samuel, 4th and Woodbine, groceries. Knoenig, A, 6th and Maclay, cigars. Kreamer, J. H„ 6th and Forrest, pro duce. Xreamer, J. H, Bth and Forrest, whole sale produce. Lauver, W. E. & E„ 2280 6th, gas fix tures. Levlnson, Philip, 2184 6th, confectlon ery. Llpnian, George, 682 Mohantongo, meat Mock & Hartman. 7th ad Emerald, feed and grain. Mock & Hartman, 7th and Emerald, wholesale feed and grain. Penna. Milk Co., 2118 Atlas, wholesale milk. Patton, E. G., 622 Emerald, meat. Keif, J. Fulmer, 565 Woodbine, gro ceries. Reed, Mrs. A V„ 622 Maclay, cigars and candy. Zteese, Harry, 2200 6th, groceries. Heed, Mrs. A. V., 622 Maclay, restaur ant. Schreckengost, a A, 615 Schuylkill groceries. Bhoebauer, W. J„ Front and Reel's Lane, produce. Smyser, Mrs. Geo. W., 889 Woodbine, ffl 11 k, fpangler, A E., 2110 «th, pianos, terrick, L A, 2250 Jefferson, milk. Smith Bros., 612 Wiconlsco, groceries. Bmith, A. C., 4th and Heel's Lane, pro duce. ' Uhler, W. H., . .17 6th, groceries. Wagner, Mrs. M. S„ 633 Woodbine KTO cerles. B Wlngert, G. H, 818 Woodbine, gro ceries. Wittenmyer, Lumber , Co., 7th and Schuylkill, lumber. West End Electrical & Cycle Co., 284 Maclay,, electrical and blcvole sup piles. Winter, W. R., &. Son, 2537 N. 6th. ci gars. Webster, C. O, 2168 N. 4th, pool. "Webster, C. C., 2168 N. 4th, cigars and tobacco. Wittenmyer Lumber Co., 7th and Schuylkill, wholesale lumber. Van Wagner, C W., 232 Emerald, gro- Orrls, O. W., 232# N. 6th, groceries. ELEVENTH WARD Althouse, H. B 1840 N. Brd, drugs Bowman, David W„ ISIO N. 4th, cigars and tobacco. §lnk, A. G., 1940 Green, meats, eaumont, H. U. 1819 N. Brd, pool, eaumont. H. I*. 1819 N. Brd, clgws and confectionery. Brunner, a 6th and Kelker, *r»- cerles. ■ §otteral, J. W„ 1800 «th, drugs, •vis, H. a, 806 Muench, produoe. lCtsnderfer W. EL. 1846 Cfreen, cigars and confectionery. Slicker, a W., 1930 6th, Jewelry. Fornwald. H. J., 1807 Srd, dry gooda. Fralm, A H, 2032 6th, dry goods Garland, a H.. 2000 N. 6th, grocerlea. Gibbs, W. H. 210 Muench, groceries' Gordon, Harry. 1918 N. 6th, shoes. Harris, & «'l®Gre e n, grocerlea Hoover. F„ 1901 3rd, cigars and oonfeo tlonery. Harrlsburg Brokerage brokers. ' teller, Jacob, 148 Peffer, grocerlea efkln Lillian, 2020 6th' groceries oft man * McFall. 188k N. Brd, gro cerlea " Johnson. Steward, list 4th, oysters, .flsb and produoe. J. 1821 N. 4th, rrocex-les and meats. Klrkla.nO. J. A. 218 Peffer. grocerlea. greig, A L., !2i Kelker, grocerlea Kulp Mrs W. A. 1828 fth, Ice cream and confectionery. Loeser, J. EL, 600 Kelker, tobaooo and Ics cream. u ?e&£:?y. im N ,rd -— ~»- Lang. Alex. 1816 N. Brd, pool. Logan Drug Co.. 1102 if. ith. drugs and confeotlonery. Landls, C. F„ 1(16 Ird, fruit and pro duce. " (Ant*. W. U, 1948 Bth, grocerlea. Lappley, J no., liqo 4th. shoe* Lehman, D. 0., 1184 4th, oysters McFadden, Bfllsabath, ITIJN. jrd. meats. Mehrlng, Chaa. A, 4th ma* Peffer drugs and clgnrs. Jfeff, A C., 1820 6th, produoe. Olewtre, B. 1820 6th, grocerlea. Btt. Chajj, 1928 Fulton, milk, elbert, Homer G.. 1902 6th. Jewelry Smith, C. W„ 1806 Srd. milk Etnlth. I. D., 834 Dataware, mtlk. Snook, W. H., 114 Kelkor, itcrta and tinware. Strlne & Klso, ISO 2 Susquehanna, pro duce. Swart*, C. W, 144 Muench, groceries. Weiser, J. M, 847 Muench, grooerloo. West End Garage Co, 1803 Logan, au to supplies. Wltman, Wm. W, 1t46 N, 4th, lrroeerles. Rex Auto Garage, 1117 N. 3rd, auto supplies and oil. TWELFTH WARD Ammon, J. 8, Susquehanna and Ham ilton, pool, Ammon, J. 9., Susquehanna and Ham ilton, cigars. Balser, Louis 4k Son, 1706 4th, real es tate. Bates, E. F, Sr., tt Son, 1714 Bth, gro cerlee. Buehler, J, B, 1704 le f a >rd ' Howard J - 1808 3ra . gas man- West End Pharmacy. 1601 3rd, drugs. Jefferles, W. A., 224 Harris, groceries THIRTEENTH WARD Bover, Leach, 164 S. 19th, lc* cerfes Thomas - 1849 Derry, gro- Coldron, Lyman D„ 1932 S. 20U rro cerlea. 14 Ca a P n,i a coffe e e* C °' 1888 BBrryhUl - tea Cooper, C. E.. 901 S. 20th. milk °fectlonefy 918 S ' 21st ' whole Bale con - E "uml?el : ' er Lumbor Co - 28tl * *nd Derry, E "»T,;a L r m t Co -' l6th ana Dorry - W V B i 19^h Derry. druirs Gable, W m. A., 2022 Derry, groceries estate J ' Garneld ' 192 5 real HO tObMCO. Wm - 1910 Derr 7' <"»« and s°!l and ' 1910 Derry, pool ant." " Wm - 1919 Derry. restaur- HO tton n e d iV MrS - Wm '' 1919 Derr V. confec- K ce l Xs n ' °" & S ° ns ' 2328 Derr y. gro- K ce e rles ar ° n ' 1954 Ke "B'n«rton. gro- Ijewis, E. W, 1903 Derry. groceries Levi, Snmuel, 962 S. 21st l?oc"lel ce Z rles° * S ° n3, 1852 Derr y. gro- Me t&y AlbaUffh ' 1847 H Derr y. confec list m Bwr u"®J er ' H - G., merchandise. Hartman Bros., feed. Hoover Bros., furniture. Kenry. produce. Keboch, Isaac, produce. Keboch John, produce. i'-V'r, H. H.'cS;;.' Miller, W. H., aaddlery. RnrnK 1 * 1 merchandise. Romberger. J os . p., Kenera , merch(ln . n,„. , DAUPHIN ROROUOH OnnroA u e ; eneral stor «. Conrad Jacob, Jewelry. £ r ?A' s6 ' K - meats. S° L e ' A' c -' drugs. Morris? 'flfh. neral merchandls *- L L •• merchandise. -Malehorn, J. D., pool. Malehorn, J. D,, cigars, R»»rt er W J ' r?"' confec tlonery. Thomas u„ groceries. Tall C y kl^^, rn ßh °e' B &rocerleß - W B F THV " J, '. B BOROUGH Hauler, x\ . A., groceries. Bu'r'HSion. I. x.. furniture. £•• e'ectrical supplies. R!f» ? r i o ' mer chandlse. Dietrich, S. A., Jewelry. Dubensdorf, J., oil. gasle Tanning Co- hides. Iby': SzmuJ^'%S 8 conf ®°tlonery. Eiizabethvllle Milling Co feed E 'feed ethVlUe M,lllnar &°« wholesale Flcklnger, Jacob, medicines, rorney, Chas. E., post cards. Hoke. Ch A "ga R rs? CerleS n ° t,ons - Hoke, A. W v pool. Hoke, Ira M., hardware. Hoke, Ira M., Star Theater. Hoke James & Son, plaster. tloneVy'' Ge °' M "' wholesale confeo- Kerstetter, Geo. M, erocerlea ICeefer, Chas., cigars. Lentz, T. 0., flsh. Lenker, Wm., produce. Lyter, J. H., groceries. Vf if' K ei »eral stora Matter, W. E., meats. Naylor, M. A., notions. Romberger, D. W., hides Romberger, J A., coal and feed. Romberger, J. A., wholesale feed. Romberger, A. M., wholesale general store. Romberger, Joslah, medicines and soap. Romberger H. L., garage oils. Romberger, C. T„ auto supplies Romberger, D. W.. harness. Smith, Messrs. Geo., wall paper Snyder, C. T., cigars. Stlne, D. M., clothing. Stroup, J. C., drugs. Smith, P*. W., teas and coffees. Schreffler, Chas. E„ furniture. Uhler & Co., general store. Weaver, H. H. & Son, coal. JVlse, Wm.. tea and coffee. Watson, G. S., pool. Watson, G. S., cigars. Zeigler, L. H. & Son, stoves and tin ware. Zeigler, Mrs. F. A., millinery. GRATZ BOROUGH Bowman, C. T..general merchandise. Buffington, J. J., saddlery. Bufflngton, A. G,, produce. Daniel, J. E., groceries. Gross, Abe, general merchandise. Hartman, F. E„ general merchandise. Hepler, Geo. E., produce. Hoffman, B. E., hardware. Klinger. N. E., produce. Koppenhaver, N. E., produce. Kratzer, C. U., merchandise. Miller & Bros., general merchandise. Rltzman, F. N„ cigars. RitzmtLn. P*- N., pool. Ritzman, F. N„ restaurant. Rltzman, A. S., papers. Rogers, W. 0., cigars. Rothermel, Ira, merchandise. Hhlro, Jacob, twine. Smith, Harry, motion ptetnrea Smith, Harry, cigars. Smith, Harry, pool. Smith, Harry, restaurant. Tobias, Chas. H., oIU Umholts, H. H., produoa. Welcher, Daniel, feed. Weloher, J. A., produoa. HALIFAX BOROUGH Albord, John, pool. Albord, John, cigars. Baker, C. C., furniture. Bltterman. W. P.. plaster boards. Bowman, G. W_ moata Bogar, a. D. & Son. lumber. Cooper, O. J„ feed. Cooper, O. J, wholesale feed. gilders, Mrs. A. F, millinery. Fetterhoff, H. L & Bro, general store. Helsler, W. C., groceries. Kopenhaver, C, stoves and tinware. Lebold, J. H, general store. Lighter, J. E„ teed. Nace, Mrs. W. R, drugs. Nelson, Jas. M, cigars and tobacoo. Nelson, Jas. M, restaurant. Novlnger. Jlras, Jeweler. Prenzel & Ryn, Lyrlo Theater. Richter, C. M, cigars. Seltzer, S. C, meats. Smith, A. M„ general store. Smith, A. M., wholesale feed and grain. Snoop, H. R., Implements. Robblns, J. & Co., clothing. Wert, G. L, general store. Zimmerman, Ira, general store. HIGHSPIHE BOROUGH Bodmer, Edwin, cigars. Booser, Ira, feed. Booser, Ira, wholesale feed. Breshler, Mrs. C, cigars and confeo tlonery. Coover, C. A, meats. Durburlo, H. R, hardware. Greene, O. P, cigars. Grouver, Theo. L, restaurant. Grouver, Theo. L, pool. Grouver, Theo. L, cigars and confeo tionery. Keefer, J. E., meats. Hocker, J. o„ general merchandise. Letdlg, C. E, general merchandise. McDanlel, H, drugs. Ranshaw, J. C, groceries Shelley, C. B, restaurant. Shelley, C. 8., cigars and tobaeoe. Shelley, C. B, pool. Sauders, JOB. M, feed and flouf. Solders, M. O, meats. Selders, Geo. E, groceries. Steelton Store Co.. Ltd., merchandise. Sauders, Jos. M., wholesale feed. Palmer, J. A. groceries. Walmer, J. H, milk. Wolf, Geo. A, groceries. Yeager, Charles, news agency. HCMMELSTOWJI BOROUGH Blessing, F. D., general store. Brlghtblil, J. M., lumber. Brlnser, Dudley, meats. Brownstone Store Co, general store. Burkholder, Jos., feed. Bordner, J. P, cigars and tobaoco. Earnest, R. 8., real estate. Ehrlck, L. H, meats. Etter E. Z, groceries. Engle, J. S, groceries. Engle, Morris, groceries. Ettele, W. H„ groceries. Ebersole, H. G., candy. Gravenstlne & Co.. milk. Freese, Ralph, milk. Froom, G, milk. Graupner, F. 8., cigars. Gebhardt, H. T, meats. Hoover, A. D., cigars. Hoover, A. D, restaurant. Holler, Chas, coal. Holler, C. I, cigars. Holler, C. I, restaurant. Hocker, A. C., confectionery. Hummel, F. L., saddler. Hummel, L. G, general store. Hummel, O. G„ gents' furnishings. Karmany, W, furniture. Kilmer, J. A, Jeweler. Kilmer, J. L. confectionery. Karmany & Kramer, moving pictures. .Ylentch & Harbell, cigars. Mentch & Harbell, pool. Miller, Cyrus, real estate. Miller, M. T„ cakes. Goodman's Millinery, millinery. NUsley, N. F„ general store. Nye & Conrad, general merchandise. Relgel, D. N, sewing machines. Ruff, J. 1., drugs. Swope, Harry, milk. Shenk, J. R., cigars. Walter, J. H., agricultural Implements. Wheeler. F. G., confectionery. Wise, A. W, snoes. Wolaver, Henry, stoves and tinware. Wolf, Samuel, merchandise. Wagner, Morris, real estate. Zeller, G. A, cigars. Zeller, G. A, pool. Zlters, Samuel, groceries. Zerfoss, S. B, plumbing. LYKKXS lit)HOUGH Arnold, A. C» cigars. Atlantio Refining Co., the, oil. Boechler, Henry, merchandise. Boedde, M. 8., millinery. Bowman, Henry, meats. Budd, R. J., moving pictures. Budd, Geo. W., tobacco. Budd, Geo. W., pool. BUgler, S. E., cigars. Coble & Sons, general merchandise. Cook, Asley, groceries. Cooper, W. H„ pro'ceries and meats. Cooper, W. H., wholesale produce. Cooper, W. H., coal. Delaney, J. 1.. groceries. Cook. Askley W„ groceries. Coster & Sheesley, opera house. Dietrich, Geo. W., cigars. Dietrich, & P., confectionery. Eby, John H„ cigars. Eby, Geo. W., wholesale confectionery. Fisher, J. F., general merchandise. Grow, B. H., confectionery. Hoffman, Emanuel, feed. Hoff, Chas. A, hardware. Herb, Chaa. D., green groceries. Herbine, Harry, notions. Hawk, E. G., groceries. Heckler, Wm., cigars. Hoffman, Jos., clothing. Hensel, T. A, clothing. Hoffman, Lewis, cigars. Jamson, M., groceries. Krobath, John, cigars. Koppenhaver & Sons, meats. Kosler & Sheeley, opera houlso. Lebo, Eddie, hardware. Lykens Supply and Manufacturing Co., building material. Martz, J. E., cigars. Miller Estate, John C., general mer chandise. Miller, J. M., real estate. Miller, J. M., groceries. Martin, S. G., Jewelry. Myers, J. F., confectionery. Manhattan Supply Co., teas, eto. Mlnich, Robert, confectionery. Manufacturing Clothing Co., clothing. Parfet, Geo. W., carpets. Relff & Helt Furniture Co., furniture. Reidlnger, Samuel, pooL Reidlnger, Samuel, cigars. Romberger, W. H„ moving pictures. Rudlslll, A. A., groceries. Romberger, W. H., cigars. Sheesley, H., groceries. Stine, C. M-, general merchandise. Smith, E. G., millinery. Smith, W. G., drugs. Sheeler & Kosler, opera house. t Stadmar, John, cigars. Shelley, Paul J., groceries. Seal, Harry H., pool. Schoffstal juuther, builder. Summit Branch Mining Co., supplies. Schoftstall, A. P., cigars. St. Clair, Chas. w., groceries. Snyder, N. E., Jewelry. Steadmar, John, restaurant. Twin Aroh Theater, moving pictures. Uhler, W. H., drugs. Wallace, S. T., shoes. Wagner, Geo. W., 5c and 10c store. Wagner, Geo. W., confectionery. Worthlngton, H. W. cigars. Worthlngton, H. W., restaurant. Wltmer, J. W., saddlery. Wltmer, C. J., cigars. Wynn, Frank, stationery. Welker, BenJ., cigars. Zerby, Wm. G., cigars. MIDDLETOWN BOROUGH Arndt, A. P., groceries. Antrim, T. J., confectionery. Antrim, T. J., restaurant. • Antrim, Tilly, groceries. Atlantic Refining Co., wholesale oil. Ackerman, J. M., meats. Berman, M., clothing. Brlnser Milling Co., fe*4. Brady, Jos. meats. Blecher, Simon, milk. Brlnser, Isaac, groceries. Belstllne, M. H., confectionery and cigars. Belstllne, M. H., pool. Belstllne, M. H., restaurant. Blumson, David, groceries. Baker, A., junk. Bank Bros., notions. Bauder, A. & Son, feed. Bauder & Bro., groceries. Barbush, Frank, cigars. Beard, C. F., groceries. Blumeson, JoS., merchandise. Baumbach, Valentine, shoes. Croll, Abraham, paints. Castllla, Eugene, cigars and groceries. Cain, Levi, cigars and groceries. Christian, Harry, • cigars. Condran, Edward, moving pictures. Conklln, W. W., cigars. D'etwiler, H. R., meats. Detwller Bros., confectionery. Davis, Frank, oysters. Doutrlch, I. H., clothing. Delmler, H. E., grocer. Dupes, J., cigars. Deckerd, Mrs. J. 8., feed. Dlmeler, J. E., green grocerlea Espenshade, 1., cigars. Espenshade, 1., restaurant. Etnoyer, C. C., clgara Etter, David, imcer. Erlsman, C. N., meats. Ebersole, M. D„ machinery. Friedman, R., merahandlse. F*w. C. S., drugs. Follinrer, Jaoob, cigar* Glnrlon, 8. 8., cigars. Haas. J., cigars. Harrlsburg Gas Co., gas itsru and fix tures. Huntsberger, B. W., groceries. Hippie, Jno. H., coal. Hartman, E. F., groceries. Hartman, E. F.. wholesale grocsrlss Hippie, R- G.. coal. BAKRIMBURO Hendrickson, A. K.. br«ar, W. A. & Son, 187 N. Front, gro ceries. Keim, J. S„ 361 S. Front, groceries. Koncar, Steve, 662-664 S. Third, cigars. Koncar, Steve', 662-664 S. Third, pool. Kolarov, Mladen, 84 S. Second, shoes. Krstoff, Geo., 473-475 Myers, groceries. Keim. L. G., N. Front, cigars. Kostoff, Milon, 445 Myers, pool. Korac, Joco, 702 S. Third, pool. Lanze, Gaetano, 143 N. Front, cigars. Levltz, M., 40 N. Front, wholesale pro duce. Lehrman, Samuel, 863-865 S. Front, gro ceries. Levltz, M., 40 N. Front, groceries. Lepslc, Sarah, 651 S. Third, clothing. Lipslltz, Marcus, 201-203 Christian, gro- Llpslitz, Marcus, 201-203 Christian, pool. Llpsshltz. N.. 586 S. Third, fruits. Leln, Max, 506 S. Third, groceries. Lipslitz, L, 463 Myers, produce. Levin, Jacob, S. Front, Jewelry. Levltan, I. J„ 389 S. Front, Jewelry. Levintan, L. & Son, 67# S. Third, no tions. Lehrman, A. J., 37 S. Front, clothing. Lau, C. C., 106 Trewlck, confectionery. Laborwitz. Lewis, 2 S. Front, clothing. Lacob, S. W., 555 N. Second, groceries. Lacob, S. W„ 555 N. Second, groceries. Loncalre, M„ 622 S. Third, groceries. Lehrman, Lewis, 300 S. Second, grocer ies. Martz, W. K., Bo N. Front, drugs. Maglnnis, W. F., 13 N. Front, hardware. Mars, Mrs. A., 38 S. Front, millinery. Margolls, N., 274 Frederick, groceries. Malegoff, 'Pony, 261 Franklin, popl. Malegoff, Tony, 261 Franklin, cigars. Marslco, Joe., 355 S. Second, groceries. Marsico, L., 259 Christian, groceries. McNear, B. F„ Jr., 301 Main, groceries. Markley E. & Son, 346 S. Front, meat. Marslco, F., 121 S. Front, fruits. Mandl, Geo., 387 S. Front, cigars. Marvetic, Marko, 802 S. Second, grocer ies. Matjastic, M„ 556 S. Third, groceries. McCurdy, John A., 9 N. Front, drugs. Mellon, BenJ., 143 Adams, groceries. Melman, A, 67 Conestoga, confection ery. Ney, Mrs. A., 180 N. Front, millinery. Nlckolas, P. D., 1571 N. Front, cigars. Nlckolas, P. D„ 157 N. Front, pool. Nelly, Thomas J., 94T S. Front, cigars. Mumma, Mark, 15 N. Front, real estate. Neblnger, Richard, 51 N. Front, pool. Nebinger, Richard, 51 N. Front, cigars. Orth, J. G., 11 S. Front, confectionery. Obercash, N. A., 243 Main, cigars. Parks, Geo. W., 177 S. Front, sewing machines. Porr, J. L., 147 N. Front, drugs. Pollock, Daniel, 109 N. Front, groceries. Polston, L, 119 Adams, pool. Prowell, T., 385 S. Front, drugs. Prowell, Wm. M., 204 N. Front, grocer ies. Peters, D. A., 189 S. Front, drugs. Pilsltz, Mike, 422 Myers, meats. Rashinsky, Sarah, 302 Conestoga, cigars and clothing. Rheam, John, 663 N. Front, groceries. Robblns, Jos., 557 S. Front, clothing) Roden, S„ Harrisburg and Ridge, gro ceries. Roehllng Bros., 302 Myers, general merchandise. Harrlsburg Light, Heat & Power Co N. Front, supplies. Shelley, Kirk, 131 S. Front, pool. Shelley, Kirk, 131 S. Front, cigars. Shelley, John P., 185 N. Front, restau rant. Shelley, John P., 185 N. Front, pool Shelley, John P., 185 N. Front, cigars Sellers, H. I*, 17 Pine, Standard theater Serblc, Andy, 606 S. Second, cigars Smeigh, W. C., 35 N. Front, confection ery. Smith, Joe, 642 S. Third, cigars. Sharousky, M. & Son, 184 Main, grocer ies. Sharevsky, M„ 635-637 S. Third, mer chandise. Sastal, M. A., 526 S. Third, meats Silver, Lewis, 714 S. Third, general mer chandise. Shore, Wolf, 759 S. Fourth, groceries Smith, David. 227 Christian, groceries' Silver, Joe, 755 S. Third, groceries Sprobrlerl, Gaenano, 529 S. Second cigars. ' Shoop, J. E„ Front and Mohn, pool Shoop, J. E., Front and Mohn. dears Strlne, C., 383 Main, cigars. Slavlnac, John, 231-233 Main, meats and groceries. Sherman, S., 419 S. Front, candy Snavely, John H., 553 S. Third, grocer- Settlno, Peter, 23 S. Front, Orpheum theater. Starasinlc, M„ 596 8. Third, groceries Sobel, B„ 602 S. Third, groceries Steelton Planing Mill, N. Front, lumber Singer, David, 317 S. Front, furniture. Spoopern, Abraham, 512 S. Third, meats Sugar, Joseph, 238 Myers, groceries Sharavsky, E. N., 202 Frederick, gro- Steelton Store Co., ltd., Front and Lo cust, coal and wood. Steelton Store Co., ltd.. Front and Lo cust, tobacco. Bteelton Store Co., ltd Front and Lo cust, dry goods and boots and shoes Bteelton Store Co., ltd.. Front and Lo cust, wholesale flour and feed Bteelton Store Co., ltd.. Front and Lo cust, general merchandise. Bharavsky, Jennie, 102 Frederick gro ceries. Bharowsky, M„ 151-188 a Front gro ceries. Salvatorl, Palmerl, 561 a Second, cigars Toomey, E. C„ 854 Locust, cigars. Toomey, E. C., 354 Locust, pool. Teperson, Samuel, 537-539 Mohn mer chandise. Ulrich. John A., J3» Lincoln, milk. United Ice ft Cool Co., Conestogm and Frederick, coal and wood. Wells, J. C., 179 N. Front, confection ery. Woolworth, F., 21 N. Front, 8c and 100 goods. Whitebread, W. H., 159 N. Front con fectionery. Wetgel, Kalnh, 105 S. Front, •eddlery. Wleger. Frank, 827 N. Front, groceries. Wilts, H. & Sons, 60 S. Front, furniture. YoselowlU, Theo., 868 S. Second, mer- chandise. Yovanovloh, \6OB S. Third, groceries. Yorsh, L, 054 8. Third, groceries. Young, C. J, 201-203 S. Second, gro ceries. Zachs, Jos., 25 S. Front, clothier. Zlegler, W. L., 284 Main, drugs. Zimmerman, P. A., 41 S. Socond, gro- Zimmerman, J. M., 35 8. Second, confeo- M.. 817 S. Front, furni ture. UNIONTOWS BOROUGH Boyer, Levi & Son, feed. Bonner, H. M.. feed. Bohner, Wm., meats and produoe. Boyer, Wm. R., furniture. Dockey, E. E., general merchandise. Kocher, Henry, agriculture Implements. Oessner, Elian K., general merchandise. Latsha, J. J., produce. Latsha, George, restaurant. Latsha, George, cigars and confection- ery. Lalir, Ed. E, tobacco. Lahr, Ed. E., restaurant. Moyer, H. J., general store. Noblet, J. S., saddlery. Reitz, D. W„ cigars. Snyder, Lydla, merchandise. Schmeltz, Daniel, produce. Welsts, S. T„ meats. WILLIAMSTOWN BOROUGH Adams, R., groceries. Adams, Chas. M., supplies Berry, Edward, restaurant. Berry, Edward, cigars. Blannlng, Wm., hardware. Blamiing, J. R., stationery. Budd, C., pool. Budd, C., cigars. Bordner, Wm. C.. groceries. Balrd. Robert & Co., carpets. Bottomley, Mrs. J. A., restaurant. Bottomley, Mrs. J. A., cigars. Buggy, M. E., groceries. Boyer, W. Henry, 5c and 100 store. Bowman, C. groceries. Clemmer, H. F., dry goods. Cohen, Lewis, general merchandise. Condell, John, pool. Chaster, R. A, general merchandise. Cooper, W. H., produce. Condell, John, cigars. Cash Store, New Erie, merchandise. Davis, F. 8., drugs. Durbln, J. W. & Son, general store, Day, R. W., furniture. Day, H. G., pianos. Eby, A. N„ Jeweler. Evans, Roy C., groceries. Edward, 1., cigars. Frish, C., clothing. Flcklnger, S. T., feed and coal. Flckinger, S. T„ wholesale feed. Fitzpatrlck, S. Z., millinery. Gross, Barney, Junk. Griffith, J. W„ grocer. Griffiths, John, cigars. Grim, Ellas, candy. Graham, Thos. W„ cigars. Glace, Chas., can,d!es. , Geist, J. E., cigars. Haas, C. J., hardware. Harner, J. R., drugs. Hancock, J. R., general merchandise. Higglns, Lizzie, candy. Hummel, Mrs. C. E., groceries. Hughs, W. D„ groceries. Baddorf, Chas., lumber. Dlcken, John, shoes. Ealinger, BenJ., clothing. Hall, W. T., cigars. Hoffman, M. M., produce. Jenkens, Howard, groceries. Keem, R, Frank-, cigars. Katych, Geo., cigars. Klinger, H., wholesale confectionery. Kllnger, H„ retail confectionery. Klinger, L S„ restaurant. Lebo, W. H., meats. Morris, J. S., cigars. Moyer, J. R., groceries. Morgan, Mrs. Chas., millinery. Meehan, J. L., cigars. Miller, Jere, oil and candles. Makalks, Jno., general store. Messers, Jos., general store. Moegen, Chas., groceries. , Mace. J. L, meats. Morris, Lizzie, groceries. Miller, E. C., retail groceries. Miller, E. C., wholesale groceries. Melraldo, Jno. P., tobacco. Maiden, Albert, cigars and confection ery. Messner, Wm. P„ grocer. Newton, Jas., grocer. Nace, Daniel C., milk. Nash, Chas., groceries. Pritchard, F. E., millinery. Phara, Chas., cigars. Ralph, Aaron, furniture. Row, E. S., stoves and tinware. Row, W. 0., meats. Roberst, Mary, cigars Ralph, Allen, cigars. Samuell, H. E„ groceries. Sandon & Flshel, theater. Stokes, W. S., pool. Stokes, W. S., cigars. Summit Branch Mining Co., supplies Thompson, J. C., general merchandise. Thompson, D. S., clothing. Whittle, J. H., general merchandise. Walkinshaw, M., notions. Walkinshaw, A., Jr., groceries. Williams, D. W., pool. Williams, D. W„ cigars. Williams, W. G., cigars. Welsh, R. T., pool. Welsh, R. T., cigars. Walhey, Wilson, groceries. Wommer, Jno. J., confectionery. Wren, R., notions. Zimmerman, J. F., cigars. Zimmerman, A. D„ cigars. COXEWAGO TOWNSHIP Buck, Wm. G., groceries. Eshelman, Jacob, groceries. Fultz, C. M., general merchandise. Heisey, D. F., feed. Tschudy, T. S„ saddlery. Miller, Samuel, groceries. DERRY TOWNSHIP Bonfantl, Frank, groceries. Brownstone Store Co., general mer chandise. Blngingman, A., cigars. Curry, John B„ coal and feed. Curry, John B„ wholesale coal and feed. Domes, Padone, groceries. Denato, Gennoro D., groceries Erb, Wm. C., merchandise. Fortl, Felix, groceries. Hershey Store Co., alleys. Hershey Store Co., restaurant. Hershey Store Co., general merchan dise. Hershey Co., feed. Hershey, A. E., feed. Hess, J. C., restaurant. Hess, J. C., tobacco. Page, Jacob, cigars. Sheafter, H. 8., saddlery. Saudadio, Mary, groceries Basp, Jno., groceries. Vltanga, Q., groceries. Weltmer, Ulrlch, produce. Witman, F. S., carpets. Wagner, C., meats. Wolf, C. J., milk. Yingst, Geo. W„ grocery. BAST HANOVER TOWNSJRIF Boyer, H. A., furniture. Boyer J. A , general merchandise. Cassel, J. H., hides. Hess Bros., furniture. Keiffer, J. 8., feed. Kuntz. J. H.. general merchandise Llngle, J. B„ feed. Llngle, T. M., stoves. Llngle, J. D., cigars. Laudermilch, Mrs. Henry, groceries Hummer. S. J., meats. Moonshine, Jos., merchandise. Neater, Philip, cigars. Runkle, Irvln, feed. Rhoads, E. N„ general merchandise Theal, Samuel, feed. HALIFAX! TOWNSHIP Bowman, Cornelius, general merchan dine. Bowman, Cornelius, wholesale produce. Bower. S. M., groceries. Cornenltz, P. E., feed. Cooke, A. E„ produce. Cooke, A. E., wholesale produoe Enders, J. 0., retail produce. Glace, Charles 1., general marchandlae. Hoffman, Geo., wholesale produce Lebo, George, wholesale produce. Kitchen, Frank, milk. Meredith, D. F., general merchandise. Meredith, J. E., confectionery and to bacco. Rutter, H. W., produce, Sponsler, H. M., produce, Sweigard, C. C., wholesale produce Tobias, Jas., wholesale meats. V* olfglng, F„ retail produce. Wolfglng, F„ wholesale produce JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP Bordner, Jacob., merchandise. Enders, a E., merchandise and pro duce. Paulia, George, produue. JACKSON TOWNSHIP Baddorf, H. F„ meats. Bixler, J. C, merchandise. Bowman, ft V., wholesale UMU Rndera, C. C, merchandise. Enders. G. W. D., merchandise. File. Oliver M., merchandise. Mclaughlin, HL, cigars. Helt, Ira M., repairs. Miller, Ed., meata. Marsh, C. A., cigars. Spanneth, J. J„ feed. Travlti, Simon, oil. Zaring. Sam., confectionery. LONDONDERRY TOWNSHIP Brlnser. S. C„ feed. Kbersoll, ft ft, grocerlea. . Gingrich, a M., machinery- Hoffman, H. A., milk. LOWER PAXTOH Bri«htblll, jr. U.. milk. Care, C. B. it Sons, general merotuute dlse. Care, Brook, real estate. Cassell, M. 8.. meats. Fishburn, S. A., feed. Farling, Michael, pool. Farllng, Michael, olgars and mbi*^ tlonery. Hassler, Collins, mitt. Hawkins, E. C., meant- Lazzarine, David, cigar* Loese, O. B„ general store. Mlxol- F., pool. Relth, Carl, cigars. Rudy, Davli, oi:c. Sample, Mrs. A. I)., notlena. Seise", Elis».. ui t tinware. Shoop, Wm. J., groceries. Sheesley, B. F., retail feed Sheesley, B. F., wholesale feed. Zimmerman, W. G., furniture. LOWER BWATAHA TOWNSHIP Bonitz, Anthony, produce. Mumma, I. N., milk. Nlssley, J. L, milk. Nlssley, A. H.. milk. Ranshaw, J. C., general merchandise Zimmerman, S. A., milk. LYKEXS TOWN SHIP Bufflngton, I. M., feed. Gunderman, Frank, produoe. Hartman, Amos, produoe. Heller, Howard, milk. Hocker, Chas., oils. Hoover, Chas. A., produoe. v. Kessler, C. H., merchandise. Kluck, Albert, produce. Relgle, John H., produoe. Smeltz, D. H., cigars. Smeltz, W. H., produoe. Troutman, David H., prodooe. Umholtz, John cigars. Welker, G. A., produce. MIDDLE PAXTON TOWNSHIP Davis, Geo., produce. Fitting, M. C.. groceries. Frazer, Jonas, grocerlea Lebo, John, produoe. Lebo. James, cigars. Maeder, Mrs. Itobt, groeerlea. McKce, H., groceries. Peters, W. F., Sr., moats. Peters, W. F., Jr., jgrooerlea. Shaeffer, J. L, produce. Logan, Arbour C„ groaerlea. Snyder, John, groceries. Strlckler, H. G., meats. Shoop, D. S., feed. Swelgard, Michael, g suss si BMks» dlse. Spees, Howard, grooertes Wert, Wm.. flsh. mifflin iwinnr Harraan, J. A., oil. Henninter, J. E„ produo*. Koppenliaver, F. £•., produo* Mlnnlcli, Homer, proauo*. Miller, J. A., meats. Romborger, H. A., estate, rtDMll •«•*% Kombergor, Harry H, meat*. Romberger, J. E.. produo*. Stlne, P. E., produce. Weaver, D. A., seeds. Weaver, Oliver, produo*. REED TOWNSHIP Garman, Samuel, general Lukens, Geo. 8., general merohandls* SOUTH HANOVER TOWNSHIP Fackler, John, groceries. Fasnacht, Uriah, meats. Fasnacht, John, cigars. Hetrlck, D. A, merchandl**. , Hess, W. E., meats, lsonhour, Israel, stoves ta< ttnwar*. Keller, John, feed. Kuhn, A. M., fencing. Kaylor, Harry, cigars, Landls, C. A, meats. Loudermllch, Geo. M., oyster*, Miller, Wm. X*, saddlery. Peltier, H. P., groceries. Rapp, W. H., general raerohandls*. Rhoads, Simon, meats. Relgle, J. 8., meats. Shiftier, Geo., meats. Shiftier, Geo., produce. Stuckey, Jos. P., produoe. Shakespeare, H., produce. Shakespeare, Wm., general merchan dise. SUSQUEHANNA TOWNSHIP Albright, Geo., groceries. Bates, R. E x produce. Barnes, R. E., groceries, Bollinger, U. u., cigars. Byers, Russell, produce. Boger Lumber Co., lumber. Dare, J. H., produce. Dey, Paul, meats. Kramer, Frank W., produce. Cresswell, J. W., produce. Enders, A. E., produce and seeda. Fry, John & Son, peanuts. Fredericks, W. J., meats. Garman, Mrs. Mary, produce. Gelger, C., milk. Gruber, S., produce. Gladfelter, H. 8., cigars. Go wan, Theo., produce. Hassler, E. 0., milk. Harlacher & Bonltz, cigars. Hicks, Wm., produce. Hershey, H. F„ produoe. Hetterman, Mary J., groceries. Hepford, W. L., produoe. Hepford, D. G., produoe. Hargast, J. S., produce. Horstlck, E. M., pool. Horstlck, E. M.. cigars. Hoover, J. E. and H.. groceries. Hoover, C. E., general merchandise. Hess, D. D., meats. Horst, L. H„ meats. Jonston, Wllbert, groceries. Kramer & Hassler, wholesale feed. Kramer & Hassler, retail feed. Kramer, C. M., produce. Loeser, H. A., groceries. Longenecker, D. R., produoe. Mader, Dan, produce. Meckley, S. JT, produoe. Manning, H. C., milk. Memmlnger, J. G., grooerle*. Myers, W. H., milk. Miller, F., groceries. Matslnger, Wm., nroduo* McNeal, D. R., meats. Miller, Mrs. W. H., groceries. Orr, L. G„ groceries. Paxton Flour & Feed Co., feed. Raber, Jno., meats. Rudy, W. W., meats. Raffensberger, A. T., milk. Relchert, H. I*. produot. Runkle, G. E., groceries. Rauck, H. J„ feed. Rudy, J. H, Jr., meats. Rudy, Wm., meats. Schrelner, W. J., groceries. Sturtevant, 8. C., milk. Smeltzer, Samuel, milk. Shoop, Mrs. H J., produce. Snow, Mrs. Kate, produce. Smith, Sebastian, grooerles. Spongenberger, F., produoe. Stahler, H. M., pool. Stahler, H. M., restaurant. Shoop, Jacob M., meats. Douglass, R. L, cigars. Radle, W. T. Smith, David, produce. Schmidt, Charley, produoe. Turns, Eve. cigars. Trulllnger, S. W., milk. Trimmer, R. E., paper. Wengel, Geo., produoe. Wayne, W. van, grocerlea. Wevodan, Wm., produoe. Zelgler, Jno., groceries. SWATARA TOWNSHIP Aungst, M. J., milk. Attlck, J. 8., milk. Attlck, Geo., milk. Attlck, A. T„ Jewelery. Bomgardner & Bro., meats. Bishop, W. J., milk. Berkhelmer, J. E., milk. Bonny Meads Farms, produoe. Bonltz, Anthony, produce. Benney. Mrs. B. N., groceries. Bltz, Tobias, pool. Bltz, Tobias, tobacco- and cigars. ( Dunn, Thomas, cigars. Fought, J. H., milk. Fry, Geo., groceries. Fry, Jos.jgrocerles. Grenler, Wm., cigars. Greenawalt, C. W., milk. Geary, Evans, grocerl*- Greenawalt, A., Greenawalt, A., cigars. Gorman, J. H., pool. Gorman, J. H., cigars. Horstlck. J. F., produce. Helllg. H. C„ cigars. Hanlch, Steve, groceries. Hicks, Chas., groceries. Jones, H. W., meats. Kline, J., restaurant. Kramer, H. F„ groceries. Kempf, Peter, groceries. Kramer, R. S„ groceries. Kline, J. K., candy and cigars. Loeser, F. H., general merchandise. Ijongenecker, Mrs. John, soaps. Livingstone. J. W., produce. McNeer, B. F., Sr., groceries Morris, James, grocerlos. Martin Bros., groceries Plkelhaupt, D., jntisk* Peck, J. H., pool. Peck, J. H., cigars. Paul, Elmer, groceries. Rupp, C. F„ milk. Rutherford, Marshall, coal. Rutherford Bros., coal. Bolomon, 1., grocerlea Sherman, Harry, grocerlea. Btauffer, H. 8., meats. Stair, John, milk. fltengle, Geo. A., general meistissia— Thompson, Jos., olgara Tlttlnger, Christ, produo*. Teperson, 8., grocerlea somlsl, Frank, grocerlea oblas, Morris, groceries. Wagner, Abram. cigars. Waldley, Mrs. Annie, confectioners. Wllsoaugh, Frank, produo*. Yosolwlts, J. F., grooerles. lOosttnued ok Waal