Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 20, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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    Our Annex, 311 Walnut Street Oui Annex, 311 Walnut Street I Our Annex, 311 Walnut Street
House-Cleaning Sale of
*g— Hundreds of the best made House-Dresses have been selected in America's foremost House-Dress factory for this "House-Cleaning" Sale. Here is your
ittraa opportunity to secure neat, perfect fitting and thoroughly practical House-Dresses at economy prices—and just when you need them most.
Your first thought on seeing them will be "How is it possible at the price." And there's more to Electric Dresses than the low price. You will note the k
dependable materials and the superior workmanship. These "Electrics" are the smartest creations in House-Dresses ever shown, they are really the last ** Jf -
|y thought of the style artists. They are famous for comfortable and correct fit at the shoulder, bust, hips, and every other point. During house-cleaning time you ]
' House-Dresses—this special event has been staged particularly for your benefit. Come.
]|3 *" e " est Dollar s Worth of Dress - Extraordinary House-Dresses at a
flf YOU EVCr PUrChaSe<l Dollar and a Half
■ with stitched down stole collar ot dfl.s Fntuw A real snappy design desirable lor
MM material and edged with piping of con- H TB« DM Ham wear around-the-houae or on the f|§l§f| |||» '
l tl ' astlng color. Loop, of cambric and Btreet. Made of dependable quality solid :>■ v : I
sßl®l mmHm/r Pearl bUtt ° nS are a "° USed M tr,m - H eolor percale with Collar and Cuffs of «## |" 1
fl'sl.im"'! mlrWMm ™«r / min E on oollar. Three-quarter length Comfortabi* Room? Arm Holes „ , . .. . , M : : ■ :: ™
J" : ,sS : ®, il Hum WIH l Urn a . . ~ , . . . . Fine, Etcq Stituhinn with «■ de«P Swiss embroidery. Closes at side MBamMW3MKMS.)m t.i| : « f a
1 ''2? lfev : l MM \m lM' 1 sleeves and dainty pointed cuffs; neat- TAr.ad Jul,inm ß *" m otron« 1M F,sfeV;!kl
H§ MSiiVr Jy tailored pocket on waist. "At the W.USh^r wUh flne P earl buttons part of which Jjjf || ll Q
■ K f® /f*~\ bßck ot skirt, at top, are clusters of ISStitchMtohoM each Button are Invisible. Waist line Is slightly I i Ift H
\jJ 'W'l flne tuck> - T,lis c hß -rming dress is raised. Back of skirt tucked at top
checks and solid colors. Complete as- stitched and tape bound. Colors are
|ijVl 1, sortment of sizes in all colors and pat- Yale Blue and Tan and each color can '
THE ROCHESTER ' i ' tjw < if*» terns, and the price is only SI.OO THE HANDY DANDY be had ln all slzeß 16 and 18, also 34 1 THE EXTRA-SIZE MODEC
lilMiw H HIS ' to 46 i ttji rr\ How often we have heard our stout
A smart, semi-round neck model I H{jtl A reversible, double-front combination House !pI,OU customers remark, "I cannot be fitted
with stitched-down collar of plain col- v||j j|4| hSu"-Sl"anta*°day«, KW with anything ready-to-wear." At last
or cambric: bias folds of dress ma- |Jj| llj Wftf house dress or slipped on over another dress and Cl'lirKi We have found House Dresses that will
terial ending in wider fold of plain Bp! I fc mMp used as a protector. Very "Handy" to get Into out-of-'proportion women with e&as
color used n* trimming o.t front, of illil/MIfP tTeat n a nd ,%in'fortkhle Made iff gooTqullity percafe IPI/Pfl and comfort B » 8t measure sizes 48.
waist. Fancy cuffs on three-quarter ® : /f/IJwf (; in light and dark patterns, bound around neck, Cf/jt^L rW «'' all( * standard
length sleeve* are made of dress ma- \ flown edges of front, at top of pockets, around* quality percales ln light and dark pat
terial. decorated by tabs of solid color ilßf''*/ V and* ra°sten s a at tT,e neck and und^r'VaisVline with Jf tern "' This model has a comfortable
cambric. A special feature ot' this buttons and four buttons an skirt. Really T \% ' round neck, large, rooiny armholes,
model is th* new pepltim bolt tbat fits JimIJUmIIIIiII V ie ' "Dandiest" Combination Threes and Ajw IA-'«wßra three-quarter length sleeves that are
correctly, long or short-walsted fig- /MiMmWOI want"one" ' 5 . V . e . r . y . an! wido enough to allow the arm to bend,
ures. All sizf-s can be bad in this ljr • ' Ipl.OU and plenty of width in the skirt at
style—Jfi and IS years, also 3* to 4R .flulrtijtf Wlw Hrrffl <-• /MwWffiJ'lffiSi * hips. Trimming consists of piping
bust measure. Large assortment of 8M JjUj^, W ill'jwlllllfmliX . which edges the stltched-down stolo
checks, figures and stripes, in good ■ /. faffimi Wufi pH HANDY DAW I . 1 If'* 'Jj/JrW 'M I Collar, the pointed CUtTs, pointed tab 1;
percales, at only «< ()(> lf/tf.JKmtQSM mmd!' . ——— j* •' f,*3f X I V.iS on pocket and deflnon the slightly
.p. .\'\r ////jg n|H|/ // *V \ lirrPrffll Ktm raised waist line. A sensible, comfort
"THE WOLVERINE" ./,'//jg MM Wm #/ \\J I IT: KTs 1 f&S The CLEVELANDER MODEL able and practical house dress designed
M|H i-M Rfi S fflSl £H| Pi' ; ll ! ■ I / solely for stout women and priced at
r" \ A neatly tailored tiouse dress with ' WNI/ W? wSil Sil \l / dr" se^tha^ Tmnxlmum"of wear- <,n ' y $1.25
EVERY ILLUSTRATION comfortably fitting square neck. Bias //J ® Pli' : liW I \/ ' " ln,? M"alit-v. We aie showlnc this sen- I
in this advertisement is an '' , gg -> i j I ■lr <:R !! heßt "'ambric—a' cloth' unexcelled Important to all our City
around the neck and down front. Pearl lß|||lllf jfjaPff/ I Jyjj EfltlA irSI Ml for long, hard service. Fancy center to Customers *
orieinal House-Dress and the l " ll, °" s "™ aIBO ' ,f=nrl ns ,rtmm,ns *" L// 81l V M ffli iilljilpil pointed yoke collar that is stitched You can order any of these
o well as for closing at side. length ff m&lw kMs |4 | WtJ SIIS I \ mllufMi <l ii'il Mfl ll'llii I down and outlined with piping. The tj n > , ,
descriptions are just as you rtMVM ending m cuffs of bias straps ■! IM 1 |(| *1 ■ II S ""eve- «re three-cuarter length, with House-Dresses by telephone.
... - - leeves ending in c«ff, of bias straps 118 | ' H i | Ifjß | [RI fl! V neat cuffs that are piped. Waist line Just give name, Size and Color
will tincl garments and assort- of dress material. Pocket on waist f. j ||J jli [jij MH jjtjij|also is defined with piping wide side wanted. Out-of-town readers
ments to be. In addition to which gives a jaunty style-also the WNBm : I II in 1 1! (Im -i"': d^n". o T ; si^irt ba bein O g of this "ad" can obtain any
the House-Dresses mentioned latest belt. idea,, the pepium that fits !i! ' || t' gjf II mm"' mlmi double «stitched and tape-bound. We dress desired by Mail. Order
here, we have dozens of other both long and short waisted figures Wy | 111 I ft §M lii 11111 l eoiors"^'^ e pauernL e "n'air"""eßTf nt tMß by name, giving size and color
fresh and new styles direct correctly .« sl*oo f It i H I ||j{ l»f |w',. lilgl'.-A model, m addition to the regular sizes, desired.
r .i 1 Ta - ' h|« — |]| I tfgjfwi \wlr and IS and 34 to 46, we have out-
Orders by mail will be I
tf* m Ekyrtc?. " 'TfflllWS' sl7;ps (S to r,fi hUBt meas,lrH at given prompt and careful at-
' R ** U,ar Si " 8 ' 8t ° n,y $i r> °
In addition to this large stock and assortment of Hon«p wr k (..m t; e r-u n Ln . »„ """™"
" ll " Petticoats, sl.oO, sl.to, 5J.95, $w.2.», Serge and Plaid Top Skirts, s!,s>.>, $2..30, s'i T."» S° 9»
will offer 600 of the best fitting, newest styles, cleanest made Street $2.75, $&95 and $3.50. $3.50, $3.95 and $4.25. ' ' ' '
Dresses you ever saw for SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50, sl. 75, $2.00 and 15« <tvk nf Wr, u„ i j 1 t Because of the close margin of profit, garments in this Annex
', „ „23 2'"°'"" Sprmg ,OW nKk a " d sl, ° rt W *»«. *' - 00 ' Store cannot he sent on approval, altered, noP eharged. This is a Sxed
>t Her Locks Youthful, Dark,
Glossy and Thick with Common
Garden Suge and Sulphur
[Then you darken your hair with
e Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell,
ause It's done so naturally, so
lly. Preparing this mixture, though,
home is mussy and troublesome.
50 cents you can buy at any drug
e the ready-to-use tonic called
I'eth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Eem
." You Just dampen a sponge or
brush with It and draw this
>ugh your hair, taking one small
nd at a time. By morning all gray
r disappears, and, after another
llcation or two, your hair becomes
jtlfully darkened, glossy and lux
nt. You will also discover dan
rf is gone and hair has stopped
ray, faded hair, though no dls
;e, is a sign of old age, and as we
lesire a youthful and attractive ap
rance, get busy at once with
sth's Sage and Sulphur and look
;a younger.—Advertisement.
'uging Coal
s its advantages, the chief of
ich is a price saving of 50c a
on Broken, Egg, Stove and
t sizes.
iley s prepared to fill your
s with any quantity of any
dof fuel, which will be de-
Ted when you want it.
ipril Prices are 50c Lower.
r . Third St.—loth & State Sts.
Special ta The Telegraph
Marietta, Pa„ April 20. —Jacob H.
Wltmer, organizer and until recently
cashier of the Mountville National
Bank, died at his home yesterday af
ter a short illness. He was 72 years
t From the Boston Transcript]
"Blow from baseball fatal"—head-1
line. Some people take the loss of a
game by the home team so seriously.
Catarrh is Often
Deep Seated
Local Congestions May In
dicate Much Internal
Jost because catarrh Affects the nose and
throat, few people reallte how deep-neated
It raaj be until It crops into the bronchial
tubes and settles down Into the lungs.
The way to treat catarrh is to recogntr.e
the fact that It Is In the blood.
And there Is only one blood purifler that
can be safely used. It is S. 8. S., the roost
powerful, the most searching, the most
assimilative blood remedy known loday, for
It is not a mineral, but a vegetable remedy.
The medicinal components of 8. S. 8. are
relatively just as essential to well-balanced
health as the nutritive properties of the
grains, meats, sugars and fats of foods.
Any local irritating Influence Is the blood Is
rejected by the tissue cells and eliminated
by reason of the stimulating Influence of
S. S. S.
You will soon realize its wonderful In
fluence by the absence of headache, a de
cided clearing of the air passages, a steadily
Improved nasal condition, and » sense of
bodily relief that proves how completely
catarrh often infests the entire system.
You will find 8. S. a. on sale at all drug
stores. It Is o remarkable rertedy for any
and nil Mood affections, stieb as eczema,
rash, lupus, tetter, psoriasis, bolls, and all
other diseased conditions of the blood. For
sperisl advice on any blood , disease write
Medical Dept.. The Swiff Sneclflr f'o.. .'>.".2
Sxift Ulrljr. . Atlanta. <;s. Carefully avoid
any and all substitutes for S. S. S. There
Is nothing "Just as good."
All Patriotic Men Will Fight For
Flag in Mexico, Senator Tells
Sons of Veterans
Specie! to The Telegraph
Philadelphia, April 20.—"0n the evo
of possible conflict with Mexico, every
man. Republican or Democrat, or any
thing else, will be found ready to sup
port the flag and see it honored and
'.respected as it should be."
I Senator Penrose made this assertion
I while addressing the members of the
Major M. A. Uherst camp, No. 51,
Sons of Veterans, at a celebration held
in honor of the forty-ninth anniver
sary of the surrender, of Appomattox
in Darby.
The speaker struck a responsive
| chord when he asserted that, despite
I any differences of opinion over the
{manner in which the Wilson Adminis
tration had handled the Mexican situ
jation, every Senator and Representa
tive, with party lines swept away,
would stand back of the President in
(support of any measure he might pro
pose for upholding the dignity and
honor of the American flag.
Cheers greeted his utterance that
the events of the last few days had
drawn the country dangerously near
armed Intervention, and that such an
enterprise, if begun, might lead to the
requirements of occupation and pacifi
cation, to such an extent as to involve
the use not only of our regular mili
tary establishment, but a large num
ber of volunteers.
The Senator's warlike talk was wo
ven into an address which, In the
main, was a severe arraignment of
the Wilson Administration's policy In
foreign affairs, with special stress on
Mexico. Not only was President Wil
son criticised as being responsible for
the present state of affairs, which
seemed to Indicate Intervention, but
Secretary of State Bryan was charac
terised as Inexperienced In diplomatic
The speaker held that the Admin
istration's policy on the Mexican situ
ation had been one series of blunders;
that by refusing to recognise Huerta
we had given moral support to Villa
and the rebels, "whoss record for
murder, arson, brigandage and treach
ery is far worse than the de facto
head of the country."
Deplores Choice of Bryan
Senator Penrose paid his compli
ments to the President and to Secre
tary Bryan in this fashion:
As a student, as a pedagogue, as a
governor, President Wilson had no
necessity to interest himself in diplo
matic affairs. Notwithstanding' this
fact, instead of selecting for the re
sponsible position of head of the De
partment of State a trained statesman
familiar with these problems, he chose
one who had achieved great reputa
tion in other fields of political activity.
The results were that we have been
led Into a mortifying tangle of contra
diction, inconsistencies, and even em
| barrassments with other nations."
Following up this argument, Sena-
If Your Little Baby Could Talk
He would tell you that he does not 'want cow's milk that
i settles into lumps in his little stomach—that makes the long,
hot, close days of summer feel like a leaden weight on his
little hot head—he would tell you that the still, sultry nights
would be easy for him and for you, if he had the food his
small stomach could digest.
He would tell you that he likes your breast milk best—he
tells you now as best his little voice can—that at about
fourmonths that breast milk Is not enougn for his growing
bones and body—that he wants something more—as nearly
like that breast milk as he can get.
And your mothers and grandmothers knew that what
their babies needed was
the nearest food to milk. Wean your baby en Ntttli'i because
Begin at the fourth month with NeetM'e bring* health, while eow'i milk
... fanHinir m ,1 _i ■ may carry *icknes*. Our government in
one feeding a day—then slowly Weehlngton oaye our dalriea are dirty,
make it two, then three feedings— The government of New York State »ay*
until at last your baby will be th * t one cow ,n ,hree h »» tuberculous,
' * nd the government of England *ayn
. . , neither you or the that these sick cows bring alcknees to
baby will know the difference, our babies.
NESTLES Is made from the milk of
healthy cow* kept In sanitary dairies.
\ AH the heavy part* of milk are modified,
> ao that the curd I* soft and fleecy as In
f / If mother'* milk. All that your baby need*
BHBp- ./ S.JM il and the calf doesn't is added. It comes
"J? TOU In • tight can—you add only fresh
water. And—ther* yeu have NESTLfc'S
KgngHKW on which three generation* have grown
~ as healthy end strong.
. ** ' Send thl* little coupon for a big ean
of Ne*tl4'* (enough for 12 feeding*) end
XSMF \ f ' J tL BU ' or the book about Care of Babis* by
I | I 1, Specialists.
£ y-j. .\VJp\ 7 \ Woolwertk HUm-. New V.rk
f 1 1/ Plsa*e send me, FRBB. your book end
1 X J 1 1 trial package.
I / \ AA A'nmt
— f fy > Addras
tor Penrose practically accused the
Wilson Administration of affording as
sistance to Villa and Ills rebel army,
"Mexico would have been practical
ly a* peace had we not intervened, or,
if you prefer the word, interfered.
There can be political or financial in
tervention; and in both these ways
we have been intervening in Mexico
for over a year. It is armed inter
vention that I still hope means may
be found to avert. But when I con
sider the inaptitude of this Adminis
tration in its foreign policy, my feel
ing on the subject becomes rather a
desire than a hope.
Dickens not only believed in the
greatness of man. but he believed that
APRIL 20,1914.
all men were interesting. Upon this!
fact he finds his characters. He held
the mirror up to nature, and bßde us
look to what nature had in store
for us. His characters are all very
much alive. They are real men and
women, boys and girls. Herein lies
the secret of his power. He not only
paints a vast array of humanity but
he lives in it himself and brings home
ftt% THE
~3 Sixth and Kelker Street*
Largest establishment. Best facilities Near to
Sou as your phone. Will |o anywhere at your call,
lotor aervice. No funeral too small. None too
expensive. Chapels, rooms, vault, etc., used with
out charge.
Says Backache is sign you have
been eating too much
When you wake up with backache
and dull misery in the kidney region It
generally means you have been eating
too much meat, says a well-known
authority. Meat forms uric acid which
overworks the kidneys in their efTort
to filter It from the blood and they be
come sort of paralyzed and logirv
When your kidneys get sluggish and
clog you must relieve them, like vou
relieve your bowels; removing all the
body's urinous waste, else you have
backache, sick headache, dizzy spells
your stomach sours, tongue is coated'
and when the weather is bad you have
rheumatic twinges. The urine is
cloudy, full of sediment, channels
often get sore, water scalds and you
are obliged to seek relief two or throe
times during the night.
Either consult a good, reliable phy
sician at once or get. from your phar
macist about four ounces of Jad Halts
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast for a few days
and your kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts is made from the
acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com
bined with lithla. ind haa been used
for generations to clean and stimulate
sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize
acids In the urine so It no longer irri
tates. thus ending bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is a life saver for regular
meat, eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot
Injure and makes a delightful, efter-1
vescent lithia-water drink.—Adv, j
to the average reader a new sensa of
gaiety. It Is his intense interest In
humanity that has endeared Dickens
to all men.
At High Noon
You will find waiting for you at Th«
Court Dairy Lunch a nicely cooked
luncheon for twenty-five cents, which
consists of a choice of meats or fish,
two kinds of vegetables, tea or coffee,
and several varieties of pie; and you
will like it. Menger's Court Dairs
Lunch, Court street and Strawberrj
t i n nun
► *
! (M, t, Dr. PMUIU frr flg gT' !
. wort, MM «7 *• 1
; ag" £ ! |
; h wtii P*T 7®* to *■"* ■» "• , |
I I Omi'l wry atnt p*jwnu 1 '
iiyawu mm k» to MR j |
| Hif. W aod J !
Own fad Bride* Mfit. U H. to.
; ft J
• But wcrk, Mm* MaUrleL Lewee* TH—m> 4
IWtt« lioraiitM wife mr v«!t * 1
820 Market Street
| r js**" * *'
I > Branch -"" lllllltMl <
I *** niniiiiiiini iiimil