Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 20, 1914, Image 1
Wilson Appears Before Congress For Authority to Use HARRISBURG flSlpli TELEGRAPH LXXXIII — No. 93 FOOD INSPECTION DISTRICTS MAPPED OUT BY RIMICK New Regulations to Be Adopted by Bureau in Special Ses sion Thursday OH COUNCIL TO APPROVE Hughes Will Have Uptown Dist rict—Zimmerman Lower L*,nd and Hill Harrtsburg's food regulations ■which will Include the arrangements for inspections by Drs. G. A. Zimmer man and William V Hughes, will be adopted at a special meeting; of the bu reau of health and sanitation Thurs day. Dr. J. M.J. Raunick, ttie city health officer has been busy for weeks with the rules, and he has them in such shape as to readily admit of Council manic approval at the meeting of the City fathers on April 28. The districting of the city for the ■purpose of conducting a rigid and thorough system of inspection has been planned according to the size of the territory to be covered. The re gulations require a visit at least twice yearly, all the restaurants, dairies, milk depots, etc., which come within the jurisdiction of the bureau of health and sanitation. The city has been divided into two districts. The lower and Hill districts, including the section of city laying be low Mulberry street and all of Alli son's Hill will be in charge of Dr. Zimmerman. The upper district in cluding the portion lying north of North street will be inspected by Dr. Hughes. The central section, the ter ritory lying between North and Mul fcery strets and the railroad and the river will be covered jointly by the two inspectors. The food regulations are voluminous and deal with every phase of food in spection, health and safety precau tions. The new rules will require tin restaurants, ice cream venders, bak eries, etc., to apply for a license to do business and these licenses must be taken out before June 1. Memorial Services by Loyal Order Moose Harrisburg lodge No. UK. Loyal Order Moose, conducted memorial ex ercises yesterday afternoon in the Majestic theater, which was filled to capacity. Stage and parts of the audi torium were decorated with flowers and green when the lodgemen marched in from their quarters and took thei rseats. Dr. William P. Clark delivered the memorial address, "The Moose Order." As Charles Blessing, lodge secre tary. read the name* of each departed member, a red carnation was placed in a memorial vase until the roster was complete and the vase brilliant with bloom. The Rev. Dr. W. X. Yates, pastor of the Fourth Street Church of God, conducted the offices, and other numbers on the program were "Opening Ode" and "Dead j:indly Light" by the Steelton Glee Club; violin solo. George W. Upde prove; piano solo, Charles Krout; tenor and bass solos, David Keed and \v. C. Kreusch. PLAINTIFF GETS SI New Bloomfteld, Pa., April 20. —in Common Pleas Court on Thursday, in the 'case of Catherine C. Wright vs. Clark W. Wright, trespass, the plain tiff claimed a strip of land lying be tween defendant's land and the Juni ata river, over which land defendant frequently passed to and from the river. Defendant claims all the land to the river. The jury found in the sum of $1 for the plaintiff. The case WHS on trial Tuesday, Wednesday and part of Thursday. A nonsuit was taken by the plaintiff Thursday evening in the case of Miss KUen E. Walker vs. the Pennsylvania Ilailroad, the case, grew out of an in jury sustained by Miss Walker in burg depot. & ! Late News Bulletins ENGLAND IS INTERESTED T onilon April 20.—Mexico overshadowed all other matters In public Interest, here to-day. Throughout the British Isle local and Imperial nolltlcs, although of great importance, had to give way to what has been considered here for a long time the inctitabie intervention by the United States to restore order in Mexico. Paris \pril 20,—The attitude of the French government In connec tion with President Wilson's policy towards Mexico Is one of calm obser vation, according to the view expressed at the foreign office to-day. A disposition exists here to remain detached frdm events In Mexico. I Washington, April 20.—The Senate passed the volunteer army bill for taking into the regular service militia regiments in time of war. The bill already passed the House. Washington. April 20.—The Navy Department gave out this state ment: "American merchant vessels have been ordered out of Vera Cruz harbor in accordance with the President's instruction to consular officers to warn Americans to leave Mexico for their own safety." Vera Cruz, April 20.—A1l American and other foreign women have been asked by Consul Canada to take refuge on vessels now in the har bor, preferably on board the Mexico o ftlic Ward line and the Esperanza which has been chartered by the l-nited States navy. * ! On Board the I". S. Arkansas, at Sea, hy Wireless vit Key West. April 20.—Rear Admiral Charles ,T. Badger, commander-in-ehlef of the Atlantic fleet now hurrying to the Mexican port of Tampieo, was advised to-day of President Huerta's refusal to salute the American flag and he Is expecting specific Instructions from Washington hourly. The Ameri can fleet will arrive at Tampieo at noon on Wednesday. Juarez. Mexico, April 20.—The conference between Carranza and Villa considered of great moment by the rebels began at Chihuahua to day, according t oan official report received here. It Is understood among rebel officials that they will take no partln opposing the United States over the Tampieo incident unless rebel territory Is invaded. Vera Crux, April 20.—Commander Charles F. Hughes, chief of stafT of the United States Ttlantic fleet, to-day called oil General Gustavo Maan, commander o ftlie federal troops at Vera Cruz, and on the com mander of the port, and instructed tliem to order all inercliant vessels ont of the harbor. Xew York, April 20.—The market closed weak. The tendency was downward throughout the day. except for a period In the forenoon when, after an opening break, a full recovery effected. Liquidation and short selling were in full swing in the final dealings wtih the principal shares showing losses of 1 to 3 points. IVaotieall.v all of the stocks es tablished new levels. Chesapeake & Olwo, 51V; I>ehigli Valley, l:t!t%; Northern Pacific, 107 "4 ; Southern Pacific, 89%; Union Pacific, 15194; Cli., M. & St. P.. 97%: P. 11. R.. 108 M ; Reading, 15#New York Central, 87Ca nadian Pacific. 108%; Amal. Copper. 724: U. S. Steel. 57. J PRESIDENT WILSON IN SPECIAL MESSAGE: TELLS CONGRESS OF MEXICAN SITUATION Reviews Tampico Incident, Going Over Arrest and Subsequent Release of U. S. Naval Officer and Marines on April 9 SAYS DOLPHIN'S BOAT CARRIED TWO FLAGS Executive Recalls Other Of fenses Against the United States and Informs Just Why He Sustained Admiral Mayo Washington. D. C., April ZO.—Presi dent Wilson laid the Mexican situation before Congress to-day in these words: "Gentlemen of the Coiigres: It is my duty to call your attention to a situation which lias arisen in our dealings with General Victoriano Hnerta. at Mexico City, which calls for action, and to ask your advice and co-operation in acting upon it. On flic 9tli of April a paymaster of the I'nited States ship Dolphin landed at Iturhide bridge landing at Tampico with a \\ luilelxMit and boat's crew to take off certain supplies needed by his ship and while engaged in loading the imat was arrested by an ollicer and squad of men of the army or General lluerta. Neither the paymaster nor an> one of the boat's crew was armed. Two of the men were In the boat when the arrest took place and were obliged to leave it and submit to l>e taken Into custody notwithstanding the fact that the i>oat carried, both at her bow and at her stern, the flag of the Vnited states. The ollicer who made the arrest was proceeding up one of the streets of the town with his prisoners when met by an otticer of higher au thority. who ordered him to return to the landing and await orders, and within an hour and a half from the time of the arrest orders were re ceded from the commander of the lluertista forces at Tampico for the ideas «"of the pity master and his men. The release was followed by apologies from the commander and later by an expression of regret by General lluerta himself. General lluerta urged that martial law obtained at the time at Tampico; that orders had lieen issued that no one should be allowed to land at the Iturhide bridge, and that our I Continued on Page ft', Eager Crowds Scan Bulletins, Reminder of War Time Days in '9B j SceneV following the declaration of 1 war with Spain, sixteen years ago to ! morrow were reported to-day when crowds blocked the pavement in front |of the Harrisburg Telegraph bulletin | board. From all over the city came ! inquiries by telephone, but the crowd lin Federal Square was larger than I that during any presidental election j night when election returns were ' given out. NO ItIGUT TO FIX. KATES By Associated Press Washington, 1). C.. April 20.—The right of the State to regulate insur ance rates was settled once for all to day by the Supreme Court upholding as "constitutional the Kansas Fire In surance law of 1903. Chief Justice White and Justices Vandevanter and Lamar dissented, holding lnsuranco was a private contract with which the , State had no right to interfere. HI ARRt \CJE LICENSES Flinto Carletti and Anna Lovan, Her- Sh Harry P. Smeltzer, city, and Mary E. Gish, Elizabethtown. HARRISBURG, PA., MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 20, 1914. President Wilson Asks Congress For Power to Invade Mexico "A SHORT LIFE AND A MERRY ONE!" MEXICAN MISTER MAKES PUBLIC DRAFT REFUSED BY WILSON Portillo Y. Rojas Says Dolphin's Boat Did Not Carry an American Flag By Associated Press Mexico City, April 20.—Portillo y Rejas, minister of foreign affairs, in announcing that it would be impos sible to agree to the demand of the | United States that the flag of that country be unconditionally saluted, gave out the following statement: "On the 9th of the present month, i between 11 o'clock and noon, a boat [Continued on Page 7] THE WEATHER i For Harriaburg and vicinityi Fair and colder to-night with lowest temperature about 3H degrees! Tuesday fair. For Eastern Pennsylvania: « loudy and colder to-nlght» Tueaday generally fair, colder In southeast nortloni moderate shifting wl«di. Hlver The North Branch and lower por tion of the XVeat Branch will rlae to-night and Tuesday. Changes In the .lunlata, I'pper West Branch and the main river will I he slight during the next twenty four hours. The most decided rise will occur In the Xorth Branch. The main river will rlae wleadlly Tuesday. A stage of about T.ll feet Is Indicated for Harrlsburg Tuesday morning. (ieneral Conditions The ••enter of the wcatera storm has moved from lowa to the Sns quehannn Valley during the last twenty-four hours, causing rain A "decwied'fall In temperature has oecurred la the Ohio, Mississippi and Loner Mississippi Valleys, •the greatest minus changes re ported, 3H degrees, occurring lit Chicago, 111., and Green Hay, Wis* where the temperature was below freeslng this morning with anow falling ata Chicago. Temperature) H a. m., 54) 2 p. m., 55, •Sunt Hues, 5i21 a. m. t acts, «i4S MoonT New moon, April 25, ttiiK m. Hlver Stage: 7.5 feet above low water mark. \esterday'a Weather Highest temperature. 80. I.oweari temperature, 55. ■ Mean temperature. 68. V Normal temperature, SS, - U.S. WILL NOT FIGHT MEXICO AS A NATION, DECLARES PRESIDENT Issue Between This Country and Man Who Calls Himself Mex ican President, Says Wilson By Associated Press Washington, D. C.. April 20. The tollowing portion of President Wilson's talk to the Washington correspondents on the Mexican situation was author ized to-day at the White House. The President said: "I want to say to you gentlemen, do not get the impression that there is about to be war between the L'nited States and Mexico. That is not the outlook at present, at all. In the tirst place, in no conceivable cir cumstances, will we tight the people of Mexico. "We are their friends and we want to help them in every way that we can to recover their rights and the govern ment and their laws, and for the pres ent 1 am going to Congress to present a special situation and seek their ap proval to meet that special situation. "It is only an Issue between this government and a person calling him self the provisional president of Mex ico, whose right to call himself such we have never recognized in any way. "So that I had a feeling of uneasi ness as 1 read the papers this morn ing, as if the country w»re getting on [l'outlnued on Page 7.] Vigorous Controversy Expected at Meeting By Associated Press Washington, D. C., April 20. A vigorous controversy is expected to develop during the annual meeting here of the Daughters of the American Revolution, which begin its sessions to-day, over the society's action last year in adopting a resolution propos ing the restoration of tne army can teen. Temperance organizations, led by the National Anti-Saloon League, ! began an active campaign to-day to have the resolution rescinded. Wil liam H. Anderson, superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League of New York, announced to-day that he had written letters to the various chapters and State organizations of the society urg ing their support In the movement. Mr. Anderson asserts that when the resolution was adopted last year many of the delegates did not realise Just what its effect would be and that its passage did not represent the real .aeiitiinent of the organization. TO PLACE SIXTEEN CLUSTER LIGHTS AT FOUR INTERSECTIONS City Council Will Receive Street Illumination Measure at To-morrow's Session An ordinance providing for the plac ing of the sixteen additional standard cluster street lights at the intersec tions of Sixth and Maclay, Third and Verbeke, Thirteenth and Market, and Thirteenth and Derry streets, will be offered in City Council to-morrow aft ernoon by Harry F. Bowman, Com missioner of Public Safety. The clustpr lights have been pro vided for in the budget. Provision has also been made for sixteen ore lights. The arc light ordinance isn't ready, Mr. Bowman said to-day, as he has not definitely determined upon the locations. Whether or not action on the curfew ordinance will be taken to-morrow is questionable, although it is possible that It may not be called up. It is on the calendar for tlnal passage. Amenil- I ments may be made or the whole measure may be put by the board. Commissioner Lynch may nominate [lra Smith and Benjamin Campbell as i sewer inspectors, and if he does, Coun [ cil will be asked to pass upon the ! names to-morrow, so that the inspec- I tors may report as early as possible for duty. Howard C. Townsend, the new as sistant city assessor, was sworn Into fContinued on Page 3] Break Ground Today For New Wesley Edifice This afternoon at 4 o'clock ground breaking exercises for the building of a new Wesley Union African Metho [ dist Episcopal Zion Church at Forster 'and Ash streets were held. The exercises were witnessed by more than 200 people. Among those who took part In the exercises were the colored clergymen from all the churches in the city. The first shovel of earth was turned in by Mrs. Hen rietta Jones, aged 99 years, the oldest member of the church. The next shovel wua turned by 11. S. Sigler, a former chairman of the board of trus tees of the Wesley (Jnlon Church. Mr. Sigler is the only surviving member who officiated at the ground-breaking exercises when the old churcli was built lnttouth street. An address was delivered by the pastor of the church, the HOY. J, Francis .Leo. , Huerta Will Not Accede to Demands of U. S. For Salute y ■ V President Wilson Lays Entire Situa tion Before Joint Session of Congress; Orders For Seizure of Tampico and Vera Cruz Expected to Be Issued Soon; Flotilla of Twenty Torpedo Boat Destroyers Will Sail For Mexican Waters This Afternoon By Associated Press Washington, D. C., April 20.—President Wilson to-day ans wered Huerta's defiance by asking Congress, assembled in joint session for approval to "use the armed forces of the United States in such ways and to such extent as may be necessary to obtain from General Huerta and his adherents the fullest recognition of rights and dignity of the United States. , The President did not ask for any appropriation of money at this time nor for authority to call out the National Guard. "There can be no thought of aggression or of selfish aggrandize ment" declared the President to the sober throng of Senators and Representatives which packed the hall of the House. According to official advices Americans in Mexico already are be ginning to leave. Officials understood that hundreds of Americans left Mexico City yesterday for Vera Cruz. The State Department through Mr. O'Shaughnessy and by direct messages from Mr. Bryan to American Consuls throughout Mexico has warned all Americans to leave. Such protection as the United States has undertaken to extend to foreigners will not be affected according to the present purpose. The diplomatic body in Washington has learned that the United States will continue to look after foreigners in Northern Mexico in the constitutionalists zone, where foreign governments have no ! consular representative. In the federal territory those governments I will continue to look after their own subjects. MAY CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS Secretary Garrison conferred with General Wood, General 1 Wotherspoon, who will become chief of staff next Wednesday, Brigadier General Crowder, Judge Advocate General, and other officials of the department. It was understood they were preparing recommendations to Congress looking to the immediate passage of 1 legislation providing for a large volunteer army. The basis of the recommendations will be the Hay bill, already passed by the House which will permit the mustering into the I United States army of militia organizations with their officers pro ! viding seventy-five per cent, of the men are willing to do so. vt 8 p. m. O'clock shan>. President- Wllson delivered Ms address to; ton uhkinu tor approval to use tin K of the United States In rS-';- l .='= zS&'xvrzs'jssß J-J-ggJS i>,OXITV , •♦Tills irovernmeiit c?aii» I ottriicst > hop? in 1 'SS , S5Stwa i !» f '...Til lluerta those who adhere <■« ncra . i,iiii support, unci our to him and k onlv to restore to the ° oV he dls «» t% republic the to set np again their own j opporimui' government. "There ean. ™ I . or of selflsh ac thought of to nin , llt „| n ! S"p >»' • STS, 'SSSTuSfCS! I for the uses whorcver else It may Ig-JSIKSS? Of man. znx dissolved this n•„ A jolnt I 'T'^sis-ssuS'Sf nt &tSs«raSi4S to*enforce the demands ui>on Vie tortano Huerta for unequivocal ,u to the government of the f «it«i States for Indignities com mittcd against this (ieneral Huerta and his represen tatives." Newspapers in Mexico .. Approve Huerta's Action Mexico City, April 20.—The news jiipvie of tlie leUeral capital to-day. 12 PAGES. * POSTSCRIPT. restricted themselves to very brief comment on the statement given out by the foreign ministry, devoting themselves chiefly to expressions of approval of the attitude taken by the Mexican government. El Imparcial declared that General lluerta had given "high proof of his discretion and loyalty. E. Pais saJd: "The Tamplco incident as a reason far war were Infamous and as a basis for the assertion of right are rediculous." It adds: "In this solemn moment serenity is the only thing that can save us, but should the time come to show ourselves patriots, it is indispen sable to unite in facing death and sec riflce with the valor of Justice." Navy Department Charters Ward Liner For Refuges Washington, D. C„ April 20.—The Navy Department to-day chartered the Ward liner Mexico now in Mexican gulf waters for a refugee ship at Tampico. The War Department took options on several ships to be used as transports. Admiral Fletcher Informed the State [Continued on Page 9.] Y An ABC Thought For the Merchant Advertising creates a desire to see the goods advertised. Advertising of a nationally distributed product in the local newspapers which are read by the people with whom you do business every day, will lead "that desire to see right to your store. It Is simply business horse sense to show the people what they want to see. In other words, when you dis play and push soods advertised In your local newspapers, you are making your store a Public Service Store in the best sense of the word. That's the A B C of the whole situation. *■