14 OR. SCOFIELD TO CONDUCT CONFERENCE Eminent Bible Scholar Will Be at Y. M. C. A. From May 3 to 10 The Rev. C. I. Scofield, 11. IX, will conduct a Spring Bible Conference to be held under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association, Second and Locust streets, in Fahnes tock Hall, May 3 to 10. On Sunday morning. May 3, Dr. Scofield will oc cupy the pulpit of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church at 10.30 o'clock. In the afternoon of the same day lie will address a great mass meeting for men only, in Fahnestoek Hall, at 3.30 • •'clock. Commencing Monday, May 4, and continuing up to and including (Sunday, May 1»«- will speak every «vening in Fahnestoek Hall, at S o'cli 'k, to the general public. The theVne for the week will be "Great Experience Chapters ot the Bible." On Sunday. May in, lie Mill occupy the pulpit of Market Square Presby terian Church, at 31 a. in. and in the afternoon of the same day will ad dress the second great mass meeting, for men only, at 3.3.0 o'clock. Dr. Scotielci is known everywhere as r>ne 0? th>> leading Bible expositors. He is the editor of the Scofield Refer ence Bible and author of "Rightly Di viding the Word ol' Truth." He has i 'sited this city again and again, under association auspices, and always with profit to h nearer.-. The Tout:a Men's Christian Asso < iation is extending the most cordial invitation i\>r all pastors, Sunday hohoe! superintendents, teachers and christian Workers to attend the ses sions, of the conference. Rev. Harvey Ivlaer at V. M. C. \.— ' Steps in the Making of a Man" will l>e the subject of an evangelistic ad dress to be given by the Rev. Harvey Klaer, pastor of Covenant Presbyterian ' 'hurch. before the Young Men's < hristian Association, Second and Lo cust streets, to-morrow afternoon at :;.;10 o'clock at the men's gospel meet ing. This will be Mr. Klaer's first talk •to tile men of the association, and he v.ill be cordially wolcomed. Tiler s'ill be an interesting praise service under the direction of the association < horister. W. H. Kautz. Familiar hymns will be sung, and everything •lone to make this meeting a most at- O'ac.'ive one. Printed matter will be distributed for the Spring Bible Con ference, to be conducted by Dr. C. I. fVofleld -lay 3 to 10. Thousands of top it! cards have been printed, and all v.ho are interested are invited to be present on this occasion, and take as many as passible for distribution. tUoors will open at 3 o'clock. St. Stephen's Delegates.—The fol lowing delegates have Men elected by St. Stephen's Protestant Episcopal ' 'hurch to attend Gie diocesan con \"niion to be held in the St. James • 'hurch, Lancaster, on June 2: Prin cipals, B. F. Meyers, James M. Lam -I'erton. G. T. Beatty and W. Hender son; alternates, I'.. F. Burns, G. A. Gorgn.s, R. Morrison atiil J. H. Alricks. C. F. Choral lJus>. —The Harrisburg Christian Endeavor Choral Union is busy rehearsing for its fifth annual sacred concert, to bi given Tuesdaj evening, May D, in \ugsburg Lutheran < hurch. The union will sing the can tata. "The Redeemer," under the di rection of Frank A. McCarreil, or ganist atid choirmaster of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church, who is the leader this season. The soloists nt the concert include Mrs. Roy G. i 'ox. soprano Mrs. H. L Hertzler, con tralto; M. D. Hollenbaugh, tenor, and < ieorge Sutton, baritone. Rehearsals ere being well attended each Thurs day evening in Market Square Presby terian Sunday School room. Church Body to Meet.—The Civic Council of Churches will meet in the Zion Lutheran Church next Tuesday evening at S o'clock. Baby of Future is Consider# Much thought has been given in late y*r» to the subject of maternity. In the cities there are maternity hospitals ♦Quipped with modem methods. But most women prefer their own homes and 5a the towns and villages must prefer i.ienu And since this is true we know from the great mar.y splendid letters written on the subject that our "Mother's 1 rlena" is a great help to expectant m-.otben. Thev write of the wonderful reiier, now It seemed to allow the muscles to expand without undue straiti what a splendid Influence It was on the nervous system. Such helps as 'Mother's Friend" and the broader knowledge of them should have a helpful Influence upon babies of the future Science says that an Infant derives its fc-nse and builds its character from <. itaneous impressions. And a tranquil inother certainly will transmit a more iiealthful influence than if she is ex tremely nervous from undue pain. This t* what a host of ->omen believe who * ;ed "Moth'r's Friend." These points are more thoroughly ex plained in & little book mailed free. "Mother's Friend" Is sold in all drug fwv ' f ° r bo £k Bradfield ltegula lor Co., 411 Lamar lildp., Atlanta. <Ja. No Limber Order Too Small tor our careful atten tion. Your order for a few pieces will be given the same consid eration that we give to orders for several car loads. Don't hesitate t<> call us up no matter how little lumber you require. United Ice & Coal Co. MAIN OFFICII Formter and Comdrn Mts. - J SATURDAY EVENING, He Has Built Up Mission to Self Supporting Parish s! jSSK& *mJMM REV. J. F. STINSON A gray-haired man with a youthful eye and an energetic mein came to Harrisburg two year;: ago as pastor to a mission church, the Church ot Christ, at Fourth and Maclny streets. At that time the Rev. J. K. Stinson found the church in debt and the membership scattered and disorgan ized. In short, the church was fall ing to pieces. What one man can accomplish in two years' time has no better exempll iieation than will be fount! In an ex amination of the work of the Jtev. Mr. Stinson. who, with his family resides at 173H Susquehanna street. The Church of Christ in Harrisburg is the only one of the denomination in the countv and hence the Heads of the church were particularly desirous of keeping it alive. So thai' called the Rev. Mr. Stinson from a pastorate at T'.l Dorado, Kansas. The wisdom of the selection is noticeable to-day. for the church, which for many years was ;i mission rhureh, largely support ed by the board of general missions, will after September lirst of this year, become a self-supporting parish." and a guaranteed income, sufficient to wipe out the church O.eiit, is assured. The LITHER \\ Zlon—The Kov. S. Wintield Her man. pastor, will preach at 10:30 a. m., subject, "Evidences of Life in ill.' Church," and at 7:30 p. m., sub ject. "What We Believe and Teach"; Sunday School. 1:45 p. m.; men's class. 1:50 p. m. men's devotional meeting, 10 a. m. Zion, Enola—The lirv. M. S. Sharp, pastor, will preach at 10:30 u. m. and 7:30 p. :n.; Sunday School, 0:30 a. m.; C. E., 6:45 p. m. Augsburg—The Rev. A. Maxwell Stumets, pastor, will preach at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday School. 2 p. m.; c. E., 0:30 p. m. Bethlehem—The Rev. ,1. Bradley Mark ward, D. D., pastor: 10:30 a. m.. "The Conclusion of a Great Argu ment"; 7:30 p. m., "Mary at the Tomb"; Sunday School, 1:45 p. m.; C. E., 6:30 p. m. Christian—The Kev. Thomas Relseh. Ph.D., pastor, will preach at 10:30 a. in., "The Unavoidable Christ" and at 7:30 p. m.. "Looking to the Hills"; Sunday School. 2 p. in.; men's class, 2 p. m.; Y. P. S. C. E„ 6:30 p. m. Trinity, Camp Hill—The Rev. Dr. E. D. Weiglo, pastor, will preach at 10:30 a. m.. "Living Christ" and at 7:30 p. m.. "The origin of Eternal Life": Sunday School, 9:15 a. m. Trinity—The Kev. R. L. Meisen helder, pastor, will preach at 10:30 ». m., "Mary Magdalene"; Sunday School, 1 p. m. and 2 p. m.; C. E.. 6:3u p. m.: 7:30 p. m., song-story serv ice. Messiah—The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, pastor, will preach at 10:30 a. m„ "The Children and the Church"; 7:30 p. m., "Two Cities." St. Matthew's—The Rev. E. E. Sny der, pastor, will preach at 10:30 a. m., "Direction": and at 7:30 p. m.. "A One Talent Man"; Sunday School, 2 p. m.; C. E., 6:30 p. in. Memorial—The Rev. L. C. Manges, D. D., pastor: Men's prayer meeting, 10 a. in.; preaching, 10:30 a. m., ""A New Name"; evening service, 7:30 p. m.. "A N'ew Song": Sunday School, 2 p. m.; Jr. Luther League, 5:30 p. m.; Sr. Luther League. 6:30 p. m. Redeemer —The Rev. E. Victor Rol and, pastor, will preach at 10:30 a. m., "The Plow Work of the King dom' : and at 7:30 p. m., "Baptism— Its Form and Meaning"; Sunday School, 9:30 a. m.; Jr. C. E., 3:15 p. m.; C. E., 6:30 p. m. Culvary—The Rev. Edward H. Paar, pastor, will preach at 11a. m., "Peter Preaching in the House of Cornelius"; and at 7:3<» p. in.. "The Resurrection of the Dead"; Sunday School. 10 a. m. MIKCIILr.XNFOts Church of Christ —The Rev. F. J. Stinson, pastor, will preach at 11 a. in., subject, "Faith"; and at 7:30 p. m.. subject. "Repentance"; Sunday School. 10 a. rn.; C. E.. 6:30 p. m. Church of the Brethren—Morning service, 11 a. in.; evening service, 7:30 p. m.: Sunday School, 10 a. m.: Christian Workers, 6:45 p. m.; mis sion Sunday School, Fourth and Ma clay streets. 3:15 p. m. The Christian and Missionary Alli ance—The liev. Wm. H. Worrall, pas tor The Sunday services in the l'u Tuberculosis Its Diagnosis, Treatment and Cure NEW TREATISE ON TUBERCULOSIS By FREEMAN HALL, RI. D. This valuable mcdlral book tell* lu plain, simrlo Isußuavr ho iv Tuberculosis can bo eun-ii til your own liome. If y.iU knoirot anyone suffering fiuin Tuberculosa. Catarrh. bronchitis. Asthma or nny throat or I'lng trouble, t,r anr yourself nfflirt.d. this book will help you. Kven If you are In the advanced >iwe o( die ill»eu«e and leel fberc Is no hope. It will Instruct you liow others, with Its alii, cured theuselves after all remedies tried had failed, and they believed their case hopeless. Write it oaet to Ike Yonkenaa Co* Roeo St, Kalamazoo, Mich., thoy will gladly send you the book by return mail FREE, and also a generous aupply of the new Treatment »b --eolutely Free. for th#y want you to have this w«>n«fernil bc-f«.ro It in too Into. Don't wait- Wilt* today. It may meau Ui. saving of your lilt church two years ago had a member ship of about 200, although, owing to the lack of system in keeping the church records, the figures are unex aet. To-day it has an enrollment of 312, with promises of future itrowth. and a membership of 200 enthusiastic attendants of the Bible school, as this denomination calls it Sunday school. Stinson as Organizer In addition, the church workers are thoroughly organized into various bodies concerning themselves with dif ferent fields of activity, these organi zations including an efficient Indies' Aid Society, Endeavor Society and a body known as the Christian Women'* Board of Missions. The Rev. Mr. Stinson was educated j for the Presbyterian ministry but never took orders in that denomina tion, having, from an investigation of the belief of Alexander Campbell, founder of the Church of Christ, adopted It as his own. The Church of Christ was founded in 1809 in the western part of the State, near Wash ington. Pa., when the Rev. Mr. Camp bell was, according to the history of the church, censured by the governing board of the Presbyterian church for i admitting to communion persons of ! other sects residing in rural districts | who desired to avail themselves of the i opportunity not otherwise presented, ilt must be remembered that church | policy a century ago was considerably narrower than at present and condi tions which gave rise to the new ' denomination would hardly be pos sible now. However, that may l>e, the new church spread rapidly and is now said to be the third largest commun ion in the United States. The Jtev. Stinson was graduated from the Uni versity of Toronto and from Knox Theological Seminary in the same city i and took a degree of D. 1). at the I Christian College, Uallas, Texas. His (Irst charge was at Bethlehem. Mo., from which place lie removed to Ce dar Kapids. lowa and then to K1 Do rado. Kansas. These three charges occupied twenty-one years of his life. llis Fourth Pastorate During his pastorate in these three 1 places he baptized 2,766 persons. The present pastorate is the fourth that the Rev. Stinson has entered on dur ing an active and earnest life, and an • Indication of his energetic methods has! already been gleaned from a perusal: of the foregoing history of what has been accomplished during his two' years' stay in Harrisburg. ture will be held in the Union Square I hall near Fourteenth street; Sunday I School. 9:45 a. m.; preaching. 10:4r. a. in.: praise service, 3 p. m. and evan-' gelistic service at 7:30 p. m. Reformed -Mennonites Preaching in Kinnard's hall, 303 Verbeke street, j Sunday at 10:30 a. m. International Bible Students' Asso ciation—The regular Sunday services will be held at 3 p. m. at Cameron's hall. 105 North Second street, subject, ! "The Cost of Discipleship;" Berean ■ study, 2 p. m. 1 A meeting for worship will be held 1 to-morrow morning at 10:30 o'clock by the members of the Society of i Friends at their headquarters, 319 North Second street. Full Gospel Assembly—The Rev. Andrew L. Fraser. pastor, 926 North Sixth street: Meetings, Sunday at I 2:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. METHODIST Fifth Street —The Rev. B. H. Hart; praise meeting, 9.30 a. m.; 10.30 a. m., "The Model Church"; 7.30 p. m., "A Soldier's Dream"; Sunday school, 2 p. m.; Junior League, 3 p. m.; Ep worth League, 6.30 p. m. Grace —The Rev. J. I>. Fox, D. D.; 10.30 a. m„ "The Dream That Came True"; 7.30 p. in., "The Grace of Hope"; class meeting, 9.30 a. m.; Sun day school and Men's Bible Class, 1.45 p. m.; Epworth League, 6.45 p. m. Stevens Memorial—The Rev. Dr. 'Clayton Albert Sinucker; 10.30 a. m., , "The Kingdom of God—Where and What?" 7.30 p. m.. "Delilah, the Wicked Woman"; class meeting, ?.30 а. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. m.; Senior * and Intermediate Epworth Leagues. б.30 p. rn. Ridge Avenue—The Rev. John B. Daughc-rty; 10.30 a. m., "A Message , for Everybody"; 7.30 p. m.. "Absn.- i lom —The Wayward," third in a series of sermons on "Character Studies'; Sunday school, 2 p. in.: Epworth ; League, 6.30 p. m.; class meeting, 9 | a. m. St. Paul's—The Rev. Robert W. Runyan; preaching, 10.30 a. m., by the ltev. Mr. Weidenhammer, of the I Church of God; 7.30 p. m.. by the Rev. Charles Dyler, of the United Brethren | Church; Sunday school, 1.45 p. m.; ! Epworth League, 6.45 p. m.. j Bethel—The Rev. U. G. Leeper, D. D.; 10.30 a. ni., "The Food of ! Man"; 7.30 p. m„ "The Consolation jof God"; Sunday school, 1 p. m. j West Falrvlew Charge—The-Rev. S. B. Bid lack; preaching, at Marysville. 1 10.30 a. m.; Summerdale, 3 p. m.; | West Falrvlew. 7.30 p. in.. I'KKSBYTERIAN Calvary—The Rev. Harry B. King, pastor, will preach at lu: 15 a. m.; Sunday School, y a. m.; at 7:30 p. m., ithe choir will sing the cantata, "The , Risen King," by Schnecker, under the | direction of the organist, J. Herbert : .Springer. Pine Street The Rev. Lewis S. , Mudge, 1). D.; preaching, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, junior department 1.30, senior department , 1.40 p. m..; C. K., G. 45 p. m. Olivet—The Rev. Francis H. preaching, 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m„ Iby the Rev. J. Harold Wolf: Sunday 'school, 2.30 p. m.; C. E„ 6.30 p. m. I Westminster—The Rev. E. E. Cur tis; 10.30 a. m„ "The Secret of Con tentment"; 7.a0 p. m., "The Cost of I'iseipleship"; Sunday .school, 1.40 p. in.; C. E., t>.45 p. in. Bethany—The Rev. John M. War den; ".30 p. m., "The Books Opened"; Sunday school, 9 a. m.; C. E.. 6.40 •p. m. Market Square—The Rev. J. Ritchie Smith, pastor, will exchange with the l Rev. L»r. John E. Tuttle, of York. CHURCH OF GOD ' Maclay Street The Rev. Jay C. iKorncrook: preaching, 11 u. m. and ! " SO p. in.; Sunday school, 9.45 u. m.;; i Men's Bible Class, 9.45 a. m.; Senior I and Junior P. E„ 6.30 p. m. j Wormleysburg—The Rev. G. W. Qetz; 7.30 p. in., "Pressing Forward"; Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.; Junior 'C. E., 6.15 p. m.; Senior C. E., 6.45 p. in. Fourth Street The Rev. William iX. ates; 10.30 a. in., "Remembering What Jesus Said "; 7.30 p. ni., "Im iportance of Action"; Junior C. E., 3 [p. m.; Senior and Intermediate C E | 6.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 1.40 p. m. " CHRISTIAN SCIENCE . First Church of Christ, Scientist ! Board of Trade hall: Sundav, 11 a! !m. und 7:30 p. m., subject, "Doctrine tof Atonement"; testimonial meeting, Wednesday 8 p. m.; free reading i rooms, Kunkel bldg., 1:30 to 5 p. m. 1 daily, also Monday and Saturdii* evenings. Hafjrisburg i£3£& TELEGRAPH BEAUTIFUL WOMEN 1 —*y upon I I '"' 1 ~~ (Signed) PILAR MORIN." J J //L CXA' / \ The fact that leading Parisian women pre- S. fer NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE is certainly I conclusive evidence of its superiority. Beautiful, glossy hair, inil of snap and life, is just as The only rational remedy for this purpose is Newliro's essential to a beautiful face as is the frame around a beau- Herpieide, the original germ-remedy for dandruff. In addl- ' tiful picture. tion to this, it is the most exquisite hair dressing in the Nature does not permit every woman to have a great or world, for no other substance tends to beautify the hair ua ' unusual abundance of hair, but every woman who has rea- j does Herpieide. sonably good health may have beautiful hair It, she will . __ . TTm .. give it some care and attention. A TRUE BEAUTY TEST FOR WOMEN Kirst of all she must constantly strive to keep it free i 1 from the invisible, vegetable growth (the dandruff conta- | Just begin the intelligent use of Herpieide in secret and see ■ gion) that causes dull, brittle and lusterless hair with, | how Quickly your friends will notice the improvement in < later, dandruff, itching scalp and falling hair. I your hair. ! Herpieide contains no grease. It will not dye or darken the hair. Stops Itching of the scalp. Send 10 cents in stamps to THE HERPICIDE COMPANY. Dept. 1058, Detroit. Michigan, for sample and booklet. " Two sizes—so cents anil SI.OO. Sold and guaranteed at all Toilet Goods Counters. Wlien you call for HERPICIDE ?• do not accept a substitute. Applications at prominent Barber Shops. KENNEDY'S MEDICINE STORE, Special Agent. UNITED BRETHREN First—The Rev. J. T. Spangi* ; Preaching, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; ' Sunday school ,1.45 p. m.; C. E., 6.45 ; p. m. Utterbeln The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp. 10.30 a. m.. That Thirst": 7.30 p. ni., "A New Religious Era"; Sunday school, 2 p. m.; C. E., j 6.30 p. m. St. Paul's, Wormleysburg—The Rev. J. R. Hutchison will preach at 10.45 a. in. and Professor Sprenkle at 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.; Jr. C. E., 5.45 p. m.; Sr. C. Sixth Street —The Rev. P. Hummel Balsbaugh. Praise service, 9.45 a. m.: Sabbath school, 1.45 p. m.: Jr. C. E., 5.45 p. m.: Sr. C. E., 6.30 p. m.; 10.30 a. m., "What For the Master?"; 7.30 p. m., "Balance Sheet of Faith"; Sat urday evening prayer meeting at the home of Mr. Weaver, 2324 Jefferson street. EIHSCOPAL St. Stephen's The Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer: holy communion, 8 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon by the Rev. Arthur H. Taylor, of York, 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. m.; even ing prayer and sermon, 7.30. St. Paul's —The Rev. Floyd Apple ton, rector: Holy communion at 8 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon .it 11 a. m.; Sunday School, 2:30 p. m.; [evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 :p. m. ; St. Augustine's—The Rev. W. Bur ' ton Suthern, Jr., rector: 11 a. m., 'morning prayer and sermon: 12: JO jp. m., Sunday School. REFORMED Second —The Rev. Ilarry Nelson ißassler. 10.30 a. in., "An Easter Mes sage"; 7.50 p. ni., "No More Death"; !Sunday school, 1.45 p. m.; Y. P. S. C. | E., 6.30 p. m. I Fourth— The Rev. Homer Skyles ; May. Preaching, 10.45 a. m. and 7.30 | p. m.; Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.; Heid lelburg C. E.. 6.30 p. m. I St. Matthew's, Enola—The Rev. W. ,R. Hartzell, pastor, will preach at j 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; holy com !milnton; Sunday School, 9:45 h. m. ; Reformed —-The Rev. Ellis N'. IKremer, pastor, will preach at 10:30 ia. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday School, 1:30 p. m.; Young Peoples' service, 6:45 p. m. BAPTIST Market Street —The Rev. W. H. Dallman, pastor, will preach at 10:30 :a. in. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday School, ! 2 p. m. 1 First —The Rev. W. S. iiooth. 10.30 a. m., "How to Win For Christ"; 7.30 Ip. m., "How to Be Won to Christ"; ! Sunday school. 11.30 a. m. Second The Rev. Albert Josiah Greene. 10.30 a. m., "Godly Desires For the Church"; 7.30 p. m.. "The Blessedness of Returning to God"; Sunday school, 12 m.; B. Y. P. U., 6 p. m. St. Paul's —The Rev. E. Luther Cun ningham. 10.30 a. in.. "Unparalleled Love"; 7.30 p. m.. "The 'Great Ques tion"; Sunday school, 12.30 p. m.; B. Y. P. U., 6.30 p. m. West End —The Rev. W. W. Clip pinger. 7.30 p. m., "Son Go Work To-day in My Vineyard"; Sunday school, 10.30 a. ni.; Young People's meeting, 6.45 p. m. UNITED BRETHREN State Street —The Rev. E. A. G. Bassler, pastor, will preach at 10:45 a. m., "Running the Race"; and at 7:30 p. m., "Believing Is Seeing"; Sun day School, 9:30 a. m.; Jr. C. E., 6 p. m.; Y. P. S. C. E„ 6:30 p. m. UNITED EVANGELICAL Harris Street—Communion services 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday .School, 2 V- m., K. L. C. E, 6:40 p. m. ( METHODIST EPISCOPAL Curtin Heights—The Rev. A. S. Wil liams, pastor: Class meeting, 9:30 a. m.; sermon, "A Model First Cen tury Christian," 10:30 a. m.; Sunday School, 2 p. m.; Epworth service, 6:30 p. m.; evening service, ''The Six Books, ' 7:30 p. m. Wesley Union —The Rev. J. Francis Lee, pastor, will preach at 10:45 a. m., "Triumph Over Sin"; and at 7:45 p. m., "Evidences of the Divine Pres ence"; Sunday School, 12:45; C. E., 6:15 p. m.; People's Forum, 3 p. m. Epworlh—The Rev. J. D. W. Dea vor, pustor, will preach at 10:30 a. m., "Knowing the Power of Christ's Resurrection ; class meeting, 9:30 a. m.; Sunday School, 2 p. 111.; Junior League, 3 p. m.; Epworth service, 6:30 p. m.; revival services, 7:30 p. m. Nagle Street —The Rev. C. S. Rice, pastor, will preach at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday School, 1:30 p. m.; C. E., 6:45 p. m. Pleasant View —The Rev. George W. Harper, pastor: Sunday School, 10 a. m.; preaching, 11 a. m., "What Is a Christian?" Jr. C. E., 5 p. m.; Sr. C. E, 6:30 p. m.; preaching, 7:30 p. ir.., | "The Attaining of the Great Good." I Green Street —The Rev. C. N. Grove, •pastor, will preach at 10:30 a. m., "The Church's Supreme Work": and |at 7:30 p. m., "Footprints of a Chris tian Statesman"; Sunday School, 2 p. m.; C. E., 6:30 p. m. PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL | St. Andrew's—The Rev. James F. I Bullitt, rector: Holy communion, 8 ,a. m.; morning prayer, litany and ser mon, 10:30 a. m.; Sunday School, 12 m.; evening prayer and sermon, "The Latter Part of Christ's Earthly Life," illustrated with lantern slides, 7:30 p. ni. Mt. Calvary, Camp Hill—The Rev. O. H. Brldgman, rector-in-charge: Sunday School, 9:15 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon. 10:30 a. m. | St. Chrysostom's, New Market—The Kev. O. H. Bridgman, rector-in charge: Sunday School, 2 p. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 3:30 p. m. PLOUGH-WORK OF KINGDOM TO liL TOLD IN SERMON The Rev. E. Victor Roland, pastor of the Redeemer Lutheran Church, will preach two special sermons to morrow. In the morning the sermon will be addressed in a special way to .ill members received into the church during the present pastorate, the sub ject being "The Plough-Work of the Kingdom." In the evening the sub ject will be "Baptism: Its Form and Meaning." The Rev. Mr. Roland assumed the pastorate of this church in the summer of 1910, coming Here from the Get tysburg Theological Seminary. During his ministry the church has been built up and strengthened In every way. There were received into church fel lowship during this time 174 adult members and there were baptized 64 children. The future prospects are most encouraging. "CHANCING IT" IS SUBJECT OF.REV. MR. KING'S ADDRESS "Chancing It" is the subject of the Rev. Harry B. King's address at the "Pleasant Sunday Afternoon" meeting of the Allison Hill Men's Christian Association in Lenney's Theater, 5 South Thirteenth street, to-morrow. The meeting will open at 3.30 o'clock with the customary song serv ice, the words of the gospel hymns be ing thrown on the picture screen. Stewart Black will be at the piano and the singing will be led by the secre tary, R. F Webster. * E. F. Weaver, president, will preside at the regular service, beginning at 3.45, and con duct the devotional exercises, the meeting closing at 4.45 o'clock. PEKACH ENDS AT SUNSET Pesach, the festival of the Jewish Passover which was observed by Jews all over the world the past week will end this evening at sunset. APRIL 18, 1914. Preach Sunday's Sermon on "Moral Leper" "Billy" Sunday's sermon on "The Moral Leper" will be repeated at the Tabernacle Baptist Church, Sixth and Forster streets, to-morrow night by the pastor, the Rev. J. Wallace Green. The entire program for Sunday evening at this church will be on the "Billy" Sunday order. Campaign hymns will be sung and a special invi tation is extended to men to attend. The service starts at 7.3 0 o'clock. In the morning at 10.30 o'clock the Rev. J. Wallace Green will have as his topic "The Coming of the Kingdom." EASTER CANTATA ' The following Easter cantata will be rendered to-morrow evening at 7.30 o'clock at the Calvary Lutheran Church: Introduction, chorus, "This Is the Day which the Lord Hath Made;" "The Story," chorus of men; "As It Began to Dawn," trio, women's voices. "With Loving Hearts and Laden Hands;" recitative, men, "Then Went They Out Quickly and Fled;" chorus. "Weeping for Him;" solo, "They Have Taken Away My Lord," Mrs. Green: recitative, men and wom en, "And When She Had Thus Said;" chorus, "O Grave. Where Is Thy | Victory?" chorus, "Unto Him Who 1 Hath Loved Us." VESTRY ORGANIZES The St. Paul's Episcopal vestry or ganized last evening at the church. jW. E. Anwyll was elected as church I warden and secretary and Richard M. H. Wharton was elected as rector's I warden and treasurer. The following delegates were elected to attend the Diocesan convention which meets in Lancaster June 2-4: Crosby Miller, E. C. Lamey, Richard M. H. Wharton, James C. Kellogg, S. Wirt Mosser and I J. R. I>ane. CAMPBELL TO TALK ! To-morrow afternoon at 1:50 | o'clock Dr. E. E. Campbell, teacher. I will speak to the men's organized | Bible class of Zion's Lutheran Sunday School on "The Cost of Disclpleship, jWhat It Means, What It Involves and jWhat It Requires." CATHOLIC CALENDAR j Sunday, 19 —Low Sunday. [Monday, 20—St. Agnes Mt. Pule. I Tuesday, 21—St. Auselm. [Wednesday, 22— SS. Soter and Cajus. Thursday, 23— St. George. I Friday, 24— St. Fidelis. i Saturday, 25— St. Mark Evangelist. 1 > No Votes For Women!' You Are Cordially Invited to Attend the Sessions of Pennsylvania Anti-Suffrage Convention Y. M. C. A. HALL Thursday, April 30th, 1914 Afternoon 2:30 Evening 8:15 Addresses by Able Speakers at Both Sessions CATHOLIC Cathedral—Mgr. M. M. Hassett; low mass, 7 a. m.: children's muss, !» a. m.; high mass, 10:30 a. m.; Sunda> School, 2:30 p. m.; vespers and bene diction, 7:30 p. m. St. Lawrence's—The Rev. P. D. Huegel; low mass, S a.m.; high mass, 10 a. m.; Sunday School, 2:30 p. m.; vespers and benediction. 3:30 p. m. St. Franci's—The Rev. D. J. Carey; low mass, 8 a. m.; high mass, 10 a. m.: Sunday School, 2:30 p. m.; vespers and benediction, 7:30 p. m. Sacred Heart—The Rev. William Y Dailey; low mass, 8 a. m.; high mass, 10 a. m.; Sunday School, 2 p. m.; ves pers and benediction, 7:30 p. m. St. Mary's—The Rev. John O'Don nell; low mass, S a. m.; high mass. 10 a. m.; Sunday School, 2 p. m.; ves pers and benediction, 7:30 p. m. Sylvan Heights Home for Orphan Girls—Low mass and benediction, a. m. IN THE CHURCHES —The Rev, E. Victor Roland; parj tor of Redeemer Lutheran, will preach two sermons.Sunday specially designed for recently admitted members. —The Rev. C. F. Raach, Mechan icsburg, will speak at a men's mass meeting at Camp Hill Church of God Sunday afternoon. ! —The Rev. Dr. J. Ritchie Smith, i pastor of the Market Square Presby i terian Church, and the Rev. Dr. John I E. Tuttlc, of York, will exchange pul ' pits to-morrow. j —The Rev. Mr. Weidenhelmer, oi the Church of God, and the Rev. Charles Oyler, United Brethren, will I till the ltev. Robert W. Runyan's pulpit at St. Paul's Methodist to-mor row, morning and evening, respect ively. Dr. Runyan is on a fortnight's vacation. i —The Rev. J. Harold Wolfe, ot j Dillsburg, will have charge of both : services at Ulivet Presbyterian. I —"Steps in the Making of a Man ' | will be the subject of an evangelistii ' address by the Rev. Harvey Klaer, of Covenant Presbyterian, berore th« ' Young Men's Christian Association to morrow afternoon. A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism, whether muscular or of the Joints, sciatica, lumbagis, backache, pains in the kidneys oi neuralgia pains, to write to her for • home ; treatment which has repeatedly cured all ol 1 these tortures. She feels it her duty to send I it to all sufferers FREE. You euro yoursell at home as thousands will testify—no Changs ef climate being necessary. This simple discovery banishes uric acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened Joints, purifies the blood and brightens the eyes, giving elasticity and tone to the whole system. If the aboTc interests yon, for proof address Mrs. M. , Summers, Box B. Notre Dame, lad.
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