Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 18, 1914, Page 12, Image 12

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4v * 1 j 1 ' J ' * T * 1 r r— r■« >» " r— ■■—< *-> —r f~ —t w » r -y
T«« \ /) UIaMEP
d»mner j. | >/y ir5?JBl ywourt;l CoMMBN °to tree commission. I LOVE THE.
J v ' (any one of- vi~) bffig SoY prow a L \*, COWS AN* \
e p - at «"■<«• T •'•' ,<
oft- '' w (< * * **'*
Waynesboro, Pa., April IS. The
first presentation ol' the historical pa
geant, "Men and Maids of U. S. A.,"
under the efficient training of Miss
llookwalter, of Harrisburg, was given
Thursday and last evening- in the High
School auditorium before one of the
New Series of Building and
Loan Association Stock
The Franklin Building and Loan Association of Harrisburg, Pa., is
row issuing stock in a new series., Shares can now be taken at the
office of the treasurer, S. W. Fleming, No. 26 North Third street. This
association has been doing a successful business for twenty-six years.
Shares can be cancelled at any time; and interest at six per cent, will
be paid on all cancelled stock that is one or more years old.
J. H. MUSSER, Secretary
Beautiful Suburban Home For Sale
At Duncannon
Handsome home within 5 minutes' walk of station, in best
part of borough, frame residence, twelve rooms, y 2 acre of
ground, beautiful trees and shrubbery. Immediate possession.
PRICE, $2,500
R. JONES RIFE, Duncannon, Pa.
S ONI Y one Dickens Set Like This! g
I * One Place to Get It!
S Dickens is an author you are not content with reading once. You 5
read him again and again. His pages are so crowded with interesting 5
? characters of all types that you hate to take leave of them. You want Q
X to meet them once more. The truth is you can't "take in" Dickens at X
5 one reading. The plot Is so exciting that you rush through the story. £
3 and then go back anil read it nil over again, to enjoy its wonderful dla- 8
0 logue and vivid descriptions. X
? Siy Vnlump Saf More Than 3 ' ooo Pa « e " of I
1 01X oet Lasting Entertainment. |
I The Harrisburg Telegraph I
Invites you to visit tt« office and sec for yourself the
jj Six Volumes of This Imported Edition |
| To-day s the Time to Clip the Library Coupon 5
Printed on Page 2
I largest and most appreciative audi
! ences that has gathered there in a long
I time. The play was given for the bene
j tit of the Young Women's Bible Class
of the Lutheran Church. At the oon-
I elusion of the performance Thursday
! evening, members of the cast present
i ed Miss Bookwalter with a bouquet of
| La France roses.
Dean of City M usicians
Speaks of Choral Forming
Tells of Hard Work That Was Necessary
to Organize Singers
Some facts that even members of)
'the Harrisburg Choral Society them-j
;selves perhaps didn't know were un-j
! wound in a speech before the society
Monday night by J. H. Kurzenknabe,
dean of Harrisburg musicians. Mem
bers applauded it to the echo. Here
jit is:
ll> J. 11. Kur/.enknabc
| Harrisburg is proud of her choral i
• society, und well she may be. To or-;
ganize a musical society like the one j
before which 1 have the pleasure of
making this address is more than the |
work of a few hours. No; it needs i
time, sacrifice, hard work, financial'
and influential aid; indeed it could
scarcely be maintained successfully.
without these prerequisites.
The two best musical organizations
of former times in Harrisburg were
the Thursday Club, under the direction |
of Professor Carrol, and the Mozart
Society .which started a little later.;
! when Professor Rich came from the |
j South to become Us director. 1 must.
confess that these two splendid socie
i ties of our city begot a little rivalry, 1
! which finally came to considerable:
1 discord. Xow, while we have to treat j
lof discord in music, in order to learn I
I what harmony is. by too much of it 1
we forget harntony. Both these so
jcieties soon ceased to exist and Har- J
risburg for a short time was without |
any musical organization as far as
! vocal music is concerned, except tliatj
jof church choirs, and what delight'
was furnished music lovers through |
I private gatherings.
j 1 have here a roll and resolution of;
tthe Harrisburg Board of Trade in 1593 j
'preceding the yearly meeting of the
j Pennsylvania State Music Teachers' j
I Association, which was then to be held j
jin Scranton, inviting that body to ;
| come here in 1 894, and hold their ses
sions in the Opera House. As this so-j
ciety was endeavoring to induce the
• legislature to include music in the cur- j
riculums required in all State schools, l
it Was set forth as nn inducement to I
j the association to come here, that the.
I Legislature would at that time be in j
I session. The invitation was accepted,
: and I was elected to the presidency I
| for that year (1894.)
The association had planned a three i
; days' session with a chorus to be j
I formed out of Harrisburg talent to j
j conclude the last evening. Come home I
; from Scranton, the work commenced I
ito gather the chorus. Discord I]
| thought only meant harmony misun
-1 derstood. But no Harrisburg man
f \
Pine Street Property
For Sale
IS room* and it lintli roomN. Plot,
120x105. C"lt> nttiiiii heat. I hnrouiih
ly cleQueil, |»a|ie r«»«l im«t pniutvil
throughout. \«w
Bell Realty Co.
RKIU-M-'.K 111 II.IM No.
t t
r >
Life is too short for !
worries there's too j
much to enjoy to give
them even scant half
When you need help, '
or have a want nnful- j
1 ell the telephone
—Bell 2040. Cumberland
20.3—WANT ADS.
J i
could have united the singers. I knew
l>r. W. \V. Gilchrist, but how to ln
duce him to take hold was a problem
that was solved only after four trips
to Philadelphia.
(innip Was Won
The game_was practically won; for
when some Ilarrlsburg friends who
had refused to join learned that the
notable leader, Dr. Gilchrist, had been
engaged, they told me that they could
not afford to stay out of the chorus.
The Rev. Dr. Chambers 1 knew as a
friend of music, and he was prevailed
upon to become the chairman of the
chorus and later of the reception
committee. Amid the enthusiasm that
followed it was practically an easy
task to form the choral society. The
Harrisburg singers with few excep
tions fell in lino.
The great leader became so beloved
| that year after year he was chosen
until now health will not permit him
Ito continue and he withdraws.
1 am so glad that your choice for
a successor has fallen upon Dr. AVolle
whom I had the pleasure to learn to i
know and admire in Philadelphia, in |
i Heading, Bethlehem and ' Allentown, |
i and 1 perceive that his inspiration has |
i already caught the muse's. I will;
| prophecy that he, together with Pro- j
lessor Decevee at the piano will endear l
j themselves more and more as the
; years pass. Then your management,
from president down to stage hand,
i deserves the highest praise. I will add
that without the splendid encourage
ment from the singers, the Board of
Trade, the city officials and advisors
the society could not have been or
i ganized.
Church People Working For
Evangelistic Campaign
Sjaiiif to The Telegraph
I Mechaniesburg, Pa., April 18.—The
' Rev. Dr. J. L. Grimm, pastor of the
(First United Brethren Church in
| Waynesboro, and the Rev. Dr. O. C.
j Roth, pastor of the Lutheran Church
iln Chambersburg, addressed a mass'
j meeting last evening in the Church
| of God in an effort to interest the peo
: pie here in an evangelistic campaign
jto be held next Fall. A union of all
! the churches is desired before an ae
j tive effort is put forth. It was decided
|by a rising vote of the congregation
to go ahead with the plans and ar
j range with an evangelist.
1,500 Attend Minstrel
Show For Hershey Club
Special to The Telegraph
Hershey, Pa., April 18.—Last even
ting au audience of over 1,500 people
crowded the Park Theater to witness
.lie great "Four Paws and Hind Paws
American Minstrel Show." The show
was given under the auspices of the
I Hershey Men's Club, with J. M. Bran
ilau its general manager and K. J.
. I\r&us* ae costume and stage direc
tor The entire program was well
i rendered and the costumes were
1 , novel. One thousand souvenir pro
! grams had been printed for the occa
sion and were sold for tive cents each.
They were beautifully illustrated with
views of the club's doings during the
i year.
Founder of D. A. R. Is
Dead in Wilkes-Barre
! Wilkesbarre, Pa. Ajiril 18.—.Mrs.
Katharine Searle Mot'nrtney, aged
77, died here at midnight of compli
cations. She was the widow of the
late General William H. McCartney.
I prominent attorney and formerly a
newspaper man of New York Clj'.
Mrs. McCartney was prominent in
! patriotic organizations and was for 2"
! years regent of Wyoming Valley
• Chapter, Daughters of American Ke
j volution, of which she was the nat
| ional and local founder, and was also
! one of the most prominent genolo
: gists in the United States.
Special to The Telegraph
Meehanlcsburg, Pa., April 1 B..—Last
levelling the Woman's Club held its un
[ nual election of oilicers at the home
jof the president, Miss Grace NVitmer,
with the following result:
President. Mrs. Samuel E. Bashore;
lirst vice-president. Mrs. L. G. Flre-
Istine; second vice-president. Miss
Katharine Wheelock; secretary, Miss
1 Grace Witmer; treasurer, Mrs. E. A.
Burnett: directors, Mrs. John T. Lamb,
Miss Ida O. Kast, Mrs. 11. 11. Thomas,
Mrs. George Fulton.
Miss Ida G. Kast as delegate and
I Miss Catherine Keefei; as alternate
were elected to the Central Pennsyl
' vania conference of Federated Wo
man's Clubs, to be held in Bock Haven
on Ma 20. Mrs. 11. Hall Sharp and
■ Mis? Violet Fhrteh Joined the club as
I active .members,'
Motherhood the Basis of Story on
Which "Blindness of Virtue"
Is Formed
>" • r
. % J? : >
> _ ■ ■■' ■ w 1
& nPSR '"V ■:" •
H t flHlPr^jr*
> (
"The Blindness of Virtue" is the
title of one of the most discussed and
at the same time one of the few plays
on a new and daring theme to receive
the endorsement of the cultured peo
ple. It will be at the Majestic thea
ter Monday and Tuesday with a Tues
day matinee.
The play comes at a time when the
subject is being discussed. that a girl
budding into womanhood should re
ceive proper instruction from her
mother in the sacred and beautiful
obligation of motherhood, and that
girls just out of short dresses should
be enlightened upon sex relationship
that they may be adequately equipped
to fight all the dangers that may be
set them. "The Blindness of Virtue"
is the first play to deal with this sub
ject in a firm and vigorous way, point
ing out to parents by example intro
duced in characterization, the obliga
tion they owe their children to in
struct them in an enlightened man
ner on this important question. The
subject is understood to be dealt with
delicately but frankly which it should
be if it is dealt with at all.
Harrisburg, Pa., April 6, 1914.
ceived by the Board of Trustees at the
Hospital until 10 o'clock A. M., May 5,
1914, to furnish all needed supplies to
the Pennsylvania Lunatic Hos
pital, for the year beginning Jure 1,
1914 Blank forms for proposals will
be furnished on q
THE annual meeting of the Paxtang
Cemetery Association will be held in
the oflie'e of th.> eemetery between the
hours of 2 and 3 P. M„ on Monday. 27th
April, 1914. UKUJ ETT LAWSON,
i THE Harris Building and Loan Asso
ciation will meet at the Commercial
Bank, at 8 P. M„ April 20. 1914 for the
nomination of officers and directors
and the transaction of other business.
The annual election will be held at th*
same place at S P. M. on May 18.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters
'of Administration in the estate of As
ide M. Blocher, late of Harrlsburg,
Bauphiri County, Pennsylvania, deceas
ed have been granted to the under
signed. All persons indebted to said
estate are requested to make payment,
land those having claims will present
i the same without delay, to
2229 Penn Street,
Or to .. . City.
HENRY E. FOX, Atorney,
No. 2 North Court Street, City.
I NOTICE is hereby given that appli
cation will be made to the Harrlsburg
(•lull on the 18th day of May, 1914, by
I the Harrisburg Light and Power Com
pany for the issuance to It of duplicate
I Certificate of Indebtedness of said
I Harrisburg Club, numbered 96, In the
sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars,
original certificate of like number and
amount having been issued to the Har
rlsburg Steam Heat and Power Com
pany and became lost or mislaid.
Spring City. April 16. 1914.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv
ed by the Board of Trusties of the
Kastcrn Pennsylvania State Institution
for the Feeble-minded & Epileptic, at
tile .Superintendent's oflice. Spring; Citv,
Chester County. until KI.KVEX
11111, for the construction of Buildings
"H" and "I," and for the heating, the
plumbing, and the electric lighting for
the same, in accordance with the plans
and specifications of the Hoard prepar
ed by Philip H. Johnson. Architect.
Plans, specifications ami blank forms
for bids '.U.11 lie obtained from tile
Architect, 1821 l„and Title Building i
APRIL 18, 1914.
Bids should be addressed "To the
Building Committee of the Board of
Trustees," and will be opened and read
in the presence of bidders at the Su
perintendent's office, at Spring City, at
eleven o'clock A. M. on the day above
No bids will be considered unless ac
companied by certified check or guar
anty bond as per specifications.
The Board of Trustees reserves the
right to reject any or all bids as it may
deem best for the interest of the Com
Chairman, Building Committee.
Harrisburg, Pa., April 9, 1914.
*140.004). /O 4 PER ('EXT. CITY lIOMIS
OF THKCITV UK II Alllt lSlll'lMi. I' A.
SEALED PROPOSALS will he receiv
ed at the office of the undersigned in
the City of Harrisburg, Pa., until April
20, 1914, at 3 o'clock P. M., for the pur
chase of $140,000.00 4 per cent, coupon
city bonds in the denomination of
$1,000.00, 'ated March 1. 1914, consist
ing of ten series from "A" to "J" inclu-
I slve, series "A" for $50,000.,0 , maturing
March 1, 1949, and one seiies maturing
annually thereafter In alphabetical
order for $10,000; interest payable at
the office of the City Treasurer on the
first day of March and September in
each year.
Bonds will be engraved under the
j supervision of and certified to as to
; their genuiness by the I'nlted States
| Mortgage and Trust Company, of New
! York City, and the legality approved by
i John G. Johnson, Esquire, of Philadel
phia, Pa., whose opinion as to legality
I or duplicate thoreof will be delivered to
I the purchaser.
I Each proposal must be accompanied
Iby cash, or certified check, payable to
; the order of the Citv Treasurer of Har
i rlsburg, Pa., for two per cent, of the
. par value of the bonds wanted.
Delivery of the bonds to he made at
the office of the City Treasurer, Har
risburg. Pa., on or about May 15, 1914.
No bids considered for less than par
and accrued interest from March 1
1914, to date of delivery.
The right is reserved to reject any
or all bids. For printed form of pro
oosal and circular of particulars, ad-
Iress the undersigned.
Superintendent Accounts and Finance.
NOTICE is hereby given that applica
tion will be made to the Governor of
Pennsylvania, on Monday, April 27, 1914,
under the provisions of an Act of As
sembly, entitled "An Act to Provide for
the Incorporation and Regulation of
Certain Corporations," approved April
29, 1874, and the Supplements thereto,
for a charter of an intended corpora
tion, to be called SHEARER REALTY
COMPANY, the character and object of
which is the purchasing, selling, leas
ing, holding, improving and developing
of real estate, and for these purposes
to have, possess and enjoy all the
rights, powers, benelits and privileges
by said Act of Assembly and its sup
plements conferred.
SEALED BIDS will be received by the
undersigned, at the County Controller's
Office, in Harrisburg, Pa., until 12
o'clock noon. Wednesday, April 22, 1914,
and opened immediately thereafter by
the County Commissioners, for the
making of certain changes and altera
tions at the Dauphin County Prison,
according to plans and specifications
on file in the County Commissioner's
A certified check in favor of the
County Commissioners equal to ten per
cent. (10 per cent.) of the amount of the
bid must accompany each proposal.
The Commissioners reserve the right
to reject any or all bids.
County Controller.
K*tate of Knymond U .Stewart, Derranrd
■ BY virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court, of Dauphin County, there will be
exposed to public sak- at trie Court
House, in the City of Harrisburg. Pa.,
on Wednesday, the 29th day of April. A.
D. 1914, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of
said day, the following tract of land:
Beginning at stones at a point on the
south side of the Schuylkill and t-us
jmiehanna Railroad, thirty (.10) feet
; fro in the center line of said railroad;
! tnenee north sixty-two degrees and
forty-nine minutes (62 degrees, I'J mtn
utes) east, and parallel with said rail
road thirteen hundred twelve (1.312)
feet to a point; thence south twenty
seven degrees eleven minutes (27 de
grees. 11 minutes) east, a distance ot
sixty-three (63) .eet to a point; thenco
by a remaining part of this tract, south
eighty-four degrees eleven minutes <B4
degrees. 11 minutes) east four hundred
seventeen (117) feet to a point; thence
by same north seventy-seven degrees
forty-nine minutes <77 degrees, 49 min
utes), east four hundred forty-nine
(119) feet to a point; thence by same
north eighty-one degrees thirty min
utes <Bl degrees, 30 minutes) east three
hundred fifty-five (355) feet to a point;
t thonce by same north sixty-six degrees
j forty-five minutes (66 degrees, 45 min
| utes) east six hundred two (602) feet
to a point; thence by same north slxty
! four and one-fourth degrees (64>4 de-
Igrees, east seven hundred forty (740)
( f»et to a point; thence along the Kllen
! dale Forge Tract south twenty-six de
grees fifteen minutes (26 decrees, 15
To LIVE is to live in Bellevue
Park—worthy of consideration
by home and investment seeker.
Union Real Estate Investment Co.
Park Sate* Offleei 21>t ami Market Street*.
City Male* Offleei Sreoad Floor, Miller Hro* A Neefo,
Hell Phone 3SBI.
minutes) east six hundred forty-tT
(642) feet to stones; thence south lift
six degrees fourteen minutes (66 d
grees, 14 minutes) west twenty-s
hundred seventeen (2,617) feet to
hickory; thenee by the .lolin Hell tra
fifty-nine degrees forty-live mlnut
(59 degrees, 45 minutes) west sixte
hundred seventy-two ( 1,672) feet
stones; thence by the John Gaymi
tract eight degrees forty-eight mlnut
(S degrees, 4S minutes) west fourtei
hundred fifty-four (1,454) feet to
white oak; thence by the same nor
nine degrees twenty-three minutes
degrees, 23 minutes) west one hundr
seventy three (173) feet, to the pla
of beginning. Containing ono hundr
three (103) acres and one hundred (10
perches. Together with the use of
private road leading from a point in t
public road from Dauphin to Ellenda
I' orge, to land herein.
Having thereon erected a dwellii
house and barn.
Terms of sale—Ten per cent, of t
purchase money on day of sale; 15 p
cent, on the day of the confirmation
the sale by the Court, and the ba! n
within ten (10") days from the confl
matlon of the sale by the Court, wl
power to adjourn the sale from time
BRADDOCK, Attorney.
This May
The Utopia P°lleies of the Genei
Accident, cover any disability due
accident or sickness. Tlio entl
period for accident, one year for i
ness. Principal sum increased (If
per cent at once. Weekly benefits i
creased 50 per cent at the rate of
per cent each year for iive years. ]
additional cost.
Confinement to the house not i
quired. If unable to follow your <
cupation, total disability benefits w
be paid you.
In this policy, casualty lnsurar
has reached the acme of perfection.
103 North Second Street
{Horse Sale
| Tuesday, April 21st
] i Three C'arloucls of
Of All Classes
1 > Terms made known at time
J | of >alc.
and others upon their own nami
Cheap ratei, easy payments, confide
Adams Jt Co.. R. 804, S It. Market S<