Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 18, 1914, Image 1

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    Man Who Attempted to Take Life of Mew York's Mayor to Get Speedy Trial
lichael P. Mahony's Case Will Be
Presented to Grand Jury
lullet Removed From Jaw Last
Evening and Patient Is Ex
pected to Improve
By Associated Press
New Yorlc, April 18.—Michael P.
fahoney, the gray-haired crank who
esterdav attempted to assassinate
layor Mitchol and in so doing
mounded Frank L. Polk, corporate
ounsei, was arraigned in the Tombs
lolicc court to-day on a charge of
ssault with Intent to kill. He was
eld In $25,000 hail for the action of
he grand jury. "When the amount of
lie bail was announced by Magistrate
imnis, Mahoney smiled broadly and
"Why not boost it a little? The
ik re the merrier."
Before his arraignment Mahoney
.as taken to police headquurters,
.•here 2S>O detectives, all masked,
looked him over." None of them was
■osltive he had ever seen the man
Mahoney was awakened at 8 a. ni.
fter being allowed four hours' sleep,
"ntil 4 o'clock this morning he was
loseted with detectives, who put him
hrough a rigid "third degree." Tie
xplalned that when ho bought the
evolver he fired yesterday he told the
nan who sold it to him in Jersey City
hat "he wanted to kill a party."
Faces Long Sentence
The arraignment to-day marked the
rst. move in the program outlined by
district Attorney Charles S. Whitman
or the quick trial of the would-be
ssnssln. On Monday M<\ Whitman
I'lll present the case to the grand Jury
nd an Immediate indictment Is ex
acted to be returned, making it pos
ible to bring Mahoney before a Su
ireme Court Justice for trial at an
arly date.
Mahoney faces a possible prison
entence of twenty years, but should
le be adjudged insane he will be eom
nitted to an asylum for the criminal
nsane. Frank li. Polk, corporation
ounsei, who was struck in the jaw
>y the bullet intended for the mayor,
pent a restless night and suffered
nuch pain. The bullet was removed
arly last night and the patient is ex
acted to recover'rapidly. His phy
ictans announced to-day that he
vould be able to leave the hospital
I'lthin two days and after a rest of
wo weeks be able to resume his offl
•ial duties.
"Sodden Type of Hobo''
From the many incoherent letters
written by Mahoney in which he at
aeked the official acts of Mayor
viitchel, of this city; of Mayor Arm
strong, of Pittsburgh, and of Colonel
joethais. Governor of the Panama
"anal Zone, and after a two hours'
itudy of the aged man, District Attor
ley Whitman expressed the opinion
hat Mahoney was of the "embittered
ind sodden type of hobo." This state
nent forecasted the pronable action
>f the district attorney that he would
lot oppose action to have the prisoner
idjudged insane. Mr. Whitman said
hat while the best course might be to
inve Mahoney conlined in an avslum,
he mayor and Air. Polk must be con
sulted before a tinul decision is
The attempted assassination by Ma
loney caused Police Commissioner
[Continued on Page !).]
~amp Curtin Co. Fair
Will Be Opened Tonight
The Camp Curtin lire company fair
illl open this evening in the Are house
t Sixth street and Reel's lane, to con
inue until April 26. The house has
ieen handsomely decorated for the
vent and there will be music two
venlngs next week.
The Trainmen's Band will be en
aged and a concert next Saturday af
Late News Bulletins
Cleveland, Ohio, April 18.—Secretary of tlie Navy Josephtis Dan
iels, who addressed tlie Western Reserve University law students here
this morning, and is to speak at the "dollar dinner" of the Cuyahoga
County Democracy to-night, read with interest Mexican dispatches,
and on hearing that a Cabinet meeting had been summoned wired to
Washington for further Information. "In don't think there'll be tight-
Inn," was his only comment on the situation.
New York, April IS.—A man who said he "wanted to get a close
look at Mayor Mitcliel," was turned away to-day as he attempted to
Jtfiss the line of police sentinels stationed ul>out tlie Peter Stuyvesant
apartments on Riverside drive, where the mayor makes his home. Tin
man was unarmed, lie was (topped by a detective, one or eight men
assigned to guard the mayor.
Philadelphia, April 18.—The Jury in the case of Dr. Joslina E
Sweet, a member of the faculty of the medical department of the Vnl
veristy of Pennsylvania, charged with cruelty to dogs alter rlvsectlon
operations, was still trying to reach a verdict to-dnv.. The case was
riven tlie twelve men Friday afternoon. If n verdict Is reached it will
be sealed and handed to the court Monday corning.
Vancouver, B. C„ April 18.—Fire to-day destroyed the plant of the
Alberts Lumber Company with a loss of half million dollars The fire
started In a holler house and. fanm>d by a strong wind soon spread
over the entire plant. Firemen wer« hamix rcd in their work bv a noor
water pressure. 1
St. Johns' N. F., April 18.-—The sealing steamer Kite, from which
no tidings had been received for more than a month, was reported sale
to-day. The Kite has about seventy men on hoard.
Washington, April 18.—Secretary Bryan explained that the Presi
dent's statement meant Huerta would lie obliged to guarantee the salute
without qualification by 6 o'clock Sunday evening, and that nhvsi/a
obstacles might defer Its being actually fired by that hour
fr— : J>
Below is shown a part of the great thr>.Mß that crowded in front of New York City Hall after David Rose
had shot City Chamberlain Frank folk in an attempt to kill Mayor John Ptirroy Mitehei, who, with Polk, had
just stepped into an automobile. Tn the upper left-hand corner Polk is shown as he appeared after being at
tended by a surgeon. Mayor Mitchel is shown in the center and hin would-be assassin is shown in the upper
right-hand corner. Rose expressed regret that he had failed to wear his glasses, the lack of which spoiled his
aim, lie said.
Central Penna. Association Leases
Eiggest Auditorium in City
For the Event
Of West Fairvlew, new secretary of
the Central Pennsylvania Poultry
The Central Pennsylvania Poultry
Association Is going ahead as actively
with plans for its 1914 show as if the
big exhibition were to be held next
week. A contract has Just been signed
for the Chestnut street hall for the
[Continued on Page 3]
Girl and Six Youths Injured in Col
lision Near Rockville
Last Night
Five younc men of Steeltrm, one
young girl of Paxtang and a youth of
this city were injured in ati automo
bile accident near Rockville last night.
Two cars came together. The injured
I.aurence Wcirich, son of Dr. J. L.
Welrich, driver of one car; left leg
sprained and possibly fractured.
William Gardner, son of Squire
Thomas V. Gardner; cut and bruised.
Raymond llartinaii. son of William
Hartman, cut about face.
John Norrls, son of Patrick Norrls,
slight cut and bruises.
Roseoe Long, son of (5. M. Long,
left knop sprained and possibly frac
Lucy , Paxtang, cuts about
face and body.
Jesse W. licdrick. Jr., driver of the
other car, bruises about the body and
probably a fractured rib.
The Steelton people to-day gave an
[Continued on Page 0]
"Going to Be Red Hot
Time Tonight," Say the
Ryan Supporters Here
I Democrats are quite excited this
I afternoon over stories alloat to the
effect that the speeches at Chestnut
street Hall to-night will be of a sen-
I sational character. City Solicitor Ryan,
I of Philadelphia, one of the famous
| Democratic orators and the candidate
; of those opposed to the White House
; slate for Governor, Is expected to
: make a speech that will sizjfle and it
was stated to-day that it may be
necessary to have an overflow meeting
to accommodate the crowds that are
coming from the nearby towns.
"This is to be a showdown of the
Democrats who are not afraid to de
nounce bossism in their own party,"
declared a prominent Ryan supporter.
Members of the new Dauphin County
Democratic League, who are pushing
the Budd-Ryan cause against the Pal
mer-McCormick faction, say the meet
ing to-night will be an eye-opener
and a hummer and a few other things
rolled into one.
Getting the Playgrounds
and Parks Into Shape
All the Public Work Will He Pushed
as Rapidly as Possible
Heavy snows during Alarch, follow
ed by continuous rains and belated
Spring weather, has greatly delayed
the outdoor work of the city. It is
expected, however. that beginning
next Monday there will be all kinds of
Superintendent of Parks Taylor has
been on the public playgrounds at
Island Park dally in order to get the
track, the baseball field and the tennis
courts in shape at the earliest possible
moment. He is un old ball player
and knows how anxious the boys
art) to get on the diamond. Ow
ing to the high water and the heavy
rains considerable damage was done
an<l It will be several days before the
corraitions will be satisfactory for
opening the grounds for the season.
On the tennis courts there was con
siderable debris from the overflow and
the track is being scraped for the
covering of tine cinder. Scores of
men are at work whereevcr It Is pos
sible to do any work and the force will
be Increased from time to time.
What Is true of the Department of
Parks is likewise true of the depart
ments In charge of Superintendents
Lynch and Bowman. --They are ex
tremely busy, and all the outdoor
work. Including the various Improve
ment jobs, sewer construction, paving
and street repairs, in addition to the
changes in the water system and ex
tension of street mains, is about ready
i for hustling in every direction.
IHMES OE 12.001
ifty Counties Are Represented
and More Are to Follow
in Few Days
Petitions favoring tlie nomination of
Judge George Kunkei as candidate for
Supreme Court Judge were filed at the
State Department this morning.
They represented the voters of fifty
two counties to the number of more
than. 12.000.
These petitions will be followed b.v
others during the coming week from
the remaining seventeen counties,
some of which are already in but have
not been properly codified.
•India- Klinkers petitions represent
the largest number 'of voters that
have ever petitioned for the nomina
tion of any eundldate 011 a nonparti
san ticket.
All sections of the State are repre
sented and men of all parties and nil
walks yf life are among the petition
ers. Among them are judges of the
[Continued on Page »]
American Teachers
Attacked and Robbed
Near Sea of Galilee
By Associated Press
Constantinople, April is.—American
teachers from the Beirut American
College were attacked and -obbed by
brigands and one of them slightly
wounded by a bullet while they were
011 an excursion yesterday to the Sea
of Galilee (Lake Tiberias).
The American consul general at
Beirut, Syria, in reporting the occur
-1 rence to the embassy hero to-day, said
'that the wounded teacher was not
dangerously hurt.
j The Syrian protestant college,
[founded by the Uev. Dr. Daniel Bliss,
•an American congregational clergy-
I man, is generally known as the Amer-
I lean college. It is an extensive In
stitution and is under the direction of
I the Uev. Howard S. Bliss, a son of the
| founder.
I The American ambassador called
|the attention of the Turkish authori
-1 ties to the outrage and was assured
I that the property of the American
I teachers would be recovered and the
j brigands punished.
By Associated Press
Belfast, Ireland, April 18.—The Bel
fast Corporations tea rooms In Belle
vue Gardens were destroyed by fire
to-day. The damage was very exten
sive. The police say the fire was the
work of a suffragette arson squad.
Wilson Demands Salute
Before 6 P. M. Sunday
Or Attack Will Follow
Provisional President of Mexico Reiterates His Countei
Proposition For Simultaneous Salute, But United
States Informs Him That Washington Government
Will Stand Behind Original Demand of Admiral
Mayo; Wilson May Ask Congress For Authority
to Declare War at Joint Session Monday
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., April 18. —Huerta will salute the American flag at Tampico before 6 p. m.
Sunday, or President Wilson will go before Congress in a joint session Monday and ask for au
thority to take such measures as may be necessary.
The following statement was issued at the White House:
"General Huerta is still insisting upon doing something less than has been demanded and
something less than would constitute an acknowledgment that his representatives were entirely
in the wrong in the indignities they have put upon the government of the United States.
"The President has determined that if General Huerta has not yielded by 6 o'clock on Sun
day afternoon, he will take the matter to Congress on Monday."
Huerta has reiterated his counter proposition for a simultaneous salute. President Wilson
has informed him that the United States stands on the original demand of Rear Admiral Mayo,
and that he must accept immediately. 1
Secretary Bryan prepared President Wilson's answer which was immediately sent to Mexico
City. It set forth that unless Huerta accepts the American demands immediately the plan for
seizure of Tampico and Vera Cruz will be carried out without waiting for Admiral Badger to
reach Mexican waters.
The plan for seizing Vera Cruz and Tampico also includes the seizure of the railway from
Vera Cruz to Mexico City as far as a trestle, about twenty miles west of Vera Cruz.
While President Wilson's final message was in transmission to Mexico City orders were flash
ing out from the Navy Department, setting all the forces already in Mexican waters in readiness
to enforce its terms. There were no orders to the troops at Texas City.
White House officials announced that unless Huerta saluted the flag according to President
Wilson's demand as soon after receipt of to-day's messages was physically possible, action would
be taken without any further exchanges.
Members of the cabinet were summoned to the White House for conference. Postmaster Gen
eral Burleson was the first to arrive. Others left their offices and hurried to the executive offices
in their motor cars.
President Wilson abandoned his usual Saturday holiday and returned at once to the White
House where he went to his study with all the latest dispatches.
The Board of Aids, which, with Secretary Daniels, is the executive force of the navy, went into
a secret conference to complete plans for the movements of the fleet and marines. It was reported
in official circles that President Wilson might address Congress Monday.
The only comment of White House officials was that Huerta was "very obstinate."
As President Wilson, Secretary Bryan and Secretary Tumulty returned to the White House
offices their faces were very grave and they were silent. All callers and those who had engage
ments with Mr. Wilson were turned away with the word that "very grave business" was being con
sidered. i
If Huerta has not yielded at 6 p. m. Sunday, President Wilson will take the matter to Con
gress Monday. [Continued on Page 2]
Municipal Broom Will Start Sweep
ing Away Cobwebs and
Dirt on May 4
"Clean-up Week" in Harrlsburg will
be held May 4 to May 16.
Mayor Royal this morning issued
his annual clean-up proclamation. Ur
gent request is made that all unclean
ly, unsightly or unsanitary trash ac
cumulations be eliminated from the
city during the clean-up period.
The Mayor also urges the repairing
of broken fences, sidewalks, spouting
and so on. Here is the proclamation:
For some years past it has been
customary for the Chief Execu
tive of the city to proclaim a
"Clean-up Week," during which
[Continued on I'age 9.]
Members of Fife Corps
of Coxey's Army Trade
Instruments For Beer
By Associated Press
Ijouisville, Ohio, April 18.—Because
members of the life corps :if Coxey's
Army of the Commonwealth traded
their instruments for beer, became in
toxicated, It was charged, and were
jailed by the village marshal. "Gen
eral" Jacob S. Coxe.v issued an edict
against drinking as the army left here
to-day on the third day of the march
to Washington.
"I don't belong to the W. C. T. T*.
but from now on, you've either got to
'cut out the booze' or we don't want
you aloi g," was the substance of the
ieader's address to his "troops."
"We're marching 'o Washington to
teach the people a great moral les
son, and you'll destroy all its effects
if you persist in getting drunk."
Charged with violating the cruelty
to animal laws, U. B. Shanabrook, of
Bowmansdale, was arrested by Sam
uel C. Cunkle,, special officer for the
Society For the Prevention cf Cruelty
to Animals. He was given a hearing
before Alderman Murray this morning
and was ordered to pay a fine and
costs. It Is alleged that Shanabrook
sold it sick horse to M. E. Shultz, 2011
Brlggs street.
Will Petition City Council to Pro
vide Money For Purchase
of "Chair"
Urging that the present methods of
killing vagabond dogs picked up on
the streets during the summer months
is antiquated and cruel, members of
the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals are considering of
fering the city a proposition which
will enable it to substitute the modern
and humane method of the "electric
chair" in dispatching animals.
At present the dogs are put to death
by charcoal fumes, is said that
very often the lire from the oven
breaks Into the compartment where
the dog Is confined, and Instead of dy
ing an easy death the animal is slowly
[Continued on Piijro ».]
Much Interest Is Shown
in Caillaux's Campaign
By Associated Press
Paris, April 18. —The campaign of
Joseph Caillaux, former premier anil
minister of finance, for re-election to
the chamber of deputies Is attracting:
more attention than that of any other
politician in France. The reasons for
this are the assassination of C&lmette
by .Madame Caillaux and the alleged
influence used by M. Caillaux to post
pone the trial of swindler Kochettc.
While Madame Caillaux awaits in
Saint Lazare prison the opening of her
trial for murder, her husband's politi
cal friends are busy seeking the sup
port of the voters In his cor.stltutency
of Mamcrs, in the department of the
Sarthe. He has represented this con
stitutency in the chamber since 1898.
G. F. Metz, aged 30, of 1725 Logan
'street, was struck and knocked down
Iby a street car at Cameron and Mar
i ket streets early this morning. He
j escaped with cuts on his head.
To-day wasn't only the niftiest out
o'-doors day of the year, it was the
warmest In 1914. The mercury, ac
cording to the weather bureau, lazily
[moved up to 74 degrees. ,
For Harrlabnrg find Tirtnltyi Show
er* to-night or Sunday; warmer
For Eastern Pennsylvania! Unset
tled weather to-night and Sun
day. probably local ralna, except
fair to-night In aoutheaat p«r
tloni warmer to-night In north
and weat portion* | moderato
southerly winds.
The Susquehanna river and all Its
tributaries will probably fall to
night and Sunday, eirrpt tho
lower portion of the main river
will remain nearly stationary to
night. The local rains Indicated
may cause local rlaea In some of
the atrenms Sunday.
General Conditions
It Is ? to 22 degreea warmer over
the eastern half of the country
and over most of the territory
west of the Rocky Moun-talna. A
general fall of 2 to 14 degreea la
temperature has occurred In the
IMalns States In the last twenty
four hour* under the Influence of
a high pressure area overlying
the Northwest.
Tempera tore l 8 a. m., 52; 2 p. m., 74.
Sunt lilacs, 5i24 a. m.| seta, B>4S
p. m.
Moon i New moon, April 25. 6i22
a. m.
River Staget 8.7 feet above low
water mark.
Yesterdny's Weather
Highest temperature, <l6.
l.oweat temperature. 41.
Mean temperature, 54.
Normal temperature, 52.
Sunbury, Pa., April 18. While
walking along a railroad track at Sha
mokin Dam, Mrs. John "eager, 67
years old, of that place, felt a stinging
sensation and then fell unconscious.
She was picked up by Lester Buffing
ton and a doctor summoned. He said
that she had been hit by a stone.
There was a deep gash in the head,
which required seven stitches to close,
it is feared that her skull is broken.
! Manufacturers,
Read This
A new era in advertising and
selling has arrived—the co-oper
ative era.
It means a pulllnar-together be
tween you manufacturers and
the retailers who sell your goods.
It means a wider, better, and
more economical distribution for
your goods.
It meals also the use of tho
newspiipeTS us the basis of your
advertising campaigns.
If you are interested In th»
new way o 4 Increasing sales,
write to the Bureau of Advertis
ing, American Newspaper Pub
lishers Association, World
Building. New York.
Booklet on request.
*■ .