Shoppers will Und oar Restaman t and Bakery a great CALLl9 91 "ANY . Join the Refrigerator convenience. MmM f OUINDBD 107 l |i Delicious Homebaked pies and cakes ol all kinds on hand "" "" "" Te ' rig " ator early ™ the ,auon - ft all the time. Second Floor, Bowman's. wAr mm m sends one to your home. Fifth Floor, Bowmn's. HARRIS BURG'S POPULAR DCFKRTMINT STORK The Buying and Selling Supremacy of Bowman's wiicilSS £ e £® £^,*° uths ' |™ ts 1 O ■ ¥ ■ ■¥* ■ 1 O 1 I*l To be well frowned you must be ! L^L Garment More Is Demonstrated m the oplendid .r£~s ».»«. h Men^ Boy __ _ w _ « _ * son and La Princesse Corsets will and Youths' clothing that will * T ■ T m _ fit you In the corset beat suited to Values We Are Giving in .Spring Coats. attract a n «, need of a SP n ng n •- 1 n th You m a°re el ur K ed to visit this de- outfit " Up-to-the-minute styles Suits and (lOWnS Sn*™?a t y. and see the new corsetß in Top Coats and Hats. f k/UIW ««** UUTTIIO Second Floor BOWMAN'S. Mens and Youths' Suits of all-wool I 11M —• Cassimeres, Worsteds and Serges, in the f \ /IjfJl OVw NOT A FASHIONABLE STYLE MISSING New Gloves for English soft roll with form ntttng b back; / |i|ffirai , i *CW VJIvJVCo lUI straight cut trousers with cuffs. They A. » \ jjlllll IlllUVn NOT A FASHIONABLE MATERIAL MISSING c * J cU* at me . "! ue 'sn (/ vlir EVERY GARMENT ABSOLUTELY A NEW SPRING a ur " ay -> e " in g -' - "" ~TTirl ' i»I Autocrat 2-clasp Kid Gloves In Suits with 2 and 3-button model coats, WUfi m . _ . white and black with three rows of cut slightly shorter than heretofore, of to Ijwi gr* Gowns For Every Purpose buits For Every Occasion ■A,.'SS: IB A \ t~\ VjOal 10l JLVent yy W three rows of heavy embroidery olive green unfinished worsteds with ill Jlltl ) T JR. stitching in self ana contrasting white stripes; blue with white and green VH H ' IMPOSSIBLE TO DESCRIBE EACH GARMENT IN DETAIL 3HC,V» sSH.'i Epsh^^ei's 1 ! co n™Ztll t n 8 I I &K C *7 Ki J i C * X Pirk nrx ZSP*. sha^es^aiV aU the 2 and S-button models, at HUM , / f Smartly .?lO£&C~€Ct SU'-tS at slo*oo Odette 2-clasp French Kid Gtoves $15.00, SIB.OO, $20.00 JSSS Two snappy styles in pure wool serge. In black, navy, Copenhagen and J and Kray - an d $25.00. tan g°- Coats are lined with pure silk Peau de cygne. One stvle has 12 "shlde's" "I r> rt /> IF\l\\ VH Gloves, all shades, pair, BOc to SI.OO / t3Esfis2l f I _ /f\ b Suits at $15.00 11In • V njKL ▼▼ 11* «• - ~ . \ftJ U7ii \ ural and biscuit colors, pair, >l\ ' (H ; 1 HI Unusual values in crepe poplin, gabardines and poplins, in black, navy, // K . v ,„ , mrl\ .^ Boyi !' Blu ® serge suits, Norfolk, bo* and m\ ;J tango, sage, olive, Copenhagen, Labrador. A half dozen distinctly differed // USf S2!£Siffi l\ JS (I/ \ 1 I\j models. J| lllr e a 2 ir In tan ' gray and n « tu ral color, f i\ \ c * a * $5.00 I- '\ \ A "(J . —« , _ _ |1 Main Floor—BOWM.\N'S. ( 111 1V u / Boys' Norfolk Suits In dark caaaimerea, mm Any Suit in the Whole Assortment That Was IBM P *KK"fe.Kd s3^s /{ 1\ V . 0 rr\ /+. o- r\ .. Ni LtingCrie lOr *n7)r Other Suits for Boys' with one and two- Ml $32.d0, $35.00, $37.50, $40.00, $45.00, $50.00 \\\M Summer Gowns aJIM "WrmTtTM if \ 1- \ l(| V\ \ji Dainty lace trimmed petticoats for V/// \[ \\ and SIO.OO. j \ N A J t \\\ w. e ar? 11n 5i5l of''finest nainsook'"in! /'A Boys' New Wash Suits in Russian SaJlora /| \ ll \\\ crepe de chine and trimmed with and sizes « to < years, at /II \ \\ /\ | ( If 1 l\xA} ;l\fb d .°„-W ■ 9hp ' sl*4B, and .'i, V) 1 V KL7 rL/«\/v/ ™; r,bb ' , ,i ■ « W* 9 ?* , | 1 COMBINATIONS WB M Boys New O H V «'" Twist Suits. In sizes 2 % a/ ra Made of nainsook or longcloth M & to 7 years, at —•—i ———___\7 and trimmed in dainty embroidery JB ""ri 853 t OS rhls means that you can sekct from our enure assortment ot high-class models in misses' and women's suits it', *> m & ' ™rd fioo^bowman-s L",Y s , u , lt . you ™ ay d " lre ,? t The materials are the very best and most sought-for—Crepes, Silk Poplins, Silk Moires, Crepe Poplins, Gabardines and Imported Cords. A H if* ll* T*t . There are about one hundred and fifty suits to choose from and complete size assortment. Most of these A MlllinPrV I \A/ll I suits are exclusive models—just one ot each style. x "■ ATAAI * AII *' A J x xill v- »» Xll Choose From Oar Entire Dress Assortment To-morrow at mu nr rrn/rr?C> of substantial timber with double reed seats and backs. Small Rockers, Arm &t 18 ">ches long, worth $2.00. Special to-morrow, L/01/viCii rLUluhb Rockers* High Back Rockers—chairs to match, in green and natural. Also settees 20' inches long,' worth' Vs'.oo."' Spe'ciai to-morrow, All week we have been giving unusual values in high-grade French Plumes and Ostrich and setje rockers in green and natural. • at 22 inch«i' iong,' worth 'm.'O'O* ' Rockers and Chairs 980, SI.OB, $3.35 and $3.98 at ... .... .. . . P ... . $2 25 $2.00 PLUMES, SI.OO Settees . . . 98 and a t" !° nßr '. .T?fV!. . Sp . e f! &l . Ostrich Sample Fancies at about one-half regular price. Substantial Porcn Kockeis and Chairs of Elmwood in green oak grained, GRAY ALL-AROUND WAVY TRANSFORMATIONS second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. water and sun-proof at So <><» S:» «»S -mi'l m "»n Worth Si.OO. Special to-morrbw. at" '...91*55 __————————————— . . _ _ _ " dlla Experts will dress your hair in a new and becom- . ~ rw+ 1 . . Special! Porch Swings "* " >lc '• Automobile Tires, Tubes and Accessories Made of weathered oak, mission fin- $3.98 and up to $6.50. XT 11 r> • • GUARANTEED DIAMOND STANDARD TIRE* IN PLAJV TREAD. ish. 3J4 feet wide, with strong gal- Folding Camp Cots $3.35 iNOtaDle tJargaillS 111 BS2 SSsfi?h't r m !!!!!: I:! I!!!!!!!!!! !1: 11!!!! I IT!: I! I!!! I!: 1111!: Vxlfi & yanized cliams and hooks. Complete Camp Stools 35? to 50e T t « • i • ° ne 34x4 straiKht Bead INNER TUBES J24 ' 36 ,18J7 £or •••; $1.98 Lawn Settees, folding, H Oil SPTI 1 FHI QHI fl tf Q one 32x3% J3.70 »2.4« Others at $3.48, $3.98, $3.35, $i!oo and $1.50 n4w r , ,® „ 5» v- _ . NEW JARDINIERES—Made of good clay, well »10.00 Electric Horn #4.75 | 98c Vulcanizing Sets at*. I I 1 finished, beautiful color combination tints; very high- 25c H-inch Spark Plugs j4<. ' * rsipi/plpc ly glazed. Reduced prices on Goodyear, Kelley-Springfleld, Imperial, United States, and Diamond Tires and Tubes _ , GRAY XAVY SWITCHICS OF SOFT FLUFFY HAIR Goodyoar motur.-yclr tir..-s and tubes. BOW.M AN'S-Thlrd Floor. ' Boys Bicycles Mens B.cycles G rls Bicycles SS i — We carr\ a full and complete line ol bicycles from the little 10-vear-old size up ?n ir ] ch ,_ s ' z , e ■ |9c ■ AX t~\ I 1 I—Li I_ to the full grown 24-inch frame. iflfiS Hi V— \arrCd.L OIIOC OcllC; J3C iLciriV At present we are featuring a Moto-Bike with guaranteed tires, moto-bike Decorated Milk Pitchers, with cover. J double forks, moto-bike handle bars and saddle, imitation gas tank, rubber pedals, %l£int*JSa IS Come To-morrOW and Select IOUrS from ctc -> at .................... ..$34.98 Saturday soap SPECIALS the Assorment that Begins the Sale OAerVa" " and wand »1».50 » "g; .fT. jg 1,400 pairs Sample Shoes and Oxfords for Men, Women and Children From Endi- a " d ® . . cott Johnson & Co., Endicott, N. Y. * i • o » 2 ca " B ° ld D ,sc ' °^ samples at extraordinary price concessions which enables Aluminum Specials 1 US to give you a saving of about one-half. It will pay you to buy for future wear at FOR SATURDAY ONLY Linoleums, Rugs and Mattings 400 Pairs Men's Oxfords in patent colt, gun J $2.00 to $3.50 values. A*| A€\ 90c Tube Cake Pans, with removable bottom, wear- metal and tan calf, in sizes 6to 7. Regular Special, pair J. ever quality r • . Bnm w i, TI d 0 $2.00 to $4.00 values. 1 /IO 300 Pairs Women's Button and Lace Boots, $1.60 Wearever Sets, consisting of one quart lipped Linoleum Week Mas tSien a OUCCCSS Special, pair V 1 •***/ in patent colt, gun metal, vici kid, tan calf and Saucepan, I>4 quart Stew Pan and quart Preserving surprising values m reliable floor coverings that wear as we,. look . ?°° P . ail " B ° K xf " ds in f u " me u tal - P at s nt elvet -, sizes to 1 flfl Kettle, for 98c 4 To -morrow promises to be a busy day in the Carpet and Rug SecUon. I t c ll St^'eS ' ' "eu ' V<»• V w S2.PB Imported Aluminum Tea Kettles .. . .$1.59 tm, i. u,. B r.,t .[ p.nunny tor m aoor mm. to h... S3OO values SpfciaT pair ° $1.49 to 10 stedal'pair s sl 00 52.69 Triplicate Saucepan Sets, with nickel adjust- "" •"■■» «"* bS &pV 'JtoforSTn .00 SiSshoiis JJ'XX able handle $1.69 gun metal, patent colt and tan calf. Regular 2y 2 to 4. Special, pair «pI*UU Bast-nicnt—BOWMAN' S. SMYRNA RUGS—Size 30x60 Third Floor BOWMAN'S. inches, bright new pretty colors; . Saturday Sale of Mattresses .jjJT T T Wall Paners I Men's and Rnvs'Furnichindc Our Entire Stock of Mattresses Will be Placed on inches ww®, e«ra go Jd H q^nty 6 _ « ... IVICII S ailQ DOyS f U FIIIS JUll^S Sale Saturday at Greatly Reduced Prices ' S®" B regularly for Ssc yard. Saturday Specials in Wall M .? N K P R^, SS SHIRTS—-Made of fine quality percales, coat atyle ' Saturday, yard l»c Tl ti* rruu with attached cuffs. Special for Saturday at, each 7tc JAPANESE MArriNC>-B,ue, I \ f n ™ ™ 1 pounds of additional felt, our regu- sortment of Datterns wa W* , AFI PA f ERS — of good quality of Saturday, each «a c H.« i, i?„a a Sno„ s ' > 'sia,f.*„.r™mmSSSKKKKtM fx 1's; eiLK .?.*"* "o*"-". —»» I If"" Floor BOW MAN fc. 1 Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Main FIoor—BOWMAN'S. 4 FRIDAY EVENING, HAKRISBURG €£s& TELEGRAPH APRIL 17, 1914. 3