Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 15, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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    I( HELP WANTED—Read the Bulletin of
Want Ad Time
Is All the Time
The minute that need for help arises, a loss
is discovered, or you desire to buy or sell—is
WANT AD time. Then phone Bell 2040,
Cumberland 203. The Telegraph.
irindle bull dog, with three white feet
nd white spot on head; collar bearing
912 license. Bell phone SB2J.
ID. Splendid income assured right
lan to act as our representative after
earning our business thoroughly by
lall. Former experience unnecessary
we require is honesty, ability, am
nion and willingness to learn a lucra-
Ive business. No soliciting or travel
ag. All or spare time only. This Is an
xccptlonal opportunity for a man in
our section to get Into a big paying
uslness without capital arid become
ideuendent for life. Write at once for
ull particulars. National Co-Operative
tealty Companv. L-910, Marden Build
ig, Washington, D. C.
WANTED Young man over 18
ears, to assist in grocery store. Ad
ress 0., 555, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Reliable chauffeur; must
ave experience in running Packard
ars; give reference and state salary
xpected; married man preferred. Ad
ress Y„ 556, care of Telegraph.
) get. My free booklet, Y-372. tells
ow. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop
ins, Washington. D. C.
$75.00 MONTH paid Government Rail
ay Mall Clerks. Parcel Post means
any appointments. Harrlsburg examl
ations coining. "PuU" unnecessary
ample questions free. Franklin Instl
ite. Dept. 361-L, Rochester. N. Y.
WANTED A good carriagesinith;
eady work for a good man. Apply to
. A- Law & Sons, Carlisle, Pa.
WANTED in drug store, 16 to
S years. D. A. Buehler, 016 North
hird street.
WANTED Man over 30, experienc
i canvasser, solicitor, $lB weekly and
)mmission; steady position; state ex
erlence. Columbian Protective, 160
assau street. New York.
WANTED Middle-aged man, for
irt or all time, to solicit among busi
3ss men, for Job printing. Call at
oom 15, Harrlsburg National Bank
uilding, 14 South Market Square.
WANTED Girl to assist with office
ork; give age and reference. Address
, 554, care of Telegraph.
Experienced winders. Apply
[arrisburg Silk Mill, Cor. North
id Second streets.
WANTED - Bright, active girl In
e Cloak and Suit Department to learn
id make herself generally useful. Per
anent position and advancement to
liable girl. Apply at Livingston's, !»
luth Markot Square.
WANTED An experienced and
.shlonable dressmaker for private
mily. Address Box IC., 553, care of
WANTED Capable white woman to
i general housework for famllv of
ree. Answer Box 138, Camp Hill, Pa.
FIFTY experienced operators for
wing on power machines: paid while
irnlng. Apply S. Silver, Forsier and
iwiifn »tr#eta.
WANTED AVhlte girl for general
usework, In country, near Dauphin,
ill, or address, 1702 North Third
WANTED Girl Tor general house
>rk. Apply 23 North Eighteenth
ELP WANTED—MaIe and Female
MEN AND WOMEN who have spare
ne can make from $3 to |5 daily sell
j our specialties; experience not nec
sary. Veta Mfg. Co. Apply H. A.
yder, after 5 P. M., Hotel iJauphln,
9 Market street.
WANTED Men and girls In cigar
ctory: pleasant s. rroundlngs. If suf
ient help can be secured, plant will
:ate In Harrlsburg. Apply at once.
x T., No. 885, care of Telegraph.
Ten Minutes' Walk
From Union Station
A three-story brick house in
plendid condition.
Eight rooms—bath and fur
lace gas front porch
>ack yard which fronts on
jhoop 9treet (Walnut and
jhoop streets are paved.)
riller Bros. & Neefe
Locust and Court Streets.
REILIABLE young man desires
clerical worn of an; - kind with chance
for advancement. Address Box G., 551,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED Middle-aged, temperate
man of good character desires position
of any kind. Address P., 887, care of
WANTED By young man, 18 years
of ago, position of anv kind; experienc
ed in grocery business; can handle
horses; can furnish best of references.
Address W. F. A.. 408 Chestnut street
WANTED By white wortian, posi
tion as housekeeper for widower. Mrs.
Edward Evans, New Cumberland, Pa.
WANTED Chambermaid wants
position. Address 102 Filbert street.
WANTED Day's work or house
cleaning. Address 907 Sarah avenue.
WANTED Day's work of any
kind, or washing or ironing to do at
home. Call at 510 Brown avenue.
WANTED By middle-aged white
woman, position as cook In hotel or
boardingliouse; can furnish best of ref
erences. Address M E. 8.. 408 Chest
nut street.
WANTED A reliable, middle-aged
white woman would like day's work
on Tuesday, Wednesdays ■nd Thurs
days. Address I'., 546, oa.u of- Tele
WANTED Day's work or washing
and ironing. 510 Primrose avenue.
FOR SALE 2441 Reel St., 3-story
pressed brick; 9 rooms and bath; hot
and colad water in cellar; granolithic
pavements front and back. Price, 3.150.
liiasy terms. Reno St., New Cumber
land, double frame; all conveniences.
Price, each. Easy terms. Mar
ket St.. New Cumberland, 6-room house;
wash house in rear; fine well. Price,
$1,250. Easy terms. Keeney & Sim
mons, New Cumberland.
teenth St. --- 3-story brick house 8
rooms fcath furnace porches.
lrf)t, 19.8x85 ft. Immediate possession.
Miller Bros. & Neefe, Bell phone 1595.
SIXTY HOUSES, some new and very
attiactive homes; several verv good in
vestments. Terms to suit D. *E. Bright
bill. 2 North Court street Both phones
No. 1913 North Sixth street can now be
bought at an attractive price well
built lot 20x100. Look it over.
Bell Realty Co., Bcrgner Building.
FRAME HOUSE, located on Brlggs
street between Second and Third; 8
rooms and bath. Will be sold at sacri
fice it sold this Spring. Address S. 0.,
No. 1001, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Modern House,
all improvements, ($5,300), 228
Woodbine street.
TWO fine homes, will be finished
March 15. Nine rooms and latest and
only practical, common sense bath
room. Strain heated; large front and
back porc-hos; ornamental fixtures
ihrouThout; reception hall; open stair
case; laundry room and stationary
wash tub 6; outdoor sleeping chamber
with south side exposure, size 15x8; 12
minutes by trolley to Market Square
For further Information call P. Vander
loo, Masonic Temple Building, Third and
State streets.
FOR SALE Ten good houses. Will
sell to col-ored persons. Situated four
teen squares from Fourth and Market
streets. Call at corner of Fifteenth
and Regtna streets. Office hours from
8 to 10:30 A. M„ 1:30 to 3 P. M.
FOR SALE No. 1521 Walnut st.eet;
$-room frame house and shop In rear;
size of lot, 15 ft by 175 ft; good loca
tion. Price upon inquiry. J. E. Glpple,
1251 Market street.
FOR SALE New brick house, 2311
Derry street; all modern improvements.
Call at 2309 Derry street. Easy terms.
Price, $3,200.
FOR SALE BlO East St. 3-story
brick 9 rooms and bath furnace
lot, 15x60 side entrance one of a
pair. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and
walnut streets.
I FOR SALE 331 Hummel street Is
offered at an attractive price 3-story
brick 8 rooms bath gas fur
nace porch. Also suburban places
for sale. Bell Realty Co., Bergner
FOR SALE ln North Rlverton
one-half square from trolley line
two-and-one-half-story frame 6
rooms and bath gas electric light
—front and rear porch lot, 35x146.
Price, $2,250. Brinton-Packer Co. Sec
ond and Walnut streets.
FOR SALE Large suburban cement
block house exceptionally well
equipped electric light steam
heat large porches granolithic
walks shade trees and shrubbery.
Trice reasonable. Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
FOR SALE No. 15 South Nine
teenth street practically new 3-
story brick 8 rooms bath gas
electric light—steam heat—porches.
Particulars at BeU Realtv Co.. Bergner
FOR SALE ,# 0 Reglna street,
two-and-one-half-i J y frame house,
nicely located, <2,200. Inquire lrwln M.
j Cassell, 1444 Reglna street.
j FOR SALE 52,300 will buy a three
i story brick house on Penn street, near
j Maclay street all improvements
porch. Get our "For Sale" list. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
1425 WALNUT ST. 3-story brick
house 8 rooms bath furnace
front porch back yard |26. Miller
Bros. & Neefe, Locust and Court Sts,
FOR RENT 431 Market street, at
entrance of Subway l3 rooms 2
baths steam heat suitable for
rooming house. Apply Chas. Adler, 1002
North Third street.
FOR RENT—I 633 North Third street;
6 rooms and bath, furnace; 100-102
Short street. 8 rooms and bath; store
rooms, 110 South Thirteenth street. Ap
ply 430 Walnut street.
Furnished house, 10 rooms, 709
N. 6th St., until September 14th.
Rent $60.00. First and second
floors $45.00. Available Septem
ber 14th unfurnished. Possession
immediately. Dr. Behney, 202
Desirable residence, 1503 N.
Second, in perfect order; side
entrance; front porch; every con
venience. Steam ' heated, Vapor
system. Inquire 210 Pine Street.
Phone 3687
183 ACRES 46 perches farm land. 36
acres mountain land, known as the
"Squire Miller Farm" in West Hanover
Township, Dauphin County, on the
Manada Gap Road, about 4 miles from
Linglestown. Apply Commonwealth
Trust Co.. Real Estate Department. 222
Market street, Harrlsburg.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping apart
ment; fronting on Locust street; lour
rooms and bath; also complete kitcnen
facilities for cooking, etc. B A° ,*v
locker in basement. Apply i enna.
Realty Co., 132 Locust street.
FOR RENT Apartment 212 North
Second street, 4 rooms, with batn,
kitchenette, storage room and steam
heat, $35 per month. Apply
•18X, Steelton, Pa., or janitor, building.
FOR RENT Two apartments, front,
very desirable; new building; all con
veniences. Apply Flshman s Furniture
Store, 1101-3 North Sixth street. _
FOR RENT New three-room apart
ment, with privilege of bath. Apply IJ< *'
Derry street. '
FURNISHED complete for house
keeping; larfa Uvlngroom; bay win
dow; bath; hot water; kitchenette; gas
range; private meter; bells; stationary
tubs; *IO.OO to $25.00. 1417 Market.
FOR RENT By the night or
month, tho finest rooms in llarrlsnurg.
single or en suite. Laßelle Apart
ments, 204 Locust street, next door to
Orpheum. Steam heat, electricity,
baths. Newly furnished «-l irou K ho
Apply C. Gaeta, Merchant lailor, -l-
Locust street.
FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en
suite, all conveniences, including Phont.
reference required. Apply 1015 Noith
Front street.
FOR RENT One or two nicely fur
nished, airy rooms on third floor, in
private house; all conveniences; city
steam, gas, bath, telephone, facing
Capitol. Price moderate. Inquire 4-b
North street.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with
all conveniences, on second llo . or -_."P:
piy S. Freiilman, 1700 North Third
FOR RENT Second-story front
room and third-story back room; nicely
furnished; price reasonable. 45 North
Sixteenth street.
FOR RENT Firty furnished rooms,
in private families, all parts of city
improvements 51.25 week many
other rooms. Send 15c for list of rooms.
Address X.. 608, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
rooms, single or communicating. Ap
ply 715 North Third street.
SUITE of three unfurnished rooms
private bath and kitchen, including
range; fronting on Second street; cen
trally located. Apply Penna. Realty &
Improvement Co., 132 Locust street.
FOR RENT Third floor, consisting
of two unfurnished rooms and bath,
steam heat, electric light and gas. sls
per month. Address Boyd P. Rothrock,
Pennsylvania State Museum.
FOR RENT Three large rooms,
two on first tloor, suitable for business.
Will alter to suit renter. 224 Chestnut
street. Apply 226 Chestnut street.
FOR RENT One large, furnished
front room, with board, for gentleman,
near Carltol. Address 606 Brlggs
TWO nicely furnished rooms, for gen
tlemen. with city heat and use of bath.
Apply 272 Brlggs street
FOR RENT Furnished rooms and
boarding by meal, day or week. Apply
1001 North Second street, corner Boas
and Second streets.
WANTED Twelve permanent, best
furnished and fifteen light housekeep
ing rooms, $1.50 week; unfurnished. $4
month. Don't reply unless my prices
suit you. Address 0., 888, care of Tele
WANTED Boarders or a married
couple to vent second floor for light
housekeeping In pleasant place. Apply
2419 Camby street. Penbrook.
WANTED Position of trust, or will
invest some money in paying business,
or will buy the sar-e, in this city. Best
Harrlsburg reference. Address H., 552,
care of Telegraph.
May 1, boarding for a family of five, in
cluding children, on a farm where there
are no other boarders. M., 549, care of
USED motorcycles; all make ; over
hauled and in fine condition, guaran
teed to be as tepresented; call for dem
onstration. Heagy Bros.. 1204 North
Third street. _
FOR SALE No. 1 Underwood type
writer,, in good condition. Will sell
cheap. Reason for selling, leaving city.
Address B. C. M., 544, care of Tele
FOR SALE One genuine Sheraton
rocker. Address P. O. Box 219, Pen
brook, Pa.
FOR SALE Bay mare, with foal;
good speed; buggy, sleigh and harness.
Seven years old. Apply 260 Rldgc street,
Steelton, Pa.
FOR SALE An Arabian pony, S
years old; 2 sets harness, one lly not,
and rubber-tire phaeton, as good as
new. Cheap to ft quick buyer. R. N.
Bitting, Marysville, Pa.
FOR SALE A sideboard and din
ing-room table, good condition Call
:at 225 Verbeke street.
Steel Die Embossed Stationery and
Business Cards—increases business
costs less than printing. Harrlsburg
Embossing Plant, 4 North Fifth street.
TKUNK&, Traveling Bags, Suit Ca«M.
Gloves. Sole. and Strap
heather. Calfskin. Kip. Dr fiola. Waxed
Upper anj Sheep Skins. Leather Sample
Cases and Leather Specialties made to
order and repaired. Harrisburg Har
ness and Supply Co.. Second and Chest
nut streets
FOR SALE One common milch
goat, two grade does. $lO eachj one
pure bred buck kid. Apply W. H.
Ylngst, Long street. Camp 11111. P. O.
Box 794, Harrlsburg.
FOR SALE Seed Potatoes sev
eral hundred bushels of Early Kcrt
Blllf and Spaulding Rofe at 75c a
bushel and up. Call Bell phone 11)77,
or 230 Mulberry street.
BARRED ROCKS and ft C. B. Ml
norcas from H. Speece, at Speeceville,
Pa., are from leading prize winning
strains at National shows. Hatching
eggs and cockerels for sale.
GLASS window signs. Furnished
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and
Board and Table Board, at 26c each.
One of these signs will be given with
each six-tlmo order for a classified ad
if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of
Ser gallon. sl.lO per one-half gallon,
elivered by parcel post. Sample, 10c.
L. K. Hoststter, Route 6, Lltitz, Pa.
FOR SALE Refuse carload of
scrap-iron at Sheesley's siding. Dock
street, to be sold at Public Sale, May 6,
1914, at 10 o'clock A. M„ to highest
bidder for cash consideration, and must
be removed within 10 days from date
of sale. Further particulars can be. had
upon application to O. W. Mumma,
Freight Claim Adjuster, P. R. R.
Freight Office, foot of Third street. J.
H. Nixon, Agent, Harrlsburg.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraoh Business Office.
Ward) some uf lliem on paved street.
Will exchange for Improved propert)
An exceptional opportunity (or a
builder. Call and Inxpeet blue print. K.
R. Oyster, Truatee, care of Telegraph
Uuslnrsa Office.
WILL exchange a pair of nev houses
situated on North Third street, Harrls
burg, for a farm. (Value. $4,500).
"Also" for sale business property in
Harrlsburg worth $25,000, Cash re
quired, SB,OOO. Investigate. We have
a farm will exchange for good roadster
or flve-passeng. r automobile. Address
X., 884, care of Telegraph.
DESK ROOM in the Tele
graph Building in the office of
Miss E. L. Shaver, Public Steno
grapher all conveniences. Call at
•405, Fourth Floor, Telegraph
FOR RENT At $22,00, an 8-room
new residence, on Camp Hill Heights—
vacuum steam heat electricity
range bath closets porches
lot, 118x220 ft. Call Bell phone 3048 L.
TWO desirable offices in the
Union Trust Building; possession
at once. Apply Union Trust Co.
POM RENT Desirable office* In the
Telegraph Uullillng, n.nuly or en-sulte.
inquire Ml Uu»lue»a odice.
secured at the Telegraph Business
WELL-LOCATED store room, 26x66,
also small room, 12x30, suitable for
barber shop or small business, on West
High street, Elizabethtown, Pa, Pos
session immediately. Inquire J. H.
Levenlght. Elizabethtown, Pa.
FOR RENT Store room 1200 North
Third street; 33x100; 14-foot ceiling;
one of the best rooms in the city. Ap
ply J. S. Slble, 256 Herr street.
FOR SALE OR RENT Part or all
small ice cream plant, complete. Ad
dress A., 548, care of Telegraph.
clustve control. Splendid selling house
hold article. Send ten cents for sample.
Money returned if not satisfactory.
Sammis Manufacturing Co., 422 Com
merce street, Philadelphia, Pa.
SALOON in Atlantic City, guaranteed
business all year, for sale. Particulars
apply A-3172, Press Office, Atlantic
WILL give half interest in
patentable invention to any person for
SSOO. Address, or call, S. R. Horst,
Washington Heights, Lemo.vne, Pa.
ANY intelligent person can earn good
income corresponding for newspapers,
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock
port, N. Y.
I MADE $50,000 In Ave years in the
mail order business, began with $&
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea
cock, 355 Lockport. N. Y.
FOR SALE At Gable's, 111 and
117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons
New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme
quality. Also the full lino of the Acme
FOR SALE At Gable's, 113, 115 and
117 South Second street, 5 000 aets new
Sash, Bxlo, 12 L., primed and glazed, at
$1.15 per set. Also other sizes.
ROOMS papered $2.60 up. Workman
ship and material guaranteed. Largest
stock of Wall Paper in city. H A
Bodmer, "Harrlsburg's Best' Decora
tor," 813 North Third street. Bell
W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton
—Furniture, china and piano packing
Shipments looked after at both ends
Also all kinds of hauling. Dell phone
3227 W.
H. W. LATHK, lloartilnic Stable anil
> atlonal Transfer Co. Movers of
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul
ing. H W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth an.i
Woodbine streets. 801 l phone So
2503 R.
FOR falling hair try Gross Quinlm-
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the
Druggist and Apothecary, lla M rket
ftreet. Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention Bell
1 owO
] WILL paint any old roof. Guarnn
tee a watertight job. All colors. Postal
brings ine Maxwell H Hite, The Kouf
Paint Man. Box 328. Harrlsburg, Pa.
with best material and by expert help
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N.
Gluck, 320 Woodbine street.
Harrisburg Paste Works
12« IV. Cameron Street
PAPER HANGERS', billposters', book
binders' and all kinds of paste. Prompt
shipment. AH paste guaranteed. Bell
phone 1186 L.
C. HENRY. Architect and Builder,
will save you money. Bungalows a
specialty. 704 South Twenty-fourth
atreat Bell phone 1676 J.
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
security In any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower. Address P. O.
Box 174. Harrlsburg. Pa.
in amounts of SI,OOO and up on firat
mortgage on city property, repayable
monthly or Installments. Debt camel
ed and mortgage satisfied on death of
borri wer. John C. Orr, 222 Market
of loaning money by which borrowers
share profits of lenders. legal rates,
easy terms, confidential Office*. Rooms
6-7. 9 Norrh Market bquare
large brick warehouses. built ex
pressly for storage. Private rooms
for household goods and unexcelled fa
cilities for storing all kinds of mer
chandise. Low storage rates South
St. and Penna. R. R.
IN 3-story brick building. rear 408
Market utreet.
Household goniln In elran, private
rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to
P. G. Dlener, Jeweler. 408 Market St.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, for
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents
per month Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411
Broad street. Both phones.
Harrlsburg, Pa.. April 6, 1914.
ceived by the Board of Trustees at the
Hospital until 10 o'clock A. M.. May 6,
1914, to furnish all needed supplies to
i the Pennsylvan.'i Lunatic Hos
pital. for the year beginning Jure 1,
1914. Blank forms for proposals will
be furnished on application to
H. L ORTH. M. D.,
Estate of Raymond L. Stewart, Deceased
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans'
Court, of Dauphin County, there will be
exposed to public sale at tne Court
House, in the City of Harrisburg, Pa.,
on Wednesday, the 29th day of Aurll. A.
D. 1914, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of
said day, the following tract of land;
Beginning at stones at a point on the
south side of the Schuylkill and Sus
ouehanna Railroad, thirty (30) feet
from the center line of said railroad;
tnence north sixty-two degrees and
forty-nine minutes (62 degrees, 49 min
utes) east, and parallel with said rail
road thirteen hundred twelve (1,312)
, feet to a point; thence south twenty
seven degrees eleven minutes (27 de
grees, 11 minutes) east, a distance of
I sixty-three (63) .eet to a point; thence
I by a remaining part of this tract, south
eighty-four degrees eleven minutes (84
degrees, 11 minutes) east four hundred
■seventeen (417) feet to a point; thence
by same north seventy-seven degrees
Corty-nlne minutes (77 degrees, 49 min
utes), east four hundred forty-nine
(449) feet to a point; thence by same
north eighty-one. degrees thirty min
utes (81 degrees, 30 minutes) east threo
hundred fifty-five (355) feet to a point;
thence by same north sixty-six degrees
forty-five minutes (66 degrees, 45 min
utes) east six hundred two (602) feet
to a point; thence by same north sixty
four and one-fourth degrees (64',4 de
grees) east seven hundred forty (740)
feet to a point; thence along the Ellen
dalo Forge Tract south twenty-six de
grees fifteen minutes (26 degrees, 15
minutes) east six hundred forty-two
(642) feet to stones; thence south fifty
six degrees fourteen minutes (56 de
grees, 14 minutes) west twenty-six
hundred seventeen (2,617) l'eet to a
hickory; thence by the John Bell tract
fifty-nine degrees forty-five minutes
(59 degrees, 45 minutes) west sixteen
hundred seventy-two (1,672) feet to
stones; thence by the John Gaytnan
tract eight degrees forty-eight minutes
(8 degrees, 48 minutes) west fourteen
hundred fifty-four (1,454) feet to a
white oak; thence by the same north
nine degrees twenty-three minutes (9
degrees, 23 minutes) west one hundred
seventy three (173) feet, to the place
of beginning. Containing one hundred
three (103) acres and one hundred (100)
perches. Together with the use of a
private road leading from a point in the
public road from Dauphin to Ellendale
Forge, to land herein.'
Having thereon erected a dwelling
house and barn.
Terms of sale—Ten per cent, of tht
purchase money on day of sale; 15 pet
cent. on the day of the confirmation of
the sale by the Court, and the bal nee
within ten (10) days from the confir
mntlon of the sale by the Court, with
power to adjourn the sale from time to
BRADDOCK, Attorney.
In the estate of Eliza B. Hummel, de
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters
Testamentary have been duly granted
!by the Register of Wills of Dauphin
County, Pennsylvania, in the estate of
Eliza B. Hummel, late of the City of
Harrisburg, said county, deceased, to
Eliza Hummel Maodonald, Helen Ray
Donaldson, V. Ix>rne Hummel and John
A. Herman, of Harrisburg. In said
State, and all persons who are Indebted
to said estate are requested to make
payment without delay, and all persons
who have lawful claims against the
same, are required to make the same
known without delay to the under
105 S. Front Street;
107 S. Front Street;
333 Market Street,
Harrlsburg, Penna.
March 18. 1914.
THE annual meeting of the Paxtang
Cemetery Association will he held In
the office of the cemetery between the
hours of 2 and 3 P. M., on Monday, 27th
April, 1914.
In the Matter of the Estate of Annie
E. Klnter Deceased.
PURSUANT to an order of the Or
phans' Court, held in Harrisburg- in
and for the County of Dauphin, on iite
13th day of April, 1914, tli" undersign
ed Executors of the last will and testa
ment of Annie E. Klnter, deceased, late
of the City of Harrisburg, will offer at
Public Sale, in front of the Court
House, in the City of Harrlsburg coun
ty aforesaid, at 10 o'clock A. M., May
9, 1914, the following described real
property of the decedent:
All those certain parcels or pieces of
land, situated in the City«of Harrisburg
known as Numbers 1180, 1182, 11S 4
Christian street rear) of Christian
street known as rear 131, and 1218 Mul
berry street.
The terms of sale will be as follows:
Ten per centum of the purchase money
shsl be payable on the day of sale,
fifteen per centum there.>f on tile con
firmation of the sale by the Court and
the balance on the Ist day of July, 1914,
when title and possess'on will be given
the purchaser or purchasers.
Executors of the Lbsf Win find Testa
ment of Annie E. Klnter, dee'd.
The New York Pawnbrokers
lend money on jewelry mul dia
mond* at the lowest rate* in the
225 Market Street
Second Floor.
APRIL 15,1914.
Price Movements at First Were Uncertain; Demand Was
Not Large; Bonds Were Irregular
By Associated Press s
New York, April 10. Tlie stock
market to-day was free from the un-
Bettlement of the preceding session.
Price movements at first were uncer
tain, but as there was no evidence of
aggressive selling the list gradually
hardened. Moderate operations were
undertaken on the long siue on the
theory that after a decline of nearly a
week the market was due for a rally.
The demand was not large enougn,
however, to impart sustained strength
and shortly before noon the list eased
o it.
Bonds were Irregular.
Furnlnhed by U. \\. SX.IVEIiY
Arcndc Building
New York, Aprii 15.
Open. 2.30 P. M.
Alaska Ookl Mines . 24% 25%
Amal. Copper 73 & 73%
American Can
Am. C. & F 49 Vi 4y Vi.
American Cotton Oil 41 41
Am. Ice Securities.. 28% 28%
Am. Locomotive ... 32 31 %
American Smelting . 56 Vj 56%
American Sugar ... 99 % 100
American T. & T... 120'/i 120%
Anaconda $4 33%
Atchison 95% 95%
Baltimore & Ohio .. 88% 88%
Bethlehem Steel ... 38 SS%
Brooklyn H. T 91% 91%
California Petroleum 23 23
Canadian Pacific ... 200 199%
Central leather ... 34% 34%
Chesapeake & Ohio. 25% 52
C., M. & St. P 8 98%
Chino Con. Copper . 39% 39%
Col. F. & I 28 28
Corn Products 8% 8%
Erie 28% 28%
Erie, Ist pfd 44 44 %
Goodrich, B. F. .. . . 26% 27%
Great Northern, pfd. 121% 121%
Great Nor. Ore subs. 31 31
Lehigh Valley 143% 143%
Louis. & Nashville .134% 135
Mex. Petroleum .... 62 62
Missouri Pacific ... 24 24%
Nev. Con. Copper ..15 15
New York Central . 88% 88%
N. Y., N. H. H. .. 66% 67%
Norfolk & Western. 103 103%
Northern Pacific ... 109% 110
Pacific Mail 22% 22%
Penna. R. R 109% 110
People's Gas & Coke 121% 121%
Pittsburgh Coal ... 20% 20%
Pressed Steel Car . 42% 42%
Ray Con. Copper ..20% 21
Reading 163% 163%
Rep. Iron & Steel .. 22% 22
Rep. Iron &S. pfd.. 83% 83%
Rock Island 3% 3%
Rock Island pfd ... 5% t>%
Southern Pacific ... 91% 91%
Southern Railway . 24% 24%
Southern Railway pf 80 SO
Tennessee Copper . 33% 33%
Texas Company ... 137 * 137%
Union Pacific 155% 155%
xU. S. Rubber 57% 57%
U. S. Steel 58% 58%
Utah Copper 54% 54%
Va. Car. Chem .... 28% 28%
Western Union Tel.. 02 62%
Westinghouse Mfg.. 72 72%
xEx. dlv. 1 % per cent.
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., April 15. Hogs Re
ceipts, 18,0 0; slow. Bulk of sales, SB.BO
@8.85; l.'glit, «8.65®8.90; mixed. *B.6o''
8.90; heavy, sß.4o<fjiß.Bs; rough, SS.4O©
8.50; pigs, $7.50®8.60.
Cattle Receipts. 11,000; steady.
Beeves, $7.10®9.50; Texas steers, $7.25
108.30; stockers and feeders. $5.60®
8.15; cows and heifers, $3.75@8.60;
calves, $6.50@9.50.
Sheep Receipts, 21,000; steady.
Native, $5.50 7.00; yearlings, ss.9uji)
7.50; lambs, native, $6.30®8.25.
fy A'sociated Press
Philadelphia. April 15. Wheat
Higher; No. 2, red, export, 98% @ 99c;
No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.03%
Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow,
natural, local, 76%@77c; do., kiln dried,
local, 77@78c.
Oats Steady; No. 2. white, 45
@45 %c. ,
Bran Market weak; winter, per
ton, $29.50@30.00; spring, per ton,
$28.50® 29.00.
Refined Sugars Market steady,
powdered. 4 00c, fine granulated, .t s»iii
• onfectioners" A. 3.80 c; Keystone A
3 ftSp
Butter The market is steady;
western, creamery, extras, 2ttc; nearby
prints, fancy 29c.
Eggs The market is steady;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases. $5.70 per case; do., current
receipts, free cases, $5.60@5.65 per
case; western, extras, firsts, free cases,
*5.70 per case; do., firsts, free cases,
$5 60(5)5.65 per case.
Live Poultry Firm; fowls, 21
@2l%c; young chickens, 14@20c;
a hn k' 15 'u no
ers, 12@13c; ducks, 17@19c; spring
We want no advantages, care
very little about security, prom
ise satisfaction and guarantee a
square deal. Ask us what you
want to know. Convince us of
your ability and honest inten
tion to live up to your agree
ment and we will satisfy you
that you will be given a square
deal under all conditions.
Room SSI 4th Floor
We have recently put into
effect very liberal reductions In
the rates <>f all loans, which are
positively the lowest In the city.
We invite honest working peo
ple without bank credit to do
business here at rates lower
than prescribed by the law or
First and second mortgages a
Pennsylvania Investment
Oflle© Hours—B.3o A. M. to
5.30 P. :.i.
Saturdays, 8.30 A. M. to
B.SO P. M.
ducks, 17@18c; geese, 15@17c; turkeys,
Dressed poultry Firm; fowls,
western, fancy, heavy. 20c; do.,
fair to good, heavy, 17@ 19c; do.,
fair to good, heavy, 20c; do.,
weights. 12@15c; unattractive, 13
@l6c; old ro>osters, 15c; toast
ing chickens, fancy, 18@20c; broil
ing chickens, fancy, 24tf<ji>c, do., fair.
M'Urc, cupor*. large, 23{C26c, d 0...
trnall, 18(8>20c; turkeys, fancy, :'.(®2»c;
'io„ fair, 20023 c; ducks. Iliylsc; gee»»,
11 Iff 1 fic.
Flour— The market is steady; winter,
Irttl, iJ.bo'u-i l». atta nsnlo. i is*. I) *
«ylvan!a, $4.15®4.30; western, $4.26®
4 40; patents, $4.600'4.»U; Kansas
ftrsisrht lute s«cks. $4 20fir 4 40, s ring,
firsts. Clear, $4.00@4.20; straights, $4.20
@4.40; patents. 54.50@4.75.
Clover mixed; l>ig!u mixed, $16.50®
17.00; No. 1. do., $16.60@16.00; No. 2, do.,
Knmlsheil by H. W. SNAVELY
Ari-n«ic Untitling
Chicago, 111., April 15.
Open. High. Low. Cios
May 92% ....
[July S6 %
May .... .... H6 % ~., ....
! July 06%
I Oats—
May 37%
! OLD cum
Enthusiastic Meeting of Delegates
to Amend Rules of Re
publican Party
[ Carlisle, Pa., April 15. —That ther<j
;is a strong spirit prevalent in all parts
of the county against the policies of
j the present administration was evinced
when at the meeting of Republican
| delegates from pll parts of the'county
•speaker after speaker condemned thu
legislation and tariff tinkering that
has resulted in business depression
and iri numbers of men being thrown
out. of employment.
Senator Franklin Martin, of West;
Fairview, Major John H. Kirk, of New
Cumberland, B. K. Spangler and W.
IH. Brown, Carlisle, all spoke alonij
j these lines and told of increase in the
: Republican strength in practically
I every district. Senator Martin stated
i that 100 residents of West Fairview.
j employed on the Pennsylvania Rail
road, were laid off in one day and
that further reductions were expected.
It was claimed by Major Kirk that
Jthero is a strong Republican senti
ment in the lower end and that the
. Progressive vote would he a negligible
quality at the coming elcetion.
I There were sixty delegates present
at the meeting which was called to
amend the rules of the party in pur
' finance of recent acts of Legislature,
j which make the term of office for
i committeemen two years and reduce
the number to one in each district.
I Chairman Kline presided.
At the meeting the announcement
of the candidacy of Harry B. Shoor.,
'a plasterer and citizen of West
Fairview, was made. He is the
first Republican to enter the race, in
which four Democrats and three Pro
gressives are now engaged. Mr. Shoop, '
who was the first burgess of AVest
Fairview when the town was lncor
! porated, is well known throughout the
county and lias a rtrong following. In
view of the splits in the other parties
his nomination and election Is prac
tically assured.
Murray E. Goodyear, of Carlkle, a
blacksmith, has also announced his
ca..didacy for the Legislature and has
his papers in circulation. Mr. Good
year has been in the service of one of
the large industries of this place for
21 years, is prominent in church
circles and a member of several frat
ernal organizations.
800 Maltas to See
Degrees Conferred
The conferring of the Red Cross
and Holy Sepulchre degrees at the
Armory, Second and Forster streets,
this evening at 8 o'clock will be at
tended by 800 members of the Knights
of Maltas. Representatives from Phil
adelphia, York, Lancaster, Mechanics
burg, Sunbury, Williamsport, Wilkes-
Barre, Tyrone, Altoona, Pittsburgh,
Millersburg and Berwick lodges will
be present.
The exercises will be in charge of
the Red Cross Association of the
. Knights of Malta, composed of com-
I manderies of Middletown, Steelton
and this city. A class of fifty candi
dates will be admitted and the high
est of Maltan honors will be conferred
upon them. Captain Sir John Good
!of the uniform division will have
charge of the Roman soldiers who will
give a fancy drill prior to rendering
[the degrees. The following are on the
I degree staff:
Harry Eisner, of lodge No. 108; F.
I Eugene. Gehr. 113; William J. Davis.
I 113; Charles Helm, 108; Harry M. As
ikin, 125; Hugh Robinson, 114; John
;A. Kirkpatrick, 114; Webster Weaver, i
j 132; H. A. Gunderman, 96; William
| G. Pike, 113; Charles G. Duev, 114; M.
C. Deiseroth, 113; George E. Fornwalt,
■96; Charles W. Spangler, 113; Joseph
jW. Bricker, 108; Alfred J. Simmers,
| 113; William H. Harman, 96; John
A. Geiger, 125; John W. Elberti, 114;
land Frederick Eshenour, 132.
| The master of ceremonies will be
Robert Brick, of No. 96; assistant mas
ter of ceremonies, John W. Grisslnger,
of 114.
1 Miss Brown Is Buried;
111 Several Weeks
Funeral services for Miss Mabel E.
' Brown, aged 30, who died yesterday
morning at the home of her father,
I A. W. Brown, 2327 North Sixth street,
I from pneumonia, were conducted this
afternoon. The Rev. Amos M. Stamets,
pastor of the Augsburg Lutheran
Church, of which Miss Brown was a
; member, officiated. Burial was made
in the East Harrlsburg Cemetery. A
week ago Miss Brown's mother died
suddenly from heart disease and this
is believed to have caused the death
of her daughter.
The Hague, Netherlands, April, IP.
Solemn ceremonies marked tho un
veiling to-day in the Palace of Peace
of the bust of the late William T.
Stead, the English writer, who was
a victim of the Titanic disaster two
years ago. There was a distinguished
audience of delegates representing
many countries.