Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 14, 1914, Image 13

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    Bohrlver, Barah BL. 1411 Reglna, bo-
Sarah BL. 1411 Reglna, whole
sale bologna.
Sheer, Lewis, 11th and Market, shoes.
Shepherd ft Myers, 407 Market, shoes.
Sherman. H-. 1228 Bailey, groceries.
fble. B. M, ISOO Market. dept store,
gler, M. A, Allison Hill M&t. meata
ltser, Andrew. 10J0 Market, groceries.
Smith, a F.. 1401 Market, drugs.
Smith ft Kieffer, 411 Market, wholesale
•mlth, R. L» ft Co. 411 Market, dry
Snavely, a W, 1106 Derry, grooerlea.
Tprlnger. Mrs. Km ma, 1838 \ arnon, gro-
Sta? r Supply C». 1336 Hulbwrj, oysters
and pro duo*.
Stevens. C. 0. 103 L Market, cigars and i
Stevens, C. O. 138 L Market, pool.
Stevens. C. C-. 103 L Market restaurant.
Stoneseifer, C. D, 1410 Reglna, fruit;
and oysters,
.■prenkle, C. R, 14tb and Market, eye
Bweigert. Jm, ,W. 114# Darry, dry
00, 1114 Mulberry, whole- j
sale produce.
R ell beta. Jaa.. BN. 4th. restaurant
ouffer, Chas, 1313 A Mulberry, gro
■ohoffer. J.l4t lttb. eoflee and H»-
•shorter. J. S, I & Hth. wholesale
eoffee ana peanuts.
■potts. A W, 1317-11 Market wmll
Bteese. A M.. & Cameron, produce,
fiheesloy, Chas.. 901 Walnut milk,
fiheesley. Chas, 401 Walnut wholesale
■tellbets. J a*.. 8 N. 4th. clgara.
Tauslg Sons, 420 Market Jewelry.
Tauslg Sons, 420 Market brokers.
Thomas W. D.. 1247 Walnut meats.
The Union News Co.. PR. R. Depot
papers and perlodlcala
The Union Newe Co., P. ft It. Depot
papers and periodicals.
United Cigar Store Co. 411 Market ei
Vogel, P.. L. II 6. 18th. groceries.
Weast Geo. B, 1018 Market hardware.
Wallace Coal Co„ T 8. 4th, coal and
Wltman-Schwarts Co, 418 Walnut
wholesale groceries.
Weber. J N, 140 Sylvan Terraoe, medi
Wltmoyer, H. E.. 48 N. 18th. clgara
Wltmoyer, H. E„ <8 N. 18th, pool.
Windsor Hotel, 418 Market, eating
Woolf, J. C.. 1421 Shoop. milk.
Woolworth, F. W. ft Co. 408 Market 8«
and 10c goods.
Wltman Bros, 40 N. 10th. wholssale
WTtcomb, Geo, 14th and Walnut pro
Willis, C. F„ 1600 Market groceries.
Warner. Chris, 1233 Bailey. Ice cream.
Yeager, F. C., 16oS Market, meats.
Yohe, C. E., 1264 Derry, cigars.
Zeiders, E. E.. 81 N. 18th. groceriea
Zerby, W. H.. Derry and Mulberry, real
Selders, Wm. W., ft Son, 1486 Derry,
Harrlsburg Tax! Cab ft Baggage Co.,
• Aberdeen St, gasoline,
fielnlnger, Geo., Allison Hill Mkt, pro
Tolhelm. H. A, 1238 Mulberry, saddlery.
Brestel. W. Y., 1248 Market, window
Atlantic Refining Co., The, N. 7th, oil.
Atlantic Retlning Co., The, N. 7th,
wholesale oil.
Bingham. J., 610 Maclay, groceries.
Bates, E. F., Jr., 2210 6th, produce.
Bates, E. P., Jr., 2210 Oth. wholesale
Beshorat J. W. L., 526 Seneca, produce.
Bitting, Mrs. M. F., 650 Maclay, to
bacco and candy.
Bratton, Landis, 2252 Green, groceries.
Bender, Henry, 7th and Mohantongo,
Charles & Co., 412 Woodbine, groceries.
Detling, Clayton, 62$ Emerald, oysters
and milk.
Deppen, Irvin, 6th and Emerald, gro
Dltmer, Geo., 2539 6th, groceries.
Fisher, Clarance A-, 2126 6th, cigars and I
and tobacco.
Fisher, Clarence A.. 2126 6th, pool.
Gaibreath, D„ G., 7th and Curtin, lima
and cement.
Garrett Mrs. 8. S., 481 Wlconisco,!
Guyer, R. C., 2148 7th, groceries.
Harris, D. C., 2354 6th, groceries.
Hoffman, B. F.. 216S 7th, !ce
Ingram, Daniel, 611 Mohantongo, gro-
Jenkins, B. H.. 2300 6th, drugs.
Jones, Ambrose, 660 Woodbine, confoo
tionery. •
Fink, J. E., 8801 N. 6th, cigars and oon
B*lnk. J. E., 2301 N. 6th, pool.
Keene, Mrs. A., 624 Maclay, groceries 1
Keener, E F., 2541 6th, tobacco and I
Klnsinger, Samuel, 4th and Woodbine,
Knoenlg, A, 6th and Maclay, cigars.
Kreamer, J. H., 6th and Forrest pro
Kreamer, J. H., 6th and Forrest whole
sale produce.
Lauver. W. E. ft E., 2230 6th, gas fix
Levlnson, Philip, *134 6th, oonfection
Ulpman. George, 632 Mohantongo, meat
Mock & Hartraan. 7th ad Emerald, feed
and grain.
Mock & Hartman, 7th and Emerald,
wholesale feed and grain.
Penna. Milk Co., 2113 Atlas, wholesale
Patton, E. G., 622 Emerald, meat
Reif, J. Fulmer, 565 Woodbine, gro
Reed. Mrs. A V„ 622 Maclay, cigars and i
Reese, Harry, 2200 6th, groceries.
Reed, Mrs. A V., 622 Maclay, restaur
Bchreckengost, S. A., 616 SchuylkllL
Bhoebauer, W. J., Front and Reel's
Lane, produce.
Bmyser. Mrs Geo. W., 689 Woodbine
Epangler, A E.. 2110 6th, pianos
Bterrick, L A., 2250 Jefferson, milk,
pmith Bros., 612 Wiconlsco, groceries.
Bmith, A C., 4th and Reel's Lane, pro
filler. W H„ .17 6th, groceries.
Wagner. Mrs. M. S„ 633 Woodbine, gro
Wingert G. H., 618 Woodbine, gro
Wittenmyer. Lumber Co., 7th and
Schuylkill, lumber.
West End Electrical & Cycle Co., 234 !
Maclay,. electrical and bicycle sun- I
plies. |
Winter, W. R., ft Son, 8837 N. 6th, ci
Webster. C. C.. 2:68 N. 4th. pool
Webster, C. C., 2168 N. 4th, cigars and
Wittenmyer Lumber Co.. 7th and I
Schuylkill, wholesale lumber
Pan Wagner, C. W„ 232 Emerald, gro- I
3rrls, G. ~ 2124 N. 6th, ffrocerloi.
Mthouse, H. B„ 1840 N. 3rd, drags
Bowman. David W„ 1810 N. 4th, cigars
and tobacco.
Sink, A. G., 1940 Green, meats.
Seaumont. H. U, 1819 N. 3rd, pool.
Beaumont. H. L., 1819 N. 3rd, cigars and
Brunner, a a.. 6th and Kelker, rro
Jotteral, J. W„ 1800 6th, drugs.
Davis, H. 8., 806 Muench, produce.
>lffenderfer. W. H., 1846 Green, cigars
and confectionery.
Slicker. G W 1930 6th, Jewelry,
""ornwald. H. J., 1807 3rd dry goods
Praim. A H., 2032 6th. dry goods
Jariand, 8. H.. 2000 N, 6th. groceriea
Jlbbs. W. H.. 210 Muench. groceries
Jordon. Harry 1918 N 6th, shoes
Hsrrls, & H.. 2019 Green, groceriea
Soover, r. 1901 3rd. cigars and oonfeo
Jarrisburg Brokerage Co, 1808 N. Id
brokers. *
leller, Jacob, 848 Peffer, groceries,
lefkln Lillian, 2020 Bth, groceries
ioffman ft McFall, 1838 N. 3rd. era
. cerles.
tohnson. Steward, 1881 6th, oysters.
fish and produoo.
tlpp, J. K., 1821 N. 4th, grocertas and
Clrkland. J. A.. 218 Peffer, groceries.
Crelg. A U. 224 Kelker, gr'oc^VlS
Culp, Mrs. W. A, 1826 6th. Ice cream
and confectionery.
*M'r. J. Eh 600 Kelker, tobacco and
Ice cream,
sng, Alex, 1816 N. Brd, eigars and oon
Ang. Alex, 1816 N. Brd. pool.
.ogan Drug Co.. 1808 N. Ith. drags and
Andls, C P.. 1818 3rd, fruit and prs
*nts, W. L, 1848 6th, groceries,
iappley. Jno, 1800 4th. sboas.
ashman, D. O;. 1084 4th. oystsr*.
(cFadden, Elisabeth, ITBI M. 3rd.
tshrlng, Chas. A. 4th sosd Peffer,
drags and clgnrs. '
reff. A. C., 18to Bth, produo*.
Ilewlne, 8.. 1820 6th, grocortwL
>tt ChaSy 1928 Fulton, milk,
elbert. Homer G.. 1908 6th. lowalrr
mlth. C. W.. 1804 3rd, milk
inltb, I. D, 834 Delaware, mflk.
Snook, W. H, 334 Kelker, stoves aid
Btrlne ft Kiss, 1101 Susquehanna pro
Swarts, C. W„ 344 Muench. groceries.
Welser, J. M.. 147 Muench, grocerle*.
West End Garage Co, 1808 Logan, au
to supplies.
Wltman. Wra. W, 1343 N. Ith, groceries.
Rex Auto Garan, 1317 N. 3rd, auto
supplies and on.
Ammon, J. 8, Susquehanna and Ham
ilton. pool,
Ammon, J. S., Susquehanna and Ham
ilton, clgara.
Baiter, Louts ft Son, ITOO Ith, real es r
I tate.
Bates, E. F. Sr., ft Son, ITB4 6th. gro
I Buehler, J, B, 1704 Bth. confectionery.
Beshore. Chas, 344 Harris, produce.
Boshore. Theo., S6J Harris, produce.
I Beshore, Theo., 863 Harris, wholeeailo
Blair, G. M., 813 Hamilton, groceries and
Bon Ton Shoe Shop, 1883 3rd, shoes.
Brown, J. F, 1744 4th, tobaeoo and
Bates, 3. B, 1837 N.'Srd, clgara.
Conover, C. U. 17JS 4th, groceries,
Crownshleld, H K, 1632 6th, gro
Devan, H. C.. 1724 N. 3rd, grooerlea,
Elkwood Poultry Supply House, 1703
Srd, wholssale poultry supplies.
Fortenbaugh. W. H.. 1618 3rd. restaur
Frants, Jos. IL. 1701 3rd, grooerlea
Goodj Geo, 1723 4th. notlone and n«r>
Handshaw, C. B, 1841 Brd, coaL
Harrlsburg Auto Co.. Hamilton, autoa.
Hiney. W. H„ 1780 4tii. booka
Hess. E. H., 1830 6th. drugs.
Hull Bros, 1718 Srd, meats.
Johnson, Joe. 1710 Wood, produoa
Koons, rL C, 1629 Penn, meata
Kuntz. L. A, 1636 3rd, candy.
Koozents. M, 1627 Fulton, groceries.
Lodgo. G. H., 1622 4th, grooerlea.
Maloney, J. H.. 1619 Green, real estata
Martin, L G, 1726 4th. sprocerlea
Matthias, Jna W, 488 Hamilton, wall
Marsh, H. L EL 1608 Bth, meata
McCormlck, Walter M, 1638 3th.
Mehrtng E. T.llll 4th. groceriea
w ?*"• I- 6th, hardware.
Marks. Curtis A Bros, 1800 North, pro
duce and groceries.
Parfot, J. A., 1641 4th. confectionery.
Ralston, Miller. 1701 4th. groceries.
Redmond. Andrew, Srd and Boyd, autos
and wagons.
Sherman David. 601 Hamilton, shoes.
Snyder, Mrs. Maggie, 1786 N. Srd, eon
Sneeringer, J. R., 224 Hamilton, gro
S? i I ,'f n pT rr S r ' iv IS ," <«»>■ groceriea.
*■-* Hamilton, bread.
Silhert L., 1542 N. 6th, eonfectlonery
ana Ice cream.
Olewlne ft Patterson, 1788 N. Bth. oon
fectlonery and lee cream.
Tripner. G. C.. 1640 Bth. groceries,
bf•co"' 1639 3rd, cigars and to-
Wolford. Howard J, 160S Srd. gas man-
West End Pharmacy, 1601 Srd. drugs
J ' ** ho ® a "- Sl S " th ' D 'erry, gro-
CO c'erlea Ls ' man D '' 1921 8 - gro-
Ca an,l ß, coffe e " C °- 1835 B8 tea
Cooper, C. E„ 901 8. 20th. milk
Lumber Co - and Derry,
K wTo ,^^e L tt r r CO - 28th * nd
B drugs.
uaoio \v m. A., 5022 Derry. rrocArUs
estite J ' G * rflcld - 1925 SorTy. real
m ° Derry ' c,gßr » * n,s
B°!! a "2' Wm, 1910 Derry, pool.
HoUand. Mrs. Wm.. 1919 Derry, restaur-
H Uon n ery. MrS - 1919 confeo-
I cer/es"' °' 4 Ponß - 2328 D ®"-y. rro
' K ce e fl4, Bron * 1954 Kensington, gro-
J Lewis, E. W, 1903 Derry, groceries
' s t ft " lu « | . 8«2 s. 21st, groceries
ce Z rles° S 4 S ° n# ' 1852 Dtrr y. gro-
M tfo e n"^ Ub * nffh ' IMTH Derry ' confec
gtlne, Aaron, 977 21st rrocnrtA.
Thompson P C, 1913 Derry. cigars
in. it in sni RG Qonorm
Bowman, Wm. H clears
| Dlehler. P. p.. produce
Nartmo r, o '' mer <?l'andiSS.
Hartman Bros., feed
Un er „ Bros " f "rnlturs.
Howe, Henrj-, produce.
I*!** produce.
Keboch, John, produce.
Kebaught, C. E, produce.
Kempel, J. A, clgara.
\nn ter ' fl, c,^^r s.
Miller, W. H.. saddlery.
p"""' general merchandise.
d£e. er * er ' F '' Eeneral merchan
*>*l7p H T * nonoroH
Onnrt A i ?enCra! StOre.
Conrad Jacob, jewelry.
S r ?V se, . W ' meats.
Coble, A. C., drugs.
Ga[-ma r n: h M^rl°"fls e h neral
k?** L *• merchandise.
Malehorn, J. D„ pool.
Malehorn, J. D„ cigars.
n»»H er W J ' confe ct'onery.
Vf e c";™a rnerchßnd,s '-
gwitzer, Thomas l»., procertea
TaVl v r*"' m v, G "' Stocerles.
ian>, c. .. shoes.
Baud^r'\v B f THVI! I E b °ROUGH
7» • • A -' BT r^eries.
® U i7. ln eton. I. T furniture.
ofeblVr r ?" « ,e( -trlcalßuppllaa
ii, PJf r i c ■ E y merchandise.
Dietrich. S. A, Jewelry.
Dubensdorf, J, t)U
Tann'jg Co.'. hides.
RbJl 8a "u e7\? grocer * confectl °n«ry.
Elizabethvllle Milling Co
f55d ethVUle wholesale
Flcklnger, Jacob, medicines.
Forney, Chas. 8., post cards.
iHoke^A ctga*rs° CerleS a " d notlons "
| Hoke, A. W, pool.
' ra hardware.
Hoke, Ira M„ Star Theater.
| Hoke James & Son. plaster.
j "loner*"' G<o ' wholesal ® confee
|Kerstetter. Geo." M, groceriea
Keefer, Chas, cigars.
I Lentz. T. G, fish.
iLenker, Wm, produce.
Lyter, J. H, groceries.
>1 if 1 "' & e neral store.
Matter, W. E, meats.
Naylor, M. A, notions.
Romberger, D. W„ hides.
Komberger, J. A. coal and feed.
Romberger. J. A, wholesale feed.
Romberger. A M.. wholesale -general
8 to re,
Romberger, Joslah, medicines and soaD
Romberger H. L, garage oils.
Romberger, C. T, auto supplies
Romberger, D. W, harness.
Smith, Messrs Geo, wall papsr.
Snyder, C. T, cigars.
Stlne, D. M, clothing.
Stroup, J. C, drugs.
Smith F, W teas and coffees.
Schreffler, Chas E„ fumlturs.
Lhler & Co, general store.
W'eaver, H. H. 4 Son. coal.
Wise, Wm, tea and coffee.
Watson. G. 8, pool.
Watson. G. S, cigars.
Zelgler, L. H. & Son, stoves and tin
Zelgler. Mrs. F. A, millinery.
Bowman, C. T, general merchandise.
Bufflngton. J. J.. saddlery.
Buffington, A G, produce.
Dbniel. J. E„ groceries.
Gross, Abe. general merchandise.
Hartman, F. E, general merchandise.
Hepler, Geo. E„ produce.
Hoffman. E. E, hardwara.
Kllnger, N. E, produce.
Koppennaver, N. E, produca
Kratzer, C. u, merchandise.
Miller St Bros, general merchandlsa
Ritsman, F. N, cigars.
Rltzman. P. N, pool.
Rltzman, F. N, restaurant
Ritsman, A S., papera
Rogers, W. O, cigars.
Rothermel, Ira, merchandise.
Shlro, Jacob, twine.
Smith, Harry, motion pictures.
Smith, Harry, cigars.
Smith, Harry, pool.
Smith, Harry, restaurant.
Tobias, Chas. H, oIL
Umholts, H. H, produoa.
Welcher, Daniel, feed.
Waloher, J. A, produoa.
Albord, John, pool.
Albord, John, cigars.
Baker, C. C, furniture.
Bltterman. W. p.. piaster boards.
Bowman, G. W, meata
i • ■ » \ • r i - - r: v "
Bogar, a. D. A Son, lumbar.
Cooper, O. J., feed.
Cooper. O. J„ wholesale feed.
Enders, Mrs. A. F.. millinery.
Fetterhoff, H. L & Bro, general store.
Helsler. W. C, groceries.
K open haver, C, stoves and tinware.
Lebold, J. H, general store.
Lighter. J. E.. feed.
Naoe. Mrs. W, B, drugs.
[Nelson, Jaa M, cigars and tobacco.
Nelson. Jaa. M.. restaurant.
Novlnger Jlraa. Jeweler.
Prenzel A Ryn. Lyrio Theater.
Rlchter, C. il. cigars.
Seltser, 8. C., meats.
Smith, A. M.. general store.
Smith. A. M, wholesale feed and grain.
Shoop. H. R, Implements.
Bobbins, J. & Co.. clothing.
Wert, G. L, general store.
Zimmerman, Ira. general store.
Bodmer, Edwin, clgare,
[Booser, Ira, feed.
Booser, Ira. wholesale feed.
I Breshler, airs. C, cigars and confec
Ceover, C. A., meats.
Durburlo, H. R.. hardware.
Greene, O. P., cigars.
Orouver, Theo. L, restaurant.
Grouver, Theo. L, pool.
Orouver. Theo. L, cigars and confeo
Reefer, J. E., meats."
Hooker, J. G., general merchandlsa
X-eldlg. C. E.. general merchandise.
McDanle], H„ drugs.
Ranehaw. J. C., groceries.
Shelley, C. 8., restaurant.
Shelley, C. 8., cigars and tobaeoo.
Shelley, C. 8., pool.
Saudcrs, Jos. M., feed and flour.
Welders, M. 0., meats.
Selders, Geo. E, groceries.
Steelton Store Co., Ltd.. merchandise.
Sanders. Jos. M, wholesale feed.
Palmer, J. A., groceries.
Walmer, J. H, milk.
Wolfs Geo. A, groceries,
i eager, Charles, news agency,
P'sfi'lng, F. D.. general store.
Brlghtblil, J. M., lumber.
Brinser, Dudley, meals.
Brewnstone Store Co.. general store.
Surk holder, Jos., feed,
gordner, J. p., cigars and tobacco.
Earnest, R. 8., real estate.
Ehrlck, L. H., meats.
Etter E. Z, groceries.
Engle, J. S.. groceries.
Engle, Morris, groceries.
Ettele, W. H„ groceries.
Ebersole, H. G., candy.
Gravenstlne & Co.. milk.
Freese, Ralph, milk.
Froom, G.. milk.
Grsupner, F. B, clgara
Gebhardt H. T., meats.
Hoover, A. D., cigars.
Hoover, A. D., restaurant.
Holler, Chas., coal.
Holler, C. L cigars.
Holler, C. 1., restaurant
riocker, A. C, confectionery.
Hummel, F. L.. saddler.
Hummel, L. G., general store.
Hummel, O. G„ gents' furnishings.
Karmany. W.. furniture.
Kilmer, J. A., Jeweler.
Kilmer, J. L, confectionery.
Karmany St Kramer, moving pictures.
Mentch & Harbeil, cigars.
Mentch & Harbell, pool.
Miller, Cyrus, real estate.
Milier, M T., cakes.
Goodman's Millinery, millinery.
Nlssley, N. F., general store.
Nye ft Conrad, general merchandise.
Relgel, D. N.. sewing machines.
Ruff, J. 1., drugs.
Swope, Harry, milk.
Shenk, J. R., cigars.
Walter, J. H., agricultural Implements.
W heeler. F. G., confectionery.
Wise, A. W., shoes.
Wolaver, Henry, stoves and tinware.
Wolf, Samuel, merchandise.
Wagner Morris, real estate.
Zeller, G. A., cigars.
Zeller, Q. A, pool.
Zlters, Samuel, grocpries.
Zerfoss, S. 8., plumbing.
Arnold, A. C» cigars.
Atlantic Refining Co.. the, oil.
Boechler. Henry, merchandise.
Boedde, M. 8.. millinery.
Bowman. Henry, meats.
Budd, R. J., moving pictures.
Budd, Geo. W., tobacco.
Budd, Geo. W., pool.
Bilgler, S. E., cigars.
Coble 4 Sons, general merchandise.
Cook, Asiey, groceries.
Cooper, W. H., gro'cerles and meats.
Cooper, W. H.. wholesale produce.
Cooper, W. H., coal.
Delaney, J. 1., groceries.
Cook. Askley w., groceries.
Cosier & Sheesley, opera house.
Dietrich. Geo. W., cigars.
Dietrich. S. P., confectionery.
Eby, John H., cigars.
Eby, Geo. W., wholesale confectionery.
Fisher, J. F., general merchandise.
Grow, E> H., confectionery.
HofTman, Emanuel, feed.
Hoft, Chas. A., hardware.
Herb, Chas. D., green groceries.
Herblne, Harry, notions.
Hawk. E. G., groceries.
Heckler, Wm., cigars.
Hoffman, Jos., clothing.
Hensel, T. A., clothing.
Hoffman, Lewis, cigars.
Jamson, M.. groceries.
Krobath, John, cigars.
Koppenhaver & Sons, meats.
Kosler & Sheeley, opera house.
Lebo, Eddie, hardware.
Lykens Supply and Manufacturing Co.,
building material.
Martz, J. E., cigars.
Miller Estate, John C., general mer
Miller, J. M., real estate.
Miller, J. M., groceries.
Martin, S. G., Jewelry.
Myers, J. F., confectionery.
Manhattan Supply Co., teas, eta.
Minich, Robert, confectionery.
Manufacturing Clothing Co., clothing.
Parfet, Geo. W., carpets.
Relff & Helt Furniture Co., furniture.
Reldinger, Samuel, pool.
Reldlnger, Samuel, cigars.
Romberger, W. H., moving pictures.
Rudlslll, A. A., groceries.
Romberger, W. H., cigars.
Sheesley. H, groceries.
Stlne, C. M., general merchandise.
Smith, E. G., millinery.
Smith, W. G., drugs.
Sheeler & Kosler, opera house.
Stadmar. John, cigars.
Shelley, Paul J., groceries.
Seal, Harry H., pool.
Schoffstal uuther, builder.
Summit Branch Mining Co., supplies.
Schoffstall, A. P., cigars.
St. Clair, Chas. W., groceries.
Snyder, N. E.. Jewelry.
Steadmar, John, restaurant.
Twin Arch Theater, moving pictures.
Uhler, W. H„ drugs.
Wallace, $. T., shoes.
Wagner, Geo. W, 5c and 10c store.
Wagner, Geo. w., confectionery.
Worthlngton, H. W. cigars.
Worthlngton, H. W„ restaurant
Wltmer, J. W.. saddlery.
Wltmer, C. J., cigars.
Wynn, Frank, stationery.
Welker, BenJ u cigars.
Zerby, Wm. G., cigars.
Arndt, A. P., groceries.
Antrim, T. J., confectionery.
Antrim. T. J., restaurant.
Antrim, Tilly, groceries.
Atlantic Refining Co., wholesale oil.
Ackerman, J. M., meats.
Berman, M., clothing.
Brinser Milling Ce„ feed.
Brady, Jos. meats.
Blecher, Simon, milk.
Brinser, Isaac, groceries.
BeUtllne, M. H... confectionery and
Beistline. M. H., pool.
Beistline, M. H., restaurant.
Blumson. David, groceries.
Baker. A., Junk.
Bank Bros., notions.
Bauder, A. & Son, feed.
Bauder & Bro.. groceries.
Barbush, Frank, cigars.
Beard, C. F., groceries.
Blumeson, JoS., merchandise.
Baumbach. Valentine, shoes.
Croll, Abraham, paints.
Castllla, Eugene, cigars and groceries.
Cain, Levi, cigars and groceries.
Christian, Harry, cigars.
Condran, Edward, moving pictures.
Conkltn. W. W.. cigars.
ETetwfler, H. R.. meats.
Detwller Bros., confectionery.
Davis, Frank, oysters.
Deutrtch, I. H., clothing.
Delmler, H. E.. grocer.
Dupes, J., cigars.
Deckerd. Mrs. J. 8., feed.
Dimeter. J. E„ green groceriea
Espenshnde. 1., cigars.
Eapenshade, L. restaurant.
Etnoyer, C. C» cigars.
Etter, David, grocer.
Erlsman, C. N.. meat*.
Ebersole, M. D„ machinery,
Friedman, R., merchandise.
Few. C §.. drugs.
Folllnger, Jaoob, oliara
Gin rich, A. 8., Olgars.
Baas, J., olgars.
Harrisburg Oas Co.. gad store* and fix
Hunteberger, E. W. groceries.
Hippie, Jno. H., coal.
Hartman, E. F., groceries.
Hartman, E. F., wholesale groceries
JHlpplSb R. G„ ooal.
Hendrlckson. A. K.. bratd.
Hoffman, Mrs. J. E.. mllllnsry.
Johnson, R. J., confectionery.
Kovachck, Andrew, Jeweler,
lvlawansky, Sam., Junk.
Rlawansky, Abram, dry goodi.
Kaln, Jno. A., groceries.
Klahr, E. H.. Jeweler.
Kupp, Amos, cigars.
Laverty. Uugene, drug*.
Lloyd C., cigars.
Longsdorf, Harry, tobaaoo.
Lenheart, H., merchandise.
Leggore, W. M.. produce.
Long, Carson, coal.
Lewis, J. K., grocery.
tLongeneeker, C. EX, confectionery,
ongenecker, C. E.. restaurant,
ong. O. E., groceries.
Manfred Bros., motion pictures.
Martin, A. C., grocery.
Jt!43! otown Roller Mills, retail feed.
Mlddletown Roller Mills, wholesale feed.
Myers, H. \V„ lumber.
Mattls, Edward, tobacco.
McCreary, W, W., cigars.
Mlddletown Furniture Co., furniture.
Mayes, T. E., estate, drugs.
Neigle, Abraham, oysters.
Ober, Christ, hardware.
Orth, Chas., grcerlea.
Orth, Jno. S, shoes.
Peters & Welter, coal.
Prosser, Samuel. Junk.
Prosser, Albert, junk.
Pollasky, Jas.. junk.
Parthemore, F. A., cigars.
Peters, J. G„ merchandise.
Payne, Samuel, notions.
Roop. J. S., groceries.
Frodrong, 11. E., notions.
Reife, J. F., hides and leather.
Rank. W. J., cigars.
Richardson, H., groceries.
Reitzel. \V. W., groceries.
Rodgers, J. P., cigars.
Rodgers, J. P., restaurant.
Rodgers, J. P.. pool.
Roth, H. S., furniture.
Raymond, R. P., hardware.
Relteel, W. W., wholesale groceries.
Seiders, E. M., butterlne.
Seiders. W. E., grocery.
Seiders, E. W., grocery.
Snavely, E. M.. garage autoa.
Snyder, Martin, cigars.
Shlreman, J., cigars.
Smith, L. C., groceries,
gchwets, Fred, meats. .
Stouffer, H. W„ sewing marines.
Schadt, G. H., stationery.
Schuitz, W., shoes.
Silverman Bros.. wholesale coal and
Silverman Bros., coal.
Snyder, J. H., restaurant.
Snyder, J. H., pool.
Snyder, J. H., cigars.
Shlreman, E L., coal.
Sauders, Mrs. J. X., notions.
Smeltser, Jno. P., oil.
Shellenberger, H. H., saddlery.
Seltzer, C. A. saddlery.
Selser, S. S.. tinware and stoves.
Seiders, E. W., groceries.
Shoe Co., 20th Century, shoes.
Stager, John, cigars.
Tripp, T. W., groceries.
Wagoner, William, groceries.
Wise, E., grocery.
Wallower, E. J„ tobacco and cigars.
Wallower, E. J., pool.
Wallower, E. J., retaurant.
Young. S. C„ n-#*f.
Yoffe, M., clothing.
Young, Leah, millinery.
Wilson, B. H., pool, restaurant, cigars
and tobacco.
Atlantic Refining Co., the, wholesale
Alvord, J. M„ cigars and tobacco.
Alvord, J. M., pool.
Balr, A. Q. & Sons, groceries.
Bowman, K. 8.. stoves and tinware.
Barnhart, J. F.. merchandise.
Barnhart, J. F., restaurant.
Barnhart, J. F., pool.
Campbell, P. A., stoves and tinware.
Carmany, Chas. A., general store.
Colters, F, S., coal.
Coldren, E. B. & Son, general stor*.
Chubb. Jas. M., Jewelry.
Ditty. J. F.. pool.
Ditty, J. F.. cigars.
Doubden, P. M., Co. A., lumber.
D'elbelbls, J. W. Sons, meats.
Elshenour, George E„ confectionery.
Eishenour, George E., restaurant.
Ettinger, D. W., oil.
Frank, John N., general merchandise.
Frank, J. E. & Son, furniture.
Falrchtld, H. M., furniture.
Gilbert, H. S., cigars.
Gernert, J. A., cigars.
Heckert. J. H., cigars.
Hoffman, Henrv. notions.
Hearld, WE, real estate.
Hoy, H. H., general store.
Hetherington, T„ drugs.
Herold, Rebecca, groceries.
Krause Bros., clothing.
Krauss, S. A., moving pictures.
Kirk, F. S., supplies.
Kepner, H. T.. milk.
Kepner, C. J. & Co., meats.
Knouff, F. L, restaurant.
Kawell, a N. & Co., general merchan
Knouff, F. L., cigars and confectionery.
Koppenhaver, H. G., cigars.
Llghtner, A. 8., millinery.
Lenker, Geo. M., fish.
Lebo, Chas. N., groceries.
Mattis, M. M„ hides.
Mattis, J. A., pool.
Mattis. J. A, restaurant.
Mattis, J. A., cigars and confectionery.
Mattemas, G. H., produce.
Maklffic. Wm., restaurant.
Meek, J. E. & Sons, shoes.
Millersburg Hardware Co., hardware.
Miilersburg Fifth Wheel Co., coal.
Millersburg Manufacturing Co., lumber.
Makaffie, Wm., cigars.
Novlnger, Frank V., merchandise.
I Novlnger, R. 0., furniture.
INeagley. E. E„ general store.
Orndorff, H. A., notions.
; Plcke, S. S., clothing.
Poffenberger, Grace M., millinery.
Richard. Elmer, millinery.
Row, J. H. & Sons, real estate.
Romberger, Thomas O. & Sons, restau
Romberger Thomas O. & Sons, clrars.
Rutter. Paul, clothing.
Snyder. Mrs. Clara E., millinery.
Seller. J. A., produce.
Snyder, C. J., coal.
Sausser F. A., saddlery.
Starr, John W., drugs.
Shetrom, C. G., general store,
j Seal, J. 8., stationery.
Troutman. H. N., meats.
iTroutman, J. B„ feed.
Uhler, C. E., general store.
Voss, Mary A., merchandise.
Watts, 0., Jewelry.
Williamson, A. N., cigars.
Booser, J. I*. groceries.
Blngaman, J. H.
Dlehl, H. A., cigars and tobacco.
Diehl, H. A., restaurant.
Esllnger, C. E., milk.
Fishburn, S. A., general store.
Flshburn, S. A., coal.
Fishburn. S. A., feed.
Fox, Miles, retail cigars and confec
Fox, Miles, restaurant.
Haverstick, G. H., uardware.
Houck, H. 0., real estate.
Hicks, J. W., shoes.
Hoak, Chas. A., milk.
Holler, Sherman, grocery.
Heckert, E. F., real estate.
Hartman, M. H.. general merchandise.
Heover, Geo., groceries.
Hoover. Geo., restaurant. •
Keystone Milling Co., wholesale coffees.
Keystone Milling Co., retail coffees.
Kishman, John, pool.
Kishman, Jno., cigars.
Kishman, Jno., restaurant,
Levan, C. D.. milk.
Ludwick, E. S., groceries.
Lentz, D. V. M., groceries.
Mumma, J. E., milk.
Martin, J. M., Jeweler.
Mcllhenny, Alex., meat*.
Packer. J. C., milk.
Powley, Chas. E„ cigars.
Powley, Chas. E., pool.
Rlckert, Jacob, pool.
Rlckert, Jaeob, cigars and confection
Rlckert, Jacob, restaurant.
Shaeffer, Jerome, groceries.
Slders, Jno. H.; mUkl.
Sheaffer, N. J„ real estate.
Bhenk, Jos. E., tinware.
Weaver, J. W., milk.
Werrlck, Mrs. Mary, meats.
Wert, Wm., real estate.
Wert, Chas. L, saddlery.
Walburn, Edwin L, produce.
Wagner, R. N. & Son. supplies. '
Boghter, J. S„ Juak.
Davis. Mrs. A. E., potions.
Gore, John R., poultry.
Granger, H. a, cigars and confections.
Housh, a K., groceries.
Holland, T. H., groceries.
Leggorre. H. 8.. cigars.
Lnndts, S. B„ groceries.
Landls, H. P.. groceries.
Rutherford, Mrs. J. M„ general mer
Cffirevak"*"" ■
Abrashoff, M., 4lt Myers, pool.
Abrashoff, 4t< Myers, meats.
Brlnser, C. L. £ Son, 144 N. Front.
Beldel, J. H-, 16 S. Fourth, jrrocerlea.
Bosnjk, Frank. 532 8. Third; millinery.
Blackwell, P. fi., lit Adams, cigars.
Brajkovlc, Cellka, 241 Frederick, gro
Bailey, Frank E., 7 8. Front, Jewelry.
,Baker. John A, 101 a Front, restau
Baker, John A.. 101 a Front, cigars.
Baker, David P., 544 S. Fourth, general
Barlchu A., 710 S. Third, «rf goods.
Baer, M. M.. 169 C. Front, florist.
Beidei. Chas. H-, 45 S. Frpnt, cigars.
Brandt, Mrs. E. G., 373 S. front. cigar*.
Bratlno. F, Kit S. Second, ■"•ocsrles.
Burgots, 8., 628 S. Thtra, groceries.
Cumbler, O. W., estate, 1000 S. Front,
Bohen, Harry M., N. Front, Jewelry,
ohen, John. 214 Frederick, groceries.
Soleman, H. F., 28 S. Front, cigars,
ouffer A Sulzberger, 258 N. Front,
coal and feed.
Clousky, Wolf, 464 Myers, groceries.
Carrlkats, Terest. 327 S. Third, cigars.
gramer, H. J„ 266 N. Front, tinware,
etweller BrtSs. 40 S. Front, coal.
garon, E. L.. 41 N. Front. Jewelry,
aylor, W. J., 267 N. Front, restaurant.
Baylor, W. J., t«7 N. Front, cigars,
übbs, Grant, 182 Front, theater.
Peluca. R.. 200 S. Front, cigars.
Duffin, Wm. F. S7l S. Front, cigars.
Duffln, Wm. F, 371 S. Front, restau-
Dlmltroff, 8.. 143 Main, notions.
Dundoft, John. 6f12 Myers, groceries.
Dlmltar Cordes. 702 S. Third, groceries.
Da vies, Wm H., 153 Lincoln, groceries.
Eckels, Lawrence. 328 N. Front, meats.
Eckels Bros., 144-148 8. Front, meats.
Elloff. Alex., 263 Franklin, meats.
flioff, Alex., 263 Franklin, pool,
ortney, Harry, Front, cigars.
Fortney, Harry, Front, pool.
Fortney, Harry, Front, restaurant.
Frumln, Max, 37 N. Front, Jewelry.
Frey, Ross, 19 N. Front, shoes.
Falrlamb. R. V, Front and Locust,
cigars and tobacco.
Fallor, Andrew, 101 Locust, wholesale
Fariman, Mary, 681 8. Second, gro
ceries. •
Fuerlchs, S., 16 S. Front, cigars.
Furl Peter, 247 S. Front, groceries.
Fletcher. J. A., 117-1 IS S. Front, cigars.
Flnkelstlne, 8., 441 Myers, groceries.
Fencll, N. S., N. Front, stoves and tin-
Galloway, A. H., 197 Adams, cigars.
Gallagher. Mrs. & Son. 683 S. Front,
Garonzlk. M., 877 S. Front, furniture.
Gittlln, 1., 671 S. Third, groceries.
Glttltn, 1., 571 S. Third, meats.
Gittlln, N., 502 S. Third, cigars.
Glad, Adam, 8«5 S. Third, milk.
Guttman, John, 538 S. Third, groceries.
Gulstwhlte, Geo. M., 389 S. Front, gro-
Gerber, B-, 310 Lincoln, groceries.
Gcrdes, J. H.. 347-349 N. Front, clgarc.
Harrlsburg Gas Co., 14 S. Market Ski..
Harrlsburg, gas stoves and mantels.
Harland, M. P.. 163-166 a Front, gro-
Hart man, Geo. N., Trewlck, cigars.
Harlan. H. H.. 171 S. Front, cigars.
Harlan, H. H., 171 S. Front, restau-
Heller. Chas., 323 N. Front, fruits.
Holler, Wm„ 639 N. Front, wall paper.
Hetzel Bros.. 265 N. Front, cigars.
Harlan. M. F., 163-165 S. Front, gro-
Hello, L 8.. 109 8. Front, flowers.
Hess, John, 400 North Front, coal.
gouck, John. 4 S. Front, shoes,
orwath, Jas.. 600 S. 9econd. general
merchandise. _ _ _
Herman. E. E. & Bro.. 141 S. Front,
retail cigars. •
Herman. E. E. & Bro., 141 S. Front,
wholesale clfrars.
Hess, A. R., 2S N. Fourth, groceries.
Isroellt, 8., 587 S. Third, groceries.
James. C. R.. 202 Adams, groceries.
Jackson, Wm.. 139 Adams, groceries.
Jones, H. E., 638 S. Second, confeotion-
Jassel, Mrs. F.. 612 S. Third, notions.
Jiras, Jos., 263 a Front, cigars.
Keim. Chas. E., 379 S. Front, groceries.
Katzen, Lewis, 688 Front, furniture.
Kofalt, Marko, 844 S. Second, grocer es.
Keller, J. G„ 32 N. Front, merchandise.
Kelster. W. A. & Son, 187 N. Front, gro
Keim, J. S., 261 S. Front, groceries.
Koncar, Steve, 662-664 S Third, cigars.
Koncar, Steve, 662-664 S. Third, pool.
Kolarov, Mladen. 84 S. Second, shoes.
Krstoff. Geo., 473-476 Myers, groceries.
Keim, L. G.. N. Front, cigars.
Kostoff, Milon, 445 Myers, peol.
Korac, Joco. 702 S. Third, pool.
Gaetano, 143 N. Front, olgars.
Levitz, M, 40 N. Front, wholesale pro
Lehrman. Samuel, 863-886 a Front, gro-
Levitz, M„ 40 N. Front, groceries.
Lepslc, Sarah. 651 S. Third, clothing.
Lilpslltz. Marcus, 201-203 Christian, gro
Llpslitz, Marcus, 201-203 Christian,
Llpeshltz, N., 686 S. Third, fruits.
Leln, Max. 606 S. Third, groceries.
Llpslitz, L, 453 Myers, produce.
Levin, Jacob, S. Front, Jewelry.
Levltan. I. J., 389 S. Front, Jewelry.
Levintan. L & Son, 670 8. Third, no
Lehrman, A. J., 87 S. Front, clothing.
Lau, C. C., 106 Trewlck, confectionery.
Lewis. 2 S. Front, clothing.
Lacob, S. W.. 655 N. Second, groceries.
Laceb, S. W„ 555 N. Second, groceries.
Loncaire, M.. 622 S. Third, groceries.
Lehrman. Lewis, 300 S. Second, grocer
Martz, W. K., 66 N. Front, drugs.
Maginnis. W. F., 13 N. Front, hardware.
Mars. Mrs. A., 38 S. Front, millinery.
Margolis, N„ 274 Frederick, groceries.
Malegoff, Tony, 261 Franklin, pool.
Malegoff, Tony, 261 Franklin, cigars.
Marslco, Joe., 355 S. Second, groceries.
Marslco, L, 259 Christian, groceries.
McNear, B. F„ Jr., 301 Main, groceries.
Markley E. & Son, 346 S. Front, meat
Marslco, F., 121 S. Front, fruits.
Mandl, Geo., BS7 S. Front, cigars.
Marvetlc, Marko, 802 S. Second, grocer
Matjastlc, M., 666 S. Third, groceries.
McCurdy, John A., 9 N. Front, drugs.
Mellon, Benj., 143 Adams, groceries.
Melman, A., 67 Conestoga, confection
Ney, Mrs. A., 180 N. Front, millinery.
Nlckolas, P. D., 157 N. Front, cigars.
Nlckolas, P. D„ 157 N. Front, pool.
Nelly, Thomas J., 947 S. Front, cigars.
Mumma, Mark, 15 N. Front, real estate.
Neblnger, Richard, 51 N. Front, pool.
Neblnger, Richard. 51 N. Front, cigars.
Orth, J. G., 11 S. Front, confectionery.
Obercash, N. A. 243 Main, cigars.
Parks. Geo. W., 177 8. Front, sewing
Porr, j. L. 147 N. Front, drugs.
Pollock, Daniel, 109 N. Front, grocerlea
Polston. L. 119 Adams, pool.
Prowell, T.. 386 S. Front, drugs.
Prowell, Wm. M., 204 N. Front, grocer
Peters, D. A., 189 S. Front, drugs.
Pllsltz, Mike, 422 Myers, meats.
Raahlnsky, Sarah, 302 Conestoga,
cigars and clothing.
Rheam. John, 663 N. Front, groceries.
Robblns, Jos., 367 S. Front, clothing]
Roden, 8., Harrlsburg and Ridge, gro
ceries. ,
Roehllng Bros., 302 Myers, general
Harrlsburg Light, Heat St Power Co.,
N. Front, supplies.
Shelley. Kirk, 131 S. Front, pool
Shelley, Kirk, 131 S. Front, cigars.
Shelley. John P., 185 N. Front, restau
Shelley. John P„ 188 N. Front, pool.
Shelley, John P.. 186 N. Front, cigars
Sellers. H. L., 17 Pine, Standard theater
Serblc. Andy. 606 S. Second, cigars.
Smeigh. W. C., 35 N. Front, confection-
SmTh. Joe, 642 S. Third, cigars.
Sharousky, M. & Son, 184 Main, grocer
Bharevsky, M.. 635-637 S. Third, mer
Bastal, M. A., 626 S. Thlikl, meats.
Stiver. Lewis, 714 S. Third, general mer.
Shore. Wolf, 759 8. Fourth, groceries
Smith, David 227 Christian, groceries.
Silver, Joe, 766 S. Third, groceries
Sprobrierl, Gaenano, 629 8. Second
cigars. '
Bhoop, J. E.. Front and Mohn, pool.
Shoop, J. E., Front and Mohn, clirars
Strine. C.. 383 Main, cigars.
Slavlnac, John, 231-233 Main, meats and
Sherman, S., 419 8. Front, candy
Snavely, John H., 653 S. Third, grocer-
Settlno, Peter, 23 S. Front, Orpheum
th fiftt ,
Staraslnlc, M.. 696 8. Third, groceries.
Bobel, 8., 602 S. Third, groceries
Steelton Planing Mill, N. Front, lumber
Singer, David. 317 S. Front, furniture
Bpoopern, Abraham, 512 S. Third, meats.
Sugar. Joseph, 238 Myers, groceries
Bharavsky, E. N„ 202 Frederick, gro
Steelton Store Co., ltd., Front and Lo
cust, coal and wood.
Steelton Store Co., ltd., Front and Lo
cust. tobacco.
Steelton Store Co., ltd.. Front and Lo
cust, dry fo»da and boots and shoes
Steel ton Store Co., ltd., Front and Lo
cust, wholesale flour and feed.
Btealton Store Co., ltd., Front and Lo
oust, general merchandise.
Sharavsky, Jennie, 102 Frederick. gro
Sharoweky, M, 151-186 R Front, gro
Salvatort. Palmer!, SSI a Second, clears
Toomey, K. C., 554 Locust, cigars.
Toomey, B. C., 354 Locust, pool.
Teperson, Samuel. 637-539 Mohn. mer
Ulrlcb, John A., 38* Lincoln, Ihtlk.
United lea A Coal Co., Conestoga and
Fredorlck, coal and wood.
Wells. J. C., 17# N. Front, oonfection
Woolworth, F., 21 N. Front, 6c and 100
Wmte bread, W. H» 16» N. Front, con
Weigel, iialnh, 106 S. Front, saddlery.
Wieger, FranK, 327 N. Front, grocerlea
Wilts, h. &. Sons. 60 P. Front, furniture.
Yoselowltz, Theo., 868 S. Second, mer
chandise. .
Yovanovtch, \ ~ 60S .S. Third, groceries.
Yorsh, L, <>s4 S. Third, groceries.
Young, C. J, 201-203 S. Second, gro
ceries. .
Zachs, Jos., 26 B. Front, clothier.
Zlegler, XV. L.. 284 Main, drugs.
Zimmerman, P. A., 41 S. Second, gro-
Zimmerman, J. M., 36 S. Second, confeo-
Zerger, r Martin M.. 817 8. Front, furnl
Bover, Levi & Son, feed.
Ilohner, H. M„ food.
Bohner, Wm., meats and produoo.
Boyor, Wm. R.. furniture.
Dockey. E. E., general merchandise.
Kocher, Henry, agriculture Implements.
Sesaner, Ellas K., general merchandise,
atsha, J. J., produce.
Lateha, George, restaurant.
Latsha, George, cigars and confection-
Lahr. Ed. E., tobacco.
Lahr, Ed. K., restaurant.
Moyer, H. J., general store.
Noblet, J. S„ saddlery. •
Reltz, D. W., cigars.
Snyder, Lydia, merchandise.
9chmeltz. Daniel, produce.
Welsts, S. T„ meats.
Adams, R., groceries.
Adams. Clias. M.. supplies.
Berry, Edward, restaurant.
Berry, Edward, cigars.
Blanning, Wm., hardware.
Blanning, J. R., stationery.
Budd, C., pool.
Budd, C., cigars.
Bordner, Wm. C., groceries.
Baird, Robert & Co., carpets.
Bottoinley, MM. J. A., restaurant.
Bottomley, Mrs. J. A., cigars.
Buggy. M- K„ groceries.
Boyor, W. Henry, 6c and 10c store
Bowman, C. E., groceries.
Clemmer, H. F., dry goods.
Cohen. Lewis, general merchandise.
Condell, John, pool.
Chaster, R. A., general merchandise.
Cooper, W. H.. produce.
Condell, John, cigars.
Cash Store, New Erie, merchandise,
i Davis, F. 8., drugs.
Durbln, J. W. & Son, general store
Day, R. W., furniture.
Day, H. G-. pianos.
Eby, A N., jeweler.
Evans, Roy C., grocerloa.
Edward, 1., cigars.
Frish. G., clothing.
Flckinger, S. T., Food and coal.
Flckisger, 8. T., wholesale feod.
Fltxpatrlck, 8. Z.. millinery.
Gross, Barney, Junk.
Griffith, J. W„ grocer.
Griffiths, John, cigars.
Grim, Ellas, candy.
Graham, Thos. W_ cigars.
Glace, Chas., candles.
Gelst, J. E., cigars.
Haas, C. J., hardware.
Harner. J. R x drugs.
Hancock, J. R., general merchandise.
Higgins, Lizzie, candy.
Hummel, Mrs. C. E., groceries.
Hughs. W. D., groceries.
Baddorf, Chas., lumber.
Dlcken, John, shoes.
Rallnger, BenJ., clothing.
Hall, W. T., cigars.
Hoffman, M. M., produco.
Jenkens, Howard, groceries.
Keem, R. Frank, cigars.
Katych, Geo., cigars.
Kllnger, H., wholesale confectionery.
Kllnger, H., retail confectlohery.
Kllnger, L S., restaurant.
Lebo, W. H., meats.
Morris, J. S., cigars.
Moyer. J. R., groceries,
Morgan, Mrs. Chas., millinery.
Meehan, J. L, cigars.
Miller, Jere. oil and candles.
Makalks. Jno„ general store.
Messers, Jos., general storo.
Moegen, Chas., groceries.
Mace, J. L, meats.
Morris, Lizzie, groceries.
Miller, E. C., retail groceries.
Miller, E. C., wholesale groceries.
Melraldo, Jno. P., tobacco.
Maiden, Albert, cigars and confection
Messner, Wm. P., grocer.
Newton, Jas., grocer.
Nace. Daniel C., milk.
Nash, Chae., groceries.
Prltchard, F. E., millinery.
Phara, Chas., cigara.
Ralph, Aaron, furniture.
Row, E. S.. stoves and tinware.
Row, W. 0., meats.
Roberst, Mary, cigars.
Ralph, Allen, cigars.
Samuell, H. E., grocerlee
Sandon & Flshel, theater.
Stokes, W. S., pool.
Stokes, W. S„ cigars.
Summit Branch Mining Co., supplies.
Thompson, J. C., general merchandise.
Thompson. D. S., clothing.
Whittle, J. H., general merchandise.
Walklnshaw, M., notions.
Waiklnshaw, A., Jr., grocerlea
Williams, D. W., pool.
Williams, D. W„ cigars.
Williams, W. G., cigars.
Welsh, R. T., pool.
Welsh, R. T„ cigars.
Walhey, Wilson, groceries.
Wommer, Jno. J., confectionery.
Wren, R., notions.
Zimmerman, J. F., olgara.
Zimmerman, A. D., cigars.
Buck. Wm. G., groceries.
Eshelman, Jacob, groceries.
Fultz, C. M., general merchandise.
Heisey. D. F., feed.
Tschudy, T. S„ saddlery.
Miller, Samuel, groceries.
Bonfantl, Frank, groceries.
Brownstone Storo Co., general mer
Binglngman. A. cigars.
Curry, John 8., coal and feed.
Curry, John 8., wholesale coal and
Domes, Padone, groceries.
Denato, Gennoro D., groceries,
Erb, Wm. C., merchandise.
Forti, Felix, groceries.
Hershey Store Co., alleys.
Hershey Store Co., restaurant
Hershey Store Co., general merchan
Hershey Co., feed.
Hershey, A. E., feed.
Hess. J. C., restaurant.
Hess, J. C., tobacco.
Page. Jacob, cigars.
Sheaffer, H. 8., saddlery.
Saudadlo, Mary, groceries.
Rasp, Jno., groceries.
Vltanga, G., groceries.
Weltmer, ulrlch, produce
Wltman, F. S„ carpets.
Wagner. C., meats.
Wolf, C. J., milk.
Tlngst, Goo. W., grocery.
Boyer, H. A., furniture.
Boyer, J. A., general merchandise
Cassel, J. H., hides.
Hess Bros., furnlturo,
Kelffer, J. 8., feed.
Kuntz. J. H., general merchandise.
Llngle, J. 8., feed.
Llngle, T. M., stoves.
Llngle, J. t>., cigars.
Laudermllch, Mrs. Henry, groceries
Hummer, S. J., meats.
Moonshine, Jos., merchandise.
Nester, Philip, cigars.
Runkle, Irvln, feed.
m ««»'andlso.
Bowman, Cornelius, general merchan
Bowman, Cornelius, wholesale produca
Bower, S. M.. groceries.
Cornsnltz, F. E., feed.
Cooko, A. E., produce.
Cooke, A. E.. wholesale produoe.
Enders, J. 0., retail produca
Glace, Charles 1., general merchandise.
Hoffman, Geo., wholesale produce
Lebo, George, wholesale produce'
Kitchen. Frank, milk.
Meredith. D. F., general merchandise.
Meredith, J. E., confectionery and to
Rutter, H. W., produce.
Sponsler. H. M., produce.
Swelgard, C. C.. wholesale produce
Tobias, Jas., wholesale meata.
Wolfging, F., retail produce.
Wolfglng, F., wholesale produce
Bordner, Jacob., merchandise.
Enders, B. E., merchandise and oro
Paulis, George, produca
Baddorf, H. P., meats.
Bixler, J. C- merchandise.
Bowman, 8. P., wholesale meata.
Enders, C. C, merchandise.
Enders, G. W. D„ merchandise.
File, Oliver M., merchandise.
Mclaughlin, H., cigara
Holt, Ira M., repalra
Miller, Ed., meata.
Marsh, C. A., cigara.
Spanneth, J. J., feed.
Travltz, Simon, oil.
Zarlng, Sam., confectionery.
Brlnser, S. C., feed.
S. S., grocerlea |
Qlngrlch, 8. M.. machinery.
Hoffman, H. A., milk.
Brlflhtblll, ). U., milk. , . _
Care. C. B. ft Hons, general merchan-
Care, Brook, real estate.
Cassell, M. 8., meats.
Fishburn, 8. A., feed,
Farting, Michael, pool.
Farting. Michael, cigars and conrea
Hassler. Collins, ml 1?*
Hawkins, IC. C., me»i*
Lnzzarlne, David. c'giur*
Lee.se, O. 13., general store
Mlxel- F., Daol.
Retth, Carl, cigars.
Rudy, Pavii, oil;.
Sample. Mrs. A. 13.. notlcna
Seise;-, Elia-v «« » ait* tinware.
Shoop, Wm. J., groceries.
Sheesley, B. F.. retail feed.
Sheesley. 13. F., wholesale food.
Zimmerman, W. G., furniture.
Bonitz, Anthony, produce.
Mumma, 1. N„ milk.
Nissley, J. I-.., milk.
Nlsslay, A. H.. milk.
Ranshaw, J. C.. general merchandise
Zimmerman, S. A., milk.
RulXtngtnn, L M., feed.
Gundermun, Frank, produce.
Hartman, Amos, produce
Heller, Howard, milk.
Hocker, Chan., oils.
Hoover, Chan. A., produce
Kosslor, C. H., merchandise,
lvluck, Albert, produce.
Reigle, John H., produce
Smoltz, D, H y cigars.
Smeltz, W. H., produco.
Troutman, David H., produoe
Umholtz, John cigars.
Welker, G. A., produco.
Davis, Geo., produce.
Fitting, M. C.. grocerloa.
Frazor, Jonas,, grocerloa
Lebo, John, produce.
Lebo, James, cigars.
Maeder, Mrs. llobt., grooorto*.
McKee, H., groceries.
Peters, W. F., Sr., moata
Peters, W. F., Jr., Krocerloa
Shaeffer, J. L, produce.
Logan, Arboyr C„ grocerloa.
Snyder, John, grocerlea
BtrJckier, H. G., meats.
Shoop, D. S., feed.
Swelgard, Michael, general merchan
Snees, Howard, grocorlee
Wort, Wm., fish.
Harman, J. A, oil.
Hennlnger, J. 12., produoo.
Koppennaver, F. L, produoo.
Mlnnlch, Homer, produoa
Miller, J. A., moats.
Romberger, H. A., estate, general ate**
Romberger, Harry H., meat*.
Rombergor, J. E„ produce.
Stlne, P. E., produce.
Weaver, D. A., seeds.
Weaver, Oliver, produce.
Garman, Samuel, general
Lukcns, Geo. 8., general merchandlsa
Fackier, John, grpceries.
Fasnacht, Uriah, meats.
Fasnacht, John, cigars.
Hetrlck, D. A, mcrchandlMt
Hess, w. E., meats.
Isenhour, Israel, stoves and tinware,
Keller. John. feed.
Kuhn, A. M., fencing.
Kaylor, Harry, cigars.
Landls, C. A, meats.
Lotidermllch, Geo. M„ oystera.
Miller, Wm. L, saddlery.
Peiffer, H. P.. groceries.
Rapp, W. H., general merchandise
Rhoads, Simon, meats.
Reigle, J. 8., meats.
Shiftier, Goo., meats.
Shiftier, Geo., produco.
Stuckey, Jos. P., produce.
Shakespeare, H., produce.
Shakespeare, Wm., general merchan*
Albright. Geo., groceries.
Bates, R. E„ produco.
Barnes, R. E., grocorloa
Bollinger, U. uT, cigars.
Byers, Russell, produce.
Roger Lumber Co., lumber.
Dare, J. H„ produce.
Dey, Paul, meats.
Kramer, Frank W., produce,
Cresswell, J. W., produce.
Enders, A. E„ produce and seeds.
Fry, John & Son, peanuts.
Fredericks, W. J., meats.
Garman, Mrs. Mary, produce.
Gelger, C., milk.
Gruber, S., produce.
Gladfolter. H. 8., cigar*.
Gowan, Theo., produco.
Hassler, E. 0., milk.
Harlacher & Bonitz, cigars.
Hicks, Wm., produce.
Hershey, H. P., produce.
Hetterman, Mary J., grocerlea
Hepford, W. L, produoe,
Hepford, D. G„ produce.
Hargast, J. S., produce.
Horstick, E. M., pool.
Horstick, E. M., cigars.
Hoover, J. E. and H., grocerlea
Hoovei\ C. E„ general merchandise.
Hess, D. D., meats.
Horst, L H., moats.
Jonston, Wilbert, groceries.
Kramer & Hassler, wholesale feed.
Kramer & Hassler, retail feed.
Kramer, C. M., produce.
Loeser, H. A., groceries.
Longenecker, D. R., prodooe.
Mader, Dan, produce.
Mockley, S. J., produoa
Manning. H. C., milk.
Memmlnger, J. G., grocerlea.
Myers, W. H., milk.
Miller, F., groceries.
Matsinger, Wm, nroduae
McNeal, D. R., meats.
Miller, Mrs. W. H., grocerlea.
Orr, L G.. groceries.
Paxton Flour & Feed Co., feed.
Raber, Jno., meats.
Rudy, W. W., meats.
Raffensbererer, A. T.. mtlk,
Relchert, H. L, produce.
Runkle, G. E., grocerlea
Rauck, H. J., feed.
Rudy, J. H., Jr., meata.
Rudy, Wm., meats.
Sehreiner, W. J., grocerlea.
Sturtevant. S. C.. milk.
Smeltzer, Samuel, milk.
Shoop, Mrs. R J., produce.
Snow, Mrs. Kate, produce.
Smith, Sebastian, grocerlea
Spongenberger, P., produoe.
Stahler, H. M., pool.
Stahler, H. M., restaurant.
Shoop, Jacob M., meata.
Douglass. R. L., cigara.
Radle, W. T.
Smith, David, produce.
Schmidt, Charley, produoe.
Turns, Eve, cigara.
Trullinger, 8. W„ milk.
Trimmer, R. E., paper.
Wengel, produce.
Wayne, W. Van, groceries.
Wevodan, Wm., produca
Zelgler, Jno., groceries.
Aungst M. J., milk.
Attlck, J. B„ milk.
Atttck. Goo., milk.
Attick, A T., Jewelery.
Bomgardner & Bro., meata
Bishop, W. J., milk.
Borkhelmer, J. E., milk.
Bonny Meads Farms, produoe.
Bonitz, Anthony, produce.
Benney, Mrs. B. N., grocerlea.
Bitz, Tobias, pool.
Bltz, Tobias, tobacco and cigara.
.JTunn, Thomas, cigars.
Fought, J. H., milk.
Fry. Geo., groceries.
Fry, Jos., 'groceries.
Grenler, Wm., cigars.
Greenawalt, C. W., mlllc
Geary, Evans, grocerU.-
Greenawalt, A., p«-~-
Greenawalt. A, cigara.
Gorman, J. H., pool.
Gorman, J. H., cigars.
Horstick. J. F., produca
Heillg, H. C., cigars.
Hanlcn, Steve, grocerlea.
Hicks, Chas., groceries.
Jones, H. W., meats.
Kline, J., restaurant.
Kramer, H. F„ grocerlea.
Kompf, Peter, groceries. •
Kramer, R. S„ groceries.
Kline, J. K., candy and cigars.
Loeser, F. H., general merchandise
Longenecker, Mrs, John, soaps.
Livingstone, J. W„ produce.
McNeer, B. F., Sr., grocerlwK
Morris, James, grocerlea
Martin Bros., groceries.
Pikelhaupt, D„ mw»
Pock, J. H.. pool.
Peck, J. H.. cigars.
Paul. Elmer, grocerlea.
Rupp, C. F.. milk.
Rutherford, Marshall, coaL
Rutherford Bros., coaL
Solomon, 1., groceries.
Sherman, Harry, grocerlea.
Stauffer, H. 8., meata
Stair, John, milk.
Stengle, Geo. A, general merahaadlaa
Thompson, Jas., cigara
Tlttinger, Christ, produoa
Toperson, S., grocerlea
Tomlst, Frank, grocerlea
Tobies, Morris, groceries.
Wagner, Ahram, cigars.
Waidley, Mrs. Annie, confection err.
Wilsbaugh. Frank, produoe.
Yosolwlts, J. F., groceries.
(Continued on Nest