Mercantile Appraiser's List Of Harrisburg and Boroughs and Townships of Dauphin County For Licenses Due May 1, 1914 HARRISBURG FIRST WARD Anderson, T. W., 700 Raoe, wall paper and groceries. ▲or). Mrs. Frank. 118 Dock, confection ery. Bialeta. John A, Tit & Front, gro ceries. Connor, G. W„ 720 Race, tobaoeo, oys ters and confectionery. Drabenstodt W. M, 813 S. Front, pro duce. Foester, Geo., E4O Race, groceries. Fllberte, R., 1010 Hemlock, grooerlea. Fraziur, c,. fc,., Hanover and 18th, to bacco and cigars. Frazler, C. E., Hanover and 12th, pool. Finney, J. W., 113 Vine, produoe. Haas. Hnrry W., 559 Race, cigars. Hamer & Son. Race, meats. Hocker, H. W„ 104 Tusearora, grooer les. Heist. Mrs. F. L. <25 Race, cigar*. Henry, J. E„ 1013 Hemlock, oysters and Ice cream. Kennedy, J. W„ 1082 8. Cameron, gro ceries. Keane, R H-. 167 Paxton. cigars. Lehr, J. M, Hemlock, near 9th, coal and wood. Lochlel Store Co., 1405 6. Cameron, general merchandise. Mackeson, C. F.. 117 Paxton, groceries. Mlchlovita £ Co., Paxton, coal and Junk. Mlchlovltz & Co., Paxton, wholesale coal and Junk. McCreath Bros., 587 Race, coal and wood. Park, J. H., <2l Race, drugs. Price, John I*. ISE Sycamore, produce. Ralne Estate, C. H., 571 Race, grocer ies. Rodosky, Anna. 527 Raoe, oigara Roberta, R. L, 1814 a Cameron, gro ceries. Ross. Edw. C., <ls Raoe, grooeries. Relonert, John A., 714 Race, meats. Rosenberg, E.. 1067 8. 9th. groceries. Bheesley, John H., Hemlock, feed. Sheesley, H. F, <Ol 8. 9th. grooerlea. Snyder, J. M., 143 Hanna. cigars. Snyder, J. M., 143 Hanna. pool. Bchaeffer. John, 1037 Paxton, produoe and milk. Taubert, Geo., 114< & Cameron. meat*. Wlesman, F. A.. 519 Raoe, meats. Wenrlch, W. R., 1049 8. 9th, groceries. "Wllklns, J. W., 919 S. 9th, cigars. Wagenheim, H. M.. 1123 a 9th, grooer ies. Wagner, Elmer, 1229 a tth. produoe. Young, Geo. G N 1000 Cameron, grocer -BECOND WARD Attlck, A. T., 1261 Derry, Jewelry. tdelstein, Henry, 20< S. 2nd. Jewelry, rlnton, H. A, 1438 Swatara, grooerlea renner, Jos. M., 1020 Berryhlll, gro ceries. facon, The D., 485 S. Cameron, renner, Sarah, 60S S. 10th, groceries, ower, H. H.. 1247 Mulberry. Backenstoss, 1425% Derry, cigars. Bumgardner, 1807 Derry, candy shop. Cooper. A. L., 1219 Mulberry, pool. Cooper, A. L., 1129 Mulberry, oigara and tobacco. Conover, C. M., 426 S. 14th, grooerlea. Cirillo. Gaetano, 210 3. 2nd, shoes, Cimono, Angelo, 210 a 2nd, groceries. • Case Threshing Machine Co., J. X., 429 ; S. 2nd. repairs. Cohen, Harry 1., 800 8. Washington, groceries. Carnea F. 8., I<ol Hunter, grocerlea Castor, R. C.. 14th and Derry, cigars and tobacco. Castor. R. C., 14th and Derry, pool. Crlspen Motor Car Co., 418-417 S. Cam eron. automobiles. Dagostlne, G., 201 S. 2nd, shoes. Sean, J. W., 1255 Mulberry, meats, anowltz, Samuel, 416 S. Cameron, gro ceries. Dill. I. W., E. end Mulberry st. bridge, automobiles. Demma, Michael, 310 S. 2nd. bananas. Evans, Burtnett Co., 218 a 2nd, whole sale groceries. Emanuel, Jos. D., 2nd and Washington, cigars. Fisher, Wesley, 1500 Berryhlll, gro- < ceries. Falhelm, Horace, 1238 Mulberry, sad- i dler. Gourley, M. 8.. 1231 Swatara, groceries. Gernet, Wm. A., 235 Crescent, grocer- I ies. Guiles. Christie, 215 Hummel, milk. Gang], M. L, 213 S. 13th, confectionery. Galdlno, E., 209 Mulberry, groceries. Hershey Creamery Co., 401 S. 2nd, pro- | duce. Herehey Creamery Co., 401 8. 2nd, i wholesale produce. Hess, E. S., 1259 Derry, pool. Hess, E. S., 1259 Derry, cigars and to- | bacco. Hughes. J. 0., 347 S. 18th, wholesale i confectionery. Hoffman, W. H., 1531 Derry, groceries, j Hepperle, John, S. Cameron, meats. Jaußs, Wm. L, 131 Mulberry, furnaces, i Klngan Provision Co., 421 a 2nd. whole sale meats. Kocher, W. I*. 1420 Naudaln, meats. Kltzmlller, Frank, 1325 Derry, drugs. ] Krentzman, A., 239 S. Cameron, gro- i ceries. Lehman, Mrs. A., 355 S. 18th, Ice cream. ' Land is, Jos. H., 18th and Derry, coal. I Landls, E. D., 221 S. 2nd, produce. Luts, R. L., 10th and Mulberry, lime i and cement Leldtch, P. D., Front and Vine, drugs. Meyers, Geo. W., 225 Hummel, rubber I tires. Mengel, H., 1409 Derry, cigars. Monn Bros., 1637 Swatara. groceries, i Mercurio £ Bro„ 121-123 Washington, | fruits. Mercurios & Bro., 121-123 Washington, wholesale fruits. Margio, Joe. 213 8. River ave., grocer ies and fruits. S fevers, H. D., 17th and Swatara, shoes. tcF&rland, E. 8., 448 S. Cameron, to bacco and cigars. McEarland, E. S., 448 S. Cameron, pool. Palalo, D., 215 & 2nd. pool. Palalo, D., 216 S. 2nd, clears and to bacco. Pollack, Daniel, 1803 Derry, groceries. Ruder, Jacob, 1239 Swatara, groceries. Klioads, H. K., 1801 Swatara, groceries. Ritchie, J. W., 120 S. 14th, real estate. Relgel, W. A_, 168 Drummond ave, meats. Rombergrer Bros., 1201 Mulberry, feed. Rubin, Leon, 881 6. 14th, groceries. Sanson, John. 808 S. 2nd, bananas. Banson, John. 803 S. 2nd., wholesale bananas. Bllberman Bros.. 44S a 2nd. wholesale lunk. Bantuch, 6.. BBT S. 19th, produce, fiechrlst, Oeo. H., 414 Swatara, pool. .Beohrist, Geo. IL, 414 Swatara, cigars and tobfccco. Btago, Mary, 23T Mulberry, groceries. Shads, C. w., 48T Crescent, groceries and meats. Bourbler, Mrs. M. "W., 1145 Klttatlnny, groceries. Bwengel, A. W.. Sl9 S. 13th, real estate. Smith, Chas. H.. 1325 Derry, meats and groceries. Bmlth. Harvey T„ 200 a ISth, real es tate. Shaffer, E. E., 4SS a 10th, rrocerlea. fipragnolo, Jos., 211 8. 2nd, confection ery ajid tobacco. Bylvester P., 207 Mnlberry. rrooerUa. Shields, J. L>., 224 8. 2nd, drugs Tamnul Tea Co., ISth and Derry, tea and coffee. Tromblno. Antonia, 841 8. River, gro ceries. Taverna, Cha*„ 400 8. 2nd. grocerlea and produce. Webb, C. E., 234 S. ISth, electrical supplies. Walters, M. W.. 1546 Swatara, groceries Wolfe, R. M., 13th and Berryhlll, gro ceries. Williams A Freedman, 18th and Mul berry, junk. Worden Paint & Roofing Co, 10th and Kittatfnny, paint supplies. Kelders, Elmer C, 1819 Swatara. rro ceries. Zelgler £ Hayes, 222 Hummel, atovea and tinware. Dlmartlno, Mariano, 215 & 2nd, ba nanas. Rablne, Epifanlo, 823 a Jtt'ver. gro ceries. gamson. Antonio, S. Seoond, fruits. Bamson. Antonio, S. Second, wholesale fruits. Sulzberger £ Sons Co. of America, 420 8. 2nd, wholesale meats. THIRD WARD Arcade Pool Parlor, 111 8. 2nd. pool. Alitto, 0., 125 S. 2nd, confectionery. Armento. J. J., 215 Walnut cigars Askln £ Marine, 86 N. Srd, clothing Arcade Cigar Store, 107%, olgars. American Watch £ Diamond Co.. 807 Market Jewelry. B l*rbower, E., 120 ■. Court wholesale Balr, C. B. £ Son, 84 N. 4th, cigars Bennethum. Geo. W., SS3 Market Pal ace Theater. Rates £ Company, Market near 4th Tholes*!' fruits and produce Balr £ Sons, 24 N. Oh. wholesale el firs. Bierbower, E., 110 S. Court, produce and fruit. Bird & Nlckey, Union Trust Bid*, real estate. Belehaa £ Co., 306 Market, pool. Black's Art Store, 117 Market, art ma terials. Blumensteln, E„ 14 S. Court, electrical supplies. Boas, C. Ross, 214 Market, Jewelry. Bogar, J. H., 12 N. Market Sq„ sporting; goods. Boher, J. H., 209 Market, drugs. Bollinger, Mrs. E., 214 Chestnut, cigars, | .bowman £ Co., SlB Market, restaurant. Bowman £ Co., SlB Market, department store. Bowman & Co., 818 Market, wholesale dry goods. Brlghtblll, D. E., 11 N. 2nd, real estate. Butterworth, J. H. & M. S., the Bolton, Bretz & Wilkes. 109 Market, wholesale hardware. Byerly, W. H., 217 Market, cigars. Casino Co., Court and Strawberry, ci gars and tobacco. Clnella, G., 131 S. 2nd, baAana*. Clancy, L a., 19 N. 4th Market Square, fruits. Cunningham, W. P., 22' Walnut, con fectionery. Caplan, P. H. £ Co., 18 N. 4th, Jewelry. Central Auto Co., 334 Chestnut, auto supplies. Casino Co.. Court and Strawberry, pool. Central Construction £ Supply Co., 222 Market, wholesale cement. Central Book Store, 829 Market, books and stationery. Cohen, H., 202 Market, notions. Claster, H. C., 302 Market, Jewelry. Clastor, Joe. 6% N. 2nd, wholesale hosiery. Colons Co., N. 2nd, clothing. Commlngs, F. E., 14 N. 4th, Jewelry. Cook, L ffj 308 Market, dry goods. Corbin £ Graham, 7-9 South, restau- rant. (Court Dairy Lunch, Court and Straw berry, restaurant Crego. C. J, 15 N. 3rd, shoes. Cullmerry, G. L, 222 Market real es- tate. Cunningham, W. P.. 221 Walnut con fectionery and restaurant Crown Lunch Room, 208 Strawberry, restaurant. Dlckert, H. 8., 113 Market cigars. Dlckert, H. 8., 118 Market eating house. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart «th and Market department storei Dives, Pomeroy £ Stewart 4th and Market, restaurant Dodge, H. C„ 17 N. Srd, hats. Doenne, Geo., Blackberry and Dew berry. cigars. Domestic Science Kitchen, 211 Walnut, eating house. Doorly & Co., 215 Chestnut premiums. Doutrlch & Co., 304 Market, clothing. Ellas. H. C., 213 Walnut confectionery. Ensminger, J. T H 2nd and Chestnut furniture. * Etter, Geo. 8., 218 Walnut real estate. Everybody's Co-Operattve Store, 228 Market, coffee, teas and peanuts. Falrlamb, R. V., 210 Market, cigars and tobacco. Falrlamb, R. V., SSI Market elgars and tobacco. Falrlamb & Co., 208 Market oonfeo tionery. Fitzgerald. 8. W., 817 Walnut real es- tate. Feeser, J. F., 140 S. Srd, wholesale pro duce. Forry, W. L, N. 3rd, gents' furnishings. Frankenberg, Adolph, 213% Chestnut, tea and coffee. George Bros., Market, Victoria Thea- ter. Golden Seal Drug Store, 11 8. Market Square, restaurant. Galdino, E., 132 S. 2nd. groceries. Galdlno, E., 132 S. 2nd, wholesale gro ceries. Gilbert, Henry & Son, 219 Market wholesale hardware. Gable, H. A., 113 a 2nd, wholesale hardware. Gable, H. A., 118 S. 2nd, hardware. Garner & Bapttste, Brd and Chestnut, wholesale produce. Gately & Fitzgerald Supply Co., 81 8. 2nd, furniture. Gates, John H„ 5 S. 3rd, coal. Gilbert, Henry & Son, 219 Market, hard- ware. Gerstner, R., 205 Walnut, furs. Gobi's Pal Vii Supply Co., 306 Straw- berry, paints. Golden Seal Drug Co., 11 S. 2nd, drugs. Gorgas, Geo. A., 16 N. Srd, drugs. Gross, E. Z., »19 Market, drugs. Gross, E. 2., 119 Market, wholesale drugs. Gutelllus, S. J., 28 N. 2nd. notions. Factory Outlet Shoe Co., 16 N. 4th, shoes. Holtzman, L G., 823 Market, cigars. Hortlng & Mingle, 309 Market, cigars, Hamowei, K. & Co., 18 a 4th, restau- rant. Hamowei, K. & Co., 18 8. 4th, cigars and candy. Harrisburg Light & Power Co., Mar ket Square, supplies. Harrisburg Light & Pcfwer Co., 22 N. 2nd, supplies. Haln, H. H., 3rd and Chestnut gro ceries. Hamowei. A., 28 S. 4th, cigars and con fectionery. Hamowei, A., 28 S. 4th, restaurant Harrisburg Carpet Co., 321 Market, car- pets. Harrisburg Gas Co., 14 S. 2nd, gas stoves. Harrisburg Electric Supply Co., 11l S. 2nd, electrical supplies. 'Harrisburg Electric Supply Co., 11l 8. 2nd, wholesale electrical supplies. Harrisburg Hardware Co., 6 N. 2nd, hardware. Harrisburg Harness A Supply Co., a 2nd. wholesale saddlery. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Co., a 2nd. saddlery. Harrisburg News Agency, 102 8. 2nd. newspapers. Harrisburg News Agency, 102 S. 2nd, wholesale newspaper*. Harrisburg Rubber Co., 205 Walnut rubber goods. Harrisburg Typewriter & Supply Co.. 6 S. 3rd, typewriters. Harry, D. D., Srd and Walnut cigars and tobacco. Helsler, M. L., 14 S. 2nd, real estate. Hench & Wilson, 325 Market, wholesale notions. Herman, J. C. & Co:, 22 N. 2nd, whole sale cigars and tobacoo. Hershey, D. U., 327 Market, cigars. Hlrnes, G. W., 10 N. 2nd, stoves and tln- ware. Hursh, D. F., 123 S. 3rd. cigars. Holmes Seed Co., 9 N. 2nd, seeds. Holmes Seed Co., 9 N. 2nd, wholesale seeds. Holtzman, L G.. 337 Market, pool. Hoover, E. G., 28 N. Srd, Jewelry. Hursh, J. N., 218 Cherry, clgara. Jerauld Shoe Co., 310 Market, shoee. Johnson Paper Co., 17 S. 2nd, wholesale paper. Kay, L W„ Metropolitan Hotel, cigars. ICaufman's Underselling Store, 4 S. 2nd, department store. Kelley. John, 3 N. 3rd, shoes. Keystone Sanitary Co.. S. 2nd, whole sale plumber supplies. Kennedy, Wm. H., SO S. Brd, wholesale drugs. Knlsely, W. W., 200 Market cigars and tobacco. Koch, Chas. H., 85 N. 2nd, cigars. Kochenour, Geo. W., 230 Market, ci gar* and tobacco. Kuhn Clothing Co., Market Square, carpet*. Kuhn Clothing Co., 6 N. 2nd, clothing. Kelly, James, 231 Strawberry, cigars. Kennedy, H. C., 321 Market, drugs. Kresge, S. S., 324 Market, 6c and 10c store. Livingston, Harry, 9 8. 2nd, clothing. Lelb, Frank £ Son, 18 N. Srd, real es- tate Lyter £ Wolfe, 116-118 Strawberry, gasoline and oil. McClennan £ Murray, 3rd and Mul berry, cigars. Martz Bros., 303 Market, hardware. Moog Bros., 13 8. Srd. shoes. Magaro. 8., 6 S. 2nd, fruit and candy. Magnelll, P. 0., 140 8. 2nd, fruit. Magnelll. P. 0., 140 S. 2nd, wholesale fruit Makoma Coal Co., M 8. 2nd. wholesale. Mann, C. H., 82 8. Srd, jewelry sup plies. Marks £ Copeland, 81 N. 2nd, elothlng. McFall £ Son, Brd and Market gents' furnishings. McCaiebLF. H, 125 Chestnut oigara McKay, W. a, So< Strawberry, cigars. Messersmlth, J. H., 212 Market genta' furnishings. Montgomery, J. B a 86 8. Brd, coal. Moller, C. A.. 85 8. 2nd. drugs. Morrison, Hyman. 2nd and Walnut fruit and candy. Motter. Chas. F., 211 Chestnut, grocer ies Miller & Kade?, 7 X. Market Square, furniture. Moyer, J. 8., 15 N. Market Square, ci gars. Makoma Coal Co., 1* S. 2nd, brokers. Miller & Foose, 311 Market, cigars. National Supply Co., 8 S. 4th, clothing. Notarys £ Collls, 317 Market, restau rant. Notarys £ Collls, 317 Market, olgars. Nachman, J. £ Co., 820 Market, cloth ing. Newark Shoe Co., 316 Market, shoes. 'Oyler. P., 14 9. 4th, musical instru- I menta. Parialo, Jos. J.. 129 S. 2nd, wholesale I bananas. , Poulton, Chas. W., 5 N. Brd, hats. | Parks. Geo. W., 10 S. 2nd, sewing ma- I chines. Parialo, Jos. J., 129 S. 2nd, frulta i Plack, Wm., 23 S. 2nd. Jewelry. ) Pomeroy, S. S., S. 2nd, grocerlea 'Pounds, Wm. R. W., 207 Market, J leather. jßuss & Windsor, Market Square, flsh I and oysters. Rothert £ Co., 812 Market, furnishings. Ryder, S., 4 4 N. 3rd, paints. Richwlne, C. D., 36 Court ave., cigars Rolllw & George, 225 Market, confec tionery. Rife, W. H., 825 Walnut, cigars. Roberts £ Meek, 115 Market, whole sale stationery. Rohrer, J. F. & Son, 4 N. Brd, real es tate. Rose, John A., 2nd and Walnut, candy. Rovla, Geo., 20 N. Brd, cigars. Russ, Jas., Senate Hotel, cigars. \ Russ, John, 212 Strawberry, cigars. Russ. M. E., Hotel Columbus, cigars. Russ & Windsor. Market Square, wholesale and retail flsh and oysters. Sacks. N., 20 N. 4th, millinery. Scheffer, Theo. F., 21 S. 2nd, stationery. Sllberman, Isaac. 221 Market, Photo Play. Slmonette, Harry, 188 S. 2nd, oysters and flsh. Strouse, W. £ 8., 322 Market, clothing. ISpangler, Lee Emma, 188 a 3rd, furni ture. Slmonetti, H. R., 108 a 2nd, wholesale produce. Slble, Geo. H„ Bolton House, cigars. Sible, Geo. H., Metropolitan Hotel, ci gars. Schmidt, Charles L. 813 Market, flowers. Schleisner, Wm. 8., 28 N. 3rd, clothing. Sheln, A., 312 Cherry, groceries. Shorb Shoe Store, 800 Market, shoes. Shorndorf, Bessie, 12 s. 4th, clothing and notlona Shearer. J. L, 204 Market, genta' fur nishings. Sides £ Sides, 208 Market, genta* fur nishings. Slgler, C. M., 30 N. 2nd, pianos and muslo. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 118 Market, sewing machines. Saunders, Minerva a, 84 2nd, gloves and hose. Standard Woolen, 19 N. Brd, clothing. Slabach, E. G. £ C, 226 Chestnut meats. Taylor, M„ 6 S. 2nd, cigars and tobacco. Ten Dollar Clothing Co., 3 N. Market Square, clothing. Taylor, M., 5 S. 2nd, pool. Snavely, W„ 11 Arcade Bldg., stock broker. Springer, Geo. W., 306 Market, Jewelry. Spayd, R. E., 148 S. 2nd, cigars and to bacco. Sperry Hutchinson £ Co., 209 Walnut, house furnishings. Stieff, C. M„ 24 N. 2nd, pianos. Stephen, Anast £ Co., 317 Market, res taurant. Strouse Bros., 325 Market, clothing. Strouse T <ros., 313 Market,' clothing. Swope, Ida F., 11 S. 3rd, notions. Snyder, Charles A., 207 Chestnut, ci gars. Tamsul Tea Co., 831 Market, tea and coffee. Thompson, J. W., 28 S. Brd, wholesale barber supplies. Tromblno & Bro., 8 8. 4th, fruits and candy. Troup, J. H., 15 S. 2nd, pianos. Tunis, W. S., 8 N. Srd, stationery and books. Twentieth Century Shoe Store, 7 a 2nd. shoes. United Watch £ Diamond Co., Arcade Bldg., Jewelry. United Cigar Stores, Srd and Straw berry, cigars. United Cigar Stores, Market and Grace ave., cigars. Uttley, C., 321 Walnut, flowers. United Hat Stores, 1 N. 3rd. hats. Underwood Typewriter Co., 25 N. Brd, typewriters. Boot Shop. 226 Market, she W1150,., J. S., 4 N. 3rd. confectionery. Worklngmen's Store Co., 817 Chestnut groceries. Vogt, Guy S., 19 N. Market Square, meats. Wltmer, Balr £ Wltmer, 811 Walnut, laoies' furnishings. Wilson £ McCombe, 228 Market, candy. Wolfe, C H., commonwealth Hotel, ci gars. West, Mrs. E. C., 135 S. 2nd, groceries. Walmer, N. A., 24 S. 3rd, saddlery and trunks. Watts & Bro. Co., 26 S. Srd, wholesale wall paper. Weaver, John S., 24 N. 3rd, confection ery. Weber. Mrs. O. D., 118 S. 2nd., toilet ar ticles. Weldman. Geo., 114 S. 2nd. meats. Wentzel, Chas. A., 121 S. Brd, rubber tires. Whttcomb, D. R., 120 S. Court, produce and fruits. Whltcomb, D. R., 120 S. Court whole . sale produce and fruits. Wleseman, W. A., 128 S. 2nd. groceries. Wise, Mary S., Second, eating house. Werner. A. F., 213 Chestnut, broad and candy. Ylnger, Geo. W., 339 Chestnut, cigars and tobacco. Yohn Bros., 8 N. 2nd. pianos. Zlegler, D. M., 110 S. 2nd, linoleum and shades. Zook. S. £ L, 215 Market, department Bell Realty Co.. 4 N. 3rd, Bergner Bldg., real estate. , Orr, J. C., 222 Market. Crown Lunch Room, cigars. Dives, Pomeroy £ Stewart, 4th and Market, wholesale department store. E. Miller £ Sons, Court ave., real es tate. National Watch £ Diamond Co., Brd and Market. Jewelry. Zacharlas, Harvey C., 14 S. 2nd. broker. Burns Co., S. 2nd. furnitt re. FOURTH WARD Ash, F. 8., 222 Locust, real estate. Ralsley, Geo.i 220 N. 2nd. groceries. Blake, A. M.. 103 N. 2nd, decorations. Bodmer, H. A.. 319 N. 3rd. wall paper. Bossier £ Forrer, 705 N. Srd, boilers. Braun, J. M., 223 South, groceries. Brlnton-Packer Co.. Second and Wal nut, real estate brokers. Brown. Mrs. A. C., 267 Briggs, hair goods. Byrem, Samuel, 701% N. Srd, cigars and tobacco. Brenner, Jos. D., 803 N. Srd, Jewelry. Brenner. Jos. D., 803 N. Srd. broker. Cook, Mrs. T. C., 214 Liberty, confec tionery. Cotterel, D. W., 105 N. 2nd, books and stationery. Cotterel. D. W., 105 N. 2nd, wholesale books and stationery. Corset Shop, 107 A N. 2nd, corsets. Cranston, Mrs. Ida, 204 Locust, notions. Cohen, Ida, 830 James, groceries. Donaldson Paper Co., 113 N. 2nd, whole sale paper. Dubbs, C. C., 800 N. Srd, fruits and vegetables. Early, J. B. £ Son, 104 N. 2nd, leather and findings. Ensminger, J. T., Jr., 202 N. 2nd, whole sale drugs. Ensminger, J. T.. Jr., 214 N. 2nd, drugs. Fager £ Sons, 213 N. 2nd, stoves and ranges. Fllcklnger, John, 706 N. Srd, wall pa per. Flelschmann Co., The, 210 N. 2nd, wholesale yeast Fought M. A.. 217 North, real estate. Falrlamb & Co., 819 N. 3rd, confection ery. Goldsmith. Jos., 209 Locust, furniture. Grand Union Tea Co.. 208 N. 2nd. wholesale tea and coffee. Grand Union Tea Co., 208 N. 2nd, tea and coffee. Gault, H. A, 236 North, groceries. Greco, A, Srd and State, olgars and confectionery. Harris, J. P. £ Son, 221 N. 2nd. furni ture. Hennecke, Mrs. J, 815 N. Srd, bird*. Jones, Mrs. G. W., 208 South, groceries. Kendall Optical Co., 228 N. Srd, op tical goods. Kreldler, A. H. & Bro., 100 N. 2nd. gro ceries. Keystone Supply Co.. 114 N. Brd. sup plies. Lett, Jas., ill N. 2nd. wholesale photo supplies. Longsnecker. I. K., 804 N\ 3rd. flowers, i Marianne, Klnderm&rkt 218 Locust, i BAKRISBURG TELEORAPBt toys. Messlmer, Geo. F., 718 N. »rd, confec tionery. Mac Donald, C. 8., Telegraph Bldg., ol gars. Menger, John H„ 110 N. 2nd, restau rant and cigars. Maglauchlln, J. J., 400 N. Brd. wall pa per. Marzolf, E. L, 615 N. 2nd, groceries. Mather & Co., 204 Walnut, steam fit tings. MoGlll, P. q 249 North, real estate. Miller Bros. & Baker, Locust and Court, real estate and brokers. Parthemore. L. H., 712 N. 3rd, pianos. Nunemacher, A. W.. 3rd and North, drugs. Perrie Corset Shop, 205 Locust corsets. Peters, R. J. & son, 620 N. 3rd, gro ceries. Poorman, Bessie E., 222 Locust, gloves and notions. Pennsylvania Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust, real estate. Regal Umbrella Co., 2nd and Walnut umbrellas and trunks. Rlcker I. s., 817 N. 3rd, Jewelry. Rockafeller, T. B„ North, real estate. Sa tzgiver, J. C., 220 N. 2nd, antique furniture. Sprenkle. C. A., 814 N. 3rd, supplies. Rutherford, S. a, 318 N. 2nd, confec tionery. Saltzgiver, J. C., 223 N. 2nd, materials. feariano, Frank, 228 South, wholesale fruits. Sebourn, J. H., 827 Green, groceries. Spungin, Samuel, 259 North, meats. Studebaker, C., 2nd and State, grocer ies. Unltod Evangelical Church Publishing House, 201 N. 2nd, books and sta tionery. Waite. W. 0., 524 N. 6th, drugs. \\ ilhelm, S. K. & Co., 2nd and State, drugs. Winfleld, M. E., 706 N. 6th, real estate. ,Wltmer, Balr & Wltmer. 202 Walnut suits and cloaks. Wolfley, C. N., 226 N. 2nd, oysters and fruits. Wolbert H. B„ 717 N. 3rd, groceries. White, R. A., Masonlo Temple Bldg., wall paper, Zlmnierman, a a, 211 N. 2nd, groceries. Taylor, M. C., 11l South, real estate. FIFTH WARD Adler, Chas.. 1002 N. 3rd, real estate. Affleck, John A. & Co., 1113 3rd, real Argraves, H. A., 1008 N. Brd, groceries. Argraves, H. A., 1008 N. Srd, wholesale groceries. Atticks & Metzger, 217 Broad, candy. Boak, W. A, 131 Broad, groceries. Brown & Co., 1217 N. 3rd, furniture. Buehler, D. 916 N. 3rd, drugs. Baturln, Rebecca, 1005 N. Srd, gro- Berger, Abraham St Son, 315 Broad, notions. Bodmer, I. C., 807 Cumberland, fruits. Boak, C. L, 229 Broad, tobacco. Cleckner & Burke, 1226 N. 3rd, stoves and tinware. Capln & Capln, 1121 N. Brd, gents' fur nishings. Cohen, A., 441 Broad, second hand goods. Cohen. L. & Bro., N. 6th, leather and findings. Consylman, Wm. C. & Co., 1117 Srd, gents' furnishings. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad, Junk. Clary, D. Z,, 923 3rd, pool. Clary, D. Z., 923 N. 3rd, cigars and candy. Dapp, Wm. A., 809 Broad, cigars and tobacco. Dapp. Wm. A.. 309 Broad, cigars and tobacco. Dapp, Wm. A., 809 Broad, pool. DeLone Bros., 269 Broad, butter, eggs and milk. DeLone Bros., 269 Broad, wholesale butter, eggs and milk. Ensminger, E. C., 1122 Green, auto supplies. Evans, W. H., 267 Sassafras, produce. Flnklesteln, H. L, 1219 Srd, novelties. Fisher, E. A Estate, 1017 N. Srd, wall paper and paints. Fisher Bros., 1001 Capital, stoves. Friedman. Samuel, 903 N. Srd, real Garner. A-, 1209 N. Srd, clothing. Gebhart, H. C., 1004 N. Brd, birds and fish. Garonzik, D., 1105 N. 3rd, clothing and furnishings. Gekas, D. N., 3rd and Herr, confactton ery. Gundrum. Ruth, 913 N. 3rd. post card*. Handler. 8., 1212 N. 3rd. furniture. Hauk, J. R„ 932 N. 6th, cigars. Heagy Bros., 1204 N. Srd, sporting goods. Houghton, H. F.» 1128 N. <th, cigars and candy. Harlan, Jas., 1107 N. 3rd, restaurant. Hoopes, J 8., 1021 N. 3rd, cigars and tobacco. Houghton, H. F., 1128 N. 6th, restau- rant. Hutman, Geo. A., 1013 N. 3rd, jewelry Kaylor, H. H., 1202 N. 3rd, hardware. Kelly, Peter, 120S N. 6th, Ice cream and candy. Kimmel, Wm., 1101 N. 2nd, groceries. Klnnard, L H. Estate, 1116 N. 3rd, gents' furnishings. Kinney & Co., 1200 N. 3rd, shoes. Kramer, Ira, 400 Cumberland, groceries. Klster, J. F., Boas and Capital, milk. Kobler, Geo. 1232 N. 6th, cigars. Knighton & Co.. 311 Broad, clothing Koons, H. C., 269 Cumberland, meats. Kramer, Chas. F., 1225 N. 3rd. drugs. Kramer. Ira W., 400 Cumberland, wholesale flour. Krebs. A. A. & Son, 1021 Green, grocer ies. Kramme, F., 445 Broad, restaurant. Kurzenknabe Co., J. H., 1010 N. Brd, pianos. Low, Charles E., 1100 N. 6th, groceries. Maurer, A., 400 Forster, cigars. Marcwa, Isaac, 1205 N. Srd. Royal Photo. McCarroll, Jas., 935 N. 3rd. tobacco. Messnor, Paul, 1119 Montgomery, gas line. Miller Shoe Store, 1125 N. Srd. shoes. Mlllelseln, D. F„ 1019 N. 3rd, coal. Mitchell, D. F., 321 Cumberland, candy. Morgenthaler, J. N., 937 N. 3rd. cigars. Nailer, J. N., 419 Broad, feed. Opperman, Miss L, 1208 N. 3rd, fancy goods. Orcutt, C. H„ 267 Cumberland, real estate. Palmer, Mrs. L, 416 Forster, groceries. Peoples Tea Co., 1126 N. Srd, groceries. Potts, Geo. C., 1100 N. 3rd, drugs. Rottew Co., C. Vernon, 1100 N. Srd, real estate. Rlfkln, S.. 407 Broad, furniture. Rldenhour, F.FFt. t 1231 N. 3rd, flowers. Rlnkenbach, E. L, 1215 N. 3rd, Jewelry. Colivarls, Geo., 305 Broad, restaurant. Sanderson, 11. E., 1213 N. Srd. pictures. Simonetti, L., 901 N. Srd, fish and oys ters. Slmonetti, L, 901 N. Srd, wholesale flsh and oysters. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 908 N. Srd, machines. Slmonetti, Jacob, 401 Broad, cigars. Senseman, A J., 1206 N. Srd, dry goods. Shaw, Sarah, 1210 Penn, groceries. Smith, Jacob, 1012 N. 3rd, cigars. Smith, J. P., 1200 N. 2nd, groceries. Smith, Wm. D. & Sons, Boas and Cap ital. groceries. Smallwood, Wm., 834 Herr, wholesale flour. Spahr, H. 8.. 1223 N. 3rd. stationery. Strayer. O. F., 1218 3rd, hardware. Strayer, O. F„ 1218 N. Srd, wholesale hardware. Strauh, Wm. J., 1109 N. Brd, wall paper. Strayer. C. F., 819 Broad, groceries. Stouffer, C. A. 449 Broad, meats. Strominger & Ennls. 1111 N. 3rd, wall paper. Sullivan, Thos. J.. 325 Broad, clgara. Swelger, E. F. D„ 303 Broad, patent medicines and notions. ftwller, J. H., 431 Broad, grocerle*. Tack. A. 8.. 1216 N. 3rd, wall paper. Wilson, J. W., 901 N. 3rd, meats. Weigle Bros., 309 Broad, saddlery. White, A. J., Sl3 Broad, cigars. Woman's Exchange, 1014 N. Brd, no tions. Ylngst, John, 1182 N. Front carpet* and oil cloths. SIXTH WARD Alitto, J, 1880 4th, enndy and tobacco. Atkinson, W. R., 1432% N. 3rd, Jewelry Anderson, James, 1816 4th, cigars and candy. Aronson, Jos., 1428 6th, groceries. Bond, M. M. 265 Relly, grocerlea. Brunner, G. A, 112 N. Front, groceries. Bogar Hardware Co., 1816 N. Srd, hard ware. Burgolne. Wm. F.. 1844 6th. grooerlea. Burns. Sandy. 1400 Marlon, clgara. Brunner, O A.. 265 Relly. grocerlea. Bloom, Phillip, 1827 William*. Junk. Bloom, Jacob, 1825 Wllllama, Junk Cobb, Samuel, 1815 William*, clothing. CUrk. J. Nelson, 80< Broad, drugs. Cohen. M., 814 Calder, second hand fur niture. Clark, J. Nelson. 808 Broad, wholesale I drugs and medicines. Garonzik. H.. 1401 Marion, second hand furniture. Crozior, G. M, ISOI X. 3rd, cigars. Davles, C. W., 1805 N. >rd, olgars and papers. Dogherty, J. P., 820 Broad, dry goods and shoes. Drabenstodt B. C., 818H Rally, confec tionery. Abe. 605 Calder, milk. Ellis, M., 1618 N. 6th, groceries. Eberts, Wm., 419 Relly. stoves. Faunce, L. A., 1413 N. 3rd. Jewelry. Fortenbaugh, J. B„ 1406 N. Srd, wall paper. Friedman, D., 220 Relly, grocerlea. Frlck, C. A., 421 Relly, groceries. Freeburn, H. H„ 1400 N. Brd, real estate. Gardner, Samuel, 1811 N. Srd, whole sale green groceries. George, Chas. T., 1306 N. 3rd, drugs. Gentslider, J. J., 284 Broad, groceries. Graupner, O. 8., 1416 N. 3rdT elgars. Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co., 1303 N. 3rd, tea and coffee. Great Atlantic A Pacifio Tea Co., 1308 N. 3rd, wholesale tea and cofTee. Grove, O. & Son, 458 Broad, tobacco. Gardner, Samuel, 1311 N. 3rd, oysters and fish. Gregg, J. C., 1320 N. Srd, cigars. Gerber, A., 341 Relly, second hand fur niture. Hall, Hattle, 1322 Marlon, restaurant Harro, A. A., 1400 Relly, groceries. Hay, John W., 1402 N. 3rd. drugs. Hennecke, J. A, 1539 James, produce. Hoover. C. F„ 1413 2nd. cappers and furniture. Hoover, J. W., 836 Broad, furniture. Hoerner, Alf., 316 Broad, dry goods. Houtz, Adam D., 810 Broad, clothing. Houseman. J. H„ 1422 N. 3rd, groceries. Houseman, J. H., 1422 N. 3rd, wholesale groceries. Jamison, B. H., 1333% Fulton, second hand furniture. King, Jos. M., 1417 N. Brd, restaurant King, Jos. M., 1417 N. 3rd, cigars. Kobler. J. R„ 1430% N. 6th, pool. Kobler, J. R„ 1430% N. 6th, cigars and candy. ICaufmann, F. G., ISI9 N. Srd, gents' furnishings. Katzman, D., 314 Broad, cigars. Kapphan, R. P. Mrs.., 324 Broad, cigars. Kramer, C. D., 1429 N. 3rd, tobacco and candy. Kranzdorf, D., 352 Broad, second hand furniture. Knox & Meckley, 1802 N. 3rd, groceries. Levlnson, Wm., 1804 N. 6th, candy and Ice cream. Lescure, J. W., ISIO Green, cigars and tobacco. Lowe, Daniel S., 1418 N. 6th, stoves. Lukens, A. N., 802 Relly, toys. Liggett, J. G., 268 Broad, restaurant Mlchlovitz, Joe, 1324 Williams, Junk. Murray. R. W., 1308 N. 6th, produoe. McAllister, Jas., 1336 N. 2nd, drugs. Moyer, Mrs. E. S., 304 Broad, candy. Mlnniery, W. H., 424 Relly, pool. Mlnniery, W. H„ 424 Relly, cigars. Neff, Mrs. M. C., 1328 N. 2nd. candy. New York Merchandise, 460 Broad, shoes and clothing. Oslnger, V„ 300 Broad, cigars. Parks, W. T. & Son, N. 3rd, restaurant Peoples Furnishing Co., 330 Broad, fur niture. Pennsylvania Fanciers' Association, 338 Broad, poultry supplies. Plack, Ferdinand, 1326 N. 6th, Jewelry. Brenner, G. A., 1110 N. Front, groceries. Paxton Flour & Feed Co., Broad, flour and feed. Rappacort J.. 321 Calder, groceries. Rlckert, Mrs. L, 1318 N. 6th, notions. Reese. Carrie W., 1419 N. Srd, notions. Rlshel. J. A.. 416 Calder. groceries. Rhodes. D., 1401 N. 2nd, groceries. Robinson & Co., 1300 N. 3rd, department store. Rider Hardware Store, SO2 Broad, hard ware. Rider Hardware Store, 802 Broad, wholesale hardware. * Riley, Chas., 349 Relly, pool. Reamer, H. D„ 1336 N. 6th, art sup plies. Sebold, 1316 N. Srd, stoves. Selsam, J. T., 400 Broad, groceries. Shisler, A. H., 1328 N. Brd, electrical and bicycle supplies. Smith, Gnas. H., 1313 N. 2nd, meats. Smith, C. J„ 322 Broad, groceries. Smith. Mary T., 1301 N. 3rd. candy. Smiley, M. E„ 437 Roily, groceries. Spangenberg, B. R., 507 Reily, milk. Steckley M. & Sons, 404 Broad, shoes. Stevlck, A. L, 140S N. 3rd, pool. Stevlck, A. L, 1408 N. Srd, cigars and tobacce. Stewart, F. H. ( 1427 N. Brd, paper and stationery. Smith. C. 8., 1627 N. Brd. supplies. Square Deal Auto Co., 1408 N. Srd, auto supplies. Trlpner. J. H., 312 Broad, groceries. Vaughn, P. H., 1432 N. 3rd. gas mantles. Williams. E. 6., 1421 N. 3rd, candy. West End Junk Co., 1321 N. 4th. Junk. Weaver, Mrs. G. F.. 501 Calder, produce. Walters, H. A, 339 Relly, cigars and tobacco. Welbley, H. a, 226 Broad, candles. Welbley, 11. S., 226 Broad, wholesale candies. Wengert Daniel, 604 Relly. produoe *nd flsh. Williams, J. C., 1500 Penn, milk. Wilson, J. E., 326 Relly. paints and wall WohPforth, J. L., 823 Reily, cigars. Ylngst. Harry M., 1423 N. 3rd, globes and mantels. Zlgler, G. L., 414 Broad, harness. Harris, N., 1500 N. sth, notions. Zandell, L J., 1342 Penn, groceries. SEVENTH WARD Abramson, A.. 1077 7th, Junk. Arnold, C. N., 1601 6th, drugs. Allen. J. H., & Co., 1407 6th, fish and meats. Ashby, C. W.« 945 N. 7th, restaurant. Arch. Rebecca R., 1001 Cowden, gro- Baker, O.FFt. t 1309 6th, pianos. Botts. M. W„ 1649 6th, dry goods. Bloser. E. C., 1605 6th, groceries. Brighton, C. W„ 1300 7tn, tobacpo and candy. Braconey. H. J., 1001 6th. groceries. Brenner. Morris & Son. 623 Herr, gro cerles. Brenner, Morris & Son, 649 Muench, groceries. Bowman. L F., 1911 <th. cigars and to- bacco. Bowman, I. F„ 1911 6th, pool. Bechtel, A. M., 18th and Herr, groceries. Boyer, W. F., 1821 N. 12th, produce. Chess. R. C., 1925 6th, llnoloum and oil cloCh. Connoley. J. A., 621 Hamilton, groceries. Cowden & Co., 9th and Herr, wholesale sewer pipe. Cummlngs, C. 8., 946 7th, cigar*. Cromer, A., 1006 N. 71.i, notions and meats. Crum, Daniel, 662 Broad, guns and lock- smith. Campbell, H. G; , 1657 N. 7th, Ice cream and cigars. Dlffendafter. F. W„ 1647 6th. groceries. Drum, B. 8., 1801 6th, groceries. Fetterhoff, J., 1815 N. Cameron, gro- Fernbaugh, C. T., 1631 6th, candy. Fornwald, M. A., 1821 6th, carpets and furniture. Frank, J. L, 1925 7th, groceries. Economy Grocery Co., 1783 N. 6th, gro- Elder, T. 8., 2011 N. 7th, groceries and elgars. Gerver. Morris, 1201 Wallace. Junk and groceries. Groff. Edw., 601 Cumberland, cigars and tobacco. Garland, J. K.. 1839 6th, drugs. Gordon Bros., 1200 N. Cameron, gro ceries. Good, P., 1733 N. 6th, restaurant. Gross. M„ 7th and Sayford, groceries and meats. Gross, Nathan, 2015 6th. groceries. Grunaen, P. E., 933 6th, drugs. Hart, M. H., 1123 N. Cameron, gro- Hackenberger, Geo., 1845 N. 7th, gro- Hamllto'n. W. T., 1237 6th, drugs. Harris, S. R„ 1929 6th, grrocerles. Hoffman, J. Grant, 1260 Wallace, cigars, Heckard, Win., 1800 Cameron, coal and wood. Horwltz, D„ 1249 Monroe, groceries. Isaacman, Mrs. A., 1308 Wallace, gro ceries. Johns, Mr., 664 Broad, fish and oysters. Katz, ->*na, 1100 Herr groceries. Frank, S. A., 1925 N. 7tn. groceries. Fishman. Samuel, 1101 N.-6th, furniture. Katz, M., 649 Cumberland, leather and findings. Koons, M„ 670 Calder, groceries and ■clothing. Kobler, Geo., 6th and Cumberland, mov ing pictures. Kahlman. Peter. 1854-1106 7th, clgara Landls, Gertrude, 1719 7th, grocarlea Lerl Broa. ltOl 7th, groceries. Lone, H. H.. lU7 7th. feToeerlea Lyons, Theo., lilt waflaea, cigars and tobacco. Martin, S. JC, " 8 Belly, rents' furnish- Ings. Mattls, C. 9 , 1301 6th. cigars and to bacco. Macover, Katie, 1116 N. Cameron, gro ceries. Mlnsky, Simon, 637 Herr, groceries. Marcus & Lipsltz, 2030 N. 7th. groceries. Mathews. T. R., 1219 N. 7th, cigars. Mathews, T. R., 1219 N. 7th, pool. Markle, Geo.. 1641 N. 6th, wall paper and shades. McNally. Robt L.. 2001 N. <tf». Miller, D. H., 1931 6th, notions. Moeslein, Fred, 1335 6th, cigars. Moses, B. F., 1827 6th, grooeries and meats. Murnane, Theo., 1825 George Junk. Remer, R„ lioi N. 7th, shoe*. Ohlhausen, H. W v 1042 Herr, groceries. Parsons. Isaiah, 1104 N. 7th, drugs. Rashlnsky, M., 923 N. 6th, groceries. Roth, G., 630 Boas, groceries. Orsteln, Wolf, 1127 Cameron, groceries. Parks, W. T., & Son, 1402 N. 6th, res taurant Pavloft, Vare, 1025 N. 7th, candy. Reamer, W. A., 1506 6th, wall paper. Rhine, Paul G., 1330 Cowden. produce. Rodkey, H., 663 Boas, produce. Ropen, I, K., 646 Calder, groceries. Rosenfeld, A., Broad and Cowden, gro- Shack, A., 1238 7th, restaurant Shelleuhamer, H. 8., 2017 Cameron, gro ceries. Sherman, David, 662 Peffer. grooeries. Shanabrook, C. M., 622 Relly, groceries. Staley, R. M.. 1307 6th, drugs. Stever, Geo., 915 6th, cigars. Stroh. W. ri„ 1713 6lh, coal. Snavely, Geo. W., 618 Cumberland, gro oeries. Smoltz Max. 1100 N. 7th, second-hand furniture. Szelm, Andrews, 1018 N. 7th, groceries, meat, milk. Smiyi & Feltenberger, 1405 N. 6th, sup- Taylor, A. Thompson, W m . F„ 2027 6th, drugs. United Ice & Coal Co., Cowden and Forster, coal and wood. Verner, A. H„ 627 Cumberland, notions. alter, H. G., 616 Herr, meats. Wagner. J. H., 1721 6th, cigars and to ba<!co. Wolborn. A., 688 Broad, grooeries, Wagner, J. H.. 1721 6th, pool. Weaver, J. 8., 1607 6th. groceries. Weiss. E. W. 1221 6th, stoves and tin- ware. Wllback, Lawrenco, 1028 7th. cigars. Wlnckler, C„ 7th and Broad, meats. Welner. Anna, 1226 N. 7th, groceries. Wolf, Bros., 1201 N. 7th, groceries. Yoder, L P., 621 Harris, groceries. Herman. 1L G., 1214 N. Cameron, gro ceries. EIGHTH WARD Asmowltz, L., 127 Balm, groceries. Ashby, C. H., 411 Filbert, eating house. Bender, Fred, 520 Walnut, barber sup plies. Brelsford Packing Co., 7th and North, wholesale meats. Bear, 8., 700 N. 7th, groceries. Brenner, Nathan, 424 Walnut, clothing and shoes. Brenner. Nathan, 424 Walnut broker. Broude, P., 516 State, merchandise. Caplan, Maurice, 446 Walnut, wholesale notions. Carr, Wm., 602 Walnut, restaurant Carter, Isabel, 17128 Walnut milk. Caster, Alice, 445 State, restaurant. Capital City Junk and Rag Co., 10th and Walnut Junk. Capital City Junk and Rag Co., 10th and Walnut, wholesale Junk. Corpman, W. 8., 16th and Elm, postal cards and picture frames. Cohen, Israel, 604 State, Junk. Cohen, Rebecca, 410 Cranberry, gro ceries. Cohen Frank, 607 State, second-hand goods. Cohen, Max & Sons, 678 Briggs, Junk. Cooper & Kandel, 600 North, groceries. Cushman, F. A., 1216 Walnut, groceries. fe? er ' Wv <th and State, cigars, eerie? & Sons ' 601 stat ®' gro- Flnk, K. 0., 1809 Waln'ut, groceries. Forney Bros. Shoe Co., 62S North, wholesale shoes. Freeburg, N„ 420 Walnut, wholesale candy. Friedman, Isaac, 123 Short, shoes. Fry, Theo.. 501 State, cigars. Furber, Ignatz, 642 North, cigars. Gastroclc, C., 647 Briggs, groceries. Gross, Meyer, 438 Walnut, groceries. Hayes, Sallio, 618 Walnut, cigars and candy. Hayes, Sallle, 618 Walnut, restaurant. Hautzman, F. H„ 660 Briggs, lumber. Harrisburg Rendering & Hide Co.. 11th and Walnut, hides. H gVocerles Caßh Grocer 3 r - 484 Walnut, Jackson, Helen. 108 Short, notions. Kambeltz. L, 124 Linden, miilt and to bacco. Keffam. J. C., 1740 Walnut, groceries, retaifl "oa"' & C °- 10th and Btate - Kelley, H M. & Co., 10th and State, wholesale coal. Llpman 1., 404 Walnut, clothing. Lack, Frank, 713 Cowden. groceries and Junk. Looker, Edwin. 601 North, fruit and oysters. McCoy, April. 510 South,_grocerles. Mcßand, Mrs. R., 1604 Walnut, gro ceries. Miller. Harry, 1250 Walnut, groceries. Morrow, F. S.. 16th and Walnut, candy and oysters. Morton, Lewla, 806 N. Cowden, gro ceries. Miller, j. E;, 1258 Walnut, produce. Moody. G. W„ 1700 Walnut coal. shoes' 1 ' A " 414 Wa,nnt ' clothing and Morris. J. W. 1841 North, produce. Muller, J. Y„ 127 N. 13th, wall paper. Nurlck, 8., 508 Walnut, groceries. Orth, Geo. N. 423 State, groceries. Moore, G. 8., 222 N. 10th, produce. Paxton Flour & Foed Co.. State and Poplar, flour and feed. Paxton Flour & Feed Co- State and Pp.P lßl ". wholesale flour and feed. Phillips. Harry A., 1537 State, groceries. Potter. Leslie B„ 524 State, cigars. Rhodes, J. E., Cowden and Forster lime and cement. Rubin, £l., 135 N. 10th, groceries. Raub, D. W.,625 N. 17th, groceries. Rhodes, J E„ Cowden and Forster wholesale sewer pipe. Rosen, «Tas., 506 Cameron, groceries. Sullivan, P. T„ 729 State, cigars. SehlfTman, A., 514 Cowden, groceries Seder F H 1501 State, Series oelbert, f. C., 114 Cowden, candles fhoma.l- C. & Son. 609 State, groceries, snerman, M., 517 South, groceries Shandler, I. L., 139 Short, clothing. Skollik, M., 516 South, stores. Stever, Wm. F., 1324 Walnut, drugs Strathers, C. W., 432 South, clgari and pool. Strathers. C. W.. 452 South, pool. th. E. E„ 657 Brlggs, groceries. Smith, Harry T 451 State, cigars. Sullivan, John J., 13th and State, gro ceries. ' 1 e Shoop, Geo., 817 East, groceries. Starger, A C.. 1270 State, milk, Great China & Japan Tea Co., 723 6th, groceries. Thorley. T. A., 4*9 State, "drugs. Union Planing Mill Co., 824 to 882 N 7th, lumber. Walter, H. G., 434 State, meats. Wallace & Coalmen, 143 Short, restaur ant. Weaver, John N„ 523 Stat*, cigars W njor, Geo. E„ 187 4th, cigars. ' Wise, Theo 431 North, groceries. Wnlfshon Wallace & Coleman, 14? Short, clgkrs Voffee. David, 121 fehort, seoond-hand foods. Handel, Ethel, 700 N. 7th. groceries shoes A " 600 Wa,nut - c 'othlng and NINTH WARD Acri. M., 4th and Chestnut, eigars Aldlnger, Fred. 423-427 Market, eigara Ademw & Fry. 410 Market. Star Tnte£ Althouse, F. J„ 127« Market, druggist Aronson. Charles, 422 Market, pawn shop. - «n»»nery and Attlcks, H., 138 Evergreen, candy Barbush, Mike, 512 Market, sigarti garnhart. C. rf., 14J0 Derry. mlfk en' 67 ' **'' 1806 Market, confcction- Baturln. M., 422 Market. Jewelry Baturln, M., 422 Market, broker ip."' o ,T*rf-n:r Brlnder, Carl Z.. 1288 Derry, rfrar* Buck, Robt. E., 1349 Market, wsUur ah t> Brown C. S., 1711 Reglna, nroduce. Bollendorf, M„ 24 N. 17th, groceries Bowman. Mell £ Co.. 1»A if 4th, drug* Bowman. Mell £ Co.. l»A N. 4th. wioU •ale drugs. SBrenneman, B. 8., 108 a 18th. grooerlM. renneman a I^lool Mar&et elgart erjr. Cohan, Lewis 8., 489 Market, clothing. Cannon. D. ft, 124T Market, meatY and groceries. Coppedge, Chan. 8., 10th and Market, clear®. < Cassel, 3. M., 1444 Reglna, real ssta*Sk Capital City News Agency, 488 Market newspaners. Capital City News Agency, 488 Market; wholesale newspapers. Capital City Photo Novelty Oe., 114 Market, frames, etc. Charles, J. P., 7 N. 14th. meats. Cohen, Hayman, 407 Walnut, clothing and shoos. Cassel, ROSB 1., 1444 Reglna, cigar a Caasel, Ross 1., 1444 Regfna, pooL Cohen, S. B. & Son, 431 Market, jewelrji Cohen & Son, S. E., 431 Market, broken Columbia Kleetrlc Co., 13th and Market, electrical uupplles. Cook, H. H., 1204 DerrV. milk. Cooper, Carl 8., 1604 Derry, drug*. Cooper, W. & Son, 43 N. Cameron, Junfc> Cornman & Colestock, 1524 Derry, gre oerles. Cozzoli, W. J., 1101 Market, olgars. Dare, J. E., 1542 Vernon, coal. Dauphin Electrical Supplies Co., 414 Market, supplies. Diehl, Geo. A., 9A N. 13th, groceries. Dlenur, p, G„ 408 Markot Jewelry. Dclcher, D. K., 13th and Market, shoea. Delsu, Wm„ 401 Walnut, drugs. Dubbte & Beck, Derry and Evergreen, wall paper. Economy Grocery Co., 1240 Market, gro ceries. Ernest, T. J„ 1263 Market, cigars. Economy Grocery Co., 1416 Derry, gro ceries. Emm Bon-Bran tin ffham Implement Co., 108 Market, repairs. Steele, J. H.. 19th an<l Holly, groceries. Edward Co., 443 Market, clothing. Eldridge, Howard M. L., Jr., 23 N. 4th. pianos. Knoh, C. H., 45 N. 14tli, candy Elscheld, Jno. H., 13 N. sth. cigars. Fackler, E. U, Est., 1312 Derry, furni ture. i Faus, J., Jr., 1010 Market, groceries. Flicklnger, J. 8., 1520 Derry, dry goodsi Forney. C. M., 426 Market, drvigs. Forney, C. M., 426 Market, wholesale drugs. Ford Motor Sales Co., 10th and Market, autos. Fry Coal Co., 9th and Market, coal. Fells, C. M., 1600 Reglna, wall paper. Market, second-hand fur niture. Frederick, D. H., 1469 Market, cigars | and confectionery. Fisher, Jos., 601 Walnut, pool. I Simon, Frank. 1002 Market, second | hand furniture. Grey. A. M„ 2«A S. ISth. notions. Gerloch, J. A.. 1214 Mulberry, wall paper. rsiS» "l,, B t Market, real estate. Gernet, w. A., 18th and Market, gro ceries. Gardner, Robt. L, 47 N. 14th, groceries. Gitt, Jno. C., 1303 Market, Jewelry. S u f®"t Jos - 2* Grace, cigars. Gold, Samuel, 1016 Market, second-hand furniture. Gllmore & Henry, 1030 Market, pool. Gllmore & Henry, 1030 Market, and tobacco. Goodman, Isadora A Co., 440 Market, clothing. £n^» n ! 8 ' £ Pappas. 6S. 4th. cigars. Ulo\anls, &. Pappas, 6 S. 4tii, restaur ant Gram bastion, Jno., 1104 Market, clears and groceries. Hoose, A. R„ 1543 Walnut, meat. Hare, H.M 421 Walnut, cigars. Hauck, JPhillp. 430 Market, shoes. tobacco 416 Market, cigars and Hess, G. 8., 416 Market pool. Hess, Harry, 1264 Market, cigars and tobacco. He«a. Harry. 1264 Market, pool. Hetrick, J. S., 1609 Regina, groceries. Holier & Garman, 18th and Kelley, flour and feed. Hoffer & Garman, 18th and Keller, wholesale flour and feed. Hoffman Edw. G., 441 Market, cigars. Huber Mfg. Co., 10th, wholesale twine. Hoffman, Mrs. A. E., 1323 Market, pool. ?lam Market, oysters and Hetinger, Miss May, ISISA Market, rea » taurant. Hoffman, Mrs. A. E„ 1828 Market, ci gars and confectionery. g a X. 1701 Market, groceries. Hall, C. H., 1J39 Market, restaurant. Harris, M., 23 Aberdeen, clothing. International Harvester Co., 813 Mar ket, twine and repairs. i°olt ß,^ atha l',„ 81 A Walnut, restaurant. Meyer. 610 Market, retail notions. Katz, Meyer, 610 Market, wholesale no tions. Katzman, H., 42 Balm, groceries. Kerr. Chas. A., 43 N. 13th, meatß. Kerr, X. J., 40 N. 18th, grooerles. Keystone Motor Car Co., 1019 Market. autos and supplies. Keystone Motor Car Co., 1019 Market. o,esale autos and supplies. i 5!! ü ßer ' 13th, hardware. Kltchner A. P., 98 N. 17th, groceries. Knisley, Harry, 411% Market, cigars and tobacco. Koons. Wm. E„ 43 S. 13th, groceries. Jewefry ' & C °'' 4 Market, Krauss, Chas. & Co., 411 Market, broker. Kulp, Mrs. A. W., 1310 Market, confeo tionery. Keller, Croll, 405 Market, drugs, /atzman, A., 21 Cowden, elgars Koser, Geo. U, 3A S. 13th, cigars. Kopenhaver, A. W„ 2B N. 19th, gro ceries. pane M., 1026 Market, shoes. Danglets, C. W. H., Cameron and Mul berry, lumber. Lampas, T. J„ 414 Market, confection ery. , Ledl, Chas. D., 1313 Market, groceries. Devi, Jacob, 616 Walnut, wholesale na tions. Levlnson. Samuel, 1028 Market, con fectionery. Dock, Mike, 10 Cowden, groceries Lutz, E. E„ 171 N. 16th, milk. Lenny, J M„ 5-7 S. 13th, Photo Play, percw, Edgar B„ 4 N. 6th, real estate tokens & Andrews. 437 Market, pool, pukens & Andrews, 437 Market, cigars. Lampas, J. S., 1266 Market, confection ery. o ar ul" & Market, clothing: Runkle, Geo., 1622 Derry, pool. Runkle, Geo.. 1622 Derry, cigars and to bacco. Aberdeen, restaurant. Martin, Chas., 433 Market, clga*s. Marsllll, H., 17 Aberdeen, cigars and to bacco. Miller, Edw., 435 Market, cigars. McClesky, Annie, 1236 Market, notion* Meltzer, Samuel, 513 Walnut, clothing. Mentzer & Romberger, 18th and Chest nut, cement and lime. Mentzer & Romberger, l»th and Chest nut, wholesale bricks. Merllna, Frank, 1414 Reglna, fruit. Merlina, Frank, 1414 Roglna,'wholesale fruit. Myera H. D„ 1602 Derry, shoes. Mt Pleasant Garage, 1336 Thompson, supplies. Miller, W. N., 1268 Market, The Summit Theater. Mingle, D. 8., 110S Market, cigars. Miller & Son, D. F.,126 Market Miller, E. 8,, 21 S. T7th, produce. Miller, J. D., 70 N, 3rd, groceries. Miller, J. H., 1266 Markot, cigars and candy. Miller, J. H., 1256 Market, pool. Monarch Wall Paper Ce., 11 Aberdeen, wholesale wall paper. Moog Shoe Co., 27 S. 13th, shoes. Morrison, M. A., 1408 Reglna. groceries. Montgomery & Co.. S. 10th, feed. Mountz, E. K.. 1700 Reglna, groceries. Moyer. Wra. 0., 1815 Parks, groceries. National Biscuit Co., Union Squ***, Nathan. Mrs. Fanny, 24 Aben clothing and shoes. Nye, R. P„ 1444 Thompson, produo«, Q Nell, U C a Regtnu, shoes, fatton, A. 8.. 19 S. 14th, flowers. Peters, Jne. E., 1447 Reglna, meat. Parthemore. I*. 87 N. 18th, stoves tinware. Paul, Wm. F., 1418 Market, shoes. Pennsylvania Railroad Union Station, olgara Pennsylvania Railroad Union Btatloa. restaurant P«r. J i*. l9 8 - 4th ' restaurant Poileck, Daniel, 11 N. 4th. groceries. Rebuck. J. M., 14th and Mayflower, stoves. Reed, & a, 1114 Market elgara and te oacco. Rlckert A. M.. »| N. 18th, drugs. Ream. J._H.. 1272 Market wallpaper. Runkle, W. M., 1601 Reglna, groceries Romberger Sens Co., K 8. loth, talloS Rollee Bros., 400 Market oonfeotloneHß eerles. I,tll Walnut cri gjA T. X* II S, Ith. cigars and SKS: 4 VWS {BrfSrSKs™. Schell, Walter 6., 1807 Market, whole sale seeds. Sebold, M. & K., 1812 Market shoes. I fcselgbman, J. C., 286 S. X4tlx srooerlea.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers