Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 13, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    I "The Globe." The Store That Values, Built |
Q Never in the "History of Our Store Have We Had*
/IwX Such an Enormous Easter Business t
Our Men's, Boys' and Children's Various Departments J
Were crowded with buyers ail of last week and our great facilities ♦<
Ijn 9 fU -Ky, for good service were taxed to the utmost capacity. Our sales forces, our £
11 [|l JT tailoring departments, our delivery service, were untiring in their efforts X*
I I IS Jl to deliver all goods, so that our customers could wear their garments on £
HI ■■ Easter Day. Our Girls' Coats, without exception, the finest and most ex- t*
elusive in the city, were strongly in evidence in Sunday's fashion prome- ♦<
£ nade, for Globe coats are recognized by all. £
* "THE GLOBE" service is shared by all of our patrons; we've often %
$ told you that the spirit of accommodation rules here—the interests and ♦<
£ treatment of all our customers are carefully looked after and developed iii&f- *
to the fullest extent. 1 ♦<
Should any errors have occurred in your Easter purchases, and such $
4 errors are possible, we will consider it a pleasure to rectify them if you t<j
S* SATISFACTION with the true purpose of holding the confi- ,/y jjjj|ci ♦<
dence of every man, woman and child who enters our store. 11| | TJ
<± It's a great pleasure to us to hear the many complimentary remarks lil || ♦<
♦ about our store and our Easter clothes, and yet we sell goods at the low- .
$ This Is in Every Sense THE STORE OF VALUES .J r
| "THE GLOBE," g Market Street!
TY^nM ! °DLeTown£f)iehsmßfrs
tfflHH W * j8 Hisl •*»»
The Rev. C. F. T' rmann, pastor of the German Lutheran Church,
outh Second street, administeredcommunion yesterday for the first
me to the class of new members, who were confirmed last Sunday, shown
i the above etching. Reading from left to right the names are: standing,
rank Berko. William Albright, Cecilia Tiermann, Carl Miller, Marie
nuth, Nicholas Schan and Elizabeth George; sitting, Elsie Baughman,
heresa Chintz, tho Rev. C. F. Tiemann, Elizabeth Nettling aud Eliza
eth Ringort.
in plans m
teelton Organization Has Added
Two Crack Bulgarian Players
to Its Musicians
Steelton's crack musical organiza-
Dn, the Steelton Band, is making ar
ngements to hold its first annual
incert in the high school auditorium,
riday evening, April 24.
Recently the band was increased to
irty-flve pieces and now includes
me of the best known musicians in
■ntral Pennsylvania. Two of the
iw members are Nicola Kristol'f and
ilo lvanoff, two Bulgarians who have
ten identified with tho foremost inu
:al organizations in Europe,
lvanoff is a former member of the
ayal orchestra at Sophia, Bulgaria,
tiile Krlstoff was a student of
rauss, who conducts the Royal or
icstra at Vienna. Another Bulgarian
usician by the. name of Christen is
ipected to arrive from Europe and
A Plain No FiHigree
O ?P e . P' ai ' n Cabinet Glenwood. Just the natural
l%f| |1" black iron finish. "The Mission Idea" applied to a
JU range. A room saver too—like the upright piano.
Every essential refined and improved upon.
A room saver too. The Broad, Square Oven with perfectly straight
sides, is very roomy, and the sliding oven >»helf can
Mbe adjusted at several different heights.
The Glenwood Oven Heat Indicator, Improved Bak
, 'J 1 *? Damper, Sectional Top, Revolving Grate and Roller
Bearing Ash Pan are each worthy of special mention.
Eveprthing is at hand at the front — Ash Pan,
I j Broiler Door, Grate and Cleanout Door—all are handy.
The Glenwood Gas Range Attachment
bolts neatly to the right of this range, or can be had in
j: 1 1 the elevated style, which is ached without stooping. |
Glenwoods are made in hundreds of different styles
and sizes to suit all purses. Call and see them.
ooKing Easy. Georg'e C. Fager ft Sons, Harrisburg
Ijoin the local organization within the
: next few weeks. These three musi
! clans all saw service in one of the
j regimental bands during the recent
j Balkan war.
Manager Dennis Hollern of the lo
|oal baud intends to make this early
i Spring concert an annual affair. The
j proceeds will bo used to defray the ex
j penses of some of the complimentary
concerts given by the band during the
j summer. Reserved seats will be plac
jed on sale at Daron's Jewelry store,
i April 20. The director of the band is
Dionisio Zala ; one of the most wide
known musicians in tho State. He
has headed several crack musical or
ganidations and is now leader of the
Liberty band, a new organization, as
well as the Steelton band.
Italian t Lodge Officers
Are Publicly Installed
Impressive ceremonies attended the
installation of tho recently elected
| officers of the reorganized Italian
j American Citizen lodge No. 224, Or
der Sons of Italy, largest Italian. or
jder in America, in the Orpheum The
ater and G. A. R. Hall this morning.
! The installation was in charge of
j Grand Venerable of Pennsylvania, G.
,Di Silvistre, of Harrisburg, and the
degree team of lodge No. l;! 8, of Wil
l liamsport. A. F. Branco and J. Pa
diola, of the social committee, met the
grand venerable at Union Station and
with the ladies' auxiliary of Williams
port and Lodge Officer Bersagliere,
camu to Steelton in automobiles. The
installation was in the G. A. K. hall
at 11 o'clock.
The banquet was in Orpheum hall
at 2 o'clock ai\cl from 8 to 11.30 this
evening' there will be a dance In Or
,uheum Hall. The Royal Italian Band
under the direction of Professor V.
Blanchi will give a concert in front
of the hall at 7 o'clock this evening.
The officers who were installed this
morning were: A.' Brance, venerable;
J. Maisno, nssistant venerable; J. Mair
sico, ex-venerable; J. Pariola, ora
tore; M. Ceraullo, corresponding secre
tary: F. Gabrielli, financial secretary;
Joseph La Via, treasurer; N. Catone,
J. Maisano, rind A. Maisano, trustees;
J. Nigri and G. Sprovlero, executive
committee; P. ITlrrl, inside sentinel; i
C. Magaro, outside sentinel.
Civic Club Demanding
Shade Tree Commission
Plans for securing the appointment
of a borough shade tree commission
was discussed at a meeting of the
executive committee of the Civic Club
at the home of Mrs. J, M. Heagy,
South Front street, this afternoon.
The Civic Club is aggitating the ap
pointment of this commission so that
the butchery of trees in the borough
will be stopped. An ordinance ap
pointing such a commission was pass
ed several years ago but never was
put Into effect.
At Monday's meeting plans will also
be discussed for starting the club's
I outdoor activities of the summer. A
[ date for the opening of the club's
garden schools and playgrounds will
probably be set. Plans for a general
observance of Arbor Day will be for
Before starting this year's play
ground work the Civic Club will make
an effort to get some subscriptions
from the general public. Until the
present time the club has conducted
its playgrounds and garden schools
entirely at its qwn expense.
AV UiHEK Kl.\Ka.\l,
Funeral services over the body of
I Henry J. Walmer, who died Thursday,
I were held this afternoon from his late
! home, near Oberlin. The Kev. D. E.
I Rupley, pastor of Salem Lutheran
I Church, Oberlin, officiated, and burial
i was made in the cemetery at Shoop's
I Church,
Funeral services over the body of
I Nick Gimbus, of 417 Christian street,
who died Saturday, were held from the
Bulgarian-Orthodox Church yesterday.
I Burial was mado In the Mt. Calvary
Miss Ruth Muinie), or Enhaut, and
! Irvin Frantz, of Harrisburg, were mar
ried in Hagerstown, Md„ Saturday,
After a short honeymoon trip to Wash
ington the young couple will reside in
Miss Bertha wr. TToeruirn and Quy
Walter, of New Cumberland, were mar
ried yesterday afternoon, at G o'clock,
at the bride's home, in Myers street.
The Rev. J. H. Royer, of the First
Methodist Church, performed tho cere
mony. About forty guests were pres
ent. Mr. and Mrs. Walter will reside in
Camp Hill.
Bids Asked For Improvement of a
Number of Sections Under
State Aid Plan
O Tho lirst hlgh-
Jl \v a y construction
• W 1,1 State for
jJSvRkk 1914 will be start-
BV cd next month
Ita lS'Brsis&Sl when bids will be
opened at the 1
I JMWWffWWratf State Highway De- j
6 SiHUnUDDI P art nient of 26,925
pidUWHHIk feet of road to be
pM*—' jfl built under the
State aid plan,
whereby the State pays half the cost
or construction and the remainder is
divided between the county and the
borough and township benefited. The
roads to be built are in seven sections,
all but one being in boroughs as fol
lows: Curwensville, Galeton, Blairs
viile, Oakland, Turtle Creek and Clear
field. The first named is the most
extensive calling for about a mile and
an eighth of highway. The township
road is to be built in Great Bend town
ship, Susquehanna county, and will
be a little over a mile. Practically
everyone of the contracts will connect
with existing improved roads.
Bids for about 30,000 additional feet
of highway to be improved under the
State aid plan are to be asked soon.
Out on Purolc.—Five of the twenty
two applications for pardon made to
the State Board of Pardons for its
April meeting are accompanied by
recommendations from inspectors of
penitentiaries where men are con
fined. This is a requirement under
one of the recent acts and In every
one of tlio cases the men for whom
pardon is asked are out on parole.
The board also has before it an ap
plication for pardon of Theodore
Eisenhower, who was sentenced to be
hanged in Schuylkill for a murder
committed In 1898, but who was
granted commutation. Two men sen
tenced to be hanged in Fayette county
on April 23 are asking commutation.
New Charters.—The following State
charters have been issued for western
Pennsylvania: Erie Scrap Iron Co.,
Erie, capital $13,000; Mathews Grav
ity Carrier Co.. Ellwood City, capital
$200,000; the Charles N. Hough Mfg.
Co.. brass, etc., Franklin, capital SBO,-
000; Window Glass Rotarv Pot. Co.,
Pittsburgh, capital $20,000; Adams
Bros. Mfg. Co., stoves, etc., Pitts
burgh, capital $50,000; American Auto
Sales Co., Newcastle, capital $10,000;
Charles H. Weltershausen Agency, in
surance, Pittsburgh, capital $5,000;
Donaldson Lumber Co., Butler, capital
$50,000; Windsor Music Co., Taren
tum, capital $75,000; Fox Poultry and
Farming Co., Pittsburgh, capital $7,-
500; Greensburg Market Co., Greens
burg, capital $25,000; Kane Glass Co.,
Kane, capital $150,000; the Smiler
Bottling Co., Pittsburgh, capital $30,-
000; Pittsburgh Roofing and Heating
Co., Pittsburgh, capital $10,000; Mor
ris Amusement Co., Pittsburgh, capital
Light Contracts. —The Public Serv
ice Commission has approved the con
tracts for street lighting in these west
ern Pennsylvania towns: Manor and
Manor Electric Co., Sharon and Ve
nango Valley Electric Co., and Sharps
ville and Sharp,sville Electric Co.
Wants Duplicates.—Superintendent
A. Nevin Pomeroy, of the State De
partment. of.Public Printing and Bind
ing, to-day requested the heads of all
departments of the State government
to lile duplicate copies of all reports
and State publications with hini when
sending matter to be printed. This is
to safeguard matter In case of tire. It
has been found that all of the copy for
publications in the recent fire was on
file in storerooms or escaped serious
damage at the lire and that, except
for sixty-four pages of the Legislative
Journal appendix and index, all of the
presswork on that publication hus
been finished and that the greater
portion of it was only water soaked.
The copy is all in hand. The State la
amply protected by its insurance on
the paper, ,
The removal of ruins of the roof of
tho printery began to-day and when
this work Is finished it will be possi
ble to tell tho extent of the damage
done to unbound State work.
The Aughinbaugh press was to-day
directed to return all copy to the Cap
itol and to make an inventory of work
in hand and not finished.
Governor Away. Governor Tenet
left to-day for Philadelphia to bo ab
sent for several days. Tlio meeting
of the Board of Public Grounds and
Buildings, set for to-morrow, has been
postponed until Thursday.
Want Pensions. Applications for
mothers' pensions continue to bo filed
at the Capitol from counties where
there are no boards. Applications
came to-day from Montgomery,
Greene, Blair and Fayette counties.
More Smallpox. —State Health au
thorities to-day communicated with
Health Officer Cairns, of Philadelphia
about the presence in Philadelphia of
a smallpox patient from Toughkenne
mon. The girl's route in Philadelphia
is being traced and disinfection is or
dered. Smallpox lias also appeared
in Gettysburg.
Attorney General Bell is expected
to-morrow to take up the Weatid case.
Three requisitions from Luzerne
county arrived in a bunch at the Cap
itol to-day and all were granted.
Commissioner Jackson is expected
home from the seashore to-morrow.
The Mechanics' Trust Company tiled
notice of Increase of stock from J260,-'
000 to $300,000.
John P. Dohoncy, of the Public Ser
vice Commission, is In Philadelphia
looking up accidents.
Arranging Anniversary Program. —•
A committee of Steelton Lodge. 184, 'ln
dependent Order of Odd Fellows, Is pre
paring a program for the meeting of
the Past Orands' Association, of the
Southern District of Pennsylvania, and
the celebration of the ninety-fifth an
niversary of the lodge's foundation
here, April 24. The principal speaker
will be the Rev. J. H. Royer, of the
First Methodist Church.
Elect Offlcera. The following of
ficers have been elected by the Epworth
League, of the First Methodist Church,
to serve for the ensuing year: Presi*
dent. Mrs. W. A. Keister; vice-presi
dents, spiritual work department, Mrs.
Thomas Davis; world evangelism, Mrs.
John A. Finley; social service, Mrs. Sue
Sellers; recreation, Miss Ruth Stahler
and Miss Edna Stahler; organist. Miss
Marlon George; treasurer. Miss Anna
Bannon; secretary, Mark Sansom.
Txmcar Captured—Not. Squire
Gardner and Detective Dumbaugh
caught the last car for Harrlsburg last
night. They got off at Lochlel and
hurried over to "the Row," where
three zealous Austrlans stood guard
over a man whom they had told the
Squire by phone was Steve Loncar,
the man who, after brutally murdering
his wife, succeeded in outwitting the
police and escaping. ~ As usual It
wasn't Loncar. Squire and Dure
baugh walked back to ?*eelton.
Deserted Wife. Charged with de
serting his wife.Roy Alexander was ar
rested in the Eighth Ward Saturday
night by Constable Bomgardner.
Charged With Assault. Timothy
Sullivan will be given a hearing be
fore Squire Gardner this evening
chanted with assaulting his wife. i
rffsißugs—Rugs—Rugs j
The Big Store on the Hill For Your Rugs
I 1 .M/ymMt N Whittall rugs are a pride to the dealer, also to the owner; and there
i Suffl a reason - They are splendid rugs—the best made in America. Ask us
I to s * low to you and to tell you why they are the best. Ask the
I 17 ff /j P eo P' e w h° are using them and have been using them for years with j
J KiLii/f flpgf complete satisfaction. We have the largest stock we have ever shown.
! fp) Just received another large shipment.
' us n,easure your kitchen or bathroom for linoleum. We have
j \ a l ar K« stock of inlaid at all prices. ' I
J S Remember we have Brenlin Shade cloth, the best shade cloth on the j
I 11 * market.
j l #12.00. Ali"fol^g^eed
Carriages $1(5.00 up to
Reed Chairs and Rockers Sr
3-piece sets or odd chairs. A good assortment for your IJ f • *
i) bedroom. Reed tea wagons. Imvll IgvlalOl S
_ _ _ See us for your refriger-
Knv*ni f liva ator - The Baldwin is the
A Ulvll * UI IIKUIC best porcelain lined refriger
ator on the market. "The
A great variety. See us tor Porch Swings and Porch Ham- Klean Kind." Don't
mocks. Upholstered in Khaki, elevated head ends, iron frames f ;i ji t Q as k us t G sec tj ie c o ] ( ]
to hang them on, or chains as you desire. Porch Rockers and Storage refrigerator the best
3-piece sets at all prices. ' white enameled refrigerator
This is your store to furnish your new home, or you may offered. Guaranteed not to
,>nly need one or more pieces. Let us proce that this is a fact. c | l jp or p ee j Thev are all
Our expenses arc low, therefore we can sell at low prices. moderate priced.
13th and Derry Sts.
Rush to Enter Papers Began at
the State Capitol
The first nominating petition to he
filed by a candidate for the nonparti
san judicial nominations for the Su
preme Court were entered to-day on
behalf of Judge Robert Sellers Frazer,
of Allegheny county. The petitions
were filed from Allegheny, Beaver,
Cambria, Jefferson, Somerset and
Washington counties, 630 names being
entered. The names of judges in
Cambria and Somerset, and of many
lawyers appear on the papers. Judge
Frazer is a member of the Common
Pleas bench of Allegheny county and
was a member of the Legislature years
Socialists to-diiy tiled petitions for
the nominations of Washington Herd,
Connellsville, for Congress in the
Twenty-ti rd district, and of S. D.
Woods, Connellsville, for Senator in
the Fayette county district.
Nominating petitions for the House
were (lied as follows: Madison A. Gar
vin, Gettysburg, Democrat, Adams;
Charles D. Thomas, Emerald, Demo
crat, Second Lehigh; Charles Palmer,
Chester, Prohibition, First Delaware;
Joseph B. Kumsey, Oswayo, Demo
crat, Potter; John McKay, Luzerne,
Republican and Washington, Sixth Lu
zerne; Christ Beckert, Tamaqua,
Democrat, Third Schuylkill; Albertus
G, Woodward, Curwensville; Edward
Lippert, Clearfield, and Eurle G.
Boose, Dußois, Washington, Clear
lield; Irwin Simpson, Punxsutawney,
Democrats, Jefferson; Addison U. Ash
ley, Liberty, Washington, Tioga; W. J.
Mangan, Pittsburgh, llepublcan. Sixth
Allegheny; W. Crawford Murdoch.
Wllklnsburg, Hepubllcan, Tenth Alle
State committee —Republican, Rob
ert Lock, Apollo. Armstrong and H. J.
Meyers, Bethleliem, Northampton;
Socialist. Edwin K. Lessig. Ashland.
Schuylkill: Democrat, A. M. Van Zile,
Osceola, Tioga; Washington, F. H
Barker and Thomas A. Estep, Ebens
burg, Cambria.
How to Keep Well in Winter
Do not let your blood get thin this
winter. For people who have a ten
dency toward anaemia, or bloodless
ness, winter Is ft trying season. Lack
of exercise and fresh air, the more re
stricted diet, many things cornbino to
lower the tone of the body and de
plete the blood.
As soon as you notice the tired feel
ing, lack of appetite and shortness of/
breath that are warning symptoms oi
thin blood take a short treatment of
Dr. Williams' Pink Fills. Do not wait
until the color has entirely left your
cheeks, until your lips are white, youi
eyes dull and your ears like mother
of pearl. It is so much easier to cor
rect thinning of the blood in the earl
ier stages than later. ,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build up
the blood and strengthen the nerve*
I In this way the general health is lir.
I proved, the appetite Increases, the di-1
[ gestion Is strengthened and new am-1
I bitlon and energy developed. Work :
becomes easier because it does not |
cause exhaustion.
Keep your system at Its highest effi
ciency with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
the great blood builder and nerve
tonic. Your own druggist can supply
you. A booklet "Building Up the.
Blood'' will be mailed free on request I
by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Schenectady, X. T. It is well worth
studying by all who do not enjoy com-'
ulote health.—Advertisement.
APRIL 13, 1914.
' Glue Club, to be given in the Realty
jVHTYTYI I? TV\WAI.«. *. J. Theater. Thursday evening. April 16. In
VILIMJIJLJLJ 1 V-/Tt/i tho Lebanon Valley Glee Club will be
I——————— ————J two Middletown boys. L,. Clarence Bur-
IRVIN-KLASJiAGAX net and Frank B. Shearer. Reserved
Announcement has been made of the seata uro now 0,1 sale
the marriage. 011 April 9, of Miss Alice , M ,»-
Flannagan, of Middletown. to William \«lmk \lli t niihift h„ t ~,
C. Irvin, of Harrisburg. After a honey- a iiil
iuetown' P thU COUP '° Wl " reßide MW " st '- ect " nnd Ackerman s<M
metown. __ Mr. and Mrs? John Ackerman, were
, , , , , married yesterday morning, at 5
Arrangements have been completed o'clock, in tho parsonage of the Church
for the concert by the Lebanon ValleyJ of God.
It Your complexion net At
Used by the elite of New York Society for twenty-three years and! still their
favorite Imparts health and beauty to the skin, smoothes away ths marks mi Tims,
brings Nature's bloom to sallow cheeks, d scourages
unw'ltomjo lines and wrinkles. Improve your looks |BKS^S|j^(6L
|» tubs* 10c., 25c.. 50c. In jars 35c., 50c , 85c* $1,50, [jU
When you insist upon D A Ryou vet
ibe best cold cream in tho si ore,
I &pOWER,ff>. I
On April Ist we placed oil sale in our salesroom
°»e o f the best electric irons manufactured at a price
of $1.87 cash for 60 days only. After June Ist the
price will he advanced to a standard that will be
maintained during- the balance of the year. Irons to
be sold at this price only to consumers connected to
our lines.
Take advantage at once of this opportunity to
purchase one of the best makes of Electric Irons
Telephone for demonstration and free trial on
next ironing day.
DT* T¥ Semi-Monthly
WC Mill I will keep your scalp clean ami also
■■ ■ Mill I lTfca, ° a healthy action of the scalp.
11LI/ULI ■" soc
—————— 'mmmm ————