12 Spring's Most Important Assemblage of Suits and Coats for Misses and Women Embracing Many New Styles at Veiy Attractive Prices ' The most important exhibit and sale of suits and coats of the entire Spring season occurs this week in an assemblage that is alto gether out of the ordinary. Scores of new garments, cleverly depicting the new modes, have arrived, and it affords us as much gratifi cation to offer them as it will afford pleasure and profit to those who receive them. One of the newest typifications of Fashion's whims that is bound to be snapped up early has a delightfully loose short coat with a modified medici collar and wide sleeves; the skirt is of the panier class skillfully modeled. This model, both coat and skirt is embel lished with broad taffeta trimming. as yo" will find it .S3O Wto garments * weß aS the more stunnin * samples of the tailors' art. and you will find as many interesting styles at $12.50 to $25.00 Suits at $12.50 to $35.00 Coats for Street and Evening tireen. blue uiul Tango wool crepe suits, Persian collar, tunic Slieulierd cheek suits. belted back laffotji silk coilur «kin with t , , . . , ~ , , trimiiicfi hkfrt siu.so double tiers '. . si>(i.<>o ango and tan cloth coats with silk collars, the style i I ango and navy coats; plaid collars and cuffs and |' ,lU L T ,U r, u ;' ,h dro l' lavender, tan. reseda, navy and Copenhagen suits in poplin, ' ,as a r 'PP' e back SIO.OO silk lining throughout Sl4 7.1 A shoulders; tancy trimmed back, double tiered skirt 515.»0 crepe and serge, with fancy lace or taffeta collar, tiered sWrt, Navy, Copenhagen and taneo cloth coats dron ! N-.w „r„.n an ,l r-,n.„l „ • il i . Navy, tango, green and Copenhagen suits in serge; silk collar; $25.00 01 , , , y ' ■„ 1 B , J g Navy, green and Copenhagen imported novelty I button trimmed buck finished with circular flounce; skirl xxitli Poplin and gabardine suits black Bengaline collar and cuffs , s ' sllk collar and cuffs $12.50 coats: moire silk collar and cuffs and silk lining, $1 6.50 i mJ a i 3,, d <?»«: <•«* poplin direetoire collar, short liton jacket, skirt with double tiers, with round yoke, bat sleeves, finished with fitted belt, black moire g lfine coats , rope belt and figured crepe de chine lining, j lining; trimmed With silk rttffles or circular flounce 520.00 I silk collar and tuffs, skirl with double circular tiers *85.00 $15.00 $25'00 An April Sale of The New Th e New Mattings From Sweaters Styles in 9F China and Japan t * 1 "Tl 1 flmfcs. We are c,irect importers of matting and select our lines Inaugurating the balcony Proline ! M ; A in the districts where only the best grades are made. We t V- l A VJpilllO S 'V# < y show many styles of China matting from 25c to 50c, and such in the Men's Wear Store famous makes of Japanese matting as Sado, Panay, Imperial T «nrl Patina 1 Will an(i Plaza - whose prices range from 25 sto 506 important savings in sweaters for men, women and chil- dIIVJ. AvdllllC/ - v I T\/f j.*.' r» dren, are announced for to-morrow in a sale that has been 1 7/7 \ T~\ | Japanese Matting I\U£S brought about to inaugurate into the store's service the new Thrpp nnnnlnr flrp« • sLUL ®w » » I \JL v Inlaid styles, 9x12 feet '. $3.50 and $4.00 mezzanine in the Men's Wear Store. The items that are ad- i i fx mU Stenciled styles, 9x12 feet 75 vertised will be sold at the lowered prices only to-morrow, so Cottons to be found I Inlaid styles, 6x9 feet #2 On vice*or W £or h wear e duriiir a for mom,n ? or ? ven \"S se £ here in a very complete Inlaid styles, 36x72 inches 606 vice or lor wear duung your summer vacation, it will well , , , , • , . , -, . , ■ repay you to attend to-morrow's sale. ' asSOltment ot styles and T • .1 • f inlaid styles, 27x54 inches ..... 35^ For Men and Women colors. HatS ioT Little GirlS Crex Runners $3.50 maroon sweaters made with ruff neck and inter- ! silk and cotton crepe m shades A P leas,n S variety of charming hats designed and trim- Crex Runners, 18, 24, 27, 36, 54 and 72 inches wide, woven pockets; sizes 36 to 46. Tuesday's price on the mez- j in P'" 11 - tan ' cadet ' helio> brow " nied s P ec ' a Hy for youthful faces. HOc to $1.20 yard zanine floor SI.OB i an f. I [° Be: , 36 '"® hes: ya ' d 7 ®«' i Dainty styles are shown in pink, blue, brown, navy and Ye Olde Thyme Raglan Rugs, in colors .. 750 to $4.00 __ Silk and cotton poplin In solid r p For Women Bhades of nav *> peacock, brown, wh,te W,th ,ace crow » a "d pleated braid brim at $1.23 D,ve8 ' Pomeroy & Stewart, Third Floor. $1.98 to $2.98 fancy and solid weave sweaters -white P rev ;™ d American beauty Other styles have crown of Dresden chiffon and braid . A- I T J , , oweaiers, \v lllte, grey lloral and foulard printings; 24 hrim ->t oo and cardinal, ruesday s price on the mezzanine floor, SI.OO inches; yard 59,. nm 31 $l .<srf TV T _ T T 1 11 qrv $3.50 sweaters, in tan, grey, maroon, navy and black. Tues- Sllk ttnd cott »» P°pi'n in light Fine smal] hemp hats artistically trimmed at $1.95 INO LJlTlDrella 1 TOUDIeS day's price on the mezzanine floor $2.19 Hnd dark sha(l e s Charming frilly lingerie hats $2.50 to $4.95 For Boys ™ IncS yard Dives - p " mer °y * stew "t, second Floor, Front. With a "Wireless" • Jersey sweaters with rolling collar; in navv maroon ami Check crepe in nub weave, pink. grey; sizes 6to 12 vears. Tuesday's price lO* helio and light blue: 40 lnches: Get a L y comi »g Wireless Umbrella and learn the comfort $1.50 and $1.98 red sweaters, sizes 6 to' 12 ' Vues- stripe m $ S RemnantS Of LaCeS and * abSo, " tely ° n * Ly " -days price ; Unted ground wlth self . colored coming Wireless Umbrellas are guaranteed. The new wireless Infants' 75c and SI.OO sweaters, in red, white and navy stlk Btrl P es and flor ai printings. . hall and socket joint does away with the steel ring which is the sizes 2to 4 years. Tuesday's price 8 c ' , ! che , s: 1 yard „ ■■; • • - 7#l ' L/lllUrOiaerieS cause of most umbrella troubles. The ribs are warranted against trives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Silk Btr 'P e volle "> white and . . u a K a,nsl tinted grounds with colored silk 'An accumulation of ends of pieces of laces r ' ea S ' oose anf l P°k' n g through the cover. Should they I—l 11 «- . stripes and floral printings; 38 j 1 • 1 . 1 • 1 1 , , do so, we will give you a new umbrella free. The Lvcominp- Emblem Watches T embro, l de " es - ,n ve desir » bl « len f hs . i«.«, io„ g er umbreiu, y . t it «>,« TVi 1 ■ j r inches; yard ..8»<- I a sale to-morrow that. Will be rich in Priced SI.OO to $5.00 for men and women. oneyearandtherasescometal atch fob com l" ete ' savings. Every pattern entering this special Come in and see the demonstration. An expert has come a large variety of emblems and i lem on oth $1.25 - $159 clearance is from our own regular stock. Prices from the factory to explain the advantages of the Lycoming 11 initials. I D - p- &a, street Floor. Dives - Pom<,r °y & Stewart, -i, . . , . . . 6 . " Umbrella. ,Street Fl00^ • W1 " ' :)e J ° ne lormer prices. Dlveß - Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. " DEMOCRATIC WAR SB OFF PEACE [Continued from First Page] Is furnishing no end of amusement to Republicans and Bull Moosers, Social ists and Prohibitionists. Pennsylva nia, which was promised to Wilson and did not go that way. is one of the Kiand old battle grounds for control of the party machine and the name of the President is being indiscriminate ly used by both sides. Both tlio McCormick and Ryan MONDAY EVENING, spellbinders will be out this week. The McCormick faction will have Its topllners ut the Jefferson dinner of the Central Democratic Club in this city and Michael J. Kyan and Henry Budd will be addressing two mass meetings in Philadelphia about the time that A. Mitchell Palmer and Vance C. McCormlc;. will be basking In the company of Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels and Secretary of Labor "Billy" Wilson. Mr. Budd Is expected to issue his platform in reply to the challenge from Palmer. City Chairman B. Gordon Bromley and Edwin O. Lewis, Philadelphia reform er, will also be Ryan speakers in Phil adelphia. Up ami Down the State After the State committee meeting to- orrow, which may or may not en dorse the machine candidates, Palmer and McCormick wil' go to Scranton and spend the rest of the week in Lackawanna, Luzerne, Carbon, Mon roe, Northampton' and other counties and arrange to Invade Philadelphia next week. They will take a little time off to get their papers filed, but will go out on the stump again. Automo biles will be used In the traversing of the State and the torches of factional warfare will light them on their way. Ryan will talk at two Philadelphia meetings Tuesday and then go into Chester and Delaware counties. Thurs day he goes to Clearfield and Friday to Phlllipaburg, coming here Satur day with Henry Budd and a retinue EARRIHBUHG TEEEGKXPH of speakers to say things about his opponents With Ryan will be Judge Bonniwell and Senator Parley. The outlook is bright for examples of war fare within the party. Speaking at Altoona Saturday Con gressman Palmer forgot his usual good nature and his defense of the reorganization machine as poor and dependent on the contributions of the faithful for its running expenses and offered to buy a special car and send it around the State If the men fight ing his crew would only agree to make the grand tour. Just which one of the wealthy men In the reorganiza tion crowd would stand for the cost he did not say. Fuss Over Kipenses About the ■ time Mr. Palmer was [talking about paying tor a free ex cursion of his rivals Congressman J. J. Fitzgerald, one of the big Democrats in Congress was tearing apart the policy of the leadership of which Pal mer is a cog, and Howard W. Jones, president of the Central Democratic Club, was raising his voice and squan dering forty cents in telegraphic mes sage to one Green in Philadelphia that there were no free tickets to the Jef ferson dinner. Mr. Green had charg ed that free transportation was being sent to members of the State commit tee for Tuesday's meeting. The State windmill admitted that although such actions in the Guffey days were con sidered a crime, but the State commit tee forgot to mention anything about the dinner and Mr. Jones had to rush Into the breach. Chairman Bromley has aent buck to APRIL 13. 1914. the windmill his order for a free ticket, but up to date no reorgani zes are announced as having returned the transportation. It is loudly proclaimed that the ma chine has to depend upon contribu tions, which by the way, are to be probed by Congress as a result of the scandals over post offices In York, Ad ams and Schuylkill counties, but some Democrats are wondering who Is pay ing the bill for the Palmer-McCormick tours, especially whether the State committee is footing the cost or whether candidates are putting up. Knives Above Board To-night the Central Club will have Its Jefferson dinner. The Ryanites celebrated the birthday of Jefferson on the date In thg old style calendar and the reorganizes are taking the new etyle date. They can not even agree on a date to honor the patron saint of their party. There will be 700 or 800 Democrats, men of all fac tions, at the dinner and all knives will be above board. Although there arc Kyan men In the club and some who will attend the dinner, the speaking* list will not represent that faction. A big committee headed by Post master Sites will meet the secretaries' and escort them to the hall. Manv Democrats from throughout the Stato who have come here to attend the State committee meeting to-morrow will be present, including members oi' the State committee. Secretary Bryan, who has taken u. position as the leading peace advo cate of the nation, has sent his re grets.
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