Your "Day Letter" Here Will Reach the Party You Seek at Small Cost r w r I?! ■ <*/- \'i r When You Want Good »le!p Use Telegraph Waiit Ads The most competent help in any line in Harris burg can be easily secured through Telegraph WANT ADS in either one of two ways— FIRST—By reading the "Situation Wanted" ads in any issue and inviting those who seek posi tions to call—or SECOND—By telling in a Telegraph WANT AD just what kind of a position you (lave open. If you prefer use a Telegraph box address and from the replies you receive select those which impress you most and give the writers hearings. Just phone your ad to Bell 20-40, Cumberland 2C3, and let Telegraph WANT ADS find the help. HELP WANTED—MaIe ~ SHOEMAKERS WANTED Edge trimmers on women's welts. Good, steady job. Carlisle Shoe Co. WANTED Young man to clerk in an uptown grocery store; must have refettnee. Inouire M. lirenner & Son, Seventh and Muench streets. » WANTED A good earrlagesniitli; steady work for a man. Apply to B. A. Law it Sons, Carlisle, Pa. oOY WANTED in drug store, 16 to 18 years. D. A. Buehler, 916 North Third street. WANTED Man over 30, experienc ed canvasser, solicitor, $lB weekly and commission; steady position; state ex perience. Columbian Protective, 150 Nassau street, New York. $75.00 MONTH paid Government Rail way Mali Clerks. Parcel Post means many appointments. Harrisburg exami nations coming. "Pull" unnecessary. (Sample questions free. Franklin Insti tute Dept. 361-L. Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Young man to do col lecting tor Harrisburg firm. One hav ing experience nreferroJ. Must be able 1o give goo-, satisfactory reference as i to character, honesty, etc. State age Mi salary expected. Apply to C.. 643, of Telegraph. STABLE MAN WANTED Experienced man to take entire charge of private stable find equipment. Must be strictly sober Mid furnish best references. Excellent opportunity for right man. Address K., 545, care of Telegraph. WANTED Married man for Sick and Accident Insurance debit. SIS a week to start to a hard worker. No has-been need apply. Bond required. Address Box X., 547, care of Telegraph. WANTED Middle-aged man, for part or all time, to solicit among busi ness men, for job printing. Call at Room 15, Harrisburg National Bank Building, 14 South Market Square. AGENTS WANTED AGENT WANTED to handle low priced hand feed meat, bread and vege table slicing machine In the State of Pennsylvania. A good opportunity for one who has had experience in selling to stores, restaurants, and hotel. Small capital (about $50.00) necessarv. Ex clusive right to entire State. Address The Hemming Bros. Co., Inc., cornet- Bradley and William streets, New Haven, Conn. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED • A successful Industrial Life Insurance producer in Harrisburg who can secure and manage local busi riess getters. We have a wonderful • proposition for either Industrial or Fraternal solicitors. Big opportunity for the proper man to manage our Har risburg territory. Must be clean cut, tactful and supplied with strongest en dorsements. Salary, commission and renewals to the right man. Insurance, 306 Schiller Building, Chicago. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Strong, steady girl for laundry. Apply Troy Laundry, 1620-26 Fulton strdet. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply 23 North Eighteenth etreet. A VERY desirable position Is offered to a neat, white girl for light house work; family of two; new six-room apartment; no washing or ironing; ref erences required. Apply Tuesday even ing, 8 to 9:30, Apartment 4, 604 North Third street, near North. WANTED Capable white woman to do general housework for family of three. Answer Box 138, Camp Hill, Pa. WANTED Forelady for Public Service Co., making sanitary drinking cunr. F.lderly woman preferred. In quire between 10 and 12 o'clock Tues day morning. Fourth Floor, 221 Market etreet. WANTED Twenty more thorough ly experienced operators on power ma chines. Jennings' Mfg. Co., 414-416 Ktate street. FIFTY experiemeo operators for tewlntt on power machines: paid while learning Apoly S Sliver Forster and CV.wden streets FOR SALE j'Big Bend" Farm 112 Acres Along tlie Conodogulnet Creek, % mile above Oyster's Mill. Very productlve soil —all cultivated— about 1G acres of fine meadowland, not damaged by high water. 9-room frame house—frame bank barn and usual outbuildings. Fences arc in good condition. An ideal location for several Summer homes with plenty of acre(y?e. Owner will consider one-third of the price of the fartn In Improved city property. Miller Bros. & Neefe Locust and Court Street*. MONDAY fevENING, 7 I HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Two young ladles, un ' del - 22, to travel with lady manager i and assist in advertising and demon ' trattng work. Experience unneces sary. Must be bright and quick to learn. Kxpenses paid. $lO salary to start besides commissions. Call prompt jly 8:30 or 3 o'clock. 202 Calder Build ! '"g. , HELP WANTED —r.iale nnil Female ! MEN AND WOMEN who have spare time can make from $3 to $5 dally sell i ing our specialties; experience not nec ! essary. Veta Mfg. Co. Apply H. A. Snyder, after 5 P. M., Hotel Dauphin, | 309 Market street. | WANTED Men and girls In cigar j factory; pleasant s. rroundlngs. If suf i flcient help can be secured, plant will ' locate In Harrisburg. Apply at oncc. I I Box T„ No. 885, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED —MaIe I WANTED Any kind of work on farm by young white man. K. S., 1120 j North Cameron street. 1 1 WANTED —By young man, 18 years j jof age, position of anv kind; experienc ! !ed in grocery business; can handle | ' horses; can furnish best of references, j i Address W. F. A., 408 Chestnut street, j I WANTED By young v. lilte man. i i any kind of work on farm. M. S„ 1120 j 1 North Cameron street. | ! WANTED Position as clerk or collector, by a man of good character. [ I married, for eighteen years a clerk; j ] best of reference given. Address X., ; 1312 North Second street. City. j WANTED Young man would like i job cooking in hotel or restaurant, or any kind of work in laundry. Call No. . , 1519 Hunter street, City. j WANTED By young white man, j any kind of work on farm. 1120 North Cameron street, City. 1 SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe j | WANTED Day's work or house- ' cleaning. Address 907 Sarah avenue. WANTED Day's work of any kind, or washing or ironing to do at | home. Call at 510 Brown avenue. ' WANTED By middle-aged white | woman, position as cook in hotel or I boardinghouse; can furnish best of ref- j erences. Address M. E. B„ 408 Chest i nut street. ] WANTED A reliable, middle-aged white woman would like day's work | jon Tuesday, AVednesdays and Thurs : days. Address T„ 546, care of Tele- i I graph. ' WANTED Day's work or washing j and ironing. 515 Primrose avenue. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I FOR SALE 2441 Reel St., 3-story ! pressed brick; 9 rooms and bath; hot 1 and colad water in cellar; granolithic j pavements front and back. Price, 3,160. Easy terms. Reno St., New Cumber- I j land, double frame; all conveniences. | Price, $1,400 each. Easy terms. Mar- i ket St., New Cumberland, 6-room house; j wash house in rear; fine well. Price, ; $1,250. Easy terms. Keeney & Sim | mons. New Cumberland. | FOR SALE Ten good houses. Will | sell to col-ored persons. Situated four j teen squares from Fourth and Market I streets. Call at corner of Fifteenth j and Keglna stieets. Office hours from 8 to 10:30 A. M.. 1:30 to 3 P. M. TWO fine homes, will bo finished ; March 15. Nine rooms and latest and only practical, common sense bath ,ioom St or rn-aulte. luqotrc ul lluaiuraa oilier. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be tec i. red at the Telegraph Business Office. WELL-LOCATED store room, 26x66, also small room. 12x30, suitable for barber shop or small business, on West High street, Elizabethtown, Pa. Pos session immediately. Inquire J. H. Levenight, Elizabethtown, Pa. FOR RENT Store room 1200 North Third street; 33x100; 14-foot celling; one of the best rooms in the city. Ap ply J. S. Slble, 25G Herr street. FOR SALE OR RENT* FOR SALE OH RENT - Part or all ■small ice cream plant, complete. Ad dress A., 548, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WILL, give half interest in a valuable patentable invention to any person for s,>oo. Address, or call, S, R. Horat, Washington Heights, Lemoyne, Pa. TEMPERANCE HOTEL 2B rooms i —weii equipped large corner build ing—rent reasonable —. located in pros perous town on P. R. R. near station j well adapted for first-class restaurant Only SI,OOO needed. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ANY Intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 738, Lock port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 In five years in the mail order business, began with $5 Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport, N. Y. FOR SALE At Gables, 111 and 117 South Second street, 5.000 gallons New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE At Gable s. 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5 000 oets new Sash, Bxlo, 12 L, primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other giaes. BUSINESS PERSONALS W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street —Furniture, china and piano packing. Shipments looked after at both ends. Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone 3227 W. HAULING 11. \V. LATHIS, llunrtllDK Stable anil National Transfer Co. Movers of piunos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phoue No. 2503 R. FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 11 a M rket street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell. lo CO. HOOK PAINTERS 1 WILL paint any old roof. Guaran- I tee a watertight job. All colors. Postal! brings me Maxwell H Hlte. The Roof ] Paint Man. Box 328. Harrisburf. Pa. I REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Gluck, 320 Woodbine street. NOTICE TO RCIMJKRS C. HENRY, Architect and Builder, will save you money Bungalows a specialty. 704 South Twenty-fourth street Bell phone 1675J FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa. MONEY TO LOAN •. MONEY TO LOAN SIOO,OOO to loan In amounts of SI,OOO and up on Hut mortgage on city property, repayable monthly or Installments. Diebt camel ed an I mortgage satisfied on death of borri wer. John C. Orr, 222 Market street. PROMT-SHAKING I.OAX MMIKTV WE HAVK ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers shaie proms of lenders 1 ega rules, .'U:->y terms, confidential Offices. Rooms 6-7, t> North Market square STORAGE HARRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses. built ex pressly for storage Private rooma for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities fot storing all kinds of mer chandlee. Low storage rates South St. and Penna R. R. STORAGE IN c-«t«ry brick building, rear 4IIN Market utrMl. lluiiHeholtl KIIIHI* In clean, private room*. Heaxouuble rates. Apply to I". G. Ulener, Jeweler, 408 Market 9t STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per month Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING Office of the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds &nd Buildings, Com- URGENT SELLING HOLDS BACK ENTIRE MARKET Movement Small Except in Stocks Against Which Pressure Was Concentrated; Bonds Easy By Associated Press New York, April 13, Urgent selling of special stocks held back the whole market for a time to-day. Speculative Interest centered In steel on account of heavy liquidation and short selling. Discouraging news from the steel trade and reports of further curtailment of working forces on the part of railroads and Industrial concerns were used to facilitate short selling, but the move ment was small except in stocks against which pressure was concen trated. After steel had broken under 60 it responded to covering and made a full recovery. The remainder of the list hardened, with tile principal railroad shares rising S to 1% above Satur day's close. Bonds were easy. OPENING PRICES Furnished by H. W. SNAVELY Arcade Building Open. 2.30 Alaska Gold Mines. 23*4 2'4 % Amal. Copper 75% 75% Amer. Beet Sugar... 22% 22% American Can 28% 28% Am. Cotton Oil 42% 42% Am. Ice Securities.. 29% 29% Amer. Smelting .... 68% 08% Amer. Tel. & Te1.... 120% 120% Anaconda 34% 34% j Atchison 96% 96% Baltimore & Ohio.. 89% 88% Bethlehem Steel ... 38% 38% Brooklyn R. T 91% 91% Cal. Petroleum .... 24 24 Canadian Pacific ... 197% 198% Central Leather ... 34% 54% Chesapeake & Ohio . 53 53 Chi., Mil. & St. Paul 99% 99% Chino Con. Copper . 41% 41% Col. Fuel & Iron ... 30 80 Corn Products 8% 8% Distilling Securities . 17 17% Erie 29 29% Erie Ist pfd 45% 44% General Electric Co. 145% 145% Goodrich, B. F 25% 26 Goodrich, B. F. pfd. 87% 87% Great Northern pfd. 124% 123 Great Nor. Ore subs. 32 32 Illinois Central 110% 110% Interboro-Met. pfd.. CI 61 Lehigh Valley 144% 144% Louisville & Nash... 136 135 Mex. Petroleum ... 65% 65% Missouri Pacific ... 24% 24% Nev. Con. Copper ..15 15% New York Central . 89% 89% N. Y„ N. H. &H. .. 67% 66% Northern Pacific ... 111% 111% Pacific Mail 24 24 Penna. Railroad ... 110% 110% Pittsburgh Coal pfd. 90% 90% Pressed Steel Car .. 42% 42% Ray Con. Copper .. 21% 21%, Heading 165% 165% Rep. Ron & Steel ... 22% 22% Rep. Iron &S. pfd.. 84% 84% j Rock Island 3 % 3 % Roc kJsland pfd-... 5% u% Southern Pacific ... 95% 92% (Southern Railway .. 25% 25% j Southern Ry. pfd ..SO 80 iTennessee Copper .. 32% 35% [Texas & Pacific .... 15 15 Texas Company ... 140% 141 iUnion Pacific 158%. 158 lU. S. Rubber 60% 60% U. S. Steel .... 50% 60% U. S. Steel pfd .... 110 109% I Utah Copper 55% 55% Va. Car. Cheru 30% 30% 'Western Union Tel.. 62% 62% Westinghousa Mfg.. 73 % 73 % Woolworth 96% 96% LEG Alj NOTICES monwealth of Pennsylvania. Harris burg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be recelv e I and received by John A. Christman. and ] all demands on said firm shall be pre- I sented promptly to htm for payment. JAMES G. HATZ, Attorney for Christman anil Wado. ' NOTICE letters Testamentary en ! the Estate of Mrs. A. E. Kinter, late of j Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., de ceased, having been granted to tins uti i dorsigned residing In flarrisbury, Pa.. ' all persons Indebted to said Estate arc i requested to inake Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. \. K. THOMAS. E. A. HEFFELFINOER, Or to Executors. GEO. F. LUMB. Attorney-at-Lau. No. 1 North Third street. THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally except fiunda* at B P. M.. at Its new locstlori iTu'i North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. APRIL 13, 1914. CHICAGO RAAHU OF TRADE I l urnlolird by H. W. SNAVBbY Arcnile Bulldln* Ohlcasro, 111.. April 9. Open. High. Low. Clos. Wheat— May SIH4 July ...., s6*, Corn— May 68 Jujv • ti l% Oata— May .... „... ;!8^ [July 38% n PHILADELPHIA PKOUtCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, April 13. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, export, 98®) 98V4c; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, ex port, $1.03© 1.04. Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, natural, local, 76'/4@77c; do., kiln dried, local, 77®78c. Oats Easier; No. S, white, 45 V 4 @46c. | Bran—Market steady; winter, per ton. $30.00 ©3O.SU, spring;, per ton. $29.00®29.50. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered. 4.00 c; One granulated. .( Jo< eonfeetioners" A. 3.80 c; Keystone A. 3 SRc. Butter The market is Arm: western, creamery, extras, 26c; nearby prints, fancy. 29c. Ears® The market is lower; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $6.85 per case; do., current receipts, free cases. $5.70 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $5.85 , per caso; do. firsts, free cases, $5.70 per case I I'jve Poultry Firmer; fowls, 19 , @2oc; young chickens, 14@20c; | ■•.ime in K. us if..-, ers 12® 13c: ducks. 17iSf>19c; spring ducks, 17@19c; geese, 15@17c; turkeys, I Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls, western, fancy, heavy. '!0c; do. fair to good, heavy, 17@19c; do., i fair to good, heavy, 20c; do., I weights, 12@15c; unattractive, 13 @l6c; old ro>osters, 15c; roast ing chickens, fancy, 18@20c; broil ing chickens, fancy, 244* j;n:, do., fair mi l*c, capors. targe. 13fc'25c, d» 18®20c; turkeys, fancy, Z'.<&2«c & 4 40, patents. $4.504j 4.»0, Kan-a< •iralarhi 'uli Ji'jnui l « >nu firsts, clear, $4.00@4.20; straights. $4.20 ©4.40; patents, $4.60@4.75. Hay The ma et is firm; tim nth.\. No I. lar*e bales ft s nu('i< 18 5 No. 1, medium bales. $17.50© 18 00; No 2. $16.00© 16.50: No. 3, *14.00@15.00. l_io»ei iiiiXeil. l-Ujiu uuxou, *16.21)4} 17.00; No. 1, do., $ 15.501«.«0; No. 2, do.. $13.50@14.50. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., April 13. Hogs —• Re ceipts. 32,000%; strong. Bulk of sales, $5.86©8.90; light, $8.70©8.95; mixed, $8.70©8.95; heavy. $8.45©8.92 %; rough, $8.45@8.60; pigs, $7.50©8.65. Cattle Receipts. 21,000; steady. Beeves, $7.05©9.50: Texas steers, $7.25 @8.30; Blockers and feeders. $5.G0©8.05; COWE and heifers, $3.75@8.601 calves. $7.00® 10.25. , Sheep Receipts. 18,000: strong. I Native, $5.50©;7.10; yearlings, $6.00© 7.60; lambs, native, ?5.40©8.25. PERSONAL Other Personals on ratio 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Q. Ketier of Locust street, are enjoying a stay at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wiley, ot 1520 Allitiou street, are home after a visit with Mrs. Wiley's mother, Mrs. Stanford Eyler, at Blue Jildfu Summit. Mr. and Mrs. William Perclval Mackenzie and children are Easter holiday guests of relatives in Elizabeth, N. J. Mrs. George Wanbaugh and Miss Carrie Wan bough, of Philadelphia, were guests yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. William Coulter Wanbaugb, at 1517 Penn street. Mr. and Mrs. William Webster Flnncr, of Oburchvllle, Md., are guests of J allies Mc- Cormick, Front and Walnut streets. Charles N. Hlckok, of Cleveland, Ohio, who has just returned from a trip to Bermuda, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. W. O. Hlckok, 506 North Second street. Easter Merrymakings For College Students Mrs. H. L. Oriffln, of Lemoyne gave a House Party over the Eastertide for her son. Dana F. Griffin, a student at Conway Hall, Car lisle, who has as his guests a few of his class mates. On Saturday afternoon a Theater Party at the Orpheum was given for the young folks and In the evening a Dinner and Dance at the Colonial Country Club with Mrs. Griffin hostess. The dining hall of the Club was beau tifully decorated with jonquils, ferns and fes toons of yellow and green. A seven course dinner was served, the table being beautified with jonquils, ferns and green candlebra. Cor sage bouquets of pink carnations were pre sented to tho ladies and the men received but tonieres of whate carnations. Mrs. Corkle played on the piano for dancing. The following guests were present: The Misses Anne Fisher, Ivy L. Jones. Faith A. Mel], Marietta M. Myers, Grace Beinert, Dor othy E. Stewart and Ruth 11. Stewart, all of Harrlsburg; Messrs. Harold Carter, of Phila delphia, Pa; Senor Manuel Orespo, of Ecuador, South America; S. H. Deekman of Lemoyne; Norwood Schwab, of Ellzabethvllle; Arthur Schereg. of Santiago de Cuba, Cuba; William Richardson, of New York City, lormerly of Melbourne, Australia, and Dana F. Griffin of Lemoyne. Mrs. L. M. Jones of I'arrlsburg i»n'» Mrs. H. L. Grifln, of Lemoyne chaperoned the party. It Is Interesting to note t:ie many dif ferent points from which the guests come. Miss Wilson's Recital Benefits Milk Society Miss Jean Wilson, of Washington. D. C., a prominent nionologist will give one of her charming recitals this evening at the Execu tive Mansion, for the benefit ot tbe Modified Milk society. Mrs. Roy G. Cox will sing a group of English songs, and two other num ber-! with violin obllgato by Miss Sara Lemer. There are still some tickets for sale, which Inay be purchased at the door for $1.25, which Includes refreshments. Mr. aud Mrs. Edwin Grauley ana daughter Jean, of Philadelphia, were Easter guests of M ss Emily Patterson at The Donaldson. Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Stuc house, of North Third street, are horn? after a pleasure trip to Atlantic City. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. G. .Devlin and son Howard, are spending the Eastertide with relatives In Jersey City, N. J. Karl Fitzgerald, of Pittsburgh, spent Eastor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Fitzgerald of Emerald street. Miss Mary Adalinc Lemer, of South Front street. lias gone to Bethlehem to visit Mrs. Minor Dodds, who was known here as Miss i Louise Lake, of Baltimore. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Paxton, of Walla Walla, Washington, spent the past month with Mrs. J John Brua Keefer, Front and Hamilton street*. Samuel C. Todd, State Executive Controller, joined Mrs. Todd at Detroit, Mich., for an Easter visit. Miss Julia Halllwel! and Miss Johnston, of | Philadelphia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John ! IMiray, of 2325 North Third street for a few | days. Miss Elizabeth Allison and Miss Dorcas AIII ' sun. of IMB North Third street, spent the Eas ier holidays with Philadelphia friends. Miss Mary Russell, of Philadelphia, a former -'cnographcr of tho State Department of Health, Is in tho city calling on old friends for fi day or two. Miss Ellen K. MeCulloch, has gone 10 nap, Lancaster countj', for a short stay with h*r I sister, Mrs. Enfleld Walker. Miss Mabel E Broun, of 2827 North 6lxth 11 LYKENS TAKES STEPS TO BUY OUT WATER CO. Court Fixes April 23 to Hear Man damus; Constables For Wil liams Named the L >'kens Wa ter Company were sv.. u..a daunun. representing tho borough council, fixed April 23 as tho date lor hearing a mandamus pro ceeding brought against the water company to compel it to bring a state ment of its linancial standing. The authorized capital stock is $20,000. The borough council wants to buy the plant but the water company has declined to produce a statement., ac cording to A. F. Hanna, president of the town council. It is said that the !water company had asked SIOO,OOO. The town's borrowing capacity is $50.- 000. The mandomus proceeding It i« understood is the initial step toward arranging a proper figure. What! N'o Constables? — Enoch Wil» Hams was appointed by the court to. day to serve as const able for tho West Ward, Williamstown, vice James WIN Hams, removed, and Harry Salada was named for the same job in Williams township to succeed Ben Bainbridge, also removed. Since the remova.!n the places have been without constables City I*ays tight Bill.— City Treas urer Copelin to-day paid out $4,123.90 to the Harrisburg Light and Powe' Company for street lighting for thu month of March. Chief Clerk Lebo improving. —D. Frank Lebo, chief clerk to the county commissioners, who litis been seriously ill with an attack of malarial fever, was reported to-day as improving. _ To-day's Building Permits. — Peter Vanderloo, two 3-story mansard bricks, 2137t39 Derry street, $5,000; F. H. Bomgardner, fourteen 2-story bricks, 2004 to 30 Swatara, $28,000. Realty Transfers. —Saturday's realty transfers: M. S. Hershey to Adam W. Whistler, Derry township, $2,350; O. W. Cumbler's executors to Charles 11. iloser, Steelton, $240; J. Killinger, P. J. Whitman and Joseph Miller, to A. Zimmerman In Jackson township for $94, $1,650 and $377, respective ly; Wllhelmina Hernplo to D. Challen ger. Thirteenth street, $4,000; Eliza j beth Worden to Joseph Kalbfus, Mid-' die Paxton township, $1,500. To Sell Lund and Private Road. In accordance with an order of tho Orphans' Court of Dauphin county, the 103 acres of farm land and the us j of a private road abutting on the | Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, I owned by tho Raymond L. Stewart estate, will be sold in front of the Courthouse at 2 p. m. Wednesday, ! April 29. Harrisburg Shared ill Building' Gain. | —Harrisburg was among the seventy cities which helped increase the coun- I try s total building gain approximate ! ly 8 per cent, during the past month, I according to the American Contractor. I The total value for the month wan j $74,709,915. Ask Discliargc From Bankruptcy.— : Application for discharge from bank- I ruptcy will be heard by tho Federal 'Court for the Middle District of Penn ! sylvania at Scran ton May 4, by Wil liam Sumner Roebuck, this city. The petition sets forth that he has dis charged his obligations. Flowers ami Postcards For Court Crier. —Flowers and dozens of post cards were received by George W. Barnes, Dauphin county's aged court, [crier, Saturday, his eightieth birthday. The old court attache, who has called the "Oyez; Oyez!" that announced the sitting of the judge for more than forty years, had beeiw?onflned to his bed for nearly a year. General debility, due to advancing years, is gradually sapping his strength. To Prepare Bonds. Harrisburg';! new series of $140,000 worth of publin Improvement bonds, bids . for which will be opened April 20, will be pre pared by the United Slates Mortgage [ and Trust Company, Xew York city, i The legality of the securities will be i passed upon by Attorney John O. ' Johnson. 1 street, is- recovering after n severe ease of 1 diphtheria. Mr. Hml Mrs. Arthur Hamilton Hull unn : small daughter Margaret, are occupying their new home at Second near Maelay streets. Mr. and Mrs. John O. Beam and son Her bert neam, of York, are guests of Mr. Un« Mrs. C. B. Fitzgerald, of 512 Rmerald stree; KLINK-ALLEMAX WEDDING Miss Lillian K. Alleman and Mr. Willis Leroy Kline of Millersburg were married at the parsonage of the Stevens Memorial Methodist Episco pal church, Saturday afternoon, by the Rev. D.. Clayton Albert Smucker. After April 20 they will be at home in Millorsburg. Bark Matanzas Found in Perilous Position By Associated Press Highland Lilfht, Mass., April 13. The bark Matanzas, Boston, for Phila-. delph'.a, was discovered between the outer and inner Peaked Hill Bars at down to-day. The tug John C. Chnndiet- was also lying off shore. About the same time an unknown barge was sighted close to the Pamet River life saving station. Life savers patrolled the beach opposite the ves sels. but the wind was the severe to permit the launching of a surf boat. The position of the Matanzas was con sidered precarto"". XEW F. & »1. FOREMAN. With the appointment of John F. Crook as general foreman of the ma chine and erecting shops of the Har risburg Foundry and Machine works, and David O. Weingard as assistant foreman, it is also announced that general prospects for spring activity are good and that a number of new orders have been filed. Mr. Crook was formerly In the machine shop of the Pennsylvania railroad and as mas j ter-mechanic at the Lalance Cros- Jean tinplate mills. SEARCH TO BE MADE FOR MISSING "DRV" "WORKER. Dabvllle, 111., April 12.—Under the direction of the States attorney, John H. Lewman, a ceunty-wide search will be made for Louis R. Patmont, the "Dry" worker, missing from West ville since March 31. 1 A large posse will be organized and all abandoned mines, ravines and the Vermilion River will be searched Practically all hope of finding ¥»at mopt alive has been abandoned.