Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 10, 1914, Page 5, Image 5
Tomorrow the Last Day of the Pre-Easter UNDERSELLING SALE place fj, "' - giving you a choice ot'this season's newest and best styles! Pr_ " * I iif f '• 'SSI To-morrow Your Last Chance For Your! I nW Girls' Easter coats at a big saving. The prices are, i $1.95, $2.95, $3.95 i EftStCF HsitS i 1000 Wom f» j ewMt? p rin « Bl °» ses 1 I ; Go on Sale it-morrow at Very and $4.95 ; rAl MP ,^f' ,>,ovision has bee " ,l,adc for I Attractive Price* • jflAAl a '' * ate corners - Our entire force t i l&t&J of ex P ert trimmers and makers i Crepe de Chine Blouses Stylish BUuses at New Spring Wash Dresses For | IMIMBBI „,,, JXT SSS '*" "" I S-- 9436 $1.95 . SiSIgHX illlijßy * ? Nothing prettier shown in many Dolly Vardcn. China Silk. Voiles, ___ _ i pi, rTT _ T3T^c , TT _ r _ t season's newest models for your Crepes, Net and Lace, Crepe de Chine, * 1 ]\ /F 1 1 T""> • I • -' -tlii KlloL' L i 1 o-morrow you can I choice;»ln nil colors; many of these; Gladstone collars, all the newest I -If Q l/lnHoV') f*Al?r T ftlg P»pSaa IS Sgfe' • are reproduction ol' most high priced models in everj' new Spring shade; VJiilO 1Y V X I IC,CCI I ii' ffIBBSEr come here and surely find the Hat VOU i grades; ull the newest collars and values ?S.OO. Choice for • ••$1.95 J I HI Hnf f r p j sleeves; values to $6.50. Choice fori tpA, " w f Girls' $1.50 Dresses for 98c | w/6ilJPw model and we again repeat—made in our | . . 50 Styles in Crepe and Made of Rep. Percales, Ginghams and Lawns, ? own workrooms. The prices arc ? Stylish Blouses at Voile Bloases in all the newest models; fast colors. /\ O '' m f (tjO Qft AQ a" sizes 6toi 4. for 98c j $2.90,' $3.90, $4.90, $5.90, $6.90 and $8.90 j £L«J G _„, »,,»« O • 1 * d* 1 r A rx /• a i rv ? \ c'tvimr rvf tiillv mip-tVnrH on rvervHnf * and China Silks, laco and not, in all, the very newest ideas; beautifully Vjirls SZ.JO fnr <FCI QS i SdMllg Ot tUil\ one tmra on CACiWiar. | newest Spring shades; all the new- trimmed, made in white and all MW V KJ LS ICSS.CS lor <J> l.yj . Extra s ia ,. ABi Assortment of Children's Hats $1.50 to $4.90 |S* mode,s: values t0 , 34 t0 ftO 44 J Every new style is here, every new shade; U " '—- .?.... .. . ****** J for $2.9,> I a,ues t0 Choice for nicely made, fast colors; all sizes d* •* /\Pf r" ™————— —^— «• Suits, Coats and Dresses fS 1 Made of \Vhite Lawn, best Gingham, fancy ' Rep Lrepe and Poplin; in all sizes AEt Our large and varied stock of ready-to-wear Garments will make it easy for you to select your Easter outfit V to ,an colors. Choice for ... j iere to-morrow, as you are sure to find either a Suit, Coat or Dress to iit without alteration —and where altera- I tions are only slight we are in a position to serve you and deliver any garment in time for Easter Sunday. ft!ff \» Nicely made and nicely trimmed, W iifa„d $ co'!e s dD«ss es -l Nobby Easter Suits, Val- <M O QA Handsome Easter Suits, Val- <TI Dully Varden and Fancy Crepe—every dress a new O I ues to $16.50, at .. . ues to $28.00, at 1 model; all sizes 6to 14. Choice for $ J«t/J ' r . „ zz . . . x-* r, —;; zr=~ A. 1/ lis Kaufman s Extra Special Las- (M r Pretty Easter Suits, Values to (COA \v \SiJf VERY SPECIAL: ter Suits, Values to $22.50, at Silk and Kid Gloves Sale New Arrivals in Spring lYour Easter Dress Is Fv\ s,ur, F °f TOMORROW ON LY Coats Here and at a t(\\ r Silk Gloves; SI.OO CQ r Kid Gloves; SI.OO q • rp \|\ 1 Value for Value for v)OC j fo OUI - immense stock we have added hundreds of new Coats 03-Vlfly AOO \ 250 pairs of Women's 16-button 250 pairs of Women's Kid Gloves, in 1 __rprpivprl in na «;t Fvprv mat a hcantv i rhnirp x- .. J c-rnr . c-n \ \W\ XT length silk aloves; double linger tips; black and al! colors; every pair guar- | recen ea in tiie past - aa\ s. EA erv coat a Deaut} , a cnoice s»eiec Aewest Dresses, made of Tafteta Silk, \ w\\ In black and white; ?i.oo value. To- sizes! #l'ooTalue 01 ' i tion of st >' les - The materials are Epongc, Serges, Bedford Lord, Messaline Silk, Crepe Meteor, Crepe de \ \\\V \ morrow only pair : Crepes, Crepe Poplins, Taffeta Silk, Silk Moire. Ihe colors are Chine, Silk Poplin. Every* new model \ V \yv \ A full and complete line of Tulius Kavser Sill- i„rl I black, navy, tan, Copenhagen, New Blue, Tango, Tan, etc. Special Every color and all sizes for Women, \W\ \ Washable Gloves, at ' I P nces P revall tor to-morrow.ji isses an d extra large Ladies. The \\\\M CA P 7C„ <tl AA $4.95, $5.95, $7.95, SIO.OO, OUC, /OC, SI.OO $12.50 and $15.00 $7.95, $lO and sls Julius Ka>sei Silk Hose at 98£ and Sizes for Women, Misses and Extra Large Women. . I KAUFMAN'S--Tomorrow. Saturday, Will vfv ETA Men's Newest PANTS , Yl . ' ~~ > Offer 350 MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S Q} f • l fc OU Values to $3.50 Royal Worcester Fine Sample SUITS, y) 1 $1.50 CORSETS SIB.OO and $20.00 Values I 000 pairs of Blue Serges, Fancy I m ///i' Worsteds, all-wool Casslmeres. R .. J y \ If you want to be convinced that the clothes we sell at $12.50 are authentic The greatest pants bargain of the I ||B f \ sl6, SI 8 and S2O values. Come to Kaufman's to-morrow. Be your own judge. ' \ oil 11 know best that these are not sales clothes. But the same garments for \/| ' j V a New Models for Every Need and / ) which other stores ask SlB and even $22.50. Save S8 to SlO on your new suit j^| Highest $12.00 Value Suits Men, Here's Your All-wool Men's and Young Men's sls, C? lAT CT eflect wiUl thc lon ß'' lithe lines of ill! 1 B and Young(£"7 PA Sunproof Blue C 6 *7C to $16.50 Value (TQ JC I J willowy and youthful grace can be |M| j| Serge Suits. *pO#lo Suits I«J t: attained by wearing the correct I [orfoik or Sack Suits m Another lot of handsome worsted ' n "'w lor J25.00. model of Royal Worcester Corsets— ,f J j ed. fancy casslmere and They are all-wool, Venetian lined; and casslmere suits In plain gray, These handsome Suits all hand tall- an( l this with full comfort and with- 'it J I sizes. values to $13.50. brown and mixed effects. ar "3 absolutely guaranteed. • . • , . , ... —~ _?' _jjf/ out any risk ot health or spoiling PfjYzVf y / the figure. Let us show them to \jnßTFsyrp|> norrow Will Be a Busy Day in Kaufman s; w r s' Clothing Dept., Lowest Prices Ever Offered KAUFMAN'S BW' Easter and Confirmation Suits A sl-50 special i SF JHETSDKSI T / Hats for men and young men. An equal to Norfolk Suits Boys' Blue Serge Boys 1 $7.50 Value jJ h . ats sold at $ 2 -°° and $ 2 - 50 elsewhere, ah J ° wnMIiKsWMJSM ON the newest soft and derbies. 55.90 _ SUITS Two-Pants ' we $3.89 NORF ?h K p UITS PL Smart Easter Shirts ;d. They come in blue Norfolk Style at 1 JtllS i riCC T7* TL M :y worsted and the new Made with full cut Knicker || ks. Sizes 8 to 18 years, pants. All wool, fast color, value yA to $4.89 At Very Special Prices i's New Hats B , Norfolk Suits 31uray N „ rMk Snlt , Mth , Pllt . ot i|(IMA I, cuff , M^'^' e ° r r " sShi " 8 ' CMt 69c £j% -t gm _ _ Knickers; belt to match. Choice of nno |\| KBMITfcICT ■ II value, ior v 3 fIW (■■■ f all-wool casslmeres and cheviots; sizes 6 111 Mllu|S|J I. BftSjM 1 j| ~ " ~ ■ to 18 years. \ AMBI /' %||i J Men's Madras and Percale Dress bhirts, soft collars, Sold at hat stores for $2.00 ' laundered and French cuffs. The best value in the 95c ~, . cassimere suits, made with full box , Rail ITats, -5 dit V\ - - _ tpes, soft and derby hats. , eat f n Knickerbocker; ferent styles; plain and J-A Mf* . Mcn s Silk .Shirts, all new Spring patterns, DJ 1 QRT ,f a dollar. to 17 years. colors, at i>WC m stripes and new figures; $3.00 values, for .... V 1 .^Q FRIDAY EVENING. HXKHIBBURG TELEGRSPH APRIL 10,1914 5