Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 10, 1914, Page 18, Image 18
18 *■ • I "Skimming through the air like a swallow flew the air ship, the rapid vibrations of the engine beating a tattoo on the heart of the excited girl, who was urging the aviator to increased speed—a speed which had already almost at tained the danger point. Out over the waters of the blue Pacific they shot, the excited girl always pointing in the di rection of the volume of smoke, marking the passage of the fast out-going liner carrying with it the secret that would clear up the gjrtr y vi. ment aviator, to take iy\ her In '' IC airship in pursuit of the Pacific away with Hugo Loe• vn bcque, the arch-:py, \\ ' n w^ose hands are cover in order to save The Serial Story. Sensation of the Age "Lucille Love, The Girl of Mystery " By "THE MAS A Soul Stirring Romance Depicting a Daughter's Loyalty and a Lover's Devotion This wonderful production has been drama tized by the Universal Film Manufacturing Company and will be exhibited at all leading Motion Picture Theaters in the city and vicinity supplied with its service. You can therefore rear* the exc'fbs: adventures of "T ncillc Love. The Girl of Mystery," in this paper and see each sreat situation reproduced 011 tlic screen at your favorite moving picture theater. Don't Fail to Get Nesi^AIURDAY AI'KU. 1» Harrisburg Telegraph And Read "Lucille Love, the Girl of Mystery" * FRIDAY EVF.NING, &ARRISBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 10, 1914. "Trained Nurses" Big Feature at the Orpheum Next Week PhBPL M| i BffiHl Tggk 'W>i- jmjfiM Wf, JKmS/S CLARK and BERGMAN Some of the things the *>uiuiie will ring tne holiday offering at the Or ne in Harrishurg on Sunday. Real fheum. The beauties of this act will a.ts and bouquets and to make sure the most successful of miniature mu hat everyone will enjoy them to thu sical comedies we have seen. Up to ullest, the "Trained Nurses" so no the present they hold the attendance me can possibly get sick. record of the Orpheum's career. Lasky's "Trained Nurses," the gay- The act is as beautiful and as elabo st and best and sweetest nurses that ate as ever, with Glalys Clark and arrislurg ever saw, come to add 10 Frank Bergman still retained in the ■legaieiies of the season by crown- leading ro.es.—Advertisement. John Jay McDevitt's Statue Held in Hock Sfacial to The Telegraph Shenandoah, Pa.. April 10. The mous statue of John Jay McDevitt. millionaire for a day," was attached 01 wages here to-day by Mahilla and "lorence Bordner, who allege McDevitt wes them S2O. McDevitt has been playing here in audeville and had the statue on ex ilbition at a theater. When he went 0 pack it away for exhibition at his next stand the warrant was shown lirn by Captain of Police Manley, who cfused to. let him touch it. despite John Jay's pleudlngs that the only ■ lace for his statue was the Hall of ! ; 'fime at the national capital. The case will be tried here next Monday. The statue will remain im pounded until then. A Pure Olive Oil OLIVESE brand of Olive Oil is the fir*t pressing of carefully selected Italian Olives. 1 his first pressing yields the virgin oil, the very best, the only kind ever put in containers bearing the OLIVISE trademark. The old Italian method is conceded to be far superior to modem methods, and olive oil so prepared will actually improve with age. OLIVL'Si , comes direct —canned in Italy—from the old Italian orchards and is prepared : by the old methods. ! If you do not find OLIVESE to be i of the highest possible quality—or if for I any reason you do not find it entirely satisfactory—you may have your money back without question. | "All that the label implies is in (he can' A. L. CAPR'NI, Pittsburgh Sole American importer Geo. A. Gorgas 16 North Third Street P R. R Station SOLE DISTRIBUTOR LEGAL NOTICES rntii'OMi for iini.iMVfj 'fflii til llu- Hoard of Commissi iners n' Publl< Ground* and Bulldingt. Com nion wealth of Pennsylvania. Hum?, burg Pa SEALED PHOPOBALS will be iwplv ed until I'l o clock noun, ol I'ues.laj \prll 14, 1914. for furnishing all labo and material necessary to erect a new ireproof main building on the State ■ \isenal Grounds, at Eighteenth and j Herr Streets. Harrisburg. Penna.. av ailed for in speciflca;ions and draw :ngs prepared by the Board of Punlit 'irounds and Buildings Specifications and drawings may be secured by prospective bidders by ap plying to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg, Pa. Proposals shall be In sealed envelope, marked "Proposals tor Stato Arsenal Building," addressed, SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Huildlng, Uavrlsbury, Pa. ss; Nearly $1,000,000 Saved in Postal Department Special to The Telegraph Washington, D. C., April 10. —Nearly $1,000,000 saved in the operation of the various administrative branches under Fourth Assistant Postmaster General James 1. Blakslee in the first year represents the greatest saving in any federal department this year. Mr. Blakslee, who was secretary of the Democratic State committee of Penn sylvania, accomplished this without injuring the eflkiency of the rural de livery service. The report presented to-day sets forth in detail the econo mies effected in the rural mail service, the division of supplies and the di vision of dead letters. MAJESTIC Tuesday, April 14, afternoon and even ing Harriisburg Choral Society Spring Festival. Wednesday, matinee and night, April 15—^'Ambition." Thursday night, April 16—Relkin Yid dish Company. Friday, matinee and night, April 17— Illustrated talk on Mexico by F. Tennyson Neeley. Saturday, matinee and night, April 18 —Montgomery & Stone in "The Lady ol the Slipper." "AMBITION" Ashley Miller's new three-act com edy drama, "Ambition," will be given at the Majestic Theater in this city next Wednesday aiternoon and even ing. This is an interest binding story, cleverly worked out in lines and situa tions. It requires a cast of only tour people, bt it is declared that there is not a dull moment during the entire thiee acts, and the piece is said to ap pial especially to lovers of good music. The play deals with the eftorts of a struggling musician and the assist ance that it given his great genius by an Italian waif, who deve.ops wonder ful vocal powers and carries the mu sician to success with her.—Advertise ment. REI.KIX YIDDISH COMPANY The final appearance of the Kelkin Yiddish Company in Harrisburg for the present season will take place at the Majestic Theater next Thursday night, when a company of players sur rounding David Levinson will present the drama, "One Year After Mar riage." The presentation of Yiddish plays in the vernacular has been very successful this season in Harrisburg —Advertisement. ILLUSTRATED TALK ON MEXICi) F. Tennyson Neeley, an exp'orer and writer who has been lately in the Mex ican country making pictures and studying the war situation, will de liver an illustrated talk on his expcrl i nces at the Majestic Theater Frida afternoon and evening of next wr el; Mr. Neeley has several thousand feet of moving picture films taken recently in the country of strife. The political ™de of the question was one of the principal points of :li situation that Mr. Neeley investigated. He considers 'hat the United States is acting wisely in letting Mexico fight its own battles and will tell why ho thinks so In his lecture at the Majestic.—Advertise ment. PALACE THEATER At the Palace to-morrow will be shown the first run of the Universal program, which thl? house features at all times. William Clifford and Marie Van Camp will be stars in a two-reel 101 Bison Indian drama, "In he Wolf's Fangs," a thrill from start to finish. Bobert Leonard and Betty S hade star In "The Senator's Bill." "The Gambler," a Western mine drarra, will lie another feature. Max and Bob Vernon produce a Treat comedy In "Mike and Jake Go in for Matrimony." The two famous "Eelaire. Kids," Willie Gibbons and "lara Horton, contribute one of the most fascinating "kid" comedies which t he Eelaire Company has yet produced In "At the Court of Make-believe." This film is heralded as being the pret tiest, daintist. sweetest and most en tertaining "kid" comedy pictures ever shown on the screen.—Advertisement. PHtyrOPLAY THEATER An Egyptian mummy 4000 years old speaks In "The Perils of Pauline," a three-reel feature showing at this theater Sturday. What did the mum my say? To whom did she speak? It will be shown here every other Sat urday. It is a thrilling story, full of ii'ttion and interest. Remember, at this theater Saturday.—Advertisement. REFORMERS BUMP PALMER MAC® Denounce the Manner in Which It Has Feen Abusing Civil Service in State Criticism of the manner In which | the Palmer organization is using fed- , eral patronage in this State was con tained in the thirty-third annual re- ] nort of the executive committee o f , the Civil Service Reform Association of Pennsylvania, submitted to the an nual meeting of that organization in the City Club. It was reported that T. Henry Walnut, secretary and counsel for the association, had Investigated the appointment at f-.ew Freedom and had found that one man had been ap pointed postmaster only after he signed a paper agreeing to pay SSO a year to the Democratic county com mittee. "Throughout the State," the report stated, "third and second class post offices have been made use of exten sively for the purpose of strengthen ing a fact'on of the Democratic party. Your committee will be prepared to protest against such appointments as appear to bear the stamp of political favoritism." Ambassadors Barred From Making Speeches Special to The Telegraph Berlin, April 10.—Officers of the American Chamber of Commerce, Ber lin. ha\e run across what looks like a presidential order from Washington in regard to speechmaking by ambassa dors. The chamber wanted Ambas sador Gerard to deliver an after dinner oration at Hamburg, April 18, on the occasion of its annual nanquet in that city, but it seems that Am bassador Page's recent outburst of elo quence In London caused the State Department to place someth'ng like a rpuzzle on Uncle Sam's plenipoten tiaries abroad. Ambassador Gerard has agreed to speak at the banquet, but will confine himself to toasting the kaiser. Presi dent Wl"s->n and the city of Hamburg. Anything else he would like to say will, it Is understood, be delivered by proxy. Johnstown Heroine Dies in California Special to The Telegraph Pittsburgh, April 10. —One of the most thrilling chapters of the Johns iown flood was recalled to-day by Pittsburgh relatives of Miss Harriet A. Duncan, word of whose death at Los Angeles, Cal., April 2, was re ceived here. Miss Duncan occupied one of the few houses which with stood the mighty torrent of water at Tohnstown and from her attic window she rescued sixteen persons from leath. When the flood came Miss Duncan, who was living alone in the house, fled to the top floor. The house, which was a substantial struc ture, was protected by a large tree from being hit by wreckage and kept its foundations. From her post at her attic window Miss Duncan reached out with a broom and flung out a clothesline to persons floating by on debris or on housetops. She saved those who came within reach, sixteen in all. The little company was compelled to remain in the attic of Miss Duncan's home three days, where they almost perished for want of food before they were rescued. Soon after the flood Miss Duncan moved to Los Angeles to join her sis ter, Dr. Sarah J. Duncan. FORMER GOVERNOR DIES Special to The Telegraph Greenville, S. C., April 10. —Eben Sumner Draper, ex-Governor of Massa chusetts. died here yesterday of pa ralysis. with which he was stricken on Tuesday. Mr. Draper was 65 years old. The ex-Governon's condition was serious from the time of the attack, which occurred in a hotel here just after his arrival homeward bound from a trip to Florida and Cuba. Itching Stops Instantly! One Application of ZEXO Stops This Unbearable Torture and Makes Life Worth. Living. Get a 35c Bottle Today and Prove It. It doesn't take any loncter to apply ZEMO than It does to scratch and. rub those awful Itching places, but It does jTji more good. ZEMO tA puts nn instant end /v. - YsW to the Itching, iCr leaving the skin •tSr" «il cool and comfort vfcvy ™ \ able, while scratch lW!> I ,ng just makes it Wat ' worß,! ' and ZEMO xJRi . J conquers the cause JTj of tho itching at S Tills rcmnksble C. V\ xk —' iVI s 'tln iTmedy acts \\w r LJ almost like magic. Word* Can Xryr r Describe the It quickly ailayi Biewrn luikfHßOo«.■» the irritation that Ttiu/gwu ' causes it.-hlng, epeu. whethar this is gorm activity or clogged pi res and blood vessels, and when used rnpru'afly produces real.y wonderful nn<l permanent results. Try ZEMO! Prove it for yourself. Buy a 250 bottle today and stop your torturo at once. .ZEMO Is sold and guaranteed by d r hi ts everywhere, and in Hftrrlfburg by Golden Seal Drug Store, IC. Z. Gr as, Kennedy's Medicine P'ore. Croll Keller, W. T. Thompson, C. M. Forney. J. Nel son Clark Drug Co.; T. PrOrwell, Steel ton, Pa. GRAY HAIR BICOMET j DARK, m GLOSSY I Look years younger! Tty Grand : ma's recipe of Sage and Sulphur and nobody will know ! Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly •Compound ed, brings back the natural color and luster to the hair when fad |;d, st-eak ed or gray; also ends dandruff, itch llng scalp and stops falling htiir. Years I ago the only way to get thfcj mixtun ; was to make It at home, which i* musgy and troublesome. ! | Nowadays we simply ask at any dm* storo for "Wyeth'R Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy." You will g«t a large bottle for about 50 cents. Bverybod> uses this old. famous recipe, because no one can possibly tell that you dark ened your hair, as it does it so nat urally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small stranfl at a time; by morning tho gray hair disappears, and after another- application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy and you look years younger. .Advertisement. I Most Skin Trouble Readily Overcome The Active Principle of & Famous Remedy Worlza Wonders. Many people have marveled the way S. S. S. overcomes sliin troubles. The ex planation is t'-.e fact that Si. S. S. in tUe Lionel ar.3 the b!ocd Is really a most intricate and extraordinary mass of arteries aid veins. When j'"'i come to rccl'.sc that tho s'.r'.n and t'.o Con'i brneslh ere composed of a network cf t!n7 blocd vessels you solve tho Kr-tcry. Ti.cre era r-cr.dcrful mcClcinal properties in S. S. 0. t_:t f;:;ow t:;c course cf th« Hoed r'.rcarso j_ct C 3 naturally as the most ncurto'-Unjj fed c'.CwCLt3. It Is rcr.'.'.y a re—arhnblo remedy. It cnta'r.s » j in;-: - Pcii.'Ut, t .e active purpose cf which I 3 t > stimulate the tissues to tho [ LealUy r r !ec:i-n tf its cwn esseatlal nutri ment. AaJ t e nedljlnal elements of thla matchlcc3 Heed r"rlfkr are just us essen tial to well balanced health as the nutri tions Clemen's cf t'-o meats, grains, fata and seal's cf cur daily food. Nit cne rf minerals or dtu'rs Is usel in Its preparation. Ask for S. S. 8. and j-st insist upen I aviri It. And if you de sire skillful a •'vice and counsel unon any matter the blood and «kln, wrlto to t'-e ?'cc 1l "il The Swift Specific Co., C2!> Swift Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Do net gone jealous clerk's elo quence over srjnetMng "j»st as pood" HI S. 8. S. to foci you with the same oH mlreval Insist upen S. S. S Weak Lungs Often Lead to Serious Illness If you have weak lungs and your system Is run down, you are more sus ceptible to serious lung trouble. By the use of Eckman's Alterative many have been restored to health. Read of> this case: — 231 S. Atlantic Ave., Haddonfield, N. J. "Gentlemen:—ln the fall of 1905 I contracted a very severe cold which settled on my lungs. At last I began to laise sputum, and my physiean then told me I must go to California imme dlately. At this time I was advised to take Eckman's Alterative. I stayed at home and commenced taking It the last week of October. I began to improve and the first week In January, 1900, I resumed my regular occupation, hav , Ing gained 25 pounds, fully restored to | health. It is now seven years since my recovery has been effected, and I can -1 not praise Eckman's Alterative too I highly." (Abbreviated). (Signed) W. M. TATEM. Eckman's Alterative is most efficaci ous in bronchial catarrh and severe throat and lung affections and upbuild ing the system. Contains no harmful or habit-forming drugs. Accept no substitutes. Sold by leading drug gists. Write Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia, Pa., for booklet of re coveries.—Advertisement. Acid Stomachs Are Dangerous Common Senior \<lvler by a DtntliiKUlMh ed SpeclnlU-t "Acid" stomachs are dangerous be cause acid irritates and inflames tho delicate lining of the stomach, thus hindering and preventing the proper action of the stomach, and leading to probably nine-tenths of the cases of stomach trouble from which people suf fer. Ordfnary medicines and medicinal treatments are useless in such cases, for they leave the source of the trouble, the acid in the stomach, as dangerous las ever. The acid must be neutralized, ; and its formation prevented, an.d tho I best thing for this purpose Is a tea spoonful of bisurated magnesia, a simple antacid, taken in a lfttle warm or cold water after eating, which not | only neutralizes the acid, but also pre vents the fermentation from which ac ' idity is developed. Foods which ordi narily cause greatest distress may bo eaten with impunity if the meal is fol lowed with a little bisurated magnesia, which can be obtained from any drug gist. and thould always be kept handy —Advertisement. W <) Ounc;s of oncjn rated Ifea'th i that's what you'll find In every bot- I tie of our Jompoind Syrup of Hypophosphites A brain stimulant, tissue building and nerve steadying tonic of great | value to those who are overworked, I run down or anaemic. 10-oz. bottle, "sc. . oraey's Drug Store ! 423 MAKKF.T STttKET •\\' Mi'M* jot wherever >oti are * ; EASTER MONEY AT I.EGAI, KATES THF. EQUITABLE ts the one company which will treat jrou just right ai all times When jrou open an account with ub you are free from worry and regrets. No one. not even the members of your own family, need know jrou are borrowing. Our Guarantee No matter what others adver« tlsp ve will make you a loan o# 110 or more at I.EtiAI. KATES. No references HsstgnmenUl pledK>-s. red tape or delay EQUITABLE INVESTMEiNT COMPANY V .V 11 AltlvET Mil Alt to Kmnii • I t>b Floor, / * Herses For Sa e All In flrat-clau condition. We have more than we need for the winter. United Ice & Coal Co., Former and Cowden Sta. ™ \ MONET FOR SALARIED PEOPLB and others upon their own namea. Cheap rates, easy payments, conttdau- A damn * Co. R. SM M If. Market S«. Try Telegraph Want Ads.