14 CHILDREN GET BULBS; BRING BACK LILIES Fifth Street Church to Be Deco rated by Children For Easter Day Children this year have brought a rich floral tribute to Fifth Street Methodist Church, adorning the pulpit •*| . platform with L UrM blooms of tulips. • -10 hyacinths and ilies • 'i /mH of the valle > - The " rllll flowers grew from fcjJllfllfiir kulbu which ttie K|{ii|lll vember distributed to the children. K"; Hundreds of the it bulbs were given out ar.il around each bulb was wrappad printed instructions telling just how to grow them. Most of the bulbs came up and bore fine blossoms, and these the children are taking to the church. During Easter Day the rhtldren will carry them to the hos pitals and sick rooms of the city. In no former year at the Fifth Street Methodist Church has more ftlaborato preparation been made tor the proper observance of Easter. The tirst service of the day will be a sun rise Easter praise meeting at 6.30 o'clock. At 10.30 the choir will ren der Fearis' "Sing to God a Hymn of Praise," and a ladies' chorus will sing "My Hope and Trust." The pastor, the Rev. B. H. Hart, will preach briefly on "The Homing Instinct of the Sou!," after which a large class will be received into church membership. The Sunday school will meet at 2 o'clock, when the various classes will make a report of the amount of money earned during the past three months by self-denial. The amount thus raised will be given to the trustees to be applied on the church indebtedness. The Junior league will meet at 3 o'clock and the TJpworth League devo tional exercises will be held at 6.3 0. At 7.30 the choir will render Schneck er's beautiful cantata, entitled "The Risen King," and Lorenz's "Jesus Christ is Kis*-n To-day." The minis ter will speak briefly on "Sleeping in 'rod's Acre." "00 at Hart Reception.—Thn mem bers of Fifth Street Methodist Epis copal Church last evening tendered a reception to the pastor, the Rev. B. H. Hart, and his family and to members taken into the church dur ing the yt'tr. The reception marked the beginning ol" the fourteenth year of the Rev. Mr. Hart as pastor of the Fifth Street Church, the longest term i of any pastor In the Central Pennsyl vania Conference. An address was delivered by Dr. A. S. Fasick, super intendent of the Harrisburg District] of the Methodist Church. He con gratulated the Rev. Mr. Hart and the congregation. Mr. Hart responded with an address and a solo. More than 700 people attended the recep tion. How to Make Books. —The Hick-a- Thrift Class of the Pine Street Pres byterian Church will meet this even ing i"n the rooms of Post 38, Grand Array of the Republic, 26 North Third street. Following the meeting a lec ture will be delivered by two of the members of the class on the subject, "Making a Book." The manufacture of paper will be told by Daniel Herr, of the Evangelical Publishing House, and various methods in printing will be told by William Xagle, of the Tele graph Printing Company. The lecture will be illustrated with stereopticon slides. Sing "Crucifixion." —At the Cove nant Presbyterian Church last even ing "The Crucifixion," a meditation on the sacred passion, was rendered in i the main auditorium of the church, tinder the leadership of Stanley G. Hackenstoss. choirmaster, and Miss Nancy E. Canan, organist. I«cture nil Forestry. Professor George H. Wirt, head of the Pennsyl- i vanlu State Forestry Academy at Mont' Alto, delivered an illustrated lecture last evenng before a large audience! fit the Immanuel Presbyterian Church. l His subject was "Forestry, as Carried i on in Foreign Countries." The Aeo- j lian Quartet sang. The Rev. Mr. I#Uly at Sunbury. —, The Rev. Frank AV. Leidy and family IF YOU SUFFER ANY STOMACH AGONY Take Mi-o-na Now Perfectly Harmless But Acts Quickly and Effectively When you feel nervous, blue, irrita ble, tired and dizzy—when you have headaches, sour stomach, heartburn i and pains in the colon and bowels — you are suffering from indigestion— you need Mi-o-na at once. Ml-o-na is not a cure-all but a spe cific for stomach ills —it goes to the seat of the trouble and surely ends stomach misery. It builds up and strengthens the stomach walls and glands, improves quickly the digestive system and assists nature to properly digest and assimilate the food thus in suring good health—you are free of the blues—life really seems worth "while. Do not suffer another da v. Get a fifty cent box of Mi-o-na Tablets at H. C. Kennedy's, or your nearest drug store. Keep them with you constantly | —they will help you get weli and 1 strong and immediate relief is sure. I Do not delay—delays are danereruuu! and needless. If not benefited Mi-o-na t cot? nothing.—Advertisement. Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect November 30. 1918 TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martinsburir >» B:03. *7:52 a. m . *3:40 p m. * For Hagerstown. Chambersburg Car lisle, Mechanicsburg and intermediate stations at 5:03, >7:52, *:!:53 a m •3:40. 6.32, *7:40. *11:15 p m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanicsburg at 9:48 a. m 2:13 3-27 6:30. 9:30 a. m. " 1 For Dlllsburg at 5:03, *7:62 and l •11:68 a. m.. 2:18. *3:40. 5:32 and < 3u i p. m. •Dally. All other trains dally except Bunday. H. A. RIDDLE. J. H. TONGE, O. p. a. 4upt. EDUCATIONAL PREPARE FOR OFFICE WORK DAT AND NIGHT SESSIONS Enroll Next Monriav SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 16 8. MARKET SQ„ HAKRISBURG. Harmburg Business College Day and Night. Business,! Shorthand and Civil Service. In- I dividual Instruction. 28th year. 119 Market St Karrisburft, Pa. j FRIDAY EVENING, &ABRISBURG TELEaKAPa APRIL 10,1 jWartne Company r Our Low Prices And Up-to-Date Styles Should Guide You To This Store For Z Y©ir Easter CMhaisf j ■ Bargain Sale Of All Of The New Styles In A 2 / Easter Millinery Women's Suits And Dresses m THE SMARTEST FANCY TAILORED SUITS AND / AjT\ \ 4 silk dresses that you've seen in many a day. The new \ 9 5 gabardines, silk poplins and messalines in all the bright, i /u 6 R \\u lin spring colors. Tailored suits at sl2, sls, $lB, $22, and up H \ h *° S^CC * a * va * ucs * dresses at $8.75, $9.50, S I as^er Suits For Men i fa Z S /' FIFTEEN DOLLARS WILL BUY AN ALL-WOOL, 111 ill f| J SPECIAL ASSORTMENT fully guaranteed suit. You may choose from a large \| I ill ! I f 0 f trimmed hats-patterned variet y of the best P atterns - including the new checks and U ' V | after the latest French mod- P enci] 65 ' ° ther s P ecial assortments from sl2 to $32. J // W | J | uiar k ss and $6 vaiues-this Easter Sale Of Boys' Suits I 7 -rw NOBBY SUITS FOR "LITTLE MEN "-BLUE SERGES I Br I ©' (OWQ? and fancy mixtures—at a special reduction in price. Here are j i f $5.00 Suits, $3.98 $6.00 Suits, $4.98 $7.00 Suits, $5.98 j A $5.50 Suits, $4.48 $6.50 Suits, $5.48 SB.OO Suits, $6.98 j \/ £, ASKIN & MARINE CO. |«ffl fa 36 Street ? arrived in Sunbury yesterday and took charge of the Catawissa Avenue Methodist Episcopal parsonage. The Rev. Dr. J. D. \V. Deavor, who has been pastor of the Sunbury church for the past two years, removed to this city with his family and took charge of the Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church. To Hold Bake Sale. —Clr.ss No. 10 of the Redeemer Lutherai Sunday school will hold a bake sale to-mor row afternoon and evening in the Al lison Hill market. Woman Drops Dead in Bixler's Store at Fisherville Special to The Telegraph Halifax. Pa., April 10. —Mrs. Israel O. Enders. of Jackson township, dropped dead In J. C. Bixler's store at Fisherville while making some pur chases shortly before noon on Thurs day death being due to a paralytic stroke. She is survived by her hus band and thirteen children. No ar rangements have yet been made for the funeral. OLD ACTRESS IJIES piiDtiotsy .{g New York, April 10.—Mrs. F. A. Tannehill, known to the stage for three generations as "Nellie" Tanne hill, died at her home here yesterdav of paralysis. She was 83 years old. In her day Mrs. Tannehill supported such famous stars as Forrest, Adelaide Nell eon, Fanny Davenport and Mme. Mod jeska. MOTHER! IS CHILD'S STOMACH jOUR, SICK? If cross, feverish, constipated, give "California Syrup of Figs" Don't scold your fretful, peevish child. See if tongue Is coated; this is a sure sign its little stomach, liver and bowels are clogged with sour waste. When listless, pale, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally, has stom achache, Indigestive, diarrhoea, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a few hours all the foul wast , the sour bile and fermenting food passes out of the bowels and you have a well and playful chllu again. Children love this harmless "fruit laxative" and mothers can rest easy after giving it. because it never fails to make their little "lnsldes" clean and sweet. Keep It handy. Mother! A little given to-day saves a sick child to morrow, but get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a 60-cent bottle of "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs," which has di rections for babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly on the bottle. Remember therrt are counter feits sold here, so surely look and see that yours is made by the "Califor nla Fig Syrup Company " Hand back with contempt any ■■tiier tit syrup. Advertisement, BUSEBALL BOOST BY ! COMMERCE BOARD, Belief That a Team Is Good Ad vertisement For Any City Prompts Action Believing that a baseball team is a good advertisement for any city, the directors of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce last night decided to stand back of the Harrisburg Tri-State ; team. Plans for boosting the game! in Harrisburg will ije told at a noon- ! day luncheon to be held on or about! April 20. At this luncheon the speak ers will be Governor John K. Tener, | George M. Graham, president of the | Tri-State League, and two others, to ! be announced later. George B. Tripp, president of the • Chamber, announced to-day that a j real baseball booster meeting is to be held. The date will be fixed as soon I as W. Harry Baker, president of the Pennsylvania Exhibition Company, j backers of the Harrisburg club, has had a conference with Governor Tener. Thousand Dollars Is Floating Down the Susquehanna River A thousand dollars, figuratively and I fugitively speaking, is floating down | the Susquehanna, and may be ob tained by the Harrisburg Police De-1 partuient This sum is in the nature j of a reward offered by relatives of Russel Uhl. Wilkes-Barre millionaire, who a week ago drowned himself. At 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon it was reported to Chief of Police Hutchison that residents of the vil lage of Wapwallopen. near Nescopeck, had seen the body, but when efforts were made to recover It It sank be ifeath the surface and eluded them. ' Unless the body is found in the inter- j ver.ing eighty-eight miles, It will prob- ■ ably pass by Harrisburg some time j this afternoon. Chief Hutchison has called up river nien at different places along the stream and will post two or three men In boats to watch for the body j this afternoon. ELK OFFICERS INSTALLED IN GOVERNOR'S PRESENCE The Installation ceremonies of the Harrisburg Lodge of Elks, was held last evening and was conducted by Dis trict Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler V. Hummel Brackenrldge. Two past grand exalted rulers, Governor John K. Tenor and Judge R. L. Holland, of Colorado Springs, attended the ceremonies. The following officers were installed: Exalted ruler, William K. Meyers; esteemed leading knight, B. W. Dem mlng; esteemed loyal knight, Jonas M. . Rudy: esteemed lecturing knight, I James Carroll: secretary, H. L. Schmidt; treasurer, C. H. Slgler; tyler. Thomas 1 Poffenberger. The home association ' elected as officers: W. K. Myers, pros-1 ldent- B. TV. Demmings, vice-president: R. L. Fchtiidf secretary, snd H Miff-I ;lcr, treasurer. lAMusewemsi OIU'HKIM DIM, POPI'LAH It lias been a lon>< time since local : theatergoers took so kindly to a bill j at the Orpheuni, as they are to the one ; that prevails there this week. The j popularity seems to be not only be- i cause of the presence of Mclntyre and ! Ilyams, the clever musical comedy j couple, but because of the excellence ! of the offering throughout. Of course, ; it goes without saying that Hyarns and i Mclntyre are the choice plums of the ! bill. Their delightful comedy, with j music, called "The Quakeress," is one I of the most pleasing turns we have | seen at the Locust street playhouse. I But then there is the delightful vocu I spectacle called "The Girl In the Moon," in which a girl appears in a floating ! moon that sails away out and over the ! audience, sometimes dipping down so far that she can pin a rise on the coat I lapels of a number, seated anywhere in ! the orchestra circle. Lovers of a clever ! song and dance team are certainlv ' reveling in the appearance of The' Astairs, a youthful couple in reallv I wonderful exhibitions of the latest ! crazes in society dances. McConnell j and Simpson are as popular as ever in their screeching farce called "The Right I Girl," while a laughing hit is being j scored by Lewis and uody, eccentric I character duo. Prelle's Dogs are in • terestlng and appear in a noveltv act j that is widely different from anything 1 END INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, GAS, SOUR STOMACH—PAPE'S DIM Time it! In five minutes your upset stomach will feel fine. You don't want a slow remedy when your stomach is bad—or an uncertain one—or a harmful one—your stomach is too valuable; you mustn t injure it with drastic drugs. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for Its speed in giving relief: its harmless nesß; its certain unfailing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures in indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach AMUSEMENTS Kyams&Mclntyre EASTER Direct from "THE GIRL OK MY Q MUSICAL COMEDY FAVORITES V»OUlltlTy utO!T6 LU McCONNELL & GRANT SIMPSON Preterit* in * ON BAT BILL Season in that line that we have seen. The Orpheum's bill throughout is a real metropolitan offering and it deserves the capacity audiences that are on hand for each performance. Banner sales are recorded for the remainder of the week. For next week the man agement is announcing Laskv's "Train ed Nurses," with Clark and Bergman.— Advertisement. AT THE COLONIAL A feature of Easter "posies" will probably prove an. Interesting bit of the Colonial's Country Store entertain ment to-night. Many varieties of the seasonable flowers will be distributed to the store shoppers as well as many laughable and valuable gifts that are also on hand. Chief of the entertain ing vaudeville bill that is appearing there for the remainder of the week is a very clever series of character im personations of great men, past and present, offered by Gravetta and La- Vondre.—Advertisement. STUDENTS TAKE PRIZES Halifax, Pa., April 10. Uricli's school, in Halifax township, closed on Wednesday. Herbert and Bvron Sheetz took first prize in spelling. Mahlon and Irma Koppenheffer came out first in attendance. Among the honor pupils are Florence. Herbert. David, Charles and John Chubb. Carrie Kop penheffer und Raymond Shepley. The teacher Is J. Irvln Hoffman. trouble ha* matie it famous the world over. Keep tills perfect stomach doctor In your home—keep it handy—get a large fifty-cent case from any drug store, and then If anyone should eat something which doesn't agree with them; If what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes headache, dizziness and nausea; eructations of acid and undigested food—remember as soon as Pane's Diapepsin comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. Its promptness, certainty and ease in overcoming the worst stomacb dis orders Is a revelation to those who try It.—Advertisement. AMUSEMENTS I DO YOUR OWN SHOPPINGj 1 "Onyx" % 1 I Gives the BEST \\LUE for Your Money E*ery Kind from Cotton to Siftfor Men, Womei ud Children ''( Any Color and Style Fro, 25c to $5.00 per pair took (or the Trade M«rk! Sold by . All Good Dealer*. x jjl Wholesale Lord & Taylor NEW YORK This Coupon aid 10 Cents Will entitle the holder to purchase a copy of a 25c waltz—at th Ideal Music Store, 33 S. Secod Street FOU ONE WEEK <LY COURTESY OF WINTERD/.E BALL ROOM (UJIIT—OKE COPY TO A *6TOMER. EASTER FLCWERS p. j Unrivled Showing M W COG EARLY V\\ | fjr*+jL "\ Last of our custo | *"v -. -me, and were dtsap- V\\ I I .. - we can nsmire V JkV f TVljfe.. ' y ° u selection In the W Mxi V T y plants, 2j' jp J / Kuaranteed f from disease: Aca c*as ' en etas, tas, Lilacs, (jwv-T A Wiy' i J Rhododenc» ns> Lilies, ffljf Hydrangea Gardenias, sizes, Hyacinths* vlrri r Tulips, Nar feus< Etc. ° pen EvCTy N,CJ ' a,tcr Week. Wv HOLMES ID GO. 119 S. St. wmmmmrnm* Try Telegraph Want Ads.Try Telegraph \
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