Where Man and the Work Find Each Other There Are Men Who Know How TO GARDEN WELL i Some of these men are now unemployed. The chances are they have been working at some trade and their lack of employment is due to no fault of their own. These men can find work and plenty of it in gardens and in putting yards and lawns in order. The quickest way to secure a goodly num ber of patrons is through Telegraph WANT ADS. DIED DULL— Andrew J. Dull. Died April 9, in his 84th year. Friends and relatives are invited to attend funeral services at his lato resi dence, 101 South Front street. Harris burg, Pa., on Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Burial private. Kindly omit flowers. Other papers, please copy. PAGE On Tuesday, April 7, 1914, Daniel R. Page, 226 North Fifteenth street, in his 63d year. Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at 2 .o'clock, from his late residence. Tho 'relatives and friends arc invited to at tend without further notice. Burial private. LOST LOST Saturday night, bunch of keys, near Filbert and South streets. Liberal reward If returned to this office.^ LOST On Saturday, Masonic watch charm. Reward if returned to this office, or L G. Varney, 1610 State street. LOST Lady's brooch, set in pearls with large pearl in center and largo pearl extended, Saturday, between 6:30 and 6 o'clock. Reward if returned to 417 Ma< - lay street. HELP WANTED—MaIe WANTED Experienced person to repair patent leather' tips. Steady work. Apply W. L. Kreider'e Sons Alts. Co., Inc., Palmyra, Pa. WANTED Shoe cutters on chil dren's shoes. Sterling Shoe Co., Wil iiamsport. Pa. DRIVER, experienced, wanted for icc cream wagon; must come well recom mended; married man preferred. Call between 2 and 5 o'clock. Walker & Messimer, 411 North Second street. MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for Electric Railway Motormen and Conductors; S6O to SIOO a month; no experience necessary; fine opportu nity; no strike; write immediately for application blank. Address Box 820, care of Telegraph. WANTED. MESSENGERS Boys with bicycles preferred. Permanent employment Good wages. Apply im mediately. Western Union Telegraph Company. WANTED Young man to do col lecting for Harrisburg firm. One hav ing experience ••■referred. Must be able to give goo_, satisfactory reference as to character, honesty, etc. State age and salary expected. Apply to C., 543, care of Telegraph. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN for Pennsylvania terri tory to sell the Van Gieckland gas lighting system for country homes, bungalows, cottages. We install 12 lights in your home ready to light for less than SIOO.OO. 40-candie-power manle burners cost VtC per hour. Dem onstrations Friday and Saturday even ings in shop Second and Liberty streets, Harrisburg, or address Vangleckland Co., 110 East Fortieth street, New York kCity. WANTED A successful Industrial Life Insurance producer in Harrisburg who can secure and manage local bust ness getters. We have a wonderful proposition for either Industrial or Fraternal solicitors. Big opportunity for the proper man to manage our Har risburg territory. Must bo clean cut, tactful and supplied with strongest en dorsements. Salary, commission and renewals to the right man. Insurance, 106 Schiller Building, Chicago. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Capable white woman for general housework two in family —must have references. Apply 2143 North Second street WANTED Respectable middle-aged woman for general housework; must be good, plain cook; three in family; no children; good reference required. 326 Hummel street. FOR RENT HOUSES 2011 Moltke Ave.. 2 s. b„ 6 r. ... 910 692 S. 20th St, 2% s. f„ 6 r. & b., *l2 637 Briggs St.. J & a. f., 5 r sl2 1926 Wallace St, 3 s. f., 7 r., .. 912 1005 N. 19th St., 3 s. f., 8 r„ .... 912 1535 S. 13th St. 2 s. b., 7 r. *io 326 Strawberry Ave., 3 s. b.. 8 r.. 91U 611 Walnut St.. 3 e. 9 r., *2O 1024 8. 18th St.. ZVt b. b.: 8 r. & ft.,935 12S S. 2d St. 3 s. b„ li r . A b.. Jsr. 1627 N. 2d St., 3 s. b., 10 r. & b., *45 122 Chestnut St., 3 s. b„ 9 r. & b , 945 Newport —Desirable summer home the Marshall property—furnished house—stable and 2 acres ol ground. Hlghaptrr—"Yellow house"—2 s f I rooms jl" Lemoyne —3s4 York street, 2 s. f i r '*7 APARTMENTS IS X. 4th St., second floor apart ment. 3 rooms and bath *25 914 S. 17th St., third floor house keeping apartment «2« 128 Walnut St., second floor housekeeping apartment 3 rooms and bath city steam heat «35 Tie N. 6th floor— 4 rooms bath city steam heat 930 The Donaldson —Second, near locust street very desirable single rooms and suites of two, three and four rooms (no housekeeping). STORE; ROOMS AND OFFICES 400 Market St., room on 3d floor, 910 412 Market St., two rooms 030 1 828 Market St., store room, 25x160 ft. 823 Broad St., 3-story brick and basement (24x125 ft. to rear alley) 512-520 Market St., United States Hotel property 75 rooms—entire or by floors. Mlddlctovrn Store room on Union street 033 Miller Bros. & Neefe Locust and Court Streeta. THURSDAY EVENING, HXRRB3BURG TELEGR3PH APRIL 9,1914. HELP WANTED—FemaIe ,j j WANTED Experienced ] banders steady work. Apply j Central Cigar Co., 425 S. Cam ; eron street. i WANTED Young lady to clerk In ' i candy and ice cream store; must be 21 !or over. Apply 1826 North Sixth street WANTED Four young ladies, un- I der 22, to travel with lady manager and assist in advertising and demon- I stratlng work. Experience unneces sary. Must be bright and quick to learn. Expenses paid. $lO salary to start besides commissions. Call prompt ly 8:30 or 3 o'clock. 202 Calder Build ing. WANTED At once, white woman cook at Nurses' Home, Mt Alto. In t quire Room IS4, Capitol. | WANTED Twenty more thorough- I 1 ly experienced operators on power ma chines. Jennings' Mfg. Co., 414-416 State street. , WANTED An experienced lady • stenographer. A steady position for the I right person. Address Tho Mlffllnlnirfe, j Buggy Co., Miffllnburg, Pa. | WANTED Thoroughly experlencea I saleswomen for cloak department, also I ilress goods department, In Harrisburg I Department Store. Very good salary to | those with ability. Apply X., 942, care j of Telegraph. I WANTED White girl for general housework; small family; good wages; references required. Apply 2135 Green street. FIFTY experienced operators for »«wlnn on power machines; paid while learning. Apply 8. Silver, Forster and '"Vjwden streets. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female ' WANTED - Lady or gentleman for progressive position, no objection to traveling; one interested in educational advancement of children. Salary to start SSO a month and expenses. State present employment and address. Travel, care of Telegraph. ; SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe ! WANTED Male nurse, thoroughly experienced In nursing of general dis eases, desires case. No objection to traveling. Best city references. Ad dress Box 8., 881, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man desires I work, driving a bakery wagon, or run | ning engine, collecting; best of refer- I ence. Address H. M., 1737 North Sixth j street, City. WANTED Two young men want , positions on a farm; willing to do any ; thing. Answer soon. Klavansky. care of M. Agree, 607 Walnut street, Harris i burg, Pa. ! WANTED Boy, 15 years old, wishes' driving a team. Apnly Wil am Keils 558 Wo.dbine street ■ WANTED Situation as collector | for several days each week, or regular - ! ly, with seven years' experience. Ad -1 dress J. W. Dlehl, 1223% North Sixth i street j WANTED Boy 13 years of age j wants situation in drug store or gro cery store after school hours. Call, or write, 562 Forrest street. City. WANTED Gardener wants position on gentleman's place; experienced; also pruning and grafting fruit trees. Ad dress G., 879, care of Harrisburg >le graph. WANTED Two strong, reliable, energetic, young men, 18 years of age, desire positions of any kind; can fur nish best of references if required. Ad dress F. W. A., 408 Chestnut. WANTED Young man, 18, wants position of any kind; can furnish ref erence if required. Inquire of C. M.. 1737 North Sixth street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED—MiddIe-aged man desires w ,°L k oi a ny k >h d - Address 0.. 538, caro of Telegraph. WANTED Young blind man wants wark caning chairs. Call, or address, Nathaniel Branch. 1418 North Seventh street City. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED By colored woman, day's work or as chambermaid. Address 1322 Marion street WANTED A practical nurse would like nursing. Phone Bell 1521 R. I WANTED —By colored woman, housecleaning work of all kinds by day; can give reference. Call, or ad dress, 340 Cherry avenue. WANTED Positions for two per sons at day's work or by the week. Call, or write, 348 South Cameron street City. STENOGRAPHER Yoting lady, de ires position as stenographer. Expert enced and can furnish reference. E., 540, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young girl wishes em ployment after schooE 804 Capital. WANTED A reliable white woman wishes a few days' work a week. Ad drcssß., 1741 Susquehanna street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Perry County Farm, 1 mile from Perry County R. R„ 4 miles from Lushß Run, on P. R. R-, 38 acres. 7-room house, barn and all necessary outbuildings. Good water. Fruit. A real bargain at *I,GOO. Also Adams County Farm of 25 acres, with first-class 8-room house and good out i buildings; '2% ml. from E. Berlin; Iron stone soil; fine fruit land. Price, $1,750. SSOO cash, balance on mortgago at 5 per cent. C. E. Beam. 648 Munech street. FOR SALE lnspect those new brick houses on Boas street near Sixteenth — 6 rooms bath gas furnace porches well rented good invest ment. Price and particulars at • Bell /Realty Co., Bergnar Building. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Modern house, all Im provements, (5,200. Ar>olv 228 Wood bine street. HESAL ESTATE FOR SALE SPECIAL PHICE INDUCEMENTS TO QUICK BUYER For 1815 Whitehall Street. 3-story brick dwelling fronting on Reservoir Park. A delightful loqa tion. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Locust and Court Sts. FRAME HOUSE. located on Briggs street, between Second and Third; 8 rooms and bath. Will be sold at sacri fice it sold this Spring. Address S. 0.. No. 1001, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE One-acre fruit and chicken farm — frame dwelling: 5 room» one mile north of Twentieth and State streets. Price, (1,050.00. Terms easy—posses sion at once. Brinton-Packer Co., Sec ' and and Walnut streets. I . I FOR SALE 558 Woodbine street 1 3-story brick and frame 8 rooms and bath stable on rear lot, 16x110. Brinton-Packe. Co., Second and Wal nut streets. SIXTY HOUSES, some new and very attractive homes; several very good in vestments. Terms to suit D. E. Bright bill. 2 North Court street. Both phones. FOR SALE Rockvllle house 9 rooms slate roof frame river front paved street one minute to trolley price, $2,250. Apply to Rock Shirk, Sixth aoove Division street, Har rlsburg. FOR SALE 73-acre farm, 1% miles south of New Cumberland, on Lewis berry and Lisburn road. Nine-room house, barn accommodating 22 head of stock, hog pen, chicken house, butcher house, wash and spring houses. Every thing in good repair. Excellent spring and well. Also two lots 40x105 feet, on Seventh street, Elkwood. Excellent home sites. Inquire Caleb A. Drayei, Twelfth and Bridge streets. New Cum berland. FOR' SALE Modern House, all improvements, ($5,300), 228 Woodbine street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT I FOR RENT Cottage Seekers Take I Notice; We will rent diningroom, two bedrooms, and use of kitchen, bath, large porches, etc., for week-end, by the week or longer period throughout the entire summer. Near station, trol ley service, mountain, creek and other attractions. Get particulars and make reservations, ilell Realty Co., Bergner Building. f FOR RENT Furnished house. 709 North Sixth street, until September 14, 10 rooms—4 bedrooms. Kont reason able to right party. Possession any time to May 1. Dr. B. S. Behney, 202 Locust street, Harrisburg. FOR RENT 431 Market street, at entrance of Subway l3 rooms 2 baths steam heat suitable for rooming house. Apply Chas. Adler, 1002 North Third street. FOR RENT Plot of ground on Briggs street, near Cowden. Call at Max Cohn and Son, 678 Briggs. FOR RENT Furnished house, all improvements, 1166 Mulberry street. In quire Roe Apartments, Thlrteentn. and Derry streets. Desirable residence, 1503 N. Second, in perfect order; side entrance; front porch; every con venience. Steatn heated, Vapor system. Inquire Pine Street. Phone 3687. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT 183 ACRES 46 perches farm land, 36 acres mountain land, known as the "Squire Miller Farm" in Went Hanover Township, Dauphin County, on the Manada Gap Koad, about 4 miles from Linglestown. Apply Commonwealth Trust Co., Fteal Estate Department, 222 Market street, Harrisburg. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Single house in town or city, located near factory or in '.oca tion for boardlnghouse. Must have fur nace and water In house. Must be clean and free from everything. No other but a boarding location need apply. Ad dress Box 94, New Cumberland, Pa. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Unfurnished apart ments for housekeeping, at 1425 Derry street. Inquire 1423 Derry street. FOR RENT Unfurnished house keeping apartment; fronting on Locust street; four rooms and bath; also com plete kitchen facilities for cooking, etc. Storage locker in basement. Apply Penna. Realty Co., 132 Locust street. FOR RENT Apartment; five rooms, bath, pantry, porch, city steam heat, continuous hot water. [Perfect condi tion.] Rent reasonable. Centrallv lo cated. Address L, 880, care of Tele graph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished room, for gentleman only; three minutes' walk to Market Square. Apply 226 South Sec ond street. — / FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished rooms for light housekeeping; all conveniences. Call at 516 State street. FOR RENT Suite of three unfur nished rooms, with private bath and kitchen, Including range; fronting on Second street; centrally located. Applv Penn. Realty & Improvement Co., 132 Locust street FOR RENT Best rooms in Harris burg newly furnished single or en suite all rooms facing Capitol Park hot and cold running water electric light and gas In each room use of phone. Possession April 11. Per manent people desired. Apply p. o Box 385, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR RENT One or two nicely fur nished, airy rooms on third floor, in private house; all conveniences; city steam, gas, bath, telephone, facing Capitol. Price moderate. Inquire 4°6 North street. FOR RENT —• Furnished or unfur nished rooms, all improvements, Includ ing steam heat. Apply 1610 Derry street. FOR RENT Second floor front room, with board; all improvements use of Bell phone 669 R. Apply *l4 Capital street. FOR RENT Large unfurnished room: city steam heat; light house keeping allowed. 719 North Second street. Apply 513 North Second street FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished, good location, facing park, with use of bath, 305 South Front street Call from 2 to 4 P. SI. or at 1010 Mar ket street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 20 North Seventeenth street. FOR RENT One large furnished room, facing front and side, with ThlVteenFh str* et, B Clty! all at 104 Boutn FOR RENT A very desirable room on the second floor; all conveniences use of telephone. Apply cornex Fourth and Chestnut streets. WANTED Two business women to share furnished apartment, no house keeping; very central; rent reasonable. Address X., 681, care of Telegraph FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en suite, all conveniences. Including phone; reference required. Apply 1016 North Front «treet. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT. — Nicely furnished room,, in private family; rent reasonable; no children; gentleman preferred. 1619 North Fifth street. FOR RENT Two nice, unfurnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping; Hill section. Address R., 541, care of Telegraph. TWO nicely furnishes rooms, for gen tlemen. with city heat and use of bath. Apply 272 Brlggs street FURNISHED ROOMS. Blnglu or en suite; all conveniences; use of phone. 209 State street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED Family of four would like two or three rooms and bath, fur nished or partly furnished, for light housekeeping. Hill location preferred. Mouerate rent. Address H., 878, care of BOARDERS WANTED BOARDERS OR ROOMERS WANTED —With or without board; all conveni ences. Apply to 1737 North Sixth street, or call Bell phone 1437 W. ROOMS AND BOARD ROOMS AND BOARDING at 1717 Re glna street. Private family. Flno Hill location, near Reservoir Park. Use of bath, phone. Reasonable prices. Gen tlemen only. Bell phone 1794 W. WANTED WANTED To buy, second-handed cash register; must be in good shape. Apply 1826 North Sixth Btreet. WANTED Stamp Collection. State price, number of U. S. and number of foreign stamps, age of collection. Elliot McKibben, South Bethlehem, Pa. WANTED TO BUY, one good upright or square piano. Must be cheap. Ad dress A., 877, care of Telegraph ""FOB SALE FOR SALE lndian Runner Ducks outlay all others. Get the heavy lay i ins white egg strain, 12; $6.00 per 100. Oliver Hoover, Riverside, Pa. FOR SALE Grocery Store, ?ood corner location; all good, clean stock; good trade; good reason for selling. Price, S9OO to quick buyer. Address P., 876, care of Telegraph. I FOR SALE —Pair cheap work horses. Will sell on account of no use for them, i Can be seen at Brown's Blacksmith | Shop, Nineteenth and State streets. t FOR SALE Auto, four-passenger, 1913 model, fully equipped; self-starter; electric light, etc.; new tires; car good as new. A. H. Kreider, Middletown, Pa, FOR SALE—Cadillac Roadster, 1910; first-class condition; guaranteed. Bar gain to quick buyer. Apply W., 537, care of Telegraph. In the District Court of the United States For the Middle District of Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy, No. 2664 ln the Matter of Mercurio Brothers, Bankrupt. PUBLIC SALE OF HEAL ESTATE THE undersigned Trustee will expose at public sale. In front of the Court House, Harrisburg, Pa., on MONDAY, APRIL. 20. 1914, AT 2 O'CLOCIi P. M„ the following described real estate: No. I—All that certain two-story brick liouse and lot of ground, situate on the southeast side of Washington Street In the City of Harrisburg, known as No, 123 Washington Street, bounded und described as follows, to wit: Be ?;inning at the northeast corner of a lot ormerly of George Boyer's heirs, now other land of S. Mercurio et al., on said street; thence northwardly along said street about 15 feet to a 3 feet alley; thence along said alley 78 feet 9 Inches across a 4 feet alley to lot belonging to estate of William H. Cleckner; thence §Vr? n ® " ne t ' le Estate of William H. Cleckner towards River Al ley (now Avenue) about 15 feet to lot formerly of said George Boyer's heirs, now other land of S. Mercurio et al.; thence by lot of the said George Boyer's heirs 78 feet 9 inches to the place of beginning. With the right and privi lege in common with others to the use of said private alleys. No. 2—All that lot of ground, situ ate on Washington Street, In the City of Harrisburg, known as No. 121 Wash ington Street, bounded as follows Be ginning at a point on Washinston Street at line of the property formerly of J. Record, now other property of S. Mercurio et al.; thence along Washing ton Street towards Front Street 14 feet 9 Inches to line of lot known as No. 119 Washington Street; thence along said last mentioned line 78 feet 9 inches to a 4 feet wide private alley; thence along line of said alley 14 feet 9V4 inches to property formerly of J. Record, now other property of S. Mer curio et al.; thence along the line of same 78 feet 9 inches to the place of be ginning. Being lot No. 12, as laid down on Plan of lots of the heirs of George Boyer, deceased, recorded in Orphans' Court Docket "V," page 263. Having thereon erected a two-and-one-half story brick house with a two-story back building. No. 3—All that certain lot or piece of ground, situate on Washington Street, In the City of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, known as Mo. 119 Wash ington Street, bounded an ! described as follows, to wit: Beginni lg at a point on Washington Street a. Tot formerly of Caroline Dressier, now other lot of S. Mercurio et al.. known as No. 121 Washington Street; thence along Wash ington street toward Front Street 14 feet 9 Inches to lot, now or formerly, of the Reckord Estate; thence by line of said lot 78 feet 9 inches to a 4 feet wide private alloy: thence along the line of said alley 14 feet 9Ms inches to lot formerly of Caroline Dressier, now other lot of S. Mercurio et al.. known as No. 121 Washington Street; thence along the line of said property 78 feet 9 inches to Washington Street, the place of beginning. Being lot No 13 (n plan of lots of heirs of George Bover, deceased, recorded in Orphans' Court Docket "B," page 263, and having erect ed thereon a two-and-one-half-story brick house with a two-story brick back building. The above described real estate will be sold free and clear of all encum brances. , TERMS—to per cent, on day of sale, and balance thereof on confirmation by the Court MERCER B. TATE. Trustee FOR SALE Pope Toledo automo bile, fine condition, stream line body tires all practically new, two extra cas ings, four extra Inner tubes, electric horn, 128-Inch wheel base. 50-H.-P. $650.00. Call 23 North Fourth street for further particulars. Pell telephone USED motorcycles; all make ; over hauled and in fine condition; guaran teed to be as lepresented; call for dem onstration. Heagy Bros., 1204 North Third street FOR SALE Brown mare, weight, 1,200 It>s„ htavy with colt. Will sell reasonable. Can't use her on account of being with colt. Inquire twentieth and State streets, at Grocery Store. FOR SALE A barber shop furni ture complete, with live chairs of maple wood. Payment half cash and half on trust. Apply 1326 Fulton street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Two White French Poodles, $lO each. H. F. Beahm, Luck now, Pa. Take Rockvllle car and gel off at Forge Lane. 100 PER CENT. INVESTMENT Steel Die Embossed Stationery and Business Cards—increases business costs less than printing. Harrisburg Embossing Plant, 4 North Fifth street. TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Ca«e». Gloves. Sole, I.ainess and Strap Leather. Calfskin. Kip, Do :g«la. Waxed Upper and Sheep Skins. Lesther Sample Cases and Loatner Specialties made to order and repaired. Harrisburg Har ness and Supply Co.. second and Chant nut streets HATCHING EGGS from vigorous, heavy-laying, farm-raised White Leg horns, from the best egg-laying strain In America, SI.OO per fifteen, |5.00 per hundred. Max La.utter, Middletown, Pa. FOR SALE GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board, at 26c each. One of these qlgns will be given with each six-tlmo order for a classified ad If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph FOR SALE -- Beautiful pack of Silk Quilt Patches for 25c. Thousands have been pleased. Valley Supply Co., Dept. 46, Shiremanstown, Pa. FOR SALE—Buick, Apperson and Pullman touring cars, in good condi tion; very cheap. Would make good business cars. Apply 413-417 South Cameron street. FOR SALE—Maxwell Mercury Road ster, excellent condition; a bargain. Ap ply 413-417 bouth Cameron stieet. City. EXTRACTED CLOVER HUN BY, $2 per gallon. sl.lO per one-half gallon, delivered by parcel post. Sample. 10c. L K. Hostatter, Route 6. Lituz, Pa. ONE font of 10 pt. ana one font of 12 pt. O. a., wltt) Antique Linotype Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co.. Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE Edison Phonograph, mahogany lecord case and records. Ap ply 20 North Seventeenth street. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the relegraoh Business Office. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Desir able suburban ground for sale or ex change for city property. Good corner location street car services sc fare. Ask for our "For Sale" list. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. KOH SAI.E OK EXCHANGE WELL LOCATED LOTS In the Tenth Ward; some of them on paved street. Will exehange fur Improved proper! > An exceptional opportunity for a builder. Call and ln»pect blue print. K. K. Oyster. Trustee, cure of Telegraph Business Office. FOR RENT TWO desirable offices in the Union Trust Building; possession at once. Apply Union Trust Co. i POII RENT Desirable offices In the Telegraph Uulldlug, «..unl> or eu-aulte. Inquire al business office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. WELL-LOCATED store room. 26x66. also small room, 12x30, suitable for barber shop or small business, on West High street, Elizabethtown. Pa. Pos session immediately. Inquire J. H. Leveniglit, Elizabethtown. Pa. FOR RENT Store room 1200 North Third street; 33x100; 14-foot ceiling; ono of the best rooms in the city. Ap 2n(i Herr afreet. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS PROPOSITION FOR SALE Restaurant, cigar and tobacco business, also pool. This equipment can now be bought at your price. Lit tle cash needed. 3ell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Presß Syndicate. 798, Lock port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with $5 Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport, N. Y. FOR SALE At Gable's, 111 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gallons New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme quality. Also the full line of tha Acme make. FOR SALE At Gable s, 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5 000 nets new Sash, Bxlo, 12 L, primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. AN investment of from one to five thousand dollars will secure connection with a profitable, growing business. Services paid for and large return on capital. Address Box K, 527, care of Telegraph. BUSINESS PERSONALS W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street —Furniture, china and piano packing. Shipments looked alter at both ends. Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone 3227 W. HAULING H. W. LATHE. Hoarding Stable anil Natioual Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 M rket street, Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell i»SO. HARDWOOD FLOORS OF all designs. Old floors made new Ask for catalog. J. M. Smith. 2219 Brookwood street. Harrisburg. Bell phone 1391 L ROOK PAINTERS I WILL paint any old roof. Guaran tee a watertight Job. All colors. Postal brings me Maxwell H Hlte, The Koof Paint Man. Box 328, Harrisburg. Pa. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your wm'ii furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Gluck, 320 Woodbine street. Wl' ftiinish music for all social events ■ v.,initiation for house parties -i • low as J2.50. Address 2embra Mandolin Club, P. O. Box 486 Harrisburg. Pa. NOTICE TO BUILDERS C HENRY. Architect and Builder, will save you money Bungalows a specialty. 704 South Twenty-fourth street_Jßellphonel67sJ____ > _____ MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN SIOO,OOO to loan In amounts of SI,OOO and up on first mortgage on city property, repayable monthlv or installments. Debt cancel ed and mortgage satisfied on death of borrower. John C. Orr, 222 Market street. PROFIT-SHARING LOAN SOCIET* WE HA\ E ORIGINATED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers shaie profits of tenders. Legal miee, easy terms, confidential Offices Rooms C-7, 9 Nor?h Market !-qtjare """"—— STORAGE ' HAKHISKI KO STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses built •>* pre.-sly for storage I'rHate rooms for household goods and mesiel'ed fa illties foi storing all kind* of mer t handlfe. Low storage rales South St and Pennu R R STORAGE 419 Broad street for household goods and merchandise Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3 Wagons. 75 cents per month Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 8.-oad street Both phones LEGAL NOTICES In the Estate of Alvln I. Miller, de ceased. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary have been duly granted by the Register of Wills, of Dauphin County, Commonwealth »of Pennsylva nia. upon the estate of Alvln I. Miller, late of Harrisburg, said county, deceas ed, to Elizabeth J. Miller, of Harris burg, said county and Commonwealth, and all persons who are indebted to said estate are requested to make pay ment without delay, and all persons who huve lawful claims against the name aro required to make the same, kmown without delay to the under signed. ELIZABETH J. MILLER 15 South Third Street, Executrix, Or to her attorney, JOHN A. HERMAN, 133 Market Street. FORE.CN SELLING DIRECTS MARKETS Room Traders Follow Lead of Foreign Representatives and Sold Stock By Associated Press New York, April 9. Foreign sell ing gave direction to the stock market during the morning. London sold Canadian Pacific, Steel and Kansas and Texas, the last for Dutch holders. Koom traders followed the lead of foreign representatives and sold stock. Blocks of 1,000 to 2,500 shares of Steel were unloaded and the effect of this selling was shown in the gradual spread of heaviness in other quarters. Losses of the favorite shares were not severe, but the wide breaks occur red among the specialties and weaker railroads. Pressure on Kansas and Texas was due to the reports that the preferred dividend might be passed at the meeting of the directors later in the month. Earnings on the stock dur ing the eight months of the fiscal year have been at the ratfe of only 2.15 per cent. Bonds were easy. Furnished hy H. W. SNAVELY Arcade Building New York, April 9. Open. 2.30 P. M. Alaska Gold Mines . 24% 24% Amal. Copper 76% 75% American Can 29 28% Am. C. & F 50% 50% Am. Ice Securities.. 30 29% American Smelting. 68% 68% American Sugar ... 99% 100% American T. & T... 121% 121% Anaconda 35 34% Atchison 96% 96% Baltimore & Ohio.. 89% 89% Bethlehem Steel ... 40% 39% Brooklyn R. T 92% 92% California Petroleum 25% 25 Canadian Pacific ... 199% 199% LEGAL NOTICES rßorosvi. FOR BUILDING Office of the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings, Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, Harris burg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed until 12 o clock noon, of Tuesday, April 14, 1914, for furnishing all labor and material necessary to erect a new fireproof main building on the State Arsenal Grounds, at Eighteenth and Herr Streets, Harrisburg, Penna., as called for in specifications and draw ings prepared by the Board of Public Grounds and Buildings. Specifications and drawings may be secured by prospective bidders by ap plying to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. Capitol Build ing, Harrisburg. Pa. Proposals shall be In sealed enveloDe, marked "Proposals tor State Arsenal Building," addressed, SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa. PROPOSALS FOR SCHOOL BUILD INGS, ALSO FOR HEATING AND VENTILATING PLANTS SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed by the Board of School Directors of East Pennsboro School District, Cum berland County, until April 21, 1914, at 6:00 P. M., for the erection and con struction of two stddittonal School rooms to the Enola School Building, and also for the erection and construction of a systerr of heating and ventilating for the above described building and the present six-room building. Also for the erection and construction of a twi -room School Building at Sum inerc'ale, and also for the Plumbing in the Sumrnerdale School Building. Also for a heating and ventilating plant, at the Adams Street School Building. Such proposals must be accompanied with a certified check for two hundred dollars, to be returned when contract is awarded. Proposals are to be sealed and properly marked on enevlope and directed to John C. Strlckner, Presi dent, Enola, Pa. Plans and specifica tions may be procured from Mr. John C. Strlckner, Enola. Pa. The right to reject any or all bids is hereby reserved by the Board of School Directors. JACOB BOWERS, Secretary. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES PENNSYLVANIA STATE LUNATIC HOSPITAL. Harrisburg, Pa., April 6, 1914. SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived by the Board of Trustees at the Hospital until 10 o'clock A. M., May 5. 1914, to furnish all needed supplies to the Pennsylvania Lunatic Hos pital. for the year beginning Jure 1, 1914. Blank forms for proposals will be furnished on application to H. L. ORTH. M. D„ Superintendent. PROPOSAL FOR BRIDGE SEALED proposals will be received by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Build ing. Harrisburg, Pa., until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday, April 14, 1914, for fur nishing all the necessary labor and materials as called for in plan: and specification prepared by Edward K. Morse, Engineer. Commonwealth Build ing. Pittsburgh. Pa., for the construc tion of a bridge (known as the Wasser Bridge) across the Shtnango Itlver, fbout one mile beiow Sheuango, Mj.-cer county. Pa. Prospective bidders may secure plans arid specifications by applying to the offl"e of Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings at Capitol Building. Harrisburg. Pa. Bidders desiring information not con tained In the plans and specifications may apply either to the Engineer, Ed win K Morse, or to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings in writing. . . Proposals shall be In sealed en velopes plainly addressed on the out side with the name and location of bridge and name of bidder. SAMUEL B. RAMBO. Superintendent Puullc Grounds and Buildings. NOTICES I HEREBY contradict the statement made in last night's paper by by hus band H. W. Shoemaker, as he left me. MRS. H. W. SHOEMAKER. OFFICE SUPERINTENDENT AC COUNTS AND FINANCE. Harrisburg, Pa., April 9, 1914. *140.000. J0 4 PER CENT. CITY BONDS OF THE CITY OF HARRISBURG, PA. SEALED PKOPOSALS will be receiv ,,l at the ofli< e of the undersigned in the C.ty of HarWsburg, Pa., until April L'li 1914, at 3 o'clock P. M.. foi the pur true of $140,000.00 4 per cent, coupon it bonds In the denomination of ? 1,000.00. ated March 1. 1914, consist ng of ten #e. from "\" to "J" Inelu slve, Fer.es- "A" fir 50 000 00, maturing March 1 191 i ind one .-cries maturing annually the tuftei in ordtr for $10,000: intereft payable at the office of the City Treasurer on the first day of March an;l September in each year. Bonds will be engraved under the supervision of and certified to as to their genulness by the United States Mortguge and Trust Company, of New York City, and the legality approved by John O. Johnson, F.Miulre, of Philadel phia, Pa., whose opinion as to legality or duplicate thereof will be delivered to the purchaser. Each proposal must be accompanied by cash, or certified check, payable to the order of the Cltv Treasurer of Har risburg, Pa., for two per cent, of the par value of the bonds wanted. Delivery of the bonds to be made at the office of the City Treasurer, Har risburg, Pa., on or about May 15, 1914. No bids considered for less than par and accrued Interest from March 1, 1914, to date of delivery. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids.- For printed form of pro posal and circular of particulars, ad dress the undersigned. W. L. GORGAS, Superintendent Accounts and Finance 15 Central Leather ... 34% 84% Chesapeake & Ohio. 53% 52% 0.. M. & St. P 101 100% Chlno Con. Copper .41% 41% '•ol. K. & 1 31% 31 Corn Products 8% 8% Dlsliilng Securities . 18% 18 Erie 29% 29% General Electric Co. 146 146 Goodrich, B. F 26% 26 Great Northern pfd. 125 124 Great Nor. Ore subs. 33% 32% Interboro-Met. pfd.. 61% 61 Lehigh Valley 144% 144% Louis. & Nashville . 136% 136% Mex. Petroleum ... 67 66 Mo., Kan. & Texus . 17 15% Missouri Pacific ... 25% 24% Nev. Con. Copper .. 15% 15% New York Central . 89% 89% N. Y., N. H. &H. .. 68% 67% Norfolk & Western. 104% 104 N. Pac. x d 1% 113 112% Pacific Mall 24 24 Penna. R. R 110% 110% People's Gas & Coke 122% 122% Pressed Steel Car 43 43 Ray Con. Copper .. 22% 22 Reading 165% 165% Rep. Iron & Steel . 23% 23 Rep. Iron &S. pfd. 86 85 Rock Island 3 % 3 Rock Island pfd .. 5% 5% Southern Pacific ... 94% 94 Southern Railway ,25% 25% Southern Ry. pfd .. 80 % 80 Tennessee Copper .. 35 34% Texas & Pacific ... 15% 15% Texas Company ... 143 141% Union Pacific IG9 158% U. S. Rubber 60% 60 U. S. Steel 02% 62 U. S. Steel pfd 110% 110% Utah Copper 56% 56 Western Union Tel.. 62% 62% Westinghouso Mfg.. 74% 74 Woolworth 98% 08 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Furnished by H. W. SNAVELY Arcmlr Building Chicago, 111., April 9. Open. High. Low. Clos. Wheat- May 9U4 91% 90% 90% July 87 87 86 >4 86% Corn— May 69% 69% 68% 68% July 6S;» 69% 68% 68% May 39% 39% 39% 38% July 39% 39% 38% 38% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, April 9. Wheat Higher; No. 2, red. export, 98® < 98% c; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, ex port, $1.03® 1.04. Corn Higher; No. 2, yellow, natural, local, 76%®77c; do., kiln dried, local, 77% ®7Bc. Oats Steady; Wo. 2, white. 46% @ 4 6 % c. Bran—Market steady; winter, per ton, $30.00030.60; spring, per toil, $29.00®29.50. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 4.00 c; line granulated. ;t,aoc; confectioners" A, 8.8 0c; Keystone A. 3 6fic. Butter The market is firm; western, creamery, extras, 26c; nearby prints, fancy, 29c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases. $6.00 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $5.85 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.00 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $5.85 per case. Live Poultry Weak; fowls, 18 ®2oc; young chickens, 14@20c; "iiliiu lii' kriis, 11 . > olu i ers, 12® 13c; ducks, 17® 19c; spring ducks, 18@20c; geese, 15®17c; turkeys. 1 * in :'ii,- Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls, western. fancy, heavy, 20c; do., fair to good, heavy, 20c; do., weights. 12® 15c; unattractive, 13 016 c; old rcosters, 15c; roast ing chickens, fancy, 18@20c; broil ing chickens, fancy, 24 ooi'ic; do., fair, imi/ISIc, capora. large. 23026 c; do,. »rrial!, 18 0 20c; turkeys, fancy, ?102<c: <lo., fair, 20023 c; duck*. 11018 c; geea*. 11016 c. Potatoes Firmer; New York and Eastern, per bushel, 85®90c; Western, per bushel, 85® 90c; Jersey, per basket, 20®50c; Florida, per barrel, $5.50®8.00. Flour—The market iB steady; winter, ileal. i'i.hstia 4 lu. Hirudins. r«..,i eylvanla, $4.1504.30; western, $4,250 4 40, palents, $4.5004.5U; Knnsai •trsierht lute sark< $4 20W4 4f>: s; nine firsts, cjear, $4.00®4.20; straights, $4.20 @4.40; patants, $4.50®4.75. Huy The ma et is firm; tim othy, No 1. lame bales. SIB.OOOIB s'; No. 1, medium bales, $17.50018.00; No. .. i 11, . ~u -u i . ~u , ,\u, 3, i 14.uu u 16 oii Clover mixed: Light mixed. $16.50® 17.00; No. 1, do.. $15.60®16.00; No. 2, do., t 13.50@14.50. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., April 9. Hogs Re ceipts, 17,000; steady. Bulk of sales. $8.7508.85: light, $8.6508.87%; mixed, $8.65(fi'8.87 % ; heavy, $8.4008.56; rough, $8.40@8.50; pigs, $7.65@8.70. Cattle Receipts, 4,000; steady. Beeves, $7.0509.50; Texas steers, $7.30 ®8.35; stockerrs and feeders, $5.60@8.15; cows and heifers, $3.75®8.65; calves, $7.00010.25. Sheep Receipts, 17,000; steady. Na tive, $5.40@7.00; yearlings, $5.80®7.40; lambs, native 1 , $6.30®8.10. Central Apartments FOR RENT 6 rooms, 2 bathrooms, city steam heat and water supplied. Newly renovated. Convenient in every v\ ti y. Can be rented as an entirety, or In two suites. Ready about April 15, 1914. Located at No. 32 N. 2nd St. Apply to Commonwealth Trust Company Real Eatnte Department 222 MARKET STREET /' V FOR SALE til S. 16th St.. 3-story frame, lm- V provenients. 62-264 Delaware Ave.. 2-story orlck all improvements KOS Green St.. 3-story brick, all Im pri'vements. ■ 129 Green St. 3-story brick all Im pro\ pmpntH. ,08 Herr St.. 2-story brick, all Im provements PENBROOK 617 Curtln St.. 2%-story frame. ',009 Main St.. 2H-story frame. PLOT OF GROUND Southeast Corner Fifth and Emerald Sts.. 38V4x137 ft. FARMS 4<i acres. 1% mile from Maryarllle, Pa 85 acres, % mils north of UncUa town. Pa. 46 acres, south of Mlddletown, Pa. H. M. BIRD UNION TRUST BLDG. ifjjBBER STAMnn >||| SEALS & STENCILS IIV HI •MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS" |1 ▼*-130 LOCUST ST. II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers