Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 08, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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Established /Ijl
flbushbt by
E. J. STACKPOLE, Pres't and Treas'r.
T. R. OTSTER, Secretary.
OPS M. BTEINMETZ. Managing Editor.
ftUiihed every evening (except Shin
day). at the Telegraph Building. 21*
Federal Square.
Eastern Office. Fifth Avenue Building,
New Tork City. Hasbrook. Story A
Western Office. US West Madison
street. Chicago. 111.. Allen A Ward.
Delivered by carriers at
4HE|llnul|L- six cents a week
Mailed to subscribers
a* $3.00 a year In advance.
Entered nt the Post Office In Tfarrls
borg a« second class matter.
< /OV The Association of Anw- (
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Private Branch Exchange No. *O4O.
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Editorial Hoom 585. Job Dept. 103
hat into the ring in the Seventh
New Jersey congressional district
yesterday in a test of his per
sonal popularity and the headpiece
was knocked into an indescribable
cocked hat before the sun went down.
The Republican who succeeds a Dem
ocrat was elected by a majority of
more than live thousand, a majority
larger for Congress than ever given i
in the Paterson district.
President Wilson deliberately in
vited the issue on his policies and In
stead of an endorsement of his ad
ministration, as he had hoped, the
result is a crushing repudiation of
the theoretical combination now in
the saddle at Washington. All the
power of the national administration
was exerted in favor of James J.
O'Bryne. the Democratic candidate,
but he was deluged by a tremendous
vote of protest in a special election.
Dow H. Drukker winning by more
than two to cne.
President Wilson must accept the
result as a definite and emphatic re
pudiation of his policies in his own
State where the people should know
him bet: and in a district whore one
of his supporters, the late Robert G.
Bremner, defeated the- Republicans
heavily in 1911:.
Drukker made his light 011 a plat
form opposed to the legislation
wrought by the Wilson Administra
tion, while Ct'Bryne called upon the
voters of the district to send him to
Congress as a token of their approval
of the President's policies.
Republicans are coming into their
own. It was inevitable.
Naval officers lamenting over the dry
order should remember that the man
who most frequents the punchbowl
most frequently nasn't the punch.
JAMES SWEENEY. chief of the
State Bureau of Standards, has
received a letter from a Pennsyl
vania farmer complaining bitterly
against the order requiring all berry
boxes used by Pennsylvania producers
and dealers to be of full standard
quart size. This farmer says that he
is "Injured" by the new regulation.
Doubtless he is. Such a farmer
ought to be "injured." But has ho
ever thought how he has "injured"
the public by soiling berries in under
sized boxes? Doubtless not.
The Bureau of Standards, acting
under a recent law of the Legislature,
will prosecute any person found sell
iner from boxes that do not hold a full
luart. There can be no hardship in
this. If it be necessary for the man
who hits been selling from under-sized
receptacles to advance his prices
slightly to meet the change, why no
body will be injured and the con
sumer will be benefited by knowing
absolutely just what he is getting for
his money.
There lias been more misrepre
sentation and petty cheating in the
sale of berries than possibly has been
connected with the marketing of any
other like commodity. The boxes have
been gradually dwindling in size until
now some of them hold little more
than a pint. Hereafter a "box" will
mean something more than tbo bland
assertion of the dealer that it is of
"standard size."
Why not give the unemployed men
work in the cleaning up of your prem
ise?, now that Spring is here and the
natural housecleaning microbe is busy?
Democratic leader of the House
at Washington, has just demon
strated In his campaign for the
United States Senate in Alabama,
where he has been elected over Con
gressman Hobson, that the people of
the South are about as much out of
joint over the Wilson attitude on the
Panama Canal tolls proposition as are
those of other sections of the country.
It was inconceivable that the voters
of the United States would approve
the course of the President in this
controversy. No Chief Magistrate of
the United States has ever been able
to win out on a question involving
patriotism and the material interests
of the nation where he allgtied him
self with a foreign government against
hiu own countrymen.
Even United States Senator Theo
dore Burton, of Ohio, has withdrawn
as a candidate for re-election to the
Senate because he believes his views
on the subject of the Panama Canal
tolls are at variance with those of a
large majority of his constituents. He
therefore prefers to drop out of the
fight rather than take the chances of
defeat at this time.
Xor are the voters of Pennsylvania
unmindful of the fact that the Presi
dent is maintaining an un-American
attitude on this question. Political ob
servers during the last week report a
strong undercurrent of sentiment in
this State against the Palmer-McCor
mick faction as a result of Mr. Pal
mer's support of the President and his
declaration that the latter should have
the blln4 allcgience of liis party with
out regard to the effect of his policies
upon the country at large.
Joseph B. Thompson should make
good as the first captain of police. His
record in former administrations justi
fies the selection. There is also con
siucrable public approval of the reap
pointment of a number of officers who
were dropped in the first flush of the
ripper era of the new commission form
of government.
WHILE Harrisburg is hesitating
about the creation of a shade
tree commission, as provided
by an act of the Legislature
several years ago, other cities are
adopting this regulation so as to save
the shade trees and assure something
like uniformity in their treatment.
Much of the mutilation of tine trees
has resulted from their use by over
head wire companies, but now that
many of the wires are being placed
underground in this city these cor
porations are not so likely to oppose
the shade tree regulation. Just now
the tree butcher is in his glory. He
goes about with his saw and ax and in
a day destroys the work of years. As
suggested by a critic, he knows no
more about trees or how they should
be trimmed, or whether they shoulO
be trimmed at all. than a pig knows
about the Napoleonic wars. He is an
.authorized vandal and the trees he
leaves bleeding and dying in his wake
are silent protests against his ignor
ant policy.
Harrisburg has made such substan
tial progress in every other direction
that there should be no hesitation on
the part .of the authorities in adopting
the shade tree act. Of course, there
will be opposition, as there always is
to every suggestion looking to Im
provement. But many fine shade trees
are now standing mutilated and un
sightly and will always stand as a re
flection upon the tree butcher.
It ought to be apparent to every
thoughtful citizen that the product of
years of growth should be preserved
and protected against the ignorant
cutting and whacking of men who
seem to think that tree-trimming is
simply the removal of the tree.
Real estate values are often fixed
by the number of shade trees, and In
Harrisburg the owners of property
ought- to realize that the planting - of
the right kind of shade trees is going
to enhance beyond measure the actual
market value of their holdings.
It is better to let shade trees alone
than to trim them in a careless or in
different way. If there must be trim
ming, let it be done by some person
who knows how to do it.
Harrisburg is now due for another
elean-up week. A year ago tons and tons
of rubbish and refuse were carted away
from back yards and the premises of
indifferent householders and in view of
what has been uncovered in a suburb
of Pleasant View, it would seem that
the elean-up should extend into ad
jacent districts.
Those noon-day luncheons of the
Chamber of Commerce are proving a
delightful feature of the new business
organization. Guests of the city find in
these luncheons a first-class opportu
nity to loarn more of Harrisburg; and
the more they learn of the city, the
better they like it. .
XGLAXD and other countries of
Europe boast of the low cost of
{P A living there as compared with
America and South America.
Yet in recent years the flood of immi
gration has been persistently from the
old to the new—from free trade coun
tries where the cost of living is com
paratively low to protected America
where the living is high.
Why? Simply because the oppor
tunities here have been greater than
in Europe. The workman much pre
ferred the high wage and the high
living cost to low wages and cheap
prices for the very simple reason that
with wages high he might live as sim
ply as he chose and pocket the saving,
while with wages and prices both low
[ he had little opportunity to save any
thing no matter how poorly he lived.
Strange as it may seem, with a pro
[ tective tariff in force the workman,
with home factories buzzing at top
speed, was able to buy more or save
more in high-priced America than
he was in low-priced Europe—and
that was t(ie reason why he preferred
this country to his own.
The effort to lower prices here by
process of importation has had no
other effect than to cut down tho
output of our own factories and farms.
The new tariff is, therefore, nothing
more or less than a blow at wages. It
is true that the old tariff was too high
in spots. Even its staunchest friends
agreed on that. But the reasonable
remedy was not to discard the system
that made living conditions in this
country better than those in Europe to
an extent that has drawn millions of
Europeans to America.
There is just one way out of our
present trouble —elect men to the next
Congress who will undo as rapidly as
possible the mistakes of those respon
sible for the Underwood bill. We
have had quite enough already of
"Democratic prosperity." Let us seize
the first opportunity of restoring the
industry of the country to its old basis
of prosperity. We are convinced that
there are worse things than high
prices—no wages, for Instance,
The Wilson administration has an
other hope. This time It is that the
wheat crop will be so large that food
prices will be lowered. Evidently it is
Intended that "man shall live by bread
This Irish dispute in England is get
ting real serious. We note now that It
has caused some of the members of
Parliament to neglect their golf.
Colo Blease won't find the United
States Senate a comfortable place, we
fear. There will be no prisoners to
The President asked those New Jer
sey Democrats "to pass judgment on
the administration." They did. We
hope lie is satisfied.
Returns from Illinois indicate that the
women of that State have not become
addicted to the cocktail habit.
Postmaster Frank C. Sites is work
ing out a plan which will in all prob
ability result in the assembling of one
ol' the most unique collections of por
traits in the city. It is his idea to
obtain the likenesses of all of the post
masters of Harrisburg and to group
them together as a part of the records
of this city's post office, which is
rapidly becoming one of the most Im
portant in the State. This plan has
•>ecn in vogue in national and State
governmental offices for generations,
the collections at Washington and on
our own Capitol Hill being not only
interesting but valuable, and recently
-Mayor Royal began a collection of the
portraits of the mayors of Harrisburg.
Mr. Royal has given considerable time
and thought to the work, which neces
sitated far more correspondence and
research than imagined by the man
ivho had never undertaken such a
project. The city's executive found
that relatives of deceased mayors had
moved away and it was only by dint
of persistent work that he was able to
secure likenesses of several mayors of
thirty and forty years ago. City Clerk
.Miller's collection of portraits of the
presidents of Common Council is some
thing unique in the State,' as it is
doubtful if the large cities have a col
lection so complete. Mr. Miller began
the gathering of the portraits when he
became city clerk in the early nineties
and kept at it, overcoming the natural
reluctance of some men to have their
faces appear in public places and
securing others from families of men
who had died. It is Mr. Sites' belief
that he will be able to secure the por
traits of John Wyeth, the early news
paperman and first postmaster of the
city, John Wright, James Peacock,
Isaac G. McKinley, John H. Brandt
and other postmasters of long ago, as
some of their descendants live here
abouts. He has been offered the por
traits of George Bergner and others
of a later generation and before long
this interesting collection will doubt
;ess be complete.
Among visitors to the city yesterday
was Representative M. Clark Watson,
of Indiana county, who camo here to
look after some business and inci
dentally to attend sessions of the hous
ing conference. Mr. Watson was in
charge of the bill to establish the
bureau of housing in the State De
partment of Health and fought the
measure through the Legislature. It
has been commended as one of the
best steps in the direction of bettering
living conditions outside of the larger
cities, which have their own laws. Mr.
Watson is an attorney and one of the
veterans In reform work in the Legis
lature. He will run again.
There is food for thought in the
annual report of the Little Rock Pub
lic Library, just made public. It shows
that during 1913 there were 68,340
books circulated. In this city the cir
culation in three months at the new
Harrisburg Public Library was 32.500
books. Little Rock's library received
a gift of 8.000 books from the library
of one of its prominent men and an
other of 600 medical books. Both
were made special collections in the
library. There were 325 books do
nated. Little Rock is a city of 45,941
Spring is surely here. It could be
told without much effort by noting the
lackadaisical appearance of people in
the streets. Spring garb, flowers and
houseeleaning. But a better sign
than all that of the permanence of
the season of rains and blossoms is
that blackbirds have arrived and are
to be seen flying over the city. The
other evening a flock landed at the
Reservoir, but did not like the fer
tilizer on the grass and moved away.
Another flock was seen in Wildwood.
The city's parks just now furnish
line examples of sowing. Every dav
men can be seen going about with
bags of grass seed, strewing it about
to bring "up the grass in worn places.
The sowing operations attract the no
tice of many youngsters and that has
the effect of keeping away tho birds.
Many bushels of seed are being used
to maintain the grass plots.
The Harrisburg correspondent for a
newspaper in a distant city of tho
State, which journal is not noted for
the undivided support it has given the
Toner administration, got an impor
tant telegram from his paper a few
nights ago which made it imperative
that the correspondent talk with Gov
ernor Tener at the earliest possible
moment. The Executive Mansion was
ignorant of the Governor's where
abouts. Private Secretary Goither was
located, but he couldn't say just where
the Governor was. The Governor
seemed to have dropped out of sight
for the evening. Finally, on toward 11
o'clock, tho anxious newspaper man
got into telephonic communication
with the chief executive.
"Been hunting you everywhere,
Governor," he said. "I've been on the
jump since 8 o'clock."
"I was in my office at the Capitol,"
| replied the Governor.
"Well. I never called there," ad
mitted the correspondent.
"Oh, you fellows get the wrong
point of view." laughed the Governor;
"we work a little bit once in a while,
in spite of what some papers say."
—George W. Norris, the Philadel
phia director who was here yesterday,
was for years a successful banker.
—James V. McMasters, prominent
Pittsburgh magistrate, has given up
living in a hotel after forty years and
wilj live in suburbs.
—Colonel Thomas F. Crago, who is
runing for Congress, was an officer in
the Tenth Regiment in the Philippines.
—Alvin Rupp is completing twelve
years as school superintendent of Le
high county.
During several years I have given
quite careful study and thought to the
religion of the West, and I cannot see
that It is in conflict at all with our own
philosophy. On the contrary, the
teachings oj Confucius and the doc
trines of Jesus appear to be on one ex
alted plane, conceived and promulgate
ed for the betterment of all mankind,
"heathen" and Christion. I know this:
that if my lot were cast in Idngland,
Kranoe. or America 1 should want to
call myself a Christian, for that is the
religion of those countries: and a man
who would order ills life by his tenets
would keep out of troublp' an.l be re-I
spected. ,
Will Follow Up Demoralized Ma
chine in Every County
in State
Reorganizers in Allegheny and
Northern Tier Are Up in the
Air Over Spoils
According to morning newspapers,
the friends of Michael J. Ryan pro
pose to follow up the demoralization
into which they have thrown the cam
paign of Palmer and McCormick by a
series of tours of the Statu by effective
workers and will have Mr. Ryan visit
the cities on a speech-making tour.
It is said that he may be here the
latter part of next week, but this date
has not been settled.
Dispatches about tilling of post
masterships show that every appoint
ment has started trouble and that
there is a waving of hatchets in places
where the bosses expected things to
be. quiet. Counties visited by McCor
mick a week ago are seething with
Democratic brawls and the reports of
the machine meetings which have
been coming over the wires are de
clared by men of the other side to be
written for home consumption. Forty
eight hours after McKean county had
been visted the Ryan people formed
an organization that started work in
every precinct.
Allegheny county reports are that
the organization of the county Demo
crats opposed to the machine is one
of the mo'it effective in years and that
the reorganization leaders are dis
gusted with the prospects.
Wlllard E. Ritter. 3256 North Car
lisle street, Philadelphia, who gives
his occupation as salesman, late yes
terday filed petitions to be
a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for Unknown
Governor at the May pri- riles Set
mary. The petitions were of Papers
on six sheets, each con
taining 112 names, and
were signed by residents of Philadel
phia. Delaware. Montgomery, Bucks,
Lehigh and Northampton counties.
No one seems to know much about
Ex-Congressman B. K. Focht, Lew
isburg. Seventeenth district, and Jesse
L. Hartman, Hollidaysburg, Nineteenth
district, filed petitions to be candidates
for Congress on Republican tickets in
their districts.
Petitions filed for nominations for
the House included James W. Bloom
lleld, Juniata, Republican, Second
Blair; Charles J. Monaghan, Girard
ville. Democrat, Second Schuylkill;
Ambrose Mann, Sugar Notch, Repub
lican and Democrat. Second Luzerne.
The leaders of the Dauphin county |
Bull Moosers will get together at the
headquarters to-night to outline their
plan of campaign and
it is said that any
Bull Moosers overtures for fusion
Will Go It with the Democrats
!By Themselves will be turned down.
Congresman Art Kup
ley, who is on the
j sliding board, has been making some
j moves lately which appear mysterious
I to some of the dyed-in-the-wool Bull
Moosers and they do not propose to
go along with him. Dr. J. H. Kreider
is to stand for Congress and not to
make any alliances. George L. Reed
will probably be picked as one of the
candidates for member from the city
and Representatives Lenker and Mar
tin will be run in the county. Com
miteemen will be picked out in every
According to reports received here
from northern tier c unties recently
visited by the McCormick party, the
Republican enrollment
is far greater than even
Republicans expected it Northern
to be and in some dis- Tier Lines
tricts which went strong- Up Strongly
ly for Roosevelt in 1912
there is little Washing
ton strength left and the voters have
lined up under the Republican name,
j The Democrats are shot to pieces in
| Bradford and Susquehanna counties
and it is said that they are going to
cut a sorry, figure. Friends of Ryan
followed up McCormick and a choice
line of literature about the Harris
burg candidate was strewn along the
—The news from that New Jersey
congressional election does not appear
to have reached Market Square.
I Apparently New Jersey voters
were whacking Wilson about the time
Palmer was making his plea for sup
j port of the President.
—As Jersey has repudiated Wilson's
| slate for Congress, wonder what Penn-
I sylvania Democrats will do about his
j slate for Stato offices with which he
] has no concern anyway?
I —Representative William J. McCaig,
I of Pittsburgh, will run again,
j —Doc Dougherty is said to bo will
! ing to take the Mechanicsburg post.
I office, according to the Philadelphia
• Record.
—Patrick 11. Lynch will run for
| Congress on the Democratic ticket in
j Philadelphia.
—Numerous postmasterships are be
-1 ing filled, but the appointing of men
; to revenue jobs here is still hanging
: Are. Wonder why?
j —The Philadelphia reorganization
I bosses are scared and will have a re
ception for Palmer and McCormick
next week.
—And the Jersey slate was turned
down right at home.
—Palmer will turn his face home
ward to fix up his fences next week.
—Pinchot is following McCormicks
trail through Blair and Clearfield.
—John Matt is said to plan to make
Congressman Warren Worth Bailey
i look dizzy when he runs for renomi
—There is something plaintive
| about Jesse J. Lybargers plea for a
j Democratic Legislature to be elected
next time.
! —Bill McNair, formerly of Middle
town, appears to have discovered that
the reorganization machine is about
as bad us the old one.
—Representative C. A. Shaffer will
run a-?ain in Columbia county.
—The Dauphin County Democratic
League has declined to play dead and
is to be given a series of morning
write-ups and rip-ups as a punish
There is that maketh himself
rich, yet hath nothing;
There is that maketh himself
poor, yet hath great wealth.
—Prov. 13:7.
A .
i a-urrLe-nonsense)
Alcohol Ike—l left homo when a mer«
hoy. My father sent me away for paint
ing the front door black in a fit of
childish mischief.
Slithery Sid What did your father
Alcohol Ike—Go, and never darken
my door again!
By Wine lMnper
RinK the bell softly, be quiet and still,
There's sadness, poor Woodrow is
Because in New Jersey they planted
quite deep
His Congressional choice, Jim O'Brien.
Poor Jim was assisted for weeks by all
At the Administration's command.
In the hope that they'd save his politi
cal life,
And a Congressman's job for him
They trained him, and primed him, and
got him in trim.
His merits on all sides they told,
And when he went forth to the war,
Ho resembled a warrior bold.
But somebody slipped in computing the
That the enemy had in the field.
And what a strong battle would have
to be fought
In order to get them to yield.
So the plans that poor Woodrow for
victory laid.
By the voters were knocked all awry,
And the best spoils of war that poor
Jimmy brought home
Was a black spot that covered his
O, Jimmy O'Brien, take this tip from
If an office of state you would win,
Do like William Jennings, cut out let
ter O,
Make it Bryan, and then you'll get in.
I i
[From the Telegraph of April 8. 1864.]
Itebel Hani Slnkn
Cairo, April 6. New Orleans advices
of the 29th ult., received here, state that
the rebel ram Tennessee was struck by
a squall while laying near Grant's Pass,
near Mobile, causing her to keel over
and sink. Nothing but about two feet
of her smokestack remained visible.
Enenir to Await Attack
Cairo, April 6. The rebel force near
here is reported to be 20,000 strong. It
was supposed that it was their intention
to fall back about fifty miles, and there
await an attack from our forces.
[Reading Herald]
In some respects Lancaster is a
quite progressive town. In her plan
for licensing dance halls and putting
them under proper chaperonage Lan
caster shows an aggressive spirit far
ahead of most other Pennsylvania
j Pumps and 1
I Oxfords w/d ]
♦♦ without doubt are the neatest, pret- J&L--
g tiest footwear made j
| If They Fit UagSigl
♦♦ but the most unsightly and unsatis- fglpfe 5
♦♦ factory ever worn T *
| If They Don't Fit j
jj slip at the heel and bag at the side. J
H Some makers don't know how to \
XX make good fitting pumps—we buy || \
tt only of those who do know how. 1
H Our pumps and oxfords cling to *
tt the heel and side of the foot snugly, \ I
tt comfortably, no need of straps to ) |
H Prices $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4, Iff' Iv\ j
jff $4.50, $5, $5.50, $6. Jglp jfh I j
H Our window* give vou a hint as |
H<o what the correct st\ es are for Bjli j
f| Hosiery that will fit and Wear. J
s 3/0 MARKET STREET t ===—=* j
APRIL 8, 1914.
Young Nation not being In his usual
good health asked old Dr. Republican
what the trouble was. After looking
Young Nation over thoroughly and be
ing familiar with all his complaints,
owing to long attendance upon and
experience with htm, decided that he
was troubled with "Gout," a pain
brought about by reason of high liv
ing. Dr. Republican refusing to give
any medicine earned the reputation of
being a "Stand Pat" doctor because
he refused to adopt all the new
fangled cures that recently were so
popular. Young Nation having his
doubts about this course and consult
ing Dr. Democrat was told he had
rheumatism, caused by constant and
continuous work such a* Dr. Republi
can had permitted him to do, suggest
ing such remedies as "Low Tariff,"
"New Currency," "Trade Restraint"
and, in general, an entirely different
treatment than that which Dr. Repub
lican had , been giving htm. Young
Nation was much tn doubt about this
advice, having some recollection of
once trying a remedy known as "Free
Trade" upon this same doctor's rec
ommendation. Believing, however,
that a change would be beneficial and
might do no harm, he decided to give
Dr. Democrat an opportunity to try
out his theories, having previously de
clined to accept Dr. Progressive's ad
vice that what he needed was an 011-
[From the Telegraph of April S, 1864.]
Watch Your < limine!
Counterfeit SIOO Treasury notes are
tn circulation. On the counterfeit the
number of the note is larger and less
briiHant in color than the genuine.
To lliilap SBlnrlm
The appropriation bill now before the
Legislature contemplates an increase of
S7OO to the salaries of the judges of the
Supreme Court and the judges of th«
Philadelphia courts, and of S6OO to the
salaries of the law judges of this
Ex-Judge James Gay Gordon was
aslted his views as to the action of the
Committee of Seventy, a few years
ago. In choosing three lawyers to look
into the filtration evidence, and what
he thought these three lawyers could
or would do in the matter. He an
swered in part: "It is really extraor
dinary what a part the number three
plays in history and in all the affairs
of men. There are the three wise men
of Gotham and the three tailors of
Tooley street: the three sides of a tri
angle: the three divisions of the day,
morning, noon and night; the three
threes that make the Committee of
Nine and the three tens that make the
thirty pieces of silver that Judas got.
There are the three regions of the
backbone, the dorsal, the lumbar and
the pelvic, and there are the three de
grees of thirst, dry, extra dry and dry
as a covered bridge. There are the
three prongs to Neptune's trident and
the three R's of a rudimentary edu
"There are the three witches in
'Macbeth' and Thrice the brindled cat
hath mew'd.' There were the three
Hebrew children in the fiery furnace,
and there are the three extra cents for
an exchange ticket. There are three
balls in the pawnbroker's scutcheon
and three stages in equity pleading,
the bill, the answer and the replica
"There are the dauntless three who
kept the bridge at Rome and the three
expert engineers who inspected the
filtration plant. There are the three
forms of matter, solid, liquid and
gaseous, and there are the three years
composing the term of the District
Attorney. There are the three unities
of time, place and circumstance, and
Dr. Johnson's three gradations of
liquor, claret for hoys, port for men
and brandy for heroes.
"You could as soon escape calumny
as avoid the omnipresent three. The
tliree constitutes the larger end of a
full hand and the minority of the
Supreme Court. The promissory note
tlrely new Constitution.
After taking the remedy, "Lo
Tariff," for some time hi* condtti*
grew rapidly more painful whereup<
Dr. Democrat Insisted that he wou
feel much better If he could add-4
remedy "New Currency," which wi
sure to Invigorate him and restore hi
to his usual activity. "New Current'
medicine, after a trial, did not gi :
the relief promised, although it wi
agreed it was good medicine and hi
done no harm and might do gre
good. Meanwhile Young Nation's re
trouble—"Gout"—was fast disappea
ing for the reason that the conditio]
that caused his trouble, namely Hlj
Living, had from necessity disappea
ed. Still he was prostrate and lb
Democrat. being both active and ~
perate, promised speedy recovery
Young Nation would take somo "T<
Exemption," a few different table
called "Interstate Trade Commt
sion." etc. Then it was that Youi
Nation longed to get back to his fo
iner plan of eating three good sQua
meals each day and with increasii
frequency inquired about Dr. Repub
can. where he was and what he w
doing, wishing many times that he hi
not changed doctors for four years ai
anxiously waited the return of E
Moral: A doctor's ability cannot 1
judged by the amount of medicine 1
has three days of grace and the ba
tcr has three strikes at the ball. The
are three estates in the British go
ernmont and three departments al
:n ours, executive, legislative and luc
"There is the three-leaved clov
which the Committee of Sewn
found, and the three-leaved shamroi
which the Irishman prizes. There a
the three branches of the Susqu
hanna and the three times a drownii
man sinks before he fails to come l
again. There are the three colors
Old Glory and three 'cheers' that £
ways greet it and an appropriation.
"Insistent, irrepressible, irresistib
triune unit! The three orders of t!
clergy and the three stages In t
progress of a reformer, tentative, \1
torlous and sanguinary. The thr
members of the Civil Service Boa
and the three cups of the thlmt
rigger. The three letters In 'Bah' at
the three cards of the monte man.
"Then Hip! Hip!" Hip! Three chee
for the three!"
He who has lost confidence
lose nothing more.—Botste.
Many men who recognize
the importance of a will,
overlook the vital feature
of arranging for the most
competent fulfillment of
its provisions.
To name this institution
as Executor is to place
your beneficiaries' interests *
in efficient and trustworthy
232 Market Street