Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 08, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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low "TIZ" eases sore, swollen,
sweaty, calloused feet
and corns.
"Just couldn't
fmXf IT wait to take
bat off!"
Just talie your shoes oft and then
ut those weary, shoe-crinkled, aching,
liming, corn-pestered, bunion-tor
ired feet of yours in a "TIZ" bath,
our toes will wriggle with joy; they'll
toll up at you and almost talk and
len they'll take another dive in that
riZ" bath.
When your feet feel like lumps of
lad—all tired out —just try "TIZ."
:'s grand—it's glorious. Your feet
ill dance with joy; also you will find
II pain gone from corns, callouses
nd bunions.
There's nothing like - "TIZ." It's the
nly remedy that draws out all the
oisonous exudations which puff up
jur feet and cause foot torture.
Get a 2 5-cent box of "TIZ" at any
rug or department store —don't wait,
h! how glad your feet get; how coin
stable your shoes feel. You can
ear shoes a size smaller if you de
What Have
' Done ?
"Through miles of city Wocks now
you will not find the front parlor
with the sofa that used to be In it,
and the gas turned low, and Father
or Mother calling at the head of the
hall stairs when It Is ten o'clock,
and, oh. all the rest that you remem
ber. Poets have been able to sing
about love in a cottage. But there
Isn't any poetry about courtship in
a tenement flat with little brother
and sister and all the family look
ing on. The young people who
were the first to make this import
ant sociological discovery, ad
journed from the overcrowded home
to the street corner for their love
making. And the public dance halls
Opened up to take them In."
"It is largely a development of the
past fifteen years that has appeared
in every American city. Philadel
phia has 200 dance halls. Chicago
has 250. New York has over 500.
For the girl who works away from
home all day, and dances away
from home at night, there is special
need that the city be made a safe
place for her to be in. Yet statis
tics show that each year In the
United States 120,000 girls "fall"
over the social precipice that slopes
to the deepest destruction. And
many of them have been tripped
and trapped through the snares and
pitfalls allowed to be set In great
cities for young and thoughtless
This extract from Mabel Potter
.Daggett's remarkable story of What
"the Women's Clubs Have Done To
Protect Children and Young Girls
is merely one of the many good
things to read in
For April
Now on Sale 15 Cents
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart
Reading Hams and
Bacon For Easter
Your Easter will he complete
when you have ordered our cele
brated sugar cured and home
smoked hams and bacon. Nothing
but select stock killed.
For Sale at All Leading
Grocers and Meat Markets
Ask for It. Made by the
Reading Abattoir Co.
The Reliable For
VOHN BROS. v.rWs.".a,,
ry Telegraph Want Ads
Charles S. Shaeffer, Reading, Said
to Have Cast Charms Over
Ephrata Miss
Special to Tht Telegrofh
Reading. Pa.. April 8. A Black
Hand letter, said to be mixed up with
"powwow." or witchcraft, spells,
which pretty Alice Moyer, 20 years
old. of Ephrata. Lancaster county,
claims she was subjected to in this
city recently, resulted in Charles S.
Schaeffer, 40 years old. of this city,
being held in SI,OOO bail for the June
term of court after hearings before
Magistrate Hermann Stout here to
Shaeffer was arrested last week
after Harry Boley had received a let
ter threatening exposures unless he
would deposit S3OO at a certain place
and time. He was given the alterna
tive of death. The letter was turned
over to the police.
Miss Moyer Is the woman in the
case. At to-day's hearing it developed
that about ten days ago she went to
live with the Shaeft'er family and that
while there she made the acquaint
ance of Boley. She testified that
Shaeffer exerted a hypnotic influence
over her; that she was subjected to
certain "spells," and that while she
was in this condition Shaeffer sug
gested and wrote the letter demanding
Other witnesses testified that Miss
Moyer frequently got "powwow" spells.
News Items From Points
in Central Pennsylvania
Sunbury.—Charles B. Winner, of
Sunbury, federal judge for the Mid
dle district of Pennsylvania, lias
bought a property at Sixth and Mar
ket streets, Sunbury, and will erect
a five-story business building there.
Palmyra.— - Council by unanimous
vote yesterday passed the curfew or
dinance and it is expected that Chief
Burgess Witmer will sign it. A "cur
few" whistle Is to be placed on a fac
tory in order to give notice each even
ing for the clearing of the streets of
children under the age of 16 years at
9.30 o'clock.
York. —Harry Fisher, aged 3 4 years,
came here yesterday from Philadel
phia to attend the funeral of his
grandfather, Henry C. Carr, and be
came suddenly mentally afflicted. The
police were called in and after a se
vere struggle Fisher was subdued and
committed t,o the almshouse.
I .ant-aster. —Through her ambition
to excel her schoolmates at rope skip
ping, ten-year-old Alrao Lonkasi is
now is a. serious condition due to over
exertion. She failed to do a hundred
and fell over unconscious.
Lewistown, —The $28,000 proposed
loan for municipal improvements
passed final reading in council yester
day and will go before the voters for
approval. This means that Dorcas
street will be opened and a bridge
erected over the Kishascoquillas creek.
South Main street will be paved, clos
ing the gap of lifty-two miles State
highway between Mifflin and Hunt
ingdon via the Lewistown and Reeds
ville turnpike.
York.—-City officials promptly took
in hand the case of smallpox discover
ed in the Lafayette Hotel Monday
night and believe they have prevent
ed any spread of the disease. The
patient. Charles Wilson, a proof read
er, of Baltimore, is in the Sanitary
Pottsville. —John Hatdorf, aged 78
years, of Pine Grove, was badly injur
ed when he jumped from a vehicle
drawn by a horse that was running
I'ottsville. —In the face of the pro
tests of 440 residents of Schuylkill Ha
ven to council to prevent a permit to
the Schuylkill Haven band to hold a
street carnival for a week. Council
by a vole of live to three, granted the
request of the band. The remon
strant.l? opposed the carnival on the
ground that such an exhibition is con
trary to good morals.
I'ottsrtllo. —Clarence K. Yoeum and
Miss Ruth R. Hotiser were married
yesterday at the home of Mrs. Caro
line Houser, mother of the bride, by
the Rv. .T. H. Umbenhen.
Marietta. Mrs. Hary A. Russell
announced the marriage of her daugh
ter, Miss Eliabeth, to Roy H. Shirk, of
Lancaster. The ceremony was per
formed at Elkton, Maryland, August
23, 1913.
Waynesboro.— While funeral ser
vices were being held over the body
of Levi Shindledeeker, a Civil war vet
eran, fire was discovered in the home
of Daniel Warrenfeltz, on the adjoin
ing farm. Mrs. Warrenfeltz ran to
the Shindledeeker house, notifying the
men of the fire, and led them all back
to her burning home. The funeral
was delayed while the men fought the
flames and saved a large part of the
Waynesboro. —Waynesboro will un
dergo a thorough cleaning up under
the auspices of the Civic Club and the
time selected for the work is Wednes
day, Thursday and Friday, May 6, 7
and 8.
l^ewistown. —Oscar Goddard, while
working at a ban saw at the Standard
Steel Works, got liis thumb in the
machinery. The member was severed
at the first joint.
Italian Charged With
Robbing Man of $240
Pa., April 8. Lebanon
policemen have arrested John P. Bon
adio, an Italian of unknown address,
who has such an air of mystery that
the police believe that he may be want
ed in larger cities somewhere for
crimes. He was arrested here on the
charge of having participated In the
robbery, ten days ago, of Germia
Baioccha, a fellow-Italian, who was in
duced to draw S2OO from a local bank.
Baioccha alleged that shortly after he
left the bank he was overcome with a
state of coma, during which he faintly
realized that two men were holding
him against a telegraph post. When
he regained full consciousness the men
were gone with the S2OO and »40 addi
tional which he bad with him.
Christian Swartz, Aged
90, Dies at His Home
Mechanicsburg. Ja., April 8. Chris
tian fcwartz, a life-long resident of this
section, died yesterday at his home, In
v\ est Simpson street, of heart trouble.
He was 90 years old, and was born in
hilver Spring township. He was a mem
ber of the Mechanicsburg Lodge. No
215. Independent Order of Odd Fellows!
and the oldest member In this part of
the State, joining- the local organiza
tion sixty-three years ago. One daugh.
ter, Miss Annie Swartz. at home, sur
v£?.- , e funeral services wil be held
on Thursday afternoon, arS o'clock, in
the Church of God, conducted by the
RnWaV J-m v ßev - c i lar,es F - Roach.
Burial will be made in the Salem
Graveyard, on the pike.
Adamstown, Pa.. April B.—-George,
son of Mr. and Mrs. George Bowman,
was badly injured while roller-skat
ing. when one of the skates loosened
and threw liitn to the cement pay
ment. breaking bis right arm and In
juring him internally.
Big Republican Gains Are
Showi in Western Couities
Enrollment Figures Show Heavy Increases in Party
Strength; Democrats Losing
Enrollment figures from sixteen
counties of the State, compiled by
Captain John H. Campbell show thut
the Republican enrollment is 400 per
cent, greater than the Republican
vote in the same counties two years
ago, while the Democratic enrollment
In the same counties is actually al
most 11,000 less than the vote for
Wilson. The enrollment of the Wash
ington party has declined at a declivi
tous rate as compared with the vote in
the year of the great ruction.
The figures compiled by Captain
Campbell are intensely interesting be
cause they demonstrate the strength
of the "back to the party" movement
Washington and
Republican Democratic Bull Moose
Enrollment, Vote, Enrollment, Vote, Enrollment, Vote,
1914. 1912. 1914. 1912. 1914. 1912.
Allegheny 125,022 23,822 18,467 31,417 9,861 50,017
Bedford 3,220 1.140 3,152 2,694 1,126 2,971
Butler 5,650 1,273 4,890 4,022 850 4,327
Clarion 3,348 916 4,392 3,079 148 1,724
Clearfield 5,388 1,523 2,046 4,670 1,250 4,902
Crawford 4,628 2.497 3,310 3,968 276 4,139
Fayette 11,685 4,168 8,282 7,363 629 4,257
Forest 658 240 290 373 43 588
Greene 2.378. 1,150 4,895 3,551 94 1,063
Huntingdon 3.000 903 1,700 1,538 I,!H>B 3,493
Indiana 5,860 1,720 1,754 1.593 1.408 3,969
Jefferson 5,279 1,608 2,860 2,510 1,405 3,501
Lawrence 6.244 2.12S 1,858 1,976 552 3,348
Mercer 6,431 1,873 3,851 4.639 1,177 4 418
Somerset 6,081 1,428 2,465 2.164 1,977 5,026
Washington 12,456 4,297 5,991 5,563 2,169 6,395
Totals 207,328 50,686 70,203 81,120 24,533 104,138
To-night—Xeil O'Brien Minstrels.
Tuesday. April 14 Afternoon concert
by Russian Symphony Orchestra;
evening, Harrisburg Choral will sing
Mendelssohn's "Elijah," assisted by
Russian Orchestra.
Keith Vaudeville —Every afternoon and
Vaudeville and Pictures—Every after
noon and evening.
A cordial welcome awaits the appear
ance of Xeil O'Brien and his "Great
American Minstrels" at the Majestic
Theater to-day. when this most enter
taining of all minstrel comedians comes
to this city for his second annual visit.
Those who greeted Mr. O'Brien on his
first appearance last season as a new
star at the head of a now organization,
still remember with delight the splen
did entertainment he offered—a min
strel performance so full of genuine
good things that it was talked about
for months after as one of the most
thoroughly enjoyable performances of
,the theatrical year. It served to (Irmly
establish Mr. O'Brien and his minstrel
company as the leaders in their par
ticular field and to make the announce
ment of this season's engagement one
of the most pleasantly anticipated of
the year. Mr. O'Brien is again under
the management of Oscar F. Hodge.
One of the good comedy numbers of
this week's bill at the Orpheum called
"The Right Girl" serves to disport such
old time favorites as Lu McConnell
and Grant Simpson. On two different
occasions these clever players won
much favor here in a comedy sketch
called "A Stormy Hour." Their new
vehicle, while of a widely different
type, gives Miss McConnell much oppor
tunity to display her peculiar comedy
abilities. She is seen in two different
roles, playing the parts of twin sisters,
H * Actual Siz*; Bound in Red Irish Buckram Cloth; Gold Decorations a
among Republicans and the absurdity
of some of the stuff that has been
printed by Democratic papers lately.
Included in the list iB Allegheny
county, which, it is stated by Captain
Campbell, does not contain the new
figures for Pittsburgh, which will have
its registration day next week. Simi
larly It may be stated that, the 1914
figures for the cities of Uniontown,
New Castle and Monongahela are not
included in the statistics from their
respective counties, as they will have
their registration day on April 29.
However, there is enough to show
the increase in the Republi
can voting strength.
and she mixes things up in a manner
that keeps the house in constant laugh
[ ter. Now she is on the scene as a
peevish, restless girl, trying to conjure
a way to get out of her fiance's apart
ment without criticism; and then in a
flash she is back again as a sales
woman representing a stocking concern
in New York City. The two different
roles are vastly different and they give
Miss McConnell much opportunity to
display her talents. One ridiculous
situation follows the other in rapid
succession and they are made the most
of by these clever players. McConnell
and Simpson offer one of the sterling
attractions grouped with Hyaras and
Mclntyre, the musical comedy couple,
who are presenting "The Quakeress"
with immense success. The bill is
clever throughout.—Advertisement.
There will be fun galore at the Busv
Corner to-night. For this is the night
that local talent glides into the lime
light for the first time and some inter
esting contestants have entered the
race. The "Greased Pole" will also be
a part of this performance. A fine
comedy offering that comprises a good
comedy sketch, a neat song, dance and
patter skit, and a clever character
comedian is enjoying prosperity there
Special to The Telegraph
Elizabethtown, Pa., April 8. —Miss
Estella Clausen, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Nicholas R. Clausen, of this
place, was married yesterday to Ray
mond Sipling, of near Marietta. The
ceremony was performed at the home
of the bride by the Rev. Frank Cro
man, of the Lutheran Church.
Special to The Telegraph
Sunbury, Pa., April B.—Mrs. Sophia
Crouser, 77 years old, died at her
home in Northumberland yesterday of
paralysis. She was a member of St.
Michael's Methodist Episcopal Church
there and during her younger days
took an active part in charitable work, j
Appropriate Exercises Will Be Held
at Marysville Tomorrow
Special to The Telegraph
Marysville, Pa., April 8. Marys
ville's handsome new public fountain
will be dedicated to-morrow evening,
at 8:15 o'clock, with appropriate cere
monies. The program Includes several
addresses by prominent citizens in ad
dition to a concert by the Marysville
Cornet Band.
The fountain is twelve feet in
heighth, with a large globe at the top,
in which an electric light has been
placed. The fountain has drinking re
ceptacles for dogs and horses and a
sanitary drinking bulb to supply the
needs of man. The bowl for dogs is in
front near the bottom: the bowl for
horses at the left, and the sanitary
drinking bulb is at the right.
Pure mountain water, piped from tlio
reservoir of the Marysville Water Com
pany, at Lamb's Gap. will be furnished
for use In the fountain for the next
ninety-nine years free of charge.
F"unds for the purchase of the foun
tain were collected by Street Commis
sioner Jacob D. Carmichael, and grout
praise is due to him for his good work
In securing funds for this much needed
fountain. "Jake" put in eight weeks
at hard work collecting- funds, and to
morrow he will reap his reward for the
great work that he has done for a
"Bigger and Greater Marysville."
L. F. Piatt, a restaurant keeper, of
South Main street, must also receive
some credit, for to him is due the
credit for first advancing the idea, of
securing the fountain for the borough,
and he headed the list of subscribers
with a JlO contribution.
"The Progressiveness of Socialism"
will be the subject of an address to be
delivered to-morrow night at a mass
meeting to be held In White's Hall.
\erbeke street. James H. Hollings
worth, of Terre Haute, lnd., will deliver
the address.
Funeral services for Mrs. Frank
Slichter of 1007 North Third street,
w ho died Monday afternoon at the Har
rlsburg Hospital, will be held to-mor
row afternoon, atf 2 o'clock. The Rev
Harry Nelson Bassler, pastor of the
Jm°r ned yhurch, will officiate.
w *' e niade i" the Harrlsburg
Cemeterj. Mrs. Slichter is survived bv
ter '. Mrs - George B. Byerly, of
home 0116 son ' R°y Slichter, at
Special to The Telegraph
Hagerstown, Aid., April B.—Fire de
stroyed the property of Spielimin &
f hockey, butchers, at llighfield. along
O western Maryland Railroad, near
r ' causing a loss of about
SI,OOO. The buildings is believed to
nave been set on fire, as an unsuccess
ful attempt was made to burn the
property about two weeks ago
Oacar F. Hodge Presents
Neil O'Brien
The Show All Hnrrlaliurg l.lked and
Pralaed I.aat Sfamm, Eirrvthlnc
shining New This Season. Now ree
nunlwil aa Aiucrlcu's Lending Mia.
strel Organization.
PniCES -,V in fi.fio
APRIL 8, 1914.
IP-Klein Co.3i
j Have Prepared For 1 •
jl Thursday a Special 'J
;<& Showing of j:
ji Spring Suits j
; at $25.00
I presenting a number of entirely •
» new models, just received, in , 1
■ smart individual styles—exclusive ■
■ to t ' l ' s establishment—and which ffifc J
V will appeal to women of discrim- ra
* I inating taste who desire apparel , C
■ H of individuality, refinement and f 5
•{f character. l •
j\ Coats i|
J I Klein Co. offer a showing of light 1 J
|»* weight White Chinchilla Coats. * .■
J". | An attractive "flare" model in all *
».j sizes. Very special at I •
if $15.00 y
■ •
P Skirts m
■ jN A special shipment of skirts in i •
j mannish materials, checks and V •
J I eponges. All colors and sizes. 2
I Regular $0.98 value. Special for .S
Li i Thursday at . £
I I $4.98 I
J| New Store For Women |S
:Ik« 9N. Market Square Ji
ih= '1
77:7" "
HiKßiroial PBMHBW
Hyams&Mclntyre I A REAL
"s&a&—■■«• - Surprise Niffht