14 Fourth Street Window Special (s\* . 4- F i Q w - , I . Nainsook and Cambric night gowns, in high neck and long C jC Olirtll otT6ot WIIKIOW OpGClfll sleeves or low neck, three-quarter sleeve styles; regularly 50c. »X/ » m Vv\ ™ l/v WW| \- $1.50 white enamel medicine cabinets, with mirror. On On sale Thursday on the second floor 35f sale Thursday on the third floor s>s^ Emerald &i> Tango Messahne The Skill of the Millinery Artist SXh Petticoats in a Very At- „ rx- N \i\ tractive Style: $2.95 rfictor 1 hat Mesjis DIS- c \VW^ There are several verv attractive petticoat values that j . * |,' j T T i O j "I \ j/i have just gone on sale and in each'one of them you will find a 1111011V6 L_/&SlOr 11 QX OIVIGS vf Tjflßffil garment that possesses every mark of quality. c/ Messalme petticoats with pleated flounce; in emerald, Every hat in Olir great Easter showing Was tango, two-tone effects a, ,d black ... .*2.9", X \ personally selected for some particular charm. f IWw, ersev petticoats with pleated niessalme llounce; in plum, . X X J u J. il J. J • 1 I ytfI.JHSEaSr / changeable effects and black #3.9,1 \ and hat that Was made in OUT own WOfk- </C^/ 1 ersev petticoats with messaline or jersey flounce; elastic / \ r °° m was designed Mid trimmed to express | waist band; all the new shades of tango, plum, rose, purple. I « 1 some late Paris or New \ ork fashion fancy. I 'Si. maize, emerald, Persian $5.00 I W* k These are factors which make this millinery % ,«iL \ section a continuous source of inspiration for ' The New Nemo Kopservice V JZS'S di " in '" v ' h " *""* Corset Answers Every thi , The Boy Should Have a t\- r% - preparations we have made for this busy week in millinery. Quif fr\r IHoo+^r r igure Requirement Your Easter Hat * w,v; y ou ,t to-morrow? new ouir ror roaster Miss Klaus, of the Nemo Hygienic Institute, will be at Your daughters hat, too, awaits her selection! Norfolk suits are the style, and WC have Corset Department until Easter in order to give corset advice And for the little girls-scores and scores of the daintiest creations imaginable. them in the most attractive patterns in cassi »yTj meres, worsteds and mixtures and plain blue i"g you. I __ t , . . serges. There's quality in every suit, careful slende^figures^^tid 1 they trul\ 'represent smicessftri'of Peai*l Beads, Solid Gold ! all the many patented specialties that have been brought out rj ! ; , p J* j that guarantee good Wear liaild-in-hand with 1 tll \n"t?ici' ! public talk for women oniv win he given at 3 DrOOCheS, LaValliereS, Hat ; * ™n» , the presentation of nobby, youthful styles. o'clock to-morrow on lite third floor. Living models will be , p- Frj~ n H chir» fWIM SST' SSSS The new stairway leads iirectly from the used to demonstrate MlSs Rxaus talk. J x illv) dIXvA A ilv/li\J.ulllU of children are put Oil decorated \yf 9 j p 9 i\ggs free of charge. J\JLCTI S CLTId Jl/0 1/5 W CCLV The display of Easter jewelry is an attractive feature of „ T,le decoration of eggs for Bun- * pi i . o . AT" - O Vi \ / fiormorttc fr\r ' the store this week, and the various little items such as beads ow ir orders ote Li o tng ec to . Vanta DaDy VjarmeniS lor , and brooches showsftre taste and skill in selection. "JS'SSr.SrK*-. »C *""*>. or _ 4 | Prominently arranged at the jewelry section are these Sweot diocolato Ofrgs, 20. 3e, sc, Brown and grev checked worsted and cassimere Norfolk suits; extra values — 10c - ,5c ' 25< *> 30o > 50c > 75c « pair trousers; full lined; sizes 7to 18 years *4.50 I UUI UCXUy Medtum lenffth lKwls in ROSE rabbit ami anl- N ° rf ° lk SUItS: eXtm Pa ' r tr ° US ° rB: "K t' , clonded aml>ei and many other K rf ><>ches . i!so and 50<- mals, lc, sc, 10f, 15c, 25c and 500 sizes jlO 10 years 'V'l * ~ Ha by VVillaif Exiterts *ny it is dangerous to nse shades 25<- to $3.00 , " nu " Sweet chocolate coated nnt filled Gro.y mixed and dark brown worsted, fancy cassimere and plain niiw or buttons. In our Infants' department you can I*>"K strings of beads in black WaUieres »0e og(rs 5c and 10c navy blue Norfolk suits, sewed-on belt, patch pockets; extra pair see how Vanta Baby (iarments are fastened with a an !i f° lors s()c to f}" :> Hat P ins ' I"" 1 " 25 ° Bitter sweet chocolate coated trousers; sizes 7to IS years *"" " * sso ° ... r,.„ . ~. Coin purses in gold and oxidize, Taney little collar pins in gold whipped eggs, with raspberry, wal- Dark grep checked caasimere or worsted suits, sewed-on belt, patch "V" ' M , t: 7wf.. 390 to Wo ° ami enamel imir . . ..... 25<- nut. strawborry mid vanilla flavors. pockets; extra pair trousers; sizes 7to 18 years 56.00 linn—ii never "et- bard'"and Htrinuy Never twists J J «-arl l>oa<ls 50c and SI.OO Short Bold hit Bin* oair 25c I ' noh 3c, 5c and 10c Black and white checked worsted Norfolk suits, patch pocketa, loose or curls or Unks to the wash. Itis I lie garment Itself and is guaranteed not to pull off Solid cold brooches set with *° * "uses oe es, iDowianut nream ?££*• Tan checked cassimere Norfolk suits, two-button coat with patch or rip off. Vanta Baby Garments fasten in the front or sannhlres 'J?* 5c,3c, sc, 10c, lot ,3( c, pockets, extra pair trousers, full lined, belt to match; sizes 7 to 18 so that baby can be dressed without turning and In ameuiysts, pearls or GoM flllcd friendship circles, 25c , u# "? 75c \ .. years $8.50 quarter the usual time. Solid gold cameo brooches, | <"Old filled hoop earrings, e dtwen W . " I,f>< ioc Striped and plaid worsted Norfolk suits, patch or plain pockets; extra We show a complete line of Vanta Pinless-button- *5.50 to $12.00 25c and 50c Marshmallow eggs, dozen 1.'.10e P air full llned trousers; sizes Bto 18 years *IO.OO less Garments made double breasted—finely knitted Solid gold lavallieries in ame-: Black jet earrings hi large hoop Chocolate coated animals, Plain blue serge Norfolk suits, sewed-on belt, patch pockets, extra and finished in a variety of materials.. Sizes from thyst and cameo ..*1.98 to sl2.oo'and other designs 50c 3c, 5c and 10c pair full lined trousers; sizes 7 to 18 years *7.50 birth to S years ol age.. Demonstration now in prog- I>avallierics, gold filled and ln| Bar pins set with brilliants and j Small chocolate rabbits, hens . ~ . ress. in chage of a professional nurse. oxidize silver $1.25 to $1.98, jet 50c | and pigs 10c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. - \ PEOPLE -t- 3 | OF ALL AGES ! Tw ptiUllM tar llrat-ctw* dental < ~V TLgM mj rajmtatlan k» rut at < . tw«t rmnk. MX »aj- Taara' «■ < iLtnct ha* anabled me *° adept Ok ■ Sml u 1 palulMa mathodi of , «-&T?2r£ SBasrs. . 5 __J2: {£• jlmt wpwflilw Of mjtelf. , w itgrtr f had U •mploj thr«« irauuate . £ gSSi'-l Vka uTTf wp.rtor ability. J itwJnpay *• 01 ia ?° at * or »- , it D«a't wucj iteat pijiaMU, u ' b rmnaamcnu taa to mate to rait 6 pauaata. I tjo^T" \2A B?sd,J\o«*, un. is. ; 0 ru»o«i Is aUrar »Uoj, muuL foe «p. , 0 OaU. 11.00 up. 1 > iMt Work, Baal Material, I««l Frfera. ; I • Writ tea caarmntee with atr work. i DR. PHILLIPS i 320 Market Street ' Otto* Inii: Daily, I.JO A. K. ta »! | » Z. It; Sudan. It ta «. • a T. xsLXPHon mi i > ladtaitenbami I • Ibe larseet and ami UUorwif ulj ' 1 I o b Brnuk Oilnaa Uradin and Philadelphia. ' • EDUCATIONAL ' PREPARE FOR OFFICE WORK DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS Enroll Next Momlnv SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 33 S. MARKET SQ„ HARRISBURU, Harrisburg Business College Day and Night. Business, Shorthand and Civil Service. In dividual Instruction. 28th year. 329 Market St Harrisburg, Pa. Out-Door Photos of vour CHILDREN, your HOUSE, your AUTO&IOBILK or your STORE. Photo linishing for amateurs. 21> K. Second Street, Itoom 10. * Try Telegraph Want Ads. WEDNESDAY EVENING SENATE AGREES TO VOTE OX McNALLY APPOINTMENT Washington, April 8. When the Senate convened to-day it wai with an agreement to vote finally before night 011 the nomination of James C. i McXally, named by the President as | consul at Nuremberg, Bavaria. Con j formation of the appointment has been j vigorously opposed because of an in cident alleged to have occurred while j Mr. McNally was serving in the con sular service in China three years ago. □lsasHSEsasßsasHSgsHsiln I St. Paul- | j Minneapolis j I Duluth I jj Picturesque JVay by Day 0 j] Comfortable Way by Night jj 0 Popular JVay at All Times JJ 1 1 Qj Lv. new Passenger Terminal jj] nj Chicago daily 111 n] Badger State Express 8:45 a.m. [J u North Western Special 10:15 a.m. Q m Duluth-Superior Limited 6:25 p.m. n jj North Western Limited 6:45 p.m. |j u North Coast Limited 10:00 p.m. jl C St. Patil-IMlnneapclls and C ru Duluth Express 10:10 p.m. I! j( North Western Mail 2:35 a.m. Q n Dining Car Smt-vhsm C U Unaqualod Q ru 111? Everything g —I For reservations and informs- [J l« tion apply to your nearest ticket »Jj ikll fteent or addreos [SJj | Chicago and | (jj North Western Ry. p !r» D. M. Davis. G. A. [U 1020 (ihrstnut St. Ui lij Philadelphia, Pa. ji, .S NW1260 , nil is E^asHsagajsasasaaasfpl iee Us and See Better (aliiMMt'M Fitted In (iold-lllled I'rniiu'H, for S«'«lnn and Iteadlnu. «IM Lou HN 91*00 Kxu 1.1 lit (it lon Krei\ .\o Drop* Used RUBIN & RUBIN llHrrlahurK'M l.rildinic Kyexticht Specialist* 320 Market St. 2nd Floor Open Wednesday and Saturday HvrnlnED. Hell Plione SOW. "Repeal Bill to Have Stormy Passage Through Senate," Is Prediction With Senator O'Gorman and other prominent Democratic senators opposed to the repeal of the free tolls exemption, it is being predicted by those who know in Washington that the Sims bill will have a stormy passage through the Senate, if it passes the House. Many senators who will vote for the repeal are pre dicting that it will be six weeks before it comes to a vote. Senator Chamberlain, of Oregon, who is one of the Democrats leading the opposition to the repeal, has said that in his opinion it will b© months before a vote is taken and that he has hopes that in the end it may be defeated. Men with firm convictions, will oppose each other and there will be no cloture. Not until every senator be lieves the subject has received sufficient consideration, and every man is willing to vote, will the vote finally be cast. Senator O'Gorman, who is another of the big Democrats firmly opposed to the measure, has refused as chairman of the interoeeanic canals committee to call that body together until every member can be present, although repeatedly urged to do so by Senator Owen, of Oklahoma, who is the President's spokesman in the upper house and introduced the Sims bill in the Senate. Senator J. Ham Lewis, of Illinois, has introduced a bill designed to repeal the exemption clause and yet retain for the United States the right to deal with its coastwise shipping as it sees fit. This compromise in the form of an amendment will undoubtedl> receive serious consideration. 1 PLAN FH-COONIY C. E. CONVENTION Gathering of Young People at Hershey, June 11, Being Arranged Arrangements are being made for a big four county Christian Endeavor convention and picnic composing the endeavor societies of Berks, Lebanon, Perry and Dauphin counties to be held at Hershey Park, June 11, and will in all probability be one of the greatest gath erings ever held in the history of Chris tian Endeavor work in Central Pennsyl vania. A committee composed of the fol lowing presidents held a meeting re cently at Lebanon when arrangements of the program for the big day were made: Lebanon county president, G. F. Miller, Lebanon; Berks county, the Rev. William Keim. Reading; Perry county. Norman W. Kines. Duncan noil; Dauphin county, Charles \V. BAHHIBBPRO(29BS TKU3UKAPH Black, Steelton. ! The morning session will convene at |lO o'clock. Song service to be con ducted by Irvin 11. Mack, of Phila delphia; address of welcome: re sponses by the Rev. William Keim, ! Berks county; George F. Miller, Leb i anon county; rharlea W. Black, Dau phin county, and Norman W. Kines, Perry county. Special features will i be Included in the afternoon and even ing program. Among the prominent speakers will be the Rev. C. F. Swift, i of Beaver Falls; the Rev. M. R. Flem ing, of Baltimore. Md., and others. To Bless Oils Used in i Diocese Tomorrow : /i Oils that are used during the y«Ci? for anointing In the Harrisburg dio cese will to-morrow be blessed at a special service in St. Patrick's Cathe dral and will be distributed to five priests who will in turn distribute the oils to different churches in their sec tions of the diocese of Harrisburg. These priests will be here: The Rev. Fr. Enrlght, Hanover district; the Rev. Fr. Reardon, York district; the Rev. Fr. Miiner, Shamokin district; the Rev. Fr. J. H. Whalen, Mt. Carmel district; the Rev. Fr. - Hoennlnger, Lancaster district. Bishop John W. Shanalian, of the Harrisburg diocese will be the cele brant. The Rev. Dr. M. M. Hassett, vicar general, will act as assistant priest, while the deacons of honor will be the Rev. J. C. Thompson and the Rev. Peter Huegel. The Hev. J. J O'Donnel will be deucon of the mass and the Rev. J. D. Carey will be sub deacon. The Rev. Thomas B. Johnson, of the Cathedral, will be master of cere monies, and the Rev. W. W. Whalen 1 will be assistant master of ceremon ies. The chanters will be the Rev. M. E. Stock and the Rev. W. Huygen. The following priests in tho Harris burg diocese will assist: The Rev. S. S. Mllner, F. 8. Azbe, J. H. Whalen, P. Knright, A. Uoenninger, F. Rearde;,, S. B. Sama, W. V. Bailey and A vlch. Holy week services will in all of the Catholic churches this even ing. Rescue Mission Plans. Paul Be Maurers who together with altruistic Harrisburgers Is back ot a plan for a mission 011 .practical as well -as reli gious lines which will help the down and-outer on his feet, last night met with a number of fellow workers in the lecture room of the Ridge Ave nue Methodist Episcopal Church. The Rev. J. 11. Baugh«r*y, W. G. Heim, the Rev. J. C. Forncrook, B. B. Brum j and F. E. Musser were named as a | committee on organization which will report to the Civic Council of Churches j for consideration next Tuesday night. ! Y. M. C. A. lllhlr Ci'nn*. The adult ! lflble class conducted by the Young Men's Christian Association, Second and Locust streets, will jheet Friday even ing, at 8 o'clock. The lesson will be a special one, appropi/late to the day. It will be taken from I>uke 23. 33--IG. Tlie topic will be "Calviary." The class is taught by the general secretary. Homer Black. All who are in Blbl» study are cordially ilnvlted to attend. Time consumed wltht the lesson iibout APRIL 8, 1914. one hour. At the close ample time is given for discussion. To Sing The choir of the Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church, Thirteenth and Vernon streets, ■nil) render Gounod's "Gallia" to-night, at 7:45 o'clock. In connection with the Holy Week service. Dr. Clayton Al bert Smucker will preach on "Listening to Jesus Talk." On Oood Friday night Dr. A. S. Fasiok will preach. Isaac Stokes, Prominent Blain Man, Dies at 81 Blain, Pa.. April B.—lsaac Stokes, a prominent citizen of this place for many years, died yesterday at the homeof his son. Warren I. Stokes, following a paralytic stroke. He was 81 years old. Mr. Stokes was a miller and operated the old grist mill at thin place now owned by W. H. Book. He retired ten years ago. The funeral services will be held Thursday after noon with burial in the Methodist Cemetery. Mr. Stokes was a member of the Methodist Church. The follow ing children survive: David P. Stokes, postmaster at this place: Warren I. Stokes, contractor and builder, of this place, and Harry D. Stokes, cattle dealer, of this place. . SAYS KIIJIJ MOSQUITO With specially prepared lantern slides Dr. C. R. Phillips delivered an address last evening on the Bubject "Malaria" before the members of the Dauphin County Medical Society at the Academy of Medicine. Lantern slides were thrown upon a screen showing tho mosquito from the time It Is hatched until it attains adult life. He said that the way to combat ma larial disease Is to drive out the pesky insect. WANTED <.IRL WHO SCORNED lIIS I'HKTTV THINGS AKRESTED Appearing before Justice Heslop at Shamokln yesterday, Samuel Baturin, who said he was from Harrisburg, asked for a warrant against Kate Brown, Inmate of a dlsreputablo houso there. Baturin said he hud met the girl in Harrisburg and lavished gifts worth SBOO on her and then she loft the pretty room he had prov'. itiu for her here. The Shamokin found no law which would permit, his issuing a war rant for the arrest. ■ t/Li_' RESISTANCE TO DISEASE V lTy is it that one person can work a)' day standing In cold water, slush pid snow with no harmful effect, ivhlle another with less exposure con tracts colds, pneumonia, rheumatism, sciatica or something equally dis tressing and dangerous? Because In. the first case the body was In such perfect balance that there was "reslstanoe" to .Ilsease. In the second there was lack of tone that invited ill health. Keep your system toned up with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and foods that once distressed you will be harmless, exposure will bring on fears of rheu matism and neuralgia and even germ diseases need hardly to be dreaded. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills assist diges tion, correct the lassitude, the palpi tatton of the heart, shaky nerves and the pallor of face and lips that are the results of thin, impure blood. Try Dr. Williams' Pink PllU for anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, ner vousness Take them as a tonic if you are not in the best physical condition and cultivate a resistance that will keep you well and strong. Get a box from the nearest drug store and begin this treatment now. Send to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., for a free booklet, "Building Up the Blood." Advertisement V SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS Eat less meat if you feel Backachy or have Bladder trouble Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks the kidneys in their efforts to filter it from the system. Regular eaters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally. You must relieve them like you relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feol a dull mis ery In the kidney region, sharp pains In the back or sick headache, dizzi ness, your stomach sours, tongue Is coated and when tho weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. Tho urine is cloudy, full of sediment; th«| channels often get Irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times dur ing the night. To neutralize these irritating acids and flush oft the body's urinous v-asto get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a table spoonful In a glaes of water before breakfast for a few days and your kid neys will then act fine and bladder dis orders disappear. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with Uthla, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder Irritation. Jad Salts Is inexpensive; harmless and makes n. delightful effervescent lltlila-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and bladder diseases.— Advertisement. If HAIR IS TURNING GRAY, USE SAGE TEA Don't Look Old! Try Grandmother* Recipe to Darken and Beaotft; Faded, lifeless Hall That beautiful, even shad* of dark, glossy hair can only be had by brew lLff a mixture of Sage Tea and Sul phur. Your hair is your charm. It makes or mars the face. Whan It fades, turns gray, streaked and looks dry, wispy and scraggly. Just an ap plication or two of Sage and Sulphur enhances Its appearance a hundred fold. Don't bother to prepare the tonle; you can get from any drug store a 60 cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sul phur Hair Remedy," ready to uae. Tills can always be depended upon to bring back the natural color, thick ness and luster of your hair and re move dandruff, stop scalp Itching and falling hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's" Base and Sulphur because It darkens so natural ly and evenly that nobody tell it lias been applied. You simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through the hair, taking small strand at a time; by mornfl the gray hair has disappeared, and' after another application it becomes beautifully dark and appears glossy, lustrous and abundant. —Advertise- ment. Try Telegraph Want Ads
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