a» Royal Worcester*— they cost in white and hose, in black, tan, white h£Tgrown"t"swh C World* Be.t C«r«et. Belling at moderate prices. Safe BecoAd* "loo^ne*. 14 °' d ' tango shades . . C Wk Continuation of Our Big Sale of Easter Suits, Coats, Dresses Jb Jgl New arrivals of New York's best and latest Easter models in women's apparel will be shown and offered for the first time to-morrow. These together with our al- ffl&jjxT I ready immense stock gives you without doubt the biggest and best assortment of ready-to-wear garments ever shown in this city from which to make your selection. BUY ( 0 t JQ[l& Ji AT KAUFMAN'S YOU BUY FOR LESS—Remember ALL ALTERATIONS MADE FREE OF CHARGE AND DELIVERY GUARANTEED in time for Easter. 7*JWJ ffl /Im Women'sand Misses' ' our choice of over 12 newest models. This is a suit event without a precedent at this Every suit tailored the best. The finest materials. \ V Ever >' one a beauty and all well made and perfect time of the year; newest Suits tailored in fashion's You have your choice of Suits of Silk Poplin, Suits of r| kJ\ r ting ' p Th r n,aterials fe Crepes, Serges Silk Poplins. mos t favorite materials, and $25.00 to $28.00 values for Silk Moire Suits of Finest Gabardine, Suits of Crepe , . CSW'lSßf^Lte \sr\\ / V\ 0 <- re P e Poplins, etc. The colors are black, navy, Co- .. . Poplin—in fact all the wanted materials are here in a V* -&TJP/KEFS &®l\ ft / AJN% V* penhagen, tango, tan and green. Either plain tailored ' lB,W) ' -very new model is here, very new color wide range of colors; and only one and two of a kind. \ or fancy trimmed; sizes for misses 14 to 20. Women's including black and blue, and all sizes for women and Some of the suits are plain tailored—others nobby ,'V f3SS I yjgjj sizes 36 to 44. Extra sizes 37 to 51. misses; also extra large sizes for extra large women. trimmed. , I i 4 j| Pretty Easter Suits. O / O >9O Stunning Easter Suits, For the Extra LargeK r Value » to $16.50, Special for \fJ X Values to $27.50, Special for Women, the Hard I/ ij I j f You Can Easily Select Your Easter Dress If Nohbv Faster CnatQ Fnr w , I I { ▼-» 4.1 u* J- t t T T 1, - 1 1 lUUUV Lidulvl vUdlo lUI _ e ®P e clalix© on Suits. Coats and tft t -U:- rrom the big assortment shown here. Hundreds of the newest f . y - mm% Dresses showing: a varied assort- IMS ; \MfM l and best model dresses; made of finest silks; taffetas, crepe Women and MISSCS mVa"t iu luitn?odd to fe meteor, poplins, crepe de chine, messaline and charmeuse. _ . . Coats in B siz" S^s7 8 to eß 4i. 38 ft lIWI Every color—black, navy, blue, reseda ,tango, wistaria, tans, . . Coats V 1 mediui " and three-quarter length, plain or lancy "^«» d S7 t0 Bl * Au are moderately * 4 V 1 ! 1 fay''V^X^Copenhagen etc trimmed. Loose and senn-backs. unhned and full lined with p P •"t J Taffeta knd Messaline Silk Dresses; values to £»* ft £ silks. The materials-wool eponge. cheviots, crepes, Suits from i|®|j <&* V SIOOO- Special for & 4 diagonals, crepe poplins bedford cords, shepherd checks, taffeta d» 1 C . IKB f /WM Taffeta, Poplins and Messaline Silk Clf\ " , ° ,re f llks an , d P e ser S es m a" the new desirable colors, IJ lO IMB, \ / liw Dresses: values to $14.00. Special for 1 U.UU finding the staple blacks and navys; all sizes for women and Coats and Dresses from tW3§i \t tM&M Taffeta, Crepe de Chine and Crepe Meteor. (M £AA misses. The underselling prices are A 1 A , AOA lwlSV°/^ Imi Dresses; values to $22.50. Special f0r.... *P X OaUU $5.95, $7.95, $lO, $12.90, sls, $lB and S2O tO | Several Hundred More New and Distinctive Models Fresh From Our Makers Will 1 S anl s Be Added to Our Great Sale of Beautiful Easter Millinery I iyfrN. A Special Sale of | KAUFMAN'S flfcx \/I M I Floor Women s Blouses 1 T r i mme d Hats A , iore I ,T EASTER I c 7„^t eC v h Xe ßl r e ' '» r •• • • ' 0»C srKch M hlK.M'?r.T/«S iI SS 1 M «es' and Children's New r Hemp >«i m th. »««. Un in ail the I wyy F r.,ch «,.™ Gladstone collars, of lace and organdy. g lVl.obCo CIIIU V'll o 1 iCW Our workrooms arc being taxed tO their Utmost. So do leading shades. lhe prices arc § three rows O? with Silk and Voile Blouses %- s AIISS ELSIE SWARTr The marriage of Miss Elsie Swartz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles , Swartz, of 106 South River street, to Raymond Einsel, of Reading, will be an event of Saturday afternoon, April 11, at the parsonage of the Reformed Salem Churoh, with the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Ellis N. Kremer, officiating. The bride will be attended by her sister, Miss Sara Myers, as maid of honor, and her brother, Ralph Swartz, will be best man. A wedding supper will be served at the bride's home < after the service. Following a trip to ] Philadelphia and New York, Mr. and i Mrs. Einsel will reside in Heading ; Every Man Can Now Get His $22.50 Smart lIL Model Easter Hs | / Si I Suit For Don't pay $22.50 or $25 for your clothes. You don't have to do it because you can come direct to ' A Special Sale of Men's KAUFMA N'S and buy a GUARANTEED $22.50 Blue Serge -L.OU Easter Garment. Just come to see and compare these Made with cuff bottom and belt , . . "icoc loops, and handsomely tailored. clothes tor which other stores are asking $22.50. BOYS' EASTER CLOTHING AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES SL Boys* Serge Suits, Values to $6 Boys' All Wool Suits \\kif These fine Blue Serge Suits are strictly JUST LIKE PICTURE -™|! ifi all wool; positively fade-proof; pants lined OP* I P I L ' JP throughout. Will give elegant wear. " lairS 01 lalltS fi "vH 1 Another suit for one that goes wrongf.- £t% a II A i/4 Sizes 5 to 18 years. * wMt Boys* Reefer Top 6to 18 Years / / » Splendid wearing dressy, full / / ("• . \/ 1 . f cut; re K ular Norfolk or the New 1 - S| V>OaiS. Values to Jnn Balkan Norfolk; pants lined: 71 ,iL , y amcj lu some with belts to match and JU |H watch fob. These suits at $4.90 ZW (PQ IJ|\ are values to »7.50. The greatest vatae i„ boys' all-woo! £°j£ Suit »- V » lu "