Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 07, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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    Piles Quickly
Cured at Home
Instant Relief, Permanent Cure-
Trial Package Mailed Free to
All in Plain Wrapper.
Tho Pyramid Smile
Many cases of Piles have been
cured by a trial package of Pyramid
Pile Remedy without further treat
ment. When It proves its value to
you, get more from your druggist at
50c a box, and be sure you get the
kind you ask for. Simply fill out free
coupon below and mail to-day. Save
yourself from the surgeon's knife and
its torture, the doctor and his bills.
Pyramid Bidg.. Marshall, Mich. Kind
ly send me a sample of Pyramid Pile
Remedy, at once by mail, FHKE, in
plain wrapper.
Street .............. ...............
City State
Valuable Item
For Men
Health and strength hitherto
unknown will be felt surging in
rich red blood through the ar
teries and veins and life's great
est ambitions may be realized as
never before, if the following
special treat tent is followed by
those men, ana women, too, who
are stricken with that most
dreaded of all afflictions, nerv
ous exhaustion, accompanied with
such symptoms as extreme nerv
ousness, insomnia, cold extremi
ties. meloncholia, headaches, con
stipation and dyspepsia, kidney
trouble, dreadful dreams of dire
ful disasters, timidity in ventur
ing and a general Inability to act
naturally at all times as other
people do Lack of poise and
equilibrium in men is a constant
source of embarrassment even
when the public least suspect it.
For the benefit of those who
want a restoration to full, bound
ing health and all the happiness
accompanying it, the following
home treatment is given. It con
tains no opiates or habit-fonn
ing drugs whatever. Mix it at
home and no one will be the
wiser as to your affliction.
The treatment is simple, thor
ough and correct. Leading drug
gists supply the main tinctures,
extracts and essences in one
ounce bottles, ready to mix. Get
three ounces syrup sarsaparilla
compound, mix with one ounce
compound fluid balmwort, and
stand two hours. Add one ounce
compound essence cardlol, and
one ounce tincture cadomene
compound <not cardamom!. Shake
well and take a teaspoonful after
each meal and one at bedtime.
The ingredients are used for
various prescriptions.
Dissolve It, That's Best Way
The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff is to dissolve it, then you
destroy it entirely. To do this, "get
ibout four ounces of ordinary liquid
urvon; apply It at night when retiring;
use enough to moisten the scalp and
rub it in gently with the finger tips.
Do this to-night, and by morning
most if not all of your dandruff will
be gone, and three or four more ap
plications will completely dissolve and
entirely destroy, every single sign and
trace of it, no matter how much dan
druff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop at
and your hair will be fluffy, lus
u'ous, glossy, silky and soft, and look
and feel a hundred times better.
If you want to preserve your hair,
do by all means get rid of" dandruff]
for nothing destroys the hair more
quickly. It not only starves the hair
and makes it fall out, but it makes it
«tringy, straggly, dull, dry, brittle and
lifeless, and everyone notices it. You
• an get liquid arvon at any drug store.
It is inexpensive and never fails to do
the work.—Advertisement.
Brighten Up
Make your home attractive.
Keep it fn good repair. Paint has
a big, dominating in your Home
We carry just the paint, varnish,
stain or enamel for your purpose.
S. W. P. is paint of wonderful lus
ter and durability. (Formula en
during for 40 years). Pure lead,
pure zinc, pure linseed oil—4B
A durable, sanitary paint for
walls, rich in effect, easily applied,
easily cleaned.
p noow VttRNtSH "
A lasting, firm floor finish with
stands the tramp of many heels.
A Brighten Up Stain
For tables, chairs and wood
work. A superb one-operation fln
feint 5 tore
44 North Third st„llanisbuis
Woman as a Trust Buster—First of Her Sex in This Role
Chicago, April 7.—Miss Kate S. Holmes has been appointed to assist
Uncle Sam in his fight to dissolve the alleged oatmeal trust," which is
now going on in the Federal courts of Chicago. She is tne special ex
aminer In the suit, and all the evidence in the cases that involves millions
! of dollars jeapordizes much-prized "special privileges" is submitted by cor
j poration attorneys and corporation heads to this woman examiner. Miss
i Holmes is the first woman to take official part in "trust busting." "There's
| nothing about the position that a woman can't fill as well as a man," says
! Miss Holmes, "providing, of course, the woman has prepared herself by
study, and, In addition, she must have a splendid constitution as the work
Is terribly hard, and, most of all, she must be level-headed."
John P. Ripper, Old
Printer, Dies From Stroke
John P. Ripper, 71 years old, of Co
lumbia, a former resident of this city,
and brother of Charles E. Ripper, 25
South Fifteenth street, foreman of the
composing room at the Star-Inde
pendent, died this morning at 7.80
o'clock. Mr. Ripper several days ago
was stricken with apoplexy.
While in this city many years ago,
Mr. Ripper was employed by the Pa
triot and by the Star-Independent. He
learned his trade as a printer with his
father, John George Ripper, editor of
the Staats Zeitung, a daily paper pub
lished in this city. Mr. Ripper was
one of the best-known printers in Co
lumbia. He is survived by two broth
ers, Charles E. Ripper and George
Ripper, this city: three sisters. Mrs.
Herman Fehletsen. thi« city; Mrs. M.
H. Garland. West Eaißlew, and Mrs.
William Leismann, of ramp Hill, and
two daughters. Miss Ooldie Ripper,
Atlantic City, and Mrs. James Murphy,
Philadelphia. Two grandchildren also
survive. The body will be brought to
this city, where funeral services will
be held and burial will be made.
Regulating Movies Object
of Meeting Here
A committee representing moving
picture theater owners, architects,
equipment supply people, fire officials
of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh and
State officials discussed proposed regu
lations for moving picture theaters at
the Department of Labor and Industry
witli the idea of forming a code of
rules. The committee will report to
the State industrial Board to-morrow.
Th< idea is to have rules governing
building construction, exits, seats and
other details, together with rigid regu
lations for operation and for safety.
To Absorb Freckles
And Other Blemishes
Every Spring numerous inquiries are
made by girls seeking some reliable
recipe for removing freckles. Last year
very favorable reports were received
from many who had used merolized
wax during the freckling season. The
wax seems to possess unusual proper
ties which completely absorb the
freckles, with no harmful effect. The
complexion improves wonderfully, be
coming as soft as a rose petal, and as
delicately tinted. Get an-ounce of mer
collzed wax at any druggist's, spread a
thin layer of It over the entire face
every night for awhile, washing this
off in the morning. For rough, spotty
skin, sallowness, blackheads, pimples,
and all cutaneous blemishes, this treat
ment Is superior to any other.
Springtime also brings wrinkles to
many sensitive skins that arc much ex
posed to winds and changing tempera
tures. To a half pint witch hazel add
an ounce of powdered saxollte, which
quickly dissolves. Bathe the face in
this; the effect on a wrinkled skin is
To Clear
the Complexion
Take Lax Links
Many wimen have a blotchy, sallow, |
pimply complexion because they are I
subject to constipation. Purgative medi- '
cines do not bring about the deslr- |
ed relief, but Lax Links, those delicious 1
candy laxatives, exquisitely flavored
with the oil of spearmint, will quickly
stop constipation and thus stop poison
ing the blootl. They contain no hablt
formlng or poisonous drues, and for
that reason are highly praised by phy
sicians. They act properly upon the
liver, causing the bile, which 1s Nature's
own laxative, to flow freely. As they j
are a dainty confection In themselves,
they are Ideal and safe to give to chll- '
dren and invalids. SoVl by all druggists. '
10c and 25c boxes. write for free
sample. Boro Sallcine Co.. I'hlladelnhlii '
Funeral Services Held at Noon in
His Home on Cottage
Following simple but impressive t'u
n«al services at the Eby home. Third
and Maclay streets at noon to-day,
the body of the late Maurice C. Eby,
ex-mayor and philanthropist, was
buried in the Eby plot at the Harris
burg Cemetery.
High tribute was paid to the de
ceased by the Rev. Ellis N. Kremer,
D. D.. pastor of Reformed Salem
Church, who had charge of the ser
vices; by the Rev. Luther DeYoe, ot
Trinity Lutheran Church, German
town, a former pastor of Messiah Lu
theran here, and by the Rev. Lewis C.
Mudge, pastor of Pine Street Presby
terian Church. The pallbearers were:
Dr. William E. Wright, Judge
George Kunkel, Colonel Joseph B.
Hutchison, W. Luther Gorgas, William
M. Donaldson, Vance C. McCormlek.
E. Z. Gross, Samuel Wenger, Samuel
Kunkel, Donald McCormick. John E.
Patterson, Theodore G. Calder, Theo
dore B. Keim, Ed C. Herman, John
Hoffer and C. H. Barr, of Lancaster.
Many floral tributes were sent by
friends of the ex-mayor.
Fire Destroys Office of
Elder Realty Company
Fire of unknown origin destroyed
the office building of the Elder Real
Estate Company, Twenty-fourth and
Derry streets, Ellerslie, early this
morning. The building, a one-story
structure, was burned to the ground.
W. H. Wagner, an officer of the com
pany, estimates his loss at about
Flames were discovered by a neigh
bor shortly before 4 o'clock this morn
ing. Word was telephoned -to the po
lice department and the Royal com
pany was called but the firemen of
that company had already gone to the
fire. The building was nearly in ruins
when the firemen arrived.
All the valuable papers and books
with the exception of some plans were
in the safe which will be opened as
soon as the safe has cooled sufficiently.
Desks, furniture, tools and several
sets of plans were destroyed with the
building. There was no Are in the
building which is heated by a gas
stove. Fire Chief Klndler is making
an investigation. Mr. Wagner who
resides nearby was on the scene early
and does not believe the building was
set ablaze. His loss is partially cov
ered by insurance.
Supervisor Candidates
Practically Decided Upon
: «>nl.v one out-of-town.lnstructor will
| likely be employed by the school au-
I thorities to fill a vacancy in the grade
principalships which will follow the
promotion of present principals to
h • now supervisorshlps.
While the election of supervisors
| will not be held until May 1 when
the teachers for the year are decided
upon, it Is understood that the rec
ommendations of Dr. F. E. Downes,
school superlntedent, will be followed
out by the school board. No an
nouncements of the lucky candidates
has been ssade, but It Is understood
that the principals considered for the
jfotir places will be chosen from the
following five: M. H. Thomas, Camp
ICurtln; W. H. Jacobs, Cameron; W. C.
| Httiges, Lincoln; and George S.
j Machen, Forney, or 8. P. Stambaugh,
i Harris.
Full line of Go-Carts CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE.
and Baby Coaches at fi
very low prices
Bowman Millinery Is Truly Different
Everything Here That Fashion
Dictates in Style and Quality
Prices very moderate for the class of millinery
'we offer you. Beautiful ready-to-wear hats and
untrimmed hats in almost limitless style and variety.
c&mL We are in a position to show you everything
* s new a ' most as soon as it appears. Our pride
centers in the beautiful hats produced in our work-
SA . .Tr rooms—exact copies of importations, representing
fashion beauty and novelty.
' Untrimmed Hats
Almost Limitless Display
Untrimmed Hemp Hats, 95# Black Lacquered Quills, 75#
up - up
v x I ntrimmed Milan Hemp Hats, Small Wings, new shapes, 75#
I $2.95 up. up.
i Untrimmed Lisere Hats, Beauty Roses
$2.95 up. (all shades), 95#
New Small Wreaths, 59# up. Second Floor _ BO wMAN-s.
Ju R th w u ii , R°" r Snappy Spring Suits For
Proud of Men and Young Men
s **«} $9.90, si:.so, $lB, S2O, $25 <4
Splendid variety and value in Men s and Young; liji
Certainly he wants new togs Men's Spring Suits. A,
work T eK e t!t s ri l f th n e ivr*-* * # :>T\
be terribly disappointed Easter . . , P . exer > gaiment possesses
morning if he were not as spic . e ' . 1 ' s 1 'V 1 Quality that means long service. The > mF
and span as his sister. Blue includes the newest English models for young men v^Ty / 2r^«
Norfolks. English Tweeds, we h a s conservative styles for older men. Style ' a ' ' i\*
Homespuns. Some with two for young men from 16 to 20 years, with long or short L 'J w
pairs of knickerbockers. soft rolled lapels, plain or cuffed sleeves, with regular, M NMrSIWI \ * \\jF
n % wwr ip* or P a * pockets. Suit styles for older men with soft /f p[TfPtel \ '|fj*
Boys Wash i uits or P e " n » n « n * Ia P e , ls - „ Mj#J|
AC I HAA Materials include hue cassimeres, tweeds, chev- \F| §/
4DC 10 lots, tancy and plain worsteds, also high grade serges, v'i V (vl \|\\ul j[w S
The "Dombey," the "Oliver novelties and striped effects. P' IT
Twist," the various "Middy" r T"' ] \T n 1 ffTPH lOi '(IL Jl
and Russian Suits of linen, per- lOp ailu INCW Dalm&Caail IMIil f\ \j\\ ||
cale and madras in white, plain x-v *—i IHy TO 11 11
colors, stripes and combination s WVCFCOatS TOf 0011110 Weal* MB V 0 1
colors. Come earlv. lust a few . r O tm MB « ly llfel
XSS3X" in * $10.30 $12.50 and $15.00 M
BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. T « LA
„ ° n the Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. fmST 'far
Great Growds to See the Ojsbway Fashionable Easter Shoes
Indian Village Monday and _ , ..
Great Crowds To-day Colon,als and Pumps
. J We anticipated the great demand for Colonials and
This wonderful educational exhibition will be here the :
remainder of the week—on our Third Floor. It repre- Pumps —and are ready to meet the demand with a
sents a beautiful woodland ~ "7 1 *. •c 11 j 77
„ * . stock that is full and complete.
setting and presents a com-
plete and entrancing picture
of rc iJ )l Tnrlinti litV / Women's patent colt Tango pumps, kidney heels, pair SI.OO
' ' Women's gun metal English pumps, pair $4.00
Fourteen Indians In All fl ' J*' / Women's $3.00 gun metal and patent colt pumps and oxfords, pr., $2.50
Women's patent colt and gun metal pumps in colonial and tailored
1 he ii-xnibition Is Free bow styles, kidney, spool and Cuban heels, pair SI.OO
k Women's $2.00 and $2.50 sample pumps and oxfords in patent colt,
Chi dren must be accom- gun metal and tan calf, with high and low hoels. pair $«.«»
pamed by an adult. Men's patent colt, gun metal and tan calf oxfords, button and blucher
Exhibition from 9.30 a. jll, Vjum I styles, pair $4.00
to 30 p 111 Tgy yI Men's patent colt, gun metal and tan calf oxfords, button and blucher
Special sale of Boys' and /jv'jtmA \ . Misses' patent colt and gun metal pumps, t and 2-strap styles, all
Girls' Indian and Cowbov A."*"** 1 - sizes, pair $1.25, $1.19 and $1.09
Suits at .>O<K.SI .OO.fKI .l() Third Floor— BOWMAN'S MiSSef '' aUd ch,ldren ' s wh,te shoes - all sizes ' » )air ■• • • * 1 '" 0 «"<» >»-23
' ) p twu, • 0 n g a ] e on t j, e Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S.
Honorary Pallbearers For
Jones Funeral Named
Arrangements in connection with
the burial of the late Joshua W. Jones,
whose funeral will take place from his
home. 214 North Third street, at 2
o'clock to-morrow afternoon, with the
Rev. Rollln A. Sawyer, rector of
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, In
charge, include the selection of hon
orary pallbearers as follows: Major
Lane S. Hart. William Jennings, Ly
man D. Gilbert, W. M. Ogelsby, W. H.
Metzger, James Brady, Benjamin F.
Meyers, William M. Knisely, J. L.
Shearer, Harry E. Hershey, E. Z.
Gross, Joseph Montgomery, Thomas
M. Jones, Frank R. T-ielb, Theodore
C'alder, James Steese, William Mullen.
Charles E. Dubell, C. E. Cooling, Harry
C. Howell, Robert Crane and Dr. E.
G. Eckert.
The active pallbearers will be past
masters of Perseverance Lodge, No. 21,
Free and Accepted Masons, of which
nt the time of Mr. Jones' death he was
the oldest living past master, as well
as one of its oldest members.
Gifford Plnchot, Bull Moose candi
date for senator, whizzed through the
city to-day on his way from Carlisle
to Reading and points beyond. On
his way from Carlisle he stopped In
Mechanlcsburg and was given a re
ception In the hall of the Business
Men's League. He was the guest of
J. J. Milleisen and was accompanied
by Congressman Uupley. A number
uf I>emocrats were prominent at the
By Associated Press
New York, April 7.—Mayor Mitchel
to-day appointed Arthur H. Woods,
Here are picture* of Harrlsburg's 900-pair cable—the largest In the world —used by the Bell Telephone Compant
to feed the Allison Hill section. By the use of this mammoth cable the Bell company Is able to save about sl6 00(1
every year. The picture shows the 1818 wires In the cable after the sheath Is removed at one end. Eight extra
pairs of wires are carried for emergency purposes. When working at Its highest efficiency this cable will take cara
of 1500 telephones. The view looking down the manhole shows the 900-palr cable spliced, and a part remaining
to be spliced. The cable was placed a ahort time ago.
one of his secretaries, police commie- I
skilled investigator and several years j
ago a deputy police commissioner
under Commissioner Theodore Bing
ham, will take office to-morrow.
Buy Your
Refrigerator Now
Enjoy the convenience of our
Club Plan and have the benefit
early In the season.
SI.OO Mentis one to your home.
Fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S
Kleinert Dress Shields,
Brassieres and Sanitary Aprons
MISS CAWLEY will demonstrate
the superior advantages of the
Kleinert wash goods.
Garment Shield Net Brassiere for
summer gowns. So many complain
of heavy weight materials in bras
rieres. These are made of strong
net. well boned —and are just the
thing for summer gowns. Notion
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
H. & R. Garter
Something New
For two weeks Miss
Boyd will demonstrate the
utility of these garters.
Can be attached lo any cor
Made of specially woven twill
webbing, will not lose its elasticity
and will outlast any corset. Posi
tively prevents runners, ravel or
drop stitch in all hosiery.
BOWMAN'S—Main Floor.
Probably most of the difficul
ties of trying to live the Christian
life arise from attempting to half
live it—Henry Drummond.