16 You Know It Always Rains in April By "Bud" Fisher Z&fto • r rvie V. / N f '! (, » v —~v C £ \ yyvouU Been "rw,NKj»4« U4 \ , , -3 RA.M.NO.j / y li! ' ! 11 ' ~ ' MATE LEADER QUITE COUNT During a Short Stay in Harrisburg Today President Graham Hands Out Cheer President George M. Graham ol' the League, was in Harrisburg t'o-day. The league leader stopped off to see his Harrisburg friends. tie van on his way to York where he will pttend the booster banquet to-night. President Graham was not in Har risburg long until his presence was known. Baseball fans in Harrisburg pre well acquainted with "George," mid when they see that familiar smile, they know some good news will be forthcoming soon. No sporting writer Jn Pennsylvania has done more to lioost the Tri-State game than George Graham, and this year he is to be the chief booster. • While in Harrisburg the Tri-State president had a conference with a »i umber of Harrisburg officials and vill in all probability come to this city at an early date to participate in » mass meeting similar to the one to be held at Trenton on April 14. Speaking about the season's prospects President Graham said: "I have been in every city on the Tri-State circuit and found en thusiasm strong. I feel confident that It is going to be a great season. It xvill be a season for youngsters and the clubs that give their attention to developing future stars will find it a profitable investment. "One thing that gives me great con fidence is the interest manifested by the business men in every city. That is what counts. Every club ought to cater to the men who will lend their support and I believe that with the slid of the business men, and various Irade bodies, the game will receive Mrong backing. Give the fans some thing to talk about and the game will be popular." President Graham be- Sore leaving for York said he would Jiave something more to say of inter iest to Harrisburg later on. EASTER EXCURSION ' TO Atlantic City Cape May, Wildwood Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Anglesea Avalon, Stone Harbor Saturday, April 11. 191-1. $4.00 from Harrisburg 26 cents additional to Atlantic City via Delaware River Bridge Route. Tickets will be accepted on reg ular trains ,and will bo good re turning until April 25, inclusive. Slop-over nl l'liilnilel|>liiii Full particulars of Ticket Agents or A. K. Buchanan. Division Pas senger Agent. Harrisburg. l'a. Pennsylvania Railroad v Get the Coal in Before Housecleaning The Spring schedule of cheaper coal is in effect and April prices are 50 cents low er on ICelley's nut, egg\ stove, rind broken sizes. Now is the time to buy next winter's supply and cut down the cost of living. Fill the bins before housecieaning time. j Order Kelley's Coal and, save 50c a ton. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 N. Third St 10th and State Streets. »- Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE la Effect November 30, 1813. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— For Winchester and Martlnsbur«- n.t 6:03, *7:52 a. m.. *3:40 p m. ,oour * « For Hagerstown, Chambersburg Car lisle. Mecnanicsburg and intermediate stations at K:O3. •7:52, *11:63 a. m •8:40, 6:32, *7:40, •lHltf p. m . m " Additional trains for Carlisle and Wechanicsburg at !):48 a. m . 2:13 3 27 S:!iO, 9:30 a. in. ' ' " For Dlllsborg st 80S, *7:62 and •11:63 a. tti.. 2.18. *3:40. 6:32 and 6:30 m. •Daily. All otli«r trains daily except Sunday H. A . ridDLE, J. H. TONGKj g. p. j TUESDAY EVENING. HABRISBURG *&&&£& TELEGRAPH ' APRIL 7, 1914. Lebanon Valley Teams Play Ten-inning Game; Rutherford Is the Star Special to The Telegraph ; Annville, Pa., April 7.—ln a fast [ten-inning game the first of the sea j son, the Lebanon Valley Freshmen J anil the Lebanon Valley Academy j teams yesterday played to a tie, score i 4 to 4. Darkness prevented a con : rinuance of the game. Rutherford. a Middlctown boy, I pitched superb hall for the Freshmen, j fanning five men and scoring a home I run. triple and single. The score fol- I lows: FRESHMEN j, R.H. O. A. E. Loomis, 11, 1 ] 10 2 0 Rutherford, p 2 S 3 4 0 Speraw, 3b 0 0 2 ft 0 ! Rupp, 2b 0 1 0 2 0 i Albert, ss 0 1 2 fi 0 j Evans, c 0 0 fi rt 0 Swartz. cf 0 2 3 0 0 I Fink, rr 0 0 2 0 0 | Snavely, cf 1 i i o 0 Total 4 9 30 14 0 ACADEMY I R.H. O. A. E. , Backert, lb 1 2 9 1 0 j Wine, 2b 0 0 0 3 0 I\\ rlghtstone, p 1 l 2 1 0 Berger, ss 0 0 3 6 0 Wheelock, c 1 2 8 0 0 Reber, 3h 0 0 2 1 0 Baker, cf 0 0 2 0 0 Addinger, rf 1 o 2 0 0 Holman, If 0 0 2 1 0 Total 4 5 30 13 0 Freshmen 012000010 o—4 Academy 001030000 o—4 HITS OF SI*ORTS "Rube" Marquard yesterday signed a three-year contract to play with the New York Giants. Harrisburg will be ell represented at the Booster banquet at York to night. Tlie Carlisle Indians defeated Cor nell in a hard fought Lacrosse game at Carlisle yesterday, score 2 to 1. Secretary John A. Heydler of the National League is home from his month h vacation and has started a busy season. Secretary Heydler will keep close tabs on all records this year. Wllkes-liarre started preliminary work yesterday. The Krall A. C. lost to the Paul A. O. yesterday, score 32 to 11. The Highspire grandstand will be enlarged and the field improved. Thomas L.vter. of this city, the star catcher of the Lebanon Valley base ball team who was threatened with appendicitis, has recovered and ex pects to be back in the game this week. j The .Muscovies dropped from sec .ond to fifth place as a result of their , defeat by the -Mallards, margin 179 | pins. ! The West End A. C. defeated the i Camp Curtin team yesterday, score j 10 to 1. The Athletics defeated the Phillies | yesterday, score C to 1. I The Mrs. H. B. Dull class in the j Pine Street Presbyterian Sundav | school bowling league closed the sea- json last night, defeating the H. B. AlcCormick class, margin 14 pins. The I victors close the season in first place. J The Snipes defeated the Gobblers ' and Wrens in the Bird League last j night. Th<* Wrens defeated the Tumb lers and the Tumblers defeated the! ! Gobblers. ] The llassett Juniors won from the Steclton Midget basketball team last! night, scoro 50 to 11. I ANOVER CLAUDE irp to date And newly furnished Hid Muaic wHh Lunch, , ' \WKITK OH WIHE'wfK RKSERWHON'".. EDUCATION AIJ Iprepare for office work" DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS Enroll Next Mondnv SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 SAMAIiKET SQ-, HARRISBURG, Harrisburg Business College! Day and Night. Business,' Shorthand and Civil Service. In-' dividual Instruction. 28th year.l 329 Market St Harrisburg, Pa. i Brooklyns Are Dark Horses of National League—Robinson "UNCLE" WILBUR RoBINSuN Thts rotund manager of the Brooklyn Nationals, who declares that his team is the combination that the New York Giants will have to pass in or der to again win the National League pennant. Hobble declares that he lias positively the best infield in the National League, and that his outfield is just as good as the best. He can't see any catchers but liis own, and expresses himself as being entirely satisfied with his-pitching staff. "Uncle" Wilbur was for many years associate malinger to John J. McCJraw with the Giants. He knows a whole lot about the game of "glorified rounders" and is a natural leader of men. West Fairview Shots Organize a Gun Club; Officers Are Elected I Sportsmen of West Fairview last night completed plans for the organi zation of a Gun Club, and will have » series of target and live bird events during the season. The new organization will be known as the West Fairview Gun Club. A clubhouse will be erected and traps will be Bet on the Rupley grounds, an ideal spot for events of this kind. At the, meeting held last night in W. A. Cripple's pool parlors the following officers were elected: President. Jlorace Myers; treasurer, W. A. Cripple; secretary, W. N. Haw baker; trustees, John Wagner, W. A. Miller, E. D. Givlcr: auditing com mittee, D. H. Wagner. E. D. Givler, Irvin Bretz; membership committee, C. E. Yarnall, W. A. Cripple, C. M. Miller. The club has purchased a Western 1 automatic trap and 5,000 white flyer! targets. Included in the membership are a number of crack shots who ex pect to make good scores. HARRISBURG JUNIORS READY The Harrisburg Juriors are in the field again 'this season, and will play any juvenile aggregation whose play ers average thirteen years cf age. The manager of the Juniors Is George King, who can be found at 1114 North Second street. All games will be play ed at Island Park. The lineup will be announced along with other amateur lineups within the next ten days. STANDISH^foI COLLAR 2 for 2s* Clwtt P«»body yCaJnc. Mtlun Motorboat Race Over Longest Course San Francisco, Oal., April 7. —Motor boats will race over the longest course ever laid for craft of their class when the start from New York in 1915 to reach San Francisco by way of the Panama Canal and win SIO,OOO in prir.es, the authorization of which was anounced to-day by the Panama- Pacific Exposition. The start of the race will be ar t-aimed so that the finish will be at the exposition grounds when the motor boat regatta, to be held in October, is in progress. The boats entering the contest must have a minimum length of sixty-five feet on the water line. The United States authorities have been asked to co-operate by detailing two or three destroyers or revenue cutters to fol low the races on the Atlantic and Pa clflse coasts to lend assistance to any disabled craft and assure security to the contestants. TEC 11 HIGH SCHEDULE INCLUDES NEW TEAMS Tech high school will have two new teams on their schedule next season, Allentown and •Greensburg. Football outlook at Tech is bright. Elscheld will be out of the game as he grad uates along with Tittle and Ebner. The schedule which will be submitted to the athletic association for approval is as follows: Sept- 26—Pottsville, away. Oct. 3 —Lancaster, away. Oct. 10—Sunbury, home. Oct. 17—Steelton, away. Oct. 24—Greensburg, away. Oct. 31, Lebanon, home. Nov. 7—Allentown. home. Nov. 1 4—Williamsport, away. Nov. 21—Steelton, home, Nov. 26 —Central High. home. Annual Call to Amateur Managers Future errata are warming op for the coining baseball Hann, an< | will soon be In the Held for hon or*. The Harrlaburg Telegraph desire* to keep In cloae touch with all aninteur> teama and names. Managers are requeated to aend In nt once the namea of their team, manager and captain, with their addresses. SPORTING EDITOR OF THE TELE GRAPH. LINGLESTOWN WILL IE Oil BASEBALL IP Athletic Club Had a Rousing Meet ing and Elected Officers For the Season Special to The Telegraph Llnglestown, Pa., April 7.—This town will atrain be on the baseball map this season and all teams with any standing must play the Lingles town A. C. If they are in the race for the championship. Members of the Athletic Club met I last night to talk over plans. There will be games until the latter part of September. Most of the games will be plaj ed oil Saturdays, but, of course, there will be the usual holiday games, J and arrangements will be made to | have a series of twilight contests. The manager of the team this sea son Is Ross A. Look. Manager Look will have as his assistant Harry Gru ber. The officers this season are: President, Michael Farllng; vlce presidenl, Dr. K. L. Shank; escretary, Paul Kreider; treasurer. Fleck Meix ell; directors, Michael Parling, Carl Reith, Dr. F. L. Shank, J. H. Schraner, David Lazerene, O. B. Leese. On A pril 16 the club will hold on enter tainment to raise funds to start the season with new uniforms and a com plete new outfit. lAMuseMems MAJESTIC To-night—"Mutt and Jeff in Panama." To-morrow, Matinee and Night—Neil O'Brien Minstrels. Tuesday, April 14—Afternoon, concert by Russian Symphony Orchestra. Evening, Harrisburg Choral Society will sing Mendelssohn's "Elijah," assisted by the Russian Orchestra. "MI TT AM) JEFF IN PANAMA" The offering at the Majestic this afternoon and evening is "Mutt and Jeff in Panama." Everybody knows of Mutt and Jeff and their adventures, i In this stage vehicle they have plenty to do. Owen Davis wrote the book, I while Will H .Cobb and Leo Edwards I are responsible for the jingles and j tunes. Mutt and Jeff are carried through a series of scones and sit- I uations with a melodrama tinge and I flavor.—Advertisement. NEIL O'BRIEN'S MINSTRELS Neil O'Urien and his "Great Ameri can Minstrels" will be the attraction at the Majestic Theater to-morrow afternoon and evening, presenting for his second annual pilgrimage a brand new entertainment from the first part jto concluding features. Encouraged by the brilliant success and wonderful I favor with which his tlrst season's j tour was greeted, Mr. O'Brien and his | able young manager, Oscar F. Hodge, | promise many loyal admirers a per- I formance of minstrelsy this season i even more classy, relined and enjoy ! able than the splendid show of last I year, which at the time was conceded I to be almost perfection in minstrel j production.—Advertisement. i EXCELLENT IllLl, With Iljams and Mclntyre, of mu sical comedy fame, heading a flne bill of Keith vaudeville at the Orpheuni this week there arc reasons why Lo cust street should bo one of the busiest spots in town. For while these two ] stars are really back to the scene of I their tirst triumph In Harrisburg, they have been immensely .successful in I first-class musical comedy ever since. I 'one of their most successful ventures i being "Th" Girl of My Dreauis" that I played the Majestic Theater tVice last' 'season. To-day they are fast favor-1 I ttes with local theatergoers and when' I .the reasonable prices in \ o;j c ;i the' ■ Orpheuni are taken into con.- . .ation jit is only fair to say that 11 a us and j Mclntyre are in themselves \v rta the j tme nnd price. But the- excellence of the Orpheuni bill supporting them re mains up to that playhouse's good standard. For Lou McConnell and Grant Simpson, great favorites of sev eral seasons back, are here this week in a new comedy called "The Right Girl," and then "The Girl in the Moon," a vocal spectacle, is one ot the most artistic "sight acts" of the season. Comedy, novelty and variety are all happily blended in the remain ing attractions. —Advertisement. AT THE COLONIAL "Who Owns the Baby?" Is the title of one of the best mirth-producinfc dishes that has been served up to Colonial patrons for some time. It is! a comedy vehicle of the tlrst water | and splendidly played by Cartright j and Eldrldge. A song, dance and pat- ! ter duo and a clever singing comedian round out a bill that is above the i average. "Above the Law" is the title 1 of an excellent Lubin feature 111 m In two parts that will be presented at the Colonial to-day in connection with some other Interesting features of the first-run licensed films. Advertise ment. MUSICIAN WILL GO TO ENGLAND Special to The Telegraph Lewletown, Pa., April 7.—Mr. and Mrs. Thornton will sail for England next week, where they will make their home. Mr. Thornton, during his stay In this section, was one of the best known musicians In Central Pennsyl-1 vania. He was the leader of theThorn ton orchestra and taught instrumental j Baseball Decision Is a Long Way Off By Associated Press Grand Rapids, Mich., April 7. There was nothing to Indicate early to-day whether or not Judge Clarence W. Sessions, of the United States Dis trict Court, would hand down his de cision in the case of Catcher William i J. Killlfer, Jr., to whose services both the Philadelphia National League club and the Chicago Federal League club have laid claim. The case was argued late last week, the judge reserving his opinion with the anouncement he would not ren der a decision before to-day and pos sibly not for a week or ten days. MARTIN SHERIDAN WILL ' TRY TO GET INTO FORM Special to The Telegraph New York, April 7. —Martin J. Sher idan, the former world's champion and all-around athlete, has started training with the expectation of win ning back his lost laurels. Sheridan has been out of athletics for some time, and it was believed that he was out for good. Sheridan hopes to not only regain the championship but to set a new record. Since his retirement from athletics Sheridan has put on considerable weight, and it is believed that this will aid him in the discus throw. He will probably enter several meets dur ing the summer. GREINER WON BATTLE Special to The Telegraph Lancaster, Pa., April 7.—When Johnny Greiner, of Lancaster, and Ty Cobb, of Philadelphia, met at the Lancaster Athletic Club several weeks ago, Cobb shaded Greiner, but the lat ter turned the tables last night by besting Cobb. The Phiiadelphlan had a trifle on Johnny in the earlier rounds, but ho went after Cobb so hard In the fifth that the round closed with Ty groggy. The final round was also to the good for the Lancaster kid. AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS ' Hyams&Mclntyre Cartright & Aldridge J DE FUR and GIRLS D bkbam"» "™ k GIIU ' OP MY PETER F. BAKER MUSICAL COMEDY FAVORITES ■■ -d LULU McCONNELL & SBSS I ■ )^> GRANT SIMPSON A GREAT BILI. FEATURE MOVIES I V_ —^ MAJESTIC THEATER Mmiger> I |To-morrow~-Matinee and Night Glilont'lo 'Mui'll aI y H £ ucreaa, | o " c * r F - Hodge Preaenta MUTT & JEFF Neil O'Brien IN PANAMA -v MINSTRELS !«•■ a Record Run of 14 Montha in All llarrlsburg I.lked and New York, 6 Month* In Chicago, 4 T,,"' d *'T" n ' Everything Months In Ronton Shining New Thla Season. Now rec nwrv <-1 Ifioo ... ..... OKnlieil an Antrim's Leading Mln- F,f T* ~K* *;R PEOPLE strel Organlmatlon. „ . "° *™ O ' '" ory IPrices. Mot., 25c to fl| Night, 2Be, Prices 25c, BOe, 76c and »1.00 1 to 91.50. ' *■' ' i—.——,> A good cigar like a good egg is not only good in parts—but all over KING OSCAR 5c Cigars are good all over—good wrapper, good binder and good filler • . Regularly Good For 23 Years v Home Destroyed By Fire During Absence of Family Waynesboro, Pa., April 7.—During the absence of Omar Shockey and family, of Highfleld, Md., near Pen- Mar Park, who were visiting relatives In Creagerstown, Md., the house occu pied by them was burned to the ground, together with all the. furniture ' and clothing belonging to the fainili 1 The house was two stories and w;ir owned by Splelman & Shockey, butch ers, who occupied the lower floor at a store. The building was valued at about $1,600 and the household furni ture at SBOO, with small Insurance. EASTER GREETLETS. Come and greet our new styles for boys. Never better in cloths, colors, make and fit. Never better quality for the price. 94 to 912.50. TBBINUB 320 Market St.