Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 07, 1914, Page 15, Image 15

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    A House or a Farm-Get It Through Telegraph Want Ads I
Chained to Your Desk
Who's to blame? You or the work that piles up?
Supposing you had a little help—a competent
man or woman to relieve you of much of the petty
detail you're handling now—wouldn't you be able
to put your time on bigger things?
Certainly you would!
And you'd be able to kick 100.-'* once in a while,
to get out into the air and mix with men—to put
over some deals that you'll never even start while
chained to a desk!
The answer is a Telegraph WANT AD that will
get you just the help you want.
Phones—Bell 2040, Cumberland 203.
■! ■■ i-—i "■ - --»—"—■ i-i ■» I
HALBLEIB On April 6, 1914, Caroline
K. Halbleib, aged 62 years, s,months
and 26 days.
Funeral on Thursday, at 2 P. M„ from
1315 James street. Funeral private. ■
JONES On Sunday, April 5. 1914, ]
Joshua W. Jones, aged 83 years, at ;
his residence. 214 North Third street. 1
Funeral Wednesday, April 8, 1914, at •
2 P. M.
Kindly omit flowers. j
LOST Female French Poodle, j
white, slight yellowish tinted spot on .
back and ear. Reward. Return to No. ,
711 North Second street. (
LOST A small brown grip, be- •
tween 211 Forster street, Hurrisburg, •
and Camp Hill. Containing two baby
dresses and other baby clothes. Suit
able reward if returned to 211 Forstet
street, or Bowman & Co., Market street.
IiOST Lady's brooch, set in pearls
with large pearl in center and largo
pearl extended, Saturday, between 5:30
and 6 o'clock. Reward if returned to
417 Maclay street. J.
WANTED Situation as collector
for several days each week, or regular- -
ly. with seven years' experience. Ad
dress J. W. Diehl, 1223% North Sixth ,
street. 1
WANTED Experienced person to <
repair patent leather tips. Steady -
work. Apply W. L. Kreider's Sons Mfg.
Co., Inc., Palmyra, Pa. | ]
MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at I ]
once for Electric Railway Motormen|-
and Conductors; S6O to SIOO a month; j
no experience necessary; fine opportu-| -
nity; no strike; write immediately for 11
application Itlank. Address Box 820, -
care of Telegraph.
PAPERHANGER. at once; steady 1
employment. 326 Relly street.
WANTED Horseshoer, general
•work; steady work year round. P. O. j
Box 451, Newport. Pa. j 1
WANTED Automobile expert, to ■
take charge of shop, one who can make 1
any kliul of a repair job, one who is ex- j ]
pertenced on electric starting and light- ■
ing system, battery work, vulcanizing; 1
onlv experienced men need apply; good -
wages; steady work. Juniata Automo
bile Co., Mifflintown, Pa.
WANTED Amateur musicians for 1
orchestra, AT ONCE; any part. Ad- <
dress W. S. L., care of Telegraph.
WANTED Shoe cutters on chil
dren's shoes. Sterling Shoe Co., Wil- ,
llanisport, Pa. I,
——— —»
WANTED A successful Industrial . 1
Life Insurance producer in Harrlsburg I"
who can secure and manage local busi
ness getters. AVe have a wonderful!;
proposition for either Industrial or '
solicitors. Big opportunity '
the proper man to manage our Har
rlsburg territory. Must be clean cut,
tactful and supplied with strongest en
dorsements. Salary, commission and 1
renewals to the right man. Insurance, '
106 Schiller Building, Chicago.
WANTED—GirIs for general office
work. Apply Harrlsburg Shoo Mfg.
Co., Harrleburg, Pa.
WANTED Woman for cleaning
etore. Apply Rothert'a Co., 812 Market '
WANTED White girl for general 1
housework; small family; good wages; ■
references required. Apply 2135 Green
WANTED Young lady for general
office work. Apply J., 534, care of
EXPERIENCED girls, alsotearneriT,
for fitting room. Apply Harrlsburg
Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harrls
burg, Pa.
FIFTY experienced operators for
vewlng on power machines; paid while
learning. Apply S. Silver, Forster and
Cowden streets.
Uptown Bungalow
Two-story new frame dwelling
with tlx rooms—bath and furnace
—front and back porches. Lot
17%x75 feet Immediate posses
Price $1,750; easy terms !
at Paxtang
South side of Derry street Just I
east, of Paxtang avenue.
Two-story frame dwelling with
eight rooms—bath and steam heat.
Lot 60x282 feet.
At the price we're asking this
property Is a bargain
Miller Bros. & Neefe
' v
jlso learners, to make aprons, etc.
Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star
laundry. State street, roar entrance.
WANTED Experienced girls for
packing room. Apply Devine and Yun
gel Shoe Mfg. Co., Sixteenth and State
WANTED Half-grown girl to as
sist with housework in family of three.
Call Bell phono SB2J. j
WANTED—Capable white woman for j
general housework. No washing. Only <
assist with Ironing. Small family. Good ;
wages. Must have references. Apply J
615 North Front street. j
'HELP WANTED —MaIe and Female
j WE WILL PAY YOU $120.00 to dls-'
! tribute religious literature in your com- I
munlty. Sixty days' work. Experience
not required. Man or woman. Oppor
tunity for promotion. Spare time may
be used. International Bible Press,
WANTED Boy 13 years of ago
wants situation In drug store or gro
cery store after school hours. Call, or
write, 562 Forrest street, City.
WANTED Two strong, reliable,
energetic, young men, 18 years of age,
desire positions of any kind; can fur
nish best of references if required. Ad
dress F. W. A., 408 Chestnut.
WANTED Young man, 18, wants
position of any kind; can furnish ref- j
erenco if required. Inquire of C. M., i
1737 North Sixth street, Harrisburg, Pa. |
WANTED—MiddIe-aged man desires
work of any kind. Address 0., 638, care
of Telegraph,.,
WANTED Middle-aged white man,
sober and Industrious, would like work
of any kind. Address George GUlet,
Lucknow. Pa.
WANTED Boy wants situation In j
grocery store or as errand boy, after
school hours. Call, or address, 185 |
North Fifteenth street.
WANTED A young man wishes a
position as butler or houseman in pri
vate family; can give reference. Call,
or address, 116H Liberty street, City.
WANTED Young blind man wants
wark caning chairs. Call, or address,
Nathaniel Branch, 14 IS North Seventh
street, City.
STENOGRAPHER Young lady, de
sires position as stenographer. Experi
enced and can furnish reference. E.,
540, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Young girl wishes em
ployment after school. 804 Capital.
WANTED Positions for two per
sons at day's work or by the week.
Call, or write, 31$ South Cameron street,
WANTED A reliable white woman'
wishes a few days' work a week. Ad
dress R., 1741 Susquehanna street.
WANTED Position as bookkeeper
or stenographer; five years' experience;
office work of all kinds; now employ
ed. Address "Stenographer," 405 Lln
coln street, Steelton.
WANTED By middle-aged woman,
situation as mother's helper; good ref
erence. Address G., 628, care of Tele
WANTED Middle-aged colored wo
man desires day's work of any kind,
j Call, or address, 533 Primrose avenue.
j WANTED—Young, experienced white
! woman wants general housework In
[small family; reference; suburbs pre
ferred. Address Mlse H., care of Har
risburg Telegraph.
FOR SALE Modern house, all Im
provements, $5,200. Anrilv 228 Wood
bine street.
QUICK BUYER For 1815 Whitehall
Street 3-story brick dwelling fronting
on Reservoir Park. A delightful loca
tion. Miller Bros. & Neefe, Locust and
Court Sts.
FRAME HOUSE, located on Brlgge !
street, between Second and Third; i
, rooms and bath. Will be sold at sacrl- |
I lice it sold tills Spring. Address S. 0.,
No. 1001, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE l,OOO seating capacity
Moving Picture Establishment; equip
ment and real estate, including dwell
ing and store room. Apply Box No.
52.i, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, Har
risburg, Pa.
NOS. 145-147-149 COLUMBIA ROAD.
. Moat desirable location. Liberal terms.
inquire C. L>. Bowman, Owner, 227 Ma
da.v street. Harrisburg.
' FOR SALE lB2B Penn street —B
- story brick 8 rooms, bath and fur
nace. At the price we are offering this
property it is an exceptionally good In
vestment. Brinton-Packer Co., Second
and Walnut streets.
No. 230 North Fifteenth street.
No. 177 North Fifteenth street.
No. 1412 Berryhlll street.
No. 513 South Fifteenth street.
Prices upon inquiry.
. J. E. GIPPLE, '
' FOR SALE What !s your cash !
I off® l " for No. 1632 Wallace street?!
Three-story frame house 8 rooms i
I (fas furnace paved Streets front :
land rear. Former price, $1,500 Bell,
Realty Co., Bergner Building
SIXTY HOUSES, some new and very
attractive homes; Eevoral very good In
vestments. Terms to suit. D. 13. Bright
bill, 2 North Court street. Both phones.
FOR SALE No. 252 C Jefferson
street 2 1,4-story brick and frame
house 7 rooms bath furnace
porch. Price very reasonable. Get our
"For Sale" list. Bell Realty Co., Berg
ner Building.
FOR SALE lnspect 650 Boyd ave
nue for home or investment —■ 3-story
brick house 8 rooms bath gas
—furnace porch. Occupied by own
ers. Price, $1,950. Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
FOR SALE Money-making lodg
, Ing house or dwelling, on Pine street.
1 Thirteen rooms and three bath rooms—
I recently painted and papered vacant,
j Little cash needed. Bell Realty Co.,
I Bergner Building.
FOR SALE Rockvllle house 9
rooms slate roof frame river
] front paved street one minute to
trolley price, *2,250. Apply to Rock
Shirk, Sixth above Division street, Har
I FOR SALE 73-acre farm, IVi miles
south of New Cumberland, on Lewis
! berry and Llsburn road. Nine-room
| house, barn accommodating 22 head of
stock, hog pen, chicken house, butcher
house, wash and spring houses. Every
thing in good repair. Excellent spr..ig
and well. Also two lots 40x105 feet, on
Seventh street, Elkwood. Excellent
home sites. Inquire Caleb A. Drayei,
Twelfth and Bridge streets. New Cum
FOR SALE l6OO North Sixth street
—Corner property two-and-one-half
story dwelling and store room lO
rooms and bath gas electric light
| —lot, 21x81 good business location.
I Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut
; streets.
FOR SALE Modern House, i
all improvements, ($5,300), 228j
Woodbine street.
BARGAIN HOUSE on North Fifteenth
street, between Walnut and State |
stroets; 9 rooms; all improvements;
porch and paved street. A rare bargain I
if sold at once.
1251 Market Street.
FOR RENT Furnished house, all
Improvements, 1166 Mulberry street. In
quire Roe Apartments, Thirteenth and,
I Derry streets.
FOR RENT No. 1200 Bartlne street,
a 2ii-story brick house, containing 6
j rooms and plastered attic; water and
?ras in kitchen; will rent to a small
amily only. Rent, sll per month. In
| quire at 110 Cumberland street.
I FOR RENT April 16, 927 North
I Second street; 10-room house, with all
improvements. Inquire next door, 929
North Second street, William Urieh.
Desirable residence, 1503 N.
Second, in perfect order; side
entrance; front porch; every con
venience. Steam heated, Vapor
system. Inquire 210 Pine Street.
Phone 3687.
FOR RENT 431 Market street, at
entrance of Subway l3 rotoms 2
baths all conveniences suitable
for rooming house rent, $60.00, in
cluding steam heat. Apply Chas. Adler,
1002 North Third street.
i 183 ACRES 46 perches farm land, 36
acres mountain land, known as the
"Squire Miller Farm" in West Hanover
Township, Dauphin County, on the
Manada Gap Road, about 4 miles from
Linglestown. Apply Commonwealth
Trust Co., Real Estate Department, 222
Market street, Harrisburg.
FURNISHED complete for houße
! keeping; large llvingroom, with alcove;
bay window; bath; hot water; kitchen
ette; gas range; private meter; bells;
stationary tubs; SIO.OO to $25.00. 1417,
Market. j
FOR RENT Second tloor flat, four
rooms, suitable for light housekeeping,
1223 Market street. Apply on premises
from 7 to 9 P, M.
FOR RENT Unfurnished apart
ments for housekeeping, at 1425 Derry
etreot. Inquire 1123 Derry street.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished
rooms, second floor front room, or pleas- 1
ant back room, for man anil wife, or
gentleman, In private family; all con- j
venlences; use of phone; on Hill. Call i
Bell phone 3217 J. j
FOR RENT Unfurnished rooms for I
rent; suitable for housekeeping; good ;
location; moderate rent. Address K., 1
532, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
communicating rooms, or separate,
steam heat, use of telephone and bath, I
with private family. Must give refer
erence. 257 Forster street.
FOR RENT A very desirable room
on the second floor; all conveniences;
use of telephone. Apply corner Fourth
and Chestnut streets.
WANTED Two business women to
share furnished apartment; no house
keeping; very central; rent reasonable.
Address X.. 531, care of Telegraph.
FURNISHED second floor front suite,
consisting of large llvingroom, bed
room and private bath. Also separate
room with stationary washstand; bath
to every two rooms; gRs and electric
lighting; city steam and hardwood
floors; references. 218 Pine street.
FIFTY furnished rooms, in private
families, (ill parts of city lmprov
ements 51.25 week many other
rooms. Send 15c for list of rooms. Ad
dress X., 508, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
rooms, for light housekeeping, on Cres
cent street. Address Box J., 526, care
of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Large unfurnished
room; city steam heat; light house
keeping allowed. 719 North Second
street. Apply 513 North Second street.
j FURNISHED ROOMS, single or eii
{ suite, all conveniences, Including phone;
reference required. Apply 1015 North
Front street.
I ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished or
unfurnished rooms; all Improvements;
pleasant location; terms reasonable. 609
Forster, opposite Messiah Lutheran
TWO nicely turnlshea rooms, for gen
tlemen, with city heat and use of bath.
Apply 272 Brtggs street.
FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en
suite; all conveniences; use of phone.
209 State street.
WANTED Young lady desires
room and board In private family, near
Broad street. Address 0., 535, care of
WANTED Desk room for two
weeks. Will pay $5.00. Address B„ 539,
care of Telegraph.
! WANT to rent a suburban home—not
too far from Harrisburg. Write or
flione to Chas. Adler, Real Estate and
nsurance, 1002 North Third street.
ion SALE
i FOR SALE—Pair cheap work horses,
j Will sell on account of no use for them
j Can be seen at Brown's Blacksmith
i Shop. Nineteenth and State streets
FOR SALE Brussels carpet and
diningroom furniture. Apply 161:! Green -
street. !
FOR SALE Auto, four-passenger, ;
1913 model, fully equipped; self-starter;
electric light, etc.; new tires; car good
as new. A. H. Krelder. Middletown, Pa.
FOli SALE—Cadillac Roadster, 1910; i
first-class condition; guaranteed. Bar- I
gain to quick buyer. Apply W., 537, '
care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Pope Toledo automo
bile, tine condition, slream line body, 1
tires all practically new, two extra cas- I
ings, four extra inner tubes, electric i
horn, 128-inch wheel base, 50-H.-P.. i
$650.00. Call 23 North Fourth street
for further particulars. 801 l telephone -
FOR SALE Two genuine French '
Poodles, age, eight weeks. For further I
information inquire 2015 Green street. 1
I FOR SALE 3&-H.-P. motor boat,
'2O ft. long, 6 ft. 5 inches wide: fantail '
stern; three-eighths-inch planking; !
brass screw top cushion seats. Will 1
sell for SIOO. Good A 1 running order.;'
All brass mounting. Address Arnos W. -
Swank, 440 North Second street, Sun
bury, Pa. 1
Steel Die Embossed Stationery and
Business Cards l —increases business
costs less than printing. Harrisburg
Embossing Plant, 4 North Fifth street.
FOR SALE Horse, wagon and har- 1
ness. Horse, a good time maker; 1
wagon, strong. Would make good de- <
livery team. For particulars address
D., 536, care of Telegraph.
BOAT FOR SALE Built of finest fir ,
and quarter sawed oak lumber, 19 feet ,
long, seats six people comfortably, will
carry ten safely. Used one season,
needs new skeg and rudder. Roberts
two-cylinder slx-horse-power engine. .
Mahogany high grade dash coil, auto
mobile steerer, Baldridge reverse gear,
I aluminum muffler, bronze under-water
exhaust, bronze propellers, 15-gal. gal
vanized steel gasoline tank, 6 folding
steel chairs, awning, 2 acetylene search
I lights with generator; all brass fittings,
brass name plates, electric horn; cost
I about SSOO, a bargain if sold quick. '
C. H. Hunter, care Elliott-Fisher Co.
taken at once, stock and fixtures
of general store doing large business In
1 thriving town. Will prove volume of
business to interested party. Want to
join my husband in Minnesota, reason
for selling. Call and examine stock. M.
C. A. Clouser, Duncannon, Pa.
TRUNKS, Traveling Bags, Suit Ca«es,
' Gloves. Sole, Harness and Strap
l.eather. Calfskin, lvlp. Do -.gula, Waxed
Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample
Cases and Leather Specialties made to
order and repaired. Harrisburg Har
ness and Supply Co., Second and Cheat
nut streets.
pine well painted and in first-class <
condition, $5. See Mr. Fisher, Miller l.i
Bros. & Neefe, Locust and Court streets, j;
GLASS window signs. Furnished 11
Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and
Board and Table Board, at 25c each.
One of these signs will be given with
each six-time order for a classified ad.
If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of i
USED motorcycles; all make. ; over
hauled and in fine condition; guaran
teed to be as represented; call for dem
onstration. Heagy Bros., 1204 North
Third street.
FOR SALE—Buiek, Apperson and i
Pullman touring cars, in good condi- '
tion; very cheap. Would make good
business cars. Apply 413-417 South
Cameron street.
—— |
FOR SALE—Maxwell Mercury Road
ster, excellent condition; a bargain. Ap
j ply 413-417 South Cameron street, City.
per gallon, sl.lO per one-half gallon,
| delivered by parcel post Sample, 10c. .
! L. K. Hostatter, Route 6, Lltltz, Pa.
I capacity large covered body good i
|as new. Apply Harrisburg Baking Co.,
j South Cameron street.
. ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of
•12 pt. O. S., with Antique Linotype
Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co..
Harrisburg, Pa.
I FOR SALE A $200.00 safe, good as
j new, with double doors, at $85.00. Call
I at No. 7 South Market Square, Harris
burg, Pa.
HATCHING EGGS from vigorous,
heavy-laying, farm-raised White Leg- i
horns, from the best egg-laying strain
In America, SI.OO per fifteen, $5.00 per
hundred. Max Laufter, Middletown, Pa
FOR SALE Up-to-date reed Pull
man baby coach, in good condition. Will
Ibe sold at reasonable price. Can be
: seen at 1127 Capital street.
| . |
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the j
Telegraph Business Office. |
! Wiirdi KOIIIC of llicm on pnvcil atrrct.
Will exchange for Improved property.
An exceptional opportunity for h
j builder. Call and InNpect blue print. K.
j 11. Oyster, Trustee, rare of Telegraph
Hnalucaa Offlee.
TWO desirable oilices in the |
Union Trust Building; possession!
at once. Apply Union Trust Go. j,
FOR KENT Desirable offices la the 1 ,
Telegraph Building, a.nuly or en-auite.
inquire at Uualneaa office.
/" 1!
secured at the Telegraph Business |
WEIJL.-LOCATED store room, 26x68,
also small room, 12x30, suitable for '
barber shop or small business, on West
High street, Ellzabethtown, Pa. Pos
-1 session Immediately. Inquire J. H.
Levenight, Ellzabethtown. Pa.
FOR RENT Storo room 1200 North 1
Third street; 33x100; 14-foot ceiling;
one of the best rooms in the city. Ap
ply J. S. Slble, 256 Herr street.
FOR RENT Furnished offices of
i the late Dr. Paul A. Hartman. Apply
j 514 North Third street.
new visible Oliver typewriter, by month
or week. Terms, $2.60 per month. Ap-
North Second street.
ANY intelligent person can earn good i
Income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock
port, N. Y.
I MADE $50,000 In five years In the
mall order business, began with $5.
Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea
cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y.
FOR SALE At Gables. 11l and
> 117 South Second street, R,OOO gallons
i New Era ready mixed Paint: Acme
quality. Also the full line 'of tile ACme
: make. ,
FOR SALE At Gable's, 113, 115 and 1
117 South Second street. 5.000 sets new .
Sash, Bxlo, 12 L., primed and glazed, at
, $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. i
AN investment of from one to five '
, thousand dollars will secure connection i
with a profitable, growing business,
j Services paid for and large return on
capital. Address Box J-C, 527, care of <
Telegraph. ]
OF all designs. Old floors made new. ,
Ask for catalog. J. M. Smith, 2219
Brookwood street, Harrisburg. Bell '
phone 1301 L i
W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street
—Furniture, china and piano packing.
Shipments looked after at both ends.
Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone
3227 W.
11. W. LATHE. Boarding Stable and I
National Tranafer Co. Movers of I
pianos, safes, boilers and general haul- j
Ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and
Woodbine streets. Bell phone No.
2503 R. I
FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine !
Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the i
Druggist and Apothecary, 119 M rket
street, Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone
orders given prompt attention. Bell
, liCO.
I WILL paint any old roof. Guaran- i
tee a watertight job. All colors. Postal
brings ine. Maxwell H. Hlte, The Roof I
Paint Man, Box 328, Harrisburg. Pa. j
with best material and by expert help. I
Send us your worn furniture. Our best
efforts insure your satisfaction. 8. N.
Gluck, 320 Woodbine street.
WE furnish music for all social
events. Small combination for house
Sartles as low as 12.60T Address
ernbra Mandolin Club. P. O. Box 486.
Harrisburg. Pa.
C. HENRY. Architect and Builder,
will save you money. Bungalows a
specialty. 704 South Twenty-fourth
street. Bell phone 1675 J.
in amounts of SI,OOO and up on first
mortgage on city property, repayable
monthly or Installments. Debt cancel
ed and mortgage satisfied on death of
borrower. W. C. Ilowland, Room 405,
Telegraph Building.
of loaning money by which borrowers
share profits of lenders. Legal rate*
easy terms, confidential. Offices. Rooms
6-7, 9 North Market Square
large brick warehouses, built ex
pressly for storage. Private rooms
for household goods and unexcelled fa
cilities for storing all kinds of mer
chandise. Low storage rates South ;
St. and Penna. R. R.
STORAGE 4l® Broad street, for |
household goods and merchandise. Pri
vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents
6er month. Apply D. Cooper & Co„ 411
;road street Both phones.
NOTICE Letters of Administration
on the Estate of James Gregory, late j
of Steelton, Dauphin county, Pa., de- I
ceased, having been granted to the un-
I del-signed residing in Harrisburg. Pa.,
I all persons Indebted to said Estate are
I requested to make Immediate payment,
i and those having claims will present
them for settlement.
Administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. !
Care of East End Bank. |
Or to
No. 1 North Third street.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv
ed by the Superintendent of Public
Grounds and Buildings for the Bale of i
1 twenty (20) Bicycles and a quantity of j
j Bicycle equipment, until twelve (12)
o'clock noon, April 13, 1914.
The above can be Inspected by ap
i plying at the offico of the Superlnten-
I dent of Public Grounds and Buildings, '
State Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa.
The right is reserved to reject any |
or all bids.
Superintendent of Public Grounds and 1
SEALED proposals will be received >
by the Superintendent of Public
Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Build- I
ing. Harrisburg, Pa., until 12 o'clock
noon, Tuesday, April 14, 1914, for fur
nishing all the necessary labor and
materials as called for in plant and
specification prepared by Edward K.
Morse, Engineer, Commonwealth Build
ing, Pittsburgh, Pa., for the construc
tion of a bridge (known aB the Wasser
Bridge) across the Shenango River,
?.bout one mile below Shenango, M u-cer
county. Pa.
Prospective bidders may secure plans i
and specifications by applying to the i
office of Superintendent of Public
Grounds and Buildings at Capitol |
Building, Harrisburg. Pa.
Bidders desiring information not con
tained in the plans and specifications I
may apply either to the Engineer, Ed- j
win K. Morse, or to the Superintendent j
of Public Grounds and Buildings in I
Proposals shall be In sealed en- I
! velopes plainly addressed on the out
i side with the name and location of i
bridge and name of bidder.
! Superintendent Public Grounds and j
[ Buildings.
Office of the Board of Commissioners of
Public Grounds and Buildings. Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, Harris
burg, Pa.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv
ed until 12 o clock noon, of Tuesday,
April 14, 1914, for furnishing all labor
and material necessary to erect a new
i fireproof main building on the State I
I Arsenal Grounds, at Eighteenth and !
Herr Streets, Harrisburg, Penna., as
called for in specifications and draw-I
! ings prepared by the Board of Public I
I Grounds and Buildings,
i Specifications and drawings may be |
] secured by prospective bidders by ap- (
I plying to the Superintendent of Public
Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Bulld
! ing, Harrisburg, Pa.
Proposals shall be In Bealed envelope,
1 marked "Proposals tor State Arsenal I
i Building," addressed.
; Superintendent of Public Grounds and !
: Buildings,
Capitol Building, I
Harrisburg. Pa. j
Harrisburg, Pa., April 6, 1914.
SEALED PROPOSALS will be re- 1
ceived by the Board of Trustees at the i
i Hospital until 10 o'clock A. M., May 5,
1914, to furnish all needed supplies to
the Pennsylvania estate Lunatic Hos
pital, for the year beginning June 1,
1914. Blank forms for proposals will
bo furnished on application to
H. L. ORTH, M. D.,
MY wife, Mrs. H. W. Shoemaker, hav- |
ing left my bed and board without Just
cause, I hereby notify all persons not I
to harbor nor trust her on ray account, i
as I will not pay any debts contracted |
by her.
Wilson's Policies Voted
on in Jersey Election j
By Associated Press
Paterson, N. J., April 7. —President
Wilson's policies and Socialism were'
the main issues In the special election j
held to-day in the Seventh New Jer
sey congressional district to choose a
successor to the late Robert O. Bren
ner. The President attracted national
attention to the local contest by en
dorsing James J. O'Byrne, the Demo
cratic candidate, and the Democratic i
national congressional committee, sent)
; speakers of national reputation to aid I
I O'Byrne's campaign. The Democrats j
j made their final appeal last night |
througli Senators Ollie James, of Ken- i
tucky, and J. Hamilton Lewis, of 1111-!
Only 41,200 Shares Dealt in During Forenoon Session :
Stockholders Not Affected
By Associated Press
New York. April 7. Trading dur
ing the morning was the slowest of any {
day of the year, and price changes were
insignificant. Only 41.200 shares were
dealt in during the forenoon session.
Holders of stocks were not affected by
the prevailing depression of speculative
sentiment, but the uncertainty of the
outlook effectually prevented extensive 1
| buying. The trading element abandon- I
ed efforts to put up prices, owlnf to |
revival of llnuidatlon of stocks of com
panies undergoing reorganization or
facing other Anancial difficulties.
Standard shares barely moved, al
though firmness was shown In the
grain carriers, owing to the expcctatbyi
of an exceptionally strong showing in i
the Government crop report later In i
the day. 1
Bonds were steady.
Furnished by H. W. SUAVELY ]
Arcade Building
Now York, April 7.
Open. 2.30 P.M. ,
Alaska Gold Mines .
Amal. Copper 77 77% '
Am. Ice Securities.. 30% 30% ,
American Smelting . 69% 69% <
Anaconda 35% 35%
Atchison 97% 97
Baltimore & Ohio .. 90 <JO% '
Brooklyn R. T 92% 92%
Canadian Pacific ... 207 206%
Central Leather ... 35% 35%
Chesapeake & Ohio. 53% 53%
C.. M. & St. P 101% 101%
C. & N. W 133% 133% i
Col. F. & 1 32 32
Consolidated Gas .. 132% 132%
Corn Products 9 9 %
Erie 29% 29% ,
General Electric Co. 146% 146% 1
Goodrich, B. P 27% 27%
Goodrich, B. F. pfd. 88% 88%
Great Northern pfd. 127% 127%
Great Nor. Ore. subs. 34 34 %
Interboro-Met 15% 15%
Tnterboro-Met. pfd.. 62 62%
Lehigh Valley 144% 144%
Mex. Petroleum ... 66% 67%
Missouri Pacific ... 25% 25%
New Con, Copper . 15% 15%
New York Central . 89% 89%
N. Y., N. H. &H. . 69% 69%
■J Norfolk & Western. 104 104
I Northern Pacific ... 114% 114%
1 Pacific Mail 25% 25% i
Penna. R. R 110% 110%
| Pittsburgh Coal pfd 92 92
Ray Con. Copper .. 22% 22% i
I Reading 165% 165%
Rep. Iron & Steel . 24 24 I
I Rock Island 3 % 3 % '
| Rock Island pfd ~. 6% 6%
!Southern Pacific ... 94% 94%
I Southern Railway . 25% 25%
; Tennessee Copper .. 35 35
!Texas & Pacific .... 16% 16%
Texas Company ,146% 145
Union Pacific 159% 159%
U. S. Rubber 61 61 !
U. S. Steel 63% 63%
U. S. Steel pfd 110% 110%
I Utah Copper 57 57%
Western Union Tel.. 62% *>2%|
I Westlnghouse Mfg.. 74% 75 t
Woolworth 94% 99% j
Deaths and Funerals
Another Old Soldier
Is Mustered Out
! Another old soldier has been muster- |
ed out. Cassius Mars, in his 70th year,
died at noon yesterday at his residence,
l 1201 New Fourth street, of pneumonia. |
He was ill onlv a few days. As a soldier |
of the Civil War Mr. Mars had an en
viable record. He was a charter mem
ber of David R. Stevens Post. No. 520,
Grand Army of the Republic, and also
a trustee of Harris African Methodist
Episcopal Zlon Church. He was long
employed at the Blough Brothers
manufacturing plant. Surviving him
are his sister. Mrs. Mollle Briar, and
one daughter, Mrs. Maggie Warren.
Mr. Mars lived here nearly fifty years.
He will be burled at 2 o'clock, Thurs-
I dav afternoon, from Harris African
Methodist Episcopal Zion Church The
j Revs. I. B. Turner and W. H. Marshall
i will officiate. David R. Stevens Post,
James M. Auter, commanding, will at-
I tend the services. Burial will be made
| at the Lincoln Cemetery.
Mrs. M. Elizabeth Mitchell, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Hardin, 1233
Currant avenue, died early yesterday
morning after an illness of long dura
tion. She is survived by her parents,
two brothers, David and Arthur, ami
three sisters. Mrs. Mabel McCann and 1
Misses Lottie and Myrtle Hardin.
Funeral services will be held at 2 i
o'clock to-morrow afternoon, from the
Hardin residence. The Revs. Walkei j
Tollver and I. B. Turner will officiate. I
| Funeral services for Pierce J. Srad
! lev. Sr., father of Pierce J. Bradley, Jr.,
city plumbing Inspector, who died Sat
| urdav morning at his home, 423 Boas
i street, were held this morning, at 9
o'clock, from the St. Patrick's Cathe
| dral. The Rt. Rev. M. M. Hassett, rec-
I tor of the Cathedral, conducted the
services. Burial was made In the Mt.
Calvary Cemetery.
' Funeral services for Robert Atkins,
! the retired storekeeper at the Lucknow
| shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad,
who died Friday evening at his home,
; Cameron and Paxton streets, were held
] this afternoon. Services were conduct
|ed by the Rev. George Hoverter ' of
I Elizabethtown. and burial was made in •
the East Harrlsburg Cemetery.
Mrs. Lydla Bickel, aged 74 years, died
iat her home, 403 Reily street, this
i morning, at S o'clock, from heart
trouble. She Is survived by the fol- i
lowing daughters: Mrs. K. Yeatts, of
Altoona; Mrs. Leah Masterson, Mrs. M.
Arnold, Mrs. M. Macglaughlln and Miss
Celia, all of Harrlsburg, and Mrs. H. !
Kitchen, of Steelton. The funeral ser- 1
I vices will be heH Thursday evening, at
| 7 o'clock, from her late home, the Rev.
jB. H. Hart officiating. Undertakers T. I
' M. Mauk and Sons will take the body to j
I Thompso town for buriul. Friday morn- I
{ ing.
Mrs. Tura Sllchter, aged 43, of 1007 i
i North Third street, died yesterday aft- .
| ernoon shortly after 3 o'clock at the
I Harrlsburg Hospital from a compllca-!
| tlon of diseases.
Eeshahkonee Tribe. No. 22, Improved '
I Order of Red Men, last evening, at its
j headquarters in Red Men's Hall, 305.
| Verboke street, installed the following
| officers: Prophet, C. A. Miller; sachem,.
Samuel Adlesteln: senior saglmore, L 1
E. Robinson; Junior saglmore, J. B. |
Sawers; chief of records, J. L Baker; :
collector of wampum, Frank Sturna;
keeper of wampum, J. B. Looker, and
Junior trustee, J. L Baker.
John Reddltz. of 129 South Second '
street, received a fractured right leg,
I last evening, when the automobile be
! longing to the Victoria Theater, which
he was driving, collided with a heavy i
j automobile truck at Blackberry and '
iCourt streets. The accident occurred
shortly before 10 o'clock. The machine I
1 belonging to the theater was wrecked, i
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., April 7. Hogs Re
ceipts, 13,000; steady. Bulk of sales.
$8.75®8.86; light, $8.68@8.87%; mixed,
$8.60@8.87%; heavy, $8.35@8.82%;
rough, $8.35(08.50; pigs, $7.60@8.60.
Cattle Receipts, 3,500; weak.
Beeves, $6.90®9.30; Texas steers, $7.26
@8.30; stockers and feeders, $5.60@8.00;
cows and heifers, $3.70@8.50; calves,
$8.25® 10.50,
Sheep Receipts, 15,000; slow. Na
tive, $3.5506.75; yearlings, $5.76(8/7.3h;
lambs, native, $6.25@8.00.
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, April 7. Wheat
Steady; No. 2, red, export, 97% @
98c; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, ex
port, $1.02(011.03%. '
Corn Higher; No. 2, yellow,
natural, local. 76@76%c; do., kiln dried,
local, 77@77%c.
Oats Steady; No. 2, white, 15%
@46% c.
Bran—Market steady; winter, per
ton, $30.00@30.50; spring, per ton,
$29.00® 29.50.
Refined Sugars Market steady;
powdered. 4 00c; fine granulated. 3,!)0c;
confectioners' A, 3.80 c; Keystone A.
3.65 c.
Butter The market is firm;
western, creamery, extras, 26c; nearby
prints, fancy. 29c.
Eggs The market Is firm;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, •
free cases, $6.00 per case: do., current
receipts, free cases, $5.85 per case:
western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.00
per case; do., firsts, free cases, $5.85
per case.
Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 15
@2le; young chickens, 14(&20e;
'"tune ' hi' kins. I , old roimt
ers, 12@13c; ducks, 17® 19c; spring
ducks, 18®20c; geese. 15@17c; turkeys.
! 9ffi> 2tio
Dressed Poultry Firm; fowls,
western, fancy, heavy, 20c; do.,
fair to good, heavy, 20c; do..
I'2?'jF' I tß, 12@15c; unattractive, 13
@l6c; old ro>osters, 15c; roast
ing chickens, fancy, 18«r20c: broil
ing chickens, fancy, 24@3nc: do., fair,
;B@l9c; capors, large. 23@2Ec; d 0...
small, 18 @ 2 0c; turkeys, fancy, :<®2sc;
10.. fair, 20@23c; ducks, 11®. 18c: gcei*
11 ©l6c.
Potatoes Firmer: New York and
Eastern, per bushel, So@S7c; Western,
per bushel, 80©87 c; Jersey, per basket,
20®50c; Florida, per barrel. $.00®7.50.
Hour The market Is weak; winter,
I dear. $3.85« i 4 10, »traig'.u». i «,.<■
sylvanla, $4.15@4.30; western, $4.25®
4.40; patents. $4.50 <o> 4.90: Knnsa i
j 'traierht lute t « -in,,
firsts, clear, $4.00® 4.20: straights, ii.2o
@4.40; patents, $4.50@4.75.
j Hay —■ The ma. ret is firm: tlm
-1 othy, Net 1, large bales. $18.00W18.5
No. 1, medium bales, $17.50@15,00; No.
2, SI6..SU<(!, 1 i.bO; No. 3. $1 L.tiiieir; ID t»i)
Clover mixed: Light mixed. $16.50®
17.00; No. I. do., $ 15. 50@ 16.00; No. 2. do
By Associated Press
; Paris, April 7. —"The only punish
i ment I should like to see imposed is
that ho serve France as he served
Greece," was the announcement to-day
of Government Commissary Alix at
the court martial of John Corinthious.
a Greek, who deserted f.om the For
! eign Legion to fight for the land of
his birth in the Balkan war. At the
conclusion of the war he returned to
the Foreign Legion having served
heroically. The court agreed with the
prosecutor and unanimously acquitted
Special Easter Service
at Sylvan Heights
The 114 children at Sylvan Heights
Orphanage will join in special ICa-stcr
ceremonles Sunday morning.
At 7 o'clock Easter morning sermon
and benediction, in charge of the Rev.
W .W. Whalen. of St. Patrick's Cathe
dral. will he followed by mass sung
by the children. Then the children
will be ushered into the schoolroom,
where there will be gifts of eggs and
dainties sent by friends.
Give the Soil
What it Needs
to Make
Things Grow
You can't make things
grow unless you keep
your soil rich and fertile.
This cun only be done by'puttlng
back the vital elements that
every crop takes away with It.
Nothing will do this so well as
good Manure.
Wizard Brand
is most convenient and econom
ical—"A Wagon Load In a Bag"
—Dry, finely pulverized, without
weeds, waste or refuse.
If you really want the greenest
kind of a velvety lawn and
gardens that will be a delight to
possess, flowers of rare foliage
and bloom, frults.and vegetables
and berries that come near to
perfection, give your soil a good
dressing of Wizard Brand Sheep
Manure the first thing this
Spring. Scatter it broadcast 10
lbs. to 100 square feet (10 by 10
ft.) or 100 lbs. to 1,000 sq. ft.
We deliver It for pou.
Price List
6 lbs., SO 25 100 lbs., $2.00
10 lbs., .10 500 lbs., 8.00
25 lbs., .75 1,000 lbs., 14,00
50 lbs., 1.25 2,000 lbs., 35.0t>
Waller S. Schcll
Quality Seeds
1307.1309 Market Street,
Harrlsburg, Pa.