Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 07, 1914, Page 11, Image 11

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    J S
I Boys 9 Spring Suits and Reefers
r Only a few-days to get the boys fitted for Easter.
J yV \Jr* J\ They'll need new Reefers, Suits, Hats, and other Fur
i nishings, and "The Globe ' is the store best able to please
I \ 1C S mee * *' le P aren^s ideas of style and econ
J 1 I ' Q I §£~\ in many new models and With Extra Trousers
I I|!f|,|,r ifllvV cloths; tweeds, serges'and Norfolks, Balkan styles of
I ,: P a variety of mixtures foi new Sco c tch 7 fab » cs the
I m ' R bovs 2to 10 years, newest Spring colors. Spe
» ///i 1 \>\ \ ' „ cial Easter values,
I I' I l ' Ml $3..)0, »3.9,>, •+.>.()() .$5.00 and $7.50
I mMFMa Boys' Balmacaans Suits For Stout Boys
M'"'i Jl W \ 0 „ n , 9 . 1Q ; We ht the hard to fit
ml Ik ages 12to 18years,S|>8.i>0, j boys who are stout. Blue
Mg TTBalilii cheviots—English models, i $7.50 and SIO.OO
1 JW li ll 11IR|!' BOYS' HATS, SHIRTS, NECKWEAR and every- 1
1 If! " thing that a boy wears is seen in our Boys' Depart
Cfp,pi (VliooLeTown .SDiehspine'^
1 ltomuTon*OßeimD*enf>AUTj?
k d
fI^SsRF.-^ **
!ffi:« ; ~^ %fi
Some of the conditions that thfl party of borough officials who made
an inspection trip through the West Side Saturday found are shown in the
above etchings. The upper photograph shows how garbage and refuse is
allowed to collect in the back yards ot seme of the houses occupied by for
eigners in Christian street. The lower photograph was taken in the rear of
a house in Myers street.
Why Endure Foot Torture I
Here is Easy Positive Cure
. The following is absolutely the
surest and quickest cure known to
science for all foot ailments: "Dissolve
two tablespoonfuls of Calocide com
pound In a basin of warm water. Soak
the feet in this for fully fifteen min
utes, gently rubbing the sore parts."
§The effect is really wonder
ful. All soreness goes In
stantly, and the feet feel de
lightful. Corns and callouses
can be peeled right off. It
gives Immediate relief for
sore bunions, sweaty, smelly
and aching feet. A twenty
flv« cent box of Calocide is
said to be sufficient to cure the worst
feet. It works through the pores and
removes the cause of the trouble. Don't
waste time on uncertain remedies. Any
druggist has Calocide compound In
stoclt ox 1 he can get It In a few hours
from his wholesale house. Prepared
only b" Medical Formula Co., of Chi
-111., and Dayton, Ohio.
John Foley, clerk at the Dauphin
Hotel in Market street, Harrisburg,
was arrested yesterday by Detective
Durnbaugh on charges of assault and
battery. The charges were preferred
by V. R. Koons who says that Foley
threw him out of the hotel and beat
him. Foley entered SBOO bail for a
hearing before Squire Gardner this
The Croation Sokol will hold an en
tertainment and dance in Croation
hall the evening of April 30.
The Epworth League of the First
Methodist church will hold its annual
business meeting in the social room
of the church Friday evening. Reports
of the officers will be read and new
officers will be elected.
Two Women and as Many Men
Held; Brother of Girl Made
Headed by Constable John Gibb, a
squad of officers, consisting of Chief of
Police Longnaker and Patrolmen
Jones and Pearson, raided an alleged
disorderly house at 450 Myers street
early this morning. Two married
women and two men were placed
under arrest.
They were Mrs. Rachel Bierbower,
formerly of 18 Cowden street, Harris
burg, who says she is the wife of Ar
thur Bierbower, of Herr street; Mrs.
Joyce Preston, who told the officers
she was the wife of John W. Preston,
1234 North Seventh street, Harrisburg;
Kosta Miller and Francis Gassert, two
Steelton men.
The raid followed a visit to the
Myers street house by John Helman,
of 1436 Vernon street, Harrisburg,
and a party of friends. Young Hel
man, a youth scarcely out of his 'teens,
says he is a brother of the Bierbower
woman and that he called on her last
night to try to induce her to give up
the life which he says she is leading.
When he asked admittance at the
house, he says, he was ordered away.
He went to the office of Squire Gard
ner, where he swore out Information
against his sister and the Preston
woman. The party of officers sur
rounded the house and arrested all
four inmates about 2 o'clock this
All four prisoners were committed
to jail in default of ball to await a
hearing before Fqulre Gardner Thurs
day afternoon at 3 o'clock.
The Preston girl Is only 17 years
old. The story of her marriage will
be investigated by the authorities, as
well as her story of how she became
an Inmate of the house. Young Hel
man was held on a technical charge.
Miss Mary A. Bellows, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Bellows, Pine
street, and Frederick D. Dornblaser,
formerly of Allentown, were married
this morning in Sellersvllle. The cere
mony was performed by a cousin of
the bridegroom. After a week's honey
moon trip the young couple will live
•in Walnut street.
Raise Patrolmen'* Pay, Renew
Lighting Contract, and Discuss
Motor Fire Apparatus
Renew contract with Harriaburg
Light and Power Company for afreet
lighting for one year.
lialae pay of borough patrolmen.
Authorise Male of two Hi'e horse".
Instruct town property committee
to prepare eatininte of coat of re
placing all present Are upparatua
with motor-iH'iven apparatua.
Take lirst tclep in development of
the I.uthcr It. Kelker park tract.
Appoint Frank \\ ynn to nucceed
Hairy Fisher an pntroliuaii.
Retain William Caliaghan aa con
sulting engineer In charge of the
borough's Improvement plana.
Hold garliaitc contract under ad
\lNcmcnt nnotoer month.
Decide to pave t'onestogn Inatead
of Trewlck wreet.
Reject bid for remodeling nnldwin
Hone house.
With Councilman Stees in the chair,
In the absence of President J. V. W.
Keynders, Borough Council last even
ing- held a busy session. C. S. Davis
and R. M. Rutherford, as a committer
from the Municipal League, were given
the privilege of the iloor. Chairman
Davis requested Council to allow the
Municipal League to co-operate with
them in the development of a compre
hensive park system for the borough.
. "If you can't give the people parks,
give them breathing spaces, at least,
was the keynote of Professor Davis' re
marks. He outlined how, with the ex - -
genditure of a small sum of money,
eautiful drives and shady paths could
be laid out in the Kelker plot and
about the borough reservoir. E. C.
Williams, a rising young engineer, fol
lowed Professor Davis' remarks by of
fering to draw plans and lay out drives
through the park If he would be fur
nished the necessary lines and grades.
The question of park development was
referred to the finance and town prop
erty committees.
DIAOUNM Motor \ ppni'lTLU*
Councilman Capella started a lengthy
discussion about providing motor ap
paratus to replace all the present fire
apparatus in the borough. He said he
favored the issuing bonds for a sum
sufficient to replace the present appa
ratus all at one time. The town prop
erty committee was Instructed to pre
pare an estimate as to the cost of re
placing the present apparatus.
The finance committee reported that
the cost of the standard system of
street lighting was prohibitive for the
borough at this time, and the contract
with the Harrisburg Light and Power
Company was then renewed for another
year. The highway committee was in
structed to remove two street lights
south of Trewlck street, In the West
Side, and place them at Conestoga and
Bailey and somewhere in South street.
Councilman Zimmerman suggested that
Conestoga street be paved instead of
Trowlck, on account of the mill exten
sion of the Pennsylvania Steel Com
pany. , An ordinance will be passed au
thorizing this action at the next meet
f, S?, u1 !. ' Chairman Henderson,
"J the highway committee, reporteo
that \\ illiamCallaghan had been retain
ed to succeed C\ f. Kline, resigned, as
consulting engineer to the highway de
partment. His appointment was'con
Italwe Putrolmen*H l»ny
On motion of Councilman Nelly the
pay of the borough patrolmen was rais
ed to eighteen cents an hour for all ex
tra time. H A. Itartman, a local man,
~, .„™» r f ?'\ the garbage con
tract, at $6,*.00. Only one bid was re
ceived for remodeling the Baldwin
S^ st ir^ , P pan y s house. E. C. Wright
bid $5,750. His bid was refused.
«T opinion from Bor
?i » 15 tor A ? to the effect
that the borough could require the Har
risburg Railways Company to bear a
pro rato share of the cost of removing
snow from streets occupied by its
tracks, the ordinance committee was in
ducted to prepare an ordlnanco for
lUon O „Ji l on at t,le nex <- meeting, it is
c 2 m , l i el tfle railways com
pan> to pay half the cost of snow re-
struck by a heavy girder at the steel
works yesterday, John Do bush, of
Mohn street, a machinist's helper, had
his left hip fractured and sustained
severe bruises to his back. He was
taken to the Harrisburg Hospital.
Will Address Germans. Alfred
r m, T?u?, re i a , ry ,)f the German Alliance
of Philadelphia, will address the
members of the German Quartet Club
this evening.
Royal Arcanum Meets. Steelton
Council Royal Arcanum will hold an
Important meeting In the Red Men's
Hall to-morrow evening.
„ At a meeting of the Ever Ready
Faithful Sunday school class of the
High spire Church of God at the home
of Mrs. W. Wendel, Second street, the
following officers were elected: Pres
ident, G. E. Sides; vice-president, Mrs.
Surah Buser; secretary, Mrs. Salome
Bamberger; treasurer, Mrs. E. Orris
calling committee, Mrs. Flora Housl
man, Mrs. Dollie Wendal, Mrs. Bertha
Keeker and Mrs. Ida Hahn; flower
committee, Mrs. Roy and
Mrs. E. Hahn. The class will hold an
Easter flower sale in the store room
of G. E. Sides, Second street, on Fri
day and Saturday nights.
Funeral services over the body of
William Hickernell, the 9-year-old son
of Mrs. Mary Hickernell, who died in
Philadelphia, were held from the
home of A grandmother, Mrs. Mary
Hickernell, yesterday afternoon. Bur
ial wa>s made in the Middletown Ceme
Miss Lillian Campbell entertained the
following guests at a live hundred
party, at her home, in North Union
street, Saturday evening: Margaret
Boas. Harrisburg; Ella Benner, Rachael
McCarrell, Haddie Fisher, Ida Kline
Bertha Kline, Mary Peters. Isabel
Matheson. Francis Lingle, Elsie Camp
bell, Lyrla Peters, Dorothy Campbell
Mary Emminger, Mary Evans. Besse
Weller, Katbryn Romberger and Lydia
Laverty. Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. C Z
Moore, Mrs. W. D. Matheson, Mrs H b'
Mr. and Mrs. Max Bauffer entertained
the choir of the Presbyterian Church at
their home, near Iron Mill, Sunday.
Miss Blanche Botts was given a
kitchen shower, Saturday evening b\
the Pastor's Aid Society, of the Me'tho-
l s V ch ' The afta,r was In honor
Buck approachln S marriage to J. H.
By Associated Press
San Francisco, April 7.—The Na
tional Guard of California is to have
an aero department. Roy Francis a
San Frarfclsco aviator, was appointed
a first lieutenant yesterday and in
structed to establish a flying machine
New York, April 7.—The Holland
Society received a report last night at
Its annual meeting that Its committee
In charge of the plan to erect n monu
ment to commemorate the Dutch set
tlement of New York raised the money
and would erect a statue of William
,the Silent In Riverside Drive.
Public Service Commissioners De
cide That Lykens Grade
Tracks Need It
n The Phllad e1 -
1 plila and Reading
railway was to-
JWL day directed to
Jrffl&Wk. provide a flagman
toS(*j!Sßt service for the
W /QJTQQQV crossing at Arch
I WWfiwWwraO street, Lykens.
5 4iil!iroHill]fll th ® B actlon being
| = taken at the con
-1 j."" ■ \ elusion of a hear-
Ir cy *■ [ UR held by Com
missioner Wright
and Investigator Dohoney on the com
plaint of residents of that town that
the crossing was dangerous because
of lack of protection to the public.
A. F. Hanna was the complainant
and presented sketches and statements
about the crossing. He was supported
by Burgess Witmer and members of
council and the Rev. Mr. Herzog.
Coroner Ecklnger also testified to the
character of the crossing.
This afternoon the commission 4s
hearing residents of Antrim township,
Franklin county, who want a station
at Kaufman reopened by the Cumber
land Valley.
Commissioner 111. Commissioner
John Price Jackson is ill at his apart
ments in North Front street.
Mr. Jones to Speak.—E. A. Jones,
deputy State highway commissioner,
will speak at Titusvllle on April 15 at
a "get together" meeting.
Filed Increase Notice. The Me
chanics Trust Company to-day filed
notice of increase of stock from $ 125,-
000 to $250,000.
The.shermen Here. —A number of
men here for the threshermen's con
ference visited the Capitol to-day and
dropped in at the State Highway De
partment to discuss the act with Com
missioner Bigelow. The effect of the
orders issued by the department was
Conference To-inorrow. Auditor
General Powell said to-day that a con
ference would be held to-morrow on
the automobile license suit. It is
probable that the argument will be
held on April 24.
I*neuinonla's Toll. Pneumonia
caused more deaths in Pennsylvania
than any other disease during Janu
ary, according to the mortuary and
vital statistics of the State Depart
ment of Health issued to-day by Com
missioner Samuel J. Dixon. In that
month there were 10,600 deaths, of
which 1,588 are charged to pneumo
nia. Tuberculosis caused 880 and
Brlght's disease 806. Cancer is
charged with 496, influenza 160 and
smallpox 2. There were 609 deaths in
early infancy and 209 of children un
der two. Typhoid fever caused but
71 deaths, scarlet fever 91, diphtheria
223, measles 46 and whooping cough
95. Ninety-one suicides are reported,
74 were killed in mines and 100 died
from railway injuries. Other forms
of violence accounted for 4 98. The
birth rate was 18,485, slightly below
that for December.
To Sell Cur. —The State is about to
dispose of its traveling fish car, which
is standing on a siding at Bellefonte,
and the Board of Public Grounds and
Buildings will receive bids for it this
month. The car Is no longer needed,
as the State has been getting good re
sults from shipping young fish in cans
lo responsible people, especially those
interested in fish propagation associa
tions, who have taken charge of ship
ments and furnished reports of
"planting" and of the growth of the
fish. Incidentally, the State is ship
ping only yearling fish now.
Preparing to Work. As soon as
blanks and forms are received from
the printers the enforcement of the
new censorship law on moving pic
tures will begin. It is the idea to be
gin enforcement about June 1, by
which time regulations will be ready
and everyone interested will get a no
tice as to what the State will demand
under the act of 1911. The censors
have established an office in this city.
Will Speak.—Commissioner of La
bor John Price Jackson has accepted
an invitation to make the address at
the commencement exercises of the
Swatara township high school at Ob
erlin on June 2.
1 Bis; Payment,—The Philadelphia
| Rapid Transit Company paid the
State Treasury $9 4,000 as State tax on
gross receipts yesterday.
Eighth Regiment,—General orders
from National Guard headquarters an
nounce the commissioning of Second
Lieutenants Roy B. Eyer, company C
and Harry E. Robb, company F, of
the Eighth infantry. Announcement
is also made of resignation of Sec
ond Lieutenant Harry C. Houtz, bat
talion quartermaster.
Increase Filed. —The Magee Carpet
Co., Bloomsburg, to-day filed notice of
increase of stock from $200,000 to
Governor Tener is expected to re
turn from Philadelphia to-night.
J. H. McDevitt, of Sunbury, was at
the Capitol on legal business.
—Elmer E. Miller was to-day ap
pointed justice of the peace at Port
Register J. B. Sheehan, of Phila
delphia, to-day paid the State $102,-
000 as collateral inheritance taxes.
The automobile license list rose to
78,300 to-day.
Representative John F. Ely, of
Jeanette, was at the Capitol.
f Continued from First Page]
Democratic State affairs. His son will
be vigorously supported by his friends.
About eighteen years ago Mr. Mey
ers served as chairman of the Demo
cratic county committee and was for
a long time chairman of the first divi
sion, an office to which Vance C. Mc-
Cormlck had himself elected last year
and which he still holds although a
candidate for the nomination for Gov
Mr. Meyers issued a statement to
day in which he said:
"Some time ago many of my friends
urged me to become a candidate for
Congress from this Congressional dis
trict, comprising the counties of Leb
anon, Dauphin and Cumberland, but
as two of my friends were already
seeking that nomination on the Demo
cratic ticket, I declined to run. Since
then I have been urged by my friends
to stand for the nomination of Con
gressman-at-large for the State of
Pennsylvania. Realizing the right of
every citizen to honorably aspire to
the nomination and election to such
an important office I have agreed to
run for the office of Congressman at
large from this Siate. Petitions are
'being prepared for circulation in this
and adjoining counties, as well as
Lother counties throughout the State."
Children Cry for Fletcher's
r^.° 0 U w hag borne the sigma
ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his
J^ F ?w«L HUp f °?J or °X er 30 y ear ß- Allow no one
I « Th«? „ y °,F>» Counterfeits, Imitations and
are but experiments, and endanger tli#
health of Children—Experience against Experiment.
Uastona Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
m?!LS? Soothing Syrups. It contains neither
tjpium. Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It de
stroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more tlian
thirty years it has been In constant use for the relief of
Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teetliinsr Trou
?l=i S ™ul!^ a ii rh ® a * 5* re ??«lates the Ktomacli and Bowels,
'm w'UM » e » ' Riving healthy and natural tdcep»
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
Excited Drivers Found Grocerman
Calmly Awaiting Someone
With a Key
A quick run of the Citizen Fire
Company to Third and Boas streets
this morning on a supposed alarm of
flre that came over the telephone
shortly before 7 o'clock, resulted In
the discovery that everything was in
tact at that point. Investigation dis
closed that the early morning run was
due to a misinterpretation of a tele
phone call. The Citizen company is
preparing to give a fair at Third and
Boas streets und this morning a driver
for Hoffer and Garman stopped at the
place with several bags of flour,
which will be converted into cakes
and other edibles at the proper time.
The driver, finding the door locked,
called up the citizen flre company
and Engineer Fagan answered the
"There's a flre up here at Third and
Boas. Come up," was what he thought
he heard, and no time was lost In get
ting the apparatus under way. Arriv
ing at Third and Boas the flremeu
found the driver for the wholesale
grocery house calmly awaiting their
arrival. "Where's the flre?" they ask
ed, dashing up. "Fire? What flre?"
was the reply. "I just telephoned you
fellows that I had some flour to de
liver. Here it Is. Unclock the door,
will you?"
"Flour" doesn't sound a lot like
"flre"; but to an alert fireman all tele
phone calls have a potentiality.
[Continued from IMrst Page]
seventy delegates assembled there this
morning. The Governor was to make
an address this morning.
It was nearly noon before the dele
gates had decided to let a committee
of seven go over the proposed consti
tution, which, In the tentative state
proposed by the framers, would fix a
sliding scale of dues and number of
delegates from participating societies
at each meeting, giving the larger or
ganizations the most delegates. Dele
gates from some of the, smaller com
munities object to this on the ground
that it would make the organization
too one-sided, throwing its weight to
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
C. Phillips Hill, Pittsburgh, present
ed an Interesting address this morn
ing on the workings of a housing com
mittee, in which a very practical ex
position of the methods employed in
bettering the condition of "the other
half" were presented. Mr. Hill told
all about duplex houses and practical
schemes for giving four rooms and u
bath to every citizen that wanted
Mayor John K. Royal Welcomed the
delegates at the opening session yes
terday afternoon. Pennsylvania is the
worst housed State in the country, de
clared Bernard J. Newman, secretary
of the Philadelphia Housing Commis
sion, at yesterday afternoon's session.
He gave a detailed description of un
sanitary conditions In cities and towns
where underdrainage is the rule. He
dwelt on the prevalence of stream
pollution in rural districts and spoke
of overcrowding in the larger cities,
where the poor are herded like cnttl"
Before the formal opening of the
convention Gilford Pinchot, of con
servation fame, traced the connection
between slum homes and the nation's
reckless waste of raw building ma
terial. The rise in the cost of homes,
said Pinchot, touches the whole prob
lem of national resources.
Another speaker at yesterday's ses
sion was Mrs. Franklin P. lams, Pitts
burgh, who was requested to outline a
tentative legislative program. There
are too many laws In Pennsylvania
now, she said, and what we want to
do is to sit back for ten years and
not make any more, but spend the
time weeding out the useless ones.
Policeman Is Shot to
Death by Fellow Officer
Paris, April 7. —Maurice Delacroix,
an inspector of police, shot and killed
his comrade and intimate friend, In
spector Raymond Dupln, at police
headquarters here to-day.
Delacroix obtained evidence lasv
night that Dupin was alienating the
a.ffectlons of Madame Delacroix. The
two officers met at headquarters ttaib
morning as usual and after reporting
to Chief Inspector Lebreton left his
office together.
As the two inspectors descended the
stairs Delacroix without warning drew
his revolver and shot Dupln Ave times,
killing him instantly.
Delacroix then returned to the chief
inspector's office and surrendered.
Et. Paul, Minn., April 7.—The liquor
license question was decided In a
score of Minnesota cities to-day. Un
der the local option law of 1913 many
cities voted for the first tlmo on the
license question.
Prominent Democrat Here to Turn
in Papers; Running For
Arthur G. De-walt, former State
Senator from Lehigh county, former
Democratic State chairman and a
member of the Capitol Investigation
Commission, to-day filed his nominat
ing petition to run for congress In the
Berks-Lehigh district. Mr. Dewalt
filed his petitio nin person, handing
in a big sale liberally signed by resi
dents of Berks and Lehigh counties.
He will oppose Congressman John H.
RothermeK who appears to have got
ten in bad because of appointments of
postmasters. The former senator was
warmly greeted by friends while at the
Capitol. He said he was going to win.
Other nominating petitions filed at
the Capitol were as follows:
Horace Lehr, Easton, to-day filed a
petition to be a candidate for senator
in the Northampton district on the
Democratic ticket. Petitions for nomi
nations for the Houso were filed by
John S. Whetstone, Everet, Democrat,
Bedford county, and Joshua R. Serfasf-,
Republican, Nineteenth Philadelphia.
State committee petitions were filed by
John T. Matt, present member of the
House from Bedford county, for mem
ber of the Democratic State committee
from Bedford county, and by Insur
ance Commissioner Charles Johnson
for member of the Republican State
committee from Montgomery county.
Senate—Allen Eichelbeger, Lang
dondale. Socialist, 36th district.
House—George IT. Horning, Knola,
Washington, Cumberland; Frank Low
ery, Meyersdale, and E. K. Cockley,
Somerset, Washington, Somerset; O.
H. YOUDR, Shenandoah, Democrat; Ist
Schuylkill; L. L. Howe, Youngwood
and C. It. Hugus, Greenburg, 2nd
Westmoreland; William H. Straus,
Heading, Democrat, Ist Berks.
State Committee—Democratic, W.
R. Dawson, Tidioute, Warren; Thomas
Doherty, Susquehanna, Susquehanna;
Prohibition, G. L. Pennock, Lans
downe, and C. W. Cocklin, Prospect
Pork, Delaware; Socialist, C. A. Met
senberger, Somerset, Somerset.
[Continued from First Pago]
"There could be no discrimination
against Great BritXn because no for
eign nation can enter into the coast
wise trade. Some of our own repre
sentatives have out-Hritished the Brit
ish in their claims for that nation."
Senator Brandegee, Republican, cast
the only, vote against the hearings,
saying he did so because he believed
the committee's action would have no
weight. Ho urged that the repeal bill
be returned to the Senate without any
report and that the fight be transfer
red to the floor. The committee ad
journed until Thursday with the un
derstanding that the authors of var
ious bills and resolutions on the sub
ject will then be heard, pending tho
arrival of witnesses from New Or
leans arfti the Pacific coast.
| 1
Sulphur Vapor
Regular price SI.OO
For a limited time only
For Ladies and Gentlemen
Ijadj Attendant
Health Studio
Walnut near Second
Open 8 A. M. to 10 P. M.
" Bell Phone 2102 R