Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 07, 1914, Page 10, Image 10

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Established 1831
K. J. STACK POLK. Pres't and Treas'r.
F. K. OYSTER, Secretary.
GUS M. STEINMETZ, Managing Editor.
Published every evening (except Sun
day), at the Telegraph Building, Sll
Federal Square.
Eastern Office, Fifth Avenue Building
New York City, Hasbrook, Story &
Western OfTice, 123 West MadUon
street, Chicago, 111., Allen & Ward.
-najWfci. Delivered by carriers at
six cents a week
Mailed to aubscrlbert
at $3.00 a year in advance.
Entered at the Post Office in Harris
burg as second class matter.
1 1 W K The Association of Amer- ( 1
1 1 icao Advertisers has ax- ,
' UUEf ammed and certified to i 1
I tha circulation of thi» pab
' i lication. Tha figures of circulation <'
( i contained in tha Association's re
,l port only are guaranteed. I
Association of American Advertisers j>
( No. 2333 Whllehill Bidj. M. Y. City /
Sworn dally average fur the month ol
IV! arch, 1914
Average for the year 1015—21,677
Average for the year 1012—21,175
Average for the year 1911—18,851
Average for the year 1910—17,495
Private Branch Exchange No. 2040.
Business Office, 203.
Editorial Room 585. Job Dent. 203.
FOUR months have elapsed since
the now City Commission began
its duties and it ought now to be
possible to complete the reor
ganization of tho several departments
and undertake tho work which is
pressing upon the commission. Of
course, there aro those who imagine
that the filling of jobs is the most im
portant work that the City Council has
to do, but the large majority of people
are not bothering about who shall get
the places; they are, however, deeply
concerned in what shall be done to
improve the city and assure tho wel
fare of our people.
It has no}, been an easy matter for
the five men who constitute the city
government under the new commis
sion scheme to rearrange the system,
but they are now in position to go
ahead with their work and, stopping
all political controversy, do the things
which they have been elected to do.
Under present conditions many men
are idle and these should be given
every opportunity to procure employ
ment on the public work which has
been authorized by the people in the
recent loan and In previous loans.
Harrisburg has made rapid head
way for a period of years and nothing
should transpire now under the new
scheme of government to Interfere in
the slightest degree with the prog
ress of the city. The organization of
the City Planning Commission as
agreed upon ought to be pushed for
ward to the end that this commission
may take up the important work
which it will have to do. All paving
ordinances and the opening and grad
ing of streets and such other improve
mehts as are under consideration
should also bo pushed through Coun
cil without procrastination.
One of the theories of the new plan
of government was the concentration
of authority and the saving of time
by prompt legislative action and if the
change does not accomplish at least
this betterment it is even worse than
was charged during the consideration
of the measure in the last Legislature.
There will be a session of the Leg
islature next winter and it is desir
ablo that all the defects of the com
mission scheme shall be developed
during the present year. Those who
are opposed to the new system are still
of tho opinion that it Is no improve
ment over the old, but they have open
minds and aro willing to be shown.
All over the State the transformation
from tho old to the new scheme of
government has been accompanied by
political discussion, controversy and all
that sort of thing. This was to have
been expected in a measure, but it is
doubtful whether tho people of the
cities ol' the Third class imagined the
change would bring about so much
disturbance and dissatisfaction.
Here in Harrisburg the chief diffi
culty haa been the friction over ap
pointments and as this has been about
ended It ought to be possible to go
right ahead now with the serious busi
ness of the city. After all, the re
sponsibility rests upon the five men
charged with tho work and unless
they make good the censure will be
placed where It belongs.
We still believe that the old form
was more representative and so far as
this city is concerned It accomplished
a great deal that was commendable,
but the new scheme is in its infancy
a d must be given a fair trial.
We observe that the reorganization
newspapers in their discussion of tho
troubles of the Democratic party are
especially severe upoi those individu
als who a year ago were most active
in the camp of the reorganization ele
ment, but who deserted the bosses.
Only those now pass muster who swear
eternal allegiance to the present dy
nasty; all others are forever damned
TWO years ago we were assured
by the Democratic orators and
newspapers that the taking over
of the government by the Dem
ocracy would quickly reduce tho high
cost of living and all would bo lovely
Now wc are confronted with tho state
ment that with the beginning of
April the United States started out
with au accumulated deficit for nine
months of over $30,000,000, exclusive
ot' any payment of interest on the
public debt. Adding interest on the
public debt the actual deficiency be
comes more than $46,000,000. Should
this continue until the-end of the fiscal
year we shall be short $70,000,000,
and the cost of living, instead of de
creasing, is going the other way.
. We shall be told that the revenues
from the income tax will more than
make up this shortage, but bankers
and others familiar with the actual
working of the new law are far from
convinced that any such results will
follow. They believe that the in
come tax law is going to be disap
pointing as a revenue measure, and
beside causing no end of trouble,
it has also been a failure from the
standpoint of revenue. It has also
accentuated tho difference between
revenue from customs and revenue
from the taxation of our own people.
This is the net result of the new
tariff law which was going to do so
much for the happiness and welfare
and prosperity of the American peo
ple. Instead it has harrassed and an
noyed and discouraged business*
throughout the country so that to-day
business men and Important interests
of all sorts and kinds are so upsot
that they hardly know which way to
But we must not forget that John
Bull has benefited by this free trade
measure pushed through by a Demo
cratic President and supported by a
Democratic Congress. If our busi
ness people are anxious and confused
over tho situation, we must remember
that we are helping to make the mills
of Europe boom and are increasing
the prosperity of the brother on the
other side of the ocean.
It remains to be seen whether the
voters of Pennsylvania and through
out the country will continue to send
to Washington men who have so little
regard for the interests of their own
people that they will uphold the
hands of a President who is obsessed
with theories of government entirely
out of joint with practical experience
and which involve the contempt of
other nations and loss of self-respect
at home.
The first half year's record of the
new tariff law presents a spectacle of
falling revenues, Increased deficits, re
duced industrial activity and smaller
exportation of manufactures.
Burglars at Philllpsburg, N. J., stole
three postage stamps and a picture of
Roosevelt. Sherlock Holmes looking
for a clue, would probably dooide first
off that they were Progressives.
has developed remarkably as a
candidate for the Supreme Court
during the last week or ten days.
His ziame is heard all over the State
and the newspapers almost with one
accord declare him to be the idea]
candidate for the higher court.
It has not been forgotten that it
was Judge Kunkel who presided in
he famous Capitol graft cases and
his remarkable grasp of all matters
affecting State taxation gives him a
high standing among the lawyers of
the Commonwealth. It will not sur
prise many persons who have ob
served conditions to see him get more
than fifty per cent, of tho vote in the
primary election, which would make
him the unopposed candidate of the
His neighbors and friends know
Judge Kunkel best and the fact that
he was re-elected to the common ideas
court of this district last year with
out dissent on a nonpartisan ticket is
the best evidence o£ his character as
a man and his reputation as a judge.
Residents of Raekett street, New
York, are protesting to the authorities
that theirs is a quiet neighborhood, and
they want the street name changed.
Making an awful lot of noise about it.
THE Philadelphia Public Ledger,
a newspaper of distinctively
constructive policies, devotes
nearly a column of space in a
prominent place of to-day's issue to a
report of tho splendid work the Har
risburg Chamber of Commerce is do
ing for this city. In particular it
commends the noonday luncheons at
which men of national reputation in
business are the speakers.
That these affairs are appreciated
at home as well as abroad is amply
illustrated by the very large attend
ance of members and guests. The
hali in which the luncheon of yester
day was held was scarcely large
enough to accommodate those who
sought admission. Every seat was
taken and not a few stood.
These meetings have the advantage
of permitting the busy man to lunch
and hear a good, sound business talk
at the same time.
They aro highly educational, broad
ening in their effect and generally
beneficial. They bring Harrisburg in
to touch with the methods of big
business men elsewhere and give us a
glimpse of how other communities are
solving their problems. If the Cham
>er of Commerce did no more than
•nake these noonday luncheons pos
ible the organization be well
vorth while. However, these lunch
ons form but an incident In the
uultltudo of activities for the better
ment of the city In which the Chamber
s engaged, although not so promi
nently brought to the public notice.
The burglars' union will probably
agree with the barbers' guild In plac
ing the ban on the home shaving mug.
A Manitou man disabled a robber with
his last night, using it' as a weapon.
Chance for a man looking for steady
employment—go after tho job of op
erating the Mexican guillotine
About the only use the Navy now has
for champagne is for the christening of
battleships. The officers are learning
that there is not so much difference,
after all, between themselves and the
A pure air crusade is on tho way. It
s an era of purity, Including pure rot.
—Philadelphia Ledger.
Chances are that practically all of
tho material in the fifty-two dwellings
and Btores In tho Capitol Parrt exten
sion area sold for the stuff they con
tain will be used in the construction
of new houses within the next quar
ter year and that precious little of the :
material that is workable will bo on
the ground after a month rolls by.
Under tho contract for the sale the
persons buying the properties are re
quired to remove everything and re
move cellar walls and foundations to
within three feet of the street level
and fill excavations with clean dirt.
By this means over 160 lots have been
cleared off and fine places provided for
boys to play ball and marbles and
other things until the State gets ready
to do some landscape gardening on an
elaborate scale. But to return to the
buildings sold. In several cases half
a dozen or more were bought by single
individuals and most of them went In
lots of two and three or four. Many
of the buyers were from nearby places,
Steelton, Mlddletown, Highspire, Swa
tara, Lemoyno, Penbrook, Edgemont,
Duncannon, Linglestown and Paxtonia,
being represented in the list, and there
were several from the city. It is a
curious fact that most of the buyers
at these sales have been people from
suburbs and they have torn down and
carted away the materials, using them
in everything from dwellings to barns
to stables, and have found it worth
while, but few city people have turned
to these houses as a source of supply.
Charles G. Gilmer, who bought eight
or ten houses on Saturday, is an ex
ception. Recently he bought several
dwellings, but before that bought a
whole row in Filbert street, using the
bricks and other material for houses
in a section of the Seventh ward. It Is
probable that he will do the same with
the materials from the old brick row
in State street between Cowden and
Filbert streets, which ho bought at
the sale.
It seemed like a scene from Mexico
yesterday to see several cars in the
Pennsylvania Railroad yards above the
city bearing the sign "N. de M." They
were cars belonging to the national
railroads of the republic and happened
to be up north on other duty when the
war broke out. The chances are that
some of them have not been home for
months and if they were they would
be in use for hauling troops or rations
or guns for the armies. The cars seen
here were in good condition and went
A big, stalwart railroader appeared
the other morning at the office of the
State Game Commission with a cork
ing wild turkey gobbler, bronze feath
ers and red wattles and all that. He
surprised the officers in that depart
ment by dropping in and asking if he
could keep the turkey. They did not
lose much time in telling him that it
would be against the law and then ho
told his story. It appears that he
runs on - a line that passes through
wooded sections iind a flock of birdb
was on the track. The engine came
along and the birds scattered, all but
one. He either bucked the engine or
became confused in flight, because he
hit head on. His neck was broKen
and the body was retrieved. He was
allowed to keep the bird.
National Guardsmen here are taking
considerable interest in the newly an
nounced change of regulations for rifle
practice, which will be effective on
May 1. Under the old rules everyone
qualifying above the lowest grade got
recognition in the form of a medal or
some decorations. The new regu
lations allow decorations orjly for
those reaching the grade of marksman
or over.
They're serving beer in paper "toots"
in Harrlsburg. This was the in
formation vouchsafed to a couple of
men on a Market street curb last
evening. The men all went in to see
and while they wondered whether the
Informant was not drumming up trade
questions were asked. It appears that
under the new State law the "growler"
or "duck" of beer must be a quart
and no more. Heretofore the kettle
was filled and no questions asked,
sufficient foam or froth or "collar" o»
"suds," according to the whim of the
speaker, being added to make it "full."
Some genius devised a paper affaii;
much like a paper individual drinking
cup or "envelope," as someone called
one in the Oapltol the other day.
This cornucopia holds just one quart
and it lias a row of holes around the
line to show where the legal measure
ends and foam may begin. The ap
pearacne of the "toot" caused quite a
brisk business at the dispensary dur
ing the evening.
—George W. Hensel, the philosopher
of Quarryville and one of the wittiest
men in the State, will accompany his
brother, W. U. Hensel, on his trip to
—The Rev. John W. Keougli, a
priest well known in Philadelphia, is
in charge of the Catholic mission es
tablished for university students.
—Judge H. Iv. Weand, of Montgom
ery, is the oldest judge in service on
the bench in Pennsylvania.
—David Martin, former Secretary
of the Commonwealth, says he is go
ing to have some of the finest as
paragus in the State this year.
—W. B. Bechtel, president of a
Reading Democratic club, has just
called the city hall of that city "a
fool's paradise."
—Henry C. Frick has given $50,000
to the McKinley memorial at Can
ton, Ohio.
—Henry W. Thornton, the Ameri
can who is to manage one of the big
English railroads, was an end on the
University of Pennsylvania football
f BR, ]
[Frem the Telegraph, April 7, 1861.]
St. Louis, Wednesday, April 6.—C01.
Clayton, with a small force of cavalry
and infantry and one battery, went to
Mount Elba, on the Salem river. Leav
ing the infantry there to guard the
bridge and cover Pine Bluff, he pro
ceeded with his cavalry toward Lang
view, further down the Salem, and
twenty miles southwest, where the
main body of the rebel army was sta
tioned, for the purpose of destroying
'he pontoon bridges and the army
stores at that place.
Memphis, April 3.—Grlerson's cav
alry had a fight with Forrest near
Summervllle yesterday. After skir
mishing some time, the rebels being
reinforced, and Grlerson's supports
falling to come up, the latter fell back
before greatly superior numbers,
bringing with him seven prisoners. He
will renew the attack to-day.
[From the Philadelphia Public Ledger.]
Speaking of the reserve cities, a
Treasury official said: "Of course il
upsets the established system of re
serves. It was intended to upset It."
The law said, "The districts shall be
apportioned with due regard to the
convenience and customary course ot
Prayer is the key of the day
and the lock of the night.—Lord
Philadelphia Reformer Gets Into
Battle For Democratic Nom
ination in Earnest
Formul announcement is made in
to-day's newspapers of the candidacy
of Henry Budd, noted Philadelphia
lawyer and Episcopal churchman, for
tho Democratic nomination for United
states senator against Congressman A.
Mitchell Palmer. Mr. Budd is one of
the old war horses of reform in Phila
delphia and is well known through the
State because of his battles against
the Republican organization and suc
cessive Democratic machines.
Coincident with the announcement
of Mr. Budd's candidacy and the state
ment that an active campaign would be
waged in his interest came the state
ment that men opposed to machine
rule would back the following against
the White slate: Lieutenant-
Governor, John E. Jenkins, Wilkes-
Barre lawyer; secretary of Internal
Affairs, William N. McNair, for years
active in the reorganization movement
Out disgusted with the methods of
Palmer and McCormlck; Congress-at
large, A. B. Clark, Altoona, former
cpunty treasurer of Blair; Henry
Meyer, business man, Pittsburgh; Wil
liam K. Meyers, publisher, Harris
burg; Charles N. Crosby, manufac
turer, Meadville, and rival of E. Lowry
Humes. United States district attor
ney; Samuel E. Shull, lawyer and
editor, Stroudsburg, a friend of Judge
C. B. Staples, whom Palmer tried to
put out of business last year and failed
lngloriously. Dr. M. M. Dougherty, of
Mechanicsburg, was mentioned for a
few minutes, presumably as scenery,
but excitedly took himself out of any
opposition to McCormlck by telephone.
Dauphin county Bull Moosers ap
pear to be considerably disturbed o . er
the split in their camp over the rival
candidacies of Lewis
Rrurnm for tho
gubernatorial uomina- Moosers aro
uun ana wiien the lead- Split Over
er s meet to-morrow Cundidories
evening an effort will
bo made to outline a
campaign that will not get them into
trouble. It Is recognized htre that
William Flinn, to whom the Bull
Moosers look for supplies, is for Lewis,
anil yet the remnants of the rank und
Hie here are for Brumni, especially in
the upper end of the county. It is
said that the Lykens Valley contingent
is very strong for Bruitim and wants
the city and Steelton wings to get into
Secretary of Labor Wilson cheered
up the moving spirits of the Central
Democratic Club's dinner last night by
word that he would
attend next Monday
Billy Wilson night's J offers on day
Will Come to dinner and steps were
the Dinner also started to get
Postmaster General
Burleson to accompany
Wilson and Secretary of the Navy
Daniels, who is to be the chief
speaker. The dinner is to be held in
the Chestnut Street Auditorium,
where Bryan spoko last winter, and in
addition to Daniels and Wilson and
Burleson, if he comes, Congressman
A. Mitchell Palmer and State Chair
man Morris, who are honorary mem
bers of the club, and Vance C. McCor
mlck, a member, will be speakers. No
Ryan men have as yet been announced
as speakers, but the assurances are bo
ng given that there will be no fac
tionalism at the dinner. Postmaster
Frank C. Sites, the chairman of the
reception committee, has named a
large reception committee to meet
fosephus and William when they ar
A special dispatch from Potlsville
to the Philadelphia Inquirer says:
"Vance McCormick will be swamped
at the primaries in
May, said a prominent
McCormick member of the Schuyl-
Faces Figlit kill county bar, and n
in Enrnest staunch Democrat at
that. The entire coun
ty has been canvassed
in a quiet way and the sentiment is
almost unanimous to defeat him, was
another assertion made by this Demo
crat. Ryan ,Is the favorite north,
south, east and west, and the party
leaders in the rural districts have had
their cue and they are instructing the
Democrats in their several districts to
vote for M. J. Ryan for Governor. The
treatment of Judge 11. O. Bechtel, of
this city, by A. Mitchell Palmer, ths
Wilson administration representative
in this State, and the refusal by the
President to appoint Judge Bechtel to
the position of Federal Judge, and the
appointing of O. B. Dickinson, of
Chester, to the office, will be resented
by the Democrats of this county, at
the primaries by 'taking it out of Mc-
Cormiclc's hide' is the way the promi
nent Democrats put it. The President
will also be rebuked in this manner,
he added, for the Democrats of
Schuylkill county will not stand for
interference in State politics by Wash
—Some one experienced In Penn
sylvania politics said a few years ago
that one could always be sure of the
oil country after It hud voted.
—Dimniick addressed a big meeting
at Bcranton yesterday and said the
outlook for his nomination was bright
—Warren C. Graham will be run
for the Legislature in place of IXarrv
W. Bass in Philadelphia.
—Philadelphia committees appear
to be endorsing Ryan with singular
—Doc Dougherty is real rapid in
standing from under these days.
—Charles B. McConkey is a mighty
able speaker, but he has a hard Job
if he is going to be tho official de
—Henry Budd's candidacy is not
pleasing: in Market Square.
—Pinchot told the local Bull Moos
ers to name their own tickets and not
to fuse with Democrats.
[From the Telegraph, April 7. 1864.]
We hear, through unofficial j>et re
liable sources, that It has been de
cided upon to purchase the magnifi
cent residence erected by tho late
Wells Coverly, for the purpose of de
voting it to the uses of an executive
The superintendent of public
grounds and his assistants, are busily
engaged in preparing the delightful
resorts for usual summer frequenters.
f 1 11^
A bald-headed banker always
'' ' ' •
wore his hat to protect his head
from drafts. A negro laborer was
cashing his pay check and the
banker began to quiz him.
"Why don't you leave some of
that money with us, Rastus, and
let us take care of it?"
"Boss, Fse jes' afeared; you
always looks like you was gwine
Confidence in the stability'of a
newspaper is a part of its value to
an advertiser. The readers ot the
Public Ledger like it because they
know just where to find it.
By \V Imk Dinger
The editor slipped me a ticket,
Last evening, and said, "Won't you
To the Orpheum to-night as the critic,
And write what you think of the
Did I go? Why, of course, and I picked
A seat down in front near the stage
So I would bo in good position
The work of the actors to gauge.
First Lawrence and Hurlfalls appeared
The stago as the curtain did rise,
And their feats acrobatic were pleasing,
And all that the last name Implies.
Tha Astairs were, really refreshing,
Their act was as clean as could be,
And just of a type that most people,
I'm sure, woujd like often to see.
Then came a surprise most delightful,
Whose equal won't come very sooji,
When Miss B. Lolunuller, bewitching,
Sailed out o'er the house in the moon.
John Ilymans and Miss Mclntyre
(I'm sure you have seen them be
Were simply themselves, that means
So why should I say anymore?
McConnell and Simpson were funny
In their act, and though I heard
Say they made things a trifle too noisy.
Still, a good band must have a bass
Then Lewis and Body presented
Some nonsense with plenty of "go,"
And a new dog act, offered by Prolles,
Wound up this week's Orpheum show.
Miss Mabel would probably tell you
It is really a "heavenly" show,
For the moon, with its radiant beauty,
Surrounded by stars makes it so.
Mbotwear M
vlb' WSP reac * y * or your ' ns P ec^on a nd
MM ver dict of our patrons is:
\®~ they have never seen prettier
Av J shoes. Since 1890 we have been try
—ingeach season to give you better foot
y \ wear and better service. This season finds
/ I US e^er P re P are d than ever to serve you.
J MAY WE SUGGEST as early a call as con
y' venient for the selection of your Easter Footwear
Jerauld Shoe Co.
310 MARKET STREET - - - Harrisburg, Pa.
I What's the Matter With Business? \
[from the Joplln (Mo.) Globo, Dem.)
Some time the Republican Interstate
Commerce Commission may realize that
transportation is the fundamental in
dustry In this country—fundamental in
the biggest and broadest sense.
When credit Is pulled from under
transportation the entire structure of
American industry begins to crumble.
Evory era of railroad construction
and upbuilding has been an era of
prosperity with all Industry dlrectl*
and indirectly sharing in the advance
ment of transportation.
Every time there has been n recession
in the railroad world the entire indus
trial structure has halted and at times
has appeared to go backwards. It takes
many years to build up an Industrial
structure with coniUlence of capital in
manufacturing and the gathering to
gether of effective, economical, unified
and interrelated industries all based
upon, or related to, transportation.
It takes but a few years to pull down
the whole structure. Damage by floods,
fire or famine do not dishearten. Men
William Penn wan the owner of a
large estate, the proper conduct of
which required a governor and two
senators who were sometimes envious
ly called Bosses. His estate was free
of debt and was conducted In an able
and business-like way. As is common
in such cases some men who were not
Bosses, but who secretly wished to be,
complained to Mr. Penn that his pres
ent servants were cheating him, were
Incompetent and should bo discharged
at once and in disgrace. Mr. Penn
had heard these same charges oft be
fore and yet wonderd why, If all these
things were true, lite estate should get
on so famously. Being in doubt he
these friends what he should
do. They told him that Bosses were
wicked and were not necessary, that
he should have "leaders" who would
attend to everything necessary. He
would have no need for governors,
senators, members of the legislature,
or in fact any departments for the
conduct of his estate. They them
selves were able to do the whole
thing and as evidence of their tltness
go forward and repair tno waste, know
ing that ceeu time and harvest will not
always fail.
But when the political axo is laid at
the root of the tree of prosperity
transportation credit all enterprise
is disheartened; capital fles frofn fac
tory, rail and forge to the strong vault
of the bank, and only low prices and
cheapened labor can bring it forth to
work again.
One-half of one per cent, in the rail
road credit of this country represents/
$50,000,000 per annum. This iu- the tlif-f
ference to the transportation Interests
when the railroads have to pay 5 per
cent, instead of per cent, for money.
At the present time in New York call
money is being loaned at 2 per cent.,
commercial paper is discounted at 1 per
cent., and 5 per cent, or higher ia de
manded on railroad accommodations.
But this is only the beginning.
After its work of strangulation is
complete, then the I. C. C. will see the
connection between industry, transpor
tation and general prosperity.
they - again and again repeated how
dishonest and corrupt the present
"Bosses" were and besides that they
themselves had often told him how
well they could run his estate and
what further proof of their ability was"
needed. However, Air. Penn was not
sure they were right whereupon, see
ing him hesitate, they hurriedly cross
ed the boundaries of his estate and
consulted long and earnestly with a
School Master who had many "schol
ars" residing on Mr. Penn's estate.
This School Master not onl> advised
that "Leaders" should take the place
of "Bosses," but kindly consented to
and did nupie the men who should be
the "Leaders." At once all .Win*.
Scholars and these selected "LoadefS,"
in order to prove their own worth, set
up a,wonderful din most of which was
made by repeating again and again
the words "Pascal," "Thief," ''Bosses,"
"Gang," "Bi-partisan," "Unworthy
Citizen" and many more vile names
that were exceedingly unpleasant to
the peaceful and quiet, law abiding
Quaker. William Ponn.
Moral: A rose is just us sweet by
any other name.