HARRISBURG WOMEN MISSIONARY HEADS Local Societies on Honor Roll of Presbytery Meet in Cham bersburg in 1915 The Woman's Foreign Missionary L/ Society of the Presbytery of Carlisle concluded its thirty-seventh annual meeting yesterday afternoon in the second Presbyterian Church of Car lisle. The thirty-eighth meeting will take place April 3-4, 1915, in Falling Spring Church, Chambersburg. Dr. Anna J. McKeag, president of Wilson College, spoke on "Foreign Missions and the College Student." Honor roll announcements disclosed that among red letter societies were those from Harrisburg —auxiliary of Calvary, aux ilary ,of Westminster and of Market Square, the Auxiliary, Young Women's Auxiliary, Girls' Mission Band. Mrs. William P. Stuart gave a talk to the children. The officials for the year are: Presi dent. Mrs. William Jennings. Duncan non; vice-president, Mrs. A. J. Hall, Harrisburg; Mrs. William T. Main, Shippensburg; Mrs. A. N. Pomeroy, Chambersburg; Miss Mary H. Irwin, Newport; Mrs. W. P. Peck, McCon nellsburg; Miss Fanny B. Coleman, Lebanon; Miss Margaret Kerr, Gettys burg; treasurer. Miss Mary W. Kerr, 501 Witherspoon building, Philadel phia; home corresponding secretary, ' Mrs. Gilbert E. Swope, Newville; for eign corresponding secretary, Miss Elizabeth Shumaker, Chambersburg; young people's secretary, Miss Wini fred S. Woods, Carlisle: secretary - of literature. Miss Alice M. Brown; re cording secretary. Miss A. Margaret West. Waynesboro; committee on nominations. Miss Anna C. Weir, Har risburg; Miss Cynthia J. Eckels, Car lisle, and Mrs. Henry McCormick, Harrisburg. Among those present from Market Square Church were Miss Anna C. Weir, Mrs. Catherine Chayne, Miss Ella Laßue Hart. Mrs. Thomas M. Balin. Mrs. F. Roy Croll. Mrs. Gilbert M. MeCauley, Mrs. M. Harvey Taylor, Mrs. J. Ritchie Smith, Mrs. Herman P. Miller, Miss Caroline Retly Moffitt, Miss Margaret Oyster, Mrs. Wilbur Fisk Harris. Miss Margaret Miller, Miss Isabel Kelly. Miss Alice Young, Mrs. A. M. I.indsey, Miss Maryland Gourley and Miss Katherine Margaret Middleton. [AD Easter cluirch music should reach the Telegraph editorial rooms not later than A o'clock Thursday aft ernoon. Because of the great number of special concerts and recitals to be given throughout the city It is aluso lutely necessary that no program be sent in after this hour.] RECEPTION TO PASTOR An audience of 300 gathered Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock to welcome the pastor, the Rev. R. W. Runyan, to St. Paul's Church for another year. The following program was carried out: Hymn, prayer; vocal solo, Miss Belle Pancake; piano solo, Miss Blanche Raine: vocal solo, Miss Adams; duet, Miss Rohrer, Mrs. Ed. Drinkwater; vocal solo. Miss War dorff: duet, Eddie Stroner, Bobbie Michael; reading. Miss Keene; vocal solo, Mr. Morell; songs, Moll brothers. Then the Rev. D. L. Dixon, Lewisburg, delivered an address of welcome and the Rev. Mr. Roundsley, of Enola, presented a lily in full bloom to the pastor and his wife on behalf of the congregation. After a fitting response by the Rev. Mr. Ruuyan, refreshments were served. AT THE Y. M. C. A. An attractive meeting, for men only, will be held under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Association, Second and Locust streets, to-morrow afternoon at 3.30 o'clock The speaker will be the Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler, oastor of the Second Reformed Church. He will deliver a special ad dress appropriate to Palm Sunday. There will be an interesting praise service, with special hymns, under the direction of the association chorister, W. H. Kautz. Pastor Moves. The Rev. Rhein hokl Schmidt, pastor of St. Michael's Lutheran Church, State street, has removed from 1334 North Second street to the new J7,000 parsonage at 208 North street. To Preach First Sermon.—The Rev. J. D. W. Deavor, who came here from Catawissa Avenue Church, Sunbury. will appear for the first time in tlie Epworth Methodist pulpit to-morrow. . Go-to-Chureh Downtown. —The re sult of advertising campaigns con ducted by pastors of downtown churches will be apparent to-morrow when the go-to-church Sunday of Cal vary Presbyterian, St. Paul's Metho dist Episcopal, the Nagle Street Church of God and Trinity Lutheran Churches will be consummated, and large congregations are anticipated. At Onrtin Heights.—At the Curtin Heights Methodist Episcopal Church to-morrow, special music will be the feature of Palm Sunday. In the morn ing John H. Poor will sing "The Palms." The Heavens Are Telling" will be sung by the choir this even ing. Elect Officers. —Election of officers of the Epworth League of Epworth Methodist Church resulted as follows: President, Harry Motter; vice-presi dents, Mrs. M. Fox, Miss Margaret Fil son, Mrs. Harry Motter; secretary. Miss Elsie Davis: asistant secretary, Mrs. Clarence Filson; treasurer, Clar ence Fllson; organist, Miss Viola Smith; junior league superintendent, Mrs. McElhoes. Resolutions of re spect in memory of the late Mrs. Susan D. Burleigh were passed. Preaches Strong Sermon. The Rev. John M. Warden, pastor of the Bethany Presbyterian Church occn pied the pulpit of the Market Square Church last Sunday morning. His ■sermon was impressive and strongly evangelistic. • IT IS OUR DUTY T TEMPTATIONSAYS It is our duty to avoid tlie proximate occasion of sin. We must not go where there is danger for us. The skater who daringly glides upon ice that Is thin we call a fool, and we are not surprised nDnf to see him in the freezing water. When we en- WW >% gage a man to drive for us, we do not want the fellow who boasts that he can bring our carriage |n wheels witliln an Inch of a precipice, and yet By 'wSi* IPR'', not plunge over the brink. How foolhardy is the HL* «IS man who, with eyes open, walks Into a swamp! 4 True, he maj- escape from It, but what a useless iMfj " risk! A mist enwraps the swamp, and a false . I *mfW .1 step will plunge the Incautious adventurer into I— ' '• the mire. We may go near to a fire without being burnt, but the smoke blackens and dellies us. Too . ' i i; many of us close our eyes, and linger In our peril, forgetting that he who loveth the danger shall perish therein. Too many of us -\re like the un lucky bird which put its head unJer a fence-rail, and thought Itself hidden froin the hunters, till a til shot rang out that was the death-knell of the poor W. W. WHALEN quail. God will assist us to flee from temptation, but He will not help us If we remain In the dangerous occasion. Nor must.we lose heart in our temptations,. be those temptations never so sore and troublesome. W. W. WHALEN SATURDAY EVENING. fiABRISBURG TELEGttAPfI APRIL 4, 1914. CHURCH WORLD THROUGHOUT CITY CELEBRATES INTO HOLY CITY | Pplm Sunday, in memory of the I Savior's . triumphant entry into Jeru jsalm. when the multitude strewed ' palms before him. is celebrated by the | Catholic churche.s with the blessinp of palms and palms also are carried lin the processions. The day will be | fittingly celebrated to-morrow when there will be three masses, 7, 9 and 10.30 at the Cathedral. At the last mass, a high one. the palms will be blessed by Bishop Shanahan, assisted i>.v Mgr. M. M. Hassett, the Rev. T. B. Johnson and the Rev. W. H. Wha len. After the blessing of the palms there will be a procession around the j church composed of the children's so- I cieties and priests, after which the | palms will be distributed to the con -1 gregatlon. Suitable services also will j mark the day at St. Ijawrence's. St. j Francis', Church of the Sacred Heart and St. Mary's. Not only by the Catholic churches, but by the Protestant as well will Palm Sunday be fittingly observed. Special music will be one of the big features among the various Protestant Congregations, many choirs being scheduled to give special music both morning and evening. In many churches special programs will be held throughout the coming holy week. New members will be taken into other churches of the city to-morrow and the sacrament of the holy communion will be celebrated. Big Week at Stevens Holy week at Stevens Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church. Thir teenth and Vernon streets, will be marked with unusual activity. Begin ning with special services for men to morrow night, there will be meetings in the church every night during the week. The pastor, the Rev. Clayton Al bert Smucker, D. D., will preach an appropriate sermon every night. His subject Sunday night will be "The Su preme Leader." The services will be in charge of the Men's Club and will start at 7.30 o'clock. There will be | special singing by the men's chorus under the direction of Ross K. Berg stresser. On Palm Sunday, the day of ] triumph, confirmation services will be held in the morqing, starting at 10.30 I o'clock. 1 The Senior and Junior Epworth j League meetings in the evening at 6.30 : will be of unusual interest. The ser vices during the week will start at I 7.45 p. m., and the subjects will be as | follows: Monday, the Day of Authority— "What Did Jesus Believe"; Tuesday, the Day of Controversy "Missing ! Jesus, on the Road of Life": Wednes day, the Day of Retirement —"Listen- ing to Jesus Talk." The choir will | sing "Gallia" on Thursday, the Day |of Fellowship—"New Views of Life"; j Good Friday, the Day of Suffering— "Jesus Before Pontius Pilate." Easter Sunday—the Day of Resur- I rection "The Resurrection," by Charles Fonteyn Manney will be sung !by the choir at 10.30 a. m.: morning | prayer and praise service, 9.30 a. in.; j reception of new members. 11 a. m.; Sunday school, Easter carol service, 2 p. m.; young folks' Easter joy meet ings, 6.30 p. m.; Easter day closing service, 7.30 p. m. Pilgrim Command ery. No. 11, Knights Templar to attend in a body. An attendance of 1.000 and a collection of S2OO is the slogan for the Sunday school workers for Easter Sunday. - S|>e< ial Services The Fourth Street Church of God will continue to have the usual pre- Easter week services, commencing to-morrow The pastor has arranged a series of sermons with services coin- I mencing on that date and ending on ! Faster Sunday. The program as ar ranged is as follows: Palm Sunday, 10.30 a. m., "The Church and the Christ": 7.30 p. in., ' and Eternal Punishment"; holy week, Monday. "Christ, the Life Giver"; Tuesday, "Satan, the Life De stroyer"; Wednesday, "Following Christ"; Thursday, "Why Do What Jesus Did?," quarterly ordinance meeting; Friday, "Light in the Dark ness"; Easter, 6 a. m., sunrise prayer service; 10.30 a. m., "Our Risen Lord"; 1.40 p. m., Sunday school rally; 3 p. m., Junior Christian Endeavor: 6.30 p. m., Senior and Intermediate Chris tian Endeavor; 7.30 p. m., Easter can tata by double quartet. EPISCOPAL St. Paul's—The Rev. Dr. Floyd Ap pleton. Holy communion, 8 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon, 11; Sun day school, 2.30 p. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 7.30. St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin A. Sawyer. 8 a. m., holy communion; 111 a. m., morning prayer and address ! bv John W. Wood, of New York: Sun j day school, 2 p. m.; evening prayer and Maunder's cantata, "From Olivet to Calvary," 7.30. I St. Andrew's —The Rev. James F. i Bullitt; morning prayer, 10: holy communion and sermon, 10.30; Sun day school, 12; evening prayer, 7.30, j with illustrated missionary address by jjohn W. Wood, of New York. I Mt. Calvary, Camp Hill—The Rev. O. H. Bridgman; Sunday school, 9.15; morning prayer aind sermon, 10.30. St. Chrysostom's, New Market—The Rev. O. H. Bridgman; Sunday school, 2; evening prayer and sermon, 3.30. REFORMED Fourth—The Rev. Homer Skyles May. 10.45 a. m., "Jesus Is King"; 7.30 p. m., "The Lesson of the Palms"; Sunday school. 9.30 a. m.; special mu sic morning and evening; C. E., 6.30 p. m. Salem—The Rev. Ellis N. Krenier. 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 1.30 p. m.; young people's : service, 6.45 p. m. Second The Rev. Harry Nelson ! Bassler. 10.30 a. m., "Behold. Thy King Cometh;" 7.30 p. in., "All the i City Was Moved Saying;" Sunday | school, 1.45 p. m.; Christian Endeavor, 1 6.30 p. m. REFORMED SYNOD 10 MEET IN LANCASTER Golden Jnbilee of Organization to j Be Celebrated at Session May 12 The General Synod of the Reformed Church In the United States will con vene In Lancaster, May 12, in its eighteenth triennial sessions. The Synod represents a confirmed and unconfirmed membership of 431,- | 000 persons. At the lust meeting of the General Synod, In Canton. Ohio, three years ago there were reported eight district synods, .60 classes, 193 ministers. 1,756 congregations, 1,726 Sunday schools, 27,930 Sunday school officers and teachers, 266,8 44 Sunday school scholars and 226 students for the ministry. During the last tri-en nium as reported to the Synod of Can- t ton, Ohio, $1,503,418 were contributed for benevolence and $5,555,994 for congregational purposes. There will be about 350 ministerial and author ized law delegates present, as well as about the same number of visitors. Reports of the activities of the fol lowing Church Boards will be received at this Synod: Board of Home Mis-; sions, Board of Foreign Missions, Pub lication and Sunday School Boards. Board of Ministerial Relief of the; Reformed Church in the United States, i Educational Boards, Board of Trustees J and many committees. A great deal of legislation will be' denoted in behalf of the Reformed Church. The golden jubilee of the Synod's i organization will be celebrated and; the 350 th anniversary of the Heidel berg Catechism will be observed. Dr. I Lange, of the University of Hale, Ger many will be a distinguished visitor in behalf of the anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism. In this cele bration the three great religious or- i sanitations of the world that use the Heidelberg Catechism as a standard of faith will be represented. Dr. Lange will represent the Reformed Church in < Germany; Doctor Berg, the Reformed Church in America, and Rev. C. E. ! Creitez, the Reformed Church in the i United States. There will also be two j papers read, from two distinguished i German scholars. UNITED BRETHREN State Street —The Rev. E. A. G. Bossier. _ Special services at 10.4 5 a. m.; 7.30 p. m., "The Resistless Christ;" Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.; junior Christian Endeavor, 6 p. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6.80 p. m. First • The Rev. J. T. Spangler. 10.30 a. m.. "Some Easter Thoughts;" | i.30 p ,m., "The Gospel's Resurrection Note;" Sunday school, 1.45 p. in.; Christian Endeavor, 6.4 5 p. m. St. Paul's. Wormleysburg—Professor Sprenkle, of New Cumberland, will speak at 10.45 a. m. and the Rev. Mr. Hutchison, New Cumberland, at 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school. 9.30 a. m.; junior Christian Endeavor. 5.45 p. m.; j senior Christian Endeavor. 6.30 p. m. i Otterbeln—The Rev. S. Edwin Rupp. ! 10.30 a. in., "The Great Refusal:" 7.50 I p. m.. "The Mission of Christ"; Sun-1 day school, 2 p. m, Enola—The Rev, B. P. S. Busev. I Preaching at 10.30 a. m. by the Rev. I J. W. Young, D. D.: 7.30 p. m„ con-J ducted by Secretary Barnes of the "ioung Men's Christian Association; i Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6.30 p. m. Sixth Street —The Rev. P. H. Bals- ! baugh. 10.30 a. m., "Birth of the Gentile Church;" 7.30 p. m., "Soui t light; praise service, 9.45 a. m.; Sabbath school, 1.45 p. m.; junior Christian Endeavor, 5.45 p. m.; senior Christian Endeavor, 6.30 p. m. Derry Street—The Rev. J. A. Lyter, D. D. Public worship and sermon by the pastor and holy communion serv ices at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in.; Sunday school. 2 p. m.; Christian En deavor, 6.30 p. m. METHODIST Grace—The Rev. J. D. Fox, D. D. 9.30 a. m., class meeting; 10.30 a. m., reception of members and the Lord's supper; 1.45 p. m., Sunday school and men s Bible class; 6.45 p. in., Epworth League; 7.30 p. m., "The Grace of I* aith ; holy week services every even ing except Saturday at 7.30 o'clock. Stevens Memorial—The Rev. Dr. Albert Smucker. Confirmation ser vices. 10.30 a. hi.; reception of new members, 11 a. m.; Sunday school. 2 p. ni.; men's Bible service. *7.30 p. in., large men's chorus, Ross K. Bergstres ser, director; James W. Braker will preside; the minister will speak on "The Supreme Leader"; Senior and Intermediate Epwortli League, 630 p. m. Curtin Heights The Rev. A. S. Williams. 9.30 a. m., class meeting; 10.30 a. in., "Jesus the King"; 2 p. in.. Sunday school; 6.30 p. m., Epworth service: 7.30 p. m., temperance ser mon, "The Citizen and the Temper ance Reform." Harris The Rev. I. B. Turner. 10.45 a. m., "Lauding Christ": 8 p. m.. Bishop A. Walters will preach: Sundav school. 1.30 p. in.; 3 p. in.. Dr. C. A. Leftwitch will preach; 6.30 p. m.. Christian Endeavor. Asbury—The Rev. Dr. C. A. Left wich. 11 a. m., "Marching Orders"; Bp. m., "The Riddle,of Samson"; Sun day school, 2 p. in. St. Paul's—The Rev. Silas Swallow will preach at 10.30 a. m.; 7.30 p. m. by pastor. "Christ's Earthly Corona tion Palm"; Sunday school, 1.45 p. m.; Epworth League, 6.45 p. m. Bethel The Rev. U. G. Leeper 10.30 a. m., "The Mind of Christ"; 7.30 p. in.; Sunday school, 1 p. m Epworth—The Rev. J. D. W. Dea vor, Ph. D., will preach at 10.30 a. m and 7.30 p. m.; class meeting. 9.3f H. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. m.; Junior Epworth League. 3 p. m.; Epworth League service, 6.30 p. m. UNITED EVANGELICAL Harris Btreet —The Rev. George F Schaum. 10.30 a. m., "A Costlv Gift"' j 2 p. m., Sunday school; 6.40 p! m. K *'■ C. E.; 7.30 p. m., "A Startling Visi tation." Park Street—The Rev. J. A. Sellers Worship with sermon at 10.30 a. m md 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9.30 a. m.; Jr. C. E., 5.45 p. m.; C. E., 6.30 p. m. UNITED EVANGELICAL Park Street —The Rev. J. A. Sellers 10.30 a. m„ "The First Palm Sunday" 7.30 p. m., "Chrlßt In The Storm;" 9 30 a. m., Sunday school; 5.45 p. m ., junior Christian Endeavor; 6.30 p. m!' Christian Endeavor. [ltems for the Telegraph church page must be received before 3 p. m. Friday. Unsigned con- I tributtons are Invariably rejected.] PRESM CKE NOW 111 PROSPECT Board of Home Mission Will Rec-' omraend Wholesale Reorgan ization to General Assembly The Presbyterian Board of Home Missions, into whose hands Presbyter ians intrust almost Ji.OOO.OuO a year, making it one of the largest mission ary societies in the world, has .lust made public recommendations which it will make to the General Assembly of its church, meeting in Chicago in May. These recommendations call for a wholesale reorganization of the board itself, and are held to be the outcome of attacks upon it, made last year and this.. The contention has been between administration of home mission work by Presbyteries, each in the local Held and at little or no cost for secretaries, o'' by a national body, at what many holtl to be heavy expense The board now states that it will in eifeet surrender its entire commission, so to speak, to the General Assembly, and ask for such new assignment of work at the Assembly seems lit to give it. At Atlanta last May it was ordered by the General Assembly to discontinue I eld secretaries, Mexican and Indian departments, and a department of Church ana country lifo as soon as Practicable. The board thought two or three years might be suftlcientlv early, but many Presbyterian leaders thought otherwise— and said ro. The board now announces that it will discontinue hll on June 1 next. New commissions of work which the board announces that it will ask the I h lea go Assembly to give it to do are social service and work anion* immi grants. It offers to classify salaries of ts executive officers, complaint havins »een ma'le about expenses; to establish a branch office in some city in the West, either Chicago or St. Louis; and to increase its membership to forty, of whom fifteen shall bo laymen, to the sented Synods may be repre- LUTHERAN Augsburg The Rev. A. Aiaxwell Stamets, 10.„o a. m.. Palm Sunday saeru.m_ent of infant baptism and ser mon: 7.u0 p. m ., sermon and recep tion ol new members; Sunday school, - p. m.; L. E., 6.30 p. ni. u . T , rl " lt - v : C«mp Hill—The Rev. E. D. a ' m " "The Triumphal Lntrj , i .30 p. m., "No Escape to the Neglectors of So Great Salvation"; Sunday school, 9.15 a. ,m.: junior catechetics. 2 |>. m. Holy Communion— The Rev. John Henry Miller; 10.45 a. m "Tri umphant Entry"; 7.30 p. m ., "Second Uord , Sunday school, 9.30 a. in ; Luther League. 6.30 p. m. Services e\erj evening during Holy Week at i .4 Redeemed—The Rev. E. Victor Ro ni V d a ' m " "Recognizing Ist s. .Royalty' ; 7.30 p. m ., "Leaves and Not Friut ; Sunday school, 9.30 Cv" /on °' E " 315 1 } - m -: Senior t.. b.30 p. m. Bethlehem The Rev. J. Bradlev Markward, D. D.; 10.30 a. ni con tinuation address; 7.30 p. m "The w°- V ° Kver> ,' Xa *»e"; Sunday school; L 4» p. m.; C. E., 6.30 p. ni. Ph tV 1 n 7n le Rev ' Thom as Reisch.: of nMnl o p. ni. • Calvary The Rev. Edward H. ? u r ASSESS. OUR LORD;: ' CHURCH OF <;oi) Fourth street—The Rev. William N. Phlt h." 7»A"* m " 'Christ and the Church, <.„O p. in.. Christ and Eter nal Punishment;" Sunday school 1 40 p. m., junior Christian Endeavor 3 P. m.; senior and intermediate Chris tian Endeavor, 6.30 p. m , Street—The Rev. C. S. Rice 10.30 a. m., "The Meaning of the Lords blip per; 7.30 p. ~,. com munion; Sunday school, 1.30 p m- Christian Endeavor, 6.45 p m Wormleysburg The Rev.' G W Getz. Sunday school, 9.30 a' m • junior Christian Endeavor, 6.15 n m ''. senior Christian Endeavor, 6 45 p m ' : 7.30 P. m., "We Are His Witnesses'." " Maclay Street The Rev. Jay C Forncrook; services, 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. 111.; Sunday school, 9.45 a m ' Senior and' Junior C. E., 6.30 p. m. " Shiremanstown—The Rev. E. Aurice Mell. Sunday school. 9.30 a "1; preaching, 10.30 a. m.. "Jerusalem Taken by Surprise." Enola —The Rev. E. Aurice Mell ' unday school, 2 p. m.; Christian En deavor. 7 p. m.; preaching: at 7.30 p. m„ at which time the holy com munion services will be held. CATHOLIC C*thedral —Mgr. M. M. Hassett; low mass, 7 a. m.; children's inass. 9 a. m.; high mass, 10.30 a. m.; Sunday school. 2.30 p. m.; vespers and bene diction, 7.30 p. m. St. Lawrence—The Rev. P. D. Hue gel; low mass, 8 a. m.;; high mass, 10 a. m.; Sunday school, 2.30 p. m. vespers and benediction, 3.30 p rn St. Francis— The Rev. D. J. Carey; low mass, 8 a. m.; high mass, 10 a. 111 • Sunday school, 2.30 p. m.; vespers and benediction, 7.30 p. m. Sacred Heart—The Rev. William V Dailey; low mass, 8 a. m.; high mass! 10 a. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. m.; ves pers and benediction, 7.30 p. m. St. Mary's—The Rev. John O'Don nell; low mass, 8 a. m.; high mass, 10: Sunday school, 2 p. m.; vespers and benediction. 7.80 p. m. Sylvan Heights Home for Orphan Girls —Low mass and benediction, 7 a. m. PRESBYTERIAN Market Square—The Rev. J. Ritchie Smith: communion service, 11 a. m.; at 7.30 p. m. Stainer's "Crucifixion" will be given. Pine Street—The Rev. Lewis B. CALL 1991-ANY "PHONE. MW— MAHRIS»UR«* POPULAR DEPARTMENT STOftB Hiawatha Indian Village Exhibition Specially engaged for one week beginning Monday, April 6 t and continuing until April 1 1. uud It is without doubt the most wonderful and educational exhibition of its kind be fore the American Republic. The Hiawatha Indian Village represents a beautiful woodland setting and pre sents a complete and entrancing picture of real Indian life. Il is a true reproduction from the green grass of the forest floor to the woodland bowers that screen the native Indian sky—from the native tepee where the squaw and her papoose tarrv, to the scenes of the village industry, wherein the stalwart native Ojibway exemplifies the tanning of leather, the making of baskets and moccasins, the fashioning of arrows with their deadly poisoned tips, everything, in a word, which American people have heard about their forebears, but which they have rarely really seen. This exhibition, free to everybody; bring the children to see this beautiful Hiawatha Indian Village. The greater part of our Third Floor is given over to this great exhibition. Have you ever known a man, woman or child who did not want to see a real Indian? They bring to your mind thoughts of adventure and carry you away back into the dreary past. Come and see this educational exhibit and by all means bring the children. There is old Chief Shoman, 94 years old, the famous Warrior chief. "The little Papoose who will afford the children the greatest delight. Nawana Douglas, a half-breed school teacher gives talks about the Indian life. An Indian brave who is the most skilled Indian in America in burning leather. You will see the wigwams, the campfires. the canoes and the paddles. You will see the native maidens all in native buckskin and bead attire. INDIAN GOODS Genuine hand-made Indian baskets of every description, bows and arrows, war clubs, blankets, canoes and hundreds of other things offered at interestingly low prices. Children must be accompanied bv an adult. Exhibition each day from 9a. m. to 5.30 p. m. 'Third FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Mudge, D. D.: services, 1.30 a. 111. and 7.30 p. 111.; Sunday school, junior de partment, 1.30 p. m.; senior depart ment, 1.40 p. m.; C. E., 6.45 p. in. immanuel The Rev. H. Everett Hallman; 10 a. 111.. Lord's Supper; preaching, 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 11.15 a. m. _ _ Westminster —The Rev. E. E. Cur tis; 10.30 a. m., communion service; 7.30 p. m., "Eternal Life a Gift"; Sun day school, 1.45 p. in.; C. E., 6.45 p. 111. OUvet —The Rev. Francis H. Laird; preaching, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 2 p. m.; C. E., 6.30 p. in. Bethany—The Rev. John M. War den. 7.30 p. 111.; Sunday school, 9 a. m.; Christian Endeavor, 6.45 p. 111. Covenant —The Rev. Harvey Klaer. 10.30 a. 111.. "If Thou Hadst Known," a Palm Sunday sermon; 7.30 p. ni., "God's Last Call;" Sunday school, 2 p m.; Christian Endeavor, 6.30 p. in. Calvary—The Rev. Harry B. King. 10.15 a. *lll., with sermon also to the children; 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9 a. m.; Christan Endeavor, 6.30 p. m. BAPTIST The. Rev. W. S. Booth; 10.30 a. m., "Changing Men —The Unchang ing Christ"; 7.30 p. ni., "Oaiaphas : Sunday school. 11.30 a. 111. Wen'. End—The Rev. W. W. Clip plnger- Irvln P. Bowman will deliver an address at 7.30 p. m.; Young Peo ple's meeting. 6.45 p. m.; Sunday school, 10.30 a. m. „ lt St. Paul's—The Rev. E. Luther Cunningham: 10.30 a. m„ covenant meeting; 7.30 p. m.. "Bearing His Cross'; Sunday school, 12.30 p. m.; B. Y. P. U„ 6.30 p. m. Second—The Rev. Albert Josiah Greene; 3 p. m„ "The Signlticance of Baptism"; 7.30 p. m., "Perils at the Lord's Table"; Sunday school, 12 111.; B. Y. P. U.. 6 p. m.; 10 a. m., regular monthly prayer and praise service; 3 p. rn., baptismal service. METHODIST EPISCOPAL Wesley Union At 10.45 a. m. Bishop Alexander Walters will delher a special sermon. At 3.45 p. in. a special educational mass meeting will be conducted by Bishop Walters. \\ . J. Carter and Bishop Walters will be ainong the principal speakers. The meeting will be called at 2.30 p. m. Fifth Street —The Rev. I>. H. Hart. Praise meeting, 9.30 a. in.; 10.30 a. m.. "A Day of Farewells;" Sunday school, with missionary offerings, at 2 p. m.; Junior Ijeague, 3 p. m.; Epworth League, 6.30 p. 111.; <.30 p. 111., Re hold, Thy King Cometh Unto Thee." M LSCELLAN EOU S Church of the Brethren, Hummel c treet —The Rev. Adan Hollinger will preach at 11 a. m. and the Rev. Abra ham Hollinger at 7.30 p. m.; Christian Workers, 6.45 p. m. Mission Sunday School, Fourth and Maclay. 3.16 p. m. Middletown appointment, the Rev. D. H. Widder, 3 p. m. International Bible Students Asso ciation —The regular Bunday services will be held at 3 p. m. at Cameron's Hall 105 North Second street. Dis course by J. Rowe Pike; subject, "The Mission of the Church." Berean study ttt Church of Christ —The Rev. F. J. Stinson. U a. in.. "The Day of Trl -1 umph:" 7.30 p. m.. "The Hour of Action;" Sunday school, 10 a. in.; Christian Endeavor, 6.30 p. m. Christian and Missionary Alliance— The Rev. William H. Worrall. 10.45 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school, 9.45 a. m. Zarker Street Church of Christ —L. V McGarv. speaker. 10.30 a. m., wor ship and Bible study; 7.30 p. m., "Op posing Elements" (Eph. 6:12). The Full Gospel Assembly, 926 North Sixth street, the Rev. Andrew L. Fraser. Meetings. Sunday, 2.80 and 7.30 p. m.; Tuesday and Friday, 7.45 p. m.; the Rev. Frank M. Boyd, of Pittsburgh, Pa., will preach. A meeting for worship will be held to-morrow evening at 10.30 o'clock by the members of the Society of Friends at their headquarters, 319 North Sec |ond street. i Messiah's Pastor Entered College When 14 Years Old It is said that Erasmus, when but a child, astonished his preceptors by his intimacy with the classics, and there are other instances of precocity among men in the church who have afterwards risen to great heights, but it remains for a Harrisburg pastor, the Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, to hold what is possibly the record in this bSwe mm m IB 9QH9B , ■ **o JH»S| Hi JjaflS Hj| THE REV. HENRY W. A. HANSON connection among Harrisburg clergy men. The Rev. Mr. Hanson, who is pas tor of Messiah Lutheran Church. Sixth and Eorster streets, entered Roanoke College, Roanoke, W. Va., at the age of 14, and after b«lng graduated from the Southern college, entered the Lu theran Theological Seminary at Get tysburg, and was graduated from that institution when at his majority, and age at which most candidates for the ministry are just entering. The early completion of his theological course at Gettysburg gave Mr. Hanson en viable opportunity to devote a few more y°ars to finishing his course of studies, and so we find him, following his Gettysburg graduation, going ibroad for a two years' course in the great German university at Lelpsic. His First Charge Upon his return to this country to take up his chosen work, he became pastor of St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Pittsburgh, where his success was oronounced. During his pastorate of St. Luke's Church, which lasted seven years, the Rev. Mr. Hanson Increased the congregation from 150 to 500 members and a new church building was erected during his administration in the Smoky City. Mr. Hanson camo to Messiah church only a year ago, but already his influence has been lit tle short of phenomenal, and the membership of the church has gone forward by leaps and bounds. In fact so greatly Increased has the mem bership become that already plans for a new church are tentatively com pleted. It would be extremely difficult to analyze the causes that contribute to Mr. Hanson's efficiency and popular ity.' It may be inferred from the ac count of his scholastic training and hi# -youthful proficiency as a student that his forte lies In the mighty In tellectual appeal of his sermons. Yet while it is true that the young clergy man—and he is now but S2 years of age—does possess a grasp and ac quaintance with wide areas of thought and does exhibit a profound knowl edge of a wide range of subjects i:i his sermons, it is rather to his per sonal charm and earnest sincerity thut may be attributed his remarkable suc cesses. Simple, Direct, Forceful It is in the fact that his simple, di rect and forceful sermons ring so tru<» that will probably be found the secret of his success oh a pulpiteer, yet by no means does he hely on his work as a sermonizer to attract and knit together his congregations. His so cial and personal service Is unceasing and while popular with all classes, ho has a particular appeal to old folks and children, a winning charm of manner and an underlying sincerity that is mujiifestly free from a m*r» perfunctory discharge of hifl duties. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist- - Board of Trado Hall. Sunday, 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., subject, "Unrealty* ; testimonial meeting, Wednesday, S p. m.; reading rooms. Kunkel build ing, 1.30 to 5 p. m.; also Monday and Saturday evenings. i ' L V er'I•«I 1 ll■■ I I l l-j Palm Sunday Evening i MEN'S CLUB! | MEETING | • Stevens Memorial Church - 1 Thirteenth and Vernou Streets I | 7.30 o'clock | I The | Supreme) Leader i i by r j Dr. C'ayton Albert Smacker * i Mr. James W. Barker Will | ' Preside Large Men's Chorus j ! | I toss K. BerßStresser, Director » | Holy Week Celebration j 1 Special Addresses by the j j Minister „ Week Night Services t j 7,45 3