Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1914, Page 7, Image 7

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    SUITS You Can Have
£d«r sls V#nr EaStef Snit
y I Made to Measure
Our tailor shops have a capacity of 600 suits a
day and we guarantee prompt delivery for Easter, of
every order taken now.
Standard Woolen Co.
Oldest and Only Original Popular Price Tailors
19 N. Third St. Corner Strawberry Ave.
Harrisburg Pa. Alex. Agar, Mgr
STORES AM) AGENCIES FROM 1"™"'™"""""™™™""'"'
w n r ~c — l Balmacaans
We Denver Free All Over the *
States tO (PI f
CTRP-1 T>nn Wl DoteTown«cf}ifth3Piße'A
Report of Nurse in Charge of
Charity Shows Many Families
Are Aided
The report of Miss Agnes Wilcox,
the nurse in charge of the Steclton
Civic Club's charity work, for the
month of March, made public this
morning, throws an interesting light
on industrial conditions in Steelton
and shows the magniture of the work
being done by this branch of the Civic
During the past month alone there
were eighteen families who appealed
the Civic Club for assistance of some
ltind. Of this number ten of tho ap
plicants for aid had never been com
pelled to ask assistance before and
fight of the number had been on the
lists for some time.
Through the efforts of tho Civic
nurse, homes were found for two
email children whose parents were
either dead or unable to support them.
One person applied for help to locate
relatives of whom trace had been
lost. Nine families wero supplied with
coal, one with medicine and one man
Was helped to secure work.
The nurse paid professional visits
to many homes in the borough where
trained assistance was needed. On
many of these visits instructions were
given on sanitation, the care and
feeding of babies, on caring for the|
tick and the dressing of wounds. Just
liovv many of these calls were made
was not stated in the report.
Since the organization of the Asso
ciated Charities a short time ago the
efficiency of tho charity work in the!
borough has been greatly increased.;
Miss Agnes Wilcox, the Civic nurse,
Is also in charge of the Associated
Charities investigation work. Her as
sistant, Miss Miriam Punch, takes care
ot the clerical work of the organiza
tion which enables Miss Wilcox to de
vote more time fo investigation and
social uplift work.
At a congregational meeting last
evening tho First Reformed Church
extended an unanimous call to the
Rev. Charles A. Huyette, of Ilollidays
burg, Pa., to become the pastor of
their church. The selection of a new
pastor for the First Reformed Church
was made necessary by the resigna
tion of the Rev. Fred A. Cook several
months ago. At last evening's meet
ing the trustees were authorized to
make extensive improvements to the
church building. Second and Swatara
streets. Repairs will be made to the
roof and the interior will be repainted
and decorated.
Charged with refusing to support
his aged mother, Harry Bartel, of
Mohn street, was arrested by Con
stable John Gibb this morning, in
default of ball ho was committed to
jail for a hearing before Squire Gard
The Pennsylvania Steel Company I
"long with the Cambria Steel Com
pany has been given an order for 10,-
000 tons of steel rails lor the Penn
sylvania Railroad. This order is for
a test. rolling and will determine which
company gets the remainder of the
railroad's 175,000 tons order for 1»14
rail requirements.
M. J. Horwatli has secured a posi
tion with the Maple Press at York.
* John L. Myers, of Marysville, spent
yesterday in Steelton.
William 11. Edmundson is 111 at his
lutrne in Locust street.
Inspect Filter Plant. A party of
thirty students from State College vis
ited the filter plant, yesterday. Later
the students were shown through the
filter plant of the Riverton Consolidat
ed Water Company, at New Cumber
land. M. B. Litch, boroupli bacteriolo
gist. entertained the party, which was
In charge of L. B. Waterman, an In
structor at State.
Picnic Committee Meet*. The com
mittee !u charge of tho arrangements
for the annual union Sunday school pic
nic will meet to-morrow evening In the
First Methodist Church.
Revival Encln. With a service In
St. John's Lutheran Church, this even
ing. the series of union revival ser
vices that lias been going on for two
weeks will he brought to an end The
meeting last evening was well attend
ed. The Rev. A. K. Wler, pastor *of
Centenary United Brethren Church
preached the sermon.
liny* Ulg Property. Celika Bralko-
Vic has purchased the ground and
buildings at Frederick and Conestoga
| B BP 4% aracurabi*. AD Mod.
P LESsss
" ""T . H E M-ROI D
is¥a«'aisS' l "frt. u .Mss u »
I streets, from John M. Paxton. A frame
I building formerly used as an ice cream
factory Is located on the ground.
Fleet Church Officers. The follow
ing officers were elected at a meeting
of St. John's Lutheran congregation,
Tuesday evening: Trustee, for three
years, Frank B. Wiekersham; trustee,
i for one year, John O'Brien; elder, J. It.
Hotter; deacons, S. J. Orndorff, H. F.
Lupfer, Levi Roth, William Dehner and
Albert Metzger.
Sermon Series A series of ser
mons appropriate to Holy Week will be
preached in St. John's Lutheran Church
by the Rev. Dr. L L. Sieber, of Gettys
burg, beginning Sunday. His subjects
will be: Sunday morning, "An Anxious
Bride;" Sunday evening, "Headlights;"
M'onday, "A Model Conversion;" Tues
day, "A Great Combine;" Wednesdav,
| "Eternity, and Where We Spend It;"
Thursday, "A Great Crisis;" Friday, "A
I Threefold Vision."
An organ recital, this evening, by
George Dasher, organist of the Presby
terian Church, will be given In the
Church auditorium. Mr. Dasher will be
assisted by Mrs. I. R. Springer and
Mrs. A. 11. Luckenblll.
Miss Jane McClure entertained the
following guests at an auction bridge,
at her hoi ie, last evening: Misses Hat
tie Fisher, Elsie Campbell, Dorothy
Campbell, liachael McCarrell, Catherine
Romberger, Mrs. George Mlsh, Mrs. D.
P. Deitrlch, Mrs. Clem S. Leftwich. •
Funeral services over the body of
Samuel Caley were held from the home
of his daughter, Mrs. William Truler,
Spring street, yesterday afternoon. Tho
Lev. li. F. Hoover officiated errl lv>r'nl
was made in the Middletown Cemetery.
Mrs. s. C. Young, Mrs. R. C. Barley,
Mrs. Charles Carlson, Mrs. John Ueyer,
Miss Verona Keiper are attending the
convention of the Foreign Missionary
Societies of the Presbyterian Church,
at Carlisle as delegates from the lucai
Presbyterian Church.
Sobomon Bacr is ill at his home, In
Pine street.
Mrs. H. If. Hersliey and two children,
of Lancaster, are visiting her parents,
Mi - , and Mrs. H. H. Shellenberger.
The Ladies' Glee Club, of Highsplre,
eighteen vplces, Is arranging to hold a
concert in Dougherty's Hall, Thursday
evening, April 30. Miss Sylvia B.
Cover is the director and Miss Ruth
hhaffner is the pianist.
Sylvester A. Book, secretary o£ the
Highsplre Borough Council, is ill at his
home, in Market street.
Under the auspices of St. Peter's Lu
theran Church, a flower sale will be
b«ld at the home of Miss Alice Mumma,
Friday and Saturday evenings, April
10 and 11.
Elaborate preparations have been
made for a rally to be held In the Unit
ed Brethren Church, Sunday evening,
by the Men's Organized Bible Class. O.
I. Beckley, of Harrisburg, will deliver
the principal address.
The Highsplre Band will give a sa
cred concert at Oberlin, this evening,
under the auspices of Class No. 12, of
the Highsplre United Brethren Church.
Edward Hansify, of South Carolina,
was the guest of William Brasheara.
Mrs. William Brashears and daugh
ter, Mrs. William McKinley, spent Wed
nesday in Middletown.
Miss Myrtle Bachman spent Saturday
with friends in Elizabethtown.
Harry Fink, of Elizabethtown, was
In town. Wednesday.
John Parthemore, of Highland, is the
guest of his son, It, V. Parthemore,
Market street.
Samuel Cole has moved his family
from Harrisburg to the Mary Green Es
tate property, in Second street..
W. J. Bryan's Schoolmate
Represents Illinois
William E. Williams la one of the
new Repreßentatives-at-large in Con
gress from the State of Ullnola. He
went to school with William J. Bryan
at Illinois College and has been a
Bryan man ever since. At the Denver
convention of 1908 ho seconded the
nomination of Mr. Bryan in behalf of
the Illinois delegation. Mr. Williams
comes from Pittsfield, 111., is st lawyer,'
and was once before a member <>f■
Congress. I
I [Continued from First Page]
banlcs In the twelve districts would
Immediately begin preparing for the
establishment of their reserve banks.
Every bank, under the law, must be
gin payment of a subscription of 6 per
cent, of its capital and surplus to the
stock of its reserve bank within thirty
days after notificatior
Must Subscribe 94,000,000
. In accordance with the law, as soon
'as tho member banks in a district
have subscribed the minimum amount
of stock for a reserve bank— s4,ooo,-
000—Ave banks will be designated to
execute the formal certificate of or
■ ganizatlon.
I After its reception hero the reserve
Ibank will become a corporation and
i entitled to begin business.
I The next step will be the selec
tion of boards of directors for the re
servo banks. There will be nine di-j
rectors for each bank, three to be ap- i
pointed by the Feueral Reserve Hoard,>
which itself is yet to be i amed by
President.- \viison, and six eiected by
the member Lanns in each district.
No KutrcncuinoiH Likely
Although ine raueral Heserve Board
is to choose three directors In each
reserve oank and appoint a reserve
agent (or each bank, who Is to act as
Its mouthpiece, the organization com
mittee may perfect the organization
o a reserve bank for all practical
purposes before the reserve board is
appointed, and It Is believed that the
commiUeo will' exercise Uiis author
ity to launch the system as toon as
n the opinion of officials here the
transfer ot money from member banKs
in payment of their subscriptions to I
reserve banks will be accomplished
without disturbance to business and |
without any curtailment of credit or
retrenchment in loans or discount. •
rhe law gives nearly a year to the
~anks for the payment of one-half oi
tneir total subscriptions, and It was
oelieved that this time would prove
ouincient in every case.
Country Districted
The twelve districts and the twelve
cities selected for the location of the
federal reserve baniis aro as follows: I
District No. I—Maine,1 —Maine, New Hamp-1
shire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode
Ismnd and Connecticut, with the city
of Boston as the location of the fed- '
eral reserve bank. I
District No. 2. —New York, with
New York city as the location of the!
federal reserve bank. }
District No. 3—New Jersey, Dela
ware and all that part of Pennsyl- i
vania located east of the western |
boundary of the following counties:
McKean, Elk, Clearfield, Cambria and '
iJedford, including Harrisburg and the j
surrounding towns, with the federal
r« servo bank In the city of Philadel
District No. 4 —Ohio, all that part j
of Pennsylvania lying west of District
No. 3: the counties of Marshall, Ohio, I
Brooke and Hancock in the State ot |
West Virginia, and all that part of
Kentucky located east of the western
boundary of the following counties:
Uoone, Grant, Scott, Woodford, Jessa- I
mine, Oarrard, Lincoln, Pulaski and
McCreary, with the city of Cleveland,
Ohio, as the location of the federal
reserve bank.
District No. s—District of Columbia,
Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina,
South Carolina and all of West Vir
ginia except the counties of Marshall, ,
Ohio, Brooko and Hancock, with the
federal reserve bank located in the
city of Richmond, Va.
District No. 6 Alabama, Georgia
and Florida, all that part of Ten
nessee located east of the western
uoundary of the following counties:
Stewart, Houston, Wayne, Humphreys
and Perry: all that part of Mississippi
located south of the northern boun
dary ol' the following counties: Issa
quena, Sharkey, Yazoo, Kemper, Madi
son, Leake and Neshoba; and all of
the southeastern part of Louisiana
located east of the western boundaiy
of tho following counties: Poinle
Coupee, Iberville, Assumption and Ter
rebonne, with the city of Atlanta, Ga„
as the location of tho federal reserve
District No. 7—lowa, all thai part
of Wisconsin located south of the
northern boundary of the following
counties: Vernon, Sauk, Columbia,
Dodge, Washington and Osaukee; all
of the southern peninsula of Michigan,
viz: that part east, of Lake Michigan;
all that part of Illinois located north
of a line forming the southern boun
lary of the following counties: Han
cock, Schuyler, Cass, Sangamon,
Christian, Shelby, Cumberland and
Clark; and all that part of Indiana
north of a line forming the southern
boundary of the following counties:
Vigo, Clay, Owen, Monroe, Brown,
Bartholomew. Jennings, Ripley and
Ohio, with the federal reserve bank
located in the city of Chicago, 111.
District No. B—Arkansas, all that
part of Missouri located east of the
western boundary of the following
counties: Harrison, Davies, Caldwell,
Ray. Lafayette. Johnson, Henry,
St. Clair, Cedar, Dade. Lawrence and
Barry; all that part of Illinois not
included in Distr'.ct No. 7; all that
part of Indiana not included in Dis
trict No. 7; all that part of Kentucky
not included in District No. 4; all that
part of Tennessee not Included In Dis
trict No. 0; and all that part of
Mississippi not Included in DistHct
No. <5. with the city of St. Louis, Mo.,
as the location of the federal reserve
District No. 9 —Montana, North Da
kota. South Dakota, Minnesota, alt
that part of Wisconsin not included
in District No. 7: and all that part of
Michigan not included in District
No. 7, with tho city of Minneapolis,
Minn., as the location of the federal
reserve bank.
District No. 10—Kansas, Nebraska.
Colorado, Wyoming, all that part of
Missouri not Included In District No. 8;
all that part of Oklahoma north of a
line forming the southern boundary of
the following counties: Ellis, Dewey,
Blain, Canadian. Cleveland, Potta
watomie, Seminole, Okfuskee, Mcin
tosh, Muskogee and Sequoyah; and all
that part of New Mexico north of a
line forming the southern boundary of
the following counties: McKlnley, San- i
doval. Santa Fe, San Miguel and I
Union, with the city of Kansas City, |
Mo., as the location of the federal ;
reserve bank.
District No. 11. —Texas, all that part
of New Mexico not Included In District
No. 10; all that part of Oklahoma not'
Included in District No. 10; all that
part of Louisiana not Included in Dis
trict No. 6, and the following counties
in the State of Arizona: Pima, Gra
ham, Greenloe, Cochiso and Santa
Cruz, with the city of Dallas, Texas,
as tho location of the federal reserve
District No. 12—California. Wash-'
Ington, Oregon. Mr ho. Nevada. Utah
and all that part of Arizona not In
cluded in District No. 11. with the city !
of San Francisco, Cal., as the location
of the federal reserve bank.
"I suppose your baby sister cries
now and then?" asked one of the
"Cries'' said Mary. "Why. she ,lUSI I
seems to look on the dark side of'
things all the time'."—Exchange.
I The Elements of the Weather Should Not Keep You Away. I
i" This Saturday's Sale Is a Winner and Will Save You Money
300 Ladies' u^ en 'i, Altering Done
Wn citit<J tS? s OB m " em *•*
&U J. A SALE X mm I ■«■ coats Jf%\ Crpp I
Shades and Worth sls. I I UO
I'M MEN'S and^lm^
young MEN>S^^^
If You Have It 1.1 V 111 UO I UII O 9 MARKET SQUARE If You Want It
—ill Hi I HIP l—BMßa^M—■■—
Congressmen May th l n l rn t i? l |n C thi h L t i[^i U lr^, B u k ventln « Interference from unauthorized tlie presence of the seat hold, and pos,
5 toouicu may of calling the roll in the national House persons, the apparatus will consist of sibly a paired vote.
\T ■ l n • ? Representati\es is considered locked push-buttons at cuch HcurcsGh" mi it . .
Vot6 bv Pressing y * he rules committee of that legisla- tative's seat and a reoordinfr device on- » • r fc°rdingf apparatus, ,1
TUIC uy I TCSMIIg t,ve body. Aside torn eliminating the eratlng on the prinXle of an addfn* be Installed at the Speaker's desk, will
171 . • i n .. forty-tlve-minute roll call, this device machine principle 01 an auaing automatically register K)n a card bear-
Llectrical Button wl " do aw »>" with the delay in action . . ... „ ... . '"K the names of all members, by
sometimes caused by obstinate minori- *JziL i member of the House will be punching u hole in one of tho columns
ties. iiiinvn assigned a particular seat, which will marked "yea," "nay," "present" or
An electrical device which, by auto- T rPCOrr i *hn attmH „„,yy e numbered. At each of these post- "paired'' opposite each name. The de
matlcally recording the votes of the of the membeVs? ' j I. 'pi M.*"
/-GjL Greatly Reduced
Jfejh \Wfflpljy .As We Open
at 211 Market Street
1/v i ee our s P ec i a^s a * $14.00. If you have never had a suit made
A us come an d have us show you some that have been ordered
X&L 'lilt £• an d are ready for delivery. We guarantee every piece of cloth as
V V\ Well aS All goods thoroughly London shrunk and
Order your suit now, leave a small deposit, and pay balance
KMHtXMttiffiSt |vSs We guarantee to fit you perfectly or refund vour money.
TiU 10 importers and High Grade Tailors Till 10