Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1914, Page 6, Image 6

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New Spring Shoes
For Men, Women and Children
I April 10 we will move to larger
quarters, at 428 Market street.
I'.efore making arrangements to
move we laid in a large stock oi
If you have ever moved you
and damaged in the handling.
We don't want to take chances H^r
on having any scuffed goods ") ¥/
in our new store. *fisSSfis3^^
Wc Will Close Out Our Entire Stock of Shoes at
Wonderfully Sacrificed Prices to Avoid Moving Them.
Here is your opportunity to set new stylish Spring and Summer
Shoes at about Half Price
Ladies' Pumps, Oxfords and Colonials; reg- 1 AQ
ular value $3.00 $ J. «t/0
Men's Shoes; Button and Blucher, in tan and d» *| Ag
black; regular value $3.00 ....> *J) 1 • v/U
HlisNfs' nnil Children"?* SIIOPM at the Snme Dig It eduction*,
t'oinr To-morrow Tlcl'ore the Ileat Are (ioue.
HOUCK SHOE CO. 43* Market St.
Near Subway Open Evenings
Digests all food, absorbs
gases and stops fermen
tation at once.
Wonder what upset your stomach—
which portion of the food did the dam
age—do you? Well, don't bother. If
your stomach Is In a revolt; if sour,
gassy and upset, and what you just ate
has fermented Into stubborn lumps;
your head dizny and aches; belch gases
and acids and eructate undigested
food; breath foul, tongue coated—just
take Pape's Diapepsin, and In five
minutes you will wonder what became
of the indigestion and distress. Mll
News Items From Points
in Central Pennsylvania
Waynesboro.—One of the big things
for Waynesboro the coming summer
is a convention of ice-malting machin
ery men. A large number of manu
facturers and experts is expected here.
Wilkes-Barre.—Andrew H. Billings,
18 years old, son of W. P. Billings, a
banker, of this city, was arrested on
a charge of Involuntary manslaughter
yesterday for running down and kill
ing Edward Zimmerman, aged 12
years, with an automobile one year
ago. He was held under SI,OOO bail.
Wilkcs-Barre. —The charred body
of the man found along the D., L. and
W. tracks at Berwick has been identi
fied as that of William Evans, 35 years
Contains nearly 100% of nourishment, while the
SfegS next most nutritious grains contains less than 90%,
B and vegetables very much less. Two tablespoonfuls
: of Pure Olive Oil contain more nourishment
» ! JII than one pound of meat, and does not overtax the
£ I digestive organs. The food value of Pure Olive
H Oil— providing the quality is right—has no equal,
% 11*1" ant * > ts nutritive qualities are quickly assimilated
by the system and transformed into healthy flesh.
To get the best Olive Oil one must be very particular as to what
brand He buys, for all Olive Oils are neither pure nor of first
quality. You will never buy any other brand of Olive Oil once
you have purchased Olivese.
"Jill that the label implies is in the can"
A. L. CAPRINI, Pittsburgh
Sole American importer
Sole Distributor
16 N. 3rd St. P. R. R. Station
Hundreds Arc Suffering With Kidney Trouble and Don't Know It.
Backache, Bladder Disorder and Rheuma
\ tism Are The Result.
It is a. well recognized fact among
physician to-day that the greater
part of all sickness can be avoided
by keeping the kidneys working
This Is even more important than
for the bowels to move regularly,
because the kidneys and bladder are
the filterers and sewers of the body.
It you suffer with pains in the back
or sides, bladder or urinary disorders,
lumbago, rheumatism, dizziness, puffy
swellings under the eyes or in the
feet and ankles, nervousness, tired and
worn-out feeling, or any of the many
other symptoms of kidney trouble,
don't neglect yourself another day
and run the risk of serious complica
tions. Secure an original package of
Croxone. which costs but a trifle, take
three dosey a day, for a few days,
and you fill be surprised how entirely
different you will feel.
Croxone overcomes the very worst
casis because It removes tho cause of
lions of men and women to-day know
that it is needless to have a bad
stomach. A littlo Piapepsln occasion
ally keeps the stomach regulated and
they eat their favorite foods without
If your stomach doesn't take care
of your liberal limit without rebellion;
if your food is a damage instead of a
help, remember the quickest, surest
most harmless relief is Pape's Diapep
sin, which costs only fifty cents for a
large case at drug stores It's truly
wonderful —it digests food and sets
things straight, so gently and easily
that it is astonishing. Please don't
go on und on with n weak, disordered
stomach; it's sc unnecessary.—Adver
old, who disappeared from the asy
lum at Retreat last Tuesday.
Malianoy City. —Agents of the State
Board of Livestock Sanitation kill
ed thirteen head of cattle suffering
from tuberculosis.
Willlamstonn. —Miss Flora Shaw,
aged GO years, while mentally affected,
jumped from a second-story window
at Jersey Shore and sustained injur
ies from which she died. ,
Sliamokin. Returning home at
Kulpmont yesterday In a sullen mood,
Selix Wadroe, after scolding several
members of his family rushed to his
bedroom and with a shotgun blow off
part of his head.
State College. —Plans are now out
for the erection of a *300,000 liberal
arts building, a $150,000 mining build
ing and $4&0.000 science building for
Penns.vlania State College, here.
such troubles. It soaks right in and
cleans out the kidneys and makes
them filter out all the poisonous waste
matter and uric acid that lodges In
the joints and muscles, causing rheu
matism: soothes and heals the blad
der and quickly ends all such trou
It is the most wonderful remedy
ever made for the purpose. You will
find It entirely different from any
thing you have ever used. There is
nothing else on earth to compare with
it. It matters not how old you are
or how long you have suffered, the
very principle of Croxone is such that
it is practically Impossible to take it
into the human system without re
You cat; secure an original package
of Croxone from any flrst-class drug
store. All druggists are authorized to
personally return the purchase price
if Croxone falls to give the desired
results the very first time you use it.
Kalozetean Literary to
Observe Anniversary at
Lebanon Valley College
'?. • : I
y >,<
I L *
■f 4
Special to The Telegraph
AnnviUc, Pa., April 3. —To-night tho
thirty-seventh anniversary of tho
Kalozetean Literary Society of Leb
anon Valley College will bo .held In
the Englo Conservatory of Music. The
society, which was instituted in 1877,
is one of the oldest organizations of
the school. Its members numbering
many of the students and hundreds of
the alumni. After the literary pro
gram is rendered a social will be held
in the halls of the society, where
Lenhart's orchestra will play, and later
refreshments will be served. This is
one of the biggest events of the col
lege, as many of the alumni and
friends of the society attend and is
looked forward to by all of the stu
The following literary program will
be rendered in tho conservatory: In
vocation, the Rev. H. 13. Miller: or
chestra selection; president's address,
Henry E. Snavely; essay. John B.
Lyter, of Harrisburg; reading, Harry
H. Charlton; quartet, Messrs. Bender,
Von Bereghy. T. Lyter and Stenglo;
oration, Charles Arndt; piano solo, J.
Fred Arnold; oration, Carl F. Schmidt;
orchestra selection.
Owner of New Berlin Hotel
Building Arrested For Arson
Special to The Telegraph
Selinsgrove, Pa., April 3.—Alfred
M. Herman, a heavy property holder
at New Berlin, near here, was arrest
ed there on a charge of arson prefer
red by W. F. Hart wick, proprietor of
the New Berlin Hotel, which is own
ed by Herman.
On Friday of last week the hotel
stable and two adjoining stables were
burned at a total loss of about $7,-
000. This fire was believed to be the
work of an incendiary.
On Monday morning the hotel took
fire and after a hard fight flames were
gotten under control after several
hundred dollars' damage had been
done. Harwick, aided by the insur
ance adjusters made a careful search
of the premises and found seven quart
bottles of coal oil secreted in places
where their explosion would be most
disastrous in case of a tire.
Herman was given a hearing at
Lewisburg and held for court.
To-morrow, Matinee and Night
"Seven Hours in New York."
Tuesday, Matinee and Night, April 7 —•
"Mutt and Jeff in Panama."
Wednesday, Matinee and Night, April
B—Neil O'Brien Minstrels.
There is said to be a lot of "class"
to the musical show, "Seven Hours in
i Now York," which is announced to
appear at the Majestic Theater to
morrow afternoon and evening. The
author has taken as the theme for this
plot incidents based on actual facts
and has evolved a story that is both
ingenious and uproariously funny. The
eighteen musical numbers are all
worked in consistently, not being
lugged in. It is a big production, re
quiring the use of a 60-foot baggage
car to transport. One of the big fea
tures of the musical comedy is the
tango dancing.—Advertisement.
In "Mutt arid Jeff in Panama,"
which comes to the Majestic after
noon and evening next Tuesday, fully
one-half of the lines, situations and
business is the fruits of Gus Hill's
indefatigable brain and energy, there
fore "Mutt and Jeff in Panama" con- '
tains the pure essence of real comedy
entertainment, properly compounded |
right from the doctor's prescription, '
and is given in large and pleasant i
dopes for a small price of admission. |
The famous cartoon characters are i
better surrounded than in either of |
the previous offerings. Advertise-1
The Majestic Theater will have for
its attraction next Wednesday after
noon and evening Neil O'Brien and his
"Great American Minstrels," which
made such a favorable impression last,
season on its first tour. While the
organization is now only in its second
year, the star and his associates have
all been identified with tho semicircle
and their appearance here amid new
surroundings in a brand new show
wil" no doubt be hugely welcomed by
every minstrel fan in the town. There
is surely -no minstrel entertainer in
America more entitled to stellar hon- I
or* than Neil O'Brien. For years he
has been a recognized leader in this
particular field of endeavor.—Adver
"The Green Beetle" and the splen-.
did Keith hits supporting it continue
to enjoy prosperity at the Orpheum.
Admirers of novel or dramatic offer
ings are reveling in the excellent Chi
nese fantasy. "The Green Beetle,"
while there is every possible shade of
comedy embraced In the remainder of
the bill to please lovers of the lighter
vein of entertainment. Chief of the
features that come to the Orpheum
next week will be John Ilyams and
Leila Mclntyre, of musical comedy
fame, and late stars of "The Girl of
My Dreams." The popularity of this
couple has long since been established
In Harrisburg with Orpheum patrons
as well as those who admired them in
their legitimate vehicle that appeared
at the Majestic on two different occa
sions. They will offer a pleasing com
edy playlet sprinkled with new and
tuneful lyrics. Also Lou MCConnell
and Grant Simpson and company
make a welcome return, this time pre
senting a comedy sketch called "The
Right Girl." Miss McConnell has been
voted many times the funniest girl in
vaudeville and on two occasions sh«>
grew tremendously popular in a sketch
I railed "A Stormy Hour." This playlet
i denlt with a quarrel between a young
I married couplo who were about to dis
Siskin & Jllartne Companp i
Look, Boys!
need good, strong clothing for rough and ready wear; and Aj VH /
we offer you this special bargain in knee trousers for one / y Am
day only. There are both bloomer and regular styles, a |_j /T|S fVxf
big variety of patterns, and all sizes. These trousers are 7TJ) jr I \ [Bu#'
just the thing for play-day; well-made, serviceable, and / 1 j \
very cheap. Tell your daddy that we are offering a regu
lar 98 cent value for only— J V j 1
& &
or pencil stripes will be just the thing for Easter
wear. Then, take a new soft hat—the fashion
able green or- blue —and you'll be right in style.
*** iXv
with the smart little cutaway coats and the new V \j
draped and puffed skirts, in all the wantable )/ |\"
colors; or the soft, clinging messaline and crepe / Q V
de Chine dresses, with all the fluffy fashion frills C vY jL
and laces.
tie suits for boys; trimmed millinery in the up-to- j!/
date shapes and styles; wash dresses with the if |!w X^/WM
fashionable tunics; silk and wash waists in the 1/ U\\
new bolero and draped effects; and many other j\ J f
things that men and women need. y T '
Low, Plain Prices. Every Garment Guaranteed,
Open Your Charge Account —NOW. /Mw&
36 N. Second Street
solve partnership because of a slight j
misunderstanding. Both started to
pack their trunks and for a while
wearing apparel flew right and left.
Miss McConnell sang itnd sobbed a
song that elicited Ncreanis by hor
peculiar voice and rendition and then
she would exclaim "Hold on to your
seats, I'm going to sing the second
verse." Also on this bill a. delightful
vocal specialty with special scenery
called "The Girl in the Moon" will
This will be Country Store night at
the Colonial and we are promised the
usual good fun that attends this event.
Lewis' dog and monkey circus is de
lighting children of all ages on this
bill; the Clipper Trio give a very pleas
ing song, dance ami comedy turn, and
Captain K. 11. Mool'e. entertains with
some very interesting surprises In
The Master Bricklayers' Association
and the members of No. 71, Brick
layers, Masons and Plasterers Inter
national Union of America have Just
entered into a two-year agreement.
Both sides are highly elated over
the adjustment of their working con
ditions, which have been Indorsed by
the executive board of the inter
national union.—Advertisement.
Special to The Telegraph
Huntingdon, Pa., April 3. As he
was being conveyed from his home at
Dudley to the Methodist Hospital, at
Philadelphia, the Rev. Isaiah L. Bee
ser, retired Methodist minister, died on
a Huntingdon and Broad Top train
yesterday morning, as it was nearlng
Saxton. The Bev. Mr. Reeser had been
in bad health for the past several
months, and at the last Central Penn
sylvania Conference, at Harrisburg,
he was retired from tlie Methodist
ministry. He is survived by his moth
er, his wifo and throe children. i
! Convict Labor Will Make
Bricks For State Road
j "New York will put its prisoners to
work making brick to uso In the fcon
structlon of State roods," said Gover
. j nor Martin Glynn to the great meeting
| at Carnegie Hall, New York, where the
I prison labor, problem was being agl
jtuleij. in this way I will stop the
I grafting contractors from cheating the
j .State and the grafting politicians from
l sandbagging the contractors. 1 am
j grateful to our friend Governor West,
: or Oregon, for coming so far to point
out to us hero In Now York this prac
tical proposition."
Special to The Telegraph
Huntingdon. Pa., April 3.—Dornin
lco Healoni, 21 years old, died at Blair
Memorial Hospital here yesterday
morning. In a shooting affray, grow
ing out of a drunken brawl at Rob
ertsdale on Saturday night, he had
i the top of his skull blown away, and
had been in a semiconscious state
i since.
Special to The Telegraph
Sunbury, Pa.. April 2.—Miss Esther
L. Bucher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Bucher, and John S. Parson, son
of T. L. Parson, a coal merchant here,
weer married at Grace Methodist
Episcopal Church, Buffalo, N. Y„ by
the Rev. E. G. Piper. They are spend
ing their honeymoon in New York,
after which they will live in Sunbury.
For Infants and Children
i In Use For Over 30 Years
| Sun bury, Pa.. April 3. —Harry Sny
der, of Mansfield, and Miss Carrie M.
, Smith, of Liberty, were married in
Zlon Lutheran Church, Sunbury, by
the Rev. Dr. J. M. Francis. They left
on a Western honeymoon trip, alter
>i which they will live, in Manslield.
Are Told How to Regain Strength
and Vigor
As one grows old and waste of the
system becomes more rapid than re
pair, the organs act more slowly and
less effectively than in youth, the cir
culation Is poor, the blood thin and
digestion weak.
Vinol, our delicious cod liver and
iron tonic without oil is the ideal
strengthener and body-builder for old
| folks, for it contains the very elements
needed to rebuild wasting tissues ami
' replace weakness with strength. Vinol
: also fortifies the system against colds
and thus prevents pneumonia.
Mrs. Mary Ivey, of Columbus, Ga„
says: "If people only knew the good
Vinol does old people, 1 am sure you
, would be unable to supply' the de
mand. I never took anything before
" that did me so much good as Vinol.
It is the finest tonic and strength
: creator I ever used in my life."
r If Vinol fails to build up the feeble,
old people, and create strength we
will return your money. George A.
' Gorgas, druggist, Harrisburg, Penna.
' Vinol Is sold in Steelton by T. Powell.
P. S.—Our Saxo Salve stops itching
and begins healing at once.—Adver-
Quick Relief for Coughs, Colds and
Hoarseness. Clear the Voice— Km for
Speakers and Singers. 25c.
j If N. Third St, Penna. Station.
[The Walls
of tho
I icchinicsTrustGo.'s
I new building at Third and Markot
! streets ure being finished with
Same as was used in New York
' on big buildings, such as tho Wool
worth, the Singer, tho City Invest
-1 ing, the New Biltmore and the
Hudson Terminal Buildings. Forty
two tons were used in the Hudson
Terminal Building alone
The Brighten Up Paint Store
UNortli Third Street, Harrisburg,
j Is furnishing the Sherwin-Williams
Flat Tone for the Mechanics Trust
I Company job. Mr. C. Moeller, fore
i man, Is doing the decorating.
| Call at our store, we will gladly
show you the newest and latest In
| wall finishes—samples and color ef
. fects.
Watch for the big ad in the Sat
rday Evening Post of April 4.
Paint store
M North Third stJlarrijburg
i Try Telegraph Want Ads.
i. v i