Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1914, Page 5, Image 5
Girls' New Spring Coats for Easter- | Newest Separate Dress Skirts A of coats In This Saturday Sale $1.95, $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 $195, $2.95, $3.95, $4.95, $5,95 A Saturday Sale of Easter Suits, Coats and Dresses jj THAT WILL SURELY MAKE NEW SELUNG RECORDS Hundreds of New Suits, Hundreds of New Coats, /£'■ S'Jnlbk All Marked at Extra Special Sale Prices For To-morrow Jj O^Sk Women's and Misses' New djl f£ Women's and Misses' New <£ 1 Q $35 to $45 Easter Suits For Easter Suits Easter Suits v AU (COci Afi wllr Fl i BSpppgl SIB.OO to $22.50 Values $25.00 to $28.00 Values JL 0 • UU You have your choice of over 12 newest models. Every This is a suit event without a precedent at this time of . ■ Iv^M one a beauty and all well made and perfect-fitting. The the year; newest Suits tailored in fashion's most favorite Every suit tailored the best. The finest materia s. V ■ JpL a ■ / IXW materials arc Crepes, Serges, Silk Poplins, Crepe Poplins, mau . ria i Si a „j $25.00 to $28.00 values for SIB.OO. Every r'rfne Ponlin— Pfj J /IYIB Tjfellllr etc. The colors are black, navy, Copenhagen, tango, tan d , . , E new color tnc l u di„g black and d" AeljnM t a wfde range of >//M IF and erecn. Either plain tailored or fancy trimmed; sizes . J 6 m tact ail tne wantea materials are nere m a wme range 01 / / fm mk*T for misses 14 to 20. Women's sizes 36 to 44. Extra blue, and all sizes for women and misses; also extra large colors; and only one and two of a kind. Some of the suits sizes 37 to 51. ~~ sizes for extra lar S' e women. are plain tailored—others nobby trimmed. TPy / I "* Pretty Easter Suits 0 7 O .90 Stunning Easter Suits O O(For the Extra Large! /Jj] I ' AII I Values to $16.50, Special for l]) 1 Values to $27.50, Special for Wome , n 0 ' pf t Hatd W£//I A fcfc" ' You Can Easily Select Your Easter Dress Nobby Easter Coats For I Dresses 1 showing a varied assort> ] if/' /t\ ! I Free -Wat i m* • ment in just the stylos and models ff / //j j Q f From the big assortment shown here. Hundreds of the newest and best Womdl aild MISSCS ft" Suits in Bu %%iSe£W e to %4° / //I I r . model dresses; made of finest silks; taffetas, crepe meteor, poplins, crepe coats in sizes 37 to ex. Dresses m I// /// / Uiarge de chine, messaline and char men sc. Every color black, navy, blue, Coats in medium and three-quarter length, plain or fancy trimmed. priced? 7 <0 01, An aro moderately F/ /y / and reseda, tango, wistaria, tans, Copenhagen! etc. Loose and semi-backs, unlined and full lined with fancy silks. The ma- Suitg frQm V / J / Deliverv Taffeta and Messaline Silk Dresses; value to SIO.OO. Qfi leri ? ls 7" Y°°! C , P ° n , se ' chcviots 1 ' I crepes ' di *S onal f> cre P e P°P lins ' Bedford . 1// / ' /. S . c j. 1 f V# • i/O cords, shepherd checks, taffeta silk, moire silks and staple serges in all the | |-Q / Guaranteed *" d ~aVyS;a" Si " S '° r Coats and Dresses fron, $15.00 ,$5.95, $7.95, $lO, $12.90, sls, $lB and S2O $lO to S2O eL Your EASTER HAT Is Surely Here ll' n § A fine assortment of exclusive models, entirely new || "H and from our workrooms. Copies of the latest New VjrUdrdni66a IM6W Opiing OUllb York and Paris styles. Every Hat a beauty and no du- vftp |pP).MjLfX |j IT 1 c 1 1 L plicates. And the'best of all is Kaufman's prices are far Ij S ' 3€^^ eVen moire SUCCeSSIUI than ill Another New Shipment KAUFMAN'S <1?! I I I ; /• £ It of the * . *u j. #1 Ra I 11 ihI»! ! new way means a saving or I VOfiUE HATS , " m " e „ " wMlf $5 to $lO ofyont purchase. f *BO iso vmt Just 5 Great Prices lT\!Tnilll Men ij » TpC a _ _ ________ . Every one of these suits sold with Kaufman's Strict Guarantee —"A new suit for „ Un 1 Kli'll'ltU HAIJ 5390 an< * up to S2u 00 r£ one that does not give proper wear. All sizes, 32 to 50 chest measure. LISERE SK Milan ncwS * - straws in all the leading shades. The prices are fv ' bUIIb bPHINC, bUiib 9M1.95, $2.99, $3.95 $7.50 1 S E M S ED n a A^, ILDREN . ,s NEW $1.90 * $4.00 j 5Q $875 NFWFST SPRINP RI Ol ISFS N (style, Fit, Comfort/ ?10^i^i c,s oriMlNO 7,, Wear men's AND YOUNG MEN'S i; MENS AND YOUNG MENS 401 To-morrow s Specials Are Told of Here I™)OVA I SPRING SUITS ' SPRING SUITS Extensive variety of beautiful models at very attractive prices. /A ExtrTor^nfry in v a loe° U! to'- j Crepe DeChineChif- morrow for -L fon Silk Blouse at * SI.OO to $2.50 sls and $16.50 Models f $lB and S2O Models Very newest models—in all the Nothing prettier shown in many seasons. Many Ko^i'V>Sere— cost'many newest shades; value $3.00; all sizes. Men's aiid YoUllg Men's SPRING SUITS, <t»l AIK grades. Medici and Gladstone collars, of lace and to HUC Ii proportions that the makers CPOIrTV AT J 1 ||l 111 M « 1 50 Styles in Crepe QO r urßo *'■ [522.50 Models . . . o and Voile Blouses . . C/OL Silk and Voile QQqQ Warner Corsets , Of Gladstone, cowl and plaited col- Blouses at ... _For si.oo to $3.00 |A Great Pre-Easter Sale of Boys' lars. Tlie very newest ideas: beauti- t r* j. _ , _ __ _ J J fully trimmed; all sizes 34 to 44. La OreCqUe CorSetS Suits and Reefer Top Coats Mv To-morrow will bo a gala clay in our Women's Blouse Department on First Floor, Hear. For $2.00 tO $5.00 f o • \7 i 4* S \ a Amm /f\wV I^l J v boys berge ouits,Values tos6 ! ~r^7W\\i\ I Men's SI.OO Shirts!' I Wool Suits fllf 0 c r> \r i Ihese nne clue bergc buits are strictly just like piCTtnE I . -/jf Ij Vf\ 30me Oi tile Dest Values , , r . all wool; positively fade-proof; pants lined on* r n . N»>l I fj it Has Been Our Pnvilege fiUp g K,', S .SI toughou, wu, g iv= «ie ß a„t ,-ea, 2 Pair* of Pant. to Otfer This New patterns of Garner's percales, about a hundred Women's 16-button length Special for «/OC n • Tr»r» 6to 18 Years II I different effects; a material made to defy the laundry Silk Gloves, two-button Mous- Women's Silk Gloves, 16-but- . DOyS rvceier iOp splendid wearing dressy, fun I / / to do anything but make them look like new. Colors quetaire double finger tip, in ton length, 2-button Mousque- Coats Values to SU Norfoikf' H ll are guaranteed. Plain bosoms, coat models, attached black and white, all sizes; SI.OO taire double finger tips; black » 1 some with beits'to match and JIJ cuffs. They are made over the newest 1914 patterns value. Special an< * w^'te - value. Q(f _ 00 are values'to *7? so. 8U ts at ' ° that follow the exact lines of eustom made. for OI7C Special for ZTOC «J>O.UU Bov>' Soring SuiU. Values <r» =■ — —' We carry a complete line of Julius Kayser Silk and Washable The greatest value in boys all-wool i_-jf 6 y)O.VU Gloves at 50<i, 750 and *I.OO Reefer Top Coats ever offered. The ma- 10 j' , *** * * ♦! ,-i • *1 ' n r\ n Julius Kayser Silk Hose at SI.OO and *1.50 terials are-blue serges, plaids and fancy Handsome all-wool Noriolk Suits, the tailoring 1 ,lrh; flw I mixtures. Sizes 2to 12 years. the very best; all the newest checks and stripes. $1 .50 Value For .... Women's House Dresses CIQ/% Kaufman's offer the largest selection) [a New Wash Suit] ?,r NTS ... 50c 250 girls'newest Spring Dresses, made of gingham, d» 1 CA \/ a |„_ £_ r r/Ql, ° l )) f. oys Hats at very moderate prices. for the Little Fellow percales, rep, in white and colored; every now model; !p I. JU VaIUC iOr .... All the new v pnng s apes. To-morrow at A Spec i a i Saturday ga i e loops anci an d0lI bi„ nicely made and trimmed; all sizes 6to 14 years old. Made of fast color Ginghams and Percales; nicely made 50c and Si 00 Boy?" wash 01 mate h r!ai«. stTe. 3 n to X i 7 Sale on second floor annex. and trimmed; all sizes up to 46. Sale on Second Floor. v " row, a««-, roe, »i.oo tu »t.50. years. J \ v — iipHipip » ■ FRIDAY EVENING, £XRRISBURG TELEGKXPH _____ APRIL 3, 1914. 5