Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1914, Page 3, Image 3
NECKWEAR Dainty New Things in Neckwear That Will Add the Right Finishing Touch Special purchase of beautiful Venlse collars. These bargains usually go to jobbers—but we were on the ground and have them for your Easter buying. 200 Venise Collars and Sets. Regularly &0c and 75c. Special for Saturday at 25c 2. r >o Venise Collars and Sets. Regularly 75c to $1.25. Special for Saturday at 50c On Sale on the Main Floor —BOWMAN'S. EASTER GLOVES ~ Splendid Completeness Every Desirab'e Style in Long or Short, Fabric or Kid Glove —-|» Bowman's is the place to go for \ our Kaster gloves. Gloves to suit the [ most fastidious. / We are featuring tiie Autocrat two f R If clasp Kid Cllovi—new heavy cm \v_ broidered'backs in white with black, w '"' white, and tan. Regular I " r.oiig Kid Cloves, 12 and 1(,-button > lengths in all shades and prices, from *■ $1.50 to $3.75 Fownes' Kid Gloves in all shades at . . ....... .$1.50 Novelty Gloves in the new tango shade with heavy black and white embroidery, pair Beautiful 2-clasp oversefim (Iloves in nil shndes and sizes at. . . . >l.Oll Silk Gloves, long and short, all shades to match your Kowns, at all prices. % One Sale on the Main FIoor—BOWMAN o. r* O *ll Lovelv in Laster oilks: weav e &c o i o r You stili have tim* to select your material tor your Easter gown. A variety so fasci nating that you cou'd choose only a SIIK. you would be sure to like. There are silks suitable for suits and costumes and all needs. Each at a special Easier Sale price. Yard tvide Chiffon Taffeta in light blue, pink, Copenhagen, tango, navy, black and white. Special at, yard $1.50 40-inch Silk Crepe de Chines in brown, wistaria, pigeon, rose, tango, Copenhagen, black, navy, delft and Bergundy. Special at, yard .. . .$1.50 28-inch Printed Silk Crepes in tango, taupe, brown, white and tan. Special at, yard -IBc 44-inch Printed Showerproof Foulards in all the popular colors. Regularly $2.00 a yard. Saturday special at, yard $1.09 52.00 satin finish Black Bengaltne, yard $1.50 $1.25 yard wide Black Satin Messaline, yard 95c $1.25 yard wide Black Peau D'Soie, yard 95c On the Main Floor —BOWMAN'S. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY Jardinieres and Umbre la Stands A new arrival of Jardinieres and Umbrella Stands, made of pottery, glazed and finished in blended colors. 7-inch Jardinieres 25c I 9-inch Jardinieres 49c 8-inch Jardinieres ' 39c ' 10-inch Jardinieres 59c Umbrella Stands, $1.50, $1.75 and $1.98 New Electric and Gas Portables Brush brass finished portables with colored art glass shades. Extra ordinary values at $5.00, $5.90 and $7.50 On Sale in the Basement—BOWMAN'S. Unrivalled Collection of Ultra Fashionable Millinery We are featuring some entirely new millinery that is distinctly different from an> thing shown heretofore. We have been opening - case after _V case of millinery goods the past few /y/ days and each box has brought /// forth a surprise. ||L <3S§pP^^ /V/' Among the few things we might _ mention are: \ ' ' IC Black Shiny Straws trimmed ir " ) with moire ribbons and lacquered y quills and Gelatin Flowers. ( f It is really a pleasure to select an A ' untrimmed Hat from a stock such SW/f/\^ / f as oflrs. Here you will find every fM py shape and color from the more con- / \ ' .\\ servative to the extreme with all the sf ' \ \ wanted trimmings to match and at \ \ popular prices. I Bowman Millinery has long been noted for its exclusiveness and indi viduality in style. Our experts this year seem to have outdone themselves in giving to you the best and latest from Paris and New York as soon as they are created. Visit our Salon on the Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. A Smart Easter Hairdressing May be enjoyed by every Harrisburg woman and the necessary acces sories need not be ex pensive. To-morrow, we offer splendid assortments of tine naturally wavy switches and transformations at most liberal concessions. Indis pensable to a becoming and fash ionable arrangement of the hair. Naturally wavy hair switches, 24 inches long. Special at $2.45 Naturally wavy hair switches, 28 and 30 Inches long at $1.95 Naturally wavy hair transforma tions, all-round sizes. Special at $3.45 Experts In attendance will match and dress your hair with any pur chase made. One the Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S FRIDAY EVENING, BARRISBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 3, 1914. HARDY HOLLAND ROSES Our annual sale of Holland field-grown rose bushes and plants begins to-morrow morning. These are the best two-year old hardy, field-grown rose bushes that come from Holland, and are our direct importation. Every one is strong, sturdy and healthy. Each bush is guaranteed true to name, bearing the original tag placed upon it by the grower. 12 EXCKP ' I >NAL GOOD VA^IFTIES ■KK SOME OF THEM ARE: Frau Kurl Druschi. Ideal white rose. Magna Charta, bright pink with very large, monthly. carmine, monthly. Gen. Jacqueminot, brilliant scarlet Mrs. John Lang, soft pink, very crimson. fragrant, monthly. American Beauty, deep crimson Duke of Edenburg, scarlet, crimson, color. shaded maroon, monthly. Ulrich Brunner, bright ceriße red, W. A. Richardson, beautiful orangie largo and full. yellow, monthly. Perfect Paeonles, red, pink, and Fisher Holmes, scarlet shaded with white. maroon, monthly. Rhododendrons, red, pink, purple LaFrance Lilac Rose. undoubtedly and white the best monthly. Clematis Vlrglus Bower, victor Hugo, scarlet, crimson shad- Azaleas, pink and yellow ed, purple, monthly. Magnolia Tree plants. On Sale In the Basement—BOWMAN S. Saturday Soap Specials 10 cakes Ivory Soap 38c | 10 cakes Fels' Naphtha Soap. 38c 10 cakes P. &G. Naphtha Soap,3Bc 110 cakes Swift's Pride Soap . . .2l)c 10 rolls Star crepe toilet paper for (No phone orders filled on soap.) 90c Wearever Tube Cake Pan, Saturday / 59 C On Sale In the Basement—BOWMAN'S. Rugs, and Drape i;s for Spring Needs Another lot of those $27.50," 9x12 Axminster Rugs for $15.98 Those who were too late to get tlieir rugs In the March Sale will be pleased to know they can get them here Saturday. The best lot we have ever seen; slightly mismatched on the seam—nothing to hurt the wear. New patterns made for this Spring. Saturday only *jsls 08 200 Suyma Rugs, size 80x60 Inches, splendid selection of Oriental effects, reversible and fringed on the ends. Regular price $1.15 s-itur rtay ••••••' 95<* CALL 1991-ANY 'PHONE.'#"' FOUNDED 1871 HARRIS BURG'S POPULAR DEPARTMENT STORE STORE OPENS SATURDAY MORNING AT 9 Special Easter Sale of Suits, Coats, Dresses and Waists Never before have we had such splendid display of Easter and Spring apparel. | Hundreds of new garments have arrived in the past I //\JL week. New models, -new materials, all the latest tendencies as^ons - Suits and dresses in misses' and women's Exquisite Moire Suits /, \ \ / The most wanted thing. The scarcest fabric is moire. A shipment within the past three days has enabled us to have Ufe. J\ .vf them here for your buying. Exclusive models in black, Co- V)nf /Mr—i \W penhagen, tango, helio and reseda, at $23.50, $28.50 and ty/|0 fe $32.50. The Smartest Little Suits in Poplin, l.*\ n I j Crepe Poplin and Wool Crepes at sls I J j One glance at this fine collection, will convince you of j / ! their unusual worth. By far the best values we have ever 1 / 'h shown. Women who do not want to pay a high price for thei? / ' Spring suits should see these. All snappy models in black, IJi navy, tango, Copenhagen, reseda and helio. Special for Sat ' urday at $15.00. Suits at $23.50 We specialize on this price. Give best values. Have largest assortment. A great variety of materials. Up to the moment styles and all sizes, up to the largest and down to the smallest. New models here for Saturday in crepes, moires, waffle cloths, crepe melrose, gabardines and silk poplins. Specially Priced Easter Waists & Blouses Copies of imported Blouses in French Muslins and imported voiles. Beautiful silk crepe waists; L .--AT waists that give distinctive styles to the suit, French j V, 1 shoulder. The new shades of peach, mais. Dainty ( fS )Ihß!uSt.: /fllul PiU 1111 little silk waists in flame, tango, green and blue. JWPjIC Beautiful Beyond Words Are These Waists at SI.OO New style features only included in these high- ¥\\ ) j •K/f/ikMffM priced models. Voile and crepe. Splendid assort ment at $1.25. And the daintiest things in voiles, crepes and pretty sheer materials, at $1.98 and $-..«)(). 0n Sale on the Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Sporting Goods—Bicycles For All Large display of girls, boys* and men's bicycles with coaster brakes and heavy tread studded tires. Prices range from $21.00 to $34.50 Something new Motor-Bike Bicycles Have tank, handles and studded tires. Exact resemblance to motor cycle. See these nobby new "Bikes" on the Third Floor. Other Saturday Specials $3.00 bicycle tires $1.95 Velocipedes $1.98 to $12.48 Sulkies to $4.98 Collapsible Go-carts $4.50 to $12.98 Baby Carriages, reed and wooden bodies $12.50 to $32.50 We offer a special discount of 10 per cent, on all velocipedes, sulkies and baby carriages sold on Saturday. On Sale on the Third FIoor— BOWMAN'S. Men's Furnishings MEN'S BALBRIGGAN UNDER- Prices are SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00 and WEAR—Spring weight, long sleeve up to $4.50 each, shirt, ankle drawers; silk finish, MEN'S 25c HALF HOSF—Manu pearl buttons; drawers have dou- facturers samples. Mercerized and ble seats. Saturday, each •••,50 d* silk P' ated > black and colors. All iuirv« ttmtom otttticj c i have double soles and high spliced i UNION SUITS, Spring k cls Saturday, 3 pairs for 50c. weight, long and short sleeves, or, pair 1 Tw! white or ecru color. Saturday, suit, Xi (p SI.OO and #1.50 „ B , OYS ' DRESS SHIRTS FOR f.EKI'2, r h j s ? ibt V s SET SS? fancy stlk -S&SS; 38» ££« cSStiriST Sa,UMay '™ ch mSO and i? 1.50 ,FY SPRING SHIRTS—AII NEW SPRING NECKWEAR wanted materials and styles. Coat Four-in-hands and club ties, ea-h style with attached cuffs; coat style nt-t j ~t\J. wiM-i soft French cuffs; plain and ZOfp ailCl o\)<P pleated percales; plain and mercer- One Sale on the Main Floor ized madras; silk mixed and all silk. BOWMAN'S. Refrigerators on the Club Plan HA wi " senc ' one to y® ur home and mimHiTO i.,, SI.OO a week will pay for it. Your attention is called to the new "Notaseam" Refrigerator, made by the Belding Hall Co. and sold to us exclusively. "Notaseam"'means Bli "fflM that the entire lining is made of one piece of stone with all rounded corners to prevent accumulation of dirt. Picture shows the corner of a "Notaseam" Refrigerator. They have sanitary wire woven shelves; solid brass nickel-plated hardware. Special introductory price on the B CENTURY Refrigerators With wire woven shelves attractive solid brass hard ware. Guaranteed perfect, dry cold air circulation. Each refrigerator has sanitary removable drain pipe. Special Century Refrigerators,ss.ss*o $29 Ice Chests, . . $4.49 to $15.95 On Sale on the Fifth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. SUMMER DAYS arc cool and comfort able as can be it your corset is the right one. Let us advise you. This is what we sug gest— A nice lightly-boned corset, carefully designed to lit your fig ure with that easy, comfortable support that gives no hint in feel ing or appearance that the gar ment Is there. The fabrics are light and soft—just right for the hot summer weather, but above all, these corsets that we recom mend are guaranteed rust-proof. No rusty buckles, steels or clasps -a stain your lingerie. Let us thf>" , to vou. Prom SI.OO and up. Warner's Rust-proof Cor sets. Sale on the Second Floor— *N'S. Novelty Lingerie Tango Bloomers and Corset Cov ers in pink and blue pebble crepe, the latest fad in lingerie. Large assortment. Corset Cover, 500 Tango Bloomers, 750 Crepe Gowns of pebble crepe. Most popular material now for summer underwear. Kimono and pajama styles. Prices range from \ 500 to $1.50 On Sale on the Second Floor — BOWMAN'S. Spring's New Fashions in Shoes Our style represents the latest dictates of Fashion. We take special pride in our new Spring line. They offer that high quality of material and workmanship that will give satisfaction. Among the new arrivals are: Women's patent colt pumps and high shoes, pair $4.00 Men's gun metal and tan calf, button and lace shoes, pair, $4.00 Men's 53.00 and $3.50 patent colt, tan calf and gun metal sam ple oxfords, pair . ... $1.98 Women's $3.00 and $3.50 patent colt, gun metal and tan calf sample pumps and oxfords, pair, $1.98 Women's $2.00 and $2.50 patent colt, gun metal and tan calf sample pumps and oxfords, pair, $1.49 Misses' $1.69 pumps, 1 and 2- tsrap styles, all sizes, pair, $1.25 Children's Tango pumps in patent colt, Palr..sl.49 and s lb7s On Sale on the Third Floor— BOWMAN'S. Keep in Step Buy Your Easter Suits atß^^an's. Smart Spring suits for men and young men. Our Men's Shop is brimful of stylish suits. Every gar ment represents the best of style and workmanship. Sack suits with soft rolled lapels and the conservative styles. Your choice of all the new fabrics and pat terns. Our prices are $9.90, $12.50,$ 15, SIB.OO, $25.00 On Sale on the Third Floor— Boys' Suits and Reefer Top Coats Snappy styles in all the fashionable fabrics of the season. We specialize on our suits at $3.98, $5.00 and $7.50. All styles and materials. On Sale on the Third Floor— Wall Papers Window Phanie In beautiful stained glass effects for the bath room windows. Special price for Saturday, yard . .. 150 Wall Papers suitable for kitchen, dining room and bedroom at, roll, 3 Wall papers for bedrooms in the popular satin stripes and floral ere. tonnes, with dainty cut-out borders to match. Saturday's price, roll, 7 On the Fourth FIoor—BOWMAN'S. BUSTLES for 1914 r/\A SPRING GOWNS £ Absolutely Demand m ~imr BUSTLE * rUB, ' IT Style Demand I\//A i With a Complete Lire of \ fcSfl I Practical Iff w&w p BIDED WIRE SDSTIES lijlt u Air, with Vuk Cmn Abtaiatmly Comfortable Styles for AH Noedt Prices, 250 to $1.50 Easter Baskets Many styles to choose from, ranging in prices from .. .5o to 36c Shredded Wax Paper, white, green and lavender, package .. 5c On Sale In Basement —BOWMAN'S 3