Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1914, Page 19, Image 19
f y You Can Phone Your WANT AD Now—Pay For It. Later Time Right Now To buy or sell chickens — To buy or sell dogs— To buy or sell furniture. ftr If vou've given the chicken business and egg-rais ing anv study now s the time to buy your stock and setting's. If you're a breeder, now's the time to use Telegraph WANT ADS with profit. f]T A blue Pomeranian weighing 17 ounces and only two months old is worth S3OO. He's for sale. So are many other dogs. If you raise dogs you can sell them through Telegraph WANT ADS. If you want a well bred dog read the Telegraph WANT ADS and you'll get one. tf[[ Furniture moves quickly when offered at a reason able price through Telegraph WANT ADS. If you're moving or buying new furniture, get rid of the old this way. DIED j COOVER Eliza Coover, on April 2, 1914, at 2;SO P. St, at the home of her ; daughter, Mrs. John S. Wills, 11-1 > North Second street, Harrisburg. n Funeral on Monday afternoon, at o o'clock, from tile above address. Rela- 1 tives and friends invited to attend , without further notice. Burial private. ' LOST ' LOST Between Calder and Sayford, ■ or Sayford and Wyeth avenue. Pocket book. containing valuable papers ana ; sum of money. Reward if returned . to 1425 New Fourth street. , LOST Probably at Thirteenth and Market streets, a chrysanthemum com bination pendant and pin of baroque i pearls and diamond center. Reward ir ( : left at this offlce. i j LOST Gold watch pin, set with ! sapphire, between 2109 North Third and • 1800 North Second street. Reward if returned to 2109 North Third street. j 1 LOST On March 26, a brown and j white puppie by the name of Prince. > Finder return to 406 Cranberry street, ■ HELP WANTED—MaIe BOY WANTED —Apply Central Cigar 1 00.. 425 South Cameron street. j COLORED boy Oo work about house. I State age. Address X., 515, care of • Telegraph. _______ PAPERHANGER. at once; steady . employment. 326 Reily street. j WANTED Carpenters for the con- i -"T struction »of reinforced concrete forms, ipply to H,arry Breneman, Herihey | Chocolate Company, Hershey. Pa. i WANTED Shoe cutters on chil- ! i dren's shoes. Sterling Shoe Co., Wil-j --liamsport, Pa. j WANTED Two bright, active boys, I riot afraid of work. Holmes Seed Co., ] 119 South Second street. I: WANTED A boy to work In a," stationery store. Apply W., 522, care of Telegraph. | WANTED Young colored man for ' work in private family. Apply 121S ;, North Third street. ( STo.OO MONTH paid Government Rail- | way Mali Clerks. Parcel Post means I many appointments. Harrisburg exami- ! nations coming. "Pull" unnecessary. Sample questions free. Franklin Insti- ; tute. Dept. 361-L, Rochester. N. Y. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS, something entirely new; j just out; has not been worked to death; profits very large. Write quick for particulars. Address H„ 520, care of Telegraph. - HELP WANTED—FemaIe f COMPETENT white cook in small, ' family; will not dispute wage if a good | cook; housemaid for two in family; 36.09 a week; no washing; reference. I 017 North Second street. EXPERIENCED girls, also learners, for fitting room. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street, Harris burg, Pa. FIFTY experienced operators for sewing on power machines; paid while i learning. Apply &. Silver, Forster and I Cowden streets. j 1 SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS, also learners, to make aprons, etc. Harrisburg Apparel Co., over City Star Laundry, State street, rear entrance. TWO experienced waitresses at 38 I South Fourth street, Harrisburg. Call 1 between 3 and 4 o'clock, 28 South; F'ourth street, Philadelphia Cafe. WANTED Y*oung lady in Seed ;' Store, about 17 years old; must be I quick and active. Holmes Seed Co., 119 i South Second street. 11 WANTED Millinery apprentices i' •wanted; will pay salary while learning. ; Also experienced saleswoman for mil- | linery for afternoons and Saturday. Ap ply Robinson and Co., Third and Broad j streets. WANTED Woman for companion ! and to assist with work on farm, or man and wife to work on farm. Good ' i h>ome. Call, or address, 1614 North Third street. WANTED Girl wanted for house work. Country girl preferred. Apply Rutherford Heights Inn. Must Be Sold WHAT IS YOUR OFFER? 621 North Sixteenth St. A 3V4 -stary liromwtoiir and shingle dwelling with ten roon- -hath ■ad strain heat. Honse und lot MilM) ft., or house and Ist 104) I .SO ft This property is located on the southeast corner of Sixteruili tiud >ortli streets—ln a very desirable neighborhood. MILLER BROS. & NEEFE Locust and Court Streets - - Harrisburg FRIDAY EVENING, . HARRISBURG *&&&£& TELE6RXFH APRIL 3, 1914. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe BY white man, position as private i watchman or elevator man. Address S., 511. care of Telegraph. j WANTED By young white man, position as chauffeur, in private family. Address 106 Hanna street. WANTED By young white man, position as traveling uliMvwin, or cleri cal work: reforrm Address S., 316. care of Telegraph. WANTED - A colored boy, 16 H years old, would like (o have a position driving a team; experienced around horses. Address X., 514, care of Tele graph. WANTED Position as chauffeur, or automobile repairman; long experience; references. Oscar Shealer, care of Tele graph. or R. F. D„ N«o. 1, Camp Hill, Cumberland county, Pa. WANTED Young man wishes any kind of work. Tony Mack. 1116 North Cameron street. City. WANTED Young man wishes any kind of work. Pete Kian, 1218 North Seventh street. WANTED Two young men desire work as plumber's helpers, or any kind of wiork. Address 1311 Cowden street. YOUNG boy desires p-osition as er rand boy. Apply to Wm. Krebs, 558 Woodbine street. YOUNG man would lige to have work ! of any kind; can furnish reference. Ad dress Milton Crawshaw, Box 715, Har risburg, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe HOUSEKEEPER, middle-aged, with a 9-year-old girl, wants position. Ad dress E. Si. K., Box 28, Maryrville, Pa. SEWING WANTED to do at home. 712 Race street WANTED Colored woman wants fancy Ironing to do at h>ome. Apply 1334 New Fourth street. WHITE woman wants washing to do at home. Call, or address, 1533 Logan street. YOUNG white woman would like day's work or office cleaning, etc. Ad dress M., 510, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE I—7 R. brick, imp., Basin Ave... $1,500 I—9 R. brick, imp., Kelker $3,000 I—7 R. brick, imp., Kelker $2,500 2—4 R. frame, I2th St SSoO I—3 R. frame, 12th St SSOO 2—3 R. frame, 12th St SSOO 2—7 R. frame, Logan $1 300 100 ft. vacant, near Market and 12th, $22.00 per ft. All rented, paying 8 to 12 per cent. ■ interest. Apply at 1117 N<orth Third St. TWO hue homes, will be finished March 15. Nine rooms and latest and > only practical, common sense bath | room. Stram heated; large Iront and : back porches; ornamental fixtures l imourhout; reception hall; open stair -1 case; laundry room and stationary wash tubs, outdoor sleeping chamber '.vlth south side exposure, size 15x8; 12 minutes by trolley to Market Square. For further information call P. Vander loo, Masonic Temple Building, Third and State streets. FRAME HOUSE, located on Briggs street between Second and Third; 8 rooms aud bath. Will be sold at sacri fice if sold this Spring. Address S. 0., No. 1001, care of Telegraph. „ FOR SALE 27 acres nearly new i-noonj house good bank barn sand soil nearly level ll miles from Harrisburg 3 miles from sta t'°n, possession at ouce. Price, sl,- 900.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Ten good houses. Will sell to colored persons. Situated four teen squares from Fourth and Market streets. Call at corner of Fifteenth and Regina streets. Office hours from j 8 to 10:30 A. M.. 1:30 to 3 P. M. | „ PINE STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE Large house —l3 rooms and | three bathrooms vacant suitable I f-or lodging house recently painted ! and papered throughout Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BUSINESS PROPERTIES and prop erties that can be remodeled for busi ness, in central locations—several cor ner properties. Price and all particu lars at our offices. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I FOR SALE 52,300 will buy a Pea brook property; seven rooms, bath; gas; furnace; porches; cemented cellar; chicken house 7x18; lot, 18x180; Be fare. : Apply Bell Realty Oo„ Bergner Build ing. | FOR SALE This place for you at $2,850; plot, 75x150, with chicken house I 10x45; improved dwelling; porches; | seven varieties of fruit; inspect It Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ! SEVERAL NEW BRICK HOUSES for sale all improvements now yleld | ing 8 per cent, net on the investment. I Prices, $1,750 to $2,350. Ask for our j list. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ! 41 NORTH FOURTEENTH STREET; i i 8 rooms and bath; all improvements;! will sell at a bargain to any one Inter- j jested. Inquire Jared Lenker, 39 North 1 i Fourteenth street. HOUSUa ruK SALE 1\ E\OLA NOS. 145-147-149 COLUMBIA KOAD I Most desirable location. Liberal terms. I .untitle t_. u. Bowman. Owner. 227 lla < lay street. Harrisburg. SIXTY HOUSES, some new and very 'attiactive homes; several very good in- I vestments. Terms to suit. D. E. Bright | bill, 2 North Court street. Both phones. i GET OUR "FOR SALE" LIST. Bell Realty Co. HEAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT—IS 33 North Third street; 6 rooms and bath, furnace; 100-102 Short street, S rooms and bath; store rooms. 110 South Thirteenth street. Ap ply 430 Walnut street. FOR RENT Ten-room house, all improvements, every room front, with i running hot and cold water, steam I heat, electric, gas, pnones. newly fitted throughout; centrally located. W. L. ! Montgomery, corner Third and Chest nut streets. __ ! FOR RENT s2O per month, 8- i room brick house, improvements, 1729 1 . Park street, Harrisburg. Address ! James Bricker, New Cumberland, Pa- I R. F. D., or apply to O. F. Casey, New ■ | Market, between 6 and 8 P. M. Desirable residence, 1503 N. ! Second, in perfect order; side j entrance; front porch; every con , venience. Steam heated, Vapor system. Inquire Pine Street. Phone 3687. ! FOR RENT 431 Market street, at I entrance of Subway l3 rotoms - 2 ! baths all conveniences suitable for rooming house rent, $60.00, in i eluding steam heat. Apply Chas. Adler, j 1002 North Third street. j ! 1841 Zarker street * 2 959 ' Suburban homestead 25.00 | | 1500 Walnut street 25.00 j J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market street. I i —— | FOR RENT House and store room; ! i suitable for jeweler or milliner; n-o | other business of the kind in the town, i ' Location central. Apply Good's Phar- i ; macy. New Cumberland, Pa. j ! 1815 NORTH SECON'p STREET, 3- i istory brick; 10 rooms, bath and porches; i modern home; possession at once. Ap-! ' ply S. AV. Fitzgerald, 317 Walnut street. ; j HOUSE AND BARN, with or without | farm land, about five miles east of Hall ' fax; plenty of fruit. Apply J. W. Et- ! tinger, Halifax, R. F. P., 2. I | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT 183 ACRES 40 perches farm land, 36 • i acres mountain land, known as the "Squire Miller Farm" in West Hanover; j Township, Dauphin County, on the i j Manada Gap Road, about 4 miles from i | Linglestown. Apply Commonwealth I ' Trust Co., Real Estate Department, 222 ! [ Market street. Harrisburg. •—" " • REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED To rent, large, unfur- ' Inlshed double house in country within j five miles of city, near tr-olley line; single house and bugalow would be i (considered; conveniences, shade, fruit; 1 and sTOund for garden desired. Pos- i I session May 1. Address D., 521, care I of Telegraph. j APARTMENTS FOR RENT i FOR RENT Apartment, five rooms, i bath and pantry. Every up-to-dat« i equipment. In perfect condition. Cen trally located. Rent reasonable. Im- I mediate possession. Address A-12, care I j of Harrisburg Telegraph. j ! FIVE ROOMS and bath; city steam jheat; continuous hot water; back porch; j centrally 1 ocated. Address G., 509, care j of Telegraph. FOR RENT APARTMENT, 3 rooms, j ! with improvements, desirable for man i : and wife, SIO.OO. Apply 1745 North j Sixth street. j | ONE APARTMENT FOR RENT, sec- j ond floor front. No children or dogs, j Apply 1542 North Sixth street. ! ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two nicely furnished j rooms for colored gentlemen, or colored ' man and wife. Apply 664 Calder street, j FURNISHED second floor front suite, ! consisting of large llvlngroom, bed-; 1 room and private bath. Also separate I 'room with stationary washstand; bath I to every two rooms; gas and electric 1 lighting; city steam and hardwood ! 1 floors; references. 218 Pine street. ! FIFTY furnished rooms, in private I families, all parts of city improve- | ! ments 51.25 week many other | rooms. Send for list. "We deliver the! goods." Address X., 508, care of Tele- I j graph. j • FOR RENT Large, pleasant second story front room; nicely furnished; pri- j vate family; married couple or two gen tlemen preferred. Handy to table | board. Apply 485 Hummel street. FOR RENT Large room on first floor, made suitable for renter; also , furnished rooms on second and third floors; all conveniences; use «of phone. , Apply 927 North Third street. FOR RENT Lady roomers wanted on the Hill; only girls of good charac- [ ter need apply, or married couple with- I out children. Apply X Y. Z., care of j Telegraph. j FOR RENT Furnished or unfur- I nlshed rooms «on second and third! floors; all conveniences, including steam heat. Apply 923 North Third j street. FOR RENT Large unfurnished i room; city steam heat; light house keeping allowed. 719 North Second | street. Apply 513 North Second street. ! FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms, with use of bath and phone, with or with-out board. Call Bell phone 1428J, or apply 107 South Second street, i TWO nicely furnished communicat-' ing rooms, second floor front; also front ; ro»om on third floor; all modern con- j venlences. Apply 1168 Mulberry street. ' FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec ond and third floor rooms, for gentle men, in private family. All modern conveniences. 259 North street FOR RENT Nicely furnished '■ rooms for rent; good, country board if desired. Mrs. Emma March, 1103 North Second street. FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en I suite, all conveniences. Including phone reference required. Apply 1015 North ' ] Front street. ' FOR RENT Two nice furnished rooms, with hot and cold water and ' use of bath. Apply 266 Herr street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished'j 1 rooms on seoond floor; must be recom mended. Apply 416 Calder street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS in the Building, Market and Evergreen streets J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street ROOMS FOR RENT TWO nicely furnished rooms, for gen tlemen. with city heat and use of bath. I Apply 272 Brlggs street. j FOR RENT Furnished rooms and j apartment; all conveniences. Apply 236 North Second street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. I with board; city steam heat; reference. . 513 North Second street. | FURNISHED ROOMS, single or en I suite; all conveniences; use of phone. ! 208 State street. TWO unfurnisheu rooms, for light 1 housekeeping, o;i third lloor. 409 Herr street. TAVO communicating rooms, second floor front. 222 Pine street. ROOMS AND BOARD FOR KENT Two nice rooms, with all conveniences with board use i of phone also light housekeeping. I Apply 1341 Vernon street. Phone 1091 J. | ROOMS AND BOARD \YANTED~ BY office man, located between Ham ilton and Maclay streets; best of refer ence. Address Maclay Street P. 0., Box 24. BOARDERS WANTED TWO gentlemen boarders, nice, large second floor front room. 1227 Bailey street. WANTED A REPUTABLE white family to oc cupy a farm home, with or without land, four miles east of York. Very low rent and plenty of work in the neighborhood. Also a middle-aged man ! to assist on a farm. Reference requir ed. Address D. C. Kauffman, R. No. 12, York, Pa. WANT to rent a suburban home —not too far from Harrisburg. Write or phone to Chas. Adler, Real Estate and Insurance, 1002 North Third etreet. DRESSMAKING WANTED by a fash l'onable dressmaker; excellent work; reasonable rates. Inquire at 1507 North Sixth street. FOR SALE FOR SALE Family size Iceland Re frigerator, in good condition. R. C. Williams, 1317 Dorry street. E. M. F., 1912, five-passenger touring 1 car; 30-H.-P.; tires new; one extra tire; j 3 extra inner tubes; Q. D. demountable rims; top and windshield; Prestolite; ' car like new; A 1 running order; cost I 51.300. Must be sold at once, at a sac- I rilice. No reasonable offer refused. Ad- i dress W. S., Box 44, Mifrtinburg, Pa. FOR SALE, AT SACRIFICE, IF taken at once, store stock and fixtures of general store doing large business in thriving town. Will prove volume of business to interested party. Moving to the West only reason for selling. Call and examine stock. M. C. A. Ctouser, Dunc.annon, Pa. TKUNK&, '1 raveling Bags, Suit Ca«ra. Gloves. Sole, Karness and Strap Leather. Calfskin. Kip, L>c igula. Waxed 1 Upper and Sheep Skins. Leather Sample Cases and Leather Specialties made to ! order and repaired. Harrisburg Har ! ness and Supply Co.. Second and Cheat nut btreete | j GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and j Board and Table Board, at 25c each. ! i One of these signs will be given with | each six-time order for a classified ad | If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of ' , Telegraph. ONE Schaeffer Piano, like new; wal ! nut bedroom suit, walnut hall rack, ' marble-top table, oak extension table, ' I set oak dlningroom chairs, hall, stair j land parlor carpets, like new; rugs and; other articles. 454 Cumberland street. ; \ FOR SALE Red Rock and W. Leg- ' horns, breeding and laying stock; must i | sell on account >of room. Also Eggs I for hatching at SI.OO per 15 eggs. 2436 1 Camby street, Penbrook, Pa., A. B.' Davis. PONY, harness, carriage and driving : i wagon, formerly owned by George W. ! Reed. Apply to Raymond E. Reed, 1306 | Third street. m FOR SALE I THE Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings will offer at Bublic sale, in front ot estate Capitol ulldlng, at entrance Fourth and state Streets, Harrisburg, Penna.. at 10 o clock A. M., Apul 4, 1914, the louow wg buildings and structures upon the premises within the boundaries of the proposed extension to Capitol Park in Eighth Ward, City of Harrisburg: South Street, 410, 410 (rear), 508, 509, ! 513, 516, 519. 621, 604. Fourth Street, 125, 129, 145, 157, 509,1 511, 513. North Alley, 411, 413, 415, 417, 419, i 434, 436, 438. | Fifth Street, 607, 509, 510, 611, 512. i ! Filbert Street, 400, 512, 514, 631, 532. | Cranberry Street, 404, 41S. ! Cowden Street, 502, 604, 511. | Walnut Street, 414, 416, 504, 618. State Street, 602, 804, 606, 608, 610. I 611, 612, 613. I South Alley, 612, 614. Tanners Street, 119. Short Street, 108. ' North Street. 709. Angle Alley, Stable (rear 304 Wal nut Street). ! The purchaser shall pay to the Com- j ; monwealth of Pennsylvania, through I the office of the Superintendent of Pub- I [ lie Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, j • Pennsylvania, by certified checks or | j United States currency, the umount at. which the said building or buildings j and structures are awarded to them, as ; follows: A cash payment of 25 per cent, i shall be made on day of sale and the I balance before entering upon the prop- '■ erty to remove the material purchased, i I In all cases where the premises are j I unoccupied, possession will be given ! the purchaser immediately. Where the premises are tenanted, possesion will | be given Immediately a!ter the prem- ' Ises are vacated. The Commonwealth will not'be responsible for any damage to property after possession is given. ; Purchaser shall state at time of their offer the time required to remove the > buildings and material after being given possession by the Commonwealth, which In no case shall be longer than !60 days. All building refuse shall be carted away from the premises by the : purchaser. All foundation walls must i be taken down and removed at least j i three feet below level of street. The Board of Commissioners of Pub- I He Grounds and Buildings reserves the [right to accept or reject any or allf bids. The work of removal shall be | performed under the direction of and i to the satisfaction of the Superinten dent of Public Grounds and Buildings. I NOTE!—The sidewalks anu street | pavements are not to be removed by ; purchaser of buildings or structures un<3er this schedule. I By order of the Board. SAMUtL B. RAM 80, Superintendent. ! C. P. RODGERS, JR.. I Secretary. FOR SALE Large steel range, ! [ with warming closet in good condi tion thoroughly modem and prac tically new. At sacrifice. Must be sold. Reply to M., 523, care of Telegraph. j ONE Mitchell and Hudson Roadster, ; late model; one Cadillac and Overland, five-passenger; all in guoa condition. : Cheap to quick buyer. ilonn Bros.. i Seventeenth and Swatara. FOR SALE Flve-H.-R MOTOR for sale. Apply 536 Forrest street. CHEAP, thin driving horse, with heaves, sound otherwise, $40.00. Call A. M., Nineteenth and State streets. USED motorcycles; all make. ; over hauled and In flne condition; guaran teed to be as represented; call for dem onstration. Ileagy Bros., 1204 North Third street. 1913 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE; fully equipped; full set of tools; In flrst-class condition. Call evenings between 6 and 9, at Rear of 275 Cumberland street. FOR SALE One Rlcca and Son Up right Piano, worth $250, now $169. $5.00 down, $3 a month. Apply Winter Piano Store, 23 North Fourth street. FOR SALE | EXTRACTED CLOVER HONEY $2 I per gallon. sl.lO per onu-half gallon. ! delivered by parcel post. Sample, ltfc. L K. Hoststter, Route 6. Lltiti. Pa | BICYCLE FOR SALE New coaster brake; new tires; good condition. Price, | SIO.OO. Apply W. J. Shelbley, 85 North I Sixteenth street. Bell phone 806 L.. j FOR SALE Bicycles lO rebuilt machines, some good as new, $5 up; In vestigate! Good second-hand tires, 50c ! up. We also buy second-hand bicycles and parts. Keystone Supply Co., 814 North Third street. United phone litW. FOR SALE—lndian Motorcycle. Good running condition. Baigaln at $35.00. Excelsior Cycle Co., 1007-09 North Third street. Harrisburg, Pa. BUICK DELIVERY TRUCK 1 ton capacity large covered body good ias new. Apply Harrisburg Baking Co.. I south Cameron street, | FOR SALE One $700.00 88-note ! Player Piano, slightly used. Price. Apply Winter Plan«o Store, 23 Noith Fourth street. ONE font of 10 pt. and one font of 12 pt. O. S.. with Antique Linotype Matrices. The Telegraph Printing Co.. Harrisburg, Pa. HATCHING EGGS from vigorous, heavy-laying, farm-raised White Leg horns. from the best egg-laying strain in America, SI.OO per fifteen. $5.00 per hundred. Max LaulTer. Middletown. Pa SHINGLES AND LUMBER direct from mill the kind 1 have sold to satisfied customers for the past ten years. Address J. W. Ettinger, Halifax, Pa.. R. D., 2. FOR SALE large roll-top desk, as ! good as new. Price reasonable. Address 44 North Seventeenth street FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: WELI. LOCATED LOT!) In the Tenth Ward I some of lliem on paved street. Will exchange for Improved property. An exceptional opportunity tor a builder. Call nnd inspect blue print. K. K. Oyster, Trustee, care of Telegraph Business Office. FOR RENT STORE ROOM FOH KENT on the 1 corner of Third and Cumberland | streets. No 1200. Show windows side and front. In a live part of Harrts i burg. The largest and best market i house, two of tne best banks and many I first-ciass business houses In the same i square. In center of population. Size or room, 33x100 ft. 14-ft ceiling Up to-date In every particular. Rent from April 1, $125 per month. Including heat J. S. Sible, 256 Herr street FOR RENT Desirable offices In the Telegraph Uullillng. s.uul> or en-suite. Inquire at Business office. WELL-LOCATED store room, 26x66, al6o small room, 12x30, suitable for I barber shop or small business, on West High street, Eiizabethtown, Pa. Pos session immediately. Inquire J. H. Levenight, Eiizabethtown, Pa. | TWO desirable offices in the Union Trust Building; possession at once. Apply Union Trust Co. I FOR RENT Furnished offices of the late Dr. Paul A. Hartman. Apply 1514 North Third street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be j secured at the Telegraph Business ; Office. ————————— R "SINESS OPPORTUNITIES i ANY Intelligent person can earn good . income corresponding for newspapers; ] experience unnecessary. Send for par • ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798. Lock ; port N. Y. FOR SALE At Gable's. 11l nnd 117 South Second street, 5.000 gallons New Era ready mixed Paint; Acme quality. Also the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE At Gable's, 113. 115 and 117 South Second street. 5 000 sets new Sash, Bxlo, 12 L., primed and glazed, at $1.15 per set. Also other sizes. I MADE $50,000 in five years in the mall order business, began with $5 Send for free booklet. Telia how. Hea- I cock, 355 Lockport. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS SPECIAL TURKEY DINNER SUN IDA Y. 35c. Evergreen Cafe, 1239 Mar j ket street. ! PIPE ORGANS ; Rebuilt, Repaired, Tuoect | E 1 CAM 214! Fenn Street Harrisburg Fenceriy with tie W. W. Eia baxi Organ Cc„ Chicago. HAULING H. W. LATHE, u<tar<llnc StHhle and National Transfer Co. Moveis of i pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ! ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. • FEATHER RENOVATING i WE are now Renovating Feuthers i Making Pillows and Folding Feather 1 Mattresses at the corner «l Tenth and Paxton street, near Cameron. B. J. i Campbell • FOR falling hair try Gross 1 Quinine | Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the 1 Druggist and Apothecary, lis m r ket street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell, ! i»80. W. J. WENRICH, 339 Hamilton street —Furniture, china and piano packing. Shipments looked after at both ends. Also all kinds of hauling. Bell phone 3227 W. ROOF PAINTERS j 1 WILL paint any old roof. Guaran tee s watertight Job All colors. Postal brings me Maxwell H Hite. Th»- K.mf I Paint Man Box 328. Harrisburg. Pa ! REPAIRING AND U PHOLST KIM \(; with best material and by expert h«lp Send us your worn furniture. Oui bent efforts insure your satisfaction s. N i Gluck, 32» Woodbine stiaat. WE furnish music for all social (vsnts Small combination fur hoist l>ai tie* as low as *2.50 Address I Zembt'i Mandolin Club. P O Hot 456 Harrisburg Pa NOTIC E TO m ILDKRM C HENRY. Architect an 1 Builder will save vou money Bui.galuwx a ■ specialty 704 South Twenty-fourth Ftreet Bell phone 1675 J. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Pox 174, Harrisburg, Pa. """MONEY TO "LOAN TO LOAN SIOO,OOO to loan In amounts of (1,000 and up on first mortgage on city property, repayable monthly or installments. Debt cancel- I cd and mortgage satisfied on death of borrower. W. C. Howland, Room 406, Telegraph Building. J PRICES FALLING FROM YESTERDAY'S ADVANCES Rock Island Stocks and Collateral Bonds Made New Low Records; Bonds Reported Irregular By Associated Press , New York, April 3. Without the , support of buying by the shorts, prices I fell away and much of yesterday's ad vance was cancelled In the morning. Traders alternately bought and sold, but the demand was feeble and pressure from professional sources gradually In creased. Progress of reorganization plans foi Rock Island and Wabash was reflected in the wide and variable changes in the securities of these roads. Rock Island stocks and collateral bonds made new low records. Wabash fours, after ris ing to 58%. as compared with 54% at the closing of last week, fell back three paints. Investment buying of high grade securities continued steadily, be ing reflected In improvement of State, MONEY TO LOAN PBOKIT-SIIAKISiG I.OAN SOrjETr WE HAVE OKIiilN AT ED a new plan of loaning money by which borrowers shaie profit* of lenders ratea, easy terms, confidential Offices. Rooms 6-7, 9 North Market bquare STORAGE HAHRISBURG STORAGE CO. Two large brick warehouses, built ex pressly for storage. Private rooms for household goods and unexcelled fa cilities for storing all kinds of mer chandise. Low storage rates South St. and Penna. R. R. STORAGE IN 3-story brick building, rear 408 Market street. Household goods In rlenn, private room*. Keasonnble rates. Apply to 1 P. G. Dlener. Jeweler. 40H Market St. j STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 centa per month Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street Both phones. CARD OF THANKS "* WE wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the kindness shown dur ing our sad bereavement—the death of our sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Myers. MRS. JOHN FILLING AN. BROTH ERS. MR. AND MRS. B. F. HELEM extend their thanks to their friends and neigh bors for their kindness shown during their late bereavement. LEGAL NOTICES In Matter of the Estate of Fannie Josephine Lee, Late of Harrlsburg. Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, de ceased. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamentary in the above estate have been granted by the Register of Wills of Dauphin County to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will nresent them without delay to HENRY C. HAMILTON, 200 Pennsylvania Ave., Elmlra, New York, I Executor of Fannie J. Lee, deceated. ! ° r EDWIN M. HERSHEY. i His Attorney. No. 208 Bergner Building. PROPOSAL FOH BRIDGE SEALED proposals will be received iby the Superintendent of Public I Grounds and Buildings, Capitol Butld- I Ing. Harrisburg, Pa., until 12 o'clock noon, Tuesday. April 14. 1914, for fui ] nishlng all the necest-ary labor and I materials as called for In piam and i specification prepared by Edward K 1 Morse, Engineer, Commonwealth Build ing. Pittsburgh, Pa., for the < onstruc tion of a briiigt (known .is the Wasser Bridge) aci »s=. tile Slu-nango River i«bout one mile beiow Shenango. M icei count.v. Pa. Prospective bidders may secure plans and specifications by applying'lo ih»- uifl-e of Superinti ndent of Public Grounds and Buildings at Capitol Building, llairisbuit. Pa. ; Bidders desiring information not con tained in the plans and specifications ma> applv either to the Engineer, Ed win K Morse, or to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings In writing. ~ . . Proposals shall be in sealed en velopes plainly addressed on the out side with the name and location of bridge and name of bidder. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent Public Grounds and Butldings. PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING Office of the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings, Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, Harrls burg. Pa. ... . SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed until 12 o clock noon, of Tuesday. April 14. 1914, for furnishtng all labor and material necessary to erect a new fireproof main building on the State Arsenal Grounds, at Eighteenth and ! Herr Streets, Harrlsburg, Penna., as ! called for in specifications and draw ' ings prepared by the Board of Public t Grounds and Buildings. ! Specifications and drawings may be ; secured by prospective bidders by ap | plying to the Superintendent of Public ' Grounds aud Buildings. Capitol Build- I ing. Harrlsburg, Pa. Proposals shall be In sealed envelone. marked "Proposals tor State Arsenal Building," addressed, ! SAMUEL B. RAMBO. ! Superintendent of Public Grounds and I Buildings, Capitol Building, Harrisburg, Pa. CHARTER NOTICE NOTICE Is hereby given that an ap -1 plication will be made to the Governor > of the State of Pennsylvania, on the ! 20th day of April, 1914, under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to pro vide for the incorporation and regula- I tlon of certain corporations," approved [ April 29. 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called the Keystone State Fair and Industrial Exposition, the character and object of which is for the promotion of agriculture, horticul ture, manufacturing, mining and the arts and sciences by the education of the public therein by the exhibition of the various products, appliances and In- I ventlons thereof, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the [ rights, benefits and privileges of the if-ald Act of Assembly and its supple ments. FOX & GEYER, j Solicitor*. SEA I.ED PROPOSALS COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA. STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. Hurrlsburg. Pa. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the ofti( e ef the State Highway Department, in the Capitol Building, Harilsburg, Pennsylvania, until 10 o'clock on the morning of April 7, 1911, for furnithliig the state Highway De partment with Indetei minat-- viuantities of biuinlnouH material according to specifications. - i.j.'lllcatl jns and bid ding blanks c:in be obtained upon ap plication to nils Department. HOWARD M. BIGELOW, State Highway Commissioner. FOR SALE SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings for the sale of twenty (20) Bicycles and a quantity of Bicycle equipment, until twelve (12) o'clock noon, A"prll 13, 1914. The above can be Inspected by ap plying at the office of the Superinten dent of Public Grounds and Buildings. State Capitol Building. Harrisburg, Pa. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. ™Y£L C i5 a L a !J d the conservative railroad bonds. Bonds were irregular. Furnished by h. W. S3VAVELY Arcade Building New York, April 3. Alaska Gold Mines . Araal. Copper 7?% 76 r- American Beet Sugar 23 23 ' American Can 29*4 mu Am- C. &F 61 60% Am. Ice Securities.. 30% 30V American Smelting . 69 % 69 American Sugar ... 100<& 100% American T. it T. .. 122% 122% Anaconda 35 "k i, Baltimore & Ohio .. 9U% 89* i Bethlehem Steel ... 41% 4iu Brooklyn R. T 92% 92 u Canadian Pacific ... 208% 207 Central Leather ... asij Chesapeake & Ohio. 53% 53% C..M. & St. p 100% 100% Pol r * n \ Copper * 42 * 42 loi. I'. & 1 32% 12 U. Consolidated Gas .. 183 K 1231; Corn Products B'i si* Distilling Securities . 18% jga^ Erie istpid.-:::::: 5S* 2 »* Goodrich, B. F. ... '>6% Goodrich. B. P. pf d . 89 5g2 Great Northern pt'd. 127% 127 Illinois Central .... lio% llflKi Interboro-llet u% 157? Interboro-Met. pfd.. 61% 6 1% Lehigh Valley 145 144% Louis. & Nashville . 137% 137V4 Mex. Petroleum ... 65% 65% ?*?•• Kan. & Texas . 18% 18% Missouri Pacific ... 26 25% Nev. Con. Copper . 15% 15%' New York Central .90% 89% £t' H. &H. . 69% 69% Northern Pacific .. 114% 113 ' i Penna. R. R 111% 11074 Pittsburgh Coal ... 21% nu Pittsburgh Coal pfd 92 92 Pressed Steel Car . 43% 43s' Ray Con Copper ... 22% 151,; ****** 166 % I Sb4 Rep. Iron & Steel .. 24 24 Rock Island 4% 3 ty. Rock Island pfd .. 6% 5% Southern Pacific ... 95% 95 Southern Railway . 26 *>«r' Southern Ry. pfd... 81 80% Tennessee Copper . 35 35 " n ' on D P ? c ' flc 160% 159% Ft' « «, üb ? er 62 * 61% U. S. Steel 63% 63^ mu' teel rfd *• 110 * 110% Utah Copper 57% 57 Va. Car. Chem .... 31% 31% Western Union Tel.. 62% 62% Westinghouse Mfg.. 75% 75 ' CHICAGO nOAItn OF TRAnr, (nrnlahrd by H. W. SNAVELT A rondo Ilulldlng Wheat- ChlCaKo> IU - Aprll 3 ' Corn— 87 88 87 *• 87 » Wf.y 67% 68% 67% 68% Oats— 68 * 8 68,4 68 ItS? 39 39 38% 38% l Jul * 39% 39% 39% 39% . CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated rress Chicago, 111., April 3. Hogs Re st^7nil<i U -00 i o .' ® tro "»- B «'k of sales, L lgrht ' JS-65(®5.90; mixed hea , v >'- SS-10(0)8.80; rough. *B_J"ft?)B.6o; spring. $7.50"*8.75; .' t e .T"«„ I l? ce,pts - 1.000; strong. S s in 8 ' ,* 6 ?0® 9 60- Texas steers, $7.20 " 8 -0, stockers and feeders, $5.5007 90- d 0 ,3 - 65 @ 8 - 40 : calves, ~ she C<? Receints, 9 000; firm Na tive, $5.4006.90; yearlings, $6.50©7 45- lambs, native, $7.35<g>8.25? " ' PHII,ADR|,|'HIt I'OoniTß y Associate! Ircss Philadelphia April 3. Wheat \f ?' rod ' export, 98 f?l'oi%°' Northern, Duluth, $1.03% Corn Steady; No. 2 yellow K a U°??^ 75 ® 75Hc: d - k,,ndrl «< steady: No - 2 - whlte - «* ! Bran Market steady: winter m>r j m:6ofe o o°o? 80 - 50: sprlne ' per 'ton iPSfd - flnT j 3 # "' l ' ctloners A. U.Boc; Keystone A, I Butter The market is steady; western, creamer- extras, 25®26c nearby prints, fancy, 2»e. Eggs— The market is firm: Pennsylvania and other nearby flrsrs r»nti^? ses ; * o ' B6 por case: d - current , receipts, free cases, $5.70 ner ease- extras, fusts, free cases, $5.85 j per case.' flrStS ' freo CaseB ' ♦ 3 - 70 1 wllli'. 6 oultry Steady; fowls. 18 ®. >'Oung chickens, 14®20cs a 7 5 ft/ f.i', old rmwt. ducks? ' 17 19c; spring geese, 16<j»We; tUIKe>„. Dressed Poultry Firrn: fowl* western. fancy, heavf, "Oc; do fair to good. 16@18c; do.. light weights, 12@15c; unattractive, 13 i«l •>,. t° d rotosters, 15c; roast ing chickens, fancy, 18@20c; broil, ing chickens, tancy. 24<&3~6c; do., fair y " capors. large. 23026 c do »mall. 18@20c; turkeys, fancy. I!o2<c* nwi"i r ' - 0023 c: duc ' t *- 'i«lko: phi! Potatoes Firm: New York and Eastern, per bushel, 80@85c; Western per bushel, 80@85c; Jersey, per basket! «o#6oc; Florida, per barrel! $ 0?"' Jo* Flour The market is weak; winter, aai. s3.Ksfa4| | i, etraiKUts. lui.n sylvania, $4.16i&>4.30, western, >4.26i9 4 40 i L pa , ltnls ' s<io«jp4.#o; KanstS (-tralght lute sacks, $4.20®4.40; •rrIDK. Hrsu. clear. $4.1004.30: straight* »4« ©4 50: patents, $4.6004,76. Hay The mai !cet is nrm; tlm othy. No. 1. large bales, $18.00@18.»'; 1 No. 7, medium bales. $17.50018.00' No •i. $16.5(1 U . 17.60: No. 1 $14.00016/00 .Clover mixed: Light mixed. 116.60Q 17.00: No. 1. do.. $15.fo016.OO; fro. 2; do?, YOU MUST DIE someday, when that day la we do not know. Better prepare now against the uncertainty. The Penn Mutual Issues a SIO,OOO rollcy which requires but $115.90 at age 36 Divi dends reduce cost after first year. Write for specl man policy. ; t '£NN WUTU4L LlF£ IKt •r.'nnil St. ' I [ Isaac Miller, L.-c-aj I | F. O Donaldson. , Agents LOST KEYS 113 1) Send 260 In silver MOmtsWA or call for Safety Key Protector #7l with your name FM I aud address stamp- Fft I ed on * Including I I >Bf >®y rln*. UI I Made from pure tzJJ Vf Oerman silver. *5,7 HARRISBUHO v STENCH, WORKS 180 Loeust Street Btrriibdrt, Pa. 19