Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1914, Page 18, Image 18

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l»ur|KMC _ 1814 1813
Superintendent's salary \ J0,500.00 J3.500.00
Secretary J. 500.00 1,800.00
Clerks 3,180.00 3.180.00
Treasurer 1,000.00 1,000.00
Tax collector 6.000.00 6.000.00
Teachers' retirement 5.500.00 5,800.00
Janitor? 27.395.00 27,000.00
Teachers 261,955.50 238,000.00
State tax on bonds 4,000.00 1,500.00
Interest 45.130.00 42,962.00
Sinking funds 42.96b.65 40.386.65
Buildings 15,000.00 23,000.00
Supplies and fuel 23,500.00 26,000.00
Technical High 5,000.00 6,500.00
Priming and Advertising 1.500.00 1.800.00
Medical inspection 5,500.00 1,500.00
Open air schools 1,500.00 1,500.00
Text-books 11,000.00 9.000.00
Public library 5,000.00 3,000.00
Domestic science 5.200.00
Contingent funds 2.500.00 3,000.00
$474,467.15 J418,128.65
[t'ontinned front First Paso]
district may use money derived from
the sale of bulldlncs foe current ex
penses, or whether such money must
lie turned Into the sinking fund.
President Harry A. Boyer hopes to
have a legal answer on the subject
from ex-Judge M. W. Jacobs, the
board's attorney, in time for to-night's
Werner's Suggestions
The suggestion was made by Direc
tor Oeorge A. Werner in finance com
mittee last evening. In brief, his plan
is to sell the Fager building In Wal
nut street for approximately $20,000
the Vernon school lot for $4,500, and to
eliminate the SI,OOO salary of George
W r . Mcllhenny as school treasurer.
In committee, however, the legal
snag was raised. The school authori
ties heretofore have held that tht
buildings and grounds are a part of
the school district property upon
•which the bonded debt is floated
When these, are said the proceeds must
necessarily be used for the liquidation
of the indebtedness through the sink
ing fund, because the bondholders,
otherwise would lose equity in their
holdings. It was in accordance wltfc
this idea that the i 11,500 recelvec
from the State Capitol Park Extension
Commission for one of the colored
churches In the Eighth Ward was
turned into the sinking fund.
Should Mr. Werner's theory be con
sidered practicable the city will sav«
$25,500, just about enough to cover
the half a mill Increase.
Instead of employing a school treas
urer, Mr. Werner's Idea was to allow
one of the city's trust companies to
handle the funds.
Stirring Meeting Tonight
While there is bound to be a lively,
even heated discussion at to-night's
meeting on the subject of increasing
the tax rate, some stirring develop
ments are anticipated when other
Items of the committee's recomenda
tions are voted upon.
The propriety of incorporating some
of the items in the budget at this
time, when the additional expense
would pile up the millage. will be
threshed out pretty thoroughly, it is
expected, and among the more im
portant items are:
The introduction of domestic sci
ence in the high school at a cost of
$5,200; providing an additional $2,000
for new textbooks; hiring of extra
teachers for the high schools and the
grades, and the increasing of the su
pervisor's staff from two to five, at a
ost of approximately $9,400.
Other items must necessarily be
provided for and it is not likely that
there will be any question raised
about the increa.se, for instance, of
the item for paying the teachers, the i
fund to be set aside for teachers' re-!
tirement, interest, taxes, etc., and sink- I
ing funds, and the $2,000 for the main- 1
ten a nee of the public library.
While there are increases in the I
items for the janitors, teachers, State !
taxes, interests, sinking funds, etc., I
the budget as recommended last even- j
Sng shows a decrease in certain in
stances. Among these are the funds
pet aside for buildings, the Technical
High School, and supplies and fuel.
Sources of Revenue
The whole budget, as suggested by
the finance committee, calls for an
expenditure of 5474,047.15, as against
5445.125.5S last year. The necessary
money will have to be raised from
the following sources:
Revenue from a valuation of $49,-
000,000 at 9'i mills. $416..'00; State
appropriation, $47,000: interest, $3,-
POO: personal taxes, $7,500; tuition.]
SBOO. In addition to passing upon the
budget, fixing the mill rate, and act
ing on the recommendation of the
textbook committee relative to the
adoption of new textbooks for the
grade' schools, the school board to
night will award contracts for certain
supplies, and adopt a resolution pro
viding for the $90,000 bond issue to
pay for the new grade school on Alli
son Hill.
If the domestic science appropria
tion item Is passed upon to-night the
plans for establishing this course in
the Central High School alone will be
started so that instruction in sewing
imd cooking may he begun In the Fall.
7t Is expected that the courses will be
taught in the high school.
While the finance committee last
evening was busy over the budget, the
textbook committee was wrestling
with the problem of adopting School
Superintendent Downes' recommenda
tions for new books.
Director Yates charged that the rec
ommendations. all of which were for
American Book Company products,
were premature in that there was am
ple time to make a wider selection.
Other book companies, he said, hadn't
had full opportunity to have their
samples passed upon.
Dr. Downes, who based his recom
mendations on reports he received
from the different teachers, insisted
that 'everything has been done fairlv
and everyone has had a square deal."
Director Yates questioned whether
the committee did not violate the
spirit, if not the letter, of the school
rode, In patronizing so fully the Amer
ican Book Company, when, as he put
It. 'we all know that two of the prin
cipals and the school treasurer are
agents of the American Book Com
In conclusion Dr. Yates tried to
have action postponed for 'sixty days
until other booking concerns could
have a better opportunity to place
samples of their books in the schools
and so give a wider opportunity for
teachers to vote. This was voted
tiown. only Mr. Yates himself voting
for it. The other members of the
committee are Directors Kennedy,
Kohl and Saul.
Dr. Downes said the teachers had
ample opportunity to vote upon the
sample books they preferred; that he
had notified tfiem some months ago.
He be'leves other book concerns, he
said, placed some samples In the
The school superintendent's recom
mendations sum up the results of the
votes of the teachers, which show that
the American Book Company products
are the choice. The other recommen
dations are:
That the latest edition of the late
Dr. L. S. Shimmell's "Pennsylvania
Citizen' be adopted In view of the fact
that recent legislatures have mate
rially changed the laws. Abandon
ment of the Speneerlnu writing hooks
nnd substitution of the Bennett sys
[Continued from First Page.]
pected that the new officials will begin
their duties Tuesday morning.
In announcing his appointees to
day Commissioner Bowman said his
purpose in selecting Dr. Zimmerman
was based on his worth as a phvsiclan,
a chemist and bacteriologist. Dr. Zlm
-1 merman, said the commissioner, will
;be educated in the bacteriological
work under Dr. George R. Moffitt, the
city bacteriologist.
"Dr. Hughes Is unquestionably a
good veterinarian," went on Mr. Bow.
: man, "and he will be especially valu
| able to the city, I believe, because of
;his knowledge of cattle. Both men
, are well qualified for the positions."
No Subway Decision
No definite decision was reached
yesterday by city counc.ilmen or the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company offi
cials relative to the Division street
grade problem. The city and
railroad officials conferred in the
, offices of Superintencrent W. B.
McCaleb. Superintendent McCaleb said
the company couldn't afford to build
a subway there, as it would involve an
expenditure of SIOO,OOO. A footbridge
to care for temporary traffic was sug
Fourteen State College seniors, in
charge of Professor E. L. Waterman,
school of engineering, put in to-day
inspecting the dam. the flood control
at Wildwood and other public im
Venango Judge Closes
All Saloons as Needless
Franklin, Pa., April 3.—A1l applica
tions for wholesale and retail liquor
licenses In Venango counts- were re
fused yesterday by Judge' George S.
Criswell, who had granted licenses
continuously for 18 years. There were
-o wholesale and retail licenses in the
county last year, and three new appli
cations were made this year. Judge
t riswell hasn t disposed of two brewery
applications. He said the saloons were
In addition to the regular commit
tee in charge of the arrangements for
the housing conference to be held in
the Market Square Presbyterian
church April 7-9, the following com
mittee on hospitality was announced
Mrs. John C. Stine, chairman; Mrs.
Lyman D. Gilbert, Miss McCormick,
Mrs. Francis J. Hail, Mrs. Mabel
Cronise Jones, Miss Mary Hiester, Miss
Clute, Mrs. William Henderson, Mrs.
Martin W. Fager, Miss Anna Orth,
Mrs. Edgar Z. Wallower, Mrs. Robert
H. Irons.
Deaths and Funerals
Funeral services for Mrs. Kath
arine Wagner, wife of Jacob Wagner,
who died Tuesday at the Harrisburg
Hospital, were held yesterday morning
from her home in Hatnpden township.
Burial was made in the Mt. Zion
Cemetery along the State road. She
is survived by her husband and five
Christian Knupp, aged 69, died yes
terday afternoon at his home in Low
er Paxton township. Funeral ser
vices will be held Monday afternoon
at 1 o'clock from the Oberlin United
Brethren Church.
Funeral services for Israel G. Davis,
who died Tuesday morning at the
home of his son, Benjamin F. Davis,
Summit and Jonestown road, wen
held this morning at 10 o'clock. Thret
sons and three grandsons of Israel C.
Davis acted as pallbearers at his fu
neral. They were: Felix M., Benja
min F. and Linneaus Davis and Harr\
K.. Roy Davis and Edward Schuler.
The funeral was held from the home
of Mrs. Mary Schuler, 1206 Chestnut
Chestnut street. Services were con
ducted by the Rev. Willis J. Hoover, i
presiding elder of the Harrisburg dis- !
trict of the United Evangelical Church
and was assisted by the Rev. David
Longenecker. pastor of the United
Brethren Church at Avon, Pa. Burial
was made in the Paxtang Cemetery.
Mrs. R. Edgar Diffenderfer, aged 35
years, wife of F. W. Diffenderfer, ;t
grocer of 1647 North Sixth street, died
this morning at her home. Funera
services will be held Monday after
noon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Amos M
Stamets, pastor of Augsburg Lutherat
Church, will officiate. Burial will bt
made in the Harrisburg Cemetery
Mrs. Diffenderfer is survived by her
husband and two children, Elsie M.
and Mary Ruth Diffenderfer.
Mrs. Amelia A. Brown, wife of Al
bert W. Brown, an engineer, died sud
denly this morning at her home, 2327
North Sixth street. She is survived by
her husband and seven children: Ma
bel E., Emma M., Mary W., Albert J.,
I Harold. Miles M. and Elizabeth E. Fu
neral services will be held Mondav
afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. Arno*
M. Stamets, pastor of the Augsburg
Lutheran Church, will officiate. Bur
ial will I e made in the East Harris
burg Cemetery.
Funeral services for Elmer Wag
ner, Jr.. 9-year-old son or Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Wagner, of Twelfth and
Hemlock street, who died Wedneslaj
afternoon from tetanus, will be hel
to-morrow afternoon at 1.30 o'clocl
| from the Cahary Presbyterian Church
•nr'ni > o made in the Llngles
town Cemetery.
On a charge of hitting a slster-ln
law, Mary Jackson. 69. over the head
with an iron pipe and then taking
$lO from her. James Jackson was to
day held under SI,OOO ball before
Mayor Royal. The assault is alleged
'to have taken place last month.
John Brown began to "snuff coke"
in January, 1913. He then held a
place In a big bank. His salary was
S2OO a month, and there was every
indication that he would be promoted
regularly. At thirty years of age he
might have become an assistant cash
ier, and that position meant someihing
in the bank in which he worked.
But he liked his "coke." He found
he couldn't stop. He got so that he
had to slip oft' to 4 corner during
working hours and "snuff." He came
back to his desk and worked brilliant
ly after these expeditions. Every
time he was called in by ap official
of the bank to explain something he
took a "snuff." His mind worked ike
a finely made engine, and the officials
he met could not help admire him.
Six months later he had become so
Senator Oliver Against
Panama Canal Repealer
Washington, D. C., April 3.—ln a|
statement on his position regarding'
the proposed repeal of the exemption
clause in the Panama Canal act United
States Senator Oliver, of Pennsylvania,
"After considering the subject from
every point of view I have decided to
vote against the repeal. I voted
against exemption in the last Congress
because it then seemed to me that it
was a violation of our treaty obli
gations, and I am one of those who
believe in sticking to a bargain, no
matter at what cost; but the subse- 1
quent discussion has convinced me
that this point is at least debatable,
with the weight of opinion in favor of
the contention that no violation of;
the Hay-Pauncefote treaty is involved, j
"Less than two years ago the Con- j
gress, by an overwhelming majority, j
decided In favor of exempting our own ,
coastwise shipping from tolls. That'
action stands as the settled policy of!
the American people.
"The principal objection of Great!
Britain to tolls exemption is not on,
account of the Canadian Pacific, as is j
commonly believed, but on account of I
the Tehuantepec Railway, owned by j
Cowdray. This railroad, due to the i
failure of the Mexican government to |
put up its share of the money, is now ,
practically under lease by Cowdray for i
fifty-one years, but at the end of that i
time it will pass into the hands of the j
Mexican government.
"It cost $65.000,000, practically all i
of which was put up by British capi- j
alists, and free tolls to American j
. oastwise ships, which includes the
ships running from New York to
Hawaii, would make that entire in
vestment worthless. Piercing the nar
:ow part of Mexico just above the
Yucatan Peninsula, it is only 190 miles
.ong. and is one of the most perfectly
equipped roads in the world."
Hot From the Wire
Wewivllle, X. s. - wo men were in-1
stantly killed, three died several hours |
later and several others were seriously
injured when a boiler exploded yester
day at the Urummond Collieries. The ]
men were seated about the boiler eating >
lunch when the explosion occurred. ;
L,unil<>u, Ky. The First National |
Bank, of London, tailed to open its ■
doors here to-day. It is said that the I
oruer suspending the bank's business
came from the Comptroller of the Cur- ]
rency at Wash.ngton.
Washington, I>. C. lnstructions to
hold up, under the immigration laws,
any of the Mexican refugees interned
;.l Fort Bliss, who may be released un
der ponding habeas corpus proceedings,
have been sent by Commissioner Cami
netti to immigration inspectors along
the border. *
Washington, D. C. A bill for work
men's compensation for employes of the
' t jvernment, agreed upon t j-aay by the
House judiciary committee, provides;
fixed payments to workmen Injured, or i
to families of employes killed in the j
course of their work.
Baltimore, Mil. William Shepard i
Bryan. Jr., former Attorney General of I
Maryland, and a prominent lawyer <>t :
tills city, died to-day of apoplexy, with 1
ivhlcii he was stricken at the University
Club last night. Mr. Bryan was Go
years old and a bachelor.
London. Premier Asquith received
a great ovation whin he departed trom
London to-day for his constituency of
c.ast Fife, Scotland. He is to deliver a
speech there to-morro.v in spite of the
decision of the Unionists not to oppose
his election.
Lexington. Ky. Operating under a
recent decision of the Court of Ap
peals the State Prisons Board has In
five weeks reelased 450 convicts on
parole fom two penitentiaries.
Dnuglaa. Arlr. Two more residents
of Sonora were ordeied deporte I yes
terday on the ground they were Huerta
adherents, according to advices receiv
ed here last night from Nace, Sonora
They were. Alfredo Cubillas, chief
t mekeeper of the Cananea Consolidated
Copper Company, and Carlos Cubillas,
his brother and assistant.
ChriNtinna, Norway. Susanna Ib
sen. wiiiow of Henrik Ibsen, the Nor
wegian dramatic poet, died here to-day.
WunhlnKton. O. C. Hearing on pro
posed legislation to prevent transac
tions In futures on cotton and grain ex
changes will be held before the House
agrieultural committee beginning April
22, and probably conclude the 27th It
was announced to-day. ' <
careless that nil his friends asked him
if he were ill. Sometimes he didn't
show up at the bank for days. He lost
his job, of course. He didn't have
ambition to look for another, and Ills
idle time was spent with the other
'coke" fiends lie had become acquaint
ed with. He even adopted their fash
i not dress and he siouched around
In a soiled suit and a cap—the get-up
of the average tough with one-quarter
his eJucation and breeding. His friends
—the few who stuck to him after they
learned the cause—and his relatives
tried to help him. But he preferred
to live the life of his kind. They didn't
know how he ate, nor where he slept,
nor when. They never saw him ex
cept when he was reduced to desper
ation by his craving for a "snuff" and
had to face them to beg a few dollars.
Nine months after that Brown had
become a hopeless tramp. He had
"Uncle Joe" Says He
and G. 0. P. Will Win
j Former Speaker Differs With Presi
| dent \\ ilson on Panama Tolls
•Sfrciat to The Telegraph
New York, April 3. —Uncle Joe Can- !
non, former Speaker of the House, isj
at the Waldorf. He believes the Dem-t
ocratic party is headed straight for
perdition. Here are a few sentences
from a characteristic interview:
i "Let me tell you about the Repubii- ■
can party, son. I wouldn't trade even 1
on Its chances for victory in 1916.
even, by a darn sight. What's more, j
1 1 think we'll win a majority of the
I House next November,
j "I'l.i just as such as I'm sitting here
;that I'll be returned to Congress next
, November. They only beat me 700,
•votes last time, but the Bull Moose |
! are petering out in my histrict and 1
the Republicans are getting a lot more
I gumption. My judgment is that the
i Bull Moose is losing out all over the
j country.
' "But you wait a year or two and 1
j you'll find that the American people
will want to kick the Democratic'
I party into the m:.ldle of the Atlantic
j Ocean. Why? Look at business.
J Since I've been in New York I have
J '"ound out the truth about business,
j Things are mighty quiet—mighty'
j quiet, let me tell you. Same in Chi-1
icago. Sanie everywhere if you want I
'to tell the truth. When you turn over j
American markets to the whole world
what can you expect? Look at thel
railroads. They're cutting expenses to'
the bone and they aren't buying any- j
"Now, I'me nothing against Wood-1
row Wilson. He's a high class man. ]
But he's dead wrong on the Panama;
tolls question. If the tolls exemption!
provision is repealed it will come pret-!
ty near being tlje ruinatioi of our
coastwise trade. ' It costs twice as
jmuoh to operate American ships as it
rocs to run vessels of other nations.
I The government ought to equalize con-!
| litions. Every other nation does fori
; its coastwise trade. i
j "I say there isn't a thing in the
j Hay-Paunceforte treaty which forbids
I us dealing fairly with our own ships.
How at"out the question of national
] lefense? Where will the repeal leave
,us? I believe the Panama tolls ques
tion will be a good issue for us Repub
licans. But we 'will see about that
Telegraphic Briefs
Senate, puzzled by nomination of W.
M. Daniels for Commerce Commission
. ership, takes recess to discuss sltti
!' atlon.
! Representative J. Hampton Moore :
I attacks tariff, blaming It for slack
times in Pennsylvania.
I Progressives and Republicans in Ne
|bra3ka will hold separate State con-I
j ventions.
i New Yorkers nlan series of museums i
'to cost from $20,000,000 to $25,000,000. I
I Paul Heyse, eminent German novelist
and dramatist. die« in Munich.
Revolution in Venezula reoorte<l.
I Conventl' n in Pekln um'-nds Chinese
I Constitution to suit President Yuan.
•| Health of King Oustav of Sweden
.again causes anxiety.
Program of new Italian Cabinet ari-
Inounoed to Porllament.
| President Pena, of Argentina, assails
'Monroe Doctrine as anachronism.
'| Confessing to stealing both pennies
placed on top of m'lV bott'es and the
contexts of oth n r bottles. Opor»» Wll
. l'nmsnn. 14. and fa'rol Choirpenny.
1? w«r e to-day placed in the house
1 of detention to nwalt anpearance at
1 ! juvenile court The thefts took place
. | In Green and Third streets.
. | Cnnontituirß, Pa. Right hundred
•! miners employed by the Pittsburgh-
Buffalo Coal Company, to-da'- notified
■ | officers of their local union of the I'nit
! ; ed Mine Workers of America that they
I I would not return t" work Monday uii
: i less they M-ere paid on a run-of-inlne
' basis.
been in the county jail or the work
house so often that the keepers ex
pected him regularly. But he was
never sent up for a term long enough
lor the physician to effect a cure—it
he could be cured at all. Coming out
periodically from his confinement he
slunk around alleys and dark streets
in the daytime, and at night watched
furtively for the "copper" on his beat
so he might get a chance to beg a
art. • vul] wnich he might get an
other "snuff."
Brown had been reduced to the
position where he never had money to
buy enough of the drug. Because ot
that he seldom ate. He would rather
"snuff" than have a square meal.
Three months from now he will die.
If he catches cold he will fall an easy
victim of pneumonia. There isn't the
barest possibility of his living to see
the year 1915.
Shoots Self in Hotel
Block Away From
No-License Meeting
While a conference of No-Ueense
j League workers was going on just a
i block away, Alvin A. L»angsdorf, Wil
liamsport, said by his mother to be a
. "victim of drink," put three bullets
, through his heart and died on the
lavatory floor of the Globe Hotel, Sixth
i and Cumberland streets.
£>ve ,n en were drinking around a
i table in the adjoining room when the
i shots rang out, and several of them
, fled. The hotel owner, A. L. Tavlor,
investigated, and found the suicide's
booy lying in a pool of blood. A note,
: in which he said he was "tired work
ing for a dead horse," was the only
reason assigned. He lived at 320 Lou
isa street, William Sport, where his
body will be taken for burial. He was
| 3 4 years old.
Among eight men on a special com
mittee to seciire a strong delegation
ftom this State to the big flood protec- I
,tion and drainage meeting at Savan
nah, Ga., April 22-25, inclusive, when
the National Drainage Congress holds
1,? .J? h annual session, are John
Birkenbino, chairman of the Water
j Supply Commission, and Thomas
J. ''Vneh. secretary of the Water Sup-;
1 P'y Commission, both of Harrisburg. i
| Flood protection and prevention is
j one or the three great things that thel
Congress is endeavoring to accom- !
plish through national and State legls-!
! lation.
By Associated Press
j Chicago, April 3.—"1 know who I
■ the murderer of Mary Phagan is," 1
said William J. Burns, the detective.
: to-day on his return from a trip to
Kansas City. "I can't say at this
time whether it is Leo M. Frank or
some one else; but I know his Identity
land can prove that he committed the
i murder." Frank was superintendent
. of the National Pencil Company's fac- i
tory in Atlanta, Ga., and is under sen
tence to die on April 17 for the mur
der of the girl.
company which will treat you
i Just right ai all times When you 1
open an account with us you are
free from worry and regrets. No
one not even the members of
i your own family, need know you
I are borrowing
Our Guarantee
1 No matter what others adver
| tise we will make you a loan of
$lO or more at 1.1-:<>Al. IIATH.S.
No references assignments.
1 | pledges, red tape or delay.
lifloni 21 4>b Klim
I * , 1
Horses For Sa e
All in first-iiasn condition We
nave more than we need for the
United Ice & Coal Co.,
Forster and Cowden St*.
nnd others upon their own names
Cheap rates, easy payments, contldou- 1
Admits A R. 304, S N. Market S«. 1
Best Roast Beef
20c Pound
Legs of Lamb Pin Steak
2Cc lb. 25c lb.
Best Sirloin Steak 30c lb.
Swift's Premium Hams 23c lb.
10 and 12 Pound Average
Ferris Choice Hams 23c lb. J
VOGT R-D"i™krkJ
17 N. Market Square
■■■■ "
Birial Xiniri" lOni\/ {competition. Foreign hosiery Imports,
nlUlfif I HKi !• !*■ m U| Y he said, had Increased so enormously
5Ur VU I 141111 I in ill A ' ns t0 mollf the situation alarming.
111-ll ' fill 11 I Iw will | Low-priced hosiery, the retail price of
_ __ _ .if which is uniform, he declared, was
nnnn T P ni n I nnfl\l' comln « into the United States from
lull 111| IHi 111 II IHi 111 T Germany for less than it costs to make
lllUlH I IIU ULU I UUIII i ll here. Mr. Moore quoted also from
I certain correspondence affecting tho
i carpet industry. Although the duty
CContinued from First I'asc] upon carpet wools had been lowered.
the American manufacturer was pay
government would find Its original ex- ! lng a higher price for his raw material
pectatlons realized. than ever and the foreigner or tho
„ . , importer was getting the benefit of the
Moore Makes Attack
Representative J. Hampton Moore,
of Pennsylvania, in a speech in the i TO RUIIJJ) NEW MOVIE
House, yesterday attacked the Under-
wood tariff bill, declaring that its op-1 Announcement was made last even
eratlon had not reduced the cost of'tng by Isaac Silverman, manager of
living, but on tlio contrary had result- th Photop , ay theater. Market street,
ed In laying a heavier burden upon . ..
the workingmen of the country by;and Jacob Silverman, manager of the
throwing thousands of them out of j Pastime theater, of Altoona, that plans
employment. ' are now under way for the erection of
In a running fire of questions and a new moving picture theater at 211
answers Mr. Moore charged that the j Market street. The Silverman Broth-
I new tariff law up to date had merely, ers yesterday afternoon purchased
placed the duties taken down by the. the Einstein property which has a
Democratic party in the pockets of . frontage of 22 feet and 125 feet deep,
the importers and foreign manufac-1 Work for the building of the new
turers. 'movie theater will start about June 1
Mr. Moore cited the hosiery business land it will have a seating capacity of
In particular, declaring it to l>e one of 1,200 people. It will cost about $75,-
those marked for the fiercest foreign 000.
Buy Your EASTER 1
Needs Here To-morrow I
Only a week now until Easter. You can't afford ■
to put off your Easter shopping a minute longer. If |
you want the pick of stocks you must be about your 9
shopping to-morrow. If you want to tax your pocket- 9
book the least you must come here—a comparison of J
our merchandise, and prices will be sufficient tc con- 9
vince you.
Saturday only, special. Ruffled Boys' new caps, all sizes, worth B
edge curtains 2% yards long; IJ< 4 . up to 50c. Each, Saturday H
worth 39c, pair only AUC. ■
One lot of Infants' hose. A\L„ Ladies' 16-button length, pure ■
Always 10c. Saturday anly. * white silk gloves, SI.OO 9
- . . value. Saturday only ■
One lot all silk dressing sacques, Women's extra long corsets, 4 0
worth $3.00. Saturday v Rr hose supporters, worth up to A H
only SI.OO. Saturday TOC.B
One lot girls', up to 15 years. Women's, Misses' and girls' new- ■
fancy wash dresses, worth up to est trimmed hats. Friday special. H
$2.00 Saturday only, your ATJC> Nevv hats, worth up to $lO each, a
P«<*' $5.89, $4.89, $3.89, $2.89, $
Children's an! girls' newest CI OO <CI y|Q i
white dresses, all this season's pret- sl.ot), «i
ty Easter styles at our always un- Jewelry special, new 25c beads. I
derprices. All ages 2 to 16 years. Saturday spe- i G,, B
Prices, cial 'Ot B
25c to $5.89
Saturday only ...
b : I
Ladles' new $9.00 Balmacaan Solid gold filled rings. Guaran- ■
coats. Saturday tfO Qft ,eed five years ' Men ' B ' women's H
on ],. tj/c). JO and children's, each,
Ladies' newest tango and tan SI.OO, 50c, 25c
Easter coats; worth C l / ftQ 10c beauty pins. Sat- A_ i
$12.50. Each «p/.027 ur(lay o for T"C g
Children's new $2.00 value Easter Saturday only, women's all-wool B
coats. Saturday serge dresses, black and navy; sizes H
only lii to 44, worth up to d? | Qfi B
All SI.OO hair switches. AOkf <4>1.J70 ja
Saturday only TJ/t- Girls' blue serge dresses, sizes to m
, Saturday only, ladies' ribbed top, 14 years; worth $2.00. fl
fast black hose; worth 12 %c. Saturday only OfC ■
Morning sales to Ip. m., n Infants' long white dress- «> I |
pair "L egi wor th 39c. Saturday. 0
Ladles' new kid gloves. Saturday special, 2oc long black
Friday special, pair \J*JL and tan fabric 1 ')\/ n H
2 Saturday only, men's silk four- gloves ■
in-hand neckwear; value Q 0 SI.OO value, prettily trimmed, new fl
25c. Each style children's hats. Satur- A(j _ ■
Women's and Misses' newest day special T:J7C. ■
model Easter tailored suits, all $2.50 nobby styles, ladies' new H
wool serges, silk and satin lined, all trimmed hats. Saturday <T 1 Ju So
sizes. Values up to $25. Per suit, only. Special underprlce *pi.Tl7 H
«1/1 OO tlOfiO tlrtflO Saturday special, half cost and I
$ 11.0J7, l £.Ov t less. One lot junior tailored suits; B
$9.89, $7.89 cia[ th . ?10 '. 00 : Spe ". $2.98 1
Boys' rompers. Saturday JO p Saturday only, one lot "7 n K
bargain day IOC ladies' gauze vests * H
SMITH'S, 412 K? I
Pub ic Sale of Local Stecks
Saturday, April 4, 1914, 10.30 A. M.
In Front of Courthouse
First National Bank, ItarrfabnrK, Pn„
Coirinon»«*nUb Truat Company. llnrrlobilrK, Pn..
ITarrlHkiirK l.ldbt H Power Company. <1 per cent, preferred.
Opportunity will be Klvrn to purchaae above atoeka In odd
ItlKht la r«orwd to reject any bid. and to mithdravr any of
aald m-curltlea from aale,
Tcrnta, caab| but. where dealred by purcbaaera, the vendor
mill arrange for louna upon aecurttlea pnrcbaaed to the extent
of 75 per cent, of the purchaae moneys or. If preferred, for the
entire purchaae money, upon approved additional aecurtty.
Executor and Admlnlatrator.