Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1914, Page 16, Image 16
16 What's the Use of Having It if You Can't Toss It Oft? By "Bud" Fisher 1 ~ of • r^' t Ik* Jn i*" J , r ) - I WO cove THe cows <Q • T H»SN\CSJ r — v \ AND CHICK.Bur hiT* hUA " t * , i L~LJ COLOfcGO ] \ LIP* WGCTOO £*** HfiV SKfNNV/ j fc-feis: c /iT>\ < /?, ! ' '■'[ "'' ." ' i"~ f ' 4»» •«*• LM - © I9rt HIGH SCHOOL HEAD j SCORES ATHLETICS Declares Over Strenuous Games and Races Are Almost Criminal St. Louis, Jlo., April 3.—Football,! oaseball and lons distance races in ' grammar and high schools were char acterized as almost criminal by Dr. I Arthur A. Knoch, of the Walnut Hills! High School, Cincinnati, in an address j to-day before the American Physical' Education Association. "Our public officials ought to know." ; lio said, "that such strenuous physical exertion exhausts almost all organs; nnd that a dilated heart is the natural result of the unreasonably prolonged tension incident to such games. Our! ideals should not culminate in the training of young athletes, but in the; education of mentally and physically t sound and harmoniously developed j men and women, whose gait, posture; and bodily movements would arouse the admiration of all. "Observe the.clumsy, awkward pos- j ture of nearly all members of our; bigh school football teams. Although ; the football season lasts only ten weeks and the daily practice is only! two hours, yet this strenuous physical work in deep bending trunk position develops in the young body round shoulders, a drooping head posture j and a sunken thorax. "The general opinion of progressive pedagogues and physicians is rapidly developing into a conviction that undue pressure is applied and applied prematurely in forcing the mental development of school children. It is cruel to de-i ( M ' Easter Exhibit will S^m^ sight It is a bfo I feast of fashion and a * I flow of style. None I may gather 'round our assortment of. spring models and go unsatisfied. Not one betrays its modest cost. The stamp of $3.50 style, and of $3.50 value is there in every pair. Buv a pair for Easter and B rv you will be glad of your enterprise. YouH see, H MJ that $2.50 is enough to pay for shoes. You'll find R t ' iat P ve y° u ®" l ° c satisfaction that yon B expect of a $3.50 shoe The Dollar you f SAVE is the dollar profit that the DEALER B I ■ make* when he sells a pair of shoes for Ej/ ©J I 83.50. ( It PAYS to buy ot the MAKERS. I NEWARK I™* I \ \ fin HarrlMburg) f I A. \ (NEAR DKWnEUKY) »\ \w\\ Other .Newark Stores .Venrhyi York, ltea«Mng, Altoonn. Baltimore, Lan- Vk« Newark sbos JfE/ S) J of SO smart for boys - JI.SO, 1 H*4ali la Tsa Rai« 2"?w * •"- 90 - A •«» Oalf. Portlier Com- . „ merit TTmm+c*+- 812*** ..sr. I Pries- *>><> FRIDAY EVENING, fiARRISBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 3, 1914. mand that children from six to ten years should remain in a com pletely passive position five hours | daily in a musty, generally overheated ; schoolroom when every fiber impels them to run into the free and beauti ful out of doors. "We overburden our pupils men tally at too early an age and this is one of the reasons why such lament able results are obtained during the first four school years." Fred J. Lanshe Quits as Allentown Leader Allentown, Pa., April 3.—Sporting: circles were given a big surprise yes terday in the announcement of the resignation of Fred J. Lanshe as presi dent of the Allentown Tri-State base ball club. The resignation of Mr. Lanshe was presented at a special meeting of the directors. His action was due entirely to business reasons. For seven weeks Mr. Lanshe had given almost his entire attention to the affairs of the Allentown club, and, after putting the organization on its financial feet, came to the conclusion that he would rather be a fan In the ranks than an officer at the head of the organization. Efforts to get him to reconsider were unavailing, and his resignation was accepted with regret. Jlax S. S. Erdman, county solicitor of Lehigh, who was secretary of the club last year, was chosen president. ' \ Annual Call to Amateur Managers Future crrat* are narmlnß' np for lie coming tiaaebnll season, and Mill noon be In the Held for hon nm. The HarrlMburg Telegraph denlren 'to keep In clone touch with nil aniutcur teamn faart KRinen. MnnnKerH are rcqneated to nend in at once the name* of their team, manager and captain, frith their addresses. SPORTING EDITOR OF THE TELE GRAPH. Former Cub Star Will Bear Brunt of Work For the Yanks " KING COLE The elongated twirlcr, who, several years ago, was the star of the Chicago Cubs' pitching stall. Big league success and Cole did not get along very well, however, and the ran gey boy went back to the minors. Last season ho was the sensation of the American Association and Manager Frank Chance lost little time in annexing his former star for duty with the recon structed New York Yankees. Cole has shown good form in the South, and the Peerless Leader believes that he will be tbo "iron man" of the New York American Lea sue club this season. Alphas Win Cup in Casino League Winning last night's sumo in tho Casino League, the Orpheums had a margin of lis pins over the Monarchy. This was the last league game of th<; season and awards will be made next week. From now until tho time to go to Atlantic C'ity there will be prac tice matches for the bowlers who will represent Harrisburg in the national bowling tournament. The Alphas were winner or tho championship cup this season, having a lead of 80 points. The season has been the best in tho history of the Casino l<eague and new records were made. The final standing follows: W. L. P. C. Alpha* fit 24 .680 Orpheume 45 30 .600 Monarehs 37 38 .494 Colonials 35 40 .466 Cardinals 29 46 .386 Giants 28 47 .374 NORMAL SCHOOL WELL FILLED Shippensburg, Pa., April 3.—Ship pensburg Normal School has more stu dents for the Spring term than It has had for several years. The new courses have atracted a great many. The se nior class, however. Is small. j Ide Silver 1 1 1 •£ Collars&i SIDES & SIIIKS : HHRisnin ' Phillies Win Game From the Athletics Philadelphia, April ".—The Phillies i with tho «:• U1 ta o future-great pltch- I era shut out the Athletic yesterday in the first Karae of tho annual Spring series; scoro, i to 0. It was the first time in the history ol' the Philadelphia club that the tlrst game has been taken from llic world's champions. The popular idea ol' the Phillies re ceived a rude shock. BOBS Dooin's team was conceived to have a wrecked pitching staff and no shortstop to speak of. The players were believed to be in poor condition from the re verses they met with in their zealous pursuit of Spring training. Yester day's game upset this misconception, for two of their pitchers, Cy Marshall and Young Joe Oeschger, just out of college, did nothing more during the afternoon but blank the world's cham pions, undoubtedly the best hitting team In the world. The supposedly deficient shortstop, Harold Irelan by name, ate up every thing that came his way as though he had been starved up for a week in preparation for the event. Two double plays which he started were his best feats. The players seemed to be quite normal in condition—if anything a little better than on this day in his tory. 19X3. The score by inidngs: Phillies .... 31000000 o—4 7 0 Athletics .. 00000000 o—o 4 1 R. H. E Batteries—Marshall and Oeschger, . Dooin and Burns; Pennock and Wyc koft', Schang and Lapp. CENTRAL, TRACK TEAM I TO START PRACTICE i Central High track candidates will start practice in Riverside Park to morrow afternoon. It will require an other week to get the municipal track in shape for practice. In issuing his call to-day Coach William D. Meikle requests all eandi dates'to report to him at Young Men's Christian Association gymnasium to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. THICK MEET DATE IS CONFLICTING Norristown High Will Be Asked to Change Time of Their Annual Event Changing the date for the annual high school meet In Harrisburg from May 9 to May 15 has brought about a conflict with the annual high school meet at Norristown. If not too late, an effort will be made by the local committee to have the Norristown j date changed. I Norristown high school has been quite prominent in track athletics and the local committee would like to have the Norristown team come to Harrisburg. Norristown is also a closo rival with Reading. Pottstown, Allen town and other high school teams in the east and a conflict of dates may prevent other crack teams from com ing to Harrisburg. In view of the fact that the meeting in Harrisburg on May 10 Is a Statb meet, Reading will cancel the Norris town meet and come to this city. Re ferring to Reading's probable with drawal from the Norristown meet, the Reading Eagle says: "The prize of the Harrisburg meet is a handsome oak shield with bronze embellishments, to become the perma nent property of the school which wins the meet the greatest number of times out of a series of seven years. The meet this year is the last of the series, with Heading having two less. Central Manual of Philadelphia two legs, and Harrisburg and Steelton schools each haying one leg on the trophy. "The practice of candidates on George Field continues every after noon that weather permits. The class teams are developing excellent ma terial. A number of Interclass meets will shortly be held." Railroad League Winds Up Season The Pennsylvania Railroad Young I Men's Christian Association basketball league series ended last night with a victory for the Tigers over the Cubs; score, 10 to 11. The Tigers played l all around their opponents in the sec- I | ond half. The Giants failed to appear and for- I feited their game to the Phillies, score 2 to 4. The series ended'with I the Athletics leading by a goodly mar- 1 I gin. A meeting will be held next! ! week to close up the league business | t for the season and to award the chain- ! pionship cup and other trophies. The 1 standing of the teams: W. L. P. C. Athletics 7 2 .894 I Giants 12 7 .831 ] Pirates . . 10 9 .526 I Tigers 9 10 .473 i Cardinals 9 10 .473 1 Phillies S 11 .421! Cubs 7 12 ,3fiß ' Senators 4 10 .210 Elk Bowlers Will * j Meet Reading Team Reading bowlers will come to Har- ' ri?t)urg Saturday night to play a re- i turn contest with the Harrisburg Elks. L,ast Saturday night the Reading Elks! trimmed the Harrisburgers at Read-' ing by a small margin. The game' Saturday night will be a real battle. l With the Reading visitors will be fifty rooters. Harrisburg lodge members have arranged to have a big crowd on hand. The contest will take place on the Elks' bowling alleys at the homo lu North Second street. i i LAST GAME AT MIPDLETOWX Basketball at Middletown will end | for the season to-night with a game j between the Middletown Athletic Club and the Big Five The game will be played at the new quarters of the Middletown Athletic Association. Be tween halves there will be a game lie- i tweeu junior team?. ! PHYSICIAN HAS APPENDICITIS | Special to The Telegraph ; Dillsburg, Pa., April 3.—Dr. W. L. ! j Crawford, a well-known physician of . j Dillsburg. was taken to the Harris- I burg Hospital on Wednesday, where 1 he will undergo an operation for ap pendicitis. Dr. Crawford has been ill for the past two weeks. " '• Quarantced i ''r u se iuvm tnatan'lv ooiiatt' hexai.l iiuhioi I ia ft Mr* au— fcaaa. H. H. luiln V- " - —— Try Telegraph Want Ads. ' Styles to add grace to your Easter bow. m Hats ? 2.00 to $5.00 Imported cravattings . . . SI.OO to $3.00 Gloves $1.15 to $2.50 Walking sticks .... 50c to $5.00 Sack suits . . . . SIO.OO to $35.00 Spring overcoats . . . . $lO to $25 Styleplus suits $17.00 Very best values at right prices. TB&#SUB 320 Market Street 1 Our Low Prices! - iijkj Have increased our business to such an extent tliat \vc have b<x?n ' yy compelled to OJ | Enlarge Our Store | |y l» adding tin- rutin* second and third Honrs or tlto large building at W I No. 1219 N. Third St. ||| Adjoining our old location at No. 1217 N. Third St. f : We shall carry a larger stock than ever before of all grades of Qj fisfea good furniture from the cheapest which is really worth buying to tha (OT best that is made. We are not heralding the enlargement of our store by any "red- jUL!! !fiM letter" sale, but have established our regular price system on such a 1 LIS! ,ow kasis as w >" mean bigger business and many more satisfied cus- yM ! tomers. y[| Come in and look over our stock of furniture, ruga, carpets and nHI |y house furnishings. jSR» • ffij We can supply your Spring needs at prices which will save you !ff| money, either for cash or credit. (Qy| IBROWN ®> CO.| jOT THE HIG UP-TOWN STORE, 03 2 1217-1219 N. THIRD STREET g| li if^/ Neckwear 50c to $3.50 If you buy your Neckwear here wc v will guide you along styiis i lines, such as goon dressers demand. And tor re asonab enessoi price and variety of pat terns, no store can surpass us. A big city line-up in all the lates colorings. McFALL'S , Third and Market Harrisburg Try Telegraph Want Ads. Try Telegraph Want Ads.