Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 03, 1914, Page 14, Image 14

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Wonderful Pimple
Remover Never Fails
Quickest and Most Effective You
Ever Used, or Money Re
funded. A Family Supply
For 50c, You Save $2.
The results of Obbac in completely
cleansing the blood of all the impuri
ties that cause skin and facial erup
tions, boils and carbuncles, and in puri
fying the skin and face so that pimples
quickly vanish, have made this simple.
Inexpensive remedy the most popular
blood purifier known.
A 50-cent bottle of Obbac when mix
ed with one pint of water with a lit
tle sugar added, to suit the taste,
makes two full pints of the most pleas
ant and effective pimple eradicator and
blood cleanser that can bo bought.
You save $".00.
Obbac contains a new ingredient,
which is purely vegetable, an herb
of remarkable power In removing
blood impurities. A few days' use
will tell the story. It can bo used by
every member of the family; children
love to take it. No face treatment
In the world can help you get rid of
pimples. Take Inexpensive Obbac.
You should have it on hand all the
time to take at frequent intervals. It
will surprise you to see how wonder
fully clear it makes your skin and it
will do more for your complexion than
the best face cream.
Obbae is guaranteed absolutely to
satisfy, or your money is refunded
cheerfully. Get a 50c bottle of con
centrated Obbac from your druggist or
•be will gladly get it for you. If not,
send to the Obbac. Co., 1130 Commercial
Bldg., Chicago, 111. Sold in Harrisburg
by Croll Keller. Geo. A. Gorgas, C. M.
Forney, Clark's Drug Store, E. 'A. Gross, j
.1. A. McCurdy, Sieelton.—Advertise
A harmless home remedy, comp*ound
ed principally from the powerful juice
of the Pernambuco shrub of Peru, has
been found highly effective in promptly
checking the fallintr of hair from the
scalp. slen and women whose hair is
growing alarmingly thin and falling
out badly every day should try it with
out fail, as the ingredients are perfect
ly harmless and very inexpensive and
the whole thing can be prepared at
"•Jiome or by any druggist. Merely mix
together in an s or.. bottle " >uz. Lavona
de Composse. oz. Bay Rum and
drachm of Menthol Crystals. Shake
well and allow to stand for an hour,
when it-- is ready for use. The Lavona
in the above is the pharmaceutical
name of the Pernambuco juice as di
luted snd scientifically prepared for
medical purposes. To stop the hair
from coming »out and to quickly start a
fine growth of new hair all over the
scalp, rub this lotion briskly into the
pcaip with the finger tips or a medium
stiff brush for about five minutes each
night and morning. After three or four
days' use in this way you cannot find
a single 1-oose or straggling hair. Dan
druff will disappear and itching cease
and In about ten days you will find
your scalp covered with a thick
growth of fine downy new hairs, which
will grow with amazing rapiditv.—Ad
tVhen Other Treatments Gave No Re
lief. Suffered 8 Years, But
Resinol Cured in a Week
Jan. 21, 1911; "I suffered over eight
years with eczema. It started in one
little place and kept spreading until it
covered my hands. My hands looked
like they had been burned by lire and
peeled off in large pieces until they
were only raw flesh. I was told it w ».s
eczema. It itched and burned me so
that 1 sould not sleep at night. 1 tried I
all sorts of eczema salves and one pre- j
scription after another, but nothing
gave me any relief until I tried Resinol I
- Soap and Resinol Ointment, and after j
the first application my hands never
itched or burned again, and were well'
in one week. I want every sufferer |
from eczema to know that they can 1
find a cure in Resinol." (Signed) Miss
Ethel Scott. Milstead. Ga.
Physicians have prescribed Resinol j
for nineteen years, for all sorts of skin
troubles, pimples, dandruff, sores
ulcers, burns, wounds and plies. Every
druggist sells Resinol Ointment and
Resinol Soap, but for trial size free
"rite to Dept. 2-R, Resinol. Baltimore',
Md. Do not be deceived by imitations
Stomach Troubles
Due to Acidity
So-calW stomach troubles, such us I
ihl ftv SU t°i"' r V ! n ?' 8t , OI »?ch-achfi and In- j
ability to retain food, are in prob- :
ably nine cases out of ten simplv evl-I
dence that fermentation 1- taking'
place in the food contents of the atom-1
ach causing the formation of gs i
and adds. Wind distends the stomach I
and causes that full, oppressive feel
i?., so'netlmes known as heartburn
while tho acid irritates and inflames
the delicate 11 nlng ot' the stomach !
The trouble lies entirely in the fer-1
menting food. Such fermentation is'
unnatural, and acid formation is not
only unnatural, but may Involve most
serious consequences if not corrected
To stop or prevent fermentation of the
food contents of the stomach ind Tn i
neutralise the acid, and lender It l
bland and harmless, a teaspoonful of'
ii l » magnesia, probably the best
and most effective corrector of acfd '
stomach known, should be taken in a
garter of a glass of hot or cold wate? !
Immediately after eating, or whenever 1
wind or acidity | 8 f e)t . Thie stops tha
Hv rD ln nt a at fo"' and neutralizes the acid!
lty in a few moments. Hnn
ue?esfa n rv aCi R!on aro danpero,;s "'id un
necessary Stop or prevent them hv
M?®" B ® of a Proper antacid, such as
h L e . u^'®, d , magnesia, which can be
obtained from Any druffffist niui ti mu
The French Method
to Darken Gray Hair
Society Women Delighted
..P?.% Bn £ h . pe ?8 to pay closo atten
tlon to the hair; they know that Qui
nine is a wonderful stimulant to the
hair roots and that Sage, when prop
erly steeped, prevents grayness and
restores hair to its natural color.
So they mix both, and the result is a
splendid and harmless tonic that
speedily restores gray, streaked or
laded hair to Its natural color and
almost Instantly drives away dandrufl
and scalp itch.
This same preparation, in a more
scientific form, Is now being intro
duced into America under the name of
LeMay * Cream of Sage and Quinine,
and can be procured by anvone inter
ested for around 30 cents a bottle
Ask for It by name.
Druggists report that on account of
this famous old French recipe dark
ening the hair so evenly and naturallv,
and being so absolutely free from any
dye tliaf there is a brisk flemand
for it.—Advertisement
(.Continued from First Page.]
from house to house, drew the circle
closer about the enemy.
light for Favored Roof
A hundred small encounters oc
curred intermittently in the streets or
over the possession of some favored
roof, but the roar of cannon was
almost continuous.
Both sides used armored trains.
These, with big guns mounted, would
suddenly appear around an elbow of
one of the hills, discharge a broadside
and then retire. Early in the attack
; on Gomez Palacio the trains ventured
out at the same time and a lively ex
change of shots ensued, like a naval
engagement on land.
The federals made use of huge
rockets, which were shot to a great
height, exploding In the air and letting
down a hail of buckshot.
Suffer from Heat and Thirst
On the fourth day of the fight the
intense suffering from heat and thirst
was relieved by a rain thought to have
been brought on by the heavy firing.
During the battle scouts brought
word that federal reinforcements from
Monterey were approaching on the
east. General Herrera was sent
against them and later reported that
he had sent them scurrying into the
The battle surged first into Torreon,
then back to the railroad yards and
ravines in the suburbs for two or
three days. The federals' grew weaker
each day in their fighting. Finally
the federals evacuated to the south
and the rebels took possession of Tor
Great supplies of food, ammunition
and artillery and stores of cotton fell
Into the rebels' hands by the capture.
American Ragtime Tinkles
From Piano Amid Scenes
of Rejoicing in Juarez
By Associated Press
Juarez, Mex., April 3. AVith the
taking of Torreon by the rebels last
night constitutionalists now control an
immense wedge-shaped portion of
Mexico, with the point resting on Tor
reon, SOO miles south of here, and
'he top extending along the American
border from Nogales, Ariz., to a point
.lust west of Eagle Pass, Texas. At
Piedras Negras, known also as Cludad
Porflrio Diaz, across the Rio Grande
troni Kagle Pass, there is a federal
garrison, but it does not now consti
tute a menace to the rebels.
The States now subject to the rebel
arms arc Chihuahua, Sonora (except
the port of Guaymas), most of Coa
huila, Durango and Slnaloa.
Yesterday's victory is said to make
the capture of Saltiilo and Monclovia
In Coahuila, and Monterey, the key to
the State of Nuevo Leon, assured. The
main federal force, according to
Villa's report to General Carranza, was
wiped out by death, wounds, capture
or flight at Gomez Palacio and Tor
reon. Mazatlan, the federal port in
the State of Slnaloa, by the release
of the veteran rebel army at Torreon,
| also is in a precarious state.
Assures Rel>el Control
Thus, by his successful campaign of
the last month, General Francisco
Villa has practically assured rebel
control of the vast territory of the
nortlierfl States of Mexico and gained
for himself the reputation of being the
foremost soldier of the country.
It was but a little over a year ago
that he started out from a village
near here with two companions, six
horses, seven dollars in money and a
meager supply of beans, coffee and
sugar. The horses at the time were
not paid for and Villa's first act upon
capturing this city three months ago,
was to repay the liveryman front
whom the horses were "borrowed."
Interest here to-day was divided in
[ speculation as to Villa's future move
j inents and the effect, if any, that the
| rebel triumph would have in Wash
; ington.
Men Embrace Each Other
Never in all Its dramatic history
[since the Madero revolution of 1910
! has Juarez been so nearly mad with
i enthusiasm as it was when a foot mes
senger from military headquarters
I ran through the streets shieking that
Torreon had Drunk with ela
tion, men embraced each other wher
ever they met. Bells in the 300-year
old mission of Guadalupe were set
ringing louder and faster than ever
they have rung for religious purposes.
Khaki-clad rebel soldiers woke from
their sleep In the town's military bar
racks to cheer. Then, stirred by a
common impulse, their rifles were
; turned loose into the air.
For a time, Inhabitants of El Paso
supposed Juarez was again suffering
j one of its periodical attacks,
i Finely dressed officials, high in the
i Carranza administration, threw their
arms around unwashed private sol-
Idlers in the streets and yelled their
; delight. The municipal band, hastily
\ routed from their beds, paraded
| through the streets playing the na
, tional hymn and serenaded Carranza
until the constitutionalist first chief
tired of the music. In the gambling
■ hall conducted by Villa's agents for
j the benefit of the rebel treasury all
| play ceased, while gamblers and game
keepers and spectators alike, shouted
their joy.
"Viva Villa!"
i Through it all, only one name was
! heard above all others. It was Villa
j—"viva Villa!" Common soldiers min
! gled freely with the highest officials
| of the rebel government in a cabaret
; resort and were Invited to drink to the
glory of the insurgent arms. Vir
tually the only place open in the Mex
ican border town where drinks might
be bought, the cabaret was crowded to
the doors with civil and military men
of all ranks. In all stages of dress,
for the hour was late, they crowded
In to embrace friends and toast the
conquering general. In the midst of
all the rejoicing, American ragtime
music tinkled from an antiquated
piano in the cornel', while American
women from El Paso danced the one-1
step with Mexican partners in the
middle of the big room.
Rush For Bridges
When the shooting of rifles and pis
tols in celebration began,' dozens of
federal sympathizers in El Paso awoke
and made a rush for the International
bridges, thinking that, by some un
expected stroke of fortune, federal
forces were attacking Juarez. But
they turned back crestfallen when in
formed by American soldiers on duty
at the bridges that the fall of Torreon
was the cause. Rebel, soldiers guard
ing the Mexican end of the structures
saw the proceedings and howled taunt
ing insults at the "Huertalstas" who
had "come to see the federals retake
By 2 o'clock in the morning the ex
citement had died away and the
streets were deserted. Plans are un
der way for a formal celebration this
afternoon, over which General Car
ranza will preside.
Samuel Belden of San Antonio, Tex.,
a friend of General Carranza, describ
ed the scene in the Carranza home
when the long awaited news of victory
was received.
"General Carranza hud been talking
with Gomez Palacio off and ou for
some time," Mr. Belden sold, "and was
chatting with members of his fum
ily. Ho seemed very cheerful and
buoyant. At 11 o'clock the telegraph
operator came Into the room with a
piece of paper In his hand.
•'•Well Muchacho. is It Torreon?'
the general smiled as one who knew
well what the answer would be.
" 'Yes my chief,' was the reply.
"Carranza kissed his wife and
daughters, then —'have the bugler
sound the call of triumph' ho ordered,
'and give me the telephone, 1 must
tell Mrs, Villa.'
"His was the first news of her hus
band's achievements to reach Mrs.
"Can-anza's next act was to tele
graph u message of hearty congratula
tion to Villa. Meanwhile friends of
Mrs. Villa were calling her on the
telephone with words of congratula
tion while others, despite the hour,
called in person and wine reserved
for the occasion was gratefully drunk
to the victorious general, to his loyal
lieutenants and those who gave their
The victory gave the rebels undis
puted control of the central part of
Northern Mexico; six hundred miles
south from the Rio Grande.
Its full effect cannot be summarized
in a moment, but in prestige and
power, it is said, its value is incalcul
Much Interest Attached
to Return of Wilson's
Representative to U. S.
By Associated Press
Washington, D. C., April B.—An
nouncement of the prospective de
parture for the United States of John
Lind, President Wilson's personal rep
resentative in Mexico, revived interest
to-day in the future trend of the
Washington government's policy toward
the.southern republic.
For the last few weeks officials have
pointed to the battle of Torreon as
likely to furnish an index of the
future, but the result as well as its
effects on the military or diplomatic
situation as respects the strength of
the two factions is still a matter of
some uncertainty here.
While the President has said Mr.
Lind would return to Vera Cruz after
he had obtained a rest and vacation
in the United States, many observers
think he never will go back, as there
has been a disposition for many weeks
on the part of the Washington gov
ernment to refrain from diplomatic
activity while the military forces of
the Constitutionalists and federals
struggled for supremacy. The pros
pect of even more vigorous warfare
and the unwillingness of either faction
to accept any proposals for compro
mise or mediation has caused the
American government to assume an
attitude of strict neutrality. That this
position will be continued indefinitely
is probable unless injury to foreigners
or some other unlooked-for emergency
causes embarrassment.
Two Cases Forgotten
I In the attention that has been con
centrated on the battle of Torreon the
Benton and Vergara eases have been
practically lost sight of, but there is
every Indication that with the battle
over and when another readjustment
of military forces ensues further in
formation will be sought from both
the Constitutionalists and the federal
chiefs as to the course they intend to
pursue in satisfaction of injuries in
tlicted upon foreigners by their sub
In the meantime the presence near
at hand of Mr. Lind will be valuable
because of his familiarity with con
ditions and leaders in Mexico. It is
recognized that the decisive battle at
Torreon or some other strategic point
in Central Mexico may bring about a
situation in Mexico City where a per
sonal representative of the President
might be of assistance in composing
the situation.
Ilale is in Europe
Just what Mr. Lind might do while
in the United States after he has
rested is causing a good deal of specu
lation, the suggestion being advanced
in some quarters that perhaps he
might make a trip to observe con
ditions in Constitutionalist territory
where General Carranza is in control.
For some time William Bayard Hale
had advised the President to a large
extent about the Constitutionalists, but
his health failed him recently and he
went to Europe to recuperate.
! Administration officials are emphatic
I in their declaration that Mr. Lind's
movements at present mean no change
in the American policy. Charge
O'Shaughnessy will continue at Mexico
City to conduct any routine business
that may arise with the Huerta gov
ernment. In none of Mr. O'Shaugh
nessy's transactions, however, it is
pointed out here, is formal recognition
involved, the policy of the Washington
government being to deal with au
thorities in de facto control.
Reference by General Hucrta in his
message to the Mexican congress
Wednesday to the action of the United
States government in connection with
the proposed reassembling of The
Hague conference did not imply, lu
the view of officials here, any rec
ognition to the Huerta government.
Refers to Conference
General Huerta had said in his mes
sage :
"The United States has been so good
as to Invite me. through his Excel
lency President Wilson, to organize in
common accord the preparatory work
for the approaching peace conference
at The Hague."
The explanation of the statement is
found in the fact that last February,
with the purpose of removing what
appeared to be a formidable though
purely technical obstacle to the carry
ing out of the original plan for tha
reassembling of The Hague conference
this year. Secretary Bryan sent a note
to the American diplomatic officers in
every country which was a party to
the original Hague conference sug.
gesting that their governments desig
nate the administrative council of the
permanent court of arbitration at The
Hague as members of a special com
mittee to arrange the progrom for the
third conference.
This note was printed and a copy
was sent to Nelson O'Shaughnessv,
the American charge at the Mexican
capital, who in the ordinary and rou
tine way delivered it to the Mexican
foreign office.
Mexican Embassy at
Washington Is Claiming
Victory For Federals
By Associated Press
Washington, April 3.—The Mexican
embassy here to-day still claimed vic
tory for the federal forces at Torreon.
[Charge Algara to-day gave out this
"An official dispatch signed by the
Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Senor
Lopez Portilloy Rojas, has just been
received at the embassy giving an ac
count of the crushing defeat of the
rebel forces under Villa at Torreon.
General Maas, who left .Saltlllo several
days ago, with large reinforcements
has arrived at Torreon. General De
Moure's column has reached San Pe
dro de Las Colonias where a decisive
defeat was administered to the rebel
forces sent out to oppose his advance.
The government has also succeeded In
raising a loan of over 50,000,000 pesos
which will materially assist it In its
tireless efforts towards pacification."
Glasgow. Scotland. April 3.—Three
bombs were exploded by suffragette?
to-day in an attempt to blow up Bel
mont church in this city. The explo- j
sions. however, did only slight dam
age to the building.
■New Shipments For Easter S ( <
HI Again this week our buyer was obliged to go to New York to replenish our Easter stocks. The beau- |H
■5" tiful garments he purchased there last week went like hot griddle cakes in response to our announcement
M last Friday. They cleaned up the pretty models when they saw the styles and values, so we have had him [||
Hover there several days this week and you must see array of fascinating styles in all the beautiful new aS
Easter shades. Many specials of exceptional value are arranged for to-morrow's selling.
j "j J Waists, Dresses, Suits
pva V < ft flrclHf J/i White printed silk tub waists neatly trimmed with jB
JjJ wid hemstitched, in all shades and sizes. Spo
(i White china silk tub waists. Special 98l* SH
A \ med"* Spe 8 }' 1 ! wa ' B^B ' n a " *' la lading shades neatly trim-
{ M totl~ n S , ' s ' n vnr ' oua mixed materials; values
98ISW fi
■ 1\ \ ew ri "i va ' of dresses in the latest designs made up vßßffiffli'lWr-vrnffll
\ .t\ X // in silk and cotton crepes, silks, stripe voile, poplin crepe, M, BaB8fllilC : a MBM Hr
i \ I m " ub crepe and silk stripe crepe; some with tunic and j©fll Hd
', Q&\Sy — draped skirt, all neatly trimmed. Special JCy Qg 18p> IBW3
(l| Ladles' and Misses* Suits in all the leading styles and \fH ■ifflluThM. fid
Am 9 >\ materials of the season, including the much desired Eton ■ 1 ; Bk ; \ I'Sflp UV
■ Y / I effects, some with draped Kkirts and tunics. These uro llfllWifflr m _
J copies of choicest Paris and Fifth avenue models. ■III®W||
ra ]/ Men's and Boys* Suits fii Iff f V
Df (I !'" • RffiJ&iiiii. ° Ur e,ltlre •" con «l *loor In filled with a splendid assort- lym Mil Ui
N. \\ meat of Men'* find lloyii' SiiH« and Overcoats distinctive In B I ill
\ \ j * atjle and In a dlunlty «f fabrics Men's suits In the newest ■ I ((■ HljHI |W Jj
n) I\ V. I eheeko and stripes! some In blue brown und ureca and others fIH Jfj JP« Blßtji * "5^
/ y \ ... In black nnd white. Medium and light weight worsteds and Jg| J> HTM
\ O Mens Suits from #lO to #3O C"3
" d Boys' Suits $2.98 to $9.00 j| p
■ National Supply Co. ■
Q Open Evenings 8 S. Fourth Street Alterations Free U,
[Continued from First Page.]
Woodfin's introducing this report of
the committee on resolutions of which
he was chairman, a storm of protest
arose. Dr. George W. Hull, of Mil
lersville, vice-president of the Inter
county and Lancaster County No-Li
cense campaigns at once arose to say
that the adoption of the resolution
would convert the situation into a
status-quo and that members would
"go back exactly as we came." The
Rev. Mr. Johnson, pastor of a Phila
delphia church, urged that a State
wide organization be formed. The
dynamic utterance of a Potter county
delegate along the same lines evoked
a storm of applause. The Potter
county delegate said he felt that the
meeting had been called to organize
one State-wide body, and that coun
ties where the organization of anti
saloon forces was considerably weaker
than in others would naturally expect
to look to a State body for advice and
The Rev. Mr. Watchhorn, another
Philadelphia pastor, advanced the ar
gument that a new organization was
unnecessary. He said that its forma
tion might breed jealousies among the
other organizations.
Warm Discussion
It was at this point that R. A.
I Hutchison, of Pittsburgh, secretary
lot' the board of home missions of the
I United Presbyterian church, intro
duced a substitute resolution endors
ing and urging co-operation with the
anti-saloon league. Again the discus
sion raged, and here one of the wom
en delegates present, Mrs. Morris T.
Wood, of Downlngtown, vice-presi
dent of the Women's Christian Tem.
perance Alliance spoke winged words;
"I am only a woman," she said, "and
I know many think that a woman's
place is not in the forefront of the
battle. But it does seem that you
men want to get together by having
each come each other's way."
Mrs. Wood urged that the conven
tion should not send tho delegates
home with the impression of having
done nothing. "Let us unite," she
urged. A Lebanon county delegate
started tho former discussion on the
six-county recognition phase of the
subject by a plea that the convention
adopt the resolution.
At this juncture Rev. Mr. Woodfin
took the bull by the horns by meet
ing certain subterranean accusations
|in the open. He said he knew It was
i whispered that the resolution aimed at
I the Anti-Saloon league, out he averred
that the slx-couniy organization had
no animosity whatever against the
Anti-saloon league; on the contrary,
they were the best of mends of that
Plea From Moore
Upon the assurance of Dr. E. J.
Moore, superintendent of the Anti-
Saloon League of Pennsylvania, that
Mr. Woodfin's statements wore Correct
and that the two organizations were
friendly to the utmost degree, and
I upon his plea that the convention do
not complicate matters by endorsing
another State organization, the agita
i tlon began to subside, and after a few
[scattered remarks, Dr. Hull withdrew
[ his substitute resolution which had
been seconded by C. F. Swift, mem
ber of the legislature from Beaver
county. Dr. Moore said the Anti-
Saloon League was already at work on
the formation of a new department
to aid no-license organizations.
Chairman Huston then put the ques
tion and a volume of ayes rolled
through the church. After the silence
that followed the calling for nays, a
deep-voiced member struck up a
hymn, "Blest Be the Tie That Binds,"
and the morning session adjourned.
The precipitation of the vital topic
before the meeting as to whether a
State-wide organization would be
formed, made necessary the postpone
ment 'of a symphonetic discussion of
the subject, "The Relation of No
license Campaign to Temperance and
Other Sympathetic Organized Forces,"
which, however, was carried out this
afternoon as follows:
Antl-Sal(*sn League, the Rev. J.
Mitchell Bennetts, Darby, Pa.; Wo
men's Christian Temperance Union,
Dr. Hannah McK. Lyons, Lincoln Uni
versity, Pa., Chester county president;
Women's Christian Temperance Al
liance, Mrs. Morris T. Wood, vice
president, Downlngtown. Pa; Young
Men's Christian Association, the R«v.
George Wood Anderson, D. D.. Scran-
CASTORIA For Infants and Cttildran. Bears the -
Thi Kind You Havs Always Bought slB^ ur *
ton, Pa.; Pennsylvania State Sabbath
School Association, the Rev. W. G.
Nyce, president of tho Chester County
Association, St. Peters. Pa.; Young
People's Society of Christian En
deavor, the Rev. W F Klein, Read
ing, Pa., president Berks County
Christian Endeavor Union; Church
and Inter-county Societies, Professor
Charles Scanlon, A. M., Pittsburgh,
general secretary Inter-church Fed
eration; International Order Good
Templars, Ellwood Nichols, Hamor
ton, Pa., grand chief templar Penn
sylvania Lodge; The Pennsylvania
Grange, John A. McSparran, Lancas
ter county.
The sessions of the morning opened
with an address on some important
moves to make to secure proper antl
llquor legislation by C. F. Swift, Bea
ver county member of the State Leg
islature, which was followed by an
address by Dr. Homer W. Tope, Phila
delphia district superintendent of the
Anti-Saloon League, who spoke on the
apparent harmony that prevailed
among the anti-liquor forces, and said
that this meeting to-day was a notice
tlmt there is no division among the
antl-llquor forces. The Rev. H. M.
Chalfant, D. D., of the Pennsylvania
Anti-Saloon League, followed with an
address, In which he said that the
, most Important action in a whole
j nation-wide prohibition campaign was
j the winning of a step forward in
, Pennsylvania. He pointed out that the
liquor forces must concentrate on one
Issued and urged that the issue to
be presented this year before the
Legislature and before the voters
should bo county local option.
The convention, in turning down
! the plans for a new organization, con
firmed the assertion, yesterday of the
Rev. J. H. Daugherty, pastor of the
Ridge Avenue Methodist church
where the convention is meeting that
there are too many organizations. He
said that tho abundance of organiza
tions is draining the churches. "They
are being organized to death," he
Brumbaugh Letter Read
Assurance that Dr. Martin G. Brum
baugh, candidate for Governor, would
favor a local option law was the fea
i ture of tho meeting yesterday after
| noon. It'was not until the Rev. John
! Watchorn, of Philadelphia, had ap
pealed for a definite assurance in this
j connection, mentioning Dr. Brum-
I baugh's name and alluding to the. in
-1 definite nature of the assurances, that
j Dr. E. A. Moore produced a letter
from tho gubernatorial candidate in
I which Brumbaugh declares that if
t elected he will "consider it his duty to
use every honorable means to bring
I about, the passage of a local option
i law."
Prolonged cheers greeted this an
nouncement and It was clear that the
Rev'. Mr. Watchorn's objection that
"it was not enough to preach and
pray, nor to have a candidate promise
to sign a local option bill it' passed,
but that a candidate must come for
ward with a pledge also to tight ac
tively for the bill," was fully met by
Dr. Brumbaugh's attitude.
Big Parade Planned
At this afternoon's session It is ex
pected officers will be elected, while
the feature to-night will be a great
parade, terminating in a combined
mass meeting at the Chestnut Street
Auditorium. The parade will form in
Fourth and Market streets and move
an follows: Market to Walnut, to
Thtrd, to Market, to Sixth, to Reily,
to Second and to the auditorium.
Big Mass Meetings
Two big mass meetings lost night
drew crowds of enthusiastic anti-rum
workers. At the Itldge Avenue Meth
odist Church Bishop W. M. Stanford
of the Evangelical Church presided.
He sounded a keynote by declaring
"the only way we can successfully
combat the liquor traffic Is by taking
legislation in our hands." This can
be done, the bishop said, "by pledging
ourselves to elect judges who will ac
complish the object of the anti-liquor
workers." The second meeting was
held In the Fourth Reformed Church.
Last evening the Rev. Dr. Silas C.
Swallow entertained a number of
prominent Harrisburgers and out-of
town guests at an antl-llquor sympos
ium in which the relation of the liquor
traffic to various phases of life was set
By Associated Press
Toklo, April 3. —Difficulty In con
structing a new Japanese cabinet has
been enountered by Viscount Kelgo
Kiyoura, who undertook the task at
the request of tho emperor. Many of
the statesmen who had been slated
for portfolios declined to take the risk
of ruining their political future.
Pascal Hall's Parent Earns $75;
Wants Case Before Par
don Board
! JL 1 i iii From a little
town 'way down in
I fit -f jj/ South Carolina
—yesterday came a
save Pascal Hall
! ' TC3 |m |3m Hall has been con
j murder of W. H.
, Slater, a fellow negro of Steelton.
I The last appeal was contained in a
pathetic letter from Hall's aged,
j white-headed mother to W. Justin
Carter, chief counsel for the defense.
| In it Mrs. Hall hopefully declares that
| she has managed to get together $76
[and will send this by the next mail if
Mr. Carter thinks it will help to get
her son's case before the Board of
I Pardons. Only between the lines is
suggested the little story of the
mother's toil and self-sacrifice to raise
the money.
Mr. Carter replied that Mrs. Hall
had better save her money as he con
sidered his client's case hopeless so
. far as the Pardon Board is concerned.
I "Why it would be just like throwing
the money away," said Mr. Carter,
"because I'm convinced that it would
be useless to go on with the case. Up
on what would you builcl appeal for
March Treasury Ucport.— City fi
nances for March were in excellent
shapfe according to the monthly re
port completed yesterday by Clerk
Webber of the city treasury. During
the month the receipts wore SGO,-
887.07 and the expenditures $87,-
374.■14. About $26,000 worth of bonds
were redeemed and some interest on
,$25,000 worth of other bonds were the
(principal items.
J Plans and Specifications For Jail
: Changes.—Detailed plans and speclfl
j cations for the proposed changing of
]the lower floor jail windows are on
; file in the county commissioners' offi
ces for benefit of contractors. Copies
Every woman's health is peculiarly
I dependent upon the condition of her
blood. How many women suffer with
headache, pain in the back, poor ap-
I petite, <Veak digestion, a constant feel
ing of weariness, palpitation of the
heart, shortness of breath, pallor and
nervousness? If you have .y of the
i symptoms, do not despair of getting
! better but begin now, to-day, to build
jup your blood with Dr. Williams' Pink
! Pills. See how the nervous energy of
the body is restored as the blood be
comes pure and red and the entire
system is strengthened to meet every
demand upon it.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are useful
for all women but they are particu
larly valuable to girls of school age
who show symptoms of going Into a
decline, who become pale, nervous and
languid. These pills aid in securing
! perfect development and health by
strengthening the system and purify
ing and building up the blood. Thin
blood during the growing years of a
girl's life usually means a fiat-chested
and hollow-cheeked womanhood
There can be neither health nor beaut.v
without red blood which gives bright
ness to the eyes and color to cheeks
and lips.
Write now to the Dr. Williams Medi
cine Co., Schenectady, N. Y., for two
helpful booklets. "Plain Talks to Wo
men" and "Building Up the Blood."
I Private party (THE Het*on.) I
HH Chestnut St.. Philadelphia I
I" The l«tofewgthJ^^h^iitiriiiTT
will be sent to applicants upon receipt
of SD, a fee to cover preparations, etc. »
Bids will bo opened April 22
Senate in Fight Over
Daniels Appointment
By Associated Press
Washington, April S.—The toll 9
controversy and other legislative ques
tions temporarily were shelved by the
Senate again to-day to resume tha
contest over the confirmation of Wln
throp M. Daniels, of New Jersey, inti
mate friend of President Wilson, nom
inated for Interstate Commerce Com
Lengthy debate on the Daniels
nomination has developed consider-,
able opposition to him. Senates!
I Cummins and LeFollette and others »
I who are fighting confirmation have
: made it clear that there is nothing
' personal in their attacft, but they be
lieve Mr. Daniels' decisions as a mem
ber of the New Jersey Public Utilities
Commission show that he held un
sound economic views particularly as
they might affect future physical valu
ation of railroads.
Get a Small Tria. Bottle of Old
Time St. Jacobs Oil
No Waiting For Relief Because
the Moment You Rub the
Pain is Gone
Rheumatism is "pain Only."
Not one case in fifty requires inter
nal treatment. Stop drugging! Hub
soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil"
directly upon the "tender spot" and
relief comes instantly. "St. Jacobs
Oil" is a harmless rheumatism euro
which never disappoints and can riot
burn the skin.
Limber up! Quit complaining!
Get a small trial bottlo of "St. Jacobs
Oil" from uny drug store, and in Just
a moment you'll be free from rheu
matic pain, soreness and stiffness.
Don't suffer! Relief and a euro awaits
you. "St. Jacobs Oil" is just as good
for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago,
backache, sprains and swelling.
Take Salts to flush Kidneys and
neutralize irritating
Kidney and Bladder weakness re
sult from uric acid, says a noted au
thority. The kidneys filter this add
from the-blood and pass it on to tlio
bladder, where it often remains tj
irritate and Inflame, causing a burn
ing, scalding sensation, or setting ui»
an irritation at the neck of the blad
der, obliging you to seek relief two
or three times during the night. Tho
suflerer is in constant dread, the
passes sometimes with a scalding
sation and is very profuse; aga'iTi,
there Is difficulty in avoiding it.
Bladder weakness, most folks call
It, because they can't control urina
tion. While it is extremely annoying
and sometimes very painful, thin is
really one of the most simple ailments
to overcome. Get about four ounct i
of Jad Salts from your pharmacist
and take a tablespoonful In a glass of
water before breakfast, continue thU
for two or three days. This will neu
tralize the acids In the urine so it iin
longer Is a source of irritation to tir-j
bladder and urinary organs whirl®
then act normally again. V
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmles
and is made from the acid of grap- s
and lemon juice, combined with lithl
and is used by thousands of folks n 1:•»
are subject to urinary disorders catw 1
by uric add Irritation, .lad 6|alt< i*
splendid for kidneys and caujes m>
• bad effects whatever.
Here you have a plestusnt. »it. ,
\escent Ittbia-wutev drinU, whi> 'i
i quickly reliefs bladder trouble.—A I